#he can (canonically) only do wrong but we dont need to talk bout that
ghost-bard · 7 months
Yippee bg3 dnd character isekai fic has arrived!
Might update it again today or tmrw just so i can get all the characters/companions introduced, and also so reginald can shine in all his glory in unwanted familiar form
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minilpark · 2 years
“I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself.” G.I. Jane.
Hangman head canon - reader special forces? If he can have an exciting job, why can’t she?
alright forgive me for my limited knowledge on special forces, i didn't write specifics on it because i don't want it to be inaccurate but hangman gets the point
honestly you of all people shouldve known not get involved with men in the military
i mean hell you know how it is with your job yourself
away from home, basically living on whatever base you've been transferred to, making friends with your coworkers, only to eventually lose them on some mission...
life in special forces was tough and yet, you still stuck around
despite the hardships, you found it exciting and there's nothing better than actually enjoying your job right?
sometimes though, you wished that you could settle down with someone
but you believed it would happen in the distant future
oh how you were so wrong
you eventually found yourself stationed at a base in miramar for the time being
during downtime, a couple friends of yours dragged you down to a bar in the area because you need to "let loose and relax once in a while y/n"
the hard deck as it's called
as soon as you walked in you knew what would go down
apparently it's a popular bar for the navy as you could see most of the patrons in uniform
you and your friends ordered a couple drinks and sat at the bar just having random conversations
until one of your buddies nudged your shoulder and whispered "hey, cute guy at 4 o'clock has been eyeing you since you walked in"
you smirked a bit and took a swig of beer mumbling back about how you knew because you could feel the stare
you decided to play a little with him and look just over your shoulder to make eye contact
he raised an eyebrow at you and smirks back
eventually he makes his way over to you at the bar
"hey there, sweetheart. how bout i buy you a drink?"
you chuckle a little and look over at him "i dont even know your first name lieutenant seresin"
at this point he's intrigued
"name's jake, but people call me hangman"
and this is how it started
honestly you never really planned on falling for him, but after a couple hookups it was inevitable
eventually you explained the reason why you were there to him and he kinda took that as a shock
however, before you both could have an actual talk about your feelings for each other, you were assigned on a mission
you let jake know that you had to leave later that night, 0100 hours
despite you two not even dating, hangman lost his cool
"i don't know if i can do this anymore"
"do what jake?"
"don't play stupid, this, relationship we have with each other"
"woah seresin we arent even-"
"thats the point im trying to make y/n! i dont think i can handle the thought of waiting for you to come back or not before i can tell you how i feel!"
you just take a step back trying to process whats going on
"you know what, youre such a fucking hypocrite lieutenant."
before he can even open his mouth to respond, you cut him off
"how is it fair that you can go on whatever fucking mission youre assigned to and expect me to wait here for you worried if you'll even come back or not, but i can't do the same?! i love you but do you think its fair for you to have your dream fucking job and i can't?"
now he's at a loss of words
"if you can't handle my job, then yeah maybe we aren't right for each other."
as youre on your way out the door, jake wordlessly grabs your hand and pulls you into a tight hug
he whispers quietly about how hes sorry he made you feel this way but he cant stand to let you walk out of his life completely
"so where do that leave us then?"
"well, i guess that means you're stuck with me as i am with you. you did say you were in love with me, don't think i didn't notice"
you roll your eyes and point out "i recall you saying first you had feelings for me, seresin."
"aw just shut up-" and he seals the deal with the sweetest kiss
eventually things get more heated before you get ready to leave
and as youre walking out the door you glance behind you and jake is standing there
"i'll see you when i get back okay? love you"
and he smiles while watching you drive off to base whispering an "i love you too" back
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pinktatertots99 · 3 years
🔥 Feelings on the canon ships of Homestuck?
Send Me a 🔥+ a Topic, and I’ll Tell You My Honest Opinion About It
god am i gonna need to go with the sequals too? just og or all ships that’re considered canon by the end? whatever i’ll just go in order in what might be the ‘canon’ ships from all three of these categories. this is gonna be fucking long so anything and everything is under the cut. also i’m SO not gonna add hiveswap that can be its own separate ask. so:
roxygen: it’s a cute ship...but the sequal vers is garbage considering how inconsiderate roxy is to john’s feelings and his house burning down like damn rox this is the guy who sat with ya as ya mourned doom rose’s death give the guy some fuckin time himself.
