#he and Jughead become quick friends and neither is seen for a week; when they come back it’s never mentioned again
Betrayal - Part Two
Pairing: Sweet Pea x Reader
Words: 2100ish
Warnings: Lying
Summary: When the reader’s past comes back to haunt her, she stands to lose everything; her friends, her boyfriend, the life she’d built for herself. With Sweet Pea refusing to talk to her, she agrees to do the one the she thought she’d never do.
Notes: The final part to my first request, thank you so much @rye128! I hope you like it!
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Read part one here
“Damn it Pea!” Toni hit out in the door one last time, followed by a swift kick and string of curse words that even had Jughead impressed.
“What’s that door ever done to you?” He smirked, watching her from his trailer, glad he wasn’t in her firing line.
“I’m not in the mood Jughead.” She huffed, the anger radiating from her as she shot him a deathly glare. “I know you’re in there SP.”
“He’s still not coming out?” Toni practically scowled as Jughead stated the obvious and again, he found himself thankful for the distance between them.
“Nobodies seen him in week.” She admitted, shoulders deflating in defeat. After the truth had come out, Sweet Pea has become secluded, locking himself away and even choosing to skip Serpent meetings as well as school. 
“He just needs some time.” The uncertainty in Jughead’s voice deceived him as he tried to convince Toni as well as himself, the situation affecting them all.
“Don’t suppose you’re seeing Betty today?” Toni looked between Sweet Pea’s trailer and a confused Jughead, an idea already forming.
“I’m about to meet her at Pop’s, why?” He asked, already wary of where this was going, the smile growing on her face only adding to his doubt.
“I have an idea.” As Jughead watched her jump on her motorcycle, ready to follow him when he left, he wondered if things were about to get a whole lot worse.
“Don’t scream.” The words Betty Cooper whispered into your ear as she ushered your into an empty class room and locked the door had you wanting to do the exact opposite of what she told you.
“Betty what the hell?” You tried to make your self seem tough as you spun around to glare at her, but the look in your eyes must have given you away as she realised her mistake. The last few weeks had not been easy on you, and even though part of you knew you deserved it, that didn’t make it feel any less lonely. You watched as she held her hands up to show she meant no harm but Toni stepped out of a storage cupboard and interrupted her.
“It’s the only way we could get you to talk to me.” You looked to the floor to hide your guilt as Toni moved closer. It wasn’t that you wanted to avoid her. You’d just assumed that she’d be angry, that she wouldn’t want to talk. After all she had been Sweet Pea’s friend first and you had lied to everyone not just him.
“Look if this is about what happened...” Your voice trailed off as you tired to think of the right words to say but you just shock your head and gave up. “I already said I’m sorry.”
“It’s not about that. Not in the way you think anyway.” The small sympathetic smile she gave you surprised you as she pushed out a chair for you to sit. You took it, watching her cautiously as she chose to sit on the table in front of you. “I need you to explain to me why you did it.”
“Why would you care anyway?” You hadn’t meant for it to come out so bitter but your tone even had you grimacing as Toni sighed in frustration.
“Because you’re my friend.” She stared at you like it was obvious, her hurt evident before her expression soften again. “And I can’t bare to see Sweet Pea like this any longer.”
“I did what I had to do.” You were trying to convince yourself more than them, even though you knew you should have just been honest from the start, the idea that you’d hurt Sweet Pea had started to become unbearable at this point.
But then the words started spilling from your mouth and you didn’t know how to make them stop. You confessed that the ghoulies has found you at your lowest point, your parents had abandoned you, your grandmother had just died and you had no where to go. They offered you a roof over your head, something to call your own and despite the fact you hated everything they stood for you saw no other way. So you’d stuck to hiding in the background, doing the bare minimum that was required of you and desperately searching for a way out. Then eventually the ghoulies had crumbled after becoming leaderless and you’d stumbled across Sweet Pea.
“I know how to fix this.” She followed her words with a determined head nod, desperate to do anything to get both her friends back.
“You do?” You wiped away the tears that had escape down your cheeks, surprised that she even wanted to help at all.
“Have you even seen the film Dusk till Dawn?” It was the first time Betty had spoken in a while, but her words didn’t make you feel at easy neither did the grin on her face.
You had seen the film.
And you definitely didn’t like where this was going. 
Sweet Pea sat at the back of the Wyrm with a scowl on his face and his fist wrapped tightly around a beer bottle. He hadn’t been out in so longer that everything seemed louder than he remembered, the music giving a headache instantly as he wondered why he even bothered coming out in the first place.
“Cheer up, it’s your birthday.” Fangs playfully punched him in the shoulder but kept his distance, scared he might hit back.
“Yeah well, I don’t feel much like celebrating.” He snarled, drawing out a long sip from his bottle. The taste of alcohol no longer making his throat burn, he’d drunk too much of it that last few weeks in hopes of blocking you out only to find the more he drunk the more he thought of you.
Fangs replied with a defeated sigh, the pair of them sitting there in silence before FP stopped the music and walked out on stage.
“So some of you may or may not know but it’s Sweet Pea’s birthday today and we have one last surprise for him.” Sweet Pea looked to his left to finds Fangs grinning, while FP waiting for the thumbs up from Toni. “Happy birthday son.”
Several cheers erupted from around the room, the loudest coming from Fangs despite Sweet Pea’s annoyance. He shot him a confused look, desperate to find out what was going on when someone hit the lights except for the one on stage as the music started to play again.
When he heard the song he felt his stomach twist into a knot. The two of you had listened to it so many times before, spending hours driving around in his truck as it blasted from the speakers.
He stood to leave, the memories too painful to bare, but then Fangs grabbed his arm, yanking him back into place as he pointed towards the stage.
You tried to step in time to the music, but your heart beat was ringing so loud in your ears you couldn’t hear much else including the boo’s that FP was desperately trying to hush.
You’d been sceptical at first, Toni and Betty explaining the plan over and over until you accepted the idea. You were determined to show that you were sorry, that you were one of them now despite your past and that you’d do anything to prove it.
You found Sweet Pea at the back of the room, and for a split second your swore your saw his eyes roam over your hands as they slowly peeled away your clothes before they snapped back up to your face.
But the one look was enough to give you the encouragement you needed as you stood there in lingerie he’d bought you months ago and moved your hips back and fore. Your back met the poll as you spun around it, the serpent part of the dance coming to an end but your routine was far from over.
Just as the second verse of the song was about to play, both Betty and Toni joined you on stage making several people around the room gasp as jaws began to drop. But it wasn’t their sudden appearance along side you that had everyone shocked. No, it was the large python they held in their hands, the same python they were now placing around your shoulders.
You squeezed your eyes shut as you drew in a shaky breath. Your hands replaced theirs as you willed your body to keep moving with the music and your eyes flew open again, drifting back to Sweet Pea as Toni’s part of the plan truly kicked in.
Sweet Pea watched in awe, his heart pounding in his chest as his mouth become dry. He could barely believe that you were doing the dance in the first place yet along walking towards him with a snake wrapped around you.
