#hazbin hotel grandfather au
aimasup · 1 month
Grandfather AU
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I cab finnaly post this ( (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
The groovy theatre nerd Princess of Hell has opened a new hotel! But it's difficult when she introduces a rehabilitation program for sinners and keeps making enemies...
This AU is basically my shot at RE-redesigning the characters with spanking new canon-divergent lore, all in good fun of course!
Originally written by @theshipminer, who has transferred the plot to me so I can use it as I want for my designs (thank you!)
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seas-storyarchive · 3 months
crossover request.
Alastor is the adoptive father of Moxxies Mother Eloise and made a soul deal with her when she moved away. Years later he meets Moxxie thinking he’s Crimson.
Alastor.. never really thought he'd be a father. He did regret not leaving his mother any grandchildren after he died, but.. courting a woman hadn't even been on his mind at the time - a creole man making it on to radio, including his extracurriculars.. not a moment to spare.
But here, in hell, he had all the time. As well as a new little one to spend it on. A little baby imp he'd plucked up after an extermination, who's parents had been killed. Little lady had plenty of moxie, fussing against him at first when he'd plucked her up. Only to relax into his arms after a moment.
"My, my.. what a strong little lady you are." Alastor said, now at home and giving the baby a bottle. "Quite the spirit." As he watched her drink, he smiled. "I think I'll call you Eloise. Yes, a fine name for a wonderful little lady."
Okay, so maybe - just maybe - impulsively adopting a baby girl was a bad idea. But.. consider.. Alastor actually had an itch to scratch with his feelings of not having children before death.
He made sure Eloise had everything she needed to succeed in life, teaching her to be a proper lady, and even teaching her some of her grandmother's recipes- not pass them, the memories of his mother, along to his child?? Alastor would rather die again, thanks.
Teaching her to dance, how to speak French, that Jazz was superior music and radio was the best medium to express oneself. It was perfect. And she taught him things too. Patience, happiness, love, every little lesson a parent needed.
The day Eloise brought Crimson home? Alastor nearly waged war upon the demon imp. Nearly. He knew what a sleazeball was, how they acted, and tried to discreetly warn his daughter. But.. Eloise was as stubborn as him, curses. And, one day..
"I'm going to marry him, and move to the Wrath ring. Regardless of if you approve or not, daddy." She said to him, the day before she left actually.
Well.. "I expected this.." Alastor produced a radio and a contract. "This radio belonged to your grandmother, princesse." As Eloise took the radio in her arms, he continued. "It should still pick up my broadcasts, should you want to hear me."
"Oh daddy." Eloise looked from the radio to Alastor, a smile and tears in her eyes. She then noticed the contract, "daddy? What's that for?"
"This, princesse, will let me know how you're doing and if you should need me." Alastor said.
Eloise laughed softly. "Oh daddy, I'll be okay." She smile, signing it anyway. "But I'll sign it, just because I love you."
Alastor smiled, dropping to his knees to pull his daughter into a hug. "Oh, my petite princesse." He kissed her forehead. "I'll keep your favorite station going, always playing your favorites. Day and night."
"Merci papa." The red imp gave her father a kiss on the cheek before pulling away.
"Soyez en sécurité maintenant." Alastor said as he stood up. "Don't make me break all the rings to come find you, princesse."
"I promise I won't, daddy." Eloise said, tears running down her face as she smiled. "Smile daddy, I won't have you without one on the day I leave."
Alastor honored her wish, smiling as she turned and left the house, went off the small porch, and to Crimson's waiting car. He stood and watched them drive off, staying put for hours, before he made his way to the attic for his radio show.
Moxxie always listened to his mother, and well.. with his mother. To the old radio that belonged to his great-grandmother. To the station that was always playing.
Sometimes there would be a voice on the station, a soft one who introduced songs or told jokes that were obviously dated, dad jokes.
Moxxie, an observant tot, noticed his mother would always laugh at each one. "Maman, why are you laughing? Those jokes aren't even funny."
"Oh Moxxie, bebe, I forgot. You know this voice on the radio?" Eloise was ashamed of herself, pulling Moxxie onto her lap.
Moxxie nodded. "Yeah.."
"Well, that's your grandfather. He works in radio." Eloise said with a smile.
"Why don't we see him?" Moxxie asked, looking up at his mother.
"Well, bebe.. he and your daddy don't get along. And he doesn't live in Wrath."
"Where does he live?"
"He lives, and don't ever tell your daddy I told you, in the Pride ring."
Moxxie's eyes widened. "He's a mortal?" Even toddlers knew only Mortal Sinners existed on Pride.
Eloise nodded. "Hmm. But he's such a sweet an' loving man." Her smile softened. "I hope we can visit him, one of these days. He'll love you."
Moxxie nodded with a smile. He hoped so. His grandfather sounded nice!
The day Alastor felt the contract break - was a dark day indeed. He saw the contract break into bits, and so did his heart. He sobbed in front of the fireplace.
"I- I'm going to kill you, Crimson! Mark my words! You'll be a dead imp when I find you!"
Moxxie, now a teenager, curled on his mother's chair. He held the radio, tears in his eyes. There was no music. No voice. No static. There was silence.
"Grandpa.. I- I need to hear your voice.. please.." Moxxie sobbed, clutching the radio tighter.
Millie looked at the old radio that her husband had on the coffee table. It had been there since she had moved in, since they got married..
This thing never worked. Just sat there. It was so old. To the point the whole thing was hanging on to a former shell of its glory with duct tape and hope. Moxxie's hope. For what? He never explained. He always just told her it was and heirloom - his great-grandmother had it, his grandfather passed it to his mother, and now it was his.
She jumped when Moxxie called in from the kitchen. "Millie! The beignets are ready!" The mysteries of the radio could wait. It's beignet time!
It was Blitz's idea. To go to the Pride Ring. Where there were sinners and debauchery and.. well, it wasn't all that different from Imp City.
Oh! Moxxie had an idea!
He heard the Radio Demon was back. Maybe- just maybe.. he could get his mother's radio back to working order! Maybe he knew his grandfather! He carefully packed the radio, and a photo of his mother, into his backpack before they had to leave.
"Hey Al? Um.. who's this?" Alastor had been sitting in his chair, whilst everyone was watching a movie, looking at an old scrapbook. And Charlie had seen one of the pictures.
"This is my daughter." He admitted, smiling as he looked at the picture she had sent him of her wedding to that bastard Crimson - his half was ripped off, by Alastor when that photo arrived.
"No fuckin' way!" Angel was now paying attention.
Alastor nodded, turning the pages to the beginning before flippping the book to show them.
"My daughter, Eloise." He gave them a few seconds to look before flipping the page. "I found her after an extermination."
Charlie cooed at a photo of the little black haired imp with her hair in two puffs while she wore a pink spring dress. "She's so cute!"
"She.. she was my whole world.." Alastor said, his voice heavy, as this was too much. "I.. I'm sorry, I.." he closed the book, and pulled it back to his chest, covering his eyes with one hand as he sobbed.
Lucifer appeared on the arm of his chair, giving the man a sympathetic pat on the shoulder. "Antlers.. I- I didn't.. I'm sorry, for your loss."
"Alastor.." Vaggie stood up, concerned.
"She- she was taken.. b- by that fucker!" Alastor spoke through his radio, even that was affected.
"Who? Tell me whos I gotta kill fer hurtin' my buddy's familia!" Angel stood up with a 12 gauge in hand - where the hell did he.. nevermind.
There was the slamming open of a door.
"Shut it, Moxxie! You were the one who wanted to see if the Radio Demon was here!"
"Oh.. adoring fans, I see." Hold the fucking phone! The radio and book were gone, and Alastor was back to normal. Fucking psycho. "Come, chums." He instructed, and everyone else just went along with it, "let us greet these wayward.."
There were three red imps standing there. One had large horns, another had black hair and the final one had white hair.
