#I will get them and get Jax and make them kiss mark my words
undeaddrabble · 1 month
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Abstrabbit nation we're so back
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rayslittlekitten · 9 months
I Almost Told You That I Loved You Ch. 16
Chapter 15 | IATYTILY Masterlist | Chapter 17
A/N: I'm getting closer and closer to the end and the events that lead up to the end are getting clearer and clearer. I wanted to punch Jax in the face while writing the future chapters so it's getting crazy.
Rating: T
Word Count: 1,438
Pairing: Jax Teller x F! reader
Plot: This takes place shortly after Tara leaves Charming. You start working at Teller-Morrow and an unlikely and messy relationship forms between you and Jax.
Warnings: none
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While waiting for Jax after your shift, you’re enjoying the evening sun, buried in a book. You had passed your midterm exam that you spent so much time studying for and got an A- on your paper so Jax wanted to celebrate with you. You told him it wasn’t necessary but he insisted so you couldn’t pass up on the offer. 
So engrossed in your reading, you get startled when Jax sneaks up behind you, planting a kiss on your cheek.
“Hey,” he greets you.
“Hey!” You look over your shoulder at him.
“You ready to go?”
You mark your book and nod. After gathering your things, you pop a helmet on and hop on the bike behind him and the two of you take off.
No fancy Italian restaurant this time. Actually far from fancy. The only tablecloth there is, is the one you’re sitting on. You didn’t clock Jax for being the romantic type so you were very surprised and charmed that he put together a picnic in this hidden spot where you can have privacy, over the pink and orange sunset while eating some homemade sandwiches. 
“This is nice, Jax. Thank you,” you look over at him as he’s sipping on his can of soda.
He turns to flash you a smile and he leaves his now empty can nearby on the grass.
“You’re welcome. You deserve it.” Jax leans in and plants a kiss on you.
You lean in as well, kissing back. Your giggling interrupts the intimate moment when you taste and feel a tiny glob of mustard hidden in the corner of his lips.
“What?” he chuckles.
“You have some mustard on you.”
You reach for a napkin and wipe his mouth while licking off the transfer from your lips.
“I was saving that for later.”
You scrunch your face, grimacing. Jax laughs and leans in to kiss you again, his hand coming up to cradle your face. You lick each other despite the taste of your dinner lingering on your tongues. His hand starts wandering under your shirt.
“Jax!” you giggle. “What if someone sees us?”
“Trust me, no one comes here,” he assures you and tries to kiss you again.
“I guess you’ve brought quite a few girls up here, huh?” You dodge his lips.
He pulls back and looks at you, licking his lips while thinking about his answer.
“Not for romantic picnics while watching the sunset,” he points out, shaking his head.. 
“With a basket of food prepared by your mom?” you add, smirking, making the corners of his lips turn up as well.
“Oh, that reminds me. My mom is having a big family dinner with the club this Sunday and she asked me to invite you.”
“Wow, family dinner? I feel like this is getting a little… relationship-y,” you tease.
“You’ve already met most of the people who will be there, including my mom,” he points out. “And she likes you.”
“Yeah, but still. She didn’t invite everyone who works at TM, did she?”
“No. Just the cute ones,” he winks at you.
You smirk and roll your eyes.
“I’ll think about it,” you tease.
“I’ll take that,” he nods. “Do you need to think about this?”
He leans in to kiss you, continuing where he left off and starts guiding you to lie down on the picnic blanket.
You don’t think you’ve ever been to a family dinner this big before so you’re just taking it in slowly. It’s cozy and tight-knit. The dining table barely has enough room as everyone is practically elbow to elbow. Despite how outsiders see them, the club is very friendly and welcoming. 
“Oh, sweetheart, thank you so much for coming. I’m glad you made it,” Gemma puts a hand on your shoulder as she brings the basket of warm bread to the table.
“I wouldn’t miss it for anything, especially when Jax said you’d be cooking,” you smile at her and she throws a wink at you before getting settled in her seat.
“Alright, guys, dig in!” Gemma announces.
The chatter continues as people help themselves. There’s a few members getting loud at the end of the table about sports. Some wives and girlfriends are sharing gossip. The twelve and under crowd are jabbering about video games and Power Rangers. 
“You want some mashed potatoes?”
You look over next to you where Jax is holding a big casserole dish out. You twist your body to take it from him, but he doesn’t let go.
“I’ll hold it for you. Take how much you want,” he offers.
You gladly take a portion for yourself before passing it onto the next person.
“Thank you,” you tell Jax and he winks at you.
A warm fuzzy feeling starts growing in your chest watching these people, this mixed bunch enjoying each other’s presence. They may not be wealthy or be saints, but they have each other and that’s all they care about. It’s refreshing in comparison to your ex’s family, who while polite, were pretentious and always trying to one-up each other. Who had the biggest yacht, the most cars, the most expensive house, whose children got into the most prestigious schools. Meanwhile, you were just happy to have a roof over your head, the opportunity to continue your education, and a car, while on its last leg, got you from point A to B.
Throughout dinner, there were many laughs and genuine conversations. Jax even checked up on you every now and then to make sure you were comfortable and included you into discussions.
When it’s time for dessert, you offer to help clear out the table but Gemma insists on you staying put so you do as you’re told. You don’t disobey Gemma if you know what was good for you.
Some of the women bring out a spread of sweets, coffee and ice cream for the kids. You unintentionally make eye contact with Luann when she puts down a dish on the table by you.
“Hey, I haven’t seen you in a while,” she says to you, before sitting down at the table. “How are you doing?”
“I’m doing good actually. How about you?”
“Oh, you know. Same shit, different day,” she answers. “The new girl isn’t as good as you, but we get by.”
“You’re sweet,” you smile. “It’s a bit of a learning curve. I’m sure she’ll get the hang of it.”
“I ran into your aunt the other day. She told me you’re doing well in school and even looking into transferring to a four-year school?”
“I’m thinking about it. There’s a college fair coming up so just seeing what’s out there,,” you reply.
“Any particular schools you’re interested in?” Luann asks.
“I have a few in mind,” you nod.
“Do you want to stay in Charming or go somewhere far?”
Before you can answer, Gemma jumps in and offers Luann some pie. Suddenly there’s tension in the air and Luann’s facial expression changes.
“Thank you, Gemma,” she forces a smile. “By the way, did you make this yourself or buy it? Because I was at that new bakery that just opened up on…”
The conversation suddenly switches to pies now.
“You want any of that? I can get you a plate,” you offer, turning to Jax
“Nah, I don’t really do sweets,” he replies, looking a bit deflated.
“Are you okay?” you ask, concerned.
“Yeah,” he simply answers. “Just need some air. It’s a bit stuffy in here.”
With that, he pushes his seat away from the table and heads towards the front door.
“Jackson, where are you going?” Gemma asks.
Without looking back, he brings up a cigarette between his fingers and then walks out the door, slamming it behind him. Gemma glances at Luann who is now sporting a guilty face. Your eyes remain on the front door, wondering what he’s upset about now.
At the end of the night, everyone says their goodbyes. You linger around waiting for Jax to finish.
“Thanks, mom. Dinner was delicious.” He hugs and gives Gemma a kiss on the cheek.
“You’re welcome, baby. You get home safe, alright?”
“Will do,” he nods. “See you tomorrow.”
You follow Jax out the house and you are hoping Jax invites you back to his place. As you approach him, he throws his helmet on and hops on his bike, starting it up.
“Hey, are you sure you're okay?” you ask him.
“Yeah. Sorry, I’m not really in a mood tonight. See you Tuesday,” he replies before taking off without a kiss or a hug, leaving you in the dust.
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You have made me downbad for childe. How about baby trapping yandere childe with some somnophilia? His darling kept saying how she doesn't want a kid but he decides to make that choice for her. Maybe even waking up in the middle of it and he proudly states his intentions. Thank you for looking this over and opening requests btw
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𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥
CHARACTERS ; yandere!childe;tartaglia, x fem!reader [DDDNE, THIS FANFIC EXPLORES SENSITIVE THEMES]
CONTENT ; non-consensual smut, very UNHEALTHY relationships, non-consensual somnophilia, drugging (sleeping pills), baby trapping, usage of childe's real name, childe is highkey toxic (don't be fooled by his kind acts), usage of "darling/love/honey/girlie/baby/my girl/wife", fingering, breeding kink, nipple play, marking, possesive childe, emotional abuse, pregnancy, no beta-read we die like my soul, non-edited
SUMMARY ; Ajax has always wanted children; it's just you that didn't want them. He insisted on having them even after you declined the idea. When he discovers you were taking birth control pills without his knowledge, he disposes of them and purchases new medications, which are actually sleeping pills for what he intended to do to you tonight.
A/N ; I apologize if this was darker than intended to be but I wanted to experiment and get out of my comfort zone with DDDNE content.
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"I've been thinking about something for a while, darling," Ajax says into your ear, wrapping his arms around your waist and drawing your body closer to his. Your back hits his bare chest, and you can feel how chiseled it was, causing you to shuffle uncomfortably in his grip. “Would you like to know what it is?” you froze at the sudden low of his voice and how his arms have tightened around you to stop your movements.
You then feel his hand cupping your stomach, caressing it as he gives your nape a firm kiss. Ajax awaits your answer but you just continue to stay silent, “Did you already get the message or should I just say it?” his voice was stern, almost demanding you to answer him.
“What’s on your mind, Childe?” you murmur, not wanting to anger him or worsen his mood. “I thought we agreed that you’d be using my real name instead of my codename.” you sighed, “What’s on your mind, Ajax?” you correct yourself,receiving a kiss on your nape. “That’s better.”
“You see, we’ve loved each other for quite some time now.” Bullshit, you wanted to say. You know he’s delusional when it comes to your relationship. No matter how many times he’s taken you to visit his family, none of it will amend the situation you’re in.
You gripped onto the pillow and bit your lip, holding yourself back. “And I was wondering about getting ourselves a bundle of joy.” he emphasized his words with a pet on your stomach. “I saw you with my siblings the last time we visited them and I saw how happy you were when playing with them.”
You only acted joyful. You didn’t want his siblings to get into your mess or know what was happening behind closed doors. Even if you did let them know, Childe wouldn’t be fond of the idea of it. It’ll take lots and lots of convincing for him to assure his family that there was nothing wrong between the two of you and he’ll have to punish you by trapping you in his basement again. You don’t want that. It was horrifying just by looking at it. The bloodied walls and chains and rotting smell of corpses were present there. You don’t wanna know what he had done there before you were kidnapped into his home.
“So, I wanted to have kids of our own. You don’t have to be lonely anymore when we aren’t able to visit my siblings when we have little children at home with us.” Ajax’s voice was giddy and soft at the idea of having a baby to raise. “What do you think, love?”
"I don't know, 'Jax," you shuddered, feeling him shuffle behind you, "What do you mean, 'you don't know?'" he inquires, his tone indicating how pouty he is. "I'm not ready to have children," you answer. “Nonsense! Honey, you're more than ready!" He assures you in the same playful and frisky tone that made you feel uneasy.
“Even so, I don’t want one. I’m sorry, okay? Just the idea of having kids is… unsatisfactory for me.” it was dead silent, only the sounds of both your breathing can be heard and you were nervous that you made him mad. “I see.” was all that he said, still keeping his arm around your stomach and fondling with it. “I see.” he repeats, now you’re getting more uneasy with every passing second from his quick change of tone.
Ajax on the other hand still persisted in wanting kids. Even if you didn’t want to. He just couldn’t help himself, not only was he influenced by the fact that family is a priority in Snezhnaya, he was influenced by his other male comrades. Everyday he’ll hear them talking about their families, how their kids did this or that, how their wives were so loving and submissive. It makes him sick that he couldn’t relate to them. He didn’t have children of his own nor were the both of you married yet.
He just wants to have his arms wrapped around his baby boy or girl, he wants to come home with his kids eagerly running up to the door with the biggest smiles on their faces while he hears them joyfully beaming that their papa was home, he wants to walk behind his wife while having his strong arms enveloped around her waist while she cooks them their favorite meals for dinner. Was all of that too much to ask? A small fantasy of having a warm and happy family?
If you could hear his thoughts, you would’ve answered yes because only one member of the family will remain unhappy and upset. But you couldn’t so you remain oblivious to what moves he’d be making without you knowing. “Are you… Mad at me?” he snaps out of his trance, blinking a bit before shaking his head. “No, not at all, girlie.”
You know he is, no matter how well he hides it by simply changing his tone of voice. You can feel him unwrap his arms from around you, the bed shifting slightly as his weight on it dissipates and the sound of tapping on the floor fades as he walks away from you. You tried not to think about it too much and closed your eyes. Forcing yourself to sleep and leaving Childe to do whatever he wants outside the room.
Unbeknownst to you, he had opened the cabinet where you kept your meds. He couldn’t care about the other small bottles that were laying on the floor, he was more focused on finding where you kept your birth control pills. Finding out you didn’t keep them there, he searched the kitchen, and lo and behold, they were kept under the sink with the cleaning supplies. Ajax knew something was off when you weren’t getting pregnant, especially with how many sessions he had done with you. He doesn’t wear any protection so it had to have been you.
You were secretly taking these without his knowledge. He doesn’t know when or how it got there but he could care less right now. He smirks before it contorts into a laugh, his grip on the bottle was so tight he knew that one crack could be seen on it. Oh how amusing, he thinks before walking towards the bathroom, careful to not step on the cracked glass of bottles before dumping the whole vial of pills into the toilet. He closes the lid before flushing it down, throwing the bottle into the trashcan before cleaning the floor up.
Where is it? You swore you kept it here before! You rummaged through the cabinets of the kitchen only to not find what you were looking for. You know you kept the bottle under the sink, there wasn’t any other place that you hid it in! Panic started to rise in your system and you started to take breaths to console yourself. You didn’t know it but Ajax was outside, watching you through the window with a satisfied smile before knocking on the door, prompting you to perk up quickly and turning to the source of the sound.
Quick footsteps can be heard inside before the door is opened and he sees you, panting. “What happened to you, love? You look out of breath.” he feigns being concerned, tilting your head by locking his fingers on your chin before staring into your eyes. “Nothing, Ajax. I just finished cleaning up, that's all.” he wanted to laugh, even if he didn’t catch you in the act through the window, he can see you through your lies and truths.
“Oh, my poor baby,” the ginger coos, caressing your face before pulling it closer to his. “Why don’t you rest? I can handle this from now on.” you smiled nervously before nodding, obliging with his words by going to the bedroom. You can feel his eyes on your back, watching every step you take before you are out of his sight. With a sigh, he takes a bottle of pills out of his bag. It was the same bottle that you were keeping your birth control tablets but instead of contraception pills, it was sleeping pills. He was sure you’d get knocked out from it after a few moments.
Ajax concealed it behind a pot of your favorite flower and left it alone. He'd trick you into thinking you didn't keep it properly and put it somewhere else, and he'd watch you search the cabinets only so you'd blame yourself for not checking other places.
"Where do you think you’re going, girlie?" Ajax grumbles, enveloping you in his arms to keep you from getting up from your cuddle session with him. You look down at him, and even though Snezhnaya is the coldest nation in Teyvat, he notices you sweating. "I'm just going to drink water, 'Jax,” you replied, and his mind wandered elsewhere. He knew you weren't going to just drink water; you were going to find your pills. "Go on, don't take too long now," he says, and you quickly stand on the floor and dash into the kitchen. He sits up, a hand on his cheek, before a dark glint in his eyes appears.
He hears a few sounds from the kitchen. He knows it was you opening the bottle and keeping it under the skin before footsteps started tapping on the floor to the bedroom. Ajax brings his arms out to you and you hesitantly let him take you into his embrace. He made you straddle his lap as he roughly kissed your neck, his grip on your hips was firm. His tongue was hot on your skin, almost burning to the point you felt like it was getting marked. You wrap your arms around his neck, forcing him closer to your neck but he only chuckles, “Isn’t my girl so needy?”
Your eyelids droop lower and your body almost went limp on his. Ajax grinned sheepishly, it was taking effect. “Is there something wrong, baby?” he feigns a worried frown, fondling your face before you fall on him. That’s when that mask of his fell off his face, picking up your limp body and having you lay on your back. His mouth latches on your collarbone, sucking on the sweet skin, making sure it would leave a mark that would last for weeks.
Ajax wanted to prep you up but he was impatient. What if you woke up before he could even start? It would be a shame if that were to happen. He had to be quick with you but a bit of fingering wouldn’t take long, right? He wraps his mouth around his two fingers, swirling his tongue on them to make sure there would be enough saliva to be able to go inside of you with ease. Once he was done, he used his free hand and slid your shorts off along with your panties. He unbuttons your blouse and places it near the pile of both your clothes.
The sight of your bare cunt made him impatient to get inside of you, he took a few breaths before letting his wet digits inside of your pussy, giving it slow but rough thrusts to ensure its whole length was touching your deepest points. Ajax feels you shuffle in his hold and he grips your thighs, pulling them towards his hips so he could wrap them around his waist.
Grinding his fingers inside of you, he inserts a third one, pulling them out and pushing them in harshly. He hears you whine in your unconscious state and chuckles, he thought you were so cute like that. He suddenly curls his digits that causes you to moan, he continues with his advances until he is knuckles deep inside of your pussy. You were practically sucking him in, desperate for him to fill you up to the brim. He notices how needy you were, even in your sleep.
Ajax could feel you spasming around his fingers so he quickly pulls them out, giving it a few licks to taste your juices and sucking on it. He lets out a satisfied groan before paying attention to your shuddering body. Fuck, he wants to be inside of you right now. He crawls on top of you, holding onto your thighs as he tries positioning his cock on your cunt before pumping it nicely. He rubs the tip on your wetness to try lubing it up before pressing it inside of you, moaning as he feels you tighten up on his tip.
He forces himself inside, letting out gurgled groans as he bottoms out. Ajax lets out his pants; it wasn't the first time you two had done this; in fact, both of you had done it multiple times. The basement, where you were chained for being disobedient, out in the snow, where you first escaped from him, and the bedroom, where he was rewarding you for behaving well.
