afterglowparker · 5 years
Helloooo, can you do a blurb about the reader (an actress) is dating Tom but people still ship him with Zendaya and how it bothers all of them? Thanksss
friendly reminder that whenever tom does go public with a relationship, we will all be respecting him and his significant other’s relationship. thank you for sending this in! i don’t know if this is what you were searching for, but i hope you enjoy it. :)
HBDTom Blurb Week—come celebrate!
Living out your dream ofbeing an actress had a lot of perks, but it also had its low points, as mosteverything in life does. One of the things you were thankful for is that yourwork brought you face-to-face with the love of your life—Tom Holland.
You had met Tom on the setof Disney’s live-action remake of Atlantis: The Lost Empire whereTom had been cast as Milo Thatch. Somewhere between long shoot days, fawningover how cute he looked in his glasses, running lines together, and spendingoff days together, you had found yourself falling for the boy—and luckily, he wasright there to catch you.
It had been a little over a year since you had gottentogether and about five months since you went public with your relationship.For the most part the relationship had been going well; there were days youwished to be able to step out of the spotlight and take a break from yourhectic schedule to just be with Tom, but at the end of the day, you were bothliving your dream and you were both glad you had someone to share it with andwho understood the hardships that came with the title of “actor.” Especiallyones as successful as yourselves. The one thing that you, and frankly Tom aswell, wished would stop and that was how the fans shipped him with Zendaya.
Long before you had gotten together, people had shipped himwith the beautiful actress, and you could see why. Even you loved her and shehad become one of your closer friends since Tom introduced you both. But evenonce you and Tom had gone public, people would tag you in posts for the shipand tell all three of you how Tom and Zendaya were the couple everyone wantedand how they belonged together—not you and Tom.
You all were endlessly thankful for your fans, but therewere days they became a bit much and you wish they would understand that youall were human too. You had the same feelings and functioned the same way theydid—you just happened to lead a different lifestyle. It was the one part of fameyou still struggled with accepting—how some people felt like you owed themevery aspect of your personal life and not just the work in your professional life.
Sometimes when the group was together and you’d stumbleacross another post shipping Tom and Zendaya, you’d laugh about it, but therewas always that underlying tone of annoyance. It just sucks that certain peoplewanted to write off your and Tom’s happiness, and in a way, create a weirdtension between two good friends by trying to force a relationship that hadbeen denied many times before.
On days where the hate being sent to you was a bit much, Tomwas sure to turn both of your phones off and hold you a little closer and tighter,being sure you knew how much he loved you. You’d both lay in bed, cuddled uptogether and watch your favorite show, sometime just letting it act asbackground noise while you both talked.
Tom would let his fingers run through your hair or run up anddown the expanse of your back. He’d press small kisses to your head and justwhisper sweet nothings to you. And you returned the favor, always letting thecomfort Tom provided wash away the strain on your heart.
On days where Tom got frustrated, it was usually due tofeelings of guilt—he felt like he should be able to protect you from allfeelings of hurt, and it sucked that his fans would attack you and yourrelationship like this. On those days you tended to calm him down the same way,sometimes just wrapping your arms around his waist from behind and placing afew gentle kisses to his shoulder blades.
One thing was certain: you two loved each other and you’dnever let something as minuscule as people’s immaturity tear you apart. If theydidn’t like you both together, that was their problem.
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akosigelod · 7 years
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Happy Birthday to the man a love the most @hashtag_tomdoromal I know that this year is a though year for you but continue fighting you know that I'm always on you're back to support you and love you Happy Birthday Tom from your number 1 fan choss 😊😊😊 #LateBirthdayGreeting #HBDTom #HashtagTom 😊😊
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Happy 35th birthday Tom!! 
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am-i-k-inyourbook · 11 years
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Thomas Cruise Mapother IV, 3rd July 1962
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afterglowparker · 5 years
harrison having a roommate but hiding it from tom and one day tom comes over unannounced and by then end of the day he thinks he's falling in love were the her
two things i am a fanof: roommate!harrison and tom falling in love very quickly with this person henever knew about and just met (because that is me. very much me).
i almost wrote a wholeass fic for this omf but i cut a lot for thesake of the length 
HBDTom Blurb Week—come celebrate!
Harrison had a horrible habit of keeping his front door unlockedwhen he was home and Tom loved using that to his advantage. Usually, he’d sendthe blonde a quick text letting him know he was going to drop by and would justlounge on the couch or hide so he could scare the unsuspecting man, to whichTom would quickly quip back wouldn’t happen if you just kept the door locked.However, the sleep deprivation from the month-long press tour was starting tokick in and Tom decided grabbing breakfast at Harrison’s was the best option,seeing as his flat was closer to the airport and most likely actually had food.It was close to 6am and Tom figured his text would go unseen anyways, so hejust had the taxi drop him off unannounced—he’d probably pass out on the couchafterwards anyways and he knew Harrison wouldn’t mind.
He was currently slightly bent over, rummaging throughHarrison’s fridge, before he settled on what looked like leftover pizza, nomore than a day or so old, but right then and there it looked like a delicacy.
“I hope you don’t plan on eating that,” Tom quickly whipsaround, almost hitting his head on the top of the fridge, eyes wide, pizzapartially in his mouth, as his other hand was grasping onto the pizza box,“because that was definitely meant to be my breakfast.”