"Hi! Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!" Charlie greeted the imps. "I don't know how far imps will get, as it's a first for everyone, but-"
"Whoa! Whoa, lady.. look, we don't want your shitty happy hotel shit." Said the tallest imp.
"Mister Blitz, sir!" The black haired imp scolded. "That's the princess!"
The white haired one spoke up. "Um, what my boss," he gestured to the tallest imp, "and my wife Millie," he took the hand of the black haired imp and kissed it, "mean is.. we're looking for the Radio Demon. See.." He removed his backpack and pulled out the busted radio - only to get attacked by a tendril, dropping the radio and breaking it even further, pinning him to the wall and choking him.
Alastor's eyes were black voids, with radio dials in the center, his teeth flashing as he spoke. "W̸̩̟̋h̷̼͕̆̉ÿ̵̩̣͘ ̶̹͊ḏ̷͛̓o̶̫̽ ̸͓̍̄ͅŷ̶̯̖͠o̸͔͝ṵ̴̮͂ ̶͖̀h̸̗͆a̷̮͓͛v̷̧̌é̴̻̊ ̸̞͝͠m̴̧̰͊̀y̷͔̔̒ ̵̰̲̀̆d̷͔̒͜͝a̸͓̔̂ū̴̱̆g̴̱̈́h̴͚̺̅̅t̶͉͇͗̏e̶̱̽r̴̺̙̃̄'̴͉͋̕s̴̖͌͒ ̴̬̌r̸̗͕̊͝ǎ̵͕̈ͅd̴͈̳̿i̵̯̎̀o̴̫͇̾?"
"It-" Moxxie coughed. "It was my mother's.." he gasped for air, and was ripped from the wall by the tentacle to be face to face with the demon. "M- my dad i- is Crimson.. E- Eloise w- was my mother.." he could barely breath, his vision was failing.
"Drop him!" Blitz pulled out a rifle, sticking his fingers in his mouth and whistling, at the same timd Millie pulled out hers.
"Al!" Charlie tried to calm him down. "Look at him, do you see anything of your daughter in him?"
Alastor was quiet, staring at the demon, before dropping him.
Moxxie coughed, wiping tears from his eyes as he rubbed his eyes. "M- Mom said.. said you worked in radio.. d- didn't think.. you know, sir.."
"Drink." Alastor handed the imp a glass of water, which he drank from.
"What in the world is the matter with you!?" Millie kept her gun trained on Alastor as she walked to her husband, the deer backing away to allow her space.
"You probably just want this," he snapped his fingers, and the radio repaired itself, "fixed and to go about your business-!"
A white shape that was snarling and snapping attacked Alastor. As the hellhound scratched and bit him, Alastor screeched like the seven circles of hell were ripping him apart.
"Loona! Stop!" Moxxie grabbed the gun and shot it into the ceiling. Granted, that made him dizzy from moving so fast, but he had more important things to worry about.
Loona, surprised by the noise, backed up. She kept her eyes on the Radio Demon, snarling as she moved back to her dad.
"Mox! He almost killed- whoa whoa!" Blitz dropped his gun.
"I don't blame my grandfather for that. I look like my dad, and I wish I looked more like my mom.." Moxxie said, lowering the shotgun.
"You have her spirit, kid. You got moxie, in spades, even." Alastor joked, making everyone save for Moxxie groan, sitting up. He offered him a hand. "Allow me to formally introduce myself. Alastor, pleasure to meet-"
Moxxie dropped the gun, turned around and hugged the man, who hugged him back. "You hug like her. I missed her hugs.." he sobbed. "I- I missed hearing your jokes on the radio.. e- even if you weren't in my life, I- I still-" his choked on a sob.
Alastor hugged the little imp close. "Oh, non, non.. grandpa's here. I've got you, mon petite prince."
After watching this for a few minutes - not a soul on either side of the room spoke - Moxxie and Alastor separated.
"Let's start over." Moxxie said with a smile, before clearing his throat and holding out a hand. "My name's Moxxie, pleasure to meet all of you. Truly a pleasure."
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sanek · 3 months
OK, I want to tell you a LITTLE bit about my AU's lore. Who is Eva? Its design is under development.
She is the alternate daughter of the Queen (already) Charlotte Morningstar and Alastor the Radio Demon (possibly also a king, but I doubt it).
Her full name is Evangeline Morningstar. Eva has an older brother, but I'll tell you about him a little later (possible name is Alan Morningstar).
It has the powers of an angel and a demon, because it was genetically transmitted from Lucifer's grandfather Morningstar.
Eva runs the Hazbin Hotel and continues her mother's business.
She has a kind and sympathetic nature, but is cruel when necessary.
She inherited her appearance from her mother for the most part, but has hands,the color of her eyes and partially her hair from her father.
Orientation – heterosexuality
Thank you for attention ☺️
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risetherivermoon · 4 months
spoke about this briefly before, but heres a more in depth post w/ me rambling about my idea and explaining the au by showing off my notes and everything
anyway, the idea im talking about is like a social media/twitter (i will not call it X, fucking bite me) thing about the teens using twinote (an app that can make fake tweets) mixed with me using my own art to add stuff to it, and the idea of maybe making a secondary blog to answer asks as the characters,
this format idea is mixed with an au ive been thinking about involving hell and heaven stuff, (im not immune to hazbin hotel hype nor am i immune to any kind of bible fanfiction) so heres some notes about that;
basic desc:
Taylor is a prince of the 7th circle and a Hell-born demon, he makes friends with Scary/Terri, a sinner who died in the 1950's, a long with her guardian/step-dad TJ/Terry Jr. (sinners in this universe tend to go by secondary names instead of their human names) while messing around the city that Scary & TJ live in, Scary and Taylor stumble upon Lincoln, a fallen angel, who has just fallen from Heaven, Lincoln starts staying with TJ and Scary, since he has nowhere to go. Eventually Normal, an angel, trespasses into Hell from Heaven, in an attempt run from his home. Normal is found by the rest of the teens who are now trying to make sure Heaven doesn't find out that Normal is in Hell
(edit: contents for this au can be found at @3sinnrsn1angel)
additional notes & more yapping about my ideas below the cut, be warned!!!
- Scary & TJ live in the 7th ring of Hell, each circle is a different city & has a different monarchy
- Taylor as hell royalty is an angel hunter. Scary is also an angel hunter
- angel hunting is treated as a sport by the royals, and as a bounty-hunting type job by the sinners, done when angels fly overhead of hell to deliver messages and keep demons in line, there tends to be a lot of air traffic that makes hits easy
- tho this universe mostly surrounds hell & heaven, people can still cast spells and do magic, though its a skill you have to master
- TJ is a magic user and runs a magic shop, he and Scary live in the overhead apartment above the shop
- Normal's grandfather is a part of Heaven's council, which means Normal was a high ranking angel
- Lincoln's father, Grant, was also a part of Heaven's council before Link's falling
- Hell Demons buy and barter sinner souls constantly, and it has become a competition between the royals to have the most souls as well as angel kills
- Hell Demons & Sinners are cool with angels co-existing amongst them, and will not hunt them if it's an angel on the ground and out of uniform (most angels who go through hell are wearing heaven garbs) though it will bring weird looks and comments people are mostly unbothered by it, Heaven is unaware of this or that angel refugees are living amongst sinners
- this applies to fallen angels as well
- this will probably be a polywagon fic, ill see where the wind takes me
(hermie does exist but 4 the sake or spoilers ill leave the info on them to that)
the rest of the details i have written down about this au are spoiler-adjacent but this is what ive got for you! heres a little bit more about the formatting style i have in mind, im sorry (not sorry) about yapping so much i just like to info-dump
basically ill be using mostly fake tweets using twinote, as well as messages between the teens also using twinote, i did kind of some tests to get down the kind of energy i want for this and to see if this format works well with these characters so ill show some ss of that here as an example:
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(all pfp art is by me)
theres also the factor of me not using this blog to post this series and using a secondary blog, id mostly be doing that to make sure asks and content of this project is secluded from my other stuff,
speaking of asks, id use the ask box on said account to get questions and do a type of q&a thing where the audience can ask the teens questions and ill make art for/write them responding to it, also maybe responding to questions from a creator & ooc pov
i also make art just for funzies and if it fits in the plot anywhere, as well as making the characters pfps n stuff, heres an example a little by showing off a piece that (if i decide to really commit to this which i might since ive been having this idea rattling around in my head for a bit) ill be using in it (prob 4 pfps)
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(using this to also show off the teens designs for this au lol)
lemme know if yall find this interesting because im pretty into it already lol, and ill see what i can come up with for getting it all started, if u got it this far congrats you read all my yapping! also id love to answer any questions abt this au as well (ooc obvi)
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helluva-dump · 2 months
So I’m just gonna keep this as a general fan blog for my artworks, AU, and self indulgence
I’ve been on Haitus for a long time since I was going through personal struggles and lost my grandfather last month… it took a lot of time for me to heal and self reflect
But lately, I feel like I’m a lot more happy when I don’t engage in fandom discourse. I recently was in a Hazbin server and it was thankfully a small one and met very nice people there
I’m considering just to make this a general fan blog where I’ll still give my critiques here and there.