He grinds his hips into yours, feeling the bed shuffle with each thrust he initiated on your body. God, you were so wet that he could feel his tip touching your cervix with each ram of his cock. Ajax snuggles into your pair of breasts, taking a nipple inside of his mouth and sucking on it.
He feels like he’s in heaven when he’s inside of you like this. At this point, he really couldn’t live without you. That’s the reason why he had you trapped here with him in the first place, you were his air to breathe and the sun that shines (but slowly dims down with each passing day, trapped with no escape).
Ajax assumes you were having a really nice dream from how much you were moaning, could you be thinking of him fucking you? He hopes. Whoever you were thinking of right now, he’ll be sure to kill them after he’s done with a round or two(, maybe even more). “I know you’re asleep right now,” he whispers, his voice growing husky as he continues his advances, “But you feel so good around me, girlie. Fuck- Gonna cum deep inside of you, gonna make you a mother..”
His nails dig into the skin of your thighs, he was sure it would leave many marks but he didn't care, it was a symbol that you were his only, even if no one could see it.
The man notices you tense up from his touch; he knows you're close, and he is as well. He moves one hand away from your legs and plays with your clit, ensuring that you will come as hard as he will. He empties himself inside your pussy after a few slow thrusts, letting out a pleasurable sough as he almost went limp on you from how you clenched around him, milking him dry, not wanting to waste a single drop of what he's giving you.
Ajax grinded your hips with his, making sure his seed was deep inside of you and that you’d be round with his child the next day. Before he could start another round, he felt you move at the same time you came on his cock. He hears your breath become ragged as you realize what was happening, you couldn’t move a lot nor can you escape his grip. “Haah, you’re awake.” he coos, the drug was still taking effect and you just woke up so all you could do was struggle, struggle, and struggle in his hold. 
"Come on, there's no way out of this. Just admit defeat; you couldn't get away from me the last time, so why try this time?" He reminds you of the time you attempted to flee from him. He accidentally left the basement door open because he was in a hurry to begin his mission, but he quickly realized his error. You were quick, but he was faster when he caught up to you. He didn't want to punish you, but he had no choice because you were attempting to escape from him. That's already punishable, so he had no choice but to teach you a lesson.
After that, he took you for a warm bath to clean the snow off of you as well as taking care of the bruises on your body. He was pitiful of his beloved trying to get away from him but only got hurt in the process (by him). He was extra gentle when treating your injuries, making sure to give them small kisses with each scratch or wound on your body to show his love for you. He was sick, obsessed. You don’t even know if he loves you or not. He does, it was just a really bad way of showing affection.
“S–stop, please-” you prattle drowsily but your pleas only fell on deaf ears, you sob silently as he continued thrusting into you, biting your skin and sucking on them, creating more love bites that’ll be harder to hide. You whine, kicking your legs but only get a harsh slap on your ass. “Why don’t you stop that. Stop resisting.” he growls, earning a sob from you. You shake in his hold and each thrust makes your stomach churn.
“Gonna make you round with my child, baby. Have a big, lovely family.” It makes him go rougher just by the thought of it. He’s desperate, his eyes filled with need and want. “Ajax..” you whimper, gripping onto his toned chest as tears flow down your face. “[Y/N], love.” he mutters softly, caressing your cheek and wiping the tears off. His eyes soften as he leans closer to your face, placing kisses on it.
His thrusts falter but it still remains harsh, “Don’t worry, just take it.” it wasn’t assuring in any way. Even if he was soft right now, it doesn’t mean you’ll instantly forgive what he’s done for and to you. “Please, stop it, ‘Jax.”
"No," Ajax says, his eyes darkening; at this point, you've given up. You should've just remained silent and let him do whatever he wants because, in the end, he won't do anything you say. You do not have authority. "Just stop complaining already. I thought you'd learned your lesson by now," he grips your hair, causing you to scream in surprise. He smirks at your reaction before pulling his hips out and slamming them back in, causing you to scream.
“You’re gonna take it like the good girl and wife you are.” he grits his teeth and you pule, gripping his hands on your face, “Why are you doing this..?” you ask shakily, it barely came out as a whisper but he heard it. Ajax slants closer, his lips touching your earlobe. “I thought I made it clear already.”
"I want you so much. I don't like seeing you sad and lonely without me. Why can't you see that I care about you and our children too?”
“Don’t tell me..” Ajax lets out a happy gasp at the sight of the positive pregnancy test he made you take. He drops it to the floor and gives you a tight hug, almost jumping a bit from the idea that you’re finally pregnant with his child. “We’re gonna be parents, love!” he cheers, swinging you around while letting out laughs. He shot his eyes open in realization, “Shit,” he curses, hurriedly walking over to the couch and placing you down carefully before disposing of the sleeping pills and firewater lying around the kitchen. He wanted the babies to be well and healthy and taking any sort of consumption that could potentially harm them was recommended.
You look at him, puzzled, and he smiles back. "I can't afford for our baby to be sick, so please don't consume anything without my permission," he says, taking out the last bottle of firewater and placing it on a high cabinet before locking it. "Don’t go too hard on yourself. I'll ask The Tsaritsa if I can take a break to care for you. Who knows what you'll be doing while pregnant that I won't know about. Furthermore, a pregnant body is difficult to manage as time passes, and you will require my assistance throughout your journey."
“Can’t you just hire someone to take care of me or something?” you inquire but he shakes his head a little too harshly. You know he’s mad about your idea from how much he was trying not to frown or get angry. “Nope! They’re distrusting. They won’t know how to take care of you like I do. Plus, you don’t want a stranger to be taking care of you more than someone you know of, right?” Ajax pouts, sitting next to you and patting your belly.
If you could be honest, you do want a stranger to take care of you instead of him. Every minute with him was hellish, you aren’t fooled by his switch ups. He does that on purpose to make it seem like he’s not a bad lover. “I was thinking of ‘Timofey’ if the baby’s a boy. Or maybe ‘Vasilisa’ if it’s a girl! Oh I have so many name ideas to name our bundle of joy.” he ponders, tapping his chin lightly.
“What do you think, darling? Do you have any names for our child?” he asks, lovingly fondling with your stomach. “I don’t know…” you mutter lowly but he nods in understanding. “That’s fine. We can try learning more names later on. We still have nine months left after all.” he assures you, crawling on top of you and pecking your forehead. “Right,” you laugh lightly.
Because of Childe, you now have to go through nine months of carrying a baby inside of you. You didn't want it, but since you don't have a choice, you'll have to look after it and yourself. You just hope that the child is not influenced by its father or suffers any trauma as a result of it. You're not only going to keep it from his siblings, but also from his own child. It's for the better, and you can't let their mental health suffer from him. They're still innocent, so very innocent.
© notsodivininglover 2023. reposting, plagiarizing, translating or claiming my works are strictly forbiddened.
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jaxteller87 · 7 months
A Tale as Old as Time ( xmas themed)
Teenage years
I grabbed my hoodie from my dorm room, unable to find the one I had earlier, before making my way out to the firepit that the boys had set up a little while ago. Mom allowed me and Amber to hang out tonight, and things were going to be quieter than usual, which was a nice change of pace for once. I agreed; I didn’t mind her being around everything, like the club and all, but her parents trusted me, and I didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize that. So, because of this, I only have her around the club when I know things are going to be quiet.
“There it is, you have it,” I laughed at Amber sitting by the fire with my hoodie on.
“Yup, I stole it,” she laughed, wrapping her arms around herself to secure it, “You’re more than welcome to wrestle me for it if you’d like.”
“Wrestle you?” I felt my face get a little red, “So, that’s your end game? Steal my hoodie and then challenge me to a wrestling match; you know I can’t win to get it back?”
“Well, it wasn’t my main plan,” she said, hiding her hands in her sleeves and covering her nose, “I just got a little chilly, that’s all.”
“Nose cold?” I asked, and Amber nodded. She would confess years later that her nose is never cold; she just enjoys the smell of wearing my clothes, especially my hoodies and flannels.
Watching her cozy up in my hoodie, the wheels started turning in my head about her Christmas gift. Last year, I laid down the clay paw prints for Alice and Spike, her dogs. Now, that set the bar pretty damn high. I gotta come up with something that hits the mark, something that recreates the magic she felt when she laid eyes on those casted paw prints.
“I know it’s still a few weeks away, but what would you like for Christmas, Teller?” Amber finally asked, breaking the silence. Before I could answer, she took my hand softly in hers and gently kissed the back of it.
“Umm, a nice flannel would be good,” I smiled at her. “I’m always muckin ’em up at the garage; it’d be nice to have one that I can keep nice.”
“Really?” she laughed. “That’s what I’ve gotten you the last two years.”
“I know, but like I said, I’m always muckin ’em up,” I chuckled, leaning in for a kiss. “Besides, I love’em. I wear them almost every day, even in the summer.”
“I love you,” I whispered, pulling away.
“Me too, Teller,” she giggled. She still won’t say those three little words; it’s always ‘me too.’
“One day, Amber Lynn, I’ll get you to say it,” I smirked.
“Is that so?” she giggled, taking my hand again.
“Yup,” I smirked. And then we just flirted around the fire pit, enjoying the peace, quiet, and each other’s company.
Later that night, we found ourselves cozied up in my bed at home. Amber’s parents gave the nod, granting her permission to stay the night. The room was quiet and warm, punctuated by the soft glow of the bedside lamp. It was one of those moments, you know? Where time kind of slows down, and everything feels like it’s revolving around you. It just feels right.
“I’m nervous; if I actually say the words, it’ll all come to a stop,” she whispered.
“What, ‘I love you’?” I asked curiously, looking down at her.
She nodded. “I know it’s dumb; it’s just I’m dating the prince of charming, secretly, of course.”
Yeah, that was the deal at the start of the school year: she would date me if we kept it quiet. She knew I would get teased relentlessly if everyone knew at school. I didn’t give two shits, I’d knocked around bullies for less, but it was something she was adamant about. I chose not to fight her on it as I could tell it just made her more anxious and added stress where stress didn’t need to be added.
“I can hear it now: she said, ‘Jax Teller dating the retard out of pity.’ I told her I didn’t give a shit, never have actually, but to make her more comfortable, I went along with it.
“Amber Lynn,” I sighed, kissing her forehead. “I’m not going anywhere. No matter what happens, you’re stuck with me forever,” I chuckled, rubbing my nose against hers.
“Forever is a long time, you know,” she giggled, kissing my cheek.
“And I can’t wait,” I laughed, kissing her deeply.
A few weeks went by, and I was putting the hoodie I bought in a cute bag for Amber when my mom walked into the living room.
“You could at least buy the girl something nice, Jackson,” she rolled her eyes, walking by with a half-full laundry basket.
“But she keeps stealing mine,” I yelled as she disappeared down the hall.
Then, just like that, Christmas Eve was finally here. I was at Amber’s to exchange gifts, a tradition we’ve had since we were little.
“Cookie?” she asked, sliding the plate of sugar cookies toward me. “I would love one,” I smiled, biting off the head of Frosty.
She took a moment to decide on her pick, finally reaching for the reindeer and taking a small bite from his antlers. After about a dozen or so cookies and the ending of The Grinch, it was time to do the gift exchange.
“No way, this is awesome, Teller, thank you,” she laughed, holding the hoodie up and smelling it. “Smells just like you!”
“Yeah, sorry about that,” I chuckled, “You can wash it if you—”
“Never!” she interrupted as she pulled it over her head.
“Here, this is for you,” She slid a bag over to me with a smile. I laughed while opening not one but two new flannels, one red and one blue.
“Oh, hello? There’s something else,” I said curiously.
“Cheesy, but I couldn’t help myself,” a grin stretched across her face just like on The Grince when she saw me uncover the picture frame. It was beautiful, cut from solid birch wood. On one side, the enchanting Beauty; on the other, the brooding Beast, both etched into the woodwork. Engraved across the top is the phrase “A Tale as Old as Time.” And there, in the heart of it all, an artsy black-and-white snapshot of us – Me and Amber, baking cookies from a few weeks earlier.
“I love it; thank you, darlin’,” I smiled, leaning in to kiss her. Beauty and the Beast is our favorite Disney movie to watch. I think it’s because we both relate to the main characters. Some ignorant people see her as the Beast when she is Beauty personified, while on the other hand, people assume I’m the dashing prince of charming, but if you ever saw the things I do under the club’s name, you would without a doubt call me the Beast.
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out-of-control · 2 years
words: 1055
warnings: none
summary: Their second new years together.
They don’t go out for New Year’s. Instead, they curl up on the couch together under a thick blanket, Jax’s laptop propped up on Jim’s knee, and shoot the shit as they watch a livestream of the Times Square festivities. 
Jax can’t remember the last New Year’s Eve he spent sober. He must have been in middle school. It’s strange, to be at home, lucid on his couch instead of loitering around some stranger’s house, trying to get as loaded as possible before the ball drops. He casts about for Jim’s hand beneath the blanket, and squeezes.
Midnight rolls around. They watch the bedazzled globe descend, tiny and bright on the laptop screen. As soon as it hits the roof of One Times Square, Jax turns his head to the side and kisses Jim. Jim kisses back easily, and Jax smiles faintly against his lips. They break apart. Jax feels so warm beneath the blanket, with Jim pressed up against his side. In Times Square, “Auld Lang Syne” has begun to play. 
“Hey, c’mere,” Jax says quietly, setting the laptop down and standing up off the couch. Jim follows suit. Jax steps in close and positions them so that their hands are clasped together, Jax’s arm wrapped around Jim’s back. 
It’s not so much a dance as it is a sway, but as the strains of music struggle through the tinny speakers on Jax’s laptop, he thinks it might still be his nicest New Year’s Eve yet. “Auld Lang Syne” transitions into “New York, New York.” Jax tucks his forehead against Jim’s shoulder and holds him a little tighter. 
“I’ll make a brand new start of it,” Sinatra croons from the laptop. “In old New York.” A couple letters and about ten miles off, Jax thinks, but close enough. 
He lifts his head, kisses Jim on the cheek, then steps away, to the kitchen. Jim follows him, watches as Jax retrieves the Martinelli’s from the fridge and pours them a couple of sparkling ciders. “Clink me, man,” Jax says with a slight grin, holding out his glass. 
Jim returns his grin and picks up his glass. He hesitates a moment, probably trying to think of something poetic to mark the occasion, but decides to go with: “To not having miserable sex in a stranger’s bathroom,” and clinks their glasses together.
Jax snorts and takes a drink. “Cheers. Now we can have miserable sex in our bathroom.”
“Nah, we already did that this last year, too,” Jim muses into his drink, and takes another sip.
Jax makes a face. “Fair. Maybe we try for sex that isn’t miserable?”
Jim gives him a solemn nod and chuckles a little. “Now that’s a resolution I can get behind.”
Jax grins and grabs Jim by the collar of his shirt, gently pulling him into a kiss, just because he wants to. “Happy New Year, baby,” he says, and releases Jim. “You got any real resolutions?” he asks, genuinely curious.
“Happy New Year, sweetheart,” Jim returns easily, and shrugs. “I dunno, It’s kinda cheating to go with stop being so goddamn mentally ill when I put that one in motion like a month ago,” he squints, considering. “Maybe smoke more. I’ve got enough on my plate already,” he decides. “You?”
Jax leans back against the counter, cradling his sparkling cider. “I don’t know, I– I was kind of talking to Alice the other day.” He sips his drink, then scratches the back of his neck. “About, maybe, like. Seeing if she can help hook me up with a shrink.”
A smile spreads its way across Jim’s face, bright and toothy and genuine. “No shit?” he asks, and presses a sweet kiss to Jax’s cheek. “I think that’s a great idea.”
“Yeah, whatever,” Jax says, feeling awkward. “They’ll probably just tell me it’s all because of my childhood or some bullshit like that. But,” he sighs, curls his spine a little. “Dunno. Figured I’d give it a shot.” He traces the rim of the glass with a finger. “It’s been a rough year.”
“Yeah,” Jim says softly, looking pensive. “Well, turns out, rambling on about your problems to a stranger doesn’t kill you, and actually makes you kinda feel better about it. Speaking from my extremely seasoned experience of about a month.” He gently brushes a knuckle on the back of Jax’s hand and gives him another kiss, on the lips this time. “Not much to lose trying it out.”
Jax slings his free arm around the small of Jim’s back, holding him close. Jim’s quiet reassurance curls around his ears, seeps into his brain. “Yeah, well. Guess that’s my resolution, then.”
Jim rests the side of his head on Jax’s shoulder, putting a hand on Jax’s bicep and squeezing a little. “I’m proud of you, you know that?”
Jax blows a puff of air onto Jim’s ear. “I know that,” he says, aiming for the verbal equivalent of an eyeroll but not quite making it. “I know that,” he repeats to himself, quieter. Very few people are ever proud of Jax, and even fewer actually say so. 
“Yeah, well,” Jim picks his head up and gives Jax a third kiss, really hammering it home. “I’m proud of you.” he says, to his face this time. Jax closes his eyes briefly, feels Jim’s thumb stroking on his arm. Suddenly he’s overcome by how fiercely he loves Jim, how much Jim loves him back, how terribly he wants to be the kind of man who’s worthy of that kind of love. Maybe this will be what puts him on that path.
“Thanks,” he says quietly, then: “Hey, since I’m a square now. Think I’m gonna head to bed soon.”
Jim snorts and sips his drink. “Well, I’d better come tuck you in, then.”
“Shut up,” Jax says, smiling. 
“Yeah whatever,” Jim rolls his eyes and polishes off his drink. He takes Jax’s hand, tugs him along to their room. Under the covers, Jax reaches over to turn off the light, and Jim slings an arm around him once he settles. “Happy New Year, baby.” he says quietly.
Jax takes hold of Jim’s wrist, clutches Jim’s forearm against his chest, tangles his fingers in Jim’s. “Happy New Year, sweetheart,” Jax whispers back, and for once, he feels like it just might come true.
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asexual-hugger · 2 years
Lily Spencer: A baby?
Allison: Yep.