There was barely light peeking into the quaint apartment,but the light from the fridge allowed Tom to make out the figure of anotherperson—more specifically, a woman.
“You’re not Harrison.” Tom mumbled through the mouth full ofpizza, quickly swallowing it as he shut the fridge door and moved toward thecounter separating them both. Not that he was closer, he felt his heartbeatrace the smallest bit, and not from the sudden shock of the stranger, butbecause wow was she beautiful.
She was clad in an oversized T-Shirt, which he realized was his.He made a mental note to chew Harrison out because he had been looking for itfor the better part of the last month and the div swore he didn’t have it.
“No, I’m not. Thank goodness, like to think I’m better thanthat div,” Your words were taunting, but the soft smile on your face gave wayto the fact you were actually quite fond of what appeared to be a sharedfriend, “but at least he doesn’t eat my leftovers. He learned that lesson along time ago.”
Tom’s eyebrows raised at the implication of your words.
“So…you’re over here like…a lot?”
“Well, yeah. I live here.”
Tom swore his eyes were going to pop out of their sockets ashis mouth gaped the slightest bit.
“Here? As in this apartment? Sorry, of course that’s whatthat means. I’m just a lil’ tired. Uh-Wow Harrison never talks about you. NOTLIKE THAT I’m sure you’re great I just, I meant I didn’t know he had a roommateis all,” Tom suddenly makes eye contact with you, seeing a soft smile on yourlips and he cuts off his rambling, smiling back shyly, “Sorry. I have ahorrible habit of rambling. Guess it gets worse when I’m tired. Or maybehungry. Not the point, uh-I’m Tom, by the way.”
“Yeah, I know. Harrison actually does talk about you a lot. I’mY/N and Harrison and I will be having words on why you apparently had no idea Iexisted.”
Tom felt his shoulders untense as a soft laugh left hislips, smiling at the girl across from him.
“I think I’m gonna have to have that talk with him as well.”
Harrison had woken up around 11am and was amused at thescene that had greeted him. There, sat on his couch in the cozy living room washis best mate and his roommate, her legs thrown over his as she rested her headon the arm of the couch and Tom was slouched, resting his head against the backof the couch, the two of them laughing at something as the T.V. droned on inthe background. Harrison had made the mistake of making a sarcastic comment,because this prompted the two of you to instantly begin grilling the blonde onwhy you two had never formally met, Tom’s eyes lingering on your face as you playfullyargued with Harrison; this didn’t go unnoticed by Harrison.
The three of you spent the rest of the day lazing around,Tom’s sleepiness and jetlag suddenly forgotten. It was close to 7pm when youhad finally left the apartment, Tom asking if it was really necessary for youto go to a work dinner to which you laughed and assured him you would be seeingeach other again. As the door shut, Tom’s gaze lingering on it, Harrison’svoice brought him out of his reverie.
“You’re so lucky Y/N is oblivious because wow wereyou staring hard.”
Tom instantly snapped his head to look at Harrison, a lookof confused shock painting his features as he struggled for words.
“What? I-I wasn’t. Staring I wasn’t, I don’t—what are youtrying to say?’
Harrison rolled his eyes, as he slouched lower into the recliner,his eyes only flickering over to Tom for a second, before settling his gaze onthe T.V. again.
“Bro…you’re absolutely into my roommate and you’re not veryslick about it.”
Tom scoffed, a blush kissing his cheeks, as he ran his handthrough his hair and tuned back into the show that he had abandoned muchearlier that day.
“I don’t know what you mean, mate,” and after a few seconds,“but I mean…she is cute.”
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afterglowparker · 5 years
HBD Tom Blurb Week Masterlist
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all blurbs written during the blurb week i held in celebration of tom’s birthday can be found here! 💓
[Peter Parker]
you’re an actress at a show may drags peter too
you take care of peter after patrol and he’s a blushing mess
you don’t like blind dates but you like this one with peter parker
peter uses his photography class as an excuse to spend time with you
peter lists the reasons why he loves you
[Tom Holland]
you’re an actress dating tom, but fans still ship him with zendaya
you’re harrison’s secret roommate and tom falls for you fast
you overhear tom has feelings and make a call at 2am
you both work at a dating agency and tom’s got a crush on you || how tom realizes he has a crush on you (prequel)
tom’s an up-and-coming actor and you both fall in love over the summer
there’s only one bed and a confession of love
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afterglowparker · 5 years
idk if you’re taking requests but an imagine where may drags peter to a theatre show where he doesn’t want to go until the lead actress is actually super cute. he eventually goes to talk to her and stuff ??
love this because i’m a theatre major who would love if peter parker came up to talk to me but that’s besides the point. hope you enjoy this one! tried to pick a show where the actress could be swapped with any person, regardless of looks! also “on the steps of the palace” is stuck in my head. :)
this wasn’t technically sent in for tom’s birthday blurb week that i’m having but i’m including it!
HBDTom Blurb Week—come celebrate!
