#he IS. the main differences are changing the outfit and giving him animal/mob traits
nonbinary-enderman · 2 years
listen. i am an avid mumbo enjoyer. i really am. but listen to me. listen.
kakashi "ethoslab" hatake did not carry the entirety of naruto on his back just to lose the sexyman tournament here
do your part. vote etho.
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ironbloodaika · 7 years
What are your top 10 superheroines and why?
I normally don’t do Top 10′s since I suck at narrowing things down, but I just can’t say no to you. XD I’ll give this a shot. These lovely ladies won’t be in any individual order of preference. I’ll just summarize what I like both about their looks and characters.
Harley Quinn: In recent years Harley’s proven to be a hero in her own right, thanks to shaking off the grip of the Joker’s influence. Harley’s a very sweet and fun character, bringing a lot of joy and color into otherwise dark stories, but not without some craziness to make her out of place in the setting. Her outfits and personality are adorable and she’s very affectionate to those she loves, plus she’s one of those characters who’s had a WIDE range of costumes, but each works since Harley’s traits are so defined, you never have difficulty picking her from a crowd.
Batgirl: Another lovely lady from Gotham’s night life I was introduced to by the Batman Animated Series. I was especially a fan of her depiction in the final seasons were she became more of a main part of the team (being voiced by the ever awesome Tara Strong didn’t hurt). XD She kicks in all her finery, heels and red hair blazing. I liked how she had her own relationship with Batman as opposed to the Robin’s as she herself joined the fight against crime instead of being recruited. She listened to Batman because of his experience and training, but wasn’t beholden to him either, but never let anything like ego get in the way of saving the day or from speaking her mind and using her skills. Also LOVED how in SBFF she was a total fangirl for Batman...the Frank Miller-esque Batman. The difference in design is hilarious!
Wonder Woman: A character I really didn’t get to know until the Justice League cartoon, since the Super Friends version was rather bland in character. She really earned her spot among the Trinity. She’s not just gorgeous with a body that shows quite a bit of muscle, but she’s also able to go toe-to-toe with people in Superman’s league and doesn’t have any issue getting her hands dirty or fighting dirty if the situation calls for it. I also liked a trait in the comics that, sadly, hasn’t been as well depicted in the cartoons, is her compassion. She’s someone who’s just as willing to offer someone a helping hand as she is willing to lay down a smackdown. She manages to walk the line of a kick-ass warrior and someone who favors peace without breaking stride.
Supergirl: Another I owe to the DCAU. I liked her style and design and the friendship she had with Barbara and the family she made with Superman and the Kents. And I’m kinda cheating with combining her with the SBFF version too, but I liked her muscles and curves. :3 So hot! But back to personality I liked how she both wanted to be her own hero and not just be seen as Superman’s cousin, but was also proud to be a part of the family and wore his hero crest with pride.
Raven: I didn’t notice her at first when the show first started (my eyes were first drawn to Starfire) but as time went on I saw her as more than just a ‘goth’ character I starting to see more of in fiction. Unlike a lot of goth characters at the time, Raven was never really a bitch or jerk to the team. She was a little guarded and quiet, but she still considered them friends and had no issue being friends with them. There’s a very nice bit of subtle changes to her design as the series goes on, with her wearing her hood up less and less when hanging with her friends outside of battles. She becomes more open with them, smiling and laughing with their shenanigans (most of the time). And as TTG showed us QUITE a bit, she’s got a LOT to like under that cloak. :3
Starfire: She was the first I noticed mostly through her looks. While her outfit wasn’t as revealing as her comics outfit, it was still a huge shock to someone used to Supergirl and Batgirl’s style of dress. That said I learned to see more to the character than looks and really enjoyed how sweet and emotional she was. She wasn’t a push over by any means, she was just someone who truly and honestly loved her friends and would do anything to help them out or keep them happy. That sorta genuine affection is rare and pretty adorable. She’s the kind of person we all wish we had in life. Also I found her attitude towards love, sex, and relationships (in the early comics at least before the reboot) to be pretty mature and showing she clearly understands the concepts which a lot of people have a hard time grasping (even helping out Raven understanding her own feelings ont he subject).