I feel like the critical community and the fandom really brought the worst in people in fandom discourses. And since I’m near my 30s, I think it’s time for me to worry about actual issues on the real world as well as my own adult stuff.
Like guys, is it even necessary to throw a tantrum over fictional characters? (I say this to both Stan’s and antis since I noticed they took parasocial behavior to the extreme ) I get not liking a creator and being worried about work practices, but other than that…. I think getting into heated arguments over ships and stuff feels pointless.
Admittedly, Hazbin hotel is oddly a comfort show for me since it came around a really phase crisis I was in. Sure the fandom is a cesspool, but there’s still things I like work the show despite its flaws. Not gonna say it’s a flawless masterpiece because I too had some issues with work building.
But honestly, that’s what fanfiction and AUs are for. I always did this when I feel like a show has too many plotholes (I know tmnt 2012 sure as hell did but I still enjoyed things on it ) and I just kind of wish people focused more on this than discourses all the time.
Doing this stuff actually helps me stay motivated in my artworks better. (As well as storytelling and world building practice )
Please I beg you guys don’t bother me about another discourse on this fandom. I’m getting too old for it and I made peace with it. It’s why I’m joining small circles in fandoms for now on. I really don’t want to be associated with criticals anymore.
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sorebelflower · 2 months
hazbin hotel family au but I do it so nonseriously (aka I just came up with something and me and my friends joked about it, so yeah)
Charlie: Nice and chill mother who could get scary REAL QUICK
Vaggie: Literally the definition of tough love, military parent
Alastor: Ace but is an honorary father to Angel and Nifty because they got too attached
Husk: The wine aunt who gives the kids a single sip of wine cuz they are just cool like that
Angel: That one devious cousin/brother who makes all the interesting jokes at the dinner table who cares too much for other cousin/sibling because of trauma (so soft bby <3)
Nifty: That one crazy sister/cousin who lowkey deserves to be locked up in a mental asylum (affectionate)
Lucifer: Grandfather who is the coolest person ever and all young and hip until you remember he is ANCIENT, like BEFORE DINOSAURS???!!
Lilith: Non existent (peace out)
Cherri Bomb: The dangerous aunt who brings pop rocks and nukes to every thanksgiving
Sir Pentious/Precious: The husband of the dangerous aunt who tries to calm her down (fails horribly)
Razzle, Dazzle, and Keekee: Pets who are adorable, does no wrong ever
Actual Lilith one: Grandmother who left on a vacation to some random exotic place and never came back to give the family milk (aka is just avoiding her whole family)
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alumi-san · 4 months
So... did somebody think about JJBA Hazbin au? Cuz I did.
The Jojos (and Giogio)
Jonathan Joestar - one of the archangels. Has no idea about the extermination, Giorno just assumes he does. He refused to have a winner's name. Share personality with Lucifer (at least the father aspect). Too good and naive, even for heaven. Represents the Commandment of Piety.
- he loves Giorno more than anything (except his wife and husband and other sons and-), tho it's kinda hard to explain how he created three children with the ruler of hell who was his foster brother when they were alive.
- not allowed to visit hell (it was done so he wouldn't learn about the extermination). He hates that because he can't visit Giorno and the rest of his family, but he can't obey the main seraphim rule.
- despite being and trying to be a good father to George II and Giorno, he kinda forgets that he has three other sons. Mostly because Giorno is the only one with strong angelic powers (and doesn't worship Dio), so he's the only child who is allowed to visit heaven (don't worry he'll try to fix this).
Joseph Joestar - honestly, I have no idea whether I should put him in heaven or hell. Siner's/Winner's name is Battle Comet. If winner, then he represents Reticence if sinner then Lust.
- learned that he has a son only after death.
- tries to fix the relationship with his children and partners.
- when he brings Shizuka, Ceasar, and Suzi Q's immediate reaction: "You cheated on us again?!" And Joseph is like: "Guys, I can explain!" (Don't worry, they love her)
Kujo Jotaro - a mysterious man. Nobody knows why he got to hell, but he got a lot of power and beat up a few overlords in a matter of a week. Siner's name is Sea Star. Represents the Sin of Wrath.
- everybody thinks he's some dangerous creep, but when they ask Cherry Splesh and Silveref about him they first tell them about how the overlords started to disappear after he arrived and that it's better not to get on his nerves "Oh, but he's a total sweetheart! Just talk to him about the ocean, give him a sugared and you won't recognize him!"
- he doesn't admit it, but he misses his mom.
- tries to be a good father for his little butterfly.
- hates Dio. Nobody knows why, but as rumors go, they had a battle in which Dio almost killed one of Star's friends. Because of that, he doesn't trust Giorno. He knows that he's a good kid, but he can't help but worry when he sees Gio around Jolyne.
Higashikata Josuke - a troublemaker in heaven, but because of his good heart, nobody dares to send him to hell. The Winner's name is Star Dimond. Has the Emily role. Represents the Commandment of Pacifism.
- also not allowed to visit hell, but unlike Jonathan, he's a rules breaker, so he visits anyway.
- acts like a big brother to Giorno, Jolyne, Shizuka, and Hayato.
- loves his great-grandfather Jonathan.
- has a complicated relationship with his father but likes his stepmom and stepdad. The feeling is mutual.
- he likes to make jokes about him and Josuke having the same name (tho, Gappy doesn't understand them).
Giorno Brando Joestar - Prince of Hell. Half demon (from Dio) half angel (from Jonathan) (don't ask how it happened). Hell and heaven born. Has the role of Charlie. Created the hotel because he believes that some of the sinners don't deserve to end up here (and it was a great opportunity to move out from his dad's place). He has a grey morality but sometimes sees the world as black and white like killing is good as long as you don't do it for selfish reasons.
- Gappy is the only family he has a good relationship with from Jonathan side in hell. However, sometimes, he feels like he has a good relationship with two/three family members instead of one.
- allowed to visit heaven, but doesn't do it often because he feels unwelcome there. Only visits to see his father and Dimond.
- much more sweet, caring, and at some point goofy than he shows. Also, secretly a musical/theater kid.
- one time, he called Erina mother. He's embarrassed by this (jonerywagon cried tears of joy when this first happened).
- he adores Jolyne, but because of his tense relationship with Star, he doesn't spend time with her as often as he wishes. The only opportunity he gets is when Dimond sneaks out in hell to steal babysit Jolyne while Star is working, and they both play with her and somehow have a good and bad influence on her.
- Has a stable relationship with his brothers. In a good relationship with Rikiel and Ungalo, who look up to him. Tries to be a good big brother/role model to them. In a complicated relationship with Donatello. He doesn't spend time with Jorge but thinks he's good.