rosemary: also cute ship...sequal versions are fuckin godawful tho. their barely a thing in meat from wha i can gather and then there’s candy...oh CANDY kanaya deserves better fuck this sense of her sayin she’s over it idc if it was off screen, even then half the cast ate stupid pills during that time so WHY must i be surprised that this is wha happens?
dave/kat: i dun like it. in either universe. meat is just perfect gay bois who have occasional deep talks and literally do nothing else while candy they split up thanks to jade which, geez ya guys must’ve been shit to tell her to fuck off like come on. og hs wise i barely consider them canon if we only get pictures and them just being on equal footing on quadrant talk. not to mention dave implied to be crushing on jade and JOHN not karkat, idk where this couple even came from other then love triangle situation with terezi but like, that’s barely much of a reason to become canon. i’d go with em bein pale/moirails more.
jadedave: i’m guessing candy and meat i thought meat implied they were dating but may aswell. so....it sucks but thats because candy and meat suck, meat dave’s basically cheating on her i didnt hear any implication they broke up and she’s like...chill??? and then there’s candy where she literally forced him and kar to break up and dated after dirk apparently died, i do not like the implications of this whole thing. course candy dave is dead and a robot now so...anyways canon wise dave had a crush on her and if jade does like him i’d hope it’s not cause of davesprite cause despite both being dave’s they were different. it’s cute otherwise.
davepetajade: it’s...cute? i guess? idk i kinda found davepeta a bit...idk overwhelmingly overrated? like i know where their popularity came from but readin the series now after all that hype i dont really see it anyways tho it’s basically davespritejade with nepeta in the mix. and idk nothin implied much of nepeta liking jade, or talkin to her much. and davepetasprite is a mesh of both so idk. it’s a ship with cute fanon works of em hanging with outfits but that’s bout it.
janejake: i hate it. legit. this is disgusting and completely throws out jane’s character. like even in the fixed timeline the talk she had with dirk probably still happened on the god bed’s and how she acknowledged wha she thought was wrong on wantin jake’s kids and so on trickster still happened and how she also realized she might’ve overhyped jake. but lets throw it ALL out the window to force jake in an unhappy marriage in both universes and possibly force him to stay in candy due to having tavvy if i’m reading the implications right. even then jake isn’t good for jane either both got their own needs this ship would’ve been sunked in canon and WAS but the sequals are beyond it so maybe that explains it but it disgusts me.
roseterezi: guess in meat specifically. yeah i kinda dont...care for it, like i still cant tell if rose and kanaya broke up or if she just fucked off without breaking up either one is fucked up on kan’s behalf. even then i just dont care for their kismesis it got brought up once and that was it.
jaderose: candy wise i guess even tho it was a fling. it disgusts me still mostly because of kan’s behalf on bein fucked over and both goin through a ‘surrogation’ process without her notice. like fuck this shit the jaderose fans deserve better.
roxycallie: idk if this one’s canon but it’s heavily implied callie lives with roxy least in candy. it’s cute, cant deny it even in og it was pretty cute, dont really care for candy vers tho but then again maybe their not a couple in it idk what’s canon couples anymore.
johnterezi: literally fucked in meat universe and john has kismesis feelings for her in canon. it’s...interesting, idk tho i feel like it’s one sided on john’s side.
ms paint/spade slick: i cant deny it’s cute, he’d least know how to treat a lady but god i’d hope it wouldnt be his only defining trait with her. also want ms paint to call his bullshit out pls and thanks.
dirkjake: honestly i cant tell if their STILL canon in og or not god forbid the sequals. in general though...i dont. i honestly dont really like em together much. they seem like the type to least stay friends but idk bout another relationship would be a good idea for em. maybe later down the line but otherwise canon wise they need a break.
and now for the canon one timer ships this involves any ships implied, uncomfirmed, ex-relationships, crushes, etc:
arasol: it’s cute, best ship. their quadrant was never confirmed but regardless their cute. sol tho in the sequals deserved better then to get abandoned by aradia goddamn.
fefsol: also cute, i live for both of em bein ass’s together.
erisol: oh boi this one...this was...yeah i cant even deny they wouldnt be too healthy, i like lookin at fanon ways tho for em. canon wise tho yeaaaah no these guys definietly wouldnt work.
gamtav: it’s...cute but boi gamzee needs some help i think.
gamsol: -sollux did imply he either wanted a kismesis or matesprit with him in one of the flashes- again same as gamtav.
aradia/equius: BIG NOPE nope nope nope equi that’s weird wha ya did never do it again thank fuck aradia hasnt been around him since.