Peter had nothing against the arts—it’s just that he wouldmuch rather be out protecting the city than sitting in a dark room watching peoplecry about the woods for over two hours. May had been talking about the showsince she bought two tickets as a surprise, trying to explain the plot of theshow and ensuring Peter that he would love it too. She had been so happy tospend time with her nephew, that Peter couldn’t say no, so that’s how he foundhimself slumping in his chair, head being upheld by his right arm, as thelights dimmed and the orchestra began to play the opening chords to the show. However,as soon as the spotlight shone down on what he was sure had to be an angel,despite her soot covered face and body adorned by a raggedy dress, he foundhimself straightening up, even leaning forward in his seat.
As the show went on, Peter found himself enamored by thebeauty that was Cinderella. The first time she put her ballgown Peter almostfell out of his seat, May shooting him a confused look, as his heart hammeringand he was thankful that the room was dark, seeing as his face was definitely awonderful shade of red. Peter found himself actually getting lost in the show—you—asit went on. He felt his nerves rise as Cinderella got stuck on the steps of thepalace and he felt his fists clench as Charming strayed from the most beautifulwoman he had ever seen, who had only been kind. It was safe to say that Peterwas rooting for Cinderella’s happy ending. While not perfect and after a somewhat(very) grim second act, Peter rose to his feet immediately, cheering as youcame forward to bow before the curtain fell.
Before leaving the venue, May informed him that she had touse the restroom, so he slipped outside to wait for her, breathing in the coolnight air after having been in the crowded room for so long. He had one hand inhis pocket as he scrolled mindlessly through his phone with the other, walkingto the right of the building to lean against the wall. By chance, or fatewishing to embarrass him, he feels himself collide with another body, his armsinstantly wrapping around the figure, ensuring both of them stayed upright.
Peter began apologizing profusely, before a small laugh cuthim off, his eyes finally looking up at the face of the accidental victim ofhis clumsiness. There, dressed in normal street attire and face clean of stagemakeup, a stark contrast to your appearance no more than a half hour ago, wasyou.
“S’alright. Didn’t think I’d be falling anymore tonight butguess that’s life.”
“I mean…technically you didn’t fall, I caught you, and as I’mtalking I’m becoming very much aware of the fact that my arms are definitelystill around you and I’m so sorry. Both for bumping into you and invading yourpersonal space. Though I guess if I didn’t, I wouldn’t be talking to you andyou’d be on the floor. You were great tonight, by the way! I wasn’t originallygoing to go the show, but my Aunt was so excited and-”
Once again, your laugh cut him off, Peter’s cheeks onceagain dusting pink that night, as he finally let his arms fall from your waist,one of his hands now rubbing the back of his neck.
“You’re really sweet. And right. So, thanks for catching me.And I’m glad you enjoyed the show! Good thing you came tonight. Would be ashame if we didn’t get this chance to talk.”
You smiled softly, heat creeping up the back of your neck,because while you hid it better, you too were nervous staring at this very cuteand flustered boy in front of you. Had it not been for Peter’s enhanced senses,he would’ve missed the way your heart sped up, and it was that exact sound thatallowed him to take a deep breath and calm down.
“Yeah…yeah. Um, maybe, if you aren’t busy…another night, wecould, uh, talk again? I promise I’m much, much better than Prince Charming.”
You felt your smile grow, as this stranger quickly wormedhis way into your heart, his entire aura endearing and inviting. Somethingabout him just made you want to trust him.
“I would like that a lot. I’m Y/N, by the way.” You said, asyou pulled out your phone from your back pocket, handing it to him, not missingthe way his hands slightly shook.
“I’m Peter. Peter Parker.”
And as Peter’s fingers brushed against yours as he grabbedthe small device, he felt his heart grow a few sizes, excited to get to knowyou beyond the stage.
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afterglowparker · 5 years
For hbd Tom please. A blurb of tom and you working a dating agency and your coworkers try persuade you to use the algorithm to find a match and tom is little jealous because he has a crush on you
thank you for sending this in! i quite liked this prompt and i hope you like what i’ve created! i actually liked how this one turned out. 💓
HBDTom Blurb Week—come celebrate!
“Okay, Tom, so you know how Jeremy andJenna have been trying to get me to use the algorithm to find my own match?”
Tom rolled his eyes as you leaned on theledge of his desk next to him, trying not to let his annoyance show, as heswiveled around in his desk chair to face you and mumbled a response.
“Yeah…I remember.”
How could he forget? Those two werealways pushing you to find a match for yourself and fall madly in love—Tom thoughtit was ridiculous. There was no way a stupid program could find a perfect matchfor someone as kind, smart, beautiful, giving, wonderful, and breathtaking as youand well, there’s also the fact that Tom might have a small (large) crush onyou.
“Well, I finally gave in and did it!”
Tom felt his left eye wanting totwitch, but instead he forced a smile.
“That is—well that is great, Y/N.Whoever got matched with you is super lucky. I’d be a little wary though.” Youquirked an eyebrow at the Brit, wondering what else he had to say, “I just, Imean. It’s a program that matches two random people. There’s no real wayof knowing how accurate it is.”
“Oh really?” You felt a smile growingon your face, as you watched him look everywhere but you, his hands moving ashe talked, helping him express his point.
“Sure! I mean, doesn’t it feel absurd? Like…youjust put information into a machine for someone and we just trust that whateveralgorithm was created—by who we don’t even really know by the way, so maybe weshould consider that—finds us our perfect match? No prior meeting or date oranything to get to know the other? Just seems a bit suspicious to me.”
