#hc: howie han
fyrewalks · 9 days
today's dash question of the day... is your muse a napper? i think chim's always napped, but now that he has jee-yun, he's unlocked the Ultimate Dad Napper Package - feet on the coffee table and snoring at three pm.
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astcriismarchive · 4 years
howie wakes maddie up in the middle of the night to mumble sleeping some half cooked idea he’s thought of (think infomercial worthy) at least once a month. they’re particularly bad and nonsensical after he’s been working nights and napping in the morning. she’s taken to jotting them down in the notes app of her phone to tease him later. 
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firemarked · 4 years
when buck and eddie get married, the song they pick to play when they're introduced as husbands/their first dance at the reception is this huge secret only the couple and the dj know and because it's being taken very seriously everyone expects it to be sappy as hell and borderline gross public displays of their eternal love, so when fire burning by sean kingston begins to play and the freshly established buckley-diaz couple walk out hand in hand, tipsy from the three shots they each did while they waited, wearing sunglasses and fist-pumping with their clothes disheveled like they just had a quickie in the coat closet (which they 100% did), screaming along with the music as eddie climbs onto bucks back, pretending to throw a lasso while buck blatantly feels up eddie's ass, it's safe to say that the firefam are surprised—bobby chokes on air which causes athena, who is hysterical, to smack his back half-heartedly, hen is legit crying on karen who spit her drink out all over her wife, maddie facepalms so hard she gives herself a giant red mark that takes fifteen minutes to go away while chim just takes it all in to use as cannon fodder later as he sings along and bops his head to the beat, carla covers chris' eyes because his dads are being inappropriate!, albert and josh collectively just,,, lose their shit, and michael documents the entire thing for posterity
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theobligatedklutz · 5 years
I've always had this thought in my head that at least Buck's mom is not a terrible human and is the root cause of why the Buckley siblings have hearts of gold (as Athena likes to put it). So just for a minute, imagine a tiny brunette (like I'm talking 5'3) woman with kind blue eyes walk into the firehouse one day and Bobby looks over at her in confusion. There's this familiarity about her that he can't pinpoint and then she speaks and he knows. The playful tone of her voice, the eyes, the hair, the way her smile takes over her whole face, that right there is Buck's mother.
She introduces herself as Jane Buckley and it's like her name is a magnet because the moment it leaves her mouth, Buck is running down the stairs, there is this soft sort of surprise to his face and a tenderness around his eyes and he throws his arms around her, lifting her up in his arms because of their height difference. It's just this giant teddy bear swinging this small woman around in his arms, her wavy long brown hair swaying in the turning wind and chuckles ringing like a melody in the room.
That's how Chim, Hen, Bobby and Eddie meet Evan Buckley's mother.
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fyrewalks · 4 months
5, 15, 25 @ chim
what's inside their...
closet. honestly, chim was a bit of bachelor before maddie. he wasn't totally messy, but not nearly as organized as he is now. if you ask him, neatness is like step one to cohabitating with someone. a little cleanliness cuts down on a lot of stupid arguments.
bookcase. there are more movies than books. of the books he has, most are autobiographies and self help, get rich sorta books.
five most recent google searches. groupons near me; farmer's market hours; trauma informed foster care; things to do in la kids; beach conditions today.
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fyrewalks · 5 months
does chim have specific shampoos, conditioners and body wash, or do they go with a 3-in-1?
Chim would never use a 3-in-1, thank you very much. That said, the products Chim does use are heavily influenced by what his partner likes. As long as it smells good and feels nice, he isn't overly picky. So, he and Maddie share the same Native Coconut and Vanilla shampoo and conditioner set. He switches up bodywashes depending on the season (citrusy scents for the summer, floral and calming scents for the winter). For styling products, he prefers Redken (it's a bit of a splurge).
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fyrewalks · 7 months
what television game show or reality competition show would your muse jump at the chance to play and/or win? - for Chim (and no, Shark Tank doesn't count)
shark tank should count
Before Maddie, he used to routinely joke that he'd absolute rock something like the bachelor or married at first sight. Now, he sticks just thinking he could win big brother or survivor, maybe the challenge.