karterezi: their actually kinda cute, looking back on em they could’ve worked. stupid doomed timeline bullshit.
daverezi: also kinda cute, idk tho if i got flushed for em tho i get more pale vibes but it was semi-a thing.
kanvris: it’s baaaaad kanaya deserves much better and vriska never seemed much the type for cementing into a relationship.
vristav: even worse, like i’d like to thank fuck tav one up-ed her in the end cause fuck wha he had to go through.
karmeenah: it...could be cute? maybe? only iffy part is the ages, i thought the dancestors were like sixteen tho since the kids said they were teenagers even tho they were at the time about fourteen? idk tho if eighteen is considered an adult in alternia or not tho it’s kinda implied to be? anyways tho it’s just off puttin maybe a bit tho.
meenahvris: it’s kinda cute, it was atleast, idk lookin back it does feel more unhealthy.
rufidama: baaaaaad i love rufi but he’s got some bullshit he needs worked out and damara deserves someone better.
rufihorr: just as bad as above, both deserve someone better or atleast horrus does with some therapy on it rufioh i think should just chill on relationships but it’s so obvious their not meant to be.
mitula: it’s cuuuuuute i cant deny it, ...okay fanon vers is canon is barely anything and tula does give more pale implications for tuna but with how protective she was over damara near him it’s sweet, but god do i wish canon tuna gave more feelings for tula.
kantula: it’s...creepy. like it’s so obvious the vantas bois cant communicate well but kankri’s crush feels almost pressuring on tula when he kept goin about them and goin “oh but we’re totally friends and i’m celibate so it’s okay its whatevs” like kan go to a corner give tula some air to breath.
crotuna: BIG NOPE cronus needs to learn fuckin boundaries thirsty fish bastard.
should i even add cro//eri due to the fact he literally asked an eridan out? regardless gross, ew, no, i’ll take the fanon ampora brothers anyday canon i didnt fuckin need that thx.
porrnea: it was implied to be more of a fling. idk considerin aranea’s track record i cant really say i’d trust her in many flushed quads. and porrim seems the type to have hers open and not a closed off thing so idk they got different cases.
aranea/jake: i cant deny it’s fuckin cute, i’d would’ve loved if they tried to do somethin but aranea was definietly uhhh not a good choice for jake. least she backed off when he didnt wanna be kissed but man yeah, it was cute while it lasted.
kurmeu: i cant deny the idea kur forced himself quiet due to hurting meu hurts me in a sweet way but as of rn them bein ‘pale’ and him mind controllin her when we dunno if she’s alright with this or not is...disturbing.
vristerezi: i am HIGHLY doubtful this is canon considering everything but i guess i gotta cement this. i dont see em as canon in og or sequal wise since vris is still gone in both, even then i dont like, see it, i see it but idk man i like em more pale then pail.
erifef: honestly no. both are much too different for a relationship, kinda glad they uh...got cut short cause honestly even their moirailship wasnt healthy what’s to say a matespritship would? on BOTH sides mind you.
rosejohn: thank karkat’s shipping board. anyways, i think their cute cause fuck it rose is a bi-con to me, canon wise probably wouldnt work but i’ll take fanon.
vriseri: kinda glad they got cut short of their kismesis cause boi eridan deserves a better one with how shit vriska was in breaking up with him.
johnvris: it was cute, i cant deny i’m soft over how the two talked things about vriska’s life and john’s it’s just kinda cute. it’s obvious tho canon wise with wha john went through it wont work out. would’ve loved if they became moirails tho but o well canon is god i guess.
spadePM: i dont like much of their implications, would be an unhealthy relationship regardless considerin spade’s flushed and PM’s pitch, they deserve some therapy and other people.
dadbert/momlonde: their cute i like the implications of em, sad they died though, it was cute while it lasted.
meowrails: may aswell count moirails in this shipping mess. anyways their cute, they gimmie sibling vibes course equius early into it was so...not a good moirail.
kurtuna: i guess it might be cute moirails? idk tho with kurloz’s implications it concerns me.
gamkar: as moirails...karkat was fuckin shit at his job i cant sugarcoat it. i get where it’s from he’s not gam’s lusus and shouldn’t be forced to check on him during his time of gettin high and such, i get they were kids, but god gam kinda deserved a better moirail. and then later on in the series it gets more fucked up between kar gettin stabbed by him and both in a pretty unhealthy moirailationship to the fixed timeline where gamzee is just shut into a fridge and kar doesnt fuckin care, like dude, wow. gamzee was bad yeah but damn, harsh a tad.
