#hdhdh I had to draw this
chipsncookies · 1 year
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20th May 2023 | Happy birthday Azibelpher! 😘🫑
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 1 year
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so this here is auggie: semi finalized!!! halliwell's... probably? not going to be his last name but i had no clue what surname to give him so its acting as a stand in aaa
so this is the blorbo. the new bsd oc i have been working on. from the fanfic i am Struggling with. same guy from the Art a while ago. august (i like the month okay) whatever last name i decide on at a later date.
his ability is called lucy locket! i actually came up with the ability's function first, and then i found that it fit pretty well. basically its a pocket dimension accessed via the users pockets. so far it has infinite storage, but whatever is added or removed at the present moment has to have been able to fit in the pocket originally. so you cant add/remove a large waterbottle from tiny jean pockets, for example. i like to think it only works when august himself pulls something out or puts something in. so. yknow. "not a penny was there in it, only ribbon round it". hehe
hes 25 because as much as a harp on bsd i also suck with ages so i rng-ed a number between 21 and 27 chcbdj
his birthday is june 21st! stole that from james orchard halliwell (see where that came from now) phillipps, bc he was the first to record the nursery rhyme. i also think him being born on the summer solstice in june but being named august is soo funny.
forgot to add it in correctly but his height is 5'8! that's about 173 cm? i think? i rounded it up technically its only like. 172.72?
168??? pounds??? which is apparently like 76kg? look i have no clue how weights work either i just took my own weight looked up the average for an adult and made something up. dont expect it to make sense.
bloodtype is a! i thought it was weird that the blood types were mentioned at all in the character bios but then i remembered the whole stereotype thing so i just picked whatever i thought fit.
he likes goldfish (hence the socks and earrings), rice (its rice), and hats (because they are so neat)! i was thinking about funny sock patterns and then i was looking at the wiki page for catherine maria fischer (the supposed kitty fisher in the nursery rhyme) and one of her paintings had a fishbowl in it. and then i thought about yoimiya because i had been drawing her before and. yknow. he definitely does has a small hat collection, but he'd rather them not be damaged at work. theyre saved for parties and formal gatherings!
dislikes are long explanations, pollen (allergy 😔), and unpleasant textures (like bedsheets that give you the Feeling when you scratch them). he likes it when people get to the point, and im projecting my own sensory issues onto him hxjsj
moving on we have design notes!
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so here's our boy.
starting with the shirt, its actually based on one of the shirts i own. it's got the solid torso and the loose sheer sleeves, and i thought that was neat! though for him i think the sleeves would be a bit more opaque, and he's wearing a vest!
as for the tie you can see i noted that it's a bit of a cross between a criss cross tie and like... a sailor tie? i know it says bolo but thats because the word i was looking for was Tie Brooch for the pendant in the middle.
the cargo shorts!!! so obviously to best use his ability august needs something with rather large pockets, but i didn't know how to add those in. initially i wanted to go with some tights or normal slacks and have him wear a hoodie, but it was kind of... eh? so i tried cargo pants but those didn't work either. so then i tried on shorts and i Realized what needed to be done fhdjjws
knee high socks! i asked what how silly we should get with them and eni said knee highs and nobody said ankle with silly patterns so i combined the two! i think the combination is really funny.
the shoes! theyre just sneakers. comfy!
moving on
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i dont actually like this doodle but we're gonna have to bear with it augu
the earrings! theyre little fishies! initially i had different earrings planned but i wanted the fish socks to match with something hdhdhdh
hair tie! august has got the rest of his hair tied up with a little bow. i think its cute bfbdbd
and so you can see what i meant, here's the page of concepts i did!
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you can see the cargo pants, the hoodie, as well as the old earring design. i was playing around with the sleeves for a while xhdhhs
plus i got silly with one so maybe ill do smth with that at some point idk idk
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coffincoitus · 7 months
so malcolm and christopher share a father, but have different mothers, which makes christopher corrine II's half uncle. but christopher and corrine II are also both alicia's children (from garland and malcolm repectively), so they are half siblings.
they're half uncle-niece and half brother-sister (and, ofc, husband and wife. can't forget that part).... i had to draw it on paper to make it out but i think i finally get it hdhdh
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reesecomic13 · 2 years
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Not really a traditional birthday post but Happy Birthday to me! (it was on the 5th but I was too busy to draw-)
Thank you all for sticking along with me for this long!!
