#he actually feels like a threat rather than a strange old man in a bathrobe who's still not over his long-dead ex
nightingaletrash · 2 years
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Iriana vs Mannimarco
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81scorp · 4 years
Constructive criticism: 7 MCU films (and a bonus)
(Originally posted on Deviantart Apr 10 2017)
Comicbookmovies. More specifically: Superhero comicbookmovies. They have been made before with varying degrees of success. The whole superhero comicbookmovie wave didn`t really take off until Bryan Singer`s X-Men. More Marvel-based superheromovies were made, but like earlier attempts they were not as good as superhero comicbookmovies could be. So Marvel decided to make their own movies, after all... Who knows Marvel better than Marvel? Not only were their own movies big hits but they also had something the previous Marvel movies didn`t have: a shared movie universe. It seems like Marvel couldn`t do anything wrong. But even people who know what they`re doing can stumble sometimes and the MCU is not an exeption.Let us, in my very subjective and nitpicky editorial, see what I would have changed.
SPOILERS for Avengers, Iron man 3, Avengers: Age of Ultron (and  minor SPOILERS for Thor the dark world and Captain America: Civil war) Iron man 2
Nick Fury`s introduction People who didn`t stay after the credits and don`t know the comics wouldn`t know who Nick Fury is and would probably be confused by the fact that he and Tony seem to have met each other earlier. How about: In the beginning, before we are introduced to Ivan Vanko we see the after credit scene from the first movie as an introduction and quick reminder. Whiplash or Crimson Dynamo? The bad guy here is an amalgamation of Whiplash and Crimson Dynamo. But we never hear his codename. It feels like they didn`t put that much thought into Him. his civilian name in the movie is Ivan Vanko. In the comics, that is the alter ego of Crimson Dynamo, so I would have picked that to be his codename. How about: In one scene where Tony and Ivan talks to each other Ivan could (somewhat poetically) describe himself as a "crimson dynamo". Just let the name name pop up in a conversation somewhere.He can keep the whips though. And yes: the movie has more problems than these two. It`s just a big filler before Thor and Avengers. But I don`t want to change too much if it risks removing characters or other stuff that are necessary to introduce before the Avengers. Thor
The dutch angles The primary use of the Dutch angle is to cause a sense of unease or disorientation for the viewer. To give them the feeling that something is not quite right. In this movie it was used at times where it was unnecessary. I didn`t notice it much the first time I watched it, but the second time it was more noticable. To summarise: A little less dutch angles would have been better. Save them for special scenes. Preferably the ones with the villain. (The night when Thor first arrives on earth could also work since it would symbolize that earth is a new, strange place for him.) The explanation of the OdinsleepIn the scene where Odin collapses after Loki yells at him it may seem to the uninitiated that Loki gave Odin a heart attack. It could have been foreshadowed earlier. How about: Before Thor flips the table Odin has a moment of weakness. Frigga is worried and asks if it is the Odinsleep. Odin confirms her suspicion and says that considering what has just happened he`s afraid of what will happen if he lets the sleep wash over him. Frigga: Don`t hold it back, the last time you did that you almost died. Let it come. The kingdom will be safe long enough for that.
Odin: I wish I could believe you.
Frigga: Thor can handle it, he`s mature.Cut to: Thor showing his maturity by flipping the table. Hawkeye`s screentime Mostly just my personal opinon, but since he will be part of the Avengers he could have been given more things to do. For example: That agent that described the warriors three as "Xena, Jackie Chan and Robin Hood" could have been Hawkeye.And when the Warriors three fight the destroyer he could try to help from the sideline by shooting an explosive arrow at it. (Which of course doesn`t even leave a scratch.) Hawkeye: Well... that was helpful.
Thor`s fight with the Destroyer Could have been a little longer (30 seconds or so) to give the feeling that Thor has to struggle a little. Avengers
The Chitauri army`s Phantom Menace-like defeat So... nuking the ship knocks out their life support system? But in one scene one of them took their mask off to scream at the Avengers. So... appearently they don`t need it to survive in earth`s atmosphere. How about: When the portal is closed many Chitauri soldiers see it and they know what it means: no more backup. They wont have superiority in numbers anymore. Two of them look at each other. They nod as if they know what they have to do. They activate some kind of device on their wrists which sends a signal to all the other soldiers. All the other soldiers activate a suicide function in their suits. The two soldiers that I mentioned earlier do the same. (A kind of "better to die than to be caught alive" strategy.) "But what about those flying dragon thingies?" you may ask. First I thought about the soldiers having some kind of remote-control-killing-device for them. But they can be taken care of in a short montage by Thor, The Hulk and the military. Iron man 3
The Mandarin Not gonna lie, I did not like the twist where it turns out that Ben Kinglsey was just an actor and not the real Mandarin. However, it IS a clever idea to have someone pose as the bad guy and draw attention away from the real threat. So I learned to be OK with this. What I DO have a problem with however is that the guy that is "supposed" to be the Mandarin is SO different from the comicbook version that you wonder why they even bothered to call him that. How about: We lose the part about him being a nerdy guy who got his feelings hurt by Tony. He could have been there at the new year`s eve party, enjoying himself, just being a successful billionaire like Tony. He could have been played by a dark-haired, asian-ish looking actor and his nationality should be a mystery so people in China don`t get offended. His name could be John Donemo (a combination of "John Doe" and "Nemo", hinting that it`s not his real name, since the Mandarin`s real name was never revealed in the comics). And in the end he should not be killed but instead be sent to an ambiguous death in an explosion where no body is found. And yes, I know, Marvel saw the error of their ways and made "Hail to the King" where we find out that there is another Mandarin who is the real one. I doubt that we will ever see him in future movies, but still, it`s nice to know that Killian wasn`t the "real" Mandarin. Thor the dark world