You stopped dead in front of him, eyes locked with his as you moved up and down, desperately trying to keep calm so the python stayed in place. He heard someone wolf whistle from across the room and he had to refrain himself from reach out to you in a need to show everyone you were his.
It had been a while since he’d thought of you as his, been a while since he’d wanted to. But now you stood in front of him, baring everything for everyone to see despite not knowing if it would even work, and that was something to admire.
But before he could do anything about it Toni and Betty we’re back, taking the snake with them so you could join FP back on stage.
“Well that was quite some show, huh?” FP smiled out at the crowd, their initial scepticism now replaced by cheers as he placed a hand on your shoulder. He turned to you, whispering how well you had done before wrapping your very own Serpent jacket around you, solidifying your place with them. “Give it up for Y/N.”
Betty was quick to join you back on stage, thankfully without the snake this time and as she dragged you away with her you barely had time to notice the way Toni and Sweet Pea were tucked away in a far corner, speaking in hushed tones.
“Leaving so soon?” The sound of Sweet Pea’s voice had you shivering more than the cold air ever could as you stepped out of the Wyrm and into the night.
“I was actually looking for you.” You admitted sheepishly, silence following for the next few minutes as the two of you simply stared at each other. It was the first time you’d laid eyes on him in weeks and the thought only made your heart ache more.
“That jacket looks good on you.” You watched as the corner of his lips turned up into a small smile, his eyes trailing over your leather clad arms before meeting your own again.
“Thank you.” You couldn’t help but smile back at him, your gaze dropping to the floor as your cheeks blushed red.
“I talked to Toni.” His tone became serious as he shifted from foot to foot, trying to find the best way to approach the next subject. “She told me everything... about your past.”
“I never meant to hurt you Pea, I just wanted to forget about it.” Your voice cracked as you tried to explain, desperation filling your eyes along side tears. “When I met you, I wanted you to think I was a good person. You made me want to be a better person.”
You’d wanted for so long to explain the truth to him, to finally be honest with him. As you confessed, you waited for him to tell you that he was still angry, that what you did would never be okay but he surprised you by touching a hand to your cheek. “Did you really do that dance for me?”
“My way of saying Happy Birthday.” You laughed as he grinned at you, just happy to see a sight you never thought you’d see again. “Does this mean I’m forgiven?”
“Like I could ever get the image of you with that snake out of my head.” He was smirking now, his bottom lip pulled between his teeth as his hand drifted to your hip.
“Come on, I have another present I want to give you.” You eagerly gripped at his hand, pulling him with you as you turned to leave.
“Lead the way princess.”
Sweet Pea Masterlist
Forever Taglist: @p-marie-sp
Betrayal Taglist: @ryn128 @oopsiedoopsie @eleventhdoctorsangel @fuzzy-panda
Sweet Pea Taglist: @80sand90simagine
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After The Storm - A T&T Coda, 1/3
Jughead’s perspective leading up to Betty’s goodbye.
1 . 2 . 3 . Read on AO3
It isn’t difficult to discern the look that crosses Archie’s face upon seeing his two friends together. He is quite plainly confused at the sight that greets him – a mess of sheets and pillows on the floor, Betty and Jughead, in their pajamas, emerging from said sheets and pillows together. He’d thought about leaving his shirt off before crawling out to greet his roommate but then, in a move that disappointed himself, he’d chickened out. Jughead tries not to look like a schoolboy in trouble as they stand across from each other, but he’s not sure if he pulls it off.
“Jughead and I got to know each other a lot.”
A warmth that he’s becoming quite familiar with in the face of Betty Cooper blooms in his chest as she takes a step closer to him. She’s being brave, she’s already started doing things for herself. The decision to inform Archie of the shift that’s occurred between two former strangers over the weekend, though a little forced upon her, is on her terms, because she wants to. He keeps his hand on her lower back, partly to reassure her, partly because he’s just so damn proud of her that he can’t keep himself from making contact a little selfishly.
“You… and Jughead?”
He knows that he shouldn’t be offended by the incredulity in Archie’s voice. He’s not one hundred percent certain that it’s due to her being the Betty Cooper she’d described to him, or him being the Jughead that Archie had only gotten to know a little, forming an opinion before he’d seen the whole picture. Either way he senses her wince at his tone. The comment about them barely knowing each other doesn’t sit right with him either, and he makes this much known by the snort that won’t stay inside. Jughead isn’t the one that just jetted off on vacation with a girl he’s only known for a couple of weeks. The furthest he’d travelled this weekend was to third base – the thought of Betty writhing beneath him is still so incredible that he can’t quite convince himself that he didn’t dream it anyway.
When she continues to defend their newfound thing to her childhood best friend, voice finding some more firmness as she goes, he latches onto her confidence and brings his arm up to settle around her shoulders. The slump in them when Archie attempts to bestow his reserved approval upon them is visible, and he realises then just how much of a struggle it had been for her to hold her nerve.
“You and me, like old times.”
Just like his transparent expression, Jughead doesn’t miss the sentiment behind the words. He doesn’t like that Archie is trying to stake a claim on Betty, to get her to revert back to the girl he knew and still was in his head just forty-something hours ago. Jughead feels a twinge, like the pull on a barely healed-over wound, when Betty goes over to him, tells him she still missed him. Of course, she forgives him. She’s still Betty and they’re still practically siblings so he can’t be too surprised. He’s been working for the past few years to get over the impending feeling of abandonment that seeps into his mind whenever he makes a new friend but nobody’s perfect, he knows, and he’ll still have to catch himself in these moment of doubt.
Jughead doesn’t want to be that guy while he’s working through these feelings of possessiveness that he’s trying to stamp down. Their bubble is burst and it’s time to re-join the real world, no matter how much he’s come to like it in here much more. He can see the look of disappointment on her face when he declines her offer to join them, the relief in Archie’s, and retreats to his room. She needs time on her own to see what she makes of this new side of herself she’s unlocked. He knows she capable, she just needs to put it into practice.
His foot taps irritably against the floor as he sits at his desk, not quite sure what to do with himself without Betty’s all-consuming presence. He sighs – man, is he so gone for her. He doesn’t know how the rest of his time is gonna go when she returns back to Columbia.
That’s another reason why Archie’s interruption had frustrated him. They hadn’t had a chance to discuss what they were, or rather what they were going to be once this weekend passed. Jughead knew what he wanted, he knew that whatever this was he wanted to take it further. No matter how slow that trail was he was willing to walk it. He thinks that’s what Betty wants too, but he won’t know for sure until they talk, and now he doesn’t think it’ll get to be in person. But that’s another thing he’s going to have to get used to if they choose to try and make it work.
Jughead pulls open the draw in his desk where he’d stashed all his long-abandoned art supplies and settles a blank piece of paper in front of him. His fingers itch to fill the paper with bold lines and soft shadows, his mind pulling up the pictures from his memories of Betty tucked beneath their lovingly built blanket fort.