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angelhyunjin · 5 years
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bro... i had a dream that season 5 trailer came out and they had all the like apocalypse stuff and will had gotten seriously injured so he had to go to the hospital and then he got vecna'd in the hospital bed and lifted out of it , but his eyes were staring forward instead of like rolled up lol
and there was a LOT of byler happening in the trailer HDHDH like scenes of will and mike walking together in the woods (with a black and white filter for some reason) and there was this old postcard mike had of two people getting married and his younger self had like put his and el's faces on them ... and then he tore it in half in the trailer HDUDUSH 😭😭😭 and there was another like shot where mike was saying "i need him ! i choose him, he has to live " or sumn lol talking about will
now i really wanna draw like s5 will floating out of a hospital bed because if that was where he got vecnad i think that would be very cool. anyway rant OVER
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i-moved-blogs-ffs · 4 years
Danganronpa request can a reader who is really kind and a sweetheart adopt the warriors of hope and helpem to forget they traumas and also can the reader beat the hell up the warriors of hope parents after everything they done to those innocents children's please
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Of course, my darling! I love the WoH so much- I adopted them too, they're your adoptive siblings now so you all gotta get along ok-
These are probably gonna spiral into parenting headcanons because I cannot help myself- just let these kiddos have a happy home life man- :(
TW for mentions of abuse. It's nothing explicit, but it can be upsetting to some. Please be cautious.
Anyways, let's get started!
- 🌸🍭mod mikan🍭🌸
S/O adopting the WoH!
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Now, we all know these kiddos had a bad time.
They were all abused in different ways, neglected, put down to the lowest point they could be.
Junko was like a light at the end of the tunnel for them, a savior - someone who cared, someone who they could trust, someone who loved them. But it was all lies.
She didn't care.
They couldn't trust her.
She didn't love them.
But then, you came around. At first, they thought you were like every other demon; evil, cold and uncaring.
And yet, there was this warmth radiating off of you... Almost like another light they could chase to get to true joy.
After Komaru and Toko defeated each of them, they felt lost. What were they supposed to do now that their empire has failed? Were the adults going to punish them, by abusing and taking advantage of them even further?
The group wandered the streets of Towa City, alone, hiding from every adult they could see and fending for themselves.
However, they stumbled upon you and Komaru. You two have been actively looking for them after finding out they survived.
But the reason why you were looking for them, was pretty unexpected.
You wanted to take them in as your own. They were just kids after all, no matter how much they tried to make themselves seem bigger. You wanted to help them, teach them that not everyone will hurt them, because they deserve to be loved like any other child does.
And so, they went with you. Very reluctantly mind you, but they didn't have much of a choice.
And as time went on, they opened up to you, one by one. And soon, you guys became like a happy family.
Somewhat dysfunctional, but still happy family.
Ok so, origin story's out of the way, now let's get in a bit deeper-
Parenting the Warriors is pretty hard- they each have something about themselves that you need to keep in mind.
And besides, taking care of 5 children wouldn't be easy even if they weren't traumatized-
You have to be patient, warm and kind to them, and to you that's no problem!
I would imagine Masaru would be the first to let his guard down around you, because he could tell that you weren't a bad person from the start.
He would start to admire you greatly, seeing you as the only cool adult around!!
He's always trying to impress you or get your attention because of that. And you always give him praise, telling him he's the most awesome kiddo ever!!
He always gets a bit bashful when you do, scratching his head as an "awhh, shucks!", escaping his lips.
He's very fond of you! He wants to do the things you do, like trying out your hobbies or imitating your mannerisms. He just wants to be as cool as you are.
While it is cute, you have to teach him that he's only the best when he's himself!
Kotoko was probably the second to open up. The first thing she noticed is that you never, ever used her trigger word in a sentence, not even on accident. You always used words like "soft", "tender" or "mallow", maybe even "delicate".