Kujo Jolyne - Star daughter, nobody knows who her mother is. Thinks of Cherry Splash/Kakyoin as a second father. She loves her bizarre family.
- she's a kid here.
- dreams of having a younger brother.
- loves to hang out with Josuke and Giorno. Wishes to see her other family from heaven.
Johnny Joestar - Jonathan's cousin. Seats at home all day. Distanced himself from his family. He only speaks with Gyro. Siner's name is Star Dancer. Represents the Sin of Sloth.
- not sure if in hazbin lore if you die disabled then you'll stay disabled in hell/heaven, so for now, I can't say if Jonny is disabled here.
- kind of depressed.
Josuke "Gappy" - he's a hell born, obviously cus he's a total sunshine! At some point, it feels as if he had just been born. Share personality with Charlie (yes, I'm making him a musical/theater kid as well). He and Yasuho are the first people to believe in Giorno idea so they immediately started helping him with the hotel. Believes that siners deserve a second chance. As I said, total sunshine, but doesn't have a black and white view on the world somehow.
- has amnesia only remembers how he woke up naked after the previous extermination where he was found by not other than Yasuho. After she asked him what his name was, he said that the only thing he remembered was that he's a hell born. She asked him if she could call him Josuke? He said yes, thus accepting his new name. Later, they fell in love with each other and started dating.
- loves his girlfriend very much.
- when he and Giorno first met, they had no idea that they were related, but they felt some kind of connection between each other.
- despite not knowing/remembering who his parents are, he feels like they're always with him.
Jodio Joestar - I don't have anything on him yet. But in my vision, he will be Giorno rival and will be shiting on the hotel (yea, kinda like the V's, I guess?). Represents the Sin of Gluttony.
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not-a-vegan3 · 2 years
Hey, about ur au, remember that one post I had about thinking Scoops is from Angel dust's (Hazbin Hotel? You think maybe that would make sense if we combined the theories?
If we did this is prob how Scoops meeting Angel dust would be:
Scoops: Bruh u my great-uncle???
Angel Dust *tears in eyes*: i'M sO pRoUd Of My FaMiLyYyYy!!! Can;t wait til u join my job lmao
[Scoops proceeds to looks weirded out asf]
I love that idea but i have no idea how they would meet. Here are some possible options 1: Charlie lets him visit family members 2: Scoops goes into a coma-like state where he's pretty much dead and he somehow end up in hell (maybe due to a paperwork error?) 3: Scoops just flat-out dies (and ends up in hell due to paperwork error) 4: Sleepover gone wrong (AKA they use an Ouija board for LOLS and then accidentally summon Scoops's great x2 grandfather)
My favorite is number 4
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wobblewokgaming · 3 days
Academy of Godhood, a Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel AU idea. (Part 1, AU introduction and Main Characters)
Name of AU: Academy of Godhood.
AU concept: In this AU, a seemingly normal day in the depths of Hell and the heights of Heaven is thrown into chaos when three odd envelopes are sent to three individuals; Loona, Octavia and Emily. These envelopes contained formal invites to one of the most prestigious and well renowned school in all the Realms; the Academy of Godhood! This school only lets in the best of the best, the most polished diamonds in the rough, the stars that shine brightest in the night sky, so the fact that an adopted and traumatized Hellhound, a demon of the Ars Goetia born via an arranged marriage and the wallflower younger sister of one of the Seraphim were being invited to such a school isn't a normal thing.
Join our three girls as they try their best to navigate through their chaotic life at their new school, making both friends and enemies as they do so! Welcome to the Academy of Godhood, dear readers. We hope you enjoy your stay!
Important/Main Characters;
Name: Umbra, Loona
Age: 22 Years (in Demon Years)
Gender: Female
Species: Hellhound
Family: Blitzø (adopted Father), Barbie Wire (unaware adopted Aunt), Tilla (deceased Grandmother).
Likes: Alcohol, smoking, violence, arson, the moon and the scent of lavender (don't tell anyone about this).
Dislikes: Hangovers, being mocked, sudden loud noises, multiple people questioning her at once, public/crowded places and needles.
Name: Goetia, Octavia
Age: 17 (in Demon Years)
Gender: Female
Species: Goetic Demon
Family: Stolas Goetia (Father), Stella Goetia (Mother), Andrealphus Permafrost (Uncle), Paimon Goetia (Grandfather)
Likes: Metal bands, her father (most of the time), the stars, magic, Loona and the scent of cinnamon.
Dislikes: Being abandoned, being ignored, her parents arguing, Blitzø (she believes he'll take her Dad away from her), her Dad being flirty with Blitzø and her Uncle Andrealphus.
Name: Aeon, Emily
Age: 20 (in Angel Years)
Gender: Female
Species: Seraphim
Family: Sera Aeon (Sister)
Likes: The idea of Sinner Redemption, her sister Sera (that may change soon), St. Peter, hot chocolate, singing, watching wrestling and boxing on TV (she likes to keep these two things a secret).
Dislikes: Adam, Lute, swearing, being lied to, people talking behind her back, smoking and alcohol.
Name: Polemistìs, Saber
Age: 25 (in Demigod Years)
Gender: Male
Species: Demigod
Family: Ares Polemistìs (Father), Mace Polemistìs (1st Older Brother), Archer Polemistìs (2nd Older Brother), Naginata Polemistìs (Older Sister), Diemos Polemistìs (1st Younger Brother), Phobos Polemistìs (2nd Younger Brother) and John Kratos (Uncle)
Likes: art in any form, baking, gardening, Boba Tea, Fro-Yo, blacksmithing and his family.
Dislikes: fighting in any way, shape or form (he's amazing at it, though), the idea of being an embarrassment to his family and plagiarism.
Name: Vallant, Hiro
Age: 19 (in Demigod Years)
Gender: Male
Species: Demigod
Family: Thor Vallant (Father), Odin Vallant (Grandfather), Balder Vallant (Uncle),Hod Vallant (Uncle), Hermod Vallant (Uncle), Heimdall Vallant (Uncle), Vidar Vallant (Uncle) and Vali Vallant (Uncle)
Likes: Helping others, cardio, mead, working with his Father, most of his family, Asgard and Yggdrasill the World Tree.
Dislikes: Odin, Nidhöggr, Loki, Hel, Ragnarok, Surtr, not being worthy of Mjölnir, disorderly conduct and those who'd bring destruction to the Realms.
Name: Richardson, Jeremy
Age: 21 (in Human Years)
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Family: Unknown
Likes: Studying Mythology, Skullkraken (an Earth band), reading, video games, cooking, Mighty Mecha Fighters (it's a rather popular Anime) playing the drums (he keeps this a secret) and using guns (also keeps this a secret).
Dislikes: Being put in harms way, being the center of attention, not being useful to others greedy people and bullies.
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aimasup · 2 months
Grandfather AU Pentious just saved me from art block (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ I'M FREE
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Officially repurposing old redesigns for an AU where God exists and Radiosilence is canon because post-bible-canon Jesus fanfiction is something I feel I must share with the world lest my soul cave in like an egg from the crimes 👍
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seas-storyarchive · 3 months
altruist radio - au
Alastor dies for his friends, in true altruist fashion
nullifying his deal - the way to break it is forming bonds of friendship
he wakes up in heaven
and is given .. saint hood??
turns out, in the time it took for him to die and then wake up, many angels that popped up in heaven post 1930s, vouched that he killed their abusers- be they their fathers, brothers, uncles, grandfathers, the occasional mother, aunt, what have you that was an abuser
the higher ups, over sera, grant alastor saint hood
he is saint alastor, protector of the weak
he is given a radio tower in heaven
Emily comes down to hell with a special radio
"Hello everyone! Welcome to the another day of havens new favorite radio sssshow: Ssstrawberry Roach."
"That's pentious!"
"Strawberry Roach?"
"Vagina, shh."
"With our beloved mc, the king of roachessss himsssself, ssssaint alasssstor!"