The door slams shut and he hears them, Betty’s light and breezy voice and Archie’s boisterous laugh, come into the apartment as he’s halfway done. Jughead doesn’t think he would join them anyway, even if he was done with his comic. Loitering around them is the last thing he wants to do, and if he’s being fair Betty did come to see her friend. Even if he had been a dumbass.
Shuffling cautiously to the door, Jughead makes his way over to the sink to tackle the leftover dishes by way of distraction. It’s almost time for Betty to leave and he wants to be there for the option of talking, wants a goodbye, but doesn’t want to force himself upon her. Footsteps echo behind him, too heavy to belong to Betty.
“Hey, man,” Archie greets, leaning against the counter next to him, biceps bulging as he crosses his arms over his chest and resolutely doesn’t meet Jughead’s eye.
“Hey. Good day?” he asks with equal parts politeness and curiosity, scrubbing at invisible dirt on the completely clean plate in his hands. Archie nods, shuffling with mild discomfort.
“Yeah, yeah it was good,” he offers back, not making to give any more details. “Betty’s just packing.” A silence stretches on their neither of them know how to break. “Look, she told me about… you know, what went down.” Jughead bristles.
“Oh?” he questions with a lightness he definitely doesn’t feel. Archie nods again, and Jughead wonders briefly if the repetitive motion is another bro thing – it seems familiar.
“Yeah. I know I’m a complete ass for what I did,” he starts. Dumbass, Jughead’s brain supplies again. “And she had every right to be so mad with me, but she wasn’t. She seems happy.” Archie clears his throat. “And that’s apparently down to you, so thank you.” Jughead drops the fork he was wiping back into the bowl. He wasn’t expecting that.
“Um, you’re welcome,” he replies, but the inflection at the end of the sentence makes it sound like a question. Archie gives him an easy going smile and Jughead realises that, after his initial surprise, that’s what Archie is – just an easy going guy.
“Betty has had a rough time of it, especially in the last few months. I know she told you what happened and you didn’t make her feel… crazy. You helped, and she’s like my sister and I appreciate that.” Jughead knows his mouth is open but his body won’t tell it to close. “If you can get her to feel that good about herself in one weekend then who knows what good you could do by being together in the long run.” He claps a hand on Jughead’s shoulder, and that’s definitely a bro thing. “You’re a pretty good guy, Jug.”
Jughead laughs and ducks his head, wondering why he suddenly feels the urge to blush. “Glad you think so,” he says wryly.
“But like I said, she is like my sister and if you hurt her I’ll hurt you.” Archie pats his back a little harder than necessary, more like a thump really. Jughead winces but can understand his need to share the stereotypical sentiment. “Wanna get pizza later?”
“Sure, sounds good,” he agrees, amused by the quick shift in topic, thinking that perhaps his and Archie’s friendship might develop a little after all.
“Oh and don’t tell Betty I just did the whole ‘if you hurt her’ thing. She’d kill me,” he mutters hurriedly as they hear Betty’s door open. Underneath the joke there’s a sincerity in his wide, brown eyes that has Jughead pressing his lips together to hide a laugh. The thought of a gym rat like Archie being scared of someone as dainty as Betty is definitely entertaining.
“Not a word,” he mumbles back, slapping a sombre expression on his face just as Betty asks “Everything alright?”
Archie makes a quick exit, raising his eyebrows briefly at Jughead as he goes to signal that this is their talking time. Jughead takes a breath, turning to face Betty where she’s standing a few paces behind him, fingers twisting nervously but thankfully not clenched. With the hope in her wide, green eyes and the way her teeth are adorably worrying her lower lip, Jughead knows he isn’t going to let her go.
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mylittlebubbles · 7 years
Frozen Like Ice // Archie Andrews
Do you remember when we saw previews for riverdale and there was that scene that showed Archie frantically searching in the snow/ice? (Idk if they've shown that yet- I'm sadly VERY behind in Riverdale) but anyway, I was just wondering if you could do angsty Archie x reader based off that. Basically anything angsty where Archie is worried about reader/reader is hurt or missing or something is fine idk.Your writing is AMAZING all the love thanks ❤❤❤
I liked how this one turned out. Also thank you again for following my blog of imagines. The only reason I really started this is because I knew how it felt to wait for a request for months on end or it never happening, and I wanted to be a little different. I didn’t expect to love it and connect with people around the globe. Thank you again and enjoy this one!
‘Y/N, you’re not going and that’s final!’
I knew deep down there was something more to Jason’s murder, but Archie being a protective boyfriend, wouldn’t let me go and investigate near the lake where Jason was last seen. It had snowed heavily in the past few weeks, but it wasn’t the worst I’d seen in the past years.
‘What if you come with me? We can look together. It’ll be like…a date, but add in murder mystery to make it spontaneous.’ I suggested, which was followed by a glare from Archie.
‘Neither of us are going, Y/N. It’s too dangerous and I don’t want something to happen to you.’ He grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers together whilst we walked down the school hallway. I sighed, throwing my head back.
‘Archibald, I love you, but, I can do this. I could find something that could crack this case wide open and we can finally get answers.’ I argued, giving him a small smile that usually changes his mind.
‘No,’ he pointed at me and shook his head, ‘no “cute smile” that changes my mind, not this time. You’re not going to Sweet Water and that’s because I love you.’ I groaned, crossing my arms over my chest. ‘Don’t pout about it, alright?’
I glared at him, raising my eyebrow. ‘Whatever. Fine, I won’t go.’ I raised my hands up in surrender. He pecked my forehead, then my cheek.
‘Thank you, just this once Y/N.’ He smiled. The bell echoed throughout the hallway, making me give Archie a quick peck on the lips.
‘I’ll see you later.’ I smiled, walking away from him down the hallway.
I knew he was going to hate me for doing it, but I needed answers.
And I was going to Sweet Water River.
I shivered, the snow being so cold and frozen. I trudged my way through the woods, looking around to see anything that could help us in the case. I knew I was completely going against Archie by doing this, but I needed to know and I wouldn’t stop till I found something.
I was sitting in Pop’s with Jughead, Betty and Ronnie, waiting for Y/N to show up. She promised that she would make it tonight. I checked the time on my phone, sighing in annoyance since she was 20 minutes late.
‘Archie, relax,’ Betty spoke up, ‘she’ll be here. Maybe she got caught up with her parents or school work?’
‘No, she’s done all of her homework and her parents know we come here every Friday night…something not right about this.’ I sat back further in the booth, feeling the frustration building up of where she could be.
‘Did she say anything else to you today that could suggest something else?’ Jughead asked, taking a bite of his burger.
My eyes widened, a light bulb going off in my head. ‘She went against what I said…’ I muttered, putting my letterman back on and standing up.
‘What? Archie, what is it?’ Ronnie asked, standing up with me.
‘She’s gone looking for clues at Sweet Water. Guys – she could be in serious trouble…’ I panicked, walking towards the exit of Pop’s.
