#he came up with paraworm. it is my favorite thing in existence
starxscream · 3 years
Slice of life/domestic idea: Rouxls asking if he could borrow one of Swatch's spare shirt for some reason (like he needs to do the laundry and needs to borrow one for now) and Swatch agrees without thinking too much of it, but then they see Rouxls wearing the shirt that is way too large for him and they have a gay tm moment because Rouxls looks really cute in it.
I was chomping at the bit during my entire book report bc this made me want to write so bad I LOVE this SO MUCH
so anon, for you, a swatchkaard drabble
Plus a widdle surprise at the end :3
Swatch idly presses on the end of their pen repeatedly, skimming over papers and making marks where necessary. Double checking all of the cafe's records and numbers, making sure that everything lined up properly. It was late afternoon by this point and the bird still had a lot to go over. A sigh escapes their beak.
Soon, they hear the pattering of footsteps behind them, already knowing who it is they don't bother turning around and instead continue working. Hoping that the visitor gets the message that they did not wish to be disturbed this exact moment.
Of course, they were still disturbed anyways.
"I needeth to borrow one of thou shirts." The familiar voice announces, "I art without thine usualest garments, as thou art headed towards thy wash."
Swatch barely gives a glance at Rouxls who was hovering behind them, still focused on their work and barely registering what he was even saying, "Sure, that's fine by me." Swatch agrees, idly, waving the blue man off.
"I appreciateth thy kindeth gesture thy darling paraworm." Rouxls moves forward to stand beside Swatch for a moment, leaning over a giving Swatch a quick peck to their cheek. Lingering for a brief moment before pulling away and quickly heading off to do the laundry he had been alluding to.
Swatch pauses for a moment, glancing over their shoulder as Rouxls leaves, a pleased trill hanging in the back of their throat. However, they soon return to their work, idly spinning the pen between their fingers as they sort through the papers.
They're not sure how long they spend crunching numbers and organizing, only vaguely hearing Rouxls do whatever it was he was doing in the background. Eventually though, they finally set down their pen and rub at the space between their eyes.
It was time for a break, they decided. The rest could wait and they could use a brief refresher before tackling the last of it.
Lifting their arms above their head, Swatch lets out a yawn, stretching out their arms and back. Goodness how long were they sitting in that position...
Choosing to get up and move around, Swatch hefts themself out of their seat, stretching out their stiff legs for a moment. They glance around, not seeing Rouxls nearby despite having heard him around earlier. Hm...they wonder what he was doing.
If anything, Swatch can help out with the chores for a little bit. (Any excuse to spend time with Rouxls really...)
Making their way towards the door, Swatch reaches to open it but does not get the chance as it abruptly swings opens and something crashes right into them.
Swatch stumbles backwards, letting out a quiet pained oof, clutching their gut as they hear something heavy drop to the ground with a loud thud accompanied by a yelp of surprise.
Swatch looks over to what had fallen, seeing a laundry hamper tipped onto it's side, clothes strewn out from where it hit the ground. At the sound of a familiar frustrated voice however, Swatch's attention is taken away from the hamper.
"God. DAMN IT." Rouxls immediately bends down, picking up the hamper and putting it back upright and starts piling the clothes back into hamper quickly, just throwing it back in with an embarrassed flush on his face.
"I giveth thou my deepest condolences-" Rouxls speaks quickly, veins buzzing with nerves, "I dideth not expect thou to be on thee otherest side."
Bending down and helping pick up the scattered clothes, Swatch attempts to ease Rouxls' worries, "It is quite alright, it was an accident. No one was hurt and it's an easy fix."
Rouxls glances up at Swatch, before huffing and grabbing the rest of the clothes and slamming them into the hamper before Swatch could get ahold of them, "An accidente that I will taketh care of!" Swatch rolls their eyes, of course Rouxls would still hold a sense of pride over an accident.
Grabbing the hamper again and tucking it into his side, letting it rest against his knee, Rouxls stands back up and uses one of hands to sweep his hair back over his shoulder while the other holds onto the hamper. Swatch soon follows suit, dusting themselves off and-
They finally get a good look at Rouxls, at what Rouxls was wearing.
