#hazbin hotel theroy
iamterra · 8 months
So, Lilith and Alastor both went missing for seven years but only Alastor has returned.
Is it possible they were plotting something together and made a deal where Alastor will watch over Charlie when he returned but she didn't?
I don't know. It's just bugging me that I haven't seen any theories when they both been gone the same amount of time.
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baddieladdie · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel Theory:
Alastor's soul is owned by Lilith to look after Charlie
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"I'm hungry to freedom like never before. The constraints of my deal surely have a back door. Once I figure out how to unclip my wings, guess who will be pulling all the strings" - Episode 8
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"It has been an age since thou hath graced us with thy presence. Some hath spun wild tales of you falling into...holy arms?" - Zestial, Episode 3
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Alastor hasn't been seen in hell for 7 years and Charlie mentions she hasn't spoken to her mother in 7 years either (beginning of episode 1).
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"Adam is dead. Your deal is done and I'm in charge now. Your brat is threatening the very foundation of heaven. And if you want to stay here, you're going down there and stopping that bitch. You understand me, Lilith?" - Lute, Episode 8
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Alastor immediately having beef with Lucifer stepping in to support Charlie. Lucifer's involvement would also reduce the amount of influence Alastor/Lilith could have on Charlie.
This jab in particular during 'Hell's Greatest Dad' stands out to me because Lilith & Lucifer are separated at this point. Maybe Alastor is dissing Lucifer for not being there for Charlie. All the while, Alastor was involved heavily in the Hotel project, even if that was just by Lilith's demands.
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Alastor: Well, it looks as though I need a visit to the tailor. Best of luck chums!"
Vaggie: Wait, you're leaving?! Alastor, we need your help. We need you to do your job.
Angel: We need a wall.
Alastor: Of course. Can't let my new project fall into disrepair already! What would the papers say?
This last piece may be a stretch - Alastor is on his way to the tailor but still pauses to fix the hotel. How obligated is Alator to keep the hotel in top condition? (Episode 2)
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"So then why do you want to help me if you don't believe in my cause?" - Charlie, Pilot
With that radio scratch, maybe Charlie struck a nerve by asking. Alastor was pretty clear that redemption wasn't possible - the nonexistent humanity. Is 'personal entertainment' a cover-up for being forced to help the hotel?
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Given the hierarchy of Hell in the hellaverse, there aren't many who could put Alastor in a place of vulnerability or provide services that he cannot do for himself (strike a deal, then). Lilith would have the power to keep Alastor in bonds and may have a motive in keeping an anonymous eye on her daughter.
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Alright yall so the Hazbin Hotel trailer came out recently and let me say I am PUMPED! But, there’s something that everyone has been talking about, neon Alastor. People think he will have a musical number and I really hope he does. But listen here folks: I have a theroy about Alastor!
So I looked into the trailer and saw a sequence of pictures that reminded me something:
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So I can only assume this is Alastor making some sort of deal with Charlie (which she will most likely accept). After this, we can only assume that his neon musical number starts. 
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When I looked at this, it reminded me of “Friends on the Other Side” from Princess and the Frog. I have a theroy that Alastor will make a deal with charlie and it will turn against her like in Princess and the Frog but instead of many shadows and spirits like Dr. Facilier/The Vodo Man has, it will only be Alastor and his shadow. Speaking of his shadow, a shadow can be spotted in the first picture in the upper right cornnor which I can only assume is his shadow.
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Honestly, I hope Alastor doesn’t turn against charlie but I feel like his shodow would get the best of him and make him turn against her.
Anyways, there’s my theory! I’m still in shock after the trailer. I can’t wait to see eveyone’s hard work on the show! Now if you excuse me, I will be hibernating until October 28th.
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toxin45 · 5 years
If Hazbin Hotel has three seasons then it much have an arc villain for them.
Since Hazbin Hotel is planned to have three seasons then it must have each arc villain
Season 1 would be Vox since he is stated to be one of the larger scope villains in the series with secondary villains Valentino an Vevlet. Also he is Alastor’s arch-rival.
Season 2 would probably have Lucifer Magne the father of Charlie and ruler of hell. It is heavily implied that he isn’t that great of a father to charlie.
Season 3 would probably have God and heaven as the villains. Given that God has yet to be seen and that the angels from heaven carry out yearly purges some theroies have God as the final villain in the series,
Well that is all of this theory done let me know what are yours?
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