Not me looking up synonyms on thesaurus.com rn shHDHS
Like Masaru, her initial gut reaction always told her you were a good person, but the walls she had built up just couldn't let you in right away.
And when she does get comfortable, she becomes super clingy. She's almost as fond of you as Masaru is, honestly-
She always goes to you for any sort of help. She feels like you're the only person she can trust 100%, whether it be with her feelings or some other problem.
You're like- the only person who she's super nice to all the time. She used to be like that with Monaca, until you took them in.
Actually, speaking of that, they completely stopped literally worshipping Monaca's every move once you entered their lives.
Now, next up is Jataro. He initially thought you hated his every move, and that you only took him in because of pity.
But, you were proving him wrong every day. Going out of your way to talk to him, being so incredibly kind that it made his heart hurt.
You always help him out with his art! He loves when you sit down and paint, sculpt or draw with him, even if you're not artistic yourself. He feels like he's wanted, and all of that self-hatred almost completely washes away.
The biggest moment was when you finally convinced him to take off his mask. And when he did, you could tell he was way happier.
You two burned the mask together, leaving that part of his life behind you and turning over a new leaf.
And because of your influence, the rest of the kids are way nicer to him as well now!
Nagisa was the fourth one to take his guard down.
He saw how much Masaru, Kotoko and Jataro trusted you, and after observing you further, he began to see why.
He was always very distant from you, and you respected that. So, you were pleasantly surprised when he suddenly started going out of his way to help you, talk to you or spend time with you. However, you never questioned it, which made him relieved.
It's like you two silently agreed that you were cool with eachother.
He's very mature for his age, so he's the first one to try and help you with regular day-to-day tasks, even without you asking for said help.
Mans over here about to start doing your taxes HDHDH-
You always tell him to chill out, but he insists. He knows how much trouble he and his adoptive siblings are making for you, and it's his own way of thanking you.
Now, Monaca's a little interesting.
At first she was only pretending to care about you, like she did with the rest of the Warriors, but after a while she genuinely grew to love both you and her siblings.
She doesn't like the fact she cares one bit, but she can't help it.
She still has very manipulative tendencies, but you always see through them and her lies. You call her out on it, but never berate her.
She's very kiss ass-y, I guess?? Always complimenting you for the smallest reasons and calling you sweet nicknames.
She sometimes just wants to make you mess up to try and get herself to stop caring-
Like whenever a problem comes up, she always goes, "S/O can fix it!😌🙏 Our (affectionate parental term) dearest can do anything!🥰💞" and the rest of the kids are like "yah!!💖💕" because they love and support you while you're just there like🧍
Because no you can't rebuild the economy do you look like bob the fucking builder-
AnywaY their parents are already dead, so you guys beat up H*ji instead. :)
Ah, family bonding time. 💕
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And done!! I love these little spawns of satan so much you guys don't even know- this was literally so fun to write that I think I got carried away a bit hshGhd- I hope this is ok!
Make sure to wash your hands, stay hydrated, take any meds you may need to and stay safe! You were so brave, have a lollipop! 🍭
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hollypies · 4 years
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Another redraw :)
Im stuck :(
I wanna do Botw art, hlvrai art, oc art, and stuff but idk what people wanna see!!! But actually thats not. Good thing. I shouldn't care what people wanna see. Hnnrggs what to do
I'll just draw whatever :)
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Old art hdhdh lmao had to get rid of the amino water mark lol
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sassy-stupid · 4 years
Might i?? Have a matchup?? I'm a happy bubbly person lol and get along with all kinds of people and have a strong moral code. Huge crackhead energy with varying amounts of babey and gremlin lmao | I love to sing, dance, draw, bike ride/walk, listen to music, read, and beg people for commissions because I'm poor and that's the only way I can think to make money rn 😂 I have 3!! Pets and pamper them hdhdh hope that's enough 😅😅🥰
Hi! Of course you can get a matchup (you just had to have a looooot of patience lol).