The room goes quiet, as husk spits out his drink, niffty bounces about in her seat, and emily turns up the radio
"Thank you, Pentious, my fine fellow." Alastor smiled. "So, as some of our heavenly listeners know - I've been meaning to try this new fangled asmr."
"Yesss. Quite the thing to try. Do you have anything to -" *sounds of papers going wubwub, and then they go again* -"ah, so I see you do."
*wubwubs the papers a few more times*
"Is he-"
"Vagina, I swear to our saintlah friend, I will get violent!" *just in time for the wubbing to be over*
"now that my fascination with that paper noise is over, I want to do something our heavenly and other viewers will like"
*the sounds of paper being torn is heard, first in half, then into quarters, then into eigths - with each tear, husk and nifftys chains broke*
"Whatever do you intend to- agh!"
"For our views listening in, I just gave my co-host a paper shower"
"you are too kind"
"Well, I'll help you clean this up, but first.. ah! Let's play one for our friends at the happy hazbin hotel. This one is for you, dear friends. I hope you all are well"
the tracks of some old jazz were playing
everyone was crying - husk was hugging angel, charlie was hugging a sobbing niffty, vaggie was trying not to cry
"and, we're back."
"truly a lovely ssssong, friend."
"thanks, chum. now, let's have a word from our guests- let's start with your names"
"I'm molly, and I want to thank you for havin' me here. And I'd like tah say something to my brothers, if I may."
"Of course, my dear. The airways are yours"
"Anthony and Arackniss, I swear if you two don't get your heads out of your-"
"I don't mean to interrupt, young lady, but the audience.."
"Right, right sorry." Molly took a breath. "Just, get better, you mugs. Mom an' i are waitin' for ya both."
"M- Molls.." Angel wiped his eyes. "I.. I'll try Molls, I'll make sure Arc does too."
"we love and miss you and.." she sobbed openly into the radio
"oh, my dear. here, let'sss get you-"
*the line ended and after a few moments, alastor's voice returns*
"not to worry, everyone. molly is just taking a minute to breath. but, Anthony, know that I have faith in you, and your spirit. you will be here with your loved ones, someday."
*alastor clears his throat*
"now, for our next guest. what is your name, my fine fellow?"
"my name's mike. I uh.. I heard from you that my brother's new name is Husker?"
"well, his name is Husk, I call him husker"
"mm. well, in any case, hey big bro. I know you can hear me, so get your tail up here before i go down there and drag you up here!"
"I- I'm trying, mike.. I- i promise, little brother." Husk wiped his eyes at the same time the other voice sniffed
*after a few more moments of tears and cries on the radio*
"and, now we open up the lines. from on high, to down below. delightful little friends, you know what to do."
Emily called the radio station, it rang once, twice-
"hello? you've reached strawberry roach. king roach on the line."
"Alastor? Can you hear me?"
"Charlotte? is that you? my word, how are you? is everyone alright?"
"we're fine, Al. We just.."
"we miss you, smiles. But from what we heard, you and Pentious are doin' tha lords work up dhere."
"why.." *there was a pause* "i feel touched by your words."
"so, saint, hm?" husk asked, grinning
"um.. yes. oh! did you all like my asmr-thing?"
"it was great, mister alastor sir!"
"niffty! oh dear, how are you?"
"I'm okay. I just miss you."
"I miss you as well, little flea." *laughter* "say.. Pentious, remember that idea you had yesterday?"
"that we broadcassst a ssshow live from hell? why, alasssstor, whatever for?"
"to give our heavenly audience a taste of the other side - and to show our old hellish friends that radio isn't dead."
"ah.. perfect!"
"you guys are coming!?"
"yes, dear charlotte! Next week, Pentious and I are coming home!"
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Casino Cups OC: Devildice’s Granddaughter From The Year 202X
Credit for Cuphead goes to Studio-MDHR
Credit for Casinos Cups AU goes to Brightgoat (Original Creator) & Camodielsart (Adoptive Owner)
this Granddaughter of Devil x King Dice,
is from the Year 202X. I don’t really have a name for her yet.
this fanon type character, is from a distant future and is the daughter of the offspring of King Dice and Devil.
like through a fragment of King Dice’s Soul and some of the essence of Devil.
she has Two Moms, one being the Daughter of Devildice, and other being a unknown Mortal who fell in love with the daughter of Devildice.
so yeah, technically, This Granddaughter is a Cambion....with some “Angel” heritage.
she gets her eyes from King Dice, since when his fragment of his soul was use to create her Mama, some of his powers were inherited by his daughter,
and when she had her own daughter, she ended up having the same ability.
            pretty much what inspired this, is the song “Inside Every Demon Has A Rainbow”
I like Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss.
in the future that this Grandbaby of Devildice comes from,
Mugman has become a Overlord, this can be seen as a Fan Alternate Future.
in the Year 202X, the two married couple known as Devil and King Dice,
have already retired but left their Granddaughter as the new owner of the casino....but also leaving Cuphead (who has surprisingly matured a bit more over the decade and both he and his brother are called ���Uncle Cuphead & Uncle Mugman” by this sweet cinnamon roll gal.) helping her run it and make sure they actually get souls from the mortal patrons.
when she sees a patron lose, she feels bad for them and gives them a full refund and even ends up burning the contract.
 this of course, upsets Cuphead because he always has to fix her mistakes and keep her Grandpa (King Dice) and Granddad(Devil) from finding out she has been giving refunds to patrons who end up losing at the casino.
basically she inherited the innocent parts of her Grandfathers,
being that she doesn’t like cheating and she doesn’t like tricking the mortal patrons out of their souls, even when they had no idea that is what they will end up losing if they lost.
she is very innocent and is the “Angelic Cinnamon Roll” of the Devil’s Casino in the Year 202X.
in the Year 202X, there is a Daycare in the Casino, where the Patrons can leave their kids at while they gamble.
it wasn’t there at first, but after Devil and King Dice Retired in the Year 200X...
[Redacted] decided to have it build in, and it took a lot of begging the new right-hand man aka Cuphead, into letting her have it be put into the casino.
Cuphead acts as both the New Right-Hand Man for [Redacted] and a Guardian, making sure things are run the right way, like how Devil and King Dice ran things....but in the end, he can only keep things like how those two wanted for so long, half the time he gives in to [Redacted]’s Puppy Dog Eyes.
Cuphead is very weak to [Redacted]’s Puppy Dog Eyes, even when she was a Baby....her eyes will trap your soul, lol.
yeah anyway this is like a Fanon only character, hope some of you like this character even though I don’t really have a name for her right now.
but yeah anyway, Congratulations Devildice, your Grandfathers. 
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kathyprior4200 · 4 years
Behind the Innocent Mask
(Evil Niffty AU)
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 With a snap of Alastor’s fingers, a fire blazed to life with a whoosh in a small circular fireplace. A dark figure fell into the flames, the head poking out and one dark claw resting on the side. He Radio Demon walked over and picked up the figure with his hand. A large yellow eyeball opened up, taking in the curious faces of Angel, Charlie, and Vaggie.
With a poof and a squeak, the smoke and ash cleared and the demon was revealed.
“This little darling is Niffty!” Alastor introduced before letting go. She landed on her feet. The short cyclops demon wore a bright pink 50’s dress with three white polka dots near the top and a poodle off to the right. Her arms and legs were stick thin. Her short hair was fiery magenta with one portion of it yellow. Like other demons, her teeth were razor sharp.
“Hi! I’m Niffty!” she greeted with a wave. “It’s nice to meet you! It’s been a while since I’ve made new friends! Her pupil grew smaller and darted in circles.
“Why are you all women?” she asked. “Have any men here?! I’m sorry, that’s rude,” she added quickly.
She briefly picked up Charlie, while Vaggie angrily pointed her spear at her. Angel flinched back in surprise. Due to his feminine appearance, Niffty thought Angel was a woman.