Instead of the usual fancy blue dresswear, Rouxls wore Swatch's usual black and white shirt. It was much too large for the smaller man, the sleeves having been rolled up and the bottom of the shirt tucked into his pants professionally. Of course he would still put effort into his appearance even when it's not fully his own...
Gaze centered on their own shirt covering Rouxls' frame, Swatch finds themselves at a loss for words, mind coming to a full halt as they just took in how much they loved seeing Rouxls in their shirt.
Rouxls shifts awkwardly, "If thou could...please moveth I do needest to finish foldinge thee rest of thy attires."
Swatch finally snaps out of their trance, flush rising to their face, "Oh- yes. Right. My apologies." They step to the side, allowing Rouxls to pass, head turning to watch Rouxls walk away and soon beginning to fold the clothes that were tossed back into the hamper. Rouxls was completely diligent, making sure to make every crease perfect and concise, and Swatch had to admire that about him. Rouxls always did try to do his best in whatever it was he did.
A smile forming on their face, Swatch looks over Rouxls again, feeling a loving warmth bloom in their chest. That was their shirt, Rouxls was wearing their shirt. It filled Swatch with a sense of giddiness, the bird finding themself coming up behind the smaller man and wrapping his arms around his waist.
Rouxls jumps, the shirt in his hands coming unfolded, "W-what art thou doing!?"
Swatch hums, leaning forward and rest the bottom of their beak on top of Rouxls' head, "Nothing." They feigning innocently respond. Their hands casually tracing shapes over Rouxls' stomach over the fabric of their shirt.
Rouxls huffs, trying to ignore the rising heat in their cheeks and tries to sound annoyed but it comes out more like a squeak, "Fineth then annoyinge worm-avian, just do noteth get in thy way, I am busyeth as thou can plainly see."
A hum rumbles from Swatch's throat, "Of course, I would not dare of it." Rouxls mumbles something, blush worsening, and trying to focus back on folding the laundry, but he seemed to be taking more time to fold the clothes than he had been.
Smile widening, Swatch gently tugs Rouxls back into his chest, moving their beak to press a kiss onto Rouxls' cheek. And another. And another...
"Sw-Swatch!" Rouxls exclaims in surprise, startled enough to use the bird's name, "I toldeth thou-" As another kiss is pressed to his face, he can't help but giggle, "Thy is busy!" He cranes his head to the side, Swatch taking advantage of the access to Rouxls and gleefully pressing chaste kisses to his lips. Rouxls unable to keep himself from giggling inbetween each kiss.
There’s a gentle push back from Rouxls, more playful than anything, slipping away from their arms solely to peer up at Swatch with his hands on his hips,“I needeth to finish thy chores!” Even still, there was a smile on his face. “If thou desires thine attentions liketh a lovestricken puppy so badleth then thou can be patiente!” Always with the acts of defiance, as if asking for a challenge.
Swatch’s own grin widens, stepping back into Rouxls’s space, the blue man raising an eyebrow, “Yes, you certainly could do that right now.” A hum, “However, you could also take just a small break and do it later, after all, you’ve been working so hard all day. Don’t you think you deserve it?” A hand snakes back around Rouxls’ waist, pulling them back flush together, Swatch placing the other under Rouxls’ chin and lifting his head up.
“Or do you find wearing my clothes that appalling that you wish to be out of them as soon as possible…?” Swatch whispers, pausing for a second, but not allowing Rouxls time to respond as they add on, “I find you to be rather stunning if I dare say so myself, as now you actually look like you’re the ‘butler supremeth’.” Their gaze travels back down, purposefully making their approval of Rouxls’ choice of clothing obvious.
As Rouxls is once again pulled closer to Swatch, his face begins to light up in a flush, yet he manages to keep his expression the same confident smile he always wore. He chooses to place his hands on Swatch’s shoulders for now, fingers idly tapping.
“And how doth I know if thine idea of a ‘smalleth break’ won’t-” Rouxls tries to reply, freezing as his chin is lifted, voice dying in his throat. Eyes wide, his flush deepening, he can only listen, enraptured, to what Swatch says next. His fingers curl into Swatch’s shoulders, eyes darting around as he feels his face burn and melt onto Swatch’s hand at the compliment. He tries to speak, but it comes out as an incoherent stammer at first, earning a chuckle from Swatch.
