#haylijah is just superior
andreal831 · 7 months
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E: We've come here for the girl. Give her to us or we kill everyone here. Starting with you.
Haylijah in every episode -> 1.07 Bloodletting
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aeruthien · 4 years
8, 18, 19, 21, 24, 25
These are great questions, thank you!
8. Favorite dialogue in your wip? (If asked more than once, respond with a new piece each time) This is from some silly thing I started writing. I have no clue yet where I am going with this, but it is pure dialogue (featuring the Always and Forever OT3) "Well, this is awkward."
"You think?"
"If you wanted me shackled, you could have just asked."
"If I wanted you shackled, Sister, wouldn't you think I'd leave my own hands free?"
"Focus, please. Niklaus, can you reach my hands?"
"Nearly there, Nik!"
"Shut up... Ow! Yours are laced with vervain?"
"Yes. Yours aren't?"
"Lucky you."
"You try mine instead."
"I think they are bound with magic."
"Great. And I was supposed to have dinner with Samantha."
"Are you sure dear Samantha isn't the reason why we are in this mess, Sister?"
"Shut up, Nik. She is a lovely girl."
"Of course she is. Rebekah, can you see the door?"
18. What writers have inspired you with their use of language? What are some of your favorite quotes? I have always loved the grandeur of the LotR, but I don't write the same way myself. Older novels like Jane Eyre are also wonderful. But the greatest uses of language are in poetry I think, and not novels. We read Alen Ginsberg 'Howl' in high school and it struck a chord with me: "I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix,"
Or anything by Emily Dickinson:    I dwell in Possibility–    A fairer House than Prose–    More numerous of Windows–    Superior– for Doors–
   Of Chambers as the Cedars–    Impregnable of Eye–    And for an Everlasting Roof    The Gambrels of the Sky–
   Of Visitors– the fairest–    For Occupation– This–    The spreading wide my narrow Hands    To gather Paradise–
19 "For fans of ______!" What works would you say are similar to yours? For fans of Mature Young Adult? If that makes sense? Most of my fic are based on a CW show after all. I think the book duology Six Of Crows/Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo has a 'fandom' writing style which I admire. In a more fandom sense, fans of anything Klelijah, Haylijah and the Mikaelson family in general ;)
21 How do you come up with titles? Do you use placeholders or tend to change your titles while writing the first draft? I think of titles at the exact moment AO3 asks me for one. (At least one letter AO3? I just spend gruelling hours writing this thing, don't ask me for that.) I tend to get inspiration from quotes/phrases I've heard or song lyrics.
My WIP titles are as descriptive as 'Klaus Elijah panflute' or 'full moon drabble'
24 Do you let your story evolve as you write or do you meticulously plan everything prior to writing the first draft? I do have a story 'planned out' in my head before I start writing, at least the general gist of it. Sometimes I write a quick outline with the story beats if I notice it becomes longer. But I don't plan everything out, and sometimes what I write changes from the original idea.
25 Do you start your novels with dialogue or description? Do you end your novels with dialogue or description? I start with description, often of the surrounding. Something to sketch the setting and urgency of the situation. And the endings are descriptions too.
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