Tom finished his little spiel, nowleaning back in his desk chair, his fingers drumming against the arm of it.
“That’s too bad that you feel that way.I was just going to tell you that the algorithm found me a match and that matchwas you.”
“Wait? What! Are you serious?!”
“Yeah, I am.”
You almost felt bad, but the laugh thatbubbled out of your throat at the cute look of surprised confusion on his beautifulface overpowered that feeling.
“I-I…Why you would do that?”
“I just needed to know if your reactionwould be like I predicted. I actually agree with you; I don’t believe in thisalgorithm bullshit. I just did it to get Jeremy and Jenna off my back. Thosetwo are actually crazy persistent.”
“Tell me about it.” Tom grumbled out.
“But I did use the program and that’show I know you’re right and it’s bullshit.”
“Why’s that?”
“Well for starters, it paired me with aguy much too like my ex who I would never, ever go for. Secondly, I don’t aprogram to tell me the perfect guy for me is sitting right in front of me.”
Tom felt his face heat up a fewdegrees, his cheeks no doubt a shade of pink.
“That’s both mean and quite smooth,Y/L/N.”
You leaned forward, lowering your voicethe smallest bit.
“Got to keep you on your toes somehow,Holland.”
Tom leaned forward a bit too, your facesless than six inches apart, his tone matching yours.
“So uh…If I were to ask you on a date…whatare the chances of you saying yes?”
“I’d say your odds are pretty good.”
“Well, alright then,” Tom leaned back,standing up from his seat, grabbing some papers off his desk that were next toyou, “expect that soon.”
And as Tom walked by you, you smiled andlooked down at your shoes, biting your bottom lip softly; Tom having the exactsame reaction as he made his way to the photocopier. Not bad for a day in thelife of dating agency worker.
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afterglowparker · 5 years
21 from the 50 cliches and prompts list with Peter please. Also hbd to Tom!!!
21: blind date set up by friends
50: i’m scared but won’t admit it so you take my hand
thank you so much for sending this in! we love a good cliche and i hope you love this piece!
also perhaps the reader is more nervous than scared, so sorry about that!
HBDTom Blurb Week—come celebrate!
You did not like the idea of blind dates. Not onebit. The idea of walking into an already nerve-wracking situation and adding onthe extra weight of having no idea who you’d be spending at least an hour ofyour time with was unsettling. But after the never-ending begging from yourbest friend Betty, you had broken down and agreed to go out with her boyfriend’sbest friend, Peter. And you made a mental note to thank Betty for not giving upon this idea of setting you up because wow was Peter Parker beautiful.
For the last two and a half hours, you had been laughing,joking, smiling, talking, and feeling yourself begin to fall for the curly hairedbrunette with the prettiest smile and kindest eyes you had ever seen. He talkedso passionately about photography and his internship at Stark Industries, butwas also incredibly humble about getting to work with one of the greatest minds,Tony Stark. He didn’t once make you feel smaller or bad for having to stop himand ask him to repeat what he had been so excitedly talking about.
You were sure the waiters in the restaurant were sick ofyou, your food having long since being cleared from your plates, but you couldn’tfind it in yourself to worry in that moment, only focusing on the blushing boyin front of you and how he made your heart race.
Peter on the other hand was in the same boat as you. He kepttelling Ned to let go the idea of setting him up, especially on a blinddate, claiming he didn’t have time to date anyways. And considering how it hadgone with Liz, that perhaps it was best that he remained single for the timebeing. Ned had promptly rolled his eyes and smacked Peter across the back ofthis head, before explaining to him once more why you would be perfect for himand that if he didn’t go, he would be the biggest dumbass in the world. And boywas Ned right.
The moment Peter saw you walk into the restaurant, he felthis jaw drop and his eyes almost pop out of his head. He was sure you couldgive Aphrodite a run for her money, even in the plain black skinny jeans andoversized sweater that adorned your body—hair left in its natural state. Peterfound it was easy to fall into a rhythm with you and wondered why Ned didn’t tryand set him up sooner. You were endlessly kind and had a smile he was surecould power the entirety of New York. He found himself enamored by the way youtalked and how your eyes lit up when discussing the things you felt stronglyabout. Already, your laugh was like a drug to him and he felt himself gettingdrunk from your presence.
As the night began to come to an end, Peter insisted on payingthe check, regardless of your offers to pay or at least let you Venmo him foryour part, and then walked you home, seeing as you didn’t live far from therestaurant. As you walked side by side, you felt your heart rate increase andyour fingers fidgeting with the sides of your sweater—and it didn’t help thatyour hands occasionally brushed against Peter’s and you were so close you couldsmell his cologne, which was absolutely intoxicating, just so we are clear. Youreally enjoyed the date and you really hoped Peter did too.
Peter could hear your heart hammering against your chest,unbeknownst to you. His was as well, but instead of letting you know that,Peter opted to silent grab your hand, smile stretching across his face as hefelt your heart beat a little bit faster.
As you reached the front of your apartment building, youtugged on Peter’s arm to let him know you arrived and broke the comfortable,and somewhat tense, silence that had enveloped you on the short walk home.