terezigam: as a kismesis it’s almost disgustingly unhealthy to me and honestly terezi deserved better and gamzee maaaaybe shouldn’t get a kismesis, ever, unless he can sort his shit out -the sequals tho wont do that lol-
minorly gonna count johndave in this: idk if i can see john reciprocating for dave so dave’s crush on him almost kinda hurts, especially since fixed timeline dave’s john is well, dead and our john is probably still different from his john, has angst but man i kinda dont mind it as a one sides crush it’s nice confirmation of dave bein bi atleast.
nepetajasper/jasprose: i cant see it, it’s disturbing i guess. i like em more as friends but jasprose is probably more creepy bout it.
signless/diciple: i think considerin the implications they were fuckin adorable and deserved the best.
summoner/mindfang: it’s kinda sad considerin its implied mindfang’s love for him might’ve been one sided, they could’ve been cute tho.
orphanor/mindfang: probably sounded like the best kismesis’s until he murdered dolorosa.
dolorosa/mindfang: BIG NOPE i dun like the implications.
condence/orphaner: since it’s implied orphaner had a crush on her, gonna say tho big nope considerin condence is a bitch.
condence/lord english: its hard to decipher their relationship in canon, but to cover all my bases it’s big nope to me somethin bout it makes me uncomfy despite both bein bastards.
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fotiathymos · 4 years
do you have trans hcs for any other characters in promare? :0
I do! under cut cause im a TALKER whoops.
uhhh trigger warning that i do talk a bit about transphobia and unsupportive family.
I realize in my last post I didn’t mention it but Gueira and Meis aren’t cis! 
Gueira was born intersex and doesn’t agree to calling himself cis or trans. He is proud to be intersex. (do know this is a fictional character and not all real life people who are intersex agree or disagree with calling themselves cis or trans.)
Gueira uses he/him pronouns but doesn’t strictly dress masculine. Really just a comfy clothes wearer. 
Meis is trans genderfluid. Mostly uses they/them pronouns and has girl days or boy days sometimes where they can be more okay with she/her or he/him. Just leans into a mix usually. Actually doesn’t like being called Gueira’s boyfriend and rather ‘partner’. Gueira says it like a cowboy usually to make Meis giggle.
I do enjoy Ignis being an trans elder. (He is like 55 in my mind not 40 as i think canon states?) Ignis knew Galo was trans upon entering the job but of course did not out Galo to everyone. Galo isn’t secretive about being trans though. When Galo finds out Ignis is trans he cries happy tears and hugs him, making Ignis just a lil uncomfortable but not rejecting the hug.. hes got a reputation Galo.
I always had it in my head that Galo joined Burning Rescue and challenged all their thoughts on gender and etc. Considering they all grew up in a strict propaganda filled city some of them mightve just heard of terms but not thought about it too hard for..reasons. But then Galo comes into the work place being the ‘queer kid’ and wouldn’t take any bullshit. He grew up mostly by themself, discovered things on his own and does still feel that outward pressure to conform (esp with Kray, Galo is the most ‘passing as cis’ as he can be around Kray most times). So I thought mostly about everyone in BR were cis, not all of them straight but cis...bbuuutttt
Galo makes everyone question their thoughts on gender cause Galo is so open about his own and loves helping others. Galo does ‘mask’ themself sometimes and at first joining didn’t go full blown open. But one day Lucia needs a tampon and Galo had one in his bag and Lucia is like ‘um what?’ Galo goes casual and just ‘oh yeah.. i don’t need them anymore but its become habit to carry it around yaknow and you never know when it could come in handy!’
Lucia is the first to question if its okay to be non-binary lesbian, like maybe shes not entirely strictly ‘girl’. She’s loud and proud about being gay, lesbian flag above her desk, talks bout going to lesbian bars and wanting to just hold a girls hand. So she’s the first to feel okay enough to question herself gender wise.
Varys is that guy you might know in life who is just chill about everything. Galo comes out to Varys casually one day and Varys doesn’t linger on it at all. “Trans? Hell yeah! We still going out for bbq? Double hell yeah!” But he’s also a guy you never know whats going on in their head. He just remembers weirdly specific things you say sometimes and comes back at you with them later. Galo mentioned briefly that sunflowers remind him of his mother. Varys mails Galo sunflowers when Galo takes the day off on his mothers bday. Varys also randomly texts Galo ‘hey you know how youre trans, can i be like not always a man?’ 