*Allison is in the bedroom in the beach house, her phone held in front of her as she video chats with Lily, Kamilah and Jax. The three of them are huddled in Kamilah’s New York office, Lily’s laptop open on her desk. Lily had called to check in on the honeymoon, and Allison has just revealed to them that she and Adrian are trying for a child. Adrian himself walks into the room at that moment and crawls across the bed, gently pushing Allison forward so he can get behind her, and he begins massaging her shoulders*
Adrian Raines: Hey, everybody. It's so great to see your faces.
Jax Matsuo: Raines. How's the honeymoon?
Adrian Raines: Fantastic. What's not to love? I've got everything I want right here.
Allison: Mmm, that massage feels amazing, Adrian!
Adrian Raines: Good. I want the best for my wife.
Kamilah Sayeed: So is it true, Adrian? You and Allison are going for a baby?
Adrian Raines: Yes. I just called Dr. Reinhart, and she's agreed to set up an appointment for us at the beginning of next month. She said, and I quote, ‘I will open my calendar immediately for Adrian Raines and his wife. No questions asked.’ (He kisses Allison’s head with a grin)
Kamilah Sayeed: Reinhart? Dr. Jade Reinhart? She's supposed to be the best vampire doctor in the city. It's next to impossible to get booked with her. Did she really open her calendar just for you?
Adrian Raines: She did. Guess the CEO of Raines Corp has always been a fan favorite.
Jax Matsuo: So apparently money really does talk. Who's Jade Reinhart? I'm guessing some voodoo doctor.
Kamilah Sayeed: She’s not a ‘voodoo doctor,’ she’s a vampire doctor. The only one in New York. She tends to vampires that are sick, injured, and apparently, planning a pregnancy. I'm puzzled by this, you two. Vampires have never been able to conceive children. How would you even go about making this happen?
Adrian Raines: Well...
Allison: Adrian said almost the same thing, and here's what I know. I had a vision. Last night, when we were sleeping. Thanks to my Bloodkeeper powers, I saw myself giving birth in a hospital room. I felt the pain, the labor, everything. Adrian was there, and he was crying. He kept saying that he couldn't lose me, like I was going to die if the baby didn't come out of me. Everything was fast. I didn't get the whole story, but I did briefly see the baby’s face.
Lily Spencer: Oooooo! Boy or girl??
Allison: I don't know. It did have Adrian’s eyes, though.
Jax Matsuo: A mini Adrian running around the house? I could barely handle the first one. No offense, Raines. You took a lot of adapting.
Adrian Raines: None taken. I'm just glad that I got to know you.
Allison: Hey, there's a chance this baby could look like me, too, you know. I'm not pregnant yet. I want to see what Dr. Reinhart thinks and whether my vision is true. If it is, I could be the first vampire in history to give a natural birth.
Kamilah Sayeed: Allison, I think by this point we all know what the outcome of your visions have been. Each one has come true so far. Why wouldn't this one? But back up to the topic of you almost dying. What if that happens when the time comes?
Adrian Raines: (glaring) It won't. I won't let it. I'll do everything in my power to keep Allison alive and make sure she has a safe birth. Mark my words. I won't lose her again. The first time was more than enough.
Lily Spencer: I think we're all on the same page with that one. So in echo to Jax’s question, how is the honeymoon going? I still can't believe you two are at a beach house, like Adrian’s PERSONAL beach house. I'm jealous AF.
Allison: You guys seemed to know where we were going before I did. How does that work?
Adrian Raines: I may have swore them to secrecy. I wanted to surprise you.
Allison: Well, color me very surprised. I didn't even know you owned a beach house.
Kamilah Sayeed: None of us did. Adrian usually shares a lot with me, but he never shared this. Sounds like he was saving it for a very special person.
Allison: I'm that special person, I presume.
Adrian Raines: You are.
Lily Spencer: So how's the beach house? Is it everything you hoped? I wish I could be there right now feeling all that soft sand under my feet. Is the sand soft?
Allison: It's great. It's just what you'd expect a beach house to be. Our bedroom windows look right out on to the ocean, and the whole area that the house is built on is private. We have our own beach.
Lily Spencer: You are so freaking lucky.
Adrian Raines: We're spending the next few weeks here, and then we'll be back in New York. Kamilah, how's the fort back there? Has anyone else attacked since the wedding? (He glances at Allison with worry)
Kamilah Sayeed: We’ve been taking every precaution. Jax has been handling things at the Shadow Den so his Clan is prepared to fight if need be. As much as things have been a lot better between humans and vampires, there are still those that will make every move to kill us. They don't believe in unity between the species, and after the Black Death raid at the wedding, I have a high hunch that they won't be the last ones. There are still too many anti-vampire groups in the city.
Adrian Raines: I will do what I can to protect Allison. The only thing that matters to me is keeping her safe.
Allison: I can protect myself. I have fighting skills, remember? And who's going to protect YOU if you need it?
Jax Matsuo: If you're capable of having children, Allison, we can't take that for granted. You and Adrian are too important to lose. We will all do what we can to fight for ourselves and you. The Black Death already attacked once. We can't risk them doing it again. Who knows what other cults they're connected to? If and when the time comes, the two of you could create the future of vampires. You may not think so, but that is a huge deal. It will be a blessing, but also make you a bigger target than you already are. Most of these anti-vampire cults oppose the creation of new vampires, regardless of how they're formed.
Allison: I have considered that. Still, I want to try. For Adrian’s sake. After hearing about what happened to his family, I decided that I should at least do something. He never had much of a chance to hold his child in his arms or see him grow up. I want to change that.
Lily Spencer: Allison Raines, always the heartfelt one.
Adrian Raines: Allison... (Tears glint in his eyes, but he's smiling)
Allison: I want this, Adrian. I want to give you another chance at a family. A child to hold. To raise. I want you to have the experiences you should have had with Eleanor and Charles. I want you to be a father again, for the right amount of time. I want to be this child’s mom. Your wife. I'm going to try and try until I’m holding a baby in my arms. That vision appeared to me for a reason. I'm meant to be a mother.
Adrian Raines: You will be. You will be the most loving mother. Any child we have will be the luckiest vampire in the world to have such a caring, wonderful mom. And I'll be with you every step of the way, all the way up to the day they're born.
Jax Matsuo: We'll all be there. You have a support team, Allison. You won't be doing any of this alone.
Lily Spencer: Awwww, group hug for Team Allison!
Allison: You guys.
0 notes
introloves · 3 years
jax....i would like to discuss alpha!meian claiming omega!reader when she comes around the other msby alphas like i cannot get it off my brain!! i just think he would mark you in the most possessive ways GDOHEHEKS
alpha! meian + a.b.o dynamics + possessiveness + jealousy + marking + scenting +clothing ripping + public sex (locker room) + sweaty sex + knotting + creampie + accidental exhibitionism + f! reader
— word count; approx 1.4k
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the routine after a heavy game like this is usually detonated by heavy glances from meian. you’re signaled to stick close right after games- he knows the thick heat of mostly alphas hangs heavy in the air, knows that even though you belong with him, to him, the heavy pang of jealousy is still there.
there’s games where it's easier, where the scores aren’t as tied as they are now, days where him and his team win and it's no time at all before he takes you home, sweat lined face pressing against your neck while his massive form curls down onto you.
he says it's easier for his scent to stick right after a game, maybe it's the endorphins and pheromones pumping through his body, consciously streaming out heavy and warning notes of his smell, an intimidation tactic that he usually wins.
meian is just so… big and strong, he’s the poster child of what an alpha should be, of what a fertile, loving, caring, protective alpha is.
all those characteristics melt down into one capable man that has you to take care of now, he’s proud to have you and sometimes that translates into jealousy- like now.
he could have sworn you were right next to him, needing your body close to him after such an intense game.
it's pure luck for everyone else that he's so tall, not needing to barrel through bodies in order to find you. there’s that tight ball of anger forming when he sees the backs of bokuto and atsumu, hands outstretched to receive water bottles they probably asked for, but that’s not your job.
with three steps, he’s on them both, thick hand- red and heated from all the spike’s he's deflected clamping down around the napes of their necks- he can see and smell the way they bristle with the contact, ready to fight before his own scent lays heavy over them, settling back down into meek little pups, knowing to bow down to the older and stronger alpha.
“why are you askin’ her for water?” he questions lowly, eyes pinned on you- no anger there while he gazes down at you, just pure love and want. his voice is a deep rumble, however, clearly displeased.
“t-the trainers busy!” atsumu balks, and you look at him with wide eyes, usually it's best for them to stay quiet and let him run his course, but atsumu is still pumped up from the victory.
you look back up at meian and your own knees go weak with his lowly growl, watch as they try and get away, but the hands digging into their backs only further push them down- it’s an embarrassing act, everyone surrounding them intently reacting to an alpha that strong make a brazen act of dominance.
they both kneel easily, bowing their heads, only letting up when he walks to you- bending down and kissing your precious, now pouty mouth- cupping a heated face with his big, rough hands.
“time to go?” you question sweetly, enough so that he calms down- grinning deeply against your mouth before nodding, his cock already swelling with the promise behind your carefully covered intentions.
because as much as he needs to take claim, you're the one who always initiates it, batting lashes at him with every glance towards you in the stands, soft hands curling hard into his jersey when he runs to you and scoops you up- it's all there, the need for your big, strong man.
he decides that this time around he’s the one who simply cant wait, tugging your hands through the halls of the gym, careful to not hurt you- but walking with authority and his chest puffed out in pride.
there’s a soft look to his eyes while he sits down on the bench of the locker room, thick thighs splayed out beneath his silky looking black uniform- still gleaming with sweat.
the harsh glare from beaming lights just makes him look so good, it's easy to fit your body against his own, already throbbing with just feeling his half hard cock against you.
roaming hands find themselves splayed over your back in support and slowly inching up your neck to hold there, all the while nosing along the pulse point in your neck, tongue so thick and wet licking lines to the sensitive skin beneath your ear.
he relishes with every whine tumbling forth from your lips, whining already and wiggling so cutely- you smell good, changing into an overwhelming, mouthwatering scent that makes his mouth water and cock jump harshly.
“s-shugo, please!” you gasp, his teeth slowly grazing over your shoulder, making sure the side of his still sweaty face runs along the side he’d just licked at.
it’s his job to listen well to your pleads, quickly tugging his cock from his uniform, standing upright with how hard he is, swollen at the base with his thick knot, painting your tummy with precum that you whine should be inside you.
he chuckles with how greedy his precious girl is, nodding in agreement, watching your eyes widen when his hands reach down to your ass, blunt nails digging into the roundness of it- all before catching the material and tearing you free for him.
your mind all but blanks with the display of impatience, barely able to register the way he picks you up off his thighs and onto his cock, pulling you down so good the swell of his knot lays tight against your throbbing cunt.
there’s no build up, not when his mind is this overrun with the dizzying, wet heat of your cunt, barely letting him breathe.
hands eagerly gripping your side to pick you up, settling just the swollen tip of his red cock inside, watching with lidded and a predatory gaze pinned to you, watching and hearing you hiccup as he impales you down on his cock over and over.
the pleasure of him using you like this so very apparent to your already teary eyes, unfocused, wandering to his eyes and down to his lips over and over.
it doesn't take long at all for you to cum, legs pinching, squeezing around his hips in order to have him relent just a little while you cum all over him, heated gushing cum of yours painting the swollen base of his cock so well- running down to messily cover the wiry hair there as well.
this is when you look sweetest, head tipped back, swollen, battered walls nearly squeezing his still throbbing cock into you.
it's also when he thinks it's easier to pull you down, shoving the tight swollen knot into the still pulsing into your cunt, hand coming up to pull your spasming body down, wanting to feel your stretched, soaked, puffy lips against his balls.
leaning to seal a messy, and clumsy kiss to your panting mouth, wanting to swallow down any and all whines, small screams finally tumbling forth when you feel the stretch of him.
watery eyes just pinched tight, feeling the grumble of a lowly howl when his cock swells- spilling cum up your battered walls, his knot securely sealing any of it inside.
the locker room sways when your eyes finally open, eyes wide while he stretches you with his cum.
it feels so thick- his knot, thick cum, hand still pulling you nice and tight to him you can barely breathe.
there’s nothing said, he knows you take him well- you’re made for his cock, made to satiate the burning need swirling deep in his stomach. leaning down to plant his forehead onto your own, he coos at your still dumbed out expression.
“my good girl, sweet baby.” meian pants, fingers securely digging into your side- tongue reaching out to lick at your feverish skin, catching your cheek- corner of your mouth in a soothing motion.
there's nothing else you can focus on when you're like this, shaking while the throbbing knot settled deep inside you, the one he’s shoved in keeps you nice and still.
he keeps you like this, minutes ticking by before it finally deflates, licks increasing in frustration, when his hot cum leaks down onto him.
your own body weak to his movements, letting him care for you like he knows.
there’s the presence of his team standing outside the room, he knows this- can smell it, but they'll just have to wait until he cleans you up to change. sharp ears picking up the sound of increased panting.
him being balls deep inside you- there’s no jealousy this time, only an unbridled pride when he realizes they all heard how well an alpha fucks his baby.
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hotdamnhunnam · 3 years
Congrats again on 2K. i’m so happy for you ❤️
For the emojis: 🔥☕️🚧
For the character: Jax, i feel like those emojis have a Jax vibe
Thanks for your request for my Emoji Fic Fest! And thanks for the congrats! 💗
Roadblocks Don’t Suck
Pairing: Jax Teller x F!Reader Warnings: smut, swearing, car sex (quick & rough, light choking, Jax’s leather gloves (they’re a whole kink)) Word Count: ~1.4k Emoji Prompt: 🔥☕️🚧 (key words are in bold)
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Jax Teller is a lot of things. Pussy-whipped isn’t one of them, but somehow when you ask for things he gives in to a ton of them. On some level in his alpha male soul that sort of stings.
He’s in the driver’s seat grumpy and grumbling like a five-year-old. You’re really in the driver’s seat with all the power that you hold, over the prince of Charming, destined to be king.
He lights a cigarette. The little flame matches his mood flickering sharply with resentment and regret, that he had caved to what you said.
“How’s your goddamn coffee,” he snaps, bitter and full of sass. Gruffly, to hide the fact that you can turn him into such a goddamn softie.
“It’s fucking lovely,” you proclaim, taking another sip and gloating without shame. This morning you’d asked Jax to drive your car to where the two of you are headed, rather than taking his Harley as he typically prefers instead. You wanted to sit comfortably with your coffee and finish up the book you’ve almost fully read.
He doesn’t know yet you were also hoping you could give him road head.
“Fuck!” Jax suddenly rasps as he steps on the brake just when you reach the end of your book, causing you to look up out the windshield in shock. It’s just a bit of bad traffic but your man sounds as furious as if your car was hit by a damn truck. “Ugh, there’s a fucking roadblock. This shit fucking sucks.”
Jax really just can’t deal with traffic at a standstill. He is seething, heavy breathing, living proof that looks can kill.
Glimpse flashing lights and obstacles with slanted black and yellow stripes to mark construction that’s in progress up ahead. Prince Fuming grits his bright white teeth around his cigarette like he wants someone dead. Possibly you. “See, bitch if we were on my bike I could’ve just driven right through…”
“Would you just stop? Here, I’ll give you a handjob,” you decide, casting your finished paperback off to the side. Sometimes—a lot of times—you’d rather make Jax Teller cum than hear him talk. “Shut up, just sit back and enjoy your smoke and let me stroke your cock.”
“What are we, fifteen-year-old kids? You’ll grab my dick and let me grope your tits?” he laughs, as you reach in his jeans to grip and squeeze his massive shaft. “Get down and suck.”
You take your hands out of his pants and cross your arms over your chest tightly, to tell him no such luck. “Maybe I would have if you’d asked nicely, you bossy little fuck.”
“You love it when I’m bossy.” Jax is well aware that his dominance gets you wet and juicy. “Know it hits you in your kinky little pussy.”
“You don’t know shit about my kinks,” you lie.
“You think?” he challenges with a dark glimmer in his eye. The heat of hell behind his smile. Glances out the window at the standstill traffic and decides to put the car in park so he can make this goddamn ride worthwhile.
Asking nicely isn’t really Jax’s style.
You can act like you don’t want it but there’s no point in denial. Every goddamn thing about him drives you wild.
When he wants something he takes it—bends your will to fight him off and fucking breaks it—snaps a finger and you’re naked—he makes sure you want it wholeheartedly too—but that shit’s never hard to do.
He always has you spouting off a senseless stream of oh God Jesus Christ Jax yes fuck yes in two seconds or less. Knows he’s your ever-living weakness. Face you see when you scream Jesus. Knows you’re his to play with any way he pleases. Knows just what buttons to press, to get his girl to be a wet whimpering mess.
Has you spread out on the backseat, shaking in heat, as he strips off your summer dress. Stays fully clothed because he knows it’s fucking torture when he doesn’t let you cleave against the smooth skin of his chest. Settle for clutching at the leather of his vest. The leather Jax Teller wears best.
Or is it…? Though you’ve never mentioned this before, Jax saw the sparkle in those pretty eyes of yours, when you watched his hands on the steering wheel clad in his leather gloves and thought that shit’s fucking exquisite.
To be honest it’s ridiculous that he’d wear leather gloves to drive a car. Today’s ride isn’t even far. You know it’s just so he can feel more like he’s riding on his Harley and it’s dumb as fuck but you don’t care about that given what a slut you are. Jax in the leather of his kutte is hot enough—but these damn gloves… they have you seeing fucking stars…
You’d wanted him to push your head deep in his lap while you bent down to suck him off. Feeling the smooth warmth of the leather in your hair and on your cheeks as you devoured his enormous cock and showered it with love.
He’d like that very fucking much, without a doubt, but in this moment he would rather see your gorgeous glowing face than have it buried in his crotch. More in the mood to fuck your pussy than your mouth. He wants to watch, the way your inner slut is spinning out—surrenders to his touch… the way your features melt, descending into ecstasy past anything you’ve ever fucking felt… as he traces his thumb across your bottom lip with one hand while the other frames your hips—taking you in his leather grip—tight as a belt, sharp as a whip.