She darted behind an overturned couch. “Oh man, this place is filthy!” she exclaimed. She lifted up a couch cushion and spotted a spider dangling from a string of web. She chomped on the spider and continued talking. “It really needs a ladies’ touch, which is weird, because you’re all ladies, no offence.”
She rushed toward stained glass windows with a dust ruffle.
“Oh my gosh, this is awful! No, no, no…” She darted around, removing cobwebs. She ran forward and poked at a piece of cloth with a sewing needle, then continued to clean the room. Alastor grinned in amusement and wondered away while the others stared in disbelief.
The blue piece of cloth which looked like a bug was, in fact, one of many Voodoo like critters that Alastor summoned. Or, in this case, he had stabbed it with a sewing needle before Niffty picked it up and delightfully gobbled it down before continuing her work. It was Alastor’s ways of rewarding her for both being polite and being a source of entertainment.
Later on, Niffty had finished tidying up the room. She walked into the lobby and happened to find Alastor pulling Vaggie and Charlie close and remarking, “This is going to be very entertaining!” Pricks of jealousy stabbed through her mind. Ever the hopeless romantic, Niffty had an obsession with men for as long as she could remember. In her life as a human, she had fantasized about meeting the love of her life and going on various adventures with him. But working as a maid and chimney cleaner to make ends meet in America wasn’t particularly ideal. There were the additional problems of discrimination against women and the Japanese. Indeed, the Pearl Harbor military strike happened in her human lifetime, traumatizing her and her family for many months. If that wasn’t enough, Niffty had been molested by her conservative uncle. That event became one of her angst-filled poem themes she kept in her hot pink notebook.
Things went from bad to worse, when as a young teen, she died in a house fire, after a bad incident while serving an upper class European-American family. It occurred in the 1950s.
Niffty soon ended up in Hell, but could only witness events while living in fire. Fortunately, Hell was full of fire and brimstone, so the servant demon could wonder around. From afar, she admired all the powerful overlords, eventually working for Alastor after he charmed her and offered her a deal. To gain a physical body and meet new friends, assist the Radio Demon. She eagerly accepted.
 Sewing, cooking, cleaning, reading and writing were Niffty’s favorite hobbies. She did all of them when she was a human and still enjoyed them in Hell. Additionally, she could speak some Japanese.
  When Niffty was cleaning the room, she could see concern in the eyes of Vaggie, Angel, and Charlie. She figured that they weren’t used to seeing a demon so hyperactive, with strokes of a chaotic nature thrown in. (With being summoned by Alastor several times, she was bound to pick up a few of his traits).
 Niffty watched from a distance as Alastor changed Charlie’s outfit and shoved Vaggie aside. She briefly looked down at her dress and admired the poodle design. Every time Alastor looked at it, disgust would reach his red eyes, but Niffty also sensed some deeper discomfort. It was amusing during the few times when he let his guard down like that.
 Back when she was human, short with black hair, Niffty would often slip into other characters to practice her acting. Dressing up and “being” other characters was a fun experience, and practical, too. In her spare time as a human, Niffty would sew costumes for herself and even play instruments such as the piano, harmonica, and saxophone.
In many ways, she was similar to Alastor; almost always smiling, energetic, enjoying the thrill of theater. It was so easy for Niffty to get immersed in the realm of fantasy and romance.
 After all, fantasies were better than hell-filled lives of low self-esteem and self-doubt.
 Even now, Niffty was putting on a happy face after dusting off the old grandfather clock in the corner. (It always seemed to stay dirty no matter how hard she tried to clean it). With more demon guests supposedly arriving, she would have to prepare some meals soon. Cooking was fun most of the time, but being pressured to serve fast without any form of gratitude from customers, was tiresome.
 Although Niffty wouldn’t admit it to anyone, she had an awareness of the social structure of Hell, based on her observations hidden within flames. When putting her mind to it, Niffty could be quite manipulative. In fact, she wasn’t hesitant to concoct plans by herself for her own ends. It gave her something to think about while her hands were busy.
When Niffty was cleaning the room, she could see concern in the eyes of Vaggie, Angel, and Charlie. She figured that they weren’t used to seeing a demon so hyperactive, with strokes of a chaotic nature thrown in. (With being summoned by Alastor several times, she was bound to pick up a few of his traits).
  As Alastor sang his reprise, Niffty happily looked at her new outfit conjured by Alastor’s magic: a black and pink dress with a round hat with daisies on the top. Alastor pulled the residents into a hug as Voodoo spirits appeared from the darkness. Niffty admired the show, briefly wishing she had powers like that.
There was a quote that Alastor used that stuck with her: “The world is a stage, and a stage is a world of entertainment.”
If only she could create that worldly stage for herself.
 Alastor kicked a skull away and Niffty rushed to clean up the pieces with a broom and dustpan. A boom rattled the hotel and blew out the windows. Niffty, mesmerized, soon witnessed a door flying straight into her face. Knocked back by the force, she knew that no human could survive that.
Niffty soon appeared outside with the rest of the group, watching as Sir Pentious arrived with his blimp. She watched with a small smile on her face as Alastor wrapped the blimp with black tentacles and causing everything to explode.
“Well, I’m starved!” Alastor exclaimed to the shocked group. “Who wants some jambalaya?”
Niffty darted around Alastor, a big smile on her face. Despite resenting being ordered around by him, she still blushed whenever she got close to him. She skipped up to the hotel with the others, imagining what Alastor’s soft red and black hair would feel like in her dainty hands.
 Niffty headed to the kitchen to prepare jambalaya for the group. She was used to making this New Orleans cuisine for Alastor several times a week when she was summoned. (It did get pretty boring in the fire.)
Niffty poured a tablespoon of oil in a frypan and then cut up slices of chicken and sausage. She removed the tails from shrimp and used another cutting board to chop green onions. Stirring in the tomatoes, meat, and vegetables, she added all the hot sauces: hot pepper, Cajun, and Worcestershire.
Finally, she added rice, chicken broth and the shrimp on top. Before long, she brought out five hot steaming plates for the group at the bar. Husk was drinking the remainder of his booze on his stool, still pouting at not being able to win his prizes. Vaggie looked around at the bar in disgust, clearly appalled that alcohol wasn’t going to be removed from the hotel. Angel Dust lounged on a pool table, drinking a Shirley Temple in a glass while sucking on a straw. Charlie was chatting with Vaggie about new plans for the hotel.
“Oh, this is exciting!” she smiled. “Now that we have a maid and a person to welcome the guests, I’d say things are looking even better.”
Husk scoffed. “Fuck that bullshit. Thanks to that talk show clown over there…” he mentioned to Alastor leaning smugly against a nearby wall… “…I’m stuck here doing a stupid charity job. If I had my bets, I’d say I’ll go insane spending several more hours here.”
“Oh don’t be such a sourpuss,” Charlie said. “Alastor said you’d make a great addition to the hotel.”
“Stuff your mockery, princess. You know how annoying and deceitful he is. I’d fare better being chased by hellhounds than being stuck here with him.”
“Just give him a chance, Husk,” Charlie said. “You’ll see that even the most sinful among us can be redeemed.”
Husk rolled his eyes. “With your singing and cheer? Good luck with that.”
Charlie glared at the cat demon, Vaggie holding her back.
“I, for, one, welcome our new Hazbin overlord,” Angel remarked, from the pool table. “He’s classy and has those cute furry ears…”
Vaggie stomped over to Angel and grabbed him by the collar. “Don’t let him hear you say that!” she hissed. “You’ll be vaporized in an instant.”
“Geez, calm your tits, Vag,” he replied, backing up and hopping off the table. “Though his eyes and smile are kinda creepy. I wonder how it would feel for him to make work of me with those claws of his…”
He sighed in content and sucked his straw again.
“Fuck you,” she spat in revulsion. “You have a messed up death wish.”
“You mean, a double death wish?” he asked with a laugh. “Double Hell, here I come!”
Vaggie growled and stormed back to the bar table.
Niffty came into the room, holding up the plates of food.