Remi............................reMI UH. Remi is weird in my head. I feel hes that guy who just makes everything into a TMI or sex joke or just awkwardly flirts with everyone he becomes friendly with. Like just pushes the boundaries cause he thinks were friends now i can do this, without realizing hes over stepped them. That guy who thinks just cause your his friend now we can talk about sex casually. Hes quick to apologize when told off but still. I’m horrible I feel like Remi is that guy who’d consider him getting pegged by his girlfriend means he’s in with the lgbt crowd. He’s cis and comfortable with that and is confused by non-binary identities but won’t insult his coworkers and respect them. Eventually he’ll learn that just cause you are over 18 now, not everything in the world is related to sex. Idk if that made sense or if I threw him under the die-cis-scum buss too hard.
Who... I adore. And even my head canons for her contrast and complement Galo like her story/character in the movie. So....shes trans.
We don’t get info about her family life but I’m assuming her sister raised her by herself and the parents weren’t in the picture. Aina came out to her sister right out of high school. Heris was starting college and working to provide for her and Aina. She flipped out on her and her words were ‘i dont care if youre a girl or a boy but those hormones can be pricey we dont have insurance you cant get surgery your too young, etc etc’ Unsupported in misreading the situation as an inconvenience to money and life and not the actuality of Aina just being herself and wanting to be honest about it. 
Aina gets ignored as her sisters career and life revolves around a sudden job with the Foundation. But Heris has money now. And is “supportive” in giving Aina money. Pays for her HRT, doctor visits, therapy, and then eventually training to be in Burning Rescue. And Heris is adamant that Aina never, EVER tells anyone she’s trans. Sweeps up any possible info about that under the rug. Doesn’t want to be looked at with a bad eye from Foresight. What Heris feels is a safety measure for her family is what Aina sees as shame. Kinda reflecting how Heris in the movie sees that shes doing ‘all this for you, Aina’ only for it to be cruel and harmful directly to Aina.
Aina doesn’t know what drew her to Galo. He’s cute and nice and friendly. Maybe it’s a crush? He understands me and no one ever did. He respects me for me. “Youre you Aina and theres nothing wrong with that.” (I forget the exact quote) The words play in her head for the longest time. She never came out to Burning Rescue for fear, cause Heris said not to, cause its ‘inconvenient’. And suddenly Galo is loud and proud about being trans??? Should she be too?? 
Eventually she confides in Galo. Probably after the Parnassus events. She realizes she doesn’t have a crush and was just not use to someone being nice to her and accepting her. She eventually tells the rest of Burning Rescue. Finds out Ignis knew all along due to paperwork but just once again, Captain isn’t gonna out his team member. 
And then finally during a late night movie sleepover. Galo’s like ‘you know we should hang the trans and non binary flag on the front of the station.’ Lucia goes ‘YEAH a big FUCK YOU to the Foundations normies!!!!’ Aina says ‘we should really run that past Captain first...’ Finally Ignis walks in, tilts down his sunglasses and says ‘I planned for this’ and unveils a flag that just says ‘fight the cis-tem’ and Galo and Lucia SCREAM. Only Galo knew Ignis was trans til that point..
I made a STORY damn.
I hope that wasn’t... too much... thank for reading.... ;u;/
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mikkock · 5 years
i'm not the anon, but i do want to hear about your OCs!!!!!!! i'm bad with details but i vaguely remember you had these two gay bois and maybe one was a computer programmer or something?? idk but i think you had an art piece of him at a laptop,, anyway they were v cute
alright since i got a lot of gay boys i had to go searching to make sure i had the right gay boys sdhjfghsgsfg why do i have so many gay boys i do wonder mh
so im thinking u mean vince n xiaoli cuz of that piece of the latter 
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if not then oops u gon have to hear about them anyway uwu (im putting this under cut cause i tend to speak a lot and i dont wanna clog up people’s feed ya feel) if i got it wrong feel free to scream at me and demand explainations of other characters lmao
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its em
Those two got a whole ass story (not a story about ass i just keep putting the word ass everywhere). 