“I uh…I had a lot of fun tonight.” You spoke, your words sosoft, they were almost taken away by the gently breeze.
“Me too,” Peter replied, perhaps a little too quickly, asoft pink kissing his cheeks, “I would really like to see you again. I hopethat’s something you want too.”
You bit your bottom lip, trying to keep the smile fromsplitting your face in two. You nodded your head as you squeezed Peter’s handin yours and taking a step closer to him.
“I would really like that, Peter.”
Quickly, before you could chicken out, you leaned up on yourtoes and kissed him on the cheek, before letting go of his hand, and walkingbackwards to the front door of your building.
“Don’t let my number go to waste, Parker.”
Peter smiled a little wider, yelling a reply to yourretreating figure.
“I wouldn’t dream of it!”
And as he walked away from your building that night, andeven through all his patrol, you were on his mind. He owed Ned and Betty onehuge thank you tomorrow at school.
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afterglowparker · 5 years
HBD Tom Blurb Week! 💓
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In honors of the wonderful, talented, and beautiful man’s birthday...I’ve decided to host a blurb week! I won’t be able to post/answer anything today, but Tom deserves to be celebrated for more than a day anyways! So:
You can send me your own ideas or a prompt from here, here, or here (from the angry, sad, or situations list)
Accepting requests from June 1st-June 8th
We love a good angst and/or fluff piece!
Feel free to send in your own blurbs too! I might expand on it or post as is.
I write for Tom Holland or Peter Parker.
I do not write smut and reserve the right to not write any request I receive that makes me uncomfortable or I feel I can’t do justice.
Please no Mob!AU as I don’t feel I can properly write it, but heavily received it last blurb week.
Everything will be tagged #hbdtom
I will try and keep these 500 words or less, but you never know with me.
Thank you and I cant wait for us to all cry over this beautiful man together! 💓 Happy 23rd birthday Tom! 💓
tagging some mutuals 💓: @upsidedownparker @parkerpuffwrites @pparkerwrites @parkeret @naturallytom @mcuspidey @spideypeach @spiderboytotherescue @starksparker @spidey-caps @obsiidio @hollandsosterfield @parkerpeterholland
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afterglowparker · 5 years
Hiiii, what about the reader is about to graduate and Tom can’t make it because of work things? + 41 and 48 from the 50 cliche tropes and prompts list! Thank yoooou
41: Overhearing they have feelings for you
48: I called you at 2am because I need you
this may be a bit cheesy, but we love a good best friends to lover piece! i hope you like what i’ve come up with. :’) thank you for sending this in!
HBDTom Blurb Week—come celebrate!
You were about to walk into the stadiumwhere you would receive your diploma and in just a little over an hour, youwould be walking out a college graduate and you couldn’t be more excited. Itwas also in that short frame of time that you would be reunited with one ofyour best friends, Tom Holland.
He had left a little over a month agofor press for his upcoming movie and while you were insanely proud of him, youmissed having him around, to just be able to relax and laugh with him—you’relittle group just wasn’t complete with only you and Harrison.
As you began walking down the center ofthe stadium, you looked over to section where you knew Harrison was and smiledexcitedly as you walked by, smile only dropping the slightest bit as you sawthe open spot next to him. You subtlety raised your eyebrows in questioning,Harrison giving you a tight-lipped smile and softly shaking his head, his eyes expressinghow sorry he was.
Tomwouldn’t be making it to your graduation.
As much asit saddened you that Tom was missing such a momentous achievement for you, youunderstood that work sometimes took him away and could be unpredictable. As youwere approaching Harrison’s figure after the ceremony to not only celebrate,but ask him what exactly happened to Tom, you paused as you saw him on thephone, his words drifting into your ears.
“Yeah, Iknow mate. I’m waiting now, but Y/N looked pretty sad seeing you weren’t nextto me. But you’ll be back soon, and you’ll kiss and makeup I’m sure,considering I’m sure you’ve both been head-over-heels in love with each otherfor years now.”
There was apause in Harrison’s speech, making you assume Tom was talking. People weremoving around you, some staring and wondering why you were just awkwardlystanding behind what appeared to be a random person to them, but your brainseemed to be malfunctioning with Harrison’s words.
Tomloved you? Tom had been in love with you for years? It was possible he felt thesame way?
“You’re bothridiculous,” Harrison continued, his shoulders shaking softly as a soft laughslipped past his lips, “just get on the next flight so we can properlycelebrate end of press and Y/N’s grad. I’m thinking there’s a few pubs herethat have missed the mayhem of our trio…Alright, bye, mate. See you soon.”
As he hungup, you moved towards him and threw your arms around his middle, catching himoff-guard and acting as if you had just run up to him, opting not to addressthe prior conversation you had heard.
“Alright,div, where’s dumbass one?”
Harrison laughedat your words as he turned around in your arms to hug you back, pulling back tolook you in the face.
“Stuck inBali for work. Guess they extended the tour slightly. So dumbass one is stuckin a beautiful place, but very sad he had to miss today.”
You smiled,laughing as you responded.
“Well, Iguess that makes me feel a little better. Now let’s go celebrate!”
 You had beenlaying in bed for about an hour, sleep evading you, as Harrison’s earlier wordsstill racing around your mind. You grabbed your phone from the bedside table,clicking it to life as you squinted at the much to bright screen.