“Ah Niffty!” Alastor exclaimed, moving from the wall. “What perfect timing! Jambalaya, just how I like it.”
Niffty placed the plates in front of the five individuals. Another plate of dead voodoo looking rats appeared off to the side, Niffty eagerly gobbling them down, much to the shock of Vaggie, Angel, Charlie, and Husk. Alastor winked at her, causing the maid to blush, a rat tail hanging from her mouth. She slurped it up and ran off with a nervous giggle.
“Such a sweet little darling, isn’t she?” he mentioned. Charlie smiled nervously while the others remained silent.
“Well, dig in everybody! This food won’t eat itself. Unless you’d like me to demonstrate…”
He wiggled his fingers while Husk, Vaggie, and Charlie rapidly shook their heads.
“Aww, come on,” Angel murmured, almost to himself. “It’s been a while since I’ve watched vore…”
“I’m gonna be sick and I haven’t eaten yet,” Vaggie groaned. Husk, too, was picky about the mesh up of food in front of him. Charlie, and Angel, however, dug in in delight. Angel ate with four hands.
“Oh, Alastor! This stuff is marvelous,” Charlie exclaimed. “So spicy and full of flavor. I haven’t had spicy food like this in a while.”
Alastor laughed. “It’s my mother’s special recipe. She made it so well, it almost blew her straight into Hell. Ah, memories of times so swell. I figured you’d like it. A charming belle, eager to try new things.”
“Rhyming asshole,” Husk scoffed, staring at his empty green bottle.
Angel sat on a bar stool with his tongue hanging out, red from the heat of the sauces. His eyes were shining.
“Wha…what are you doing now?” Vaggie asked, arms crossed, eyes narrowed.
“The tingling feeling of the heat, seeping into my taste buds. Fantastic. I’d love more of this from that musical strawberry pimp.”
“Angel!” Vaggie seethed under her breath.
Angel shrugged. “What? That’s what he looks like to me.”
Vaggie tentatively tried a taste of it, as if it were spiked with poison.
“Not too bad…” she began. Then the heat of the sauces kicked in.
She swore in Spanish under her breath then rushed off for some water.
Alastor was already almost finished with his meal. “It can be pretty intense for some people.”
Vaggie came back and glared at Alastor. “Are you trying to kill us?”
“Did you not hear what I said earlier, dear? If I wanted to hurt you all, you wouldn’t be here right now.”
“How do I know you won’t try to kill us in the future, huh?” she asked, pointing her weapon.
“You know it’s rude to have weapons present at dinner,” he added.
“What? You afraid of this or something?” she continued, holding it out.
“Vaggie!” Charlie called, lowering her friend’s arm. “There no need to get into a fight like this. Alastor’s been nice to us so far. At the very least, he’s trying his best.”
“Trying his best?!” Vaggie asked. “He’s nothing but a talk-show pervert lord.”
Charlie turned to Vaggie and thought for a moment. “Are you jealous that I danced with Alastor?”
An awkward silence.
“We were just having fun,” Charlie said. “It was his way of livening things up for the Happy Hotel. You were more than welcome to join us.”
“I’d rather fall from grace again than dance with that son of a bitch.”
“Wait…” Angel Dust asked. “What do you mean by ‘falling again’?”
Vaggie paused. “None of your business!” she snapped.
Niffty sat in the corner, giggling at their confrontation. Oh how she loved seeing people embarrassed when their dark secrets and thoughts came out.
 “You girls done?” Alastor asked. He wiped his mouth with a napkin.
“Yes,” Charlie said, taking a deep breath.
“I’m out,” Husk muttered, heading toward the back to search for more booze. After stumbling, he heaved and vomited the contents out. Then he groaned and promptly passed out on the floor.
Charlie gasped, hands covering her mouth. Angel stared in shock. Vaggie face-palmed with an “oh, no.” Alastor turned his head backwards to look at the giggling Niffty. He tilted his head and Niffty’s giggles fell flat. Without a word, she rushed over and helped Husk onto a nearby couch before cleaning up the mess.
“Well, that was a satisfying supper!” said Alastor breaking the silence. He got up and held out his arm to Charlie. “Now, how about you give me a tour of your hotel and I can provide you guys with some entertaining dad jokes?”
“How wonderful. I’d love that,” Charlie replied. She turned to Vaggie. “I just want to make sure that my friend is okay.” She looked at Vaggie with concern.
“I’m fine, Charlie,” she said with a sigh. Charlie looped her arm with Alastor’s and held out her hand to Vaggie. Reluctantly, Vaggie took it and the group headed off down the hall.
“Say,” Alastor said as they walked. “The graveyard’s getting overcrowded, don’t you think?”
“What?” asked Angel.
“What graveyard?” asked Vaggie, her eyebrows raised. She shuddered at the thought of Alastor posing in a graveyard of his murder victims.
“You know, the one where people are just dying to get in. Hahaha!”
“Oh, I get it! Good one, Al!” said Charlie.
“Ha ha,” Angel said with sarcasm. They arrived in a larger room with tables and a stage off to the side. Alastor turned to shadow, then materialized in front of the microphone.
“Uh, nobody asked for this,” Vaggie said. Charlie, Angel, Niffty, and Vaggie took their seats.
“Let’s just see how it goes,” said Charlie. “Jokes will surely remind demons of the good things in life.”
“Besides drugs?”
“Yes, Angel.”
“Besides dancing in the nude?”
“Yes, Angel.”
“Besides steamy sex?”
Charlie sighed in frustration as Angel laughed.
 Alastor tapped the microphone. “Testing, testing, is this thing on?” The mic made a screeching sound that made the viewers cover their ears.
“Apologies for that,” he said. He chuckled and summoned a black tentacle from the ground. It tossed the metal microphone to the side before vanishing. His own vintage microphone appeared in front of him.
“Thankfully mine always works.”
“You ready?” Alastor asked, speaking into it. The microphone came to life, and the being inside it rolled his eye.
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
He cleared his throat as a spotlight shone on him. “Did you hear about the guy who invented the knock-knock joke?”
“Yeah, what about him?” Angel asked in a bored voice.
“He won the no-bell prize! Ahhahaha!”
Charlie smiled. Niffty said “ha…ha…ha…” bored too.
“What did the buck say to his traveling doe? ‘Come home soon, dear.’”
“Yeah, you’d know all about deer, wouldn’t you?” Angel remarked. Charlie laughed, and even Vaggie let out a small smile.
“Hey, Charlie,” said Alastor.
“Yes?” she asked with a faint blush.
“Can February march?”
“I don’t know. Can it?”
“No, but April may!”
Charlie broke into fits of laughter.
“This is torture,” Vaggie said.
“Boo! Get off the stage!” Angel called.
“How many more jokes do we need?” asked Alastor.
“Zero!” booed Angel.
“Well, I was going to make a joke about paper, but no, it’s tear-ible!”
“Uh, god damn it,” Vaggie groaned. “I’m glad Husk doesn’t have to witness this.”
“What’s a demon’s favorite dessert?”
“Your mom!” yelled Angel.
“No, it’s actually devil’s food cake. Hahaha!”
Charlie giggled some more. “The hotel residents will love these!”
“Yeah, sure,” Niffty deadpanned, walking away.
“Hey Vaggie?” Alastor asked.
“Did it hurt when you fell from Heaven?”
Vaggie’s eyes went wide, her face beet red. “Why…you…”
“Don’t worry, crawling up from Hell hurts like hell!”
“Why not have the best of both worlds?” Charlie asked. “I’d love to visit Heaven someday.”
“Foreshadowing…” Angel said in a stupor.
 Niffty smiled sinisterly in a dark corner. Her plan was coming into motion.
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leopardfang15 · 5 years
My Charlastor Child Bio
Alright so, I can’t draw, so I’m gonna have to use the art of words to describe my boy. Kinda sucks cuz I always see these cool reference sheets and I’m sitting over here like “aww... I wish I could make those.” But hey, if anyone is interested in drawing one for me as a commission, I’d be interested in talking and working some prices out. Nothing too crazy, just a simple thing. Fair warning though, I’ve never commissioned anything before so... there’s that.