Empowered: An original hero of @adamwarrencomics creations, I discovered her from some art I came across on Deviantart. I gotta be honest, when I first saw the previews and read the book summary, I bought the first issue thinking it was just gonna be some light fan-service and parody. Thankfully I was wrong about that. The shallow bit that is. While the story doesn’t shy away from EMP, her body, or her relationship with her boyfriend time and again, it never does it in a way you could call crude or exploitative. It all flows naturally with the narrative that follows her life as a hero, both in the field and at home. You really feel for the girl and her struggle to be a hero and the constant shit her so-called “co-workers” and even random civvies give her. You just wanna give her a hug. But not because she’s gorgeous or anything, but because you honestly believe in her. You know she can be a kick-ass superhero and know she can prove those jack-asses wrong. And with every issue you see her overcoming each obstructed in her way and becoming more and more self-assured and effective as a hero. It also helps when you see she’s one of the few heroes without any showboating tendencies. She helps others from a desire to genuinely help and do good. 
Artemis: Husky voice, blonde hair, tan skin, pony-tail, muscles, and abs you could grate cheese on. :3 Pure 10 out of 10 on the looks scale. :3 Now for character I like Artemis cause she’s very different from other superheroines in that she’s much more in your face and not one to take shit from people. Now to some people that means to be an asshole or be the only one making decisions, but for her it just means not letting others speak for her and to let other walk over her. A lot of people seemed to not like her for that reason (despite praising guy characters for literally the same thing) but I really liked it. Tough girls kick ass. And when you know about her history, her attitude makes sense. When you’re raised by a mentally, physically, and verbally abusive asshole who wants to mold you into a side-kick for his merc business, you’d want to stick it to the guy by doing good and making your atoner mom proud. With that sorta determination, you’re not gonna take any new-gal hazing. XD But that said, she was also nice and considered the others her friends, even if it was rough goings at first, to the point she was willing to reveal VERY personal information to them, rather than be blackmailed. VERY nice change of pace from the standard tropes in fiction.
Huntress: Another hard-nosed hottie with a thing for arrows, I was introduced to her with Justice League Unlimited. I really felt for the character. The daughter of a mob boss who was murdered along with her mother in front of her by one of their subordinates. It’s not hard to see her trying to get her revenge on the SOB, even if it means getting kicked out of the Justice League and taking on Black Canary and Green Arrow to do it. While she does eventually make the right call, I honestly found myself rooting for her at times because you really felt for her. But at least she got a nice relationship with The Question out of all of it and it was one of the most adorable pairings in the entire show. She was willing to kick some MAJOR ass to keep him safe and it took Superman to reign her in from straight up killing people. Not in the comics I think. Also, them legs and that AB WINDOW. What is it with girls with arrows and having killer abs? XD
Uravity/Froppy: Bit of a tie since I like them both. Froppy is adorable and is blunt and honest without being a bitch, a trap that befalls most characters. She’s sweet to her friends and is willing to put her life on the life for them no questions asked. She was seconds away from a literal Touch of Death, but spent what would have been her last moments trying to get her friend away from getting crushed to death. Also if her and Attea have taught me anything, frog-girls are fucking adorable. Dem legs and dat ass. :3 As for Uravity she is SUCH a breath of fresh air for anime female leads. She’s not a Tsundere Bitch to the lead and is nothing but a compassionate and supporting friend to Deku, even after just meeting him once. She feels guilty that her goals for being a hero aren’t as altruistic as the others, but are still noble in that she hopes to get enough money to give her parents an easy life after a life time of back-breaking labor. She’s just a very supportive character always pushing herself to get better and really showing some great character in doing so. Plus who doesn’t love that adorable blush of hers and that bit of thickness on her. :3 Very nice. XD
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