‘Wait – we’re coming with you!’ Betty called out, my three friends following me.
Y/N, you just can’t help yourself, can you?
Y/N’s P.O.V
I ducked under another fallen tree, almost finding the place where Jason was last scene by Cheryl near the river. I looked around, seeing it was slowly starting to become dark. Okay, Y/N, 10 minutes then you go to Pop’s and play off that you didn’t completely disregard your boyfriend and went searching on your own accord, even though he told you no.
I squinted my eyes at one of the trees, seeing something carved into it. I moved closer near the tree which was just on the edge of the river, standing on one of the visible roots to see it clearer. I panted a little, looking up at the carving to see the initials on the tree being “J.B ❤ P.C”. I chuckled, nodding my head. I knew he loved her.
I heard a loud bang as I turned my head of where the noise came from as I felt my balance go, falling backwards into the snow behind me, little knowing it was apart of the river behind me. I let out and ear piercing scream, feeling the impact of the cold, icy water. The cold water made me instantly numb, no feeling in the bottom half of my body. 
I recognised that voice, and I knew I was in trouble now, but I needed him. ‘Archie!’ I screamed, feeling body sinking through the snow into the cold water below it. ‘Archie!’ I screamed louder, feeling my voice crack.
I could feel my body sinking further, finding nothing to grab hold of to pull me up. ‘Archie! Help!’
‘I’m coming! Just hold on!’ Archie exclaimed, desperation in his voice. My teeth chattered, feeling my hands beginning to shake. I was going to drown. This was it.
‘Y/N! Where are you?!’ Archie called out, closer then before.
‘I’m here! Arch! I’m sinking, I can’t pull myself up!’ I felt the snow starting to slowly cave in on me, blocking me from any view of Archie being able to find me. ‘The snows caving in, Archie!’
‘Where are you!?’ He repeated again.
‘Near the tree…near the river!’ I called out as loud as I could, feeling my body slowly starting to shut down from the cold water.
I could hear the steps coming closer and stopping, before I could see Archie digging his way through the snow. He looked down frantically at me, grabbing me by the jacket, hooking his arms underneath mine, pulling me up and out of the water. ‘It’s alright babe, I’ve got you…’ He mumbled, pulling me towards his chest, making sure I was completely out.
I was shivering and hyperventilating of the fear I was going to drown. Archie wrapped his letterman jacket around me, trying to keep me warm as he picked me up bridal style, holding me close to his chest.
‘It’s okay, you’re okay…’ Archie muttered more so to himself as he walked past Jug, Ronnie and Betty. Betty’s hand flew to her mouth in shock of my state. Was I that bad?
‘We gotta get her to a hospital, Arch.’ Ronnie stared down at me, not looking anywhere else.
‘We can’t, she’ll get questioned why she was out here in the first place. We’ll take her to my house.’
I felt my eyes drooping shut, feeling darkness consume my sights before I could hear another word.
I opened my eyes to no longer feeling cold or wet, but warm and safe. I looked around my surroundings to see it was Archie’s room and I was laying on his bed. I looked up to see him sitting at the edge of the bed, looking at me with worry.
‘Before you look at me like that, I wanna make you feel better by saying you where right and I was wrong…I’m sorry that I went behind your back. I just – I finally got the answer I wanted though. He loved her, Arch.’ I whispered. He moved closer to me, leaning down and kissing my slightly cold lips. I smiled, resting my hand on his cheek. I pulled away, resting my head against his. ‘Can you yell at me tomorrow? Please?’
‘Okay.’ He answered, laying down next to me as he hugged me into his chest, running his fingers through my hair as I felt my eyes close once more, feeling safe in the arms of my protective boyfriend.
Tags: @sweetvengeancee @sweetwater-cheryl @sunshine51879 @phanofmydreams @mrsjugheadjonesthethird @shootingstarsaretearsofheaven @mistaken-destiny @doctorwhoandrory 
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simplyleez · 7 years
How deep is your love? - Jarchie
Jughead and Archie pretend to be dating while in college (university) but their feelings for each other are very, very real.
Written for @jarchie-shipweek for days Tuesday (College AU) and Wednesday (Fake Relationship). 
Title from ‘How deep is your love?’ by Calvin Harris. 
It’s their second year of College. They’re living in shared housing with the people that were their flat mates in the first year, Jughead didn’t see the need to change the people and Archie couldn’t be bothered, sure it would have been nice to live together but they still see each other almost every day. Jughead’s studying a course in Film while Archie’s doing a joint honours degree in Music Technology and Music Performance. They’re happy because they’re doing what they love, plus they finally got out of Riverdale.
 It’s not that they hate the town, okay it’s problematic along with the whole population, but they’re in a bigger city now with more people and better opportunities. Jughead works part time at a local coffee shop, not matter how cliche it is it still has good pay, and Archie plays some nights at small bars. So, life’s great and happy. Except there’s this thing, this unspoken thing that neither of them talk about. The thing that when they’re drunk and alone it’s dangerous in that they’ll ruin what they have, it ruins their friendship.
 Those late nights of heavy make out sessions and wandering hands that stop before it becomes too serious. They don’t speak about it, and try not to think about it until the next time it happens, then they ignore each other for a few days then they’re back to being best friends until next time. There’s always a next time because College is filled with parties and drinking, and maybe there is something there, something deeper than just physical attraction. But neither is very willing to face it. Not yet at least.
 “Man come on you’ve never had a girlfriend?” Jughead’s roommate, Mark, sounds shocked but honestly he’s just being sarcastic, he’s known Jughead for just over a year now due to them living together in first year. “Like that’s a fucking revelation,” Jughead snickers, despite their differences, Mark taking Psychology and being a health nut, they actually get along quite well, their sense of humour is fairly similar too. “So, why?” At the question Jughead wants to die.
 He’s never being comfortable with his sexuality or anything. He usually just tells people he’s gay and leave it at that but it’s far deeper than that, he only admits to himself that, yes he’s homoromantic, but he’s asexual. Plus he still doesn’t know Mark well enough to tell him that he has no sexual attraction so opts for the easy way out, “I’m gay Mark.” The other just looks at him, eyes searching Jughead’s face to see if he’s joking or it’s serious and, yeah, it’s serious. “Shit dude, I didn’t know, sorry.” Mark’s apology is sincere and almost makes Jughead laugh, it makes him want to tell him that he doesn’t need to be sorry.
 “Well, you know I still love you dude.” It’s a complete ‘bro dude’ gesture but Jughead appreciates it. Mark checks the clock on the wall and groans, “suppose I should be getting to my lecture now then, although I think death would be a prefered alternative.” Jughead just laughs in response as he watches Mark gather his things into his backpack, all the while keeping the conversation flowing asking “so, you got a boyfriend then?” It’s casual and in the same tone as before, quite playful.