I matched you up with Beel in a heartbeat. Just something about your description made me think of how much love Beel would have in his eyes as he looked at you. He might not seem like the most happy or bubbly person around but he genuinely enjoys lively people like you, he gets happy from seeing you be happy.
If your strong moral code ever gets you into trouble Beelzebub will make sure you get out of it unscathed, even if you were the one to initiate. He's got a strong sense of morality as well, so he's always got your back.
Your crackhead energy is only amplified by how chill Beel is around you. He's supportive of every vibe you have, even the gremlin one (that one is actually one of his faves, it reminds him of belphie).
Singing or dancing near Beel will result in immediate heart eyes, like I said before seeing you happy makes him happy. And if you ask him on a bike ride or walk he'll be so happy he'd even ditch food for you at that moment. Something he already likes, but you like it too? It's pretty much his dream.
(Beel would also secretly make commissions on anon to support you and get you that cash for your work)
We all know Beel is family orientated, taking care of and pampering your pets with you will make him feel like a legit family and he'll love it so much.
Hope ya like it!
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remade-1122345433 · 8 years
alll of them!!!!!! for the cafe ask!
thaank youu leeee!
put under a read more so it doesnt bother anyoonee~
Vanilla Chai Latte: Are you in love?
mmnn!!bbvv!!! yes yes!
Flat White: Coffee or Tea?
as part of the tea club...i’d have to saaay teaaa
Cappuccino: What’s your middle name?
would prefer not to say it publicly but i dont mind saying it privately!
Mocha: Dream Job?
animatooor! or jst...rlly anything with art aabdhs
Pumpkin Spice: Dream car?
i don’t actually mind? i don’t rlly wnna drive ever bc it. scares me aasdbhj
Jasmine Tea: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
i’d like to go see...the boy ++ my friends n my qpp and jst...i wnna go see my friends that would. be really nice aadbhhf
Old English: You’re stranded on an island, who do you bring with you?
no one i die alone
Iced Chocolate: Do you have a crush on someone?
Caramel Frappe: Favorite video game?
hh! i’m lame but i like. a lot of sonic games ++ hatoful boyfriend! i also fuckign hate enstars 
Iced Lemon Tea: Favorite song/band?
currently...my fave song is... Kevin Krauter - Fantasy Theme
Iced Cafe Mocha: Favorite thing to do on rainy days?
i like drawing n looking at th rain!! i love th rain i would probably go outside n play too i love RaaaaAAAINNNN
Hot Chocolate: Are you an affectionate person?
very much so! i love love affection so much! (i’m jst rlly bad at affection i’m so awkward with my fucking emotions)
Caramel Macchiato: You’re travelling the entire world but you can only take one person with you. Who do you take?
i cant do thsi dont make me . do thsi im gnna cry hdfbhbf. i cant choose i’d take. mako or. jasper but im skipping this goodBYE
Green Tea: How tall are you?
5′0″ !
Early Grey Tea: The inevitable Zombie Apocalypse is upon us! What’s your plan of action?
try my best! and then probably. die trying
Mint Tea: How do you relax?
i usually try and listen to music! calling with people helps too if they have a calming voice? but music for sure . i like meditating but i never have time fr it nowadays
Vanilla Latte: Board games or drinking games?
board games for sure! i like board games i wish i could play more ive never played them before fhbfhd
Iced Coffee: Do you like reading? If so, what’s your favorite book?
i love reaading! but i dnt rlly have a favorite book? but i. really really love reading i would read for days give me all books
Italian Soda: Describe your dream date
anything? would be fine if it was with th person i love...i could spend hours listening to them talk. dream date is anything with them oh my god im embarrassing hdhdh
Sparkling Water: Describe what qualities you look for in a person
um!! kindness! acceptance! funny! idk fun to be around!
Orange Juice: Have you ever had a valentine?
mm yeah but theyre . nt rlly good memories 
Rose Hip Tea: Describe your first kiss
hasn’t rlly happened (rather, doesnt rlly count)
Herbal Tea: You’re at a candle shop, what scented candle do you buy?
cinnamon ! 
nnya thank you leeeee!!! i love answering things!
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