You sighed,closing your eyes briefly, letting the hand with your phone fall beside you.You knew why you couldn’t sleep and against your better judgement, you sat upand brought your phone back up to your face, making quick work of scrolling towhat you needed, before you pressed the small device to your ear.
A few ringslater, a gruff, tired voice made its way through the line.
“Well hello,sunshine. I surely thought you would be passed out by now after your big day.”
You laughedsoftly, Tom’s voice instantly soothing you and quieting your mind the slightestbit.
“Yeah, Iknow. I thought I would be too. Guess sleep isn’t on my side today.”
A smallsilence fell between you two, your soft breaths filling the line, not sure whatto say now, for the first time in your friendship.
“Hey, you alright?It’s pretty late where you are, darling.”
 “I know, I just…I called cuz I needed you.”
“You did? Whateverfor?”
Tom felthimself smile, as your sleepy chuckle drifted through the phone, and your soft voiceonce again filled his ears.
“I just…I heardyou talking to Harrison earlier and it’s going to eat me alive. I was going towait till you got back but I just can’t.”
“Okay, wellyou’re making me nervous. What is it, love?”
“Do you loveme?”
There was aslight pause on the other end of the line, your heart beating in your ears asyou gripped the phone a little tighter; the sweat forming on your brow line makingyou wish you had never said anything.
“I do.” Youfelt yourself smile, as Tom continued talking. “Love you, that is. I love you.And I didn’t really plan to say that over the phone, but I guess I can’t waiteither…Do you…love me?”
You felt asmile work its way across your face, as you laid back down, the feel of the pillowsadding to the cloud nine you were currently floating on.
“Yeah…I do…loveyou, that is.”
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afterglowparker · 5 years
peter getting cuts all over his hands and reader rubbing ointment all over them and peter just getting all blushy because he has a huge crush on her
cute cute cute i love soft, blushy, peter! he is adorable and i love him. thank you for sending this in!
HBDTom Blurb Week—come celebrate!
Peter had stumbled into your room about five minutes ago andwas sure his heart was hammering even harder than it had been during his mostrecent altercation with Queen’s newest villain. He was sat on your bed, suitoff, as you sat in front of him, running a small cotton ball with alcohol over thesmall cuts that littered his skin.
He had assured you he was fine, knowing that the cuts weren’tsuper deep and would heal faster than normal thanks to his enhanced healingabilities, but you still insisted on cleaning them out, to prevent infections.The cuts had already begun to heal, but Peter couldn’t say no to you andtruthfully, it made his heart swell knowing you cared so deeply for him.
You had already cleaned and bandaged a cut on his lowerabdomen and upper part of his ribs; now you were intricately cleaning out thesmaller cuts he had acquired on his hands. Peter’s cheeks had started to flushpink the moment you ran your fingers over his skin while cleaning his firstinjury and he was sure his face was now a deep red, if the heat he was feelingwas any indication.
“Sorry if that stung, just wanted to make sure we didn’tleave anything to chance,” you whispered as you tossed the slightly red cottonball onto your bedside table with the rest of the used supplies, before movingto grab the tube of ointment by your leg, “I’m almost done though. I promise.”
Peter gave you a soft smile as he nodded softly, acknowledginghe heard you; he would have responded but the words were caught in his throat—hewas a mess when it came to you. He had been since you sat at the desk next tohim in biology freshman year. It was strange how the one person who made him sonervous also brought him the most comfort. That was one of the mysteries offalling head over heels for your best friend.
As your fingers softly worked the ointment onto his hands,Peter let his eyes roam over your face, taking full advantage of the fact that youwere preoccupied. You were the image of beauty to Peter, sitting in front ofhim in your pajamas and hair slightly a mess. He let himself get lost in theway your eyebrows furrowed slightly and your lips parted as you focused. In theway there was a slight crease between your eyebrows and the slow flutter ofyour eyelashes. He zoned in his hearing to the steady beat of your heart and letit calm him as well.
He felt you place his hand back down on the bed and themattress lift lightly as you rose, moving to throw away everything you hadused. As you came back from the bathroom, he smiled in your direction, youinstantly returning the gesture.
“All right, Parker. You are now right as rain.”
“Thank you, Y/N. You didn’t have to do that.”
“You always say that, but I don’t know. I feel like I havetoo. Care about you too much to risk anything,” Peter felt his heart hammer alittle harder—at this point he was ready to catch it should it leap out of hischest, “So…you want to watch Netflix or something now? You’re already hereanyways, why let that go to waste.”
Peter felt his smile grow as he nodded again, settling backagainst the headboard of your bed, throwing his arm around your shoulders asyou settled in next to him with your laptop. As you scrolled through Netflix searchingfor what to watch, Peter kissed the side of your head, promising himself he’d tellyou soon. He knew this feeling of love and adoration wouldn’t be able to gounheard for much longer, and he was okay with that.