 Jughead’s laugh is lighter than before but he’s smiling when he sarcastically responds, “yeah sure.” He’s sure that’s the last of it but doesn’t expect for Mark to verbally corner him that night asking who his boyfriend is. “I won’t take no for an answer either, I need to know, I promise I won’t tell a soul if you don’t want me to.” Mark is insistent as he lounges on Jughead’s bed, Jughead himself is sitting on his desk with his feet resting on the chair.
 “Dude, I don’t-” He’s cut off quickly by Mark, “I don’t want any excuses I just want a name and I will let you be, I’ll leave you in peace.” Jughead sighs, resting his elbows on his knees and his hands covering his face, he knows there’s only one man that will pretend to be his boyfriend 100% because they’re like that, they’d do anything for each other but, god, does it make him think about all those things they’ve done. “Archie.” And it’s done. Too late to go back.
 “You mean the ginger music guy who you go home with for Christmas and summer?” Jughead’s not sure if it’s a rhetorical question but nods anyway, moving his hands from his face and he just knows that he’s blushing. “Man, he always seemed like, you know, a ladies man to me,” Mark adds, it kind of frustrates Jughead but he knows that he doesn’t know Archie like he does nor does he really want him too because he wants Archie all for himself.
 Yeah, shit, he may or may not have a huge school kid crush on Archie and now have to own up that he’s dropped him in it as his pretend boyfriend. “Ha, yeah, no.” Jughead jumbles a response, not wanting to really out his bisexual friend because that’s his life and really he should probably go see said best friend about this situation he’s gotten them into. So, he jumps up and grabs a hoodie that’s been discarded on the floor and puts it on.
 “Hey, woah dude, where are you going?” Mark quickly asks, Jughead’s certain that his friend is panicking that he’s crossed the line. “Chill Mark. I’m going to Archie’s, okay?” Jughead flushes slightly at the possible implications of the sentence, Mark just nods and smiles back at him. Jughead’s out of their house as quick as possible, fishing his phone out of his pocket and ringing the redhead.
 “Jughead? Why the hell are you calling me?” Archie’s voice sounds slightly worried but also laced with sleep, Jughead would bet money that he just woke Archie up from a nap. “Um, is it okay if I come over? I kind of want to talk to you,” Jughead’s voice is quiet and it wavers slightly, he turns the corner at the end of his block, Archie’s house is only a few streets away so it won’t take him long. “Okay, alright. I’m in the house alone right now, most of the guys have gone home for the weekend and James has gone on a date so just let yourself in man.” Jughead hangs up after uttering a quick ‘bye’, then putting his phone away again.
 Archie opens the door after the third knock, even though he was told to let himself in it doesn’t feel right, his hair is ruffled as are his clothes, and he gestures for Jughead to come inside. The brunet moves past Archie, making his way into the living room and Archie follows him, even sitting right next to him of the couch. “Jughead you’re kind of scaring me right now, what did you want to talk about?” Archie’s voice only raised in concern, his body leaning towards Jughead in an attempt to maybe prompt the latter into talking.
 “Okay, so I may or may not have accidently came out as gay to Mark then accidentally told him you’re my totally legit boyfriend, so, yeah that.” Jughead waits maybe for Archie to get mad at him or tell him off or something but he doesn’t. “So you want me to be your pretend boyfriend or are you going to own up to Mark?” Archie asked, yeah they were the only two logically feasible options he could pick from now, but honestly the first one didn’t sound all that bad.
 “Will you be my pretend boyfriend? Just for a couple of weeks then we can like, I don’t know, have a calm break up and pretend to go back to being just friends.” Jughead suggested, hoping to convince the redhead that it won’t be a long term thing (unless for some god forsaken reason he’d want to but that might just break Jughead’s heart). “Okay, I guess. But just be warned breakups are never easy, fake or not.” Archie laughed, lightening the tone slightly, but Jughead’s heart is still pounding, he knew exactly why but couldn’t stop the rush of affection he felt at being seen as Archie’s boyfriend.
 Maybe it’s easier than Jughead thinks. It becomes second nature to grab Archie’s hand whenever they’re close enough, and kiss his cheek when then pass, and call him ‘babe’ in the middle of a conversation. But, god, it’s not enough for him. He wants those stupid, long, lazy makeouts minus the alcohol so he can actually remember the feel and taste of the other’s lips in the morning, he wants to sleep next to him, and he wants it to be oh so real. It isn’t though. It’s all fake, just a lie, that they keep up outside (especially around Mark) but behind closed doors they’re the same, just Archie and Jughead, two bros that are just best friends.
 Jughead really wants to own up, he feels like he���s being fake to Archie as well as the whole College population who seem them. So he corners Archie in the lounge area between the computer suits and the English rooms on a Friday afternoon, Jughead’s just been waiting for Archie’s lecture to finish then texted him to meet him. “Hey, babe.” Archie approaches him, he’s conscious of his words because the people in his class are still meandering about. “Arch we need to talk about us, or at least I need to talk and you need to shut your mouth and listen.” Jughead pulls him down into the seat next to him by his hand, their fingers automatically interlace and stay there resting on their shared armrest.
 “I guess I should thank you for all this, you know, pretending to be my boyfriend for these past few weeks but I just,” he sighs, almost sounding defeated and unsure of what to say next, Archie inputs his assumption though, “do you want to break it off now?” And Jughead is certain he hears disappointment in his voice, and no he doesn’t want to break this off. “Not really, I mean kind of but,” he paused to sigh, collecting his jumbled thoughts as he stroked to back of Archie’s knuckles with his fingers, “I really, genuinely like you and not just in a friend way, I know I’m going to sound so fucking cliche but I like like you Archie.”
 It feels like a relief to get that off his chest but it’s quickly replaced by panic because Archie is deadly silent, this could be the part where Jughead not only loses this fake relationship but he could lose his friendship too. “Oh, I didn’t realise, I just, I mean, I-” Archie stumbles through an incoherent sentence which Jughead can’t help but smile at, “I like you like that too Jughead, I think I always have.”
 Jughead’s sure this is how he dies. He never thought Archie would return his feelings because, well, he doesn’t quite have a reason for it but because it’s him. “I should take you out,” Jughead blurts out, his mind racing as Archie’s hand is in his for real and his heart is pounding, Archie laughs lightly at the comment and waits for him to continue. “I mean like a date, a real one though,” Jughead explains and Archie nods his head, “yeah I’d like that a lot.”
 They stay silent for a few minutes, the world still moving around them as they can hear students moving and talking in rooms near them. “Can I kiss you? You know for real,” Archie asks, turning his body in the chair to face the other. Jughead just smiles, uttering a quick ‘yes’ before holding Archie’s cheeks with both hands and drawing him in for a kiss. Archie makes a noise, possibly of complaint or of enjoyment Jughead can’t tell, then cups one of Jughead’s hands on his face and his other goes to his neck.
 It goes no further than that, you know public indecency and all that, so they get up and make their way out of the front doors. The walk home is anything but silent, they’re making plans about their first real date while their hands swing loosely back and forth between them. And it’s all real. Neither of them can quite comprehend it, that what they have now is actually very real and not fake at all. It’s for them not for anyone else, not to prove anything, but because they like like each other, it may be a bit soon to call it love but when Archie tells him that he loves him on their one month anniversary then it’s time.