Killing Frigga As I mentioned earlier in my CC of Man of Steel and Batman v Superman, one thing I`m not a big fan of is when they kill characters that have played an important part and/or has been in the comicbook a long time. How about: Just put her in a coma? I know, it`s still technically a women in refrigerator thing. On the other hand, they are probably gonna use her death to get Loki to Hela`s realm in the sequel. But still, it`s gonna be one of those revolving door deaths that cheapens life, with the coma idea they can still get her back without doing that. Selvig in the nude It`s not as much Selvig in the nude that I have a problem with as it is the lucidity of his mental state in that scene. He seems unaware of the world around him. And his insanity is played for laughs in this scene but is more serious in later scenes, and the later scenes are better.How about: Selvig runs around in a bathrobe, his underwear and is barefoot. Instead of looking like he has no idea of who or where he is, he could look stressed. As if he has realized that a big threat is coming and he doesn`t have much time to stop it. Avengers: Age of Ultron
Killing Strucker They  could have used him a little more, gotten a little more mileage out of his character before they offed him. How about: not killing Strucker. Don`t mention him again after he`s been arrested. But how do I feel about the killing of Pietro you may wonder? His death meant something and worked for the story, so in his case I see no reason to come up with my own idea. Thor`s pool of exposition Why did Thor need Dr Selvig`s help? Where was this vision pool? was it on earth or Asgard? Was there a reason for this way of exposition besides getting a shirtless scene for Chris Hemsworth to get the attention of the ladies? How about: Thor travels to Asgard to get help from the three norns: Urd (an old woman), Verdandi (a woman roughly in her thirties) and skuld (a teenage girl). (I don`t know if they were of different ages (like the way that I`m describing them here) in the comics, but I think it would make sense since they represent past, present and future in the norse mythology.) Thor asks them to show him the future, they refuse. He asks again, says it`s important, they give in but give him a warning. Skuld places her Hand on his forehead and gives him the vision. Falcon`s screentime This is just me but I think they could`ve given Falcon more to do. Yes, I know, he`s a minor, supporting character. But still. Rhoades got to have fun with the other Avengers fighting the robots in Stark`s tower while Sam Wilson was out scouting for new recruits. How about: In the third act, when SHIELD and War Machine arrives to take care of Ultron`s soldiers, Falcon also arrives to help. Avengers!...It`s not THAT they cut Cap off but rather HOW they cut him off. You clearly see that he`s about to yell "assemble". How about:
A: Let cap shout "Avengers! Assemble!"
B: Let him just shout "Avengers!" but cut him off a little earlier so we don`t see that he`s about to shout the other word. I know, it`s a minor thing, but still. Captain America: Civil War
Falcon`s lethal weapons This actually doesn`t bother me that much. In this universe it has been established that Falcon used to work in the military so it would make sense for him to use lethal weapons. But since I criticized Batman v Superman for Batman`s killing and held him to a higher standard I figured I should treat both superheroes equally and not give Marvel special treament. So... how about: Instead of bullets: tranquilizer darts and instead of bombs: gas-grenades. Killing Crossbones Just my opinion but couldn`t they have waited and used him in at least one more movie before they killed him? How about: Instead of lifting all of him up with her TK powers, Wanda just rips off his vest. But other than that, things still happen the way they did: She has to act fast, tries to get it out of harms way, it explodes near a building, human casualties, guilt. Correlation and causation
Vision: I`m saying there may be a causality. Corrolation: mutual connection between two (or more) things. Causation: act of making something occur. Corrolation does not imply causation. The Vision is trying to say the rise of villains is because of the heroes. In some cases there may be a hint of truth in this. An example the incredible Hulk (The Leader getting his superintellect was caused (accidentally though) by Banner`s DNA.) But in most cases the bad guys would have existed even without the help of the heroes. One would think that a supercomputer would know the difference between the two and know which one it is in this situation. How about: Vision could...
A: say: I`m saying there are signs of correlation.
B: Just not say this line. To be fair though, I would never have thought about this myself if I hadn`t seen a video where someone who analyzed it pointed it out. Even if I have a few things to say about these movies I still like them. (Yes, even Iron man 3 and most of Thor the Dark world.) But this last one however... It`s not a movie but it is marvel and it is quite bad.
One more day
When I was little and read the issue where Spidey tied the knot with MJ I was A OK with it. Thought that it was interesting and wanted to see where they would take it. Joe Quesada did not like it and he didn`t have to either. But if he wanted to break them apart couldn`t he have done it in a smarter, more mature way? Personally I`m not against the idea of Pete and MJ getting a divorce but Quesada didn`t like that either because it "aged the character". There`s a post One More Day issue where the Chameleon is imitating Pete and goes through his stuff for some research and finds out that Pete has a teaching job. Doesn`t having a teaching job age the character? How would I have done it? When Spidey goes to Dr Strange and is given the chance to meet the brightest minds in the Marvel universe he could get help from Dr Doom. Doom is good at both magic AND science so he shouldn`t have too much of a problem contacting Aunt May`s spirit. But in return he asks Spidey for a quid pro quo. A few days (or weeks) later Doom could steal something (or do some other illegal thing) in N.Y. Spidey arrives to stop him but Doom reminds him of their quid pro quo and Spidey remembers his promise and lets Doom go. Reporters see this, everyone in N.Y. thinks Spidey is working with Doom and Jonah Jameson is loving every minute of it. Pete and MJ go their separate ways until this whole thing blows over. Classic Spider-Man plot.
But basically: Spidey`s "deal with the devil" could be with Dr Doom, and his and MJ`s marriage shouldn`t be erased from reality. And those are my thoughts, feel free to disagree.
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