And it’s insane the way it makes your pussy drip. Your brain is on a fucking trip. Can leather get you fucking pregnant? On the road the traffic’s still completely stagnant, but your man will have to get back in the driver’s seat again soon once the cars begin to move. There’s not a lot of time to get into the groove. No time for fun and games and foreplay—just a frantic feral fuck here on the freeway—love and lust one and the same to make and take when you two have nothing to prove.
Outside of sex, you know that it’s your job as Jax Teller’s old lady to continually kick his ego down a couple pegs. But it’s a different fucking story when he’s hovering above you and all set to shove his meat into the aching soaking heat between your legs.
A piece of prey for him to eat. To read your body as it breaks and burns and begs. Jax is the undisputed king when he has you spread in his bed or the backseat. And as his leather-clad hand wraps around your throat you gasp at how it feels so sweet because you know what’s coming next…
He applies just the perfect pressure and oh fuck you’ve never felt such perfect pleasure.
You can feel his power pouring through the leather. You can feel it pounding through your blood, as he plows deep inside your pulsing cunt, that fucking instant, with a savage fucking grunt, rock hard as he drives home and hits a flood, ‘cause you’ve never been wetter. You’re his fucking slut. Forever.
Two or three bucks of his hips—he sucks the prayer of his name off of your lips—tightens that leather fucking grip—your grip on consciousness begins to fucking slip…
Just came undone, though this had only just begun. He spills inside you that same second and you’re both sprawled on the seat sex-dumb and drunk.
Two seconds later all the cars outside decide to fucking honk.
He really doesn’t give a fuck. You’re both so bulldozed by the love you made you probably wouldn’t notice if this steamy little car of yours got totaled by a truck. Honk all they want for all you care—the two of you are far beyond the world out there—you’re stuck in heaven with no plans to come unstuck.
Maybe try fucking one more time to piss off everyone outside and push your luck.
Jax reads your mind because it’s his. Leather glove soft around your throat now as he smiles through a cigarette-and-coffee-flavored kiss. “Maybe roadblocks don’t suck.”
Emoji Fic Masterlist
Emoji Fic Tag List – below; if you’d like to be added or removed, just let me know!
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breanime · 3 years
Five Senses: Touch (with Bonus Boy)
warning: steamy, gun play
Billy Russo: Billy’s skin was cold under your fingertips. You ran your hands down his muscular arms, soft sighs leaving your lips as you kissed him, pressing yourself closer to him. It had been days since you’d seen Billy, and you just couldn’t stop touching him. “I thought you were dead,” you whispered against his lips as he effortlessly picked you up, laying you down on the couch, his body draping over yours, “I know you have to lay low, but on the days I don’t see you...” “I know,” he answered, his lips ghosting across your neck, “just a few more days, then this’ll be done. Once I get rid of Frank, you and me can start over.” He pulled back, and you reached up and cupped his face in your hands. Your fingers grazed his scars, and you could feel the raised skin as you touched it. Billy closed his eyes and leaned into you, and you noticed that, the more you touched him, the warmer his skin got. You sat up and pressed your lips to his cheek, and you felt him shudder against you. You knew that Billy was self-conscious about his scars, but they didn’t bother you. You were just happy to have him alive and with you. And as much as you wanted to be closer to Billy, to feel him inside of you, you were just as eager to just...touch him. It had been too long--for both of you--since you’d been able to just... feel one another. And as you touched Billy, your hands caressing him gently, you felt him warm up and his body relax, calmed by your touch. You kissed him, and when he bent down and kissed your collarbones, you smiled at the feel of his long eyelashes on your skin. His hands roamed your body, an unspoken promise clear in his touch. I’m here. I won’t leave you. I’m here. You wrapped your arms around him, bringing him even closer, hoping that he could feel your devotion to him in your touch. From the way he was touching you back, you knew that he felt it. 
Logan Delos: There was nothing like having Logan’s hands on you. Never before in your life had you felt such adoration, felt such love, then when Logan touched you. You laid on your back, eyes closed, as Logan showered you in kisses, his hands and mouth wandering the dips of your body. There was no curve, no scar, no inch of your body that didn’t feel like pure perfection under his touch. “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he whispered, his words warm on your inner thigh as he spoke against his, his beard gently scratching the sensitive skin there, “So perfect... I can’t believe you’re mine,” he said. You sighed, your hands going to his hair, fingers spreading through the thick, silky strands. Your eyes rolled in your head when his tongue slid inside of you, eagerly lapping at your wetness. “So beautiful,” he mumbled, his words muffled by your legs wrapped around his head. You moaned, feeling his tongue inside of you and his hands gripping you, keeping you in place. Slowly, his hands started trailing upwards, until he had your breasts cupped in his large hands, the buds of your nipples rolling between his expert fingers. There was nothing for you to do but lay back and enjoy his touch, floating in a haze of desire and pleasure as Logan showed you just how much he adored you. You’d never been with anyone who took such time, such care, with you, making sure your pleasure came first. It was never about himself for Logan--a fact that shocked others when you brought it up--you were his priority. Your pleasure was his pleasure, and Logan had the patience of a saint when it came to making sure he gave you the attention he thought you deserved. When you came, you felt his smile against your center, and you knew that you had more careful, adoring touched to look forward to. 
Jax Teller: The feel of Jax inside of you was orgasmic. Literally, the moment he pushed inside of you, his balls hitting your pelvis bone, you came. You heard (and felt) him laugh as you shook beneath him, amused and proud at the effect he had on you. Jax was bigger than big--he was huge. It wasn’t just that he had a long dick, it was thick as well, so much so, that when he pushed into you, your walls immediately contracted around him, eager to fell his seed inside of you. You and Jax never used a condom (you’d been on birth control since you’d seen that blue eyed bastard and his inviting smirk), so when he was inside of you, you could feel every curve, every vein, every inch of his spectacular penis. It made you see stars. Your toes were curling. Your eyes were fluttering closed. Nothing came out of your mouth but a high pitched squeal. The feeling of Jax was just... overwhelmingly incredible. “Relax, babe,” he whispered, smirking down at you, “Yeah... There you go...” He pulled back before arching his hips, making you gasp out in pleasure. “Yeah, that feels fucking amazing, don’t it?” He teased, dipping his head down and burying it in the crook of your neck as you shook underneath him. You mewed at the feel of his facial hair on you, as well as that fucking cock moving inside of you. His hands were on you; one on your hip and the other gently wrapped around your neck. You could feel the coolness of his rings against your burning skin, and when he humped against you again, you came instantly, making Jax laugh. You felt him pull back a bit before his lips were on yours, his tongue sliding into your mouth, tasting like you. Then he was fucking you, his hips pounding into you with a new purpose, and as you came again, your head lolling around on the pillow, you glanced at the clock. He had  been inside of you for less than 10 minutes, and you’d already come twice. You were in for a deliciously long night. 
Coco Cruz: Coco sighed, a small smile on his face and a cigarette dangling from his mouth. You sat behind him, holding him against you as you both sunk into the warm water. “This is fucking relaxing as shit,” Coco sighed. You giggled, “I’m always impressed by your way with words,” you scooped up a handful of water and poured it in Coco’s hair, “Which shampoo do you want: pomegranate or pear apple?” “Pomegranate,” he answered, his eyes closing as you took his preferred shampoo and started massaging it into his scalp. You could feel his body relaxing more and more as you worked on his hair, the long strands wrapping around your fingers, and you smiled, your legs flexing, bringing him even closer. It was rare that you and Coco both had the time for this, but you tried to have time like this at least once a month. You rinsed Coco’s hair, kissing the side of his face. His long legs were spread out in front of you, his tattooed toes peaking out from under the bubbly water. After you washed the shampoo out of his hair, you put the conditioner in. While you waited for the conditioner to settle, you massaged Coco’s shoulders, pressing into his muscles until you felt him relax. He leaned his head back, and you smiled at the look on his face; eyes closed, mouth slightly open as smoke billowed out from his lips, just pure relaxation. You loved seeing him like this, you loved that it was your touch that made him calm. You wrapped your arms around him from behind, and Coco snuggled against you. You kissed the top of his wet head, giggling at the soapy bubbles that met your lips when you did. “I love you,” Coco sighed out, his voice soft and low. “Love you too, Coco.” The two of you fell into a comfortable silence then, and as you touched him more, you felt him melt against you, and you were so damn grateful to be able to be his peace. He deserved it. 
Angel Reyes: Making love with Angel always involved at least two things: beard burn and the imprint of his rings being indented on your skin. You laid in his arms, chest heaving as you came down from the back to back orgasms he’d just given you. You could feel his cum inside of you, slowly leaking out and coating the inside of your thighs, warm and sticky. Angel’s hands were drifting up and down your skin, playing with the indented marks of his rings on your hips and neck. Your eyelids felt heavy, and you knew you couldn’t stay awake much longer. Your head was on Angel’s chest, and you could feel his heartbeat underneath you, his hard chest swelling and dipping as he too caught his breath. You rubbed your thighs together in an effort to relieve the burn from his beard scratching your skin, and smiled sleepily as you felt his cum stick to and retract from your skin. Angel’s lips were pressed into your forehead, soft and warm, and every few seconds, you could feel them pucker up and place a kiss to your temple. “We should clean up,” he said, his voice rough from moaning. You shook your head a bit, your fingers tapping against his chest, dancing along his tattoos. “Mm mm...” “Babe, you got my fucking cum all over you.” “Not all over,” you argued, “just in me...and on my thighs...” “I got your tits a bit, too,” he replied, one of his large hands moving to cup your breast, jiggling it with a chuckle. You hummed at the feel of his steel rings against your warm flesh, and Angel laughed again; you could feel the rumble in his chest beneath you. “You like feeling my cum all over you?” He asked. You nodded, and you felt his smirk at the top of your head. “Yeah? Well gimme like 30 minutes, and I’ll paint your body again.” 
Miguel Galindo: When Miguel touched you, he touched you with purpose. Whether he was brushing the back of his hand against your cheek lovingly, or placing his hand on the small of your back at an event, or pushing his fingers, wet and dripping with your arousal, into your mouth for a taste, there was always a purpose. So when he came into the bedroom with his tie in his hand and an erection in his pants, you knew knew he had something planned...just not what. And then he leaned in close, his mouth right on your ear, the hair on his salt and pepper beard tickling you as he spoke: “I’m gonna put this tie over your eyes, and then I’m gonna take the rest of the night fucking you”. And he did. With your vision blocked, it was like your other senses were heightened. Every touch, every caress, every push and pull and kiss that Miguel gifted you with felt stronger than usual, more intimate, more powerful... Your legs were shaking, and Miguel held them in place; you could feel his wedding ring pressing into your flesh. His tongue was working overtime, licking and sucking at your clit until you felt tears of pure pleasure fall down your burning cheeks, Your breasts were wet from a combination of your sweat and his saliva, and they heaved as you gasped and moaned and screamed. Miguel kissed his way up your body, and when he kissed your lips--the taste of you fresh on him--his tongue quickly took dominance over yours. He didn’t give you a moment to rest; within seconds, he was inside of you, and you groaned together at the feel of it. Being connected to him like this, hip to hip, with his tongue and hands all over you, it was heaven. You wanted to see him, wanted to rip the tie off of your face, but you also wanted to keep it on. It was like you could feel Miguel’s touch on a deeper level when you couldn’t see him, and the sensations he was making you feel were breathtaking, and you just couldn’t get enough. 
Nick Amaro: Nick moaned as you rolled your hips on top of him, and you nipped at his lips when he arched upwards into you. “Shh,” you whispered against his lips, easing your little bite with your tongue, “Someone’s gonna hear...” He groaned, his hands going to your hips and gripping you tightly, so much so that you were sure there’d be bruises later. You glanced behind you, taking a moment to make sure the door to his office was locked. You gasped when you felt Nick’s hand on your chin, turning your face back to him. “Look at me,” he growled, his teeth clenched as he fucked up into you. You looked into his eyes, and you felt his dick twitch inside of you, a sure sign that he was close to orgasming. It hadn’t been your intention, when you’d come to Nick’s office to visit him, to end up like this (not that you were complaining); you knew that he was doing very well as a Private Investigator, and you liked to see him in his element. But somehow, you had ended up sitting on his lap, your dress pulled up to your waist with Nick pushing up inside of you. He felt amazing. You looked into his eyes, nose to nose with him, as he fucked you. Every thrust of his hips had you gasping, and you clenched your thighs around him. “Don’t move,” he whispered, his hands moving down to cup your ass. You obeyed, biting your lip as Nick started to fuck you faster, tears prickling the corners of your eyes. You felt yourself clench, and when your orgasm hit, you shook around him, your head going to rest against his shoulder as you let out a wordless scream of pleasure. Nick came right with you, his dick twitching inside of you, a warmth spreading between the two of you, drops of cum falling onto his black work pants. You grinned as Nick ran his hand against your back and kissed your cheek. “Just so you know,” he joked, “I’m expecting this every time you come to bring me lunch from now on.”
Johnny Tuturro: You loved feeling Johnny’s hands on you. You bit into your pillow, back arched as Johnny pounded into you. His hands were on your waist, pulling you back to meet his thrusts, and you could feel those long fingers of his on your flesh, gripping you tightly. Johnny had you gasping, wordlessly egging him on, with every thrust of his hips. He did that to you, reducing you to nothing but gasps and moans within seconds. He slammed into you, pushing as deep as he could go, making you both cry out with pleasure, before pulling all the way out. “Fuuuuuck,” he breathed out, holding his dick in his hand and sliding it against your wet folds, teasing both of you at once, “baby, you’re fucking soaked...” You gasped when he pushed in again, his hipbones hitting your ass as he stretched you out as the sound of flesh on flesh filled the room. You bit your lip as you felt your orgasm built up within you. There was a coil of pleasure building up and tightening within you, and you knew Johnny was about to unleash the coil. You were grunting now, pushing back against Johnny, desperate for more friction. And that was when he stuck two fingers inside of you just as he arched his hips and started hitting that special spot. And that was that for you. You screamed out his name as you came, your walls pulsating around his dick, greedy to have more of him as he fingered your clit and fucked you. Johnny had incredible control, and he pushed into you, stilling himself while you came. Once your orgasm had finished, he pulled out, draping himself over you and kissing the shell of your ear. “Good girl, baby... Good girl... Now let’s see how many more times we can get you to cum, yeah?”
Rio: The gun was cool against your skin. You stared up at Rio, eyes wide and heart pounding. His eyes were low, watching you as he held the gun beneath your chin. You could feel the flush of air against your skin as the air conditioner came on, but you knew the shudder that went through you had nothing to do with the cold, and all to do with Rio. You were completely naked, wearing nothing but a necklace and earrings as Rio, fully clothed, stood before you. This was what you’d asked for, and now that it was happening, you could feel your heart beating in your chest a mile a minute, and you were sure he could feel it too. “You good, mama?” He asked you, his voice low and calm. You nodded. “I need to hear you say it,” he pressed gently, “Remember? That was the deal. If we’re gonna do this, I need to hear you tell me exactly what you’re thinking.” You licked your lips. “I’m good.” He nodded, leaning down and kissing you, his lips soft on yours. “Okay, you just tell me when it gets to be too much, okay?” “Okay.” You watched as Rio moved the gun down, caressing your breasts with it, gently running the barrel of the gun against your hardened nipples. You were nearly breathless from desire as you watched his touch you with his golden gun, the weapon you knew for a fact had taken lives. Now it was being used to pleasure you. The rush that thought gave you had you flush with desire. Rio was kissing you again, and you grabbed his shoulders. You could feel the gun between the two of you, and he pulled back. “Open your legs.” You did, shaking with anticipation. Rio slowly trailed the gun down your body, his eyes watching you closely to make sure you were comfortable--and you were. You knew you were safe with him. You gasped when you felt the barrel of the gun caress your thighs, and your nails dug into Rio’s clothed shoulder when you felt it against your dripping folds. “Yeah,” he whispered, his mouth on your ear, “I thought you’d like that... Go ahead and get on the bed, baby, legs up. Let’s see how much you can take.”
Bonus Boy
Tommy Shelby: When Tommy had come home and told you to get undressed, you figured he’d had a bad day and was in need of some sex to feel better. But then, once you were bare for him, he’d said “Which is your favorite candle, eh? The lavender or the vanilla?” You paused, confused. “The lavender. But why--” “No questions. Get on the bed and lay on your stomach.” So you did. You heard him gathering the candle, and you could smell the lavender in the air. You felt the bed dip as Tommy sat beside you, and you smiled when you felt his hand caress your back, his touch somewhere between gentle and possessive. You closed your eyes when you felt him press a kiss to the small of your back, and you realized that he wanted to go slow--which you were fine with. But then you felt a sharp pang in your back, and you gasped. “It’s alright, love,” he assured you, rubbing your back, “It’s just wax.” You turned, eyes wide when you saw the wax on your back. You could feel your heart speed up in your chest, and when you looked up at Tommy, you knew he could feel the excitement going through you at this new game. He leaned down and kissed the back of your shoulder, his voice low, “Turn ‘round.” You did, settling back onto your stomach. Carefully, Tommy titled the candle, letting the wax fall onto your skin. Your toes curled at the sensation, and he kept one hand on you, trailing up and down your skin, as he painted your flesh with the hot wax. You liked it best on your ass, and Tommy indulged you fully, dripping the wax on your ass cheeks, chuckling at the way you jumped and gasped at the feel of it. “I thought you’d like this,” he said lowly, his free hand going inbetween your thighs, sliding three fingers into you with ease, “The feel of it... The warmth... I knew you would like it.” He watched as your body trembled from the combined force of the wax and his fingering, pleased at your reaction. He was hard, and while he was eager to get inside of you, Tommy was a patient man. Besides, he knew he had all night with you. He had all night to touch you; there was no rush. 
Okay, this is the last of the Five Senses! I hope you liked it!  Thanks for reading! Please let me know what you think! I did some new shit here, so I’d like to know whether you guys liked it or not. Be honest, I don’t mind! :)
 And if you really enjoyed it and you can send in a tip here, I would greatly appreciate it!