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Operation Cobra-Jughead Jones
Pairing: Jughead x reader Description: reader is in love with Jughead. Jughead is with Betty. Warnings: SAD SAD SAD ANGST I’m on my way to the hospital to take my mom and I was feeling this after seeing a spoiler from 1x06 sigh THIS HAS 4,274 WORDS AND IT TOOK ME FOUR DAYS CAN YOU BELIEVE —————————
I watched it happen from the very beginning. I noticed the very first time Jughead looked at her differently, the very first time he blushed when she complimented him, the very first time Jughead showed signs of jealousy when Trevor had asked her out. I watched it all unfold from the very beginning. When Jughead told me he and Betty kissed, I did my best to be the extremely supportive best friend, convincing him to show the pretty blonde he was interested in her. When he did, I helped him plan the entire date out, from where to when, to picking his outfit out for him since he was absolutely helpless when it came to dating. I smoothed out the shoulders of his shirt, fixed his beanie, and sent him on his way.
That night, when he came back to my house to replay all the highlights of his date, he had a smile on his face almost the entire time. It was something I had only seen a handful of times, so even though my heart was breaking, I was still happy that something made him smile this big, even if it wasn’t with me. When Jughead and Betty started dating, I began to slowly lose my best friend. He and Betty were always going together on the “super sleuth” cases, and I was hardly ever invited despite being the graphic designer and editor for The Blue and Gold. It didn’t bother me though, because I figured I would just see Jughead at Pop’s. I was wrong.
Jughead and Betty liked their alone time. They hardly ever invited us to hang out with them, and when we did, the rest of us felt like we were intruding. If I did have any alone time with Jug, his nose was in his phone, texting Betty the whole time. As supportive as I tried to be for the both of them, I was tired of pretending. All I ever did was pretend.
I walked in to the blue and gold after school, the room vacant. Jughead had probably waited for Betty outside of her history class so they could walk together to the newsroom; he used to do that with me all the time. I sighed, sitting down at one of the seats in the room and pulling out my laptop. I set it on the desk and began designing the cover for this week’s newspaper.
Eventually, Jughead and Betty showed up, not even noticing I had been in the room. They were chatting about something, both blushing and bumping each other playfully. I mentally rolled my eyes and kept my nose in my laptop, not wanting to watch them be all lovey-dovey or whatever. A minute passed, which turned in to five, and then ten, and then fifteen, and by this time I was beyond upset. Neither had said a word to me at all.
I finished the designs for the paper and quietly closed my laptop, zipping open my bag and stuffing it in before lifting it over my shoulder. I stood up, my chair emitting a sharp noise as the heel of the object scraped against the old tile floor. Jughead and Betty’s heads turned at the sound, watching me push my chair back in.
“Oh my gosh, y/n! When did you come in?” Betty asked. I know she didn’t mean it in a rude way whatsoever, she was one of my best friends, but it angered me. Deciding to keep my anger bottled in, I acted like I didn’t hear her, making my way towards the door of the classroom. I walked out, making my way down the hall.
“Y/n! Wait!” Jughead called my name, and a hand grabbed my shoulder, turning me around.
“What’s wrong?” Jughead inquired, his hand sliding down my arm to go to my wrist. I yanked my body back lightly, looking at him in surprise and disgust.
“What’s wrong?” I repeated, my tone of voice obviously showing signs of outrage at this point. “Jughead, if you don’t know what’s wrong right now, then I guess we aren’t as close as I thought we were.” I turned away from him, walking down the hallway again.
Jughead grabbed my shoulder again, turning me and grabbing my hand. “Don’t say that.” Jughead spoke softly, his jaw clenching.
“Really? Jughead, you did not notice I was in the room for fifteen minutes! You did not become aware of my presence in the slightest! And that isn’t even the first time!” I screamed, shoving him away from me harshly. Jughead stumbled back, frozen in shock by what I had just done.
“You don’t even care about me anymore! I don’t even exist to you!” My fingers dug in to my palms as I yelled at him.
“So yeah, we aren’t as close as I thought we were. In fact, I’ve never been farther apart from you.” I turned, walking away again.
“y/n!" Jughead called my name and I stopped.
"Don’t, Jughead.” I cut him off, turning to face him one more time. “For somebody who claims to be an amazing observer, you sure are pretty damn oblivious.” I walked down the hallway of the empty school, turning a corner and making my way home.
It was 5:39 when my phone rang, interrupting me from my moping over Jughead and Betty. I had stayed home from school the past few days, blaming it on how “sick” I had been feeling, which was bullshit, but only I knew it was bullshit. Or so I thought.
“Hey Ronnie.” I answered the phone.” Now’s not a good time- “
“Too fucking bad, princess. Get your ass up, I’m here.” I heard a knock at my door downstairs and Veronica hung up. I grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around me, rubbing at my nose a bit to make it look red and grabbed a box of tissues. I wadded a couple up and threw them in the trash so my fake sick story would still be believable.
I padded downstairs slowly, hearing the incessant knocking and ringing of my doorbell. I took a deep breath before answering the door. There stood one of my best friends, hands on her hips and an irritated look on her face.
“Alright, time to stop moping and start moving on.” The black-haired girl stepped in to my house, closing the door and pointing upstairs.
“Who said I was moping?” I fired back, dragging myself up the stairs.
“Oh, come on y/n! You may be able to fool Archie, Betty, Jughead, and the rest of the entire world, but you can’t fool me. I know you aren’t sick, I know you and Jughead fought, I know you like Jughead. Its written all over you!” Veronica flung open the door to my room and marched to my closet, digging through it like a wild dog.” It’s kinda sick, actually. You look at him with literal heart eyes.Honestly, I would have gone for somebody a little more chiseled, but hey, we all got our own kinks- “
“Ronnie.” I cut off her incessant rambling, “Why are you knee-deep in my clothes?”
“Because, sweetheart.” Ronnie stuck her head out of my closet.” There’s a party tonight, and Jughead and my future wife are going, and we are going to show those two idiots who they really belong with.” Ronnie went back in to my closet, holding up numerous amounts of dresses, skirts, and eye-catching tops.
“Jughead is going to a party?” I queried, unconvinced.
“Yeah, it’s a thing with the cheerleaders at Cheryl’s, an Jughead is going to be the ‘supportive boyfriend’ or whatever.” Veronica scoffed at her own words, adding mocking quotations with her fingers before going back to digging in my closet.
“They’re probably going for more clues about Jason.” I mumbled, my mind drifting away a bit.
“For someone who only wears like, 4 outfits, you sure do have a lot of clothes.” Ronnie commented, pulling out a dress and examining it before hanging it back up.
“My mom tries.” I sighed, flopping back down on the bed.
“Oh, no you don’t. Get your happy ass up and get in the shower. You look terrible, which is weird for me, because you usually look incredibly fuckable.”
