#he also has a lot of books about birds of paradise but they're more of a regular interest than a hyperfixation or spinterest
lucaswarmhotchocolate · 5 months
new headcanon: Lucius Malfoy is an autistic little freak and his special interest is bugs. He strongly believes shrimp, crabs, and other such seafood are bugs as well and refuses to eat them - not out of disgust, however, but out of respect for bugs. He collects them as well and has a few rooms in the manor dedicated to the care of insects, beetles, and other creepy crawlies that are classified as bugs.
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clairen45 · 6 years
Hey, fantastic job with your metas! I don't know if you've already posted a thorough article on what you expect or think IX will be, but I'd love to read what you have to say about the probable storyline you think is going to happen; personally, I'm having a hard time believing the Reylo arc can be completed in just another movie, let alone the arcs of the three trilogies; what would be left for the next trilogy they're already working on? What do you think? Tks again!
Dear Anon,
thank you for being so encouraging, it is always nice to hear! And thanks for the ask. It took me a little while to answer you (sorry about that) because I was wondering what I could really tell you. I usually try to avoid speculations because, well, I would not say it is my forte, I am not the best at making bets… And, honestly, there is a lot of stuff that could go whatever… BUT…. There are some things I think we can count on, and some things we may expect. And some others (not necessarily groundbreaking) that we could also see them explore or hint at, when looking at the material they have given us so far. Again, I will not bet on anything…Disclaimer, guys!
What we can count on:
Ben’s redemption (yep), last Skywalker standing, guys…. This is my final world, and I have no doubt about that. 
More Force bonds. Because they are awesome!
Reylo as endgame. So…Reylo kiss/ Reylo sex (don’t expect porn, you guys, a lot of great fanfic readers are very kindly providing that)… Probably off screen then (but a girl can dream on something tactful and romantic, the kids will be watching so obviously…)
TFA was Kylo and Rey fighting each other… TLJ is them fighting together. Episode IX should be them fighting for each other… You can’t convince me otherwise.
The MF… It has been key in the ST… Home… Bringing Ben home, or Rey and Ben leaving together at the end. Or Ben piloting the Falcon to do something important…
New saber for Rey… duh
A coup by Hux. Obviously. Rabid cur anyone? Division among the First Order.
Brace yourself: death of our heroes. One or the two of them. Litteral death of one of them, but the other resurrects it through love and use of the Force. Or symbolic death of one or the two of them, through imagery or suspense (we think they are dead but they are not). This is classic myth/fairy tale. It has to happen for them to complete their growth and journey. There is no other way around it. But it can happen many different ways… Don’t fret. I am expecting them to be alive and well at the end.
Balance of the Force… see the quotation from Journal of the Whills: grey Jedi.
Overarching theme for the saga and ST: “you win by saving what you love, not killing what you hate”/ Fairy tale morale/ Dante’s Divine Comedy… Need I say more?
What we can logically expect (as a continuation, or because they have hinted at it, or because that is what they do)
Porgs!!!! Anything with eggs, nesting… too many aviary and bird references in the ST movies and novelizations to overlook
Maz Kenata.. playing some part… or just a cameo. Or finally delivering some answer or advice…
Battles… with ships… in space. And on land… LOL
Leia’s death and/or funeral… Except if they recast her, but oh well… Han’s funeral was in the novelization for TLJ. We need a funeral anyways in the last installment. Padmé in the PT, Vader in the OT… We are bound to get a funeral in the ST. Leia seems like the logical choice. Multiple possibilities: fairly early on, and then you have Kylo trying to show up or sharing with Rey after it and it can play a part in bringing them together. Or at the end, and it is the funeral that brings the galaxy together and it helps everyone mourn their lost and loved ones. Padmé’s was the funeral that marked the end of unity, Leia’s could be the one that brings everyone together. With Rey and Kylo together behind the coffin, or putting a torch to the pyre, hand in hand, as chief mourners.
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Division in the Resistance? As a parallel to the First Order’s inner divisions? Would seem logical. I could see Poe struggle as a leader. Or Rey not being comfortable with everything about the Resistance, especially when it comes to Kylo. Rey still needs to figure out where she belongs… She belongs with Kylo. So, she might have issues finding her place in the Resistance. Just as he will not be happy with the First Order as seen by Hux.
Stormtrooper rising. They have focused more on the extra material about the human face of the Empire. See Claudia Gray’s Lost Stars, and the Junior novelization of TFA. Deleted scene of TLJ. Yes, Finn might not just be a bug in the system, it may be the first sign of more to come. Along with the division within the First Order, there may be stormtroopers rebelling and deciding between Kylo and Hux. Plus it gives Finn the chance to shine bright as the one who reaches out to dissident stormtroopers.
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Use of the Jedi texts: they can’t have been stolen for no reason.
More FinnRose.
Kylo as good leader/benevolent emperor.
A Force ghost. I wonder if we will get a ROTJ type of ending with all our ghosts gently beaming… Or if they will just pop in to comment Rey and/or Kylo’s actions. We had them in the OT obviously. Not so much in the PT where Qui-Gon could have made an appearance/apparition… It is actually weird he didn’t but maybe Liam Neeson was not interested, who knows?
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The ending should be on a lush planet. To symbolize rebirth, renewal, fertility, and the return to Paradise. And as a counterpoint to the ending of PT on Mustafar/Hell.
We might have the return of other known systems, Naboo or Mustafar, but I would really love to see Chandrila featured. It has been heavily featured in the extra material for the ST: in Last Shot, Leia Princess of Alderaan, and Aftermath series. We have seen Jakku, Rey’s birthplace, it would be logical and expected to see Chandrila, birthplace of Kylo. Also, don’t you think it eerily looks like Earth?
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A nod to Padmé is overdue. Poor Padmé. Her part was already butchered in the PT. She is vaguely alluded to in the OT… It would be nice to see her somewhere in the ST. Extra material has been alluding and hinting at her…
Someone finding about Rey and Kylo’s force bond and special relationship and being shocked. I am imagining Rose or Finn. Either they keep her secret but call her out on it. Or they betray her secret, for her own good as they see it, and that prompts Rey to dramatically choose to defend Kylo. I have a head canon on BB8 playing a part in all that (catching them during a meeting and playing the holo of their tryst, for example… LOL)
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Something that I desperately want to see but am unsure of… the overdue “I’ll come back for you sweetheart, I promise”, that is SO overdue and that is so important in the novelization of the movies, especially in the TLJ Junior version. I think I will pass out from excitement if I finally hear Kylo utter that line (which I deeply believe in).
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THAT scene from Rey’s Force vision in TFA. Because, WTF, JJ, you started that now you finish it!
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So possibly the elusive Knights of Ren?
Ok, I am sure I am forgetting some stuff. But, this is my piece for now. I hope that answers your questions. Please let me know your thoughts… Sorry it took so long! As for your question about completing it in one movie, well… @taule was telling me that she had heard people speculating they might make more… I would love it, of course, but they did say that ix was supposed to wrap up and tie in the whole Skywalker saga… Do not worry anyways,  because you can count on books, novels, comics, and animation to keep Kylo, Rey, and all their buddies alive and well for quite a while. I am predicting LOTS, TONS OF Kylo’s stuff once they are done with ix and can finally stop pretending about the redemption and survival of their character.
@raven-maiden, @toawaterfowl, @lightaroundthecorner My elves accepted to finally open one letter and get their act together to answer an anon that has been nice all year! LOL
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