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rebelwrites · 3 years
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Too Damn Long (NSFW)
Jax Teller x Reader
It had been 14 months. 425 days, since Jax went inside and it had been too damn long since you had been in his arms and it was killing you.
You went to visit him every week and each time he never told you when he was getting out, even though his smirk told you he knew, he wanted it to be a surprise. Everyone else knew when they were getting out but no matter how much you pestered them, they refused to tell you.
Yet again you woke up to an empty bed, a sigh escaped your lips, you wanted to feel your old man’s touch on you, you craved it. Laying in bed you stared at the ceiling trying to will yourself out of bed. However the sound of the front door closing pulled you out of bed.
You wasn’t expecting anyone and definitely not at 7am. Pulling one of Jax’s shirts over your head you slowly made your way out of your room, instantly freezing when you saw Jax standing down the hallway, your hand went over your mouth as tears ran down your cheeks. He was home.
“Morning babygirl” he said with that shit eating smirk of his.
As soon as your brain had registered he was home you ran into his arms knocking him back slightly.
“You are home” you mumbled between kisses “you’re fucking home, god I’ve missed you”
Without saying a word Jax placed his hands either side of your face, pulling you into a long passionate kiss that was full of love and lust. You could help just groan as he pulled away biting your bottom lip.
A shriek left your lips as he picked you up without any warning, throwing you over his shoulder, smacking your arse as he carried you back to the bedroom.
“God I’ve missed my old lady” he whispered placing you back on your feet and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
“I’ve missed you too baby” you giggled as your hand found the zipper of his hoodie “Jax I need you”
“Good job I don’t plan on leaving this room for a while then” he smirked, dipping his head to the crook of your neck instantly finding your sweet spot, placing open mouthed kisses along your skin making you moan. A smirk formed on his lips at the sound of you moaning.
Clothes were thrown across the room and you were both now stood there completely naked, reaching up you lightly traced the scars on his abdomen as he drank in the sight of your body, every curve, every dimple, every stretch mark, everything.
“Jax love me” you whispered biting down on your bottom lip. Well he didn’t need telling twice as he pushed you down on the bed, leaving a trail of hot kisses along every inch of your skin, your little moans were music to his ears.
You felt his smirk against your skin as he made his way down your body, the heat from the kisses and the tickle of his beard was enough to drive you crazy.
“Baby please” you breathed “please just fuck me”
“Mmmm so needy” he chuckled as he positioned himself on top of your “good job I’m just as needy”
As he sucked on the sensitive spot on your neck he pushed himself into you, taking his time seen as it had been so long, he loved feeling you stretch out around his cock and the moans that left your lips as he started to move.
“Fuck you feel so good” he grunted into your neck as he started thrusting “not gonna last as long baby”
“Neither am I” you panted as you dug your nails into his back pulling him closer to your body, you needed that skin on skin contact you had missed so much. You felt yourself getting closer to that high with every thrust, ever moan.
Soon enough you had both hit that high and were laying naked in each other’s arms, not speaking just holding each other.
Moving your head so you was now looking up at Jax.
“Don’t do anything stupid please” you whispered tapping his nose “it’s been so hard the last 14th months”
“Don’t worry princess” he smiled as he played with your hair “I spent too damn long without you in my arms or by my side so you better believe I’m getting the club clean, so I never have to be without you for that long again”
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
More Than You Know, Part 4
Summary:  Angel gets a bit needy
Pairings:  Jax Teller X Reader, Ari Levinson X Reader
Rating:  explicit
Warnings:  explicit language, explicit sexual content, unprotected sex, PIV sex, mentions of somnophilia, squirting, creampie, threats, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  2.5K
Series Masterlist
*Divider by @firefly-graphics��
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“Oh wow,” Jax tells Angel, as the little boy shows him his new magnetic tiles. “Those are pretty cool.”
“Yeah, my Ari got them for me,” Jax readjusts his sitting, and even clears his throat. His eyes drifting into the kitchen to see how long you were going to be.
“I sometimes call him daddy. He’s like my daddy, you know? He comes by everyday. He picks me up from daycare if mom has to work late. He just doesn’t sleep with her.”
“That’s good.”
Angel turns his head quickly at Jax. Those deep brown eyes looking at the man before returning to playing with his new toys. “He plays with me. He does. He sits on the floor with me,” he peeks up at Jax and gives him a quick smirk. “I think he loves my mama. They almost kissed.”
“I’m gonna go check on your mom,” Angel watches the man walk in to you, and he pouts. Looking out the window across the street, he notices Ari’s bike is still gone. Crossing both of his arms across his chest he pouts.  He knows he’s not supposed to go outside without an adult, but he just wanted to go to the garage.
“He’s a talker,” Jax quietly says. Walking behind you, he places both hands on your hips and rocks you a moment.
“He takes after his daddy,” you sigh. Your eyes flutter close when Jax leans forward, ghosting his lips on your neck.
“Which one?”
“What?” spinning around you give him an odd look. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Seems like Ari is his dad.”
“Oh god,” rolling your eyes, you push Jax’s arms off of you. “Don’t start this. Ari is my best friend, and he comes here most nights. Other than Angel’s uncle and grandpa, he has been the most consistent person in his life. Honestly more than Felipe and EZ. Do you have a problem with that? Ari isn’t going anywhere.”
“Obviously. You almost kissed,” you snort out a laugh at him. “I don’t share. The only person who gets that pussy is me.”
“Right. Did Angel tell you we almost kissed?” Jax nods his head, and you laugh more. “Ari and I were talking. That’s it. And we’re not dating. You want an exclusive conversation fine. But don’t ever tell me what to do. I’ve made it just fine for five years without some man telling me what I can do.”
“Fine. You only sleep with me.”
“And where else have you been? That works both ways. You only sleep with me,” you stop a moment, your ears perking up, when it gets too quiet. “Oh god,” you scream when you see the front door open. “Angel! Angel!”
With a loud crash, you look into the garage, and your baby’s crying beside his dad’s fallen bike. “Baby,” you whisper as you go to hold him close to you. “Angel baby, what are you doing?”
“I was going to ride daddy’s bike to find Ari. His bike is gone,” he cuts his eyes over at Jax, before moving his mouth to your ear, “Ari stays gone when he’s here. Make him leave.”
“Angel, you’re not being nice.”
“I want Ari here!”
“Angel Luke Reyes, you do not talk to me like that. And you don’t play with your daddy’s bike.”
“Ari was gonna teach me.”
“I can teach you,” Jax walks into the garage beside you. “But this bike is a bit big,” Angel never looks at Jax, but you do, apologizing profusely. “He’s fine, he just wants to learn to ride.”
“Ari’s teaching me,” his mouth goes into a straight line, before he heads back into the house, and you move to lift the bike up, running your fingers over the Mayans symbol, and then tracing down the only visible mark on the bike.  A large scratch and dent in the glossy green paint.
Jax shuffles around a moment, and you don’t notice it. Felipe always told you that Angel reminded him of his father, “He didn’t ask for this,” you say quietly. “Angel and I had just got back together. We broke up because he didn’t want me involved in the MC. I was engaged to a good man, he came from money, but he wanted to see where I was from. One look at Angel, and I was back. A few months later, I was pregnant and he was dead. He never knew. We talked about having kids, what we would name them.”
You turn to look at him shrugging your shoulders, “I’ve known Ari longer than Angel. Ari stepped up to be the father. Would hold him while I slept, basically lived with me.  I wasn’t in a good place, but Ari was always there.  He became the father that Angel wasn’t able to be.  Not because he was a deadbeat, but because someone took him from me and his son.”
"Have you and Ari ever tried?”
“Ari and I have never been together like that. Angel’s four. He sees what he wants to see. I get it, if you don’t want to be involved. He doesn’t get to see Felipe everyday. EZ came around almost every night for dinner, except when there was club business. It’s hard for him. This is me giving you an exit. I’m going to check on my baby.”
Jax stands a moment looking at the bike, it was all his fault. He wasn’t sure what cruel fate led him to you, or even what he should do; be honest with you, or take that exit you were giving him? The kid was a bit of a buzzkill. Looking eerily similar to his father, but Jax didn’t think too much about SAMCRO’s involvement with the Mayans. Ari was nomad, and you were none the wiser. Plus he was having too much fun. Good pussy is good pussy.
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He grabs tight to your hip, circling your ass on his front. With a peak at the clock, you get slightly annoyed. Again. And at two in the morning. Jax was insatiable. It’s like he rested just to have sex again. When you let out a soft sigh inadvertently, his fingers roam down your front, “No panties?”
“I got tired of you ripping them off,” whispering only has him adjusting your ass for easy access. Spitting on his hand, he adds it to your slick. “Jax, it’s late.”
“I’ll make it quick. Just go back to sleep.”
Hearing the door start to squeak, you push him off of you, “Mama, I had a a bad dream.”
“Oh baby, what…?”
“I want Ari,” he gives you a pitiful cry, arms outstretched to you, and much to Jax’s annoyance, you get out of the bed. “What’s he doing here?”
“Angel, that’s enough.”
“I want Ari here! He’s never here anymore, and I had a bad dream.  He always helps me, mama,” his voice turns into full on cries, and you try and soothe him.  Holding him close to your chest.  It had been awhile since he had a bad dream, and Ari never told you what they were.
“Doesn’t he live next door?” the man in your bed grumbles, and you flick your eyes to glare at him. “I’m just saying, let the kid have a sleepover.”
Those chubby hands go on either side of your face, and he lets out a whispered, “I want Ari here.”
“Baby it’s in the middle of the night,” his eyes quickly look at Jax, before back at you. “Let’s see if Ari’s bike is even there. Jax, I’ll be back.”
He hopes it’s just you that’s coming back. Slowly fisting his cock, he really hopes it’s just you.
Holding onto your exhausted child, you knock on Ari’s door, afraid of who could be here with him, to just walk it. Angel gives you a sleepy smile when he hears Ari’s thunderous stomps through the house, opening the door with his eyes closed, and Angel giggles, “What’re you two doing here so late?”
“I had a bad dream, and you make them better. Mama’s got her car friend in the bed,” Ari opens his eyes enough to peer at you. “He said I could have a sleepover.”
“I’m sure he did. Go on, go get in the bed. I’ll be there in just a minute,” those icy blue eyes stare at you, biting along his lip, trying to think of what to say. “Does Jax even like him?”
“Angel just likes you better. I’m just…it’s been a rough few days. He’s been very…”
“He’s a kid.”
“I was going to say, he’s putting on the Ari is the best thing to Jax. You’re all he talks about lately. Even told Jax we almost kissed.”
“And Jax just wants him gone so he can fuck you good and loud,” you glare up at the large man, ready to storm into his house to fetch your child. “I never thought that you would be the type of mom that…”
“Don’t finish that sentence. If you want to do something about it, then do it. I’m not going to be a single mom forever. And if a move is what I needed, and things didn’t go according to plan, then I…how did he know Angel? They’re different clubs, but Angel kept me in the dark. Tell me.”
“Goodnight, Sweetheart. I’ll bring Angel over for breakfast. I’m sure Jax will be gone early in the morning like usual.”
Ari was never going to step up in the way you wanted him. It was like he was there for you, but mostly for Angel. Unsure how you were going to approach him, but this late at night, you wanted to sleep.
Dragging yourself across the street and into your house, you barely have the door locked when Jax’s naked body is pulling you into the bedroom. His lips on every inch of your skin, and pulling off whatever clothes are keeping you covered. “Jax, I just want to sleep.”
“I’ll put you to sleep. Just relax,” he says, laying you back on the bed, his body going in between your thighs, smacking at your core, “I hope you’re still wet from earlier, and Ari didn’t make you this way.”
Lifting up off the bed, you push him back, before crawling over him, but you don’t even want to look at his face. Turning your body around, and grabbing the base of his cock, you let yourself slide down over him. A satisfied moan from Jax causes more heat to bloom in your cunt. Arching your back you start bouncing over him.
Staring at the picture of Ari and Angel on your dresser, you imagine you were taking your frustrations out of Ari. Slamming your body down on his, leaving Jax to smack at your ass. He wasn’t used to a woman taking control. But you needed this. Twerking on his length, and worried about yourself for once.
Feeling amazing, and even watching yourself in the mirror, you felt like a goddess. Pleasuring both you and Jax was amazing. Adjusting your body to hit all the right spots and angles. The heat in your belly grows, but you don’t stop. You want to push yourself.
Screaming out through your orgasm, it’s hard to continue but you do, your legs trembling, vision blurry, your cunt gushes over him, and still you don’t stop. You feel Jax’s hot cum spurt into your cunt, but you still want more. Punishing yourself for whatever you have that’s going on in your life.
“Fuck!” he shouts into the night. His cum mixed with yours creating a mess on him, but he likes it.
When you can’t take anymore, you move off of him, laying back on the pillow, panting like you’ve run a marathon. “We’re doing that again in an hour, right?”
“So help me, Jax, if you wake me up in an hour, I’m kicking you in the balls. I need sleep.”
“What if I just fucked you in your sleep?”
“No! Let me sleep. It feels weird enough that my baby isn’t here. Just go to sleep!” he pulls your body flush with his, kissing along your hairline.
“If that sloppy cunt wasn’t always so ready to take me, this would be easier.”
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“Where are we going?” Jax had been very secretive about today’s events. Ari had a day planned with Angel, but Jax wanted to ride you through Charming. He just didn’t want to tell you the destination.
A hand pets on your thigh, but his eyes stay looking ahead. You give up. He wasn’t saying anything.
Enjoying the ride, the freedom, and fresh air. Until you see the SAMCRO headquarters. It was way too soon to be introducing you to his club, and you and Jax were not that serious. Pulling into his spot, he turns to give you a smirk, “Come on, I want you to meet some people.”
“Jax, no. This is a bad idea.”
“It’s fine. I had to come here for a quick meeting.”
Timidly you follow him into the clubhouse, and you’re greeted with a few smiles, but mostly confused looks, and one very pissed off one. “Stay here,” he whispers walking into the chapel, followed closely with everyone wearing a cut.
“Sugar, you want a drink?” a pretty little blonde girl asks, and you shake your head no. “You the reason why Jax hasn’t been ringing my phone?”
“Excuse me?”
“I’m the one he calls when he’s lonely.”
“What a sad life that is for you then,” you ignore her, sitting and waiting, watching the angry woman walk into the chapel.
“Gemma! This is members only!”
“Shut it, Tiggy. Jax, I told you to drop the cunt. Go on, tell everyone who she is. Is her pussy really worth it?”
“It is pretty damn good,” he smirks, causing the members to chuckle with him.
“That’s Reyes old lady. The mother of his fucking kid! How convenient that a former old lady of a rival club is now here. If you don’t get rid of her, I’ll dispose of her. She’s going to be snooping in club business.”
Slamming his fist down, he stands to walk towards his mother, “You’re nobody in this club Gemma. You lay a hand on that woman, it’s you who will be disposed of. She’s just a piece of ass. I told you once, and I’ll say it again. She knows her fucking place and that’s taking my cock like a good girl.”
“You’ve got a sick need to fuck the woman whose boyfriend you murdered?”
“She doesn’t know that. She doesn’t need to know.”
“Her fucking cuck knows. Ari?” Chibs glances over at Jax, raising up an eyebrow.
“And he hasn’t fucking told her. Let this go Gemma.”
“Where’s the little boy?”
“Aye!” Chibs shouts looking at her. “We don’t deal in kids and women, Gem. Jackie Boy is the president, and we have to follow his orders. Now,” he turns to look at Jax, “Ari does know. You need to let this go. That little slut at the bar gives you whatever you need to keep yourself warm. It is a bit of a weird kink you got going.”
“I said no.”
Gemma spins on her heels, and goes out of the chapel. Slamming the door, and stomping right up to you. “SAMCRO is one of the Mayans’ rivals. Ask EZ if he knows Jax. You’re playing with fire, and I’ll have your tits cut off if you sabotage my son,” after spitting on the floor beside you, you pull out your phone.
Who do you call? Ari to pick you up or EZ to hopefully get some answers. You’d kept Jax off topic with EZ and Felipe because you didn’t want any judgment for dating. But this woman hated you for something that seemed far beyond yourself. And you couldn’t drag yourself and Angel into this mess or this life. It was time.
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Taglist:  @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @sstan-hoe @peaches1958 @spnaquakindgdom @nana1000night @thedarknessilove @ilovetaquitosmmmm @brattyfics @raging-panda @nunya7394 @berberriescorner @capswife @thisreadswhatever     @flannellover67​ @ticosas​ @terry2227​ @infatuatedjanes​ @phoebeztonkinz
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frattsparty · 3 years
My Heart Needed You Part 11
AN: this chapter starts out sweet but was very hard to write, obviously I had in mind her story but writing it was sad and I’ve basically gone back and forth if I should change it - TW below. @lexondeck had the amazing idea to bring our friends of Charming back. I hope you all like this chapter, but please read with caution and I hope this doesn’t offend or hurt anyone.
Warnings: consensual sex, angst, talk of abuse and sexual assault, miscarriage. Under 18 please do not read.
Tag List: @lexondeck @redpoodlern @nessamc @withmyteeth @chibsytelford @thegirlwhowritesfics
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With everything that has happened the last few weeks, the drug run gone wrong, Christobal being taken, the hunt for who took him, and having to see the gruesome side of what Nestor does for Migue, your house, deciding to live with Nes until it’s done. Needing a break was an understatement.
Nestor had been so open and honest with you about how he ended up being who he was for Miguel, and you couldn’t help but feel guilty that you haven’t been as equally as honest with him.
You just weren’t sure how to tell him, or if you should tell him everything. You were grateful to have a few days away and miles between the two of you so you could get your thoughts in order. Wendy had called a few weeks ago saying she and Nero were having a small party for Abel’s birthday. Inviting you, Chibs, Hap, and Tig and Venus - but with rules of no club talk and no kuttes.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you?” Nestor snakes his arms around your waist as you zip up your small weekend bag.