Finally, Rouxls inhales, forcing himself to get the words out and not let Swatch win, “As if thy do noteth look like thine butler supremeth every daye!” A haughty scoff, “Do noteth praise thouself so highlyest thine darling worm-avian, thine fancy garments do noteth make the man!” There’s a glitter to his eyes, and Swatch’s head tilts slightly in curiosity, grin still hanging on their beak, curious to see what he was to do next.
“Howevere!” Rouxls announces, abruptly swinging his arms to loop around Swatch’s neck. He then tugged them down to be on his level, forcing Swatch to drop their hand from Rouxls’ chin, the bird taken slightly be surprise at the sudden motion. Swatch peers over the top of their glasses at Rouxls, refusing to look away from his deep blues eyes- let it be because of the obvious challenge Rouxls had so gracious started, or because they were simply lost in them. Who could tell.
Rouxls’ cocky smile only gets bigger, “If thou so clearly haseth taken to thee wearing thou articles of clothe, then maybest I, Rouxls Kaard, can be persuadedeth into wearing thou drab dress morest often.” He leans forward, his breath teasing across Swatch’s beak, “Only if thou finallyest admit that thy am thee one and thy only Butler Supremeth… and, perhapseth, grovel at thy feet. Justeth a bit. For thine goode measure.” His lips barely touch the tip of Swatch’s beak, giving the faintest hint of a kiss, just enough for Swatch to want more.
“Despite beinge so frumpish, thy doth admit, thou attire is … comfortableth”.
Swatch’s fingers dance along Rouxls’ waist at the ‘ultimatum’ that Rouxls had given him, of course he would come up with something like that. A part of Swatch was annoyed, challenged, wanting to push back- yet another thought the idea of seeing Rouxls’ outside of his usual dresswear, in their clothes, was worth the embarrassment.
Not that Swatch’s pride would ever allow that, however.
Pushing back, Swatch rests their forehead on Rouxls’, as if directly showing that they were not going to bow to Rouxls’ demands.
“Hmm, I must decline your offer, as ‘tempting’ as it sounds.” One of their hands moves upwards, teasing at the ends of Rouxls’ hair, “I do not like lying to you after all…” Swatch dramatically sighs, a playful tease hidden behind a feigned saddened tone, “So, please, allow me to make a counteroffer.”
Their beak turns, head moving to press a proper kiss to Rouxls’ lips. They linger for longer than necessary, letting them enjoy the softness of Rouxls’ lips pressed against their beak, relishing in knowing how they stole his breath away, feeling the little gasp bubble in his chest but not a sound to be heard.
As they pull away, Swatch whispers their offer lowly, “Instead, I will give you my undivided attention. After all, isn’t that what you always want?”
Rouxls blinks for a moment, having been distracted by the kiss, Swatch soaking in his dumbfounded expression. Before he finally registers Swatch’s words and puffs out his cheeks, “Thou doeseth not playeth fair!” While accusatory, there’s no actual frustration in his voice, Swatch knowing he had, once again, won.
“Is that so? Well, I would say you are still getting the better end of this deal.” Bolder, Swatch presses more chaste kisses on Rouxls’ face, his cheeks, his forehead, nose…all but his lips.
Rouxls tries not to giggle again, of course, failing.
“Fineth. I, thee gracious duke of puzzles Rouxls Kaard, shalt humor thou requeste. As longeth as thou truly keepeth to thou word. I expecteth thou to giveth thee thy undivided attention, so thou should giveth just that! Anythinge less and thee dealest is off!” A huff, pretending to be ‘upset’ while knowing full well he loved the attention.
Pausing of their peppering of kisses, Swatch smiles at Rouxls, bowing their head best in the position they were in- solely to get that familiar flustered stammer from Rouxls, “It will be my pleasure.” Finally, Swatch kisses Rouxls again- properly this time, basking in the warm glow that seemed to radiate around them, full of love and adoration for the other man.
Work was...promptly forgotten in the middle of everything, Swatch finding something else to direct their attention towards. Ah, Rouxls was always so distracting.
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[Artwork courtesy of @killjpeg and permission was given to use <3]
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