#hazelnut coffee will forever be my fav
yaaaasthankyoudaddy · 2 years
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Happy Halloween to all of you ghouls & goblins 🎃👻💀🦇🕸️
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betanoiz · 11 months
1, 21, 41 <3
1. who is/are your comfort character(s)?
dean winchester and ahsoka tano. I have a lot of fav characters but those two are my besties
21. something you’ve kept since childhood?
as I was thinking about this I realised this sounds like I’m an insane daddy’s girls which I am, but you have to understand my dad worked away my whole life and we’re close. So, in my flat rn, from childhood I have: two beanie babies my dad bought me, a shell that has ‘forever friends’ written in it that my dad made me in 2005, and a framed picture of my dad in his twenties that I had because I missed him while he was at work. Insane!
41. how do you take your coffee?
splash of milk and hazelnut syrup :)
ask me weirder asks!
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leiras-shiz · 6 years
I've been tagged by @ananapplecat to do this question thing!
Your age: 14! ....and I dedicate my time to draw tomarry and kyman. Gotta start em' young.
Birthplace: A small valley town in California.
Current time: it's 9:48 pm.
Drink you last had: currently drinking a hazelnut ice coffee
Easiest person to talk to: honestly probably @ananapplecat b/c I have a hard time talking to people in real life. Its much easier on a screen. Too awkward for my own good. X'D And she's the only one who understands fandoms and my nerdyness
Favorite song: I'm listening to the Mean Girls musical right now and like 'Someone Gets Hurt' and 'Apex Predator' are amazing
Grossest memory: those times where you're so sick you keep throwing up and you smell/see your throwup, so that makes you puke more. And the cycle just keeps going. Yeah.
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff
In love: nope
Jealous of people?: always and forever. After all, who isn't?
Killed someone: this is a great question. And no. XD
Do you believe in love at first sight?: no, but I sure do love the fanfics of it!
Middle name: it's kinda dumb, it's Pantilon.
Number of siblings: 1 older brother
One wish: to be happy and content with my family/friends and loved ones. But if that isn't possible, I'd like to have magic. XD
Person you last called: my mom.
Questions you get asked the most: "where did you learn to draw?" or "did you really draw that?" I also die when I hear, "oh wait, aren't you that girl who draws?" This was my middle school life summed up.
Last song you sung?: I don't sing, but I do lip sync to 'Someone Gets Hurt'.
Time you woke up?: today I woke up at like 8:15 am.
Underwear color: why is this question here. Its white though.
Worst habit: I feel like I'm not social enough. I need to talk to more people and be less shy. Also, I need to stop being so lazy and work more.
Fav food: ice coffee, coconuts, strawberries
Anyone can do this if they read it, but I would like to know more about @shipping-all-ships and @zombu7 but it's up to you guys if you want to do this or not! Go wild.
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