You grab his hands, lacing your fingers with his and he places a kiss to your neck. “It’s just a few hours, I’ll be there for 2 days and I’ll come right back.” He hummed in response now leaving a trail of kisses over your neck.
“How long until you leave?” He says as he pulls his hands from yours and moves them under your shirt to rest on your stomach.
“Mmm, probably an hour,” Moving to face him you wrap your arms around his neck and his move to your hips, as the two of you start aimlessly swaying,“Do you have something we need to do before I leave?” Your fingers are tracing lightly on the back and side of his neck.
“I can think of a few things,” he whispers in your ear as his hands make their way to your thighs lifting you into his arms causing you to squeal at the quick movements.
Your lips meet in a desperate kiss, your hands holding him to you. He lays you down, moving quickly to pull your shorts and underwear down while you pull off your shirt and bra, you move to your knees grabbing his belt and pulling him to you. As quickly as you can you are undoing his belt and pants, pushing them down as he pulls his shirt over his head.
He pushes you back and moves over you, lips meeting in a slower, greedy kiss. Your hands are roaming his back, lightly scratching with your nails, as one of his makes its way between your legs, immediately finding your clit. You gasp and let your head fall back.
He kisses from your lips, to your jaw, down your neck and landing on your chest where he bites and sucks leaving marks only the two of you will see, all while he works you with his skilled fingers. You are clinging tightly to his shoulders, “don’t stop, please Nes.”
His hand moves fast as he leaves open mouth kisses to your neck, “cum for me, baby.” With that you are thrown over the edge. Gasping and moaning his name, and your nails dig into his skin.
Before your breathing even settles he moves his body between your legs and pushes himself into you. His moan in your ear has you squeezing him tightly. “You are perfect, Hails.” He moans as he slowly thrust in and out.
While you love slow and gentle Nestor, right now you need more. “Harder Nes,” you gasp out as your hands move to his ass pulling him into you further. He gladly obliges and with one arm wrapped above your head holding you in place, his other hand on your cheek, and his face in your neck he thrusts into you hard and at a punishing pace. In no time you are chanting his name, gasps and grunts filling the room.
His hand that was on your cheek finds its way to your clit, roughly rubbing and circling, and before you can get any words out you clench around him tightly and cum again.
He pulls out of you and between breaths says, “roll over, Hails.” He’s quickly moving to help you and position you how he wants you. So you’re on your  knees, chest and face pushed into a pillow and he quickly enters you again. He grabs your hands, lacing your fingers and he leans fully over you, his body completely covering you, and moves faster chasing his own release causing you to head towards another. You are so sensitive, you need him to cum so you start pushing yourself back to meet his hips. “Cum for me, Nes, I need you to cum for me, please fill me up,” you beg him as you are gasping and moaning, squeezing his hands tightly. After a few more rough thrusts you are both over the edge and Nestor is filling you up.
“Fuck,” he said as he pulls out and rolls over next to you. “Now you should be feeling me everytime you walk while you’re gone.” He flashes a big, cocky grin as you roll your eyes still trying to catch your breath.
“I’m getting a shower, you are not welcome because I need to be fast.” Pecking his lips, “I’m going to be late and you and those hands will make me even later.”
He’s chuckling as you pull yourself from his arms and slowly walk on wobbly legs to the dresser pulling out fresh underwear. As you walk into the bathroom you look over your shoulder and see Nestor in all his glory watching you with a look of love on his face with his hands resting behind his head.
You quickly wash your hair and while you're rinsing the conditioner you are hit with cold air. You open your eyes and see Nestor sneaking in with a guilty but not sorry smile you couldn’t help but giggle at the sight of him. He quickly moved to you and wrapped his arms around your waist, hands resting on your butt.
“I’m going to miss you,” he said softly as you were twirling the ends of his hair with your fingers.
“I’ll miss you too, but I’ll be back first thing Monday.” You assured him, reaching up and leaving a soft kiss to his lips.
He moves his hands up holding the sides of your neck deepening the kiss, and you both stand there under the shower spray holding each other.
The water starts to get cold and you know it’s time to get on the road so you aren’t late. “I have to go, Nes.” Squeezing you tighter he nodded leaving a sweet kiss to your lips. “You get dressed and I’ll get your bags,” he gave you another squeeze.
He gets out of the shower first wrapping a towel low on his waist, and then holds his hands out to help you and quickly wraps you in a towel. Kissing your cheek he heads to the bedroom. Technically this one was his but in the last week you’ve moved fully into it, but you’ll be going to stay at his house until yours is ready. You got the house on the beach,and immediately hired a contractor to make all the updates and changes you want. It should be ready in no time and you couldn’t wait.
You braid your hair in two braids, mirroring Nestor’s daily look, and get dressed. As you headed down the stairs you stopped by to let Miguel know you were leaving and you made sure to give Emily a hug. Letting them both know you could come back early if they needed you.
When you get to the door Nestor is there with a large cold coffee and he had your bags in your car.
“Drive careful, Hails. And let me know when you get there okay?” He says as he gives you a tight hug, you nod wrapping your arms around his waist and resting your chin on his chest.
He grabs your hand and walks you to your car, opening your door for you. But before you get in you turn and take a hold of his face to give him one more kiss. “I love you!”
He smiles, one that met his eyes and always melted your heart. “I love you too. Have fun with your boys!”
The drive to Norco has taken a few hours, but it has been smooth and you got there before anyone from Charming. When you pull in you see Wendy and Nero on the porch and the boys swinging in the yard.
As you open your car door you hear the sweetest sound and tears come to your eyes as both boys scream for their aunt Hailey.
They rush to you and you to them, grabbing them both up in a big hug. “I’ve missed you boys so much!” These hugs were exactly what you needed.
You put the boys back down and made your way to Wendy and Nero, giving each a long hug.
“How was your drive?” Nero asked as he let you go.
“Great, I left early so traffic wasn't too bad, a little slow in San Diego but that’s all.”
He grabs your bags from the car and puts them inside for you, and heads back to the boys, while you and Wendy go to the kitchen. “I’m so glad you could come, I’ve missed you.” Wendy says as she gets you a drink.
“Me too, I’ve missed you and those boys, even Nero.” You chuckle.
“How are the boys doing?” You want to make sure they are doing well here. “Anything you need?”
“The first couple of weeks were rough, lots of tears and I guess you could call it anger. But I have Abel in therapy and that has really helped him a lot, Thomas transitioned with no issues.” She looks at you giving a small smile, “we’re doing really well. I couldn’t have done it without you taking care of literally everything.”
You nod. “It was all worth it knowing they are okay and thriving. This is what Jax wanted, for them to have a normal life without all that the club brings.”
Before the conversation went further another vehicle pulled up, and you could hear the boys screaming. You and Wendy gave each other big smiles as you got up and headed out.
“Aye there is our girl!” You heard from Chibs, you practically skipped off the porch and over to him where he immediately engulfed in a hug. “I miss ye darlin.”
“I miss you too!” Next came Happy, the man maybe quiet but when you lived in Charming he quickly became your favorite Son but you wouldn’t tell the others that.
“Hey Hap,” you mumbled as he squeezed you a little too tight.
Then you were lifted off the ground by Tig, “oh I’ve missed you, Hailey girl!”
“I missed you too, Tiggy!” You said as you squeezed his neck.
When he set you down, Venus took over and hugged you tightly. “Oh honey, we’ve truly miss you so much!”
“I’ve miss y’all too!”
Once all of the hugs and greetings were done you texted Nestor letting him know you made it, and then everyone went and sat out in the back deck. The boys played, Nero grilled, and we all chatted. It was such a fun night and Abel had the best time with his aunts and uncles, opening gifts. As the sun went down all the boys were outside running around and the sound of giggles filled the air. You, Wendy and Venus were inside cleaning up the kitchen.
“So, Hailey, how has it been being closer to home?” Venus asks as she starts drying dishes
“Yeah, how has it been? Nero told me that there may be a man in your life.” She turned away from the sink looking at you with a smirk.
“How does he know?!” You ask a little more shocked than you intended.
Chuckling Wendy says, “Marcus called him a few weeks ago and may have mentioned it.”
“It’s a long story, but he’s actually my ex-fiancé. We had always been best friends out while lives, our moms were best friends, and then as we got older we just became…more. By the time we were 17 we were all in. He was everything to me, my first and only, I mean he was it for me. We’re trying to rebuild now and it’s going really well.” You smile.
“So what changed, Hailey, why is he an ex-fiancé? Because you clearly still love him with that look on your face.” Venus points out.
“I’ve loved him my whole life, I can’t remember a time where he wasn’t by my side. He was a SEAL, and I was in law school. We bought a fixer upper house between home and San Diego. Almost every week we went to a beach restaurant and walked the beach after, he would reluctantly go dancing with me.” At that you all giggle. “Just before his last deployment he took me to the beach and proposed, obviously I said yes. He left about a month later, and it was just…” you pause, trying to keep your emotions at bay. “It was just really hard and some things happened while he was gone that I couldn’t tell him about, or anyone really. His brother knew and he helped me but I couldn’t face Nes, so I ran when he got home. That’s how I ended up in Charming, actually” you chuckle, “Gemma figured it all out, she’s one of the only people who ever knew. She read me like a damn book.” Taking a deep breath and wiping the tears from your cheeks you continue. “I hadn’t actually seen him in 5 years since his brother's funeral, and honestly, that didn’t go so well. He said some things out of anger and grief that hurt, so I didn’t go back after that.”
The three of you make your way to the dining room table with the tea Wendy made. “So, how did the reunion happen and go from not speaking to this?” Wendy asked.
“When Jax died and you all moved away I had told my parents that I didn’t know if I wanted to stay in Charming. Doing everything I did for Jax leading up to his death was a lot, and it hurt. I still work for the club and some others, but I just couldn’t be there anymore.”
Your hands are fidgeting with the mug in front of you. “My parents had gone to dinner at the Galindos and told them what was going on. Miguel needed an attorney that was fully on staff with him, and his accountant was subpar. Since I’m qualified for both he made an offer that just felt right, I’ve missed home. So when we got there Miguel and Nestor picked me up, and I just broke down, finally letting out the emotions of the last couple of months. For the first few weeks we kind of avoided each other, things were tense.”
Taking a sip of your tea, they both ask, “then what happened?”
You chuckle at their impatience, “honestly we got in a big fight, he wants answers to why I left and I just can’t tell him. So I stood my ground and he said things he shouldn’t have, it was kind of a blowup.”
“Hailey, why can’t you tell him?” Venus was watching your face, and you could tell she knew that what you were keeping wasn’t something small.
You look up at her, and since the first time you met her you felt safe in her presence. Moving your eyes to the table you whisper, “I feel ashamed, embarrassed, like I failed him.”
“Hails, baby, what happened to you?” Venus is looking at you with a mix of love and concern. “You can tell us.”
You shake your head, “I still haven’t even told Nes. After the fight he agreed that he won’t ask me again, and that when I’m ready he’ll be ready. But the weekend after that fight there was a party for business associates, and Nestor and I just, I don’t know, reconnected. We spent that night together and that’s it.”
“Are you going to tell him?” Wendy asks quietly.
“I can’t,” you look at her sadly. “I just know it will hurt him, and I’m afraid of what he will do.”
“What happened, Hailey?” Venus is now looking at you with a more serious look, “baby, did someone hurt you while he was gone?”
You can’t  look in their eyes, you just nod.
“You can talk to us, Hailey. Clearly whatever it was is still hurting you. Don’t carry this alone.” Wendy grabs your hand, squeezing it trying to encourage you.
Not moving your eyes from the table, “Since I was a teenager, I had worked for Miguel’s dad doing financial stuff. Numbers were easy and my dad was his lawyer, so he trusted me. During law school I would go down once a month or so and meet with him in person. I’ve always been a little afraid of him, I know what he is capable of.” You take in a shaky breath.
“I usually always had Nestor with me or even my dad, but when Nestor deployed my dad was working a big case with his law firm so I had to go alone. A lot was going on with the Galindos then so Jose was…on edge. More ruthless than ever.” You peek up at them and they both give you a reassuring look. “Nestor had been gone for about nine months, and honestly I was struggling. We didn’t talk much, I felt so alone. I was planning a wedding, finishing our house projects, nearing the end of law school. I was so lonely and stressed beyond measure, and I think I kind of let my guard down. So I went to Mexico and Miguel and his mom weren’t there, that should have been a red flag for me. But Devante, Jose’s second in command, pushed for me to come so one of Jose’s men came and picked me up, which was normal so I didn’t question it.”
You pause for a few seconds, taking a drink of your now cold tea. “When I went there I just got a terrible gut feeling. I walked into the house and I could hear Jose losing it in his office. Once I got down there his anger was right on me. The cartel wasn’t doing well, another cartel had come up and they were taking ground, and money.”
You are dreading telling this, but it’s been years since you've gotten to let this out and truly the only other person who you told everything too was Niko.
“Jose grabbed me and he just started screaming at me, saying awful things like how stupid I was, that I was ruining him, I’m a whore, endlessly berating me. I could smell the alcohol on him. While he was screaming he started hitting me, he busted my lip, gave me a black eye, bloodied my nose. When he was done I was covered in bruises, and I learned quickly that he wasn’t done. He shoved me into his desk and he pulled my clothes off…he forced himself on me and at that point I had no fight left in me.” Tears were streaming down your face as you look up, and Venus and Wendy both were wiping tears from their eyes.
“Devante cleaned me up, and the next day he brought me to Jose. And again Jose forced himself on me but this time Devante made sure to threaten me telling me to look like I was enjoying it because he was taking photos. That if I told anyone he would prove I was lying with those and use it as blackmail to control me, and that he would kill my family, and Nes. I believed him because I knew what he did for Jose, and truthfully I would have done anything and agreed to anything in that moment for it to be over so I could go home.” You wipe your nose with your hand and take a deep breath. “Once he was done, Devante told me to call someone to come get me and they just left. I called the one other person besides Nestor who I knew would protect me at all costs, his brother. So he came down and it took everything I had to keep him from doing something stupid. I begged him to just take me back to California.”
“So you never told your parents?” Wendy asked.
Shaking your head, “no, I believed his threat and I knew Niko wouldn’t betray my request to not tell anyone. He took me to his place in San Diego and cleaned me up as best he could. I stayed there until the bruises on my face faded and I felt like I could be at my house alone. Since I didn’t tell anyone, every month I still went to Mexico, I made sure to always have Niko with me so I could come and leave immediately. Before Nestor left I stopped birth control because we wanted a baby when he came home so I just decided to stop it.” The tears are pouring from your eyes now, you can hardly see. “I got pregnant.” You whisper barely loud enough for them to hear. “I took a pregnancy test at the office one day because I panicked, not even thinking that I had to go to Mexico that day alone. The test was in my bag and somehow Jose and Devante found it. Then all hell broke loose. Jose just started hitting me until I was on the ground and he kept kicking me, telling me he was making sure there was no evidence, no proof.”
They both gasp and reach for your hands. “Baby, I’m so sorry.” Venus’ voice broke as she spoke.
“When he was done I got to my car and I just kept driving until I got to Nikos house. He met me at the door and I passed out. By the time he got me to the hospital I lost the baby. I had to actually have a procedure done to basically help it all along because my body was struggling. This was five days before Nestor came back. I couldn’t face him, I felt so terrible, so dirty.”
“Did Niko know you were leaving?” Venus asked as she rubbed the back of my hand.
“He did, when I told Nestor I was leaving I went right to Nikos house and he helped me move to Charming.”
“Had you not talked to Nestor during any of this?”
“Not much, it was the least we talked during any deployment, so I was already having a really hard time and then with everything else I was a shell of myself. I think Niko could see how hurt I was from not hearing from Nestor, and he was mad at him for shutting me out. That’s why he was so willing to help me leave I think. Before Nes came home I packed my stuff, and when he got to the house I gave him my key and ring and I left.”
“Hailey, how have you carried this? And you still haven’t told your parents? Or Nestor? Did Jax know?” Wendy got out between sniffles.
“Gemma and Niko knew the most, Jax knew pieces, but that’s it. Nestor knows I was hurt he figured that out in our fight, but he wants to know everything I just can’t tell him. I can’t lose him when he knows the truth.” Your tears are back at the thought of not having him.
“But Hailey, he deserves the truth. He clearly loves you, neither of you moved on with another relationship in all those years, and clearly keeping this inside is hurting you. Don’t let what Jose did ruin your future. Because baby, when you let the past dictate the now and the future, you only ever get to live in the past.” Venus told you as she stood up and envelopes you in a motherly hug.`Thank you for trusting us with this.”
“We are always going to be your family, Hailey. We’re here anytime you need us.” Wendy said as she joins the embrace. As you were all pulling yourselves together the boys came barreling in and Wendy sent them straight to the bath, while you got yourself ready for movies on the couch which was a request of both boys.
You all piled in the living room, Abel was on your right side tucked under your arm holding your hand tightly, while Thomas climbed right in your lap. The three of you cuddled up and before too long were all asleep. What you didn’t know was that Nero snapped a picture of the three of you, and sent it to Marcus who happened to be with Miguel and Nestor.
Seeing you cuddling with your boys made Nestor’s pulse quicken, and let him imagine coming home to that view. Miguel gave his friend a knowing look, a smile on both of their faces. “You’ve gotten a second chance brother, take advantage of it.”
“I plan on it, Mikey.” Nestor said confidently.
He couldn’t wait for you to be home tomorrow night and moving back into the house even if it was just until your new house was ready.
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mctherofdragons · 4 years
Born to Die | F.W.
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Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader 
Warnings: ANGST/SMUT 18+ only, major character death, toxic relationship dynamic, tattoos, gang activity, motorcycles, domination/submission, daddy kink, possessiveness, praise kink, choking, smoking, drug mention, alludes to criminal activity, blood/wounds/violence, hurt/comfort, police, arrest, gun violence, su*cide by cop. 