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afterglowparker · 5 years
Ok but this au concept: Tom is a budding actor in this au and is in your small town for filming and you work at the ice cream shop he starts going there almost everyday to flirt w/u then asks you out leading having a little summer rendezvous finally it’s the last night the two of you slow dancing what appears to be the last dance he whispers in your ear that even thou the 2 of you promised to end it when he leaves he wants to break that promise and still be with you because hes fallen for you
I AM LITERALLY HOWLING READING THIS. I LOVE THIS CONCEPT SO MUCH!! like…combing tom just kind of getting into the acting scene, a love interest from a small town, slow dancing, confessions of love and longing to be/stay together…i’m crying in this here club. THIS IS A FANTASTIC CONCEPT AND I THANK YOU FOR SENDING IT IN!! hope you don’t mind that i decided to expand and write the very last scene of this!
this is the song they are listening to during their slow dance, if you wanted to listen too.
HBDTom Blurb Week—thanks for celebrating!
It was nearing 10pm when you foundyourself dancing under the soft glow of the strung-up lights in the small park downthe road from your house. The young up-and-coming actor that had worked his wayunder your skin and into your heart showing up on your doorstep his last nightin town, picnic basket clutched in one hand, a bouquet of your favorite flowersin the other. The summer had been fun, but like all other things in life,summer was quickly coming to a close—his time with you ending even faster.
He had convinced you to swap out yourpajamas for something a little more fitting of an evening summer picnic, beforehe was intertwining your hands together—your fingers fitting together like twopuzzle pieces. He let your arms swing lightly between you both as you walkeddown the road, you eventually using your other arm to hold onto his hand as yourested your head against his shoulder, his words like music to your ears as hetold you about his last day on set.
You had spent the evening perched on asmall checkered blanket, laughing with the boy with messy toffee colored curlsand a smile brighter than the sun, wine filling your veins along with your favoritefood. As night began to blanket the world around you, you found yourself lyingon your back next to him, letting the soft music from his phone fill thesilence as you both stared at the faint stars above. Somewhere between then andnow he had moved to a standing position, using your once again intertwinedhands to pull you up with him, before jokingly releasing his hold on you andbowing jokingly; your own laugh causing his heart to flutter and his smile brightensas you curtsy in response.
So now here you were, head restingagainst his chest, both arms around his shoulders, his perched around yourwaist, with no space left between you. Birdy’s “Wings” (the acoustic version)was floating around the space as you both swayed softly, but you found the beatof his heart to be the perfect music. You let your eyes close and foundyourself reflecting on your brief time together.
How he had stumbled into the small icecream shop you worked at by chance one day and how he kept coming back everydayafter that. How he one day stuttered through asking you out after not sosmoothly visiting the shop for a week and a half straight to see you. How youboth seemed to fall into the rhythm of old lovers, who had been fated to be together.How you both agreed to end things when he was to leave. How you both seemed tofall in love, regardless of time.
As you lost yourself in thought, Tomfound himself reflecting on similar things, before he was pressing a kiss toyour forehead and resting his own against it. Both of your eyes were shut, andTom swore it was a scene ripped out of the cheesiest romance novel ever knownto exist—but perhaps that wasn’t such a bad thing.
“I love you,” he whispered, your owneyes now opening to meet his closed ones, before he continued, “and I know thatwe said we wouldn’t say it, but I know you feel it too. And I know I leavetomorrow and maybe that isn’t fair on you,” now his eyes were open, peering back into yours that shone with the same amount of love and adoration,a slight glossy sheen to them, “but I love you. And I can’t walk away. I won’twalk away, knowing that you’re here and no longer in my life. I don’t care how hardwe have to work; I know there are going to be days that really suck and that weare going to have to overcome a lot more than a normal couple should. But I love you somuch. And because I love you so much, I want to work through all that andcontinue growing with you. And I hope you love me in the same way.”
You felt a tear slip down your cheek,as a soft smile painted itself on your face, your bottom lip slotting itselfbetween your teeth as you moved one of your hands to rest against the side ofTom’s face. The skin was warm, and you weren’t sure if it was from the summerheat or his admonition of love, but you let your thumb run back and forth overthe smooth skin, feeling your heart beat just that bit harder.
Letting out a teary laugh, you finallyclosed the remaining space between you and molded your lips to his, just for amoment, before you were pulling back to look at him; your thumb now brushing hisown tears away, as you rested your forehead back against his, your nosesbrushing lightly.
“I love you too. No matter what mountainswe have to climb, I’m willing too. Because you are everything.”
And with that, Tom pulled you closeonce again, placing his lips against yours, smiling as he did so.
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afterglowparker · 5 years
May I request sort of a prequel-ish to that dating agency au when Tom realized he had a crush on reader
you most definitely can! it makes me happy knowing you enjoyed the first blurb enough to want more (at least i’m assuming lol)! hope you like this one and thank you for sending this in!
read the first part here
HBDTom Blurb Week—thanks for celebrating!
When Tom applied to work at a datingagency, he didn’t really expect to get anything out of it more than a paycheckto help him stay afloat and pay costs—then he met you.
You had greeted him on his first day ofwork, your coworker Jenna introducing the both of you as she gave Tom a tour ofthe company building, hoping to help make his first day easier. While your initialinteraction brief, Tom was intrigued by you. As the days went on, Tom was moreand more bored by the dating agency and its algorithm and more and moreenamored by you.
