#hc on the origin of Sabine’s loth cat but make it ✨x reader✨
x-reader-things · 9 months
Sabine x fem/gn reader abc’s wholesome thing or random fluffy headcanon
I don’t have any wholesome abc’s prompts to look at at the moment, but I do have this!
I hope you enjoy!! :DDD
“It’s a perfect name!”
Sabine x f/gn!reader [Romantic]
Summary ; In which you struggle to find the perfect name for your’s and Sabine’s new pet.
Requested? ; Yes
Warnings ; None. Just fluff- <333
Word Count ; 675
“We’re not naming the loth-kitten that.”
“Sabine, it’s a perfect name!”
It’s been a couple years since the defeat of the Empire. Ezra’s still missing, Jacen is two months away from turning seven years old, and Ahsoka’s… off, somewhere.
Not that Sabine went looking for her like she did Ezra.
You and Sabine got together sometime in between, and only recently did you finally move into the LothalNet Tower that Ezra used to call home. Today, you had been in the grasslands around the tower, investigating a curious noise that’s been popping up every time you walk around a specific part of the concrete surrounding the tower.
A growl, kind of. Maybe something attuned to a chitter of some kind.
What you found in the wheat colored grass, however, was something you should’ve expected with noises like that.
A half eaten supply box of jogan fruit, a half eaten loth-rat, and a loth-kitten. Probably no older then a few weeks old.
Its fur was primarily white, with brown tipped ears and spots that grew lighter in color. It was… rare to see loth-kittens. And this one also had an injury that needed tended to, a gash on one of its bird-like legs.
You picked it up, and rushed inside to get Sabine, despite the little one’s meow’s of uncertainty.
“It’s alright, kitty,” you told the kitten with a rub of your thumb on the bridge of it’s flat nose. It keened into the touch, pressing its furred head into your hand. “We’re just gonna patch you up, ok?”
You brought it to Sabine, and together you guys cleaned the wound, and patched it up with one of the medkit’s lying around the tower’s floor.
Messy organized was something both of you got used to pretty quickly, with the way Ezra left things.
So now, the two of you were sat on the shared bed. Small, meant for one person, but nonetheless shared. It was comfortable, and you didn’t want to drag a whole new bed into the cluttered place.
The loth-kitten slept curled up into your lap. Sabine’s head rested against your shoulder, and gently ran a knuckle on the kitten’s back. It was so… small. Neither one of you were used to that from a species like this one. Which was part of the reason why you guys immediately - even without any words spoken at all - knew you both had to keep it.
It’s what Ezra would do.
He always loved those animals, despite lots-cats acting like little shits to him at times. But it’s what loth-cats do.
However, the only problem?
The name.
“But Tooka is a perfect name”, you said to Sabine, a disappointed lilt somewhere woven into your voice.
“Tooka is literally another name for loth-cats around the galaxy”, she chuckles, a small shake of her head following afterwards. “You’re just calling it cat in whatever language that name came from.”
“What about… Jacen?”
She gives you a look. “After Jacen?”
“Well, his birthday is coming up”, you pointed out. “What better gift than to tell him we named a loth-cat after him?”
“Sorry babe—“, she pressed a quick kiss into your temple, getting up off of the bed to get some proper food for the loth-kitten. Bantha milk, probably. She’s seen some loth-cats drink it before. Fed some stray ones in the city with it too. “There can only be one Jacen, and that’s our awesome Spectre-8.”
“Fair, fair”, you nodded, gently scratching the chin of the loth-kitten in your lap. It began to rumble gently, a soft purring emanating from it. You cooed at the little creature, gently picking it up to let it rest in your arms instead.
There were a few moments of silence, the only noise being the purring from the loth-cat and Sabine walking around the large room of the tower. A soft clanging noise and the dull thud of metal concluded that she found a bowl suitable for the kitten.
“…what about Zeb?”
A laugh, which flowed into words.
“No way.”
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