Based on: Sons of Anarchy; Lana Del Rey’s Ride and Born to Die music videos 
AN: PLEASE READ THE WARNINGS! I’m not going to argue about this being ~toxic because I know it is. It’s heavily influenced by Jax and Tara’s dynamic in Sons of Anarchy. It’s also a work of complete fiction and honestly, who doesn’t love a bad boy? I know I do. Thank you to Mya (@wandsandwheezes) and Lanie (@gcdric) for encouraging me to write this! Note about biker subculture: “old lady” is a term of endearment for a wife/girlfriend. If a biker refers to a girl as his “old lady”, this is actually a warning sign to other men to back off. Reader would want Fred to refer to her as such. ​
”He’s not good for you,” your mother’s voice echoed as you tossed everything you owned in a duffle bag. “He’s a criminal, y/n.” 
”I don’t care. I love him.” 
With that, you had left everything behind to be with Fred Weasley. He was a boy from the wrong side of town who you had met while tending bar to make ends meet. You had always been a good girl. Sure, your family had no money, but you were a hard worker. In fact, you had began studying to become a nurse - paid for with grants and academic scholarships. All of your dreams faded away when Fred walked into your life. 
Everything about Fred Weasley was stunning. He stood over six feet, broad shoulders clad in leather and tattoos, with a dangerous light behind his eyes. He had scars tattering his soft, pale skin. On his face, freckles danced beneath his eyes light a night sky, and you were enamored with discovering the constellations. He was tough, but soft with you. He wore his long hair gelled back,  adding to his bad boy persona. Fred was the most beautiful man you had ever seen - both inside and out. 
 He had come in one night close to closing, sitting down and whistling at you.  His brown eyes twinkled at you as he ordered a straight whiskey, flirting with you as he drank. “You’re far too pretty to be workin’ here all alone. Girls like you can fall prey easily.”
You had heard about men like him. They would roll up together occasionally, the backs of their leather jackets or vests donning the same symbolic patch. Outlaw motorcycle clubs with all of their criminal enterprising, violence, and danger had been something you would normally have avoided at all costs. However, Fred nearly radiated heat as he sat before you, pushing a tattoo and ring covered hand through his hair. He puffed on his second cigarette of the night, gazing at you in a way that made you want to abandon your good girl ambitions.
“You wanna go for a ride, sweet thing?”
After your shift had ended, you climbed on the back of Fred’s Harley, holding on tight to his waist as he sped down the road. That night he could have taken you anywhere. Even Hell would have been a welcome destination when Fred finally parked outside of a garage, pulling you inside. You were leaned against a different motorcycle with his hands exploring every inch of you. His hand slowly slipped around your throat, the cold of his rings pressing gently into your supple skin. At that moment, you had fallen entranced under Fred Weasley’s spell, unable to ever think about the life you knew before. 
Fred Weasley had bewitched you. Even with the danger that lurked behind every moment with you, the addiction to him had pulled you beneath the waves. It was a dark, deep ocean but you were content to continue being pulled deeper and deeper into the depth. You were his girl. That’s all you ever wanted to be - for eternity. 
Eventually, you had moved into Fred’s house. It was, like everything else about the man’s persona, not the safest place to be. At night, you’d hear gunshots rattling down the street. More than once, you laid awake, watching Fred in the moonlight, holding his own gun in his hand. You knew better than to ask questions about how the gang made its money. Fred often managed to shut you up with diamonds or kisses, pushing any questions you had to the back of your mind. 
One night, you had been laying on Fred’s chest. You were tracing the lion tattoo on the right side of his chest, your fingers dancing over the cat’s dark mane. “I’m scared for you, Freddie.” 
You gasped slightly as he pulled your hair behind your shoulder, pressing the pad of his pointer finger behind your ear. There you had gotten a small, but meaningful tattoo. The letter ‘F’ was sunk into your skin, marking you permanently as his. Fred was possessive over you. He kept you safe from the other members with a proprietary aura. Fred moved to attach a soft kiss to the tattoo, his warm breath tickling against your earlobe. 
“You know I’ll keep you safe, right, babygirl?” 
“Of course.” 
He slid his hand down your body, strong and calloused hands brushing against the skin of your side. He trailed a finger along the lace of your panties, slowly and painfully running the tip of his pointer finger along your slit. He moved the black material to the side, coasting two of his long fingers into you. He rubbed soft circles on your hood, causing you to gasp slightly. 
“Do you belong to me? Who do you belong to? If someone asks, who do you belong to?” 
He would occasionally beg for confirmation from you. “Fred Weasley,” you breathed, back arching as he attached his open mouth to your neck, sucking a mark into your skin. “Fred Weasley.” 
He fingered you fast, loving the way your wetness coated his fingers. He pulled them out, shoving them into your mouth with a small grin. You gazed into his eyes as you licked them clean, batting your long, mascara coated eyelashes at him. 
“That’s my bitch.” 
You melted at his words, spreading your legs wider and allowing him to climb on top of you. You dug your fingernails into his back as he moved rhythmically inside of you, making tiny scratches along with the tattoos on his shoulders. His rings pressed hard into your skin as he propped your legs up, keeping his eyes burning into yours. 
You were waiting up one night for Fred, sitting in nothing but his leather vest, donned with the club’s patch on the back. The patch itself had to be earned, and membership in the club was lifelong. The only way out of the club itself was death, and Fred knew that very well. He had another patch on the front breast of his vest - Man of Mayhem - meaning he had undertaken several high-risk tasks for the crew. 
He didn’t tell you much about these tasks, and you didn’t ask questions as you would stand at the sink, scrubbing blood from his shirts. He was gone late again tonight and you had missed him, pulling the vest on since he had worn his jacket instead. You heard the door ratted open. Fred stood before you, cigarette hanging from his ruddy, pink lips. He took a long drag, blowing the smoke up into the air. 
“You like?” You asked, standing up. Your lips curled into a mischievous grin and you ran off toward the bedroom, but he caught you by your arm. He had you pinned against the wall. He smelled like alcohol, cigarettes, and motorcycle exhaust. It was then that you noticed Fred’s lip was busted open, a bit of blood dried over the cut on the top. It was swollen and bruised. His cheek, on the other hand, also had a large blue and yellow bruise forming beneath his eye socket. 
“Take it off.” 
You plucked the smoke from his mouth, pulling it between your own lips for a drag. “Why?” 
He grabbed the cigarette back and stomped it out under his boot. He latched his hands onto the leather of the vest and pulled it off of you, tossing it onto a nearby table. “No one fucking wears that patch besides members. Do you fucking understand that?” 
You had recoiled a bit, leaning away from him. He caught your face gently in his hands, planting a soft kiss on your lips. You sighed, suddenly melting back into his touch. Fred was holding your face tightly as he kissed you. You could feel the rugged cut on his lip against your own. You wished somewhere deep down the kiss itself was magic - able to heal him. His tongue danced along your lower lip before you granted him entry. You had almost forgotten you were completely naked while he was clothed, once again causing you to find your rightful place as his plaything. 
“I’m trying to protect you.” 
“I know, I’m sorry.” 
He stood back for a second, taking in the sight of you naked before him. You giggled loudly as he hoisted you up, tossing you over his shoulder. He brought a hand up to smack your bare ass, a loud crack breaking the silence of the house. When he finally got to the bedroom, he tossed you onto the mattress and you bounced. 
You propped your head upon your hand as he stripped, muscles flexing as he pulled his tee-shirt off. He laid down on the bed and you ran your hands along his bare chest. You were kissing fast and furiously, tongues battling for dominance. He had slid his hand between your legs, rubbing his fingers gently against your sensitive flower. He spat into his hand, bringing it back down to moisten you even more. Fred had an artistic way of touching you as if each point of pressure on your body was something he craved to explore. You were panting loudly, tiny feminine gasps rolling off your tongue. 
“You wanna ride me, princess?” You nodded, moving to place your knees on either side of his hips. Placing your hand around Fred’s shaft, you guided his length into you. You lowered yourself slowly onto him and tossed your head toward the ceiling, feeling your hair fall against the bare skin of your back. The way he filled you up was sinful yet otherworldly. Gently, you gyrated your hips in circles, getting comfortable. Fred placed his hands on your hips, urging you to begin bouncing. It was moments like this that had made Fred claim you as his ‘old lady’ - biker slang for a girl that belonged to him and only him. It was a predatorial move, urging the other men in the MC to back off, lest they deal with his wrath. It made you feel chosen, valued, and deeply cherished. 
Fred locked his eyes onto yours as you ran your hands up and down his chest. He caught your lips for a kiss, pushing his hands up into the tangles of your hair. As you panted, he spoke softly into your shoulder. “I need...I need your help with something. Are you gonna b-be my good girl?”
You continued to bounce on him, staring deeply into his eyes. “Anything for you, daddy.” 
He helped you off of him, moving swiftly to pin you beneath him. He slammed into you again, pinning your hands above your head. You moaned, letting him attach his lips around your nipple. He bit softly before sucking. He lifted your legs to rest on his shoulders, moving quicker and quicker. 
“Would you do anything for me, baby? Would you?” “Yes! Yes, daddy,” you moaned. Fred could feel your walls tightening around him, which signaled him to wrap his hand around your throat. The feeling of his rings on your skin and the loss of control sent you into your ecstasy, crying his name out loudly. He came next, pulling out to cum on your stomach. You watched, stars in your eyes, as he reached next to the bed to grab his tee shirt and wipe you up. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
You held the gun in your hand still, shaking as you watched the person in front of you fall to the floor. “C’mon,” Fred said, wrapping his hand around your wrist. You ran along with him, shaking from your fingers to toes. 
“Is-Is...did I kill her?” 
Fred handed you a small, white pill and you took it without question. “It’ll calm you down. C’mon,” he said, starting up his bike. You crawled onto the back, wrapping your arms around his waist. Fred’s shirt was still soaked in blood. You had been his ruse to get into the house, and then he had urged you to shoot. 
He had shot too, leaving the living room full of the corpses of a rival club. As Fred sped, coasting nearly one hundred miles per hour, you saw flashes of red and blue light up in the rearview. Fred was content to rev his engine, but another cop car pulled out in front, causing his wheels to come to a screeching stop. 
Four sets of officers stood behind their doors, crouching, guns drawn. “Get off,” Fred whispered and you listened, hands up in surrender. A male cop immediately grabbed you, locking the handcuffs around your wrist. You were bent over the hood of the cop car, waiting for Fred to make his move. 
“Weasley, put your hands up and drop your weapon.” 
Fred slowly got off of his bike, hands up. He looked you dead in the eyes, saying words you had never heard him speak out loud before. “Remember, I’ve always loved you, baby. I’m not letting them take me.” 
With that, he moved his hand down to his waistband, going for his gun. Before he could get it, a shower of bullets rang out from all angles, bursting through the leather of his jacket and into his torso and head. You screamed, fighting against your cuffs as two male officers held you back. Fred Weasley had gone out the same way he had always wanted - in a blaze of glory. 
“Freddie!” You screamed echoed in the quiet desert night, staring at the blood pooling into the California sand. “Freddie!” 
Fred’s eyes were still open, blood leaking from his mouth. The light behind them was gone, his pupils only illuminated by swirls of red and blue from the sirens. You continued to scream as you were pushed, head down, into the back of a police car. 
The police officer began to read your rights. “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?” 
“Fuck you,” you cussed, as one final send off to the man you loved. 
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avengerscompound · 3 years
The Tower: Happily Ever After - 5
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The Tower: Happily Ever After An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist | Character Refrence PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 1601
Warnings:  Pregnancy
Synopsis: Almost 40 years after Elise Cooper first crashed into Natasha Romanoff outside the library at Columbia University, she and the Avengers are adapting to a near-immortal life together with their large brood of children.  Yet things aren’t perfect.  Life is moving on without them and they’re starting to discover who isolating being immortal can be.When Angela comes and asks Thor to take the throne of Asgard once more, the group leaves Earth in the hopes that they will find their Happily Ever After there.
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Chapter 5: Farewell to Our Old Life
It was kind of strange how little there was to organize for us regarding our move.  There was packing, but we couldn’t exactly hire a moving truck so it needed to fit in bags that we could carry or it had to stay behind.  That was difficult.  We had had a long time to collect a lot of things we considered precious to us.  The glass artwork that Thor and I had inadvertently made on our honeymoon was the thing I wished we could bring the most.  It would stay in the fountain in the entry and hopefully, we’d come back sometimes and see it.
Thankfully, most of our things were fairly portable.  We also wouldn’t need a lot of clothes because Asgard would provide things more fitting for the palace, and it’s not like we would need any furniture.  Mostly it was just personal effects and tech that Tony wanted to use there.
Other than that it was just letting the doctors know I was leaving, pulling Marya out of school, and organizing the party.
It was still leaning on the stressful side though - especially considering we were still waiting to hear what the rest of the kids were going to do.
Even though Rose and Paul had appeared closest to deciding to come, it was Billy and Teddy who came back to us first with a yes.  They had also said they wanted to do a bonding ceremony when we were there, which added another level of excitement and another level of stress.
Rose and Paul came next.  They said that they would try it out and see.  The concern about their children’s lifespan was a big issue for them, but Paul also said he’d be crazy to give up at least trying to live on Asgard as actual royalty.
As expected it was Eddie who took the longest to decide.  He really did love his job, and I think even with his talk about having children, he, Lyra, and Rory were still right into the rich, young party lifestyle.  He was worried about what they’d lose going to Asgard, rather than focusing on the things he might gain. 
No one pressured him though.  Any questions the three had were answered as honestly as we could and if we didn’t know we’d send word back to Asgard and Loki would come and give the answers they were looking for if at all possible.  Eventually, he decided that he’d give it six months for us to settle and make sure things with Stark Industries and the Avengers was transitioning smoothly given our sudden departure, and then he and his family would join us there to try it out.  He mentioned maybe doing six months on each planet or returning to Earth for a month or two every year, but we were all just glad he was willing to try it out, and his delayed departure from Earth was a good idea.  He even promised to come and visit when his new siblings were born.
When our goodbye party began, the whole family was excited for this new chapter in our lives and sad to say goodbye to the last.
Many of our friends were elderly or had passed on, so the party was going to be a mixture of different people.  Clarke was still around, though Jax had passed a few years ago.  We’d lost Rhodey and Fury, though Hill was still running the day-to-day operations of the Avengers, even in her old age, and Coulson had retired after years as successfully being director of SHIELD.  Vision was the same as ever, and people often came to him for direction when it came to the Avengers.  Carol also hadn’t changed though she still spent more time in space than on Earth.  A lot of the people we had met that had seemed so young when we met them, were all not officially middle-aged.  Even Peter Parker who was only fifteen when I met him was now pushing fifty and had a wife and daughter of his own.
They would all be at the party, including a lot of the new Avengers lineup.  Most of whom were much heavier hitters than any of us, even when we were wielding Mjolnir.  It was definitely going to be sad to say goodbye.
“It’s going to be okay, you know?”  Wanda said, snapping me out of my mini-trance as she ran a brush methodically through my hair.
“No, I know,” I said, tilting my head back.
“Then tell your brain that,” she teased.
I giggled and leaned up and pecked her lips.  “I’m sorry.  I would if I could.  Just hormones I guess.  Feeling stressed.”
“Well, stop it,” she scolded playfully.  “It’s bad for the babies.”
She began to braid my hair and I hummed as her fingertips grazed over my scalp.  “Imagine it though, Elly,” Wanda said.  “All the kids nearby - the new babies.”
“You’re a baby-oholic,” I said, laughing softly.
“It’s true,” she says.  “I am.”
She ran a hand around my side and pressed it on my stomach.  “I can’t wait to meet them,” she said.  “They already have such busy thoughts.”
I looked up at her and I’m not sure whether it was the look of pure and complete love in her eyes or the way the light caught in her hair, but I was struck by how beautiful she was and how much I loved her.  She smiled and pressed a kiss to my forehead.  “I love you too,” she said and picked up a strand of silver wire with black opal and threaded it into my hair.  “All done.”
I stood carefully and straightened out the skirts on my blue lace cocktail dress.  “How do I look?” I asked.
“Perfect as always,” she said.  “Let's go say goodbye to our friends.”
We made our way down to the party deck where the party was only just starting up.  Bruce, Steve, and Clint were all already there, but there was no sign of Tony, Natasha, Clint, Sam, Thor, or Bucky.
Some of our kids were there and their kids all played out in the garden atrium that was built on the protruding wing of the tower and the party deck opened out into.  I greeted everyone and as I made my way around the room more people arrived.
Clarke came over and tapped me on the shoulder.  I turned and smiled, hugging her tightly.  She had aged well, not as well as I had obviously, but while her face was lined and she was a little frailer looking, she had kept in good shape and she continued to color her hair.  It would be easy to think she was in her early fifties rather than her mid-seventies.  Her eyes were what gave it away.  What had once been vivid violet had faded to pale lavender and were slightly cloudy.  They were heavily lined at the corners, the years having carved deep crevices to mark each time she was happy or sad or angry or worried.  It was still my Clarke though and I was going to miss her.
“I can’t believe you’re not going to be here when these two are born,” she said, indicating to my stomach as we pulled apart.  She was one of the select group of people I would be totally fine with touching my stomach unasked - but she never assumed.  “Where am I going to get my baby kisses from?”
I laughed and shook my head.  “I guess you’ll have to visit me on Asgard.”
“You can do that?”  She asked.
“I mean… I’m the Queen.  I think I can pull some strings,” I teased.
She laughed.  “God, thinking of you as a Queen is such a trip.”
“Hey Auntie Clarke,” Billy said, appearing behind us.  “I haven’t seen you for a while.”
Clarke hugged him and looked around.  “It’s been too long.  Where are those kids of yours.”
“Come on, I’ll take you to them,” he looked over at me and narrowed his eyes.  “You go sit down, mom.  You know you’re supposed to be taking it easy.”
“I am taking it easy,” I argued, holding up my hands.  “I’m just standing here.”
“Go on,” he said.  “Don’t make me page Dad Tony.”
“Heaven forbid,” I laughed and he wrinkled his nose at me and led Clarke out to the atrium.  I got myself a little plate of appetizers and a glass of punch and went and took a seat.