Now, to business.
Name: Dominic
Nickname: Dom. He is well aware of all the sexual jokes that can be made from his nickname, he’s heard them all and to be honest the lack of originality is the most annoying thing at this point.
Appearance: Physically, he’s inherited the blonde hair and pale skin from his mother. In his early teen years he wore it long enough to be in a braid but after awhile he was like ‘fuck it, too much work’ and wears it short as an adult. Dom’s very athletic and is actually a knight in Hell so he has a more muscular build. He’s a tall and red eyed boi like his dad and he gets the dial in his eyes that his dad has when he gets pissed off.
Another thing Dom inherited from his dad was his sense of style. While maybe not as flashy he is dressed formally when he’s not working out. (He’s not about to do push-ups or go at it with a punching bag in a suit you maniacs). Dom typically wears a long coat and works out by himself because he also inherited a fluffy deer tail from his father. Also like his Radio Dad, he does not like having his tail touched by random people.
His most notable feature would be the black, feathered wings on his back. That angel DNA from Charlie’s side has finally appeared. Dom’s got a wingspan of 12 feet and he knows how to use them.
Personality: He’s a fairly laid back joker. Whereas his parents are theatrical as fuck, he’s more of an observer than a performer. Of course his parents have taught him to sing and dance he usually does that alone to entertain himself or with other family members. Dom also enjoys playing small pranks around the hotel. He’s not one for outlandish ‘pretending to be dead’ or tripping someone down the stairs type pranks but more like sticking a deer crossing sign to his dad’s door.
He’s really family oriented and cares a lot about them. I do imagine him having siblings but I don’t have plans to make anymore but there are plenty already out there. #bestbigbrother. Dom is definitely a Mama’s boy. He will run errands for her and allow himself to be pulled into a dance or a song in public for her. Another fact about Dom is he is in fact an adrenaline junkie. His favorite activity is flying and he does things like jump from a 300 foot building for the sake of the rush.
Childhood: Little Dominic was a tiny ball of energy, following both parents around like a puppy. Always asking what they were doing and wanting to help, if he could sit still long enough that is. Some of his favorite memories of his parents was his mother teaching him to dance and roughhousing with his dad. (Hard to imagine the Radio Demon wrestling with a child but he’d let him win and then play dead to see if he’d get an amusing reaction out of Dom. Dom would usually try to get his dad to ‘come back to life’ before he’d smile and say “I guess I get your stuff now” and grab one of his dad’s bow ties or something)
One of his favorite things to do was give his parents a heart attack climb up high places and try to teach himself to fly. Eventually Charlie gets Husk to teach Dom how to fly. He’s not able to do much until his wings fledge because before then he just has these two limbs full of fluffy and useless down. Fledging was a nightmare because because when his feathers came in he was super itchy but couldn’t scratch them without possibly breaking his feathers. He was absolutely miserable for a week before they finally came in. Dom eventually grew in Husk and he started looking forward to the little ankle biter to come running up to him saying, “can we practice flying now, Uncle Husk?”
Teenager: Ah, teenage rebellion. Dom went through that. In an effort to help him deal with all his energy (and keep him from sneaking out) Charlie got Vaggie to teach him to use a sword. But a teenage boy that likes to explore cannot be kenneled. He liked exploring Pentagram City, especially by air and seeing what knew place he could discover.
He eventually found places he could go to if he wanted to avoid his parents. If he wanted to avoid Charlie he’d go to some of the sketchy fight clubs in town and he actually learned how to fight there. If he wanted to avoid Alastor he’d go to some of the clubs that played heavier rock or metal. He typically wanted to avoid his dad more. While Charlie typically scolded him for doing dangerous aerial stunts but Dom could tell that was more about a worry for his safety. With Alastor, Dom felt like he just didn’t quite fit the mold his father expected of him. He saw a lot of differences between his father and himself personality wise. He eventually, more or less convinced himself that he was a disappointment to his dad and distanced himself from him. Alastor, figuring it was mostly just teenaged angst, just let Dom have his space and figured he’d come to him when he was ready.
Adult: Dom has mellowed out by now. He’s calmed down and is more comfortable in his own skin and with himself. He has carried a love of rock and roll and martial arts from his teenaged years into adulthood. Though I’m not sure how exactly yet, he has been knighted by his grandfather Lucifer. If a demon is avoiding a meeting with the Devil himself, Lucifer will pay Dom to find said demon and bring them to him. He’s kind of like his grandfather’s personal bounty hunter but does not take requests from anyone else. When he’s not chasing down demons for Grandpa Luci he works security at his mother’s hotel.
Dom’s relationship with his father is tense and very awkward at this point. He doesn’t hate his dad it just feels like the years of practical separation makes him feel like he has no way to relate to his dad. Interacting with him is usually short conversations like “How was your day?” “Good, how about you?” “Good.” (I got pleanty of ideas for attempts at rekindling their relationship)
Random Facts
His choice of transportation is obviously flying. Not only is it faster than driving but to comfortably fit in a car he has to retract his wings which isn’t very comfortable.
People seem to always want to touch him. His wings, his tail, his biceps and he does not like it. He’s a bit like his dad with his aversion to touch though that only applies to non-family members. If he doesn’t know you, please don’t touch him.
He doesn’t like overly crowded places because of people touching his wings. If he ever decides to go to a bar, or he has some kind of royal gathering he has to go to he has to think about what he’s willing to put up with; strangers touching his wings or the discomfort of hiding them away?
He has a one-handed sword that he can summon in a fight. It’s one of the few bits of more advanced magic he knows. Whereas some demons, like his parents will use magic in a fight, he’ll just punch a guy through a wall.
He can sing, though he doesn’t do it in public. By himself or around his family is fine. He typically sings rock and my Headcanon for his singing voice is Ivan Moody from Five Finger Death Punch.
His wings are a great indicator of his emotions. If he’s feeling anxious or scared he’ll pull them in close to his body and if he’s happy or excited his wings will flap a little. His feathers also change themselves. If he gets angry or he’s ready to fight his feathers will actually harden and sharpen.
He can launch his feathers like projectiles and he can also slice through plates of steel when the feathers on his wings turn to blades.
He has taken up smoking in his later teen years. Per his mother’s request, he doesn’t do it inside the hotel.
When he was eleven his father taught him how to shoot a rifle. As an adult, he sometimes goes down to a shooting range to practice.
He likes to show affection with his wings. Ex: putting a wing around someone for comfort, wrapping his wings around someone when he hugs them or if he’s taking a nap with a sibling he’ll wrap them up in a feathery cacoon.
He usually sleeps on his stomach. If he lays on his back for too long his wings cramp up. He’ll take short naps on a couch in the lobby but if he’s going to be for the night he’ll lay on his stomach.
He knows how to braid hair. His mother taught him because he liked to play with her hair. It’s something he does when they’re just relaxing and he’ll braid his siblings hair if they ask.
He can take passengers when he’s flying. He flies targets to his grandparent’s castle and he’s flown his mother places. It obviously depends on the demon but on average he can take two to three adult demons on a flight with him.
Well, let me know what you think. I’d be willing to role play with Dominic if anyone is interested. If enough people want it, I’ll make a side blog for Dominic and Hazbin Hotel roleplaying specifically.
Also, @the-radio-princess I have two Charlastor fics in the works. One I was working on before you ripped out my heart so it will be in the EverythingsOkay!AU where Charlie ran off to New Orleans with Jaimie. The other one is from one of my ideas from my Charlastor Headcanons post.
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aimasup · 2 months
fr fr and it's the Nicest Hair You've Ever Touched too
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aimasup · 2 months
Please, could you tell us more about the godfather au? Thank tou very much
doubled the daddy issues, gave Lucifer a mean streak, everyone gets a makeover for funsies and slowburn Chaggie
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