#he called them zoobie I will never get over that
undeaddrabble · 1 month
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Abstrabbit nation we're so back
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rrgupta · 4 years
The Decade.... What's the decade 2010 to 2019 called? That's the first question I had when I tried to review this ... Guess what.. No name! The last century this decade was called the "Teens", but this  name never caught on this century.  Gen Y or the Millennials are now getting middle aged (sorry guys!). And the Gen Z guys are now also  voters, so that's just for starters and context....! First, let me start with the "world view" , which is what a world class reviewer should do, right!? World peace, the one thing all beauty queens wish for was NOT acchieved. Despite the complete end to communism, peace is as elusive as moksha .. Wait, they mean the same, don't they??!! Anyways, the war on terrorism continues. Iraq and Taliban gave way to The ISIS or Daesh this decade, and that too was eradicated. Libyan Gaddafi was finished , but Syria, Yemen conflict and tensions remain. North Korea and Iran fortunately haven't attacked USA (or vice versa!) .  With peace "non achieved", I think poverty is under control... The miss world beauties got 50% of their wishes!  In the last 10 years famine and draught have not been in the news. Natural disasters I think the worst was right in the beginning of the decade ... The earthquake in Haiti, where more than 300,000 people died. Closer to home,  the Uttarakhand deluge in 2013 and the Kashmir floods in 2014 are the worst that come to mind ... Probably because in both, close friends and relatives had a narrow escape.   Leaving India aside, the biggest political news was the first Black President of the USA. Trump remains a typical American president, only more forthright. Putin is of course not going anywhere, has ruled Russia for last 20 years . Xi Jumping, president of life of China and paramount leader and core leader, since 2012 remains an enigma. No other world ruler ( remember.. I'm not including India in this section) is really now worth mentioning or one that we will remember in 10 years from now.  The last 10 years have been , in my opinion, the decade when the most change has happened, technologically! I'm OLD, so I guess you've got to take my word for this!  IPads were introduced ONLY  in 2010 and since then everyone, and his pet has a smart phone. I remember that it took much convincing for my mom to get a smart phone, and now of course it's an extension of all our lives. Google Baba is the ultimate arbiter for all disputes from when a movie was released to any political jhagda. I think, if Pakistan and India ask Google to resolve their issues, it would be a great idea!  Netflix, and the likes have replaced DVD, blu rays and laser discs  totally. VHS was last century, but the others existed till 7,8 years ago. Similarly pen drives cane and went. Email remains, but I believe it's importance is reducing in our business lives , and it's eliminated from personal lives. (BTW I'm doing this whole blog on a smart phone) Streaming of music, movies , news has changed the world in more ways we can imagine, getting everyone closer. Film photography.. What's that? I'm sure many teenagers don't know about this. the world now takes more pictures , in a SINGLE MINUTE, than were taken in the entire 19th  and 20th century put  together. Every world leader tweets his private thoughts and technically we are capable of getting them to hear us! Influencers, tweets, instaworthy, food blogging, emojis are words which didn't exist , nor their concepts existed at the beginning of the decade.  Internet of Things has given many lonely guys a new girl friend called Siri , but of course they cheat with her , by flirting with Alexa !  You can now feed your gold fish at home, sitting in Timbuktu, while your keyless home is watched by cameras you are monitoring on a phone. Drones are not yet delivering pizzas, but they'll get there in a few years.  Robots have taken over factories, not yet our homes , and hopefully will not take over the world anytime soon. We are safe , R2D2 and C3PO! No need to FOMO , guys, you can JOMO!!! Ethanol as a fuel came into fashion and went! Cars are becoming engineless and battery operated. That's the biggest change,in my mind...! Still a long way to go but hey! I own one, and I'm as commoner as can be!  Solar power is now as cheap as grid power.  Around 25% to 35% of world energy increase consumption annually comes from New technologies, which if they existed in beginning of the decade, were definitely not commercially viable in 2010! Coming to India during the last 10 years... Obviously, the biggest story of the decade is the change in the politics. Congress and their likes are in the opposition , with BJP in power for last 6 years . This decade is the first time since  independence, that Congress is so far away from politics. The decade should have been "young " Rahul Gandhi's , but Narendra Modi definitely is the story of the Indian decade. In my opinion, the biggest story in the last decade was when Indian IT industry became so powerful, but this year is the political upheaval. Last year ,2019, created more political changes..sec377, sec 370 , ram Mandir than since 1970's when Pakistan was bifurcated, or 1990s when Ram Mandir drama was on in full blast. The political agenda and direction of the country is undergoing a massive change, and that's defined India last decade, and will define India for next few years.  It's the first time since 1989 Rajiv Gandhi government, where we have no real coalition government. If played sensibly, India can go onto becoming a world leader!  Amongst other stuff-- God retired!! (Yes, Tendulkar reired in 2013), The Khan Trioka faded away...Amitabh is still going strong on KBC!! New HOTTIES of the types of Virat Kohli & Ranveer Singh are the new heroes of India & typify the New India in ways that are just PERFECT!! On the personal front... A lot happened this decade...  First, I'm older, much older... Maybe wiser, but I guess you guys have a vote in this issue! My 25th wedding anniversary (2012) to Renu was a huge event , life changer in many ways.  My kids , Priyanka and Madhur graduated. They grew up in the real sense , getting married to Harsh and Tulsi. All this happened in quick sequence of events ! Our family adopted Theo, the Yorkie, and Zoobie, the Goldie. This all made it easy to absorb some difficult times, and huge changes business wise, in the early part of the decade.  Of course, one of the biggest changes to me personally, is the hobby of writing these reviews. @RReviews_etc As the new year and be decade begins, I can only be thankful to the Almighty that he's been kind to the world, to India, to my Family and to me. I pray that he continues this trend! How do u rate the Decade -- 6/5 for me, since God created time, & He is perfect!! Rajesh Gupta @RReviews_etc #TEENS #2009-2019 #Decadeof change #decade #HappyNewYear
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