It wasn’t long until the whole room was teeming with people.  The Avengers had gotten to be a rather large collection of people since the original six had been reluctantly dragged together all those years ago.  Having so many of the people who meant so much to all of us here at the same time couldn’t help but make me think about how I’d first joined this group that would one day be my family.
All those years ago I had been a traumatized woman in her mid-twenties, just trying to get by.  I didn’t have many good friends, because it took a lot for me to trust people.  It took a superhero to get through and with her, so many other people flooded in after.  I was so grateful to them, and so in love with each of them to this day.  It would be hard letting this life of ours go, but it was inevitable.  I still had my 9 chosen people though, and I always would.  I was glad to be taking this next step with them at my side.
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
Try Again
Kozik x OFC (Tawnie Trager) (ft. Dad!Tig Trager)
Request by Anon: Kozik x female reader, where reader is Tig's first daughter (bit older than the twins, called Tawnie for lols) and no-one knows they're together, until Kozik overhears Gemma question Tawnie about the hickeys - who is like "I'm not sure whether to be mad that they're there, or mad that they're not that good" and then Kozik is pretty much like, 'challenge accepted', and Tig catches them when Kozik tries to leave better ones...?
Prequel can be found Here
Warnings: language, alcohol, slight steam
Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: I changed it to an OFC because the prompt felt almost a little too specific to keep it as a reader-insert lol. Hope you don’t mind! Also, y’all really like seeing Kozik come within an inch of his life with Dad!Tig lmaoooo love it
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SOA Taglist: @garbinge​ @masterlistforimagines​ @adela-topaz-caelon​ @mijop​ @chibsytelford​ @xladymacbethx​ @i-just-read-stuff​ @kkim120​ @multiyfandomgirl40​ @toni9​ @unicornucopia-fuckers​ @mayans-sauce​ @shadow-of-wonder​ (If you want to be added to the taglist, just let me know!)
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She walked into the office with a box of files in her hands. Setting it down on Gemma’s desk, she let out a sigh. Rolling and cracking her neck, she pulled her hair back for a moment to help cool down. Normally she wouldn’t be caught dead with her hair down in the middle of summer, but things had gotten a little heated the night before and Kozik had left a scattering of hickeys on the side of her neck. The rule was always to keep it below the collar but they both got a little wrapped up in things. It wasn’t a huge deal when it happened for him—he could blame it on any of the women who hung around the clubhouse. But for her it was a bit of a tougher situation.
Her father had made it clear from the get-go that she and both of her sisters were off-limits to every man in the club. Even men who were friends of the club. No one was to do so much as toss a wink or a potentially flirtatious comment their way. And for as much as she tried to tell her father that he was being ridiculous, that she was a grown woman who could and would make her own decisions, he never budged. After all, Tig had never been known for being a man to compromise.
So it was bad enough that she was sneaking behind her father’s back with someone in the club. What made it even worse was the fact that it was the one person in the MC that he couldn’t stand. She didn’t even remember how her and Kozik fell into the situation that they were in. He was always friendly with her, but he was one of the most cautious around her because he knew that Tig wouldn’t hesitate to put a bullet in him if he so much as thought Kozik was hitting on his daughter. And yet, somehow that flipped completely around and the two of them were sneaking off whenever the situation allowed for it.
The last few months were playing at hyper-speed in her mind as she let herself breathe for a moment in the privacy of Gemma’s office. She was staring blankly down at the box that she had just brought in, too zoned out to notice the fact that Gemma had walked in behind her.
“Well, well, well,” Gemma chuckled as she walked up behind her, “What’d you get yourself into last night, T?”
Fear shot down her spine and she instantly let her hair go, “What?”
Gemma shook her head, “Too late to hide it now, sweetheart,” she brushed her hair out of the way to get a better look at her neck, “Since you’re busted, you gotta tell me,” she leaned back against the desk, “Who done it, Tawnie?”
She rolled her eyes, “You cannot tell my dad.”
Gemma chuckled, “What Tig doesn’t know won’t hurt him. So,” she nudged Tawnie’s shoulder, “spill the beans, sweetheart.”
Kozik was about to walk in to ask Gemma about something when he heard the two of them talking. He stopped himself, lurking right outside the door. He was curious to see how the conversation was going to go—he wanted to know if Tawnie would actually confide in someone about the two of them. He’d been good, he hadn’t told a single soul about the two of them being together. It was too small of a town and word traveled way too fast. His days were numbered as it was and he didn’t want to shorten his lifespan any more than necessary by having Tig find out that he was hooking up with his daughter.
Tawnie sighed, running her hands down her face, “Kozik.”
Gemma’s eyes went wide, “Honey, why do you want him to get the shit kicked out of him?”
She laughed, “I don’t! I don’t. Please, please don’t tell my dad.”
“I won’t,” Gemma shook her head slightly, “How’d that happen, anyway?”
She shrugged, feeling the heat rise slightly in her cheeks, “I don’t really know. It all sorta just…fell together.”
“How long?”
She paused, not wanting to admit how long they’d been hiding it, “Couple months.”
“A couple months?” Gemma chuckled and shook her head, “You’ve been sneaking around for a couple months and the man still can’t leave a proper hickey?”
She laughed, giving her a playful shove, “Gemma!”
“What? I’m just saying,” she glanced at her neck, “I could leave a better one than that. And your father would be much less pissed off about it.”
“You gonna give him a how-to manual, Gemma?”
She shook her head, “That’s something he’s gotta learn on his own, sweetheart.”
She laughed, “Is that something you’d like updates on?”
Gemma smiled as she fixed Tawnie’s hair, covering back up the marks on her neck, “You won’t need to tell me—I’ll see it for myself.”
There were a few beats of silence before she spoke up again, “Thank you for, y’know, not ratting me out to my dad.”
She smiled, “The girls gotta stick together.”
Taking that as her cue to leave, Tawnie made her way towards the office door. Kozik heard the sound of her footsteps and tried to back off enough so that it wouldn’t seem obvious that he was waiting right outside the door for her. Despite the distance, though, his face gave him away. She could tell from his expression that he was trying to cover for himself, which meant that he had most definitely heard her conversation with Gemma. She felt a little bad, but she also wanted to see what he was going to say.
“Oh, hey,” she smiled, tilting her head slightly, “You good?”
He nodded, “Yea, I’m…I’m good. Is, uh, is Gemma in there?”
So he was going to play it off for the time being. Two could play at that game. She nodded, “Yea, just got in.”
“Alright, cool. Thanks. I’ll see you later?”
She nodded, “Yea of course. You gonna be around tonight for the party?”
“Are you?”
She smiled, “I think so.”
A smirk passed over his face for a moment, “Then I think so too.”
The day went by quickly. She kept herself busy with random things around the garage and the clubhouse. Normally she’d be getting her hands dirty working on whatever needed repairs, but if she couldn’t tie her hair back out of the way, she wasn’t even going to bother. It would’ve been more trouble than it was worth.
She was helping bring in a few cases of beer as people started showing up for the party. It was dark out by that point, music and loud conversations already starting to flow out through the walls of the clubhouse. She smiled and shook her head to herself as she bumped the door open with her hip.
“T,” Jax appeared on the other side of the bar from her and gave his most charming smile, “grab me a beer, please?”
She rolled her eyes but did as he asked. She popped the top off of it before handing it to him, “I’m not a bartender, Teller.”
“If you’re on that side of the bar, you’re a bartender. Those are the rules.”
She laughed and shook her head before grabbing a beer for herself, “Guess you can carry your own shit in next time.”
Making her way back to the side of the bar that wouldn’t land her with more responsibilities, she looked around the clubhouse. Everyone was hanging out having a good time. A few of the guys were playing pool, and some of them already had women draped over their laps. She chuckled as she sat herself down on a stool at the bar. Pressing the beer bottle to her lips, she silently looked for Kozik in the midst of the chaos.
They locked eyes from across the room. He was sitting on the sofa, one of the women from Cara Cara tucked underneath his arm. She almost felt herself getting jealous, but when he smiled at her all of those feelings faded away. They both knew that the price of keeping their relationship a secret was having to allow a certain amount of flirtation from the people around them. He never got too close with any of the women who hung around the clubhouse, but he couldn’t be too cold and dismissive without at least one of the guys giving him shit about it.
Tawnie refused to break eye contact as she took a long drink from her beer bottle. She could see it in his eyes that even though the party had barely started, he already wanted to leave with her. She would’ve been up for that, too, if he asked. But she knew that he wouldn’t. She contented herself with keeping an eye on everyone around her.
Tig walked up, throwing a loving arm around his daughter’s shoulders, “How you doin’, doll?”
She chuckled and leaned against him for a moment, giving him a side-hug, “I’m good, Dad. Enjoying the party?”
“Always,” he laughed, “But are you?”
She chuckled, nodding, “You know me—I’m more than happy to just sit back and watch everyone else get into trouble.”
“Good way to stay out of it.”
“Exactly,” she gave him a playful nudge, “Go keep the boys in line, alright?”
He smiled, pressing a brief kiss to the top of her head, “Love you, T.”
“Love you too,” she laughed as he took off into the fray of things.
Once the party had really gotten underway, Kozik made his way over to her. It felt safer to be closer when there was so much else going on around them—they weren’t on anyone’s radar. He leaned in close so that only she could hear him. At first it was just jokes, off-hand comments about what was going on around them. She’d laugh and shake her head, and Kozik could swear that he’d never heard a better sound.
“Think we could sneak out for a bit?” he asked.
She looked at him, eyebrows raised, “Oh?”
He nodded, “Yea,” he pushed her hair back behind her shoulder, “because apparently I have some work to make up for.”
Heat rushed to her face and she wanted to hide behind her hands. Even though she knew that he had heard the conversation with Gemma, talking about it was an entirely different thing. She looked up at him, a nervous smile on her face.
“I didn’t say—”
“Don’t even,” he laughed and shook his head.
She laughed as well, knowing that there was no trying to soften the blow to his ego. He seemed to be handling it just fine, though. They both looked around to see if anyone was paying attention to them before sneaking back towards the dorms.
Once they were in the hall, out of the main cluster of the clubhouse, Kozik instantly had his hands all over her. He walked up behind her, sliding his hands up her sides beneath her top. Without thinking about it, she melted back into him, reaching back with one hand to trail her fingers down the side of his face. His fingers gripped onto her side as he kissed along her shoulder. He spun her around so that her chest was pressed against his, pushing her back against the wall.
He crashed his lips into hers as he pinned her to the wall. She gripped the edges of his kutte and attempted to pull him as close as she possibly could. They knew it was reckless to not even bother waiting to get to his dorm, but she wasn’t in the mood to be telling him to stop. Any and all responsible thoughts left her brain the second he bit down on her bottom lip.
He pulled his lips off of hers, trailing them down along her jaw and peppering her with kisses all along the way. She couldn’t help but to smile as he placed a kiss on her neck, “Gonna give it another shot?”
His laughter vibrated against her skin, “I feel like I have to. Can’t let Gemma disrespect me like that.”
She laughed and was about to make a smart remark when she felt his teeth against the sensitive skin of her neck. Her fingers wound their way into his hair, eyes fluttering shut as his hand slipped up the front of her shirt as he continued to suck a dark mark into the side of her throat. His name was about to fall from her lips in a quiet moan when their moment was interrupted.
“What the fuck is this?” Tig snapped, eyes darting back and forth between the two of them.
Kozik immediately backpedaled, nearly plastering himself against the opposite wall from Tig’s daughter. Tawnie’s face was flushed, hair and shirt a mess as she tried to look anywhere but into the eyes of her dad. She knew it was their own doing, but she still didn’t want to have to have this conversation with him.
“You’re a dead motherfucker,” within a split second Tig was charging at Kozik,
“Dad!” Tawnie jumped in, barely being able to wedge herself between the two men before serious damage was done, “Dad, stop!” she shoved him backwards with all the strength she could muster.
Tig’s chest was heaving as he looked down at his daughter, “What the fuck, T?”
“You don’t get to tell me who I can and can’t see,” she sounded much more confident than she really felt.
“This,” he pointed at Kozik, “is not a good choice, Tawnie.”
“You don’t get to decide that for me!”
Kozik’s eyes were bouncing back and forth between the two Tragers. It wasn’t often that he saw Tawnie get heated and defensive about things. He’d certainly never pictured her speaking like that to her own father. He wanted to step in and say something but he had the feeling that that was only going to make it worse.
“And you,” Tig’s eyes bored into his, “what the fuck are you thinking?!”
It was hard to try and sound tough when Tawnie was the only thing standing between him and getting his ass beat. He still tried, though. He rested his hands protectively on her shoulders and looked directly into Tig’s eyes.
“I’m think that she’s right. That you don’t get to make that decision for us.”
“For us?” Tig stepped in closer, his blood boiling.
“I’m an adult, Dad,” Tawnie was shaking her head, “And for what it’s worth, I don’t think you get to criticize who I’m seeing when you were about to bring some random woman back to your dorm,” she cocked one eyebrow.
That got Tig to recoil a bit. He hooked his thumbs onto his belt-loops, trying to figure out what he wanted his next move to be. After a few moments of incredibly tense silence, he looked back at his daughter, “We aren’t done talking about this.”
Before she could try to give any kind of sass in return, Tig turned around and headed back towards the main part of the clubhouse, the woman he was about to whisk away following suit. Tawnie let out a deep sigh of relief as she leaned back against Kozik, taking comfort in the feeling of his arms draped over her shoulders as he kissed the top of her forehead.
“Did you think you were gonna die?” she laughed.
He chuckled, loosely wrapping his arms around her neck as he pulled her back against him, “For a second, yea.”
“My last resort would’ve been telling him that Gemma told you to do it,” she tilted her head back so she could look up at him.
He smiled down at her, “I kinda wish that you did, just so we could see his reaction.”
“He still might’ve killed you.”
“Maybe,” he sighed as he rested his forehead lightly against the back of her head.
“Does this mean you’re going to bail on your redemption plans?”
He slid his hands down so that they were resting on her hips again. Without a word he turned her and began pushing her down the hall in the direction of his dorm. She laughed as she let herself be guided down the row of doors.
“I don’t give up that easy,” he laughed quietly as he pressed a kiss to her temple.
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WORDS: about 800.
Summary: you 1, crow eaters 0.
❚❙ A/N: this writing hasn’t been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I’m sorry about that. If you find a description about body or a word out of place, or something that it makes you feel uncomfortable / unrepresented, let me know by a private message and I will change it delighted ❤
❚❙ GIF credits: to the author.
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Having a sip from your beer, you can’t help but notice all the crow eaters that are trying to get closer to Happy. At first, when the party just started, it was funny because with only one growl, he used to chase them away. But after two hours sitting by his side, it’s starting to be awkward. Things between you turned a little more serious a few days ago, when you had a slight accident with your car, and he began to overprotect you. Even so, nobody knows exactly what is going on; if you are only a pair of close friends, if you are in a relationship, if you fuck occasionally. You don’t know either, but that doesn’t mean that those bitches can swing their flat asses in front of him.
Grunting against your drink, you have another sip, watching a woman almost naked buzzing around Happy. Seconds ago you abandoned the talk between Tig and Chibs. Mentally, because you continue sitting by their side. Your eyes and your attention are on your man, raising his dark eyes to the owner of the hand on his shoulder. He looks tired of repeating the same gesture once and again, pushing her away from him. And you’re starting to think that all of them have made a bet to see who takes him to a room first, but that is not going to happen.
“And then you pop out her eyes with a spoon, right, (Y/N)?”
“Yeah… Yeah, sure”. You haven’t heard Tig, turning at them frowning because of Chibs laugh.
“Lass, ye should mark yer territory”.
“Happy isn’t a property. And even so, he will not tolerate anything of what you’re thinking about”. Sighing, you finish your beer with a long drink, before leaving it abandoned on the picnic table.
Focusing on his bottle, already emptied too, you have an idea. Or something else like an excuse to come closer without being suspicious. Walking into the clubhouse, leading your steps to the bar, you slide a hand in the last fridge to touch every single beer inside it until finding the coldest ones. Grabbing two of them and trying to hide the triumphant smile on your face, you step out from the place at the exact moment you notice another crow eater about to do her best with Happy. But you’re faster, cutting off her path, and squatting close to the Son.
Interchanging beers, he directs his confused orbs at you. And you can’t help it, wrapping his neck with one of your bare arms to move him a little, so you can press your lips on his cheek. It’s a soft kiss that doesn’t take longer than one second, but being enough to ride his heart. You can hear it, you can feel it by your hand hanging from his shoulder to his chest.
“What’s that…?” Happy babbles, opening his nostrils in a repugnance gesture.
Fuck. Jax and Juice don’t take their eyes from you, watching how you retire your arm from his personal space, feeling more stupid than ever in your life. You knew that you shouldn’t listen to his friends. But you did.
“It’s just… affection”. You reply with a lower tone of voice.
“Is disgusting”.
His sentence takes you by surprise. You have never heard him complaining about your kisses, or about how clingy you can be sometimes, when you’re alone. Maybe, that’s the point you haven’t thought about. Happy doesn’t want a relationship with you, or with another girl. But someone who holds him when the demons in his head doesn’t let him sleep. Biting your bottom lip with your incisors, you nod two times, keeping your eyes lost somewhere, getting up and trying to pretend that you haven’t made him feel uncomfortable.
Standing up on your feet, about to turn around and run away, a firm grip grabs your left wrist. Five fingers around it push you closer, making you fall onto his lap, as his tattooed arms surround your waist.
“I like it, do it again”. Emphasizing with a husky tone of voice, Happy looks at you with parted lips, breathing through them.
Puckering your lips and narrowing your eyes, you’re not sure if he’s being serious, until he pocks twice his cheek using a ringed forefinger. Closing the minimal distance between both, you press them again on his rough skin, as your fingers get intertwined with his so he can urge to lie against his chest.
While your man looks delighted, you can’t avoid the furious looks on the two of you coming from a corner of Teller Morrow. Sincerely, you don’t care. Now those bitches know that Happy has the best woman on earth by his side and he doesn’t need anything else.
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