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fyrewalks · 4 months
When do they pay their bills? As soon as the bill comes in? At the last moment? Or are most of their bills automatically taken out of their account? for chim
Autopay all the way for Chim. Immediately paying things when they're due keeps him from impulse buying things he doesn't need.
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fyrewalks · 7 months
META   +  dancing ( chimney )
send me meta + word for a hc!
Chim is a child of the 80's; it's evident in the movies he quotes and responsible for most of his go-to dance moves. His 'worm' isn't quite up to the same par as it used to be, but he whips it out from time to time.
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fyrewalks · 1 year
📂 / howie!
Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have
Pre-firefighting, when Howie could partake in such things, he never had to pay for weed. Instead, he'd barter with odd favors and connections.
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fyrewalks · 1 year
22.     amazon shopping cart.  / howie!
a peak at what's inside...
amazon shopping cart - an ungodly amount of toys for jee-yun, a few practical items like toilet paper etc he keeps on autoship, and some DVDs (for his never ending collection) and a few books for maddie (who is digging booktok rn)
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fyrewalks · 1 year
04.     car glovebox. ( han )
a peak at what's inside || accepting
An overabundance of staws (and their wrappers) and napkins from various take-out and fast food places. A seat belt cutter/window hammer multi-tool; a small, compact first aid kit. A few old CDs, mainly ones burned by Kevin that he still listens to. Probably a toy or two for Jee-Yun. His car registration and insurance papers.
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fyrewalks · 1 year
what kind of shopper is your muse? are they a slow, methodical shopper, a list-maker, or a grab the items and go kind of person? how long do they usually spend getting their groceries? how long do they spend clothes shopping? do they use changing rooms? for chimney
in depth hc questions chim can be a quick and to the point shopper when he needs to be, but he loves to shop unhurried when he can. if he's going to the mall, he'll make a day out of it - coffee and pastries, a few stores, lunch in the food court, another store or two, and maybe end it with some ice cream. (he's definitely ranted about how amazon has killed the mall - even though he does love the convivence of 1-click purchase with two day shipping.)
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fyrewalks · 2 years
what’s your role in found family dynamics?
chimney, the heart full of faith
at some point in your life, you've probably been told you're "the glue" keeping a certain group of people together. you look on the bright side of things. you are able to convince someone that everything will be alright. your (found) family walks away from you feeling strengthened by your faith and--let's face it--wisdom. hopefully, you aren't being taken for granted in this. keeping morale up comes naturally to you. you probably do plenty without even realizing it. you're a good listener, thoughtful, kind. even leaders come to you for guidance. you may or may not be keen on being in charge yourself, but you are trustworthy, and you do right by the people who depend on you. the only person you can't always see clearly is yourself. it's easy to tell someone their potential but incredibly difficult to realize your own. you need the support of others just as much as they need you--but once you're put to the test, you'll realize you had the right stuff in you all along.
tagged by: @ltcmdruna tagging: @firemedics @soulwaned @lcvesdeath @wahrsagung plus you, the cutie on the dash!!
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fyrewalks · 2 years
What you figure Chim's reaction would be to seeing an actual for-real, no shit ghost? Personally I'm torn between 'make a Ghostbusters reference' and 'be sad this spirit showed up but his mom couldn't'
anon, i can't tell you how much i love this ask, thank you for sending it!
i think you're right, it'd likely be a ghostbusters quote. maybe even one from the scary movies series or something similar. i don't think he'd be sad not seeing his mom's spirit nor would he want to see her's. i can't remember what brand of christianity howie grew up with, but i believe he's mentioned korean sunday school in canon. while we don't know a lot about his mom, i think that was something really important to her and to the lees as well. so while howie isn't religious himself now that he's older, he knows how important it was to his mom, it's something he takes comfort in, and more than anything, he just wants to know she's at peace.
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fyrewalks · 3 years
while i’m unlikely to have any threads set explicitly during this time, my cannon divergence is that howie takes an extended leave of absence from the department while maddie takes time to heal, which is either an inpatient program or a half-day program (which from what i looked at pre-season, is more commonly offered in la). thread wise, just know this was something they went through, and threads will take place in some vague time after.
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