“Wow, thanks Ronnie.” I spat back, sarcasm laced in my tone. I got up and grabbed a towel from my drawer, walking in to my bathroom and taking a quick shower. I shaved my legs, as demanded instructed by my friend, and Ronnie did my makeup and hair, curling it and putting it up in a pretty half-do. I admired Ronnie’s work, hardly even being able to connect this me with the person that sat in my bed this morning, dark circles under her eyes and her hair in a knotty bun. She had also found a long sleeved black dress that came down to my knees, tucked away in my closet somewhere
Ronnie had brought over a dress for herself to change in to, and slipped on her shoes. She looked up and our eyes met in the mirror, a distressed look on my face.
“Listen, tonight is for us, okay?” Ronnie rested her hand on my shoulders, turning my chair so I faced her.” I’ve been sitting around and moping too, trust me, but we shouldn’t mope. We deserve so much better, alright? So, let’s just go out and have fun. We deserve that much, alright?” Ronnie held out her hand and I took it, pulling myself up and letting my arms go around her neck to embrace her. We both grabbed our purses and linked arms before walking down the stairs of my house and out my door. -------------------------------------------------------- “Ronnie, I don’t think I can do this.” I stood at the front door of the house, my heart racing.” I really can’t do this.” I turned away from the building, wringing my hands out in front of me.” I’ve been doing it for so long, and I don’t think I can pretend any more, and- “
“Y/n!” Ronnie grabbed my hands, holing them in between hers.” You can do this, ok? You’re y/n freaking l/n!! You are one of the strongest women I know, and you are fierce! You can’t let Jughead, or Betty, or anyone get to you! Don’t let them ruin your moment, ok? Because you are looking hot as hell- “Ronnie lifted one of my hands, twirling me in front of her, and I giggled- “And I’ll be damned if I let you let them mess with that.” I hugged Ronnie tightly before she linked my arm with hers and we walked in to the Blossom mansion.
The music wasn’t too loud, which was a kind gesture for my sensitive ears. Cheryl had already roped together some kids for a game of spin the bottle, and I had spotted Archie, Betty, and Jughead near a corner of the room. Ronnie had already gotten me away from the sight, pulling me to the kitchen. I only grabbed a bottle of sweet tea, ignoring the alcohol that lined the counter. Veronica did as well, unsurprisingly. Veronica was a very old-school classy person. If she did drink, it was usually only one glass, and something very light, as I had found out one night that I had slept over at her house.
“There’s my girls!” Kevin wrapped each arm around Veronica and I’s shoulders. “Operation ‘avoid Jughead and Betty because they’re little whores who have been ignoring us to suck each other’s faces’ has commenced!” I laughed at Kevin, giving him a weird look for the name he had chosen.
“Lets just call it Operation Cobra, you know, for short.” Veronica suggested.The three of us made our way to the middle of the dance floor ignoring our other friends. It was obvious Veronica was laughing and talking at a bit of a higher volume, as well as being extra touchy and flirty to get the attention of our friends. I didn’t so much as glance at Jughead, because I knew that once I did, it was game over, and I would be running home and hiding under my covers. After a little while, I went to find a quiet place in the house, wanting to be alone. Parties weren’t really my thing, so I didn’t understand why I even agreed to go, but to be fair I was having a nice time
I sat on Cheryl’s back porch, my legs swinging off the edge as I looked out at her backyard. The graveyard with all her relatives didn’t really help boost my happiness, but at least I had gotten away from the incessant bass drops the music was giving off.
“Thought you were sick.” I turned my head to see Jughead leaning against the wall, legs and arms both crossed. My heart started beating wildly and I felt a lump in my throat.
“Thought you didn’t like parties.” I retorted, turning my head back around to face away from him.
“Touché.” I felt Jughead’s presence as he sat down next to me, our thighs brushing together. For a couple minutes, I didn’t say anything, scared that if I did I would burst in to tears.
“You look really, uh, nice tonight.” Jughead looked me up and down and I raised an eyebrow.
“I mean, not that you don’t look nice all the time, because you do.” Jughead scratched the back of his neck.” Because you know, you’re really beautiful, but you already know that I think that, because you know, you’re my best friend, and uh… yeah.” Jughead looked away
“You know, I’m not a mind reader.” Jughead chuckled lightly. I could see him staring at me out of the corner of my eye. I did my best to ignore him, crossing my arms and keeping my gaze away from his.
“Look- “Jughead gulped audibly, hesitating before lifting his hand and resting it on my shoulder.” I don’t know what’s going through your head right now, or what you’re dealing with, but I’m here for you- “
“Really? Are you really “here for me?” I shrugged his hand off my shoulder, moving to stand up. I was furious at this point.” Jughead, I have talked to you maybe a handful of times since you and Betty started dating! You have cancelled every single one of our plans since then! Every time we’re together working on the blue and gold, you and Betty hardly even notice I’m in the room! – “
My hands went to my temples as I slowly paced back and forth on the deck of the porch. Jughead now stood in front of me, one hand shoved in the pocket of his jeans and the other running his hand down his face in a frustrated motion.
“And maybe I wouldn’t have been so angry about it, if you would have at least showed any sort of remorse, but you don’t! You don’t apologize, you don’t even text me in advance to let me know, you keep me sitting at Pop’s for hours, and you never even show up! I don’t even know why I still do it? What’s the point?” I began to walk past him but jughead held his arm out, stopping me from leaving. His hand grabbed my hip, turning me to face him.
“I’m sorry, y/n, I really am- “
“No you aren’t, Jughead! You aren’t sorry!” I pushed him away from me.” You aren’t sorry! If you were really ‘sorry’, you would have been there for me! You wouldn’t have skipped out on our plans! You wouldn’t have left me waiting all the time! Or you would have at least texted me to tell me you wouldn’t make it! Or even apologize!” I shoved my index finger against his chest, pushing him away from me once more.” But you don’t! You don’t apologize, or even feel any remorse about it, because all you care about is yourself! You don’t care about the consequences of the choices you make, because it doesn’t hurt you!” I screamed, tears streaming down my face as I ended my rant. Jughead had a shocked face on his look, as if he was surprised that I had just stood up for myself. I couldn’t blame him. All I ever did was let people use me as their personal door mat. I didn’t want to be that person anymore.
“Y/n, I’m sorry, I do care about you, it’s just, I- “
“Save it, Jughead!” I shoved past him, running back in to the house and out the front door. I heard calls from my best friend and turned around to see Veronica and Kevin.
“Hey, hey, hey.” Veronica stood in front of me, blocking me from walking down the path towards the gate to leave Cheryl’s home. Her hands wrapped around my arms, stopping me from moving.” What’s wrong, what happened?”
“What do you think happened, Ronnie?” I spoke loudly, my hands moving wildly in front of me.” Jughead is an idiot! That’s what happened!” Kevin now stood beside Ronnie, and her hands went to my face, wiping away the tears. “I’m in love with a fucking idiot! That’s what happened!”