At first, he thought maybe he was justexcited at the prospect of a new potential best friend; he loved Harrison andhis brothers, but it would be nice to add a new face to the group. You bothshared a lot of mutual interests and it was easy for him to be himself aroundyou, but only as he found himself staying after his shift to talk to you atyour desk, going to more coworker get togethers, and his eyes lingering on youwhen you’d make your way past his desk to the photocopier, did he start tomaybe think it was more than that.
It wasn’t until Jenna and Jeremystarted pressing you to find a match for yourself using the algorithm did Tomrealize that his feelings had crossed the line from “yeah I think you’rereally cool and would love to be friends!” to “oh shit you actually makemy heart race and I think you’re super beautiful and I want to hold your handas we lay together at night and talk about anything and everything.”
But still, not fond of the idea ofgetting involved with one of his coworkers did he push those thoughts away andcarried on with your friendly interactions. It wasn’t until one night where youboth had to stay a little later at the office to sort out some paperwork thathe realized he couldn’t fight his crush off anymore.
Truthfully, he didn’t have to stay. Theboss had asked you to stay at a meeting and only after seeing the way yourshoulders sagged after agreeing did he stutter through his words, informing hisboss that he could stay too.
As you both worked through the stack offorms, entering in new profiles into the company’s system, laughing, makingjokes, and gorging on your five-star dinner (it was all different snacks fromthe vending machine down the hall, you laughing as Tom made up absurdly fancy descriptionsfor the basic foods), did Tom finally except that, yes: he was head-over-heelsfor you.
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afterglowparker · 5 years
College!Peter starting with a photography minor and he’s always asking you to be his model or his assistant when setting up for still life projects because he enjoys spending time with you and says he will make it up with study sessions and free coffee/tea
i love college!peter so, so much! thank you for sending this inand i hope you enjoy it!
HBD Tom Blurb Week—thanks forcelebrating!
You had become very familiar with PeterParker, the boy in your biochemistry class with the unruly curls, brain bigenough to rival that of the best of the best, and a heart that seemed to bemade of gold. For the past semester, you had been helping him in hisphotography class—what was supposed to be one modeling session quickly spiraledinto something more, as the dorky, good-hearted man continuously asked you to helphim with other assignments.
It was interesting to see such ascience driven mind also be so great at photography. You had the achingsuspicion that not all the assignments he was requesting your help for werereal—there was no way he would need you specifically as a model for over ten projectsand as an assistant for fifteen others.
If Peter was to be honest, he onlyreally needed you for three projects max. His teacher was saddened to see thatPeter was branching out with the subjects in his photographs, but thecomposition, emotion, and overall artistry of each photo was so good, she overlookedit—impressed by the raw talent in the young photographer.
Peter treasured the time he got tospend with you outside of class. It was always full sarcastic remarks, jokes,and snacks; by the end of it, Peter’s stomach ached from all the laughs, and hewas sure the smile that had placed itself on his face would never leave. Timeand time again you’d remind Peter that you weren’t a photography major and hadno clue on what you were doing, to which he’d quickly rush out a response, reassuringyou that you were a natural and had a knack for the artsier side of things.
It was nearing golden hour and you weresituated on Peter’s bed in his dorm room, your legs crisscross, as you proppedup your head with the arm that was rested on your left knee. You heard thecamera shutter go off in a quick succession, as a bright flash of lightmomentarily blinded you. Peter had been photographing you for the past hour, andyou were quickly growing restless.
“What is this for again, Pete?” Youquestioned, as Peter was looking down at the shots he had just captured on hiscamera.
“It’s for my photography final!” Heanswered mindlessly, eyes flicking up to you briefly, before returning to thedevice in his hands.
“I thought we did that last week?” Youteased, watching as Peter’s eyes widened slightly, a hint of a red hue coloringhis cheeks, before he cleared his throat.
“Uh, yeah we did. I just decided totake the project in a different direction is all.”
“Smooth, Parker.”
You laughed as Peter lightly threw thepillow closest to him at you.
“Keep up the attitude, and I won’t bebuying you the tea I promised earlier, and you can suffer through thebiochemistry study guide by yourself.”
You shook your head lightly, knowing hewas only joking. It had become an unspoken tradition at this point. The firsttime he approached you after class he had convinced you to help him bypromising a free drink of your choice as well as a study partner in your sharedclasses. Hyper-aware of the fact that he was at the top of your class, youagreed. He made good on his promise that time, and every time after that, evenwithout verbalizing the agreement.
“Y’know you could just say you enjoy mycompany, Pete. Maybe then you could stop making up assignments.”
With a rare surge of confidence, he feltthe witty remark slip past his lips.
“And you know you could just say youenjoy my company, Y/N. Maybe then you wouldn’t have to sit through all these assignmentsfor a class you’re not even in.”
It was your turn to blush, as youchucked the pillow back at him; the soft object not getting the chance to hithim as his reflexes allowed him to catch it at an arm’s length away, whilestill holding his camera.
“You’re delusional, Parker.”
“Yeah, maybe. But you like it.”
Gazing upon the soft smile on his face,you took into account how his words made you feel at ease. Peter seemed toalways have that effect on you. And right across from you, Peter was feelingthe exact same thing. Soon, the term would come to an end and so would thisexcuse to spend time with the other—but Peter was going to be sure that yourtime together didn’t.
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