“I know sweetheart, I know.” Veronica hugged me tightly.
“He doesn’t care, Ronnie. He doesn’t care. He doesn’t care that he hurt me, or anything. It doesn’t matter.” I moved to look at her again.” Why do I have to be in love with him? It could have been anybody else! Why him?”
“I don’t know, honey, he’s a jerk, I don’t know why he- “Ronnie cut herself off, staring off behind me. I turned around to see Jughead standing ten feet away, arms at his sides and his lips parted slightly.
“Did you say you’re in love with me?” Jughead looked at me with wide eyes, waiting for an answer. I shook my head, diving between Ronnie and Kevin and running towards the gate. Jughead began to follow me, but Kevin and Ronnie held him back, letting me slip away. -------------------------------------------------- I was halfway down the trek to my house when I passed by the Riverdale park. I sighed, steering off the sidewalk and towards the big dome-shaped jungle gym. I was just going to mope at home anyways, so I wasn’t in a hurry to get there.
I dropped my heels to the ground next to me, swinging my purse over my shoulder and climbing up to the top. I sat down in the middle, the solid platform cold against my skin. I didn’t care though. I pulled out my phone, ignoring any notifications I had. I checked Instagram, scrolling through Jughead’s account. I switched over to Betty’s, seeing multiple photos of her and Jughead. I didn’t exactly know why I was forcing myself to look at these, but I was.
I shut my phone off, wrapping my arms around my body. I hadn’t brought a jacket, another thing to beat myself up over. I looked around the park, my eyes eventually catching someone else’s. Jughead.
“What are you doing up there?” Jughead looked up at me, his hands in his pockets.
“I like it up here.” I defended.
“Can you come down?” Jughead asked me.
“No.” I protested.
“Then I’m coming up.” Jughead sighed, beginning to climb the structure. I scrambled to grab my purse, trying to get off as fast as I could, but it was too late. Jughead had climbed up, grabbing the bars on each side of my body and hovering so my lower body was trapped under his. He looked up at me, his chest heaving from climbing up as fast as he could, mixed with the sting of the cold weather. Our breaths could be seen in the winter air, mixing with each other and disappearing. I stared at Jughead, waiting for him to say something.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Oh yeah, hold on. Let me ruin my closest friendship real quick by telling him I have super hardcore feelings for him when he’s dating someone else!” I spat sarcastically.
“Ok, that’s fair.”
“Whatever, Jughead, just let me out.” I started to shuffle under his body, planning to duck under his arm, but he blocked me, climbing farther up. We were now eye level, his face only inches from mine. Jughead stared at me, not saying anything.
“Are you gonna say something?” I asked him, my eyes flickering between his.
“I don’t know what to say.” Jughead admitted. I rolled my eyes, pushing him so I could get out from under him. Apparently, I had pushed too hard, because next thing I knew, the boy lost his balance, stumbling off the bars and falling in to the grass on his back. I gasped, shouting his name before climbing down quickly and jumping off the last few bars.
“Jughead! Are you ok!” Jughead groaned in response, sitting up and rubbing his head. I dropped on to my knees beside him, my shoulders on his hands.
“Peachy.” He answered sarcastically. I rolled my eyes, standing up and brushing the dirt off my dress.
“Whatever, I’m going home- “
“Did you know Veronica liked Betty?” I spun around, looking at Jughead.
“Well, I didn’t.” Jughead sighed, standing up. “And Veronica told her. Turns out, a big part of the reason Betty was dating me was to try and get over her, and convince herself she wasn’t gay. When Ronnie told her, she broke it off with me.” Jughead chuckled half-heartedly.
“Jug, I’m sorry.” Sympathy was laced in my voice. I stepped back toward him, patting his shoulder with my hand.
“It’s ok, really. I was dating her for kind of the same reason as well.” Jughead looked up at me, his eyes locking with mine.” You see, there’s this girl that I really like, and she’s been my best friend for quite a while.” My breath hitched in my throat, my hand leaving Jughead’s shoulder.” I’ve been kind of a shit friend to her, and I haven’t really been hanging out with her, more like avoiding her. It’s a really shitty thing to do, and I feel, like, really, really shitty about it.”
“Jughead, I, I can’t...” I turned back towards the dome jungle gym, walking towards my shoes. I felt Jughead’s hand on my shoulder and then my back was against the monkey bars, my body trapped by Jughead’s.
“I didn’t want to lose you.” Jughead admitted.” You’re everything to me, and I don’t know what I would do without you in my life. When I started dating Betty, I thought it would help me get over you, and then I could stop feeling the way I felt.” Jughead looked me in the eyes, his face no more than a few inches away from mine once again.” I watched what happened to my parents, and yours. They were just like us. They were best friends, and…” Jughead hung his head, cutting off his own words.
“Jughead.” I reached my hands up to cup his face, lifting his head to look at me.” We aren’t our parents, ok?” My thumb brushed against his cheek, wiping away the tear that had fallen down his face. Jughead smiled, his eyes flickering down to my lips, and mine doing the same.
“I’m in love with you.”
“I’m in love with you too.” I laughed lightly, my arms wrapping around his neck. Jughead’s arms went to my waist, pulling me flush in to his body before he pressed his lips to mine. I sighed in to the kiss, feeling relief that Jughead felt the same way about me as I did him.
Jughead bit gently at my bottom lip, pulling it between his teeth as he broke the kiss. I giggled, burying my face in to the crook of Jughead’s neck. ----------------------------------------------------- “I see my work did some justice.” I heard Ronnie call out. Jughead and I turned around on the sidewalk we had been on to see our friends.
“We have been looking everywhere for you guys! Where were you!” Archie called out, jogging towards us.
“Oh, you know, climbing jungle gyms, pushing Jughead off them, the usual.” I joked, looking up at Jughead. He smiled, rolling his eyes. Ronnie and Betty walked up to us, hands held together.
“Hey, nothings gonna be… awkward, right?” Betty asked, looking at Jughead and I.
“No, Betts, everything’s good.” Jughead looked down at me, squeezing my hand.
“Ok, good.” Betty rested her hand on Jughead’s shoulder giving it a friendly squeeze before dropping it.
“Wait, so, you two?” Archie asked, looking at Ronnie and Betty, who nodded.
“And you two?” Archie looked at Jughead and I. Jughead nodded and I blushed, hiding in his side. Jughead wrapped an arm around my waist, leaning down and pressing a kiss to the top of my head.
“Honestly, I’m not surprised.” Kevin shrugged, walking towards us.
“Hey, we’re all heading to Pop’s, you coming?” Archie asked Jug and I.
“Archibald Andrews, do you ever think I would turn down a burger and fries from our ever so famous chock-lit shoppe?” I put a hand over my chest in mock offense.
“Of course you and Jughead are together, why was I even surprised.” Archie rolled his eyes, walking away from us.
“That obvious, huh?” Jughead spoke aloud, looking down at me.
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