They were besties as kids, like, very young kids, talking inseparable besties. But, one day, quite suddenly Xiaoli’s family had to move back to China and so the two were seperated with no ways to contact or even ideas as to where the other was (factor in the fact that they were still very young and all, and if we take time into account that must mean they were in some time of barely no internet for everyone so prolly didnt have even emails tbh). The whole story i got planned for em is about how they grow up, evolve, yet still try to find each other again through the few pieces of useful information that they remember from back in the days. (and since im a sucker for happy ending it aint no spoiler that they do find each other at the end or smth like, pls, id die if they didnt. the important part is the path they took, and all the shit that happens in between ofc)
 but who cares bout plot tbh, the important thing is the cHARACTERS (i kno cause my studies include storytelling classes so like bitch, i kno the story is the characters and all that jazz) so lets talk about the boys themselves some more, shall we uwu
Lets start with Vince, who’s the youngest of the two :
first thing i gotta say is that he changed a LOT design wise, like his first looks ?? wack.
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who are you i dont know you u look rude im scared what happened to your hair ? so many questions
anyway now he looks like a baby and that’s all that matters.
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(that was def done for a school exercise but look how cute he is awn)
He lives in the US, born of Ecuadorian parents. Ever since he was tiny he wanted only one thing, and that is to Win Gold at the olympics (yeah i know, small ambitions, what can i say he’s a realist at heart) for tracks (aint decided yet what exact part of tracks cause im not knowledgeable in track n field and i still gotta do my research boo bad me for procrastinating). 
So he runs. A lot. That’s his main thing. A big part of his identity.  But not all of it naturally otherwise he’d be a running robot not a guy.
He’s still very young so he can be a tad stupid, naturally. He’s also close to his family. And he big gay. He’s a friendly guy, the puppy type with others. He’s really big on listening to his friends vent out since he believes it does a lot to relieve stress (and ya cant be stressed if you want to perform amazing !!!)
He’s kiiiiind of an overachiever. Just a small bit. He wants to do perfect all the time, so he studies a lot, trains a lot, cleans his room, does his bed, brushes his teeth, he’s a Good Kid. He’s got a really strict timetable that he follows really closely, and in general, tends to monitor his life, maybe a biiiiit too much ? Even leisure time is a specific moment of the day, a set time, nothing more. Then he goes to bed, early, so he can get a full good sleep and go run in the morning. He needs to learn how to chill a bit more. He does have friends to help him get back into a more relaxed mindset sometimes, and once he reunites with his long lost bestie he definetly will have to accept a biiiit of chaos and imprevisible...
Cause let’s talk a bit bout Xiaoli huhuhu...
At first glance you may think “oh, what a reliable serious pretty boy, he seems nice and helpful” but he’s actually a sNAKE. Or more like a fox ? I’m no vet so I’m not sure what animal analogy fits best...
Fact is he IS reliable, and nice, but he’s ALSO a bitch. If you’re pal with him he’ll help you out with your homework, listen to you rant about a heartbreak, be a total sweetheart, but if you’re his FRieND then you’ll get that but under snarky remarks, teasing, and he’ll probably record you when you’re doing ridiculous drunk antics or just tripping over your own feet...
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actually he def will do that.
He’s also very expressive and open, he’s one of those characters that i like to use for expression practice because his face will stretch in any possible way. He still keeps secrets tho, mostly he doesnt talk at all about his search for Vince (probably because he’s got the biggest lead, namely having randomly found him once through his running exploits and discovering his past bestie was now becoming some sort of “upcoming athlete celebrity you have to keep an eye out for” or something...)
He actually studies medecine, not computer science but tbh, I could change it in the future, its nothing fixed nor anything too relevant to his character dshsfsgs, and also he IS pretty tech savy so that’d make sense mh.....can you believe im gonna turn into those creators who take “fan theories” and turn them canon smh
He’s quite likes going out, partying and having fun. He values balance between work and fun above a lot of things, and he’s also not much of a big planner. 
Also since I mentionned it for Vince, lets make it equal : he’s a HongKong resident, his mum is half Australian so that makes him a ? Quarterie ? Is there a word for half-halfie ? Idk man. And he’s very very bi, and quite chill about it, and quite absolutely into getting dates.
Those two got some potential for me to turn them into a story so i kinda hope i’ll be able to some time in the future, who knows, maybe that’ll happen somedays uwu
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activatingaggro · 7 years
the scarf wars, p3
Featuring Pheres Dysseu [RS], Hadean [ID], Lucina [DP], Ullane [JM], and Emerel [MN].
[The conversation continued after the spat -]
RS: | Yes | Well | That's Because You're a Good | Upstanding Person |
RS: | Hadean | Haha |
ID: no need to lie about me. =;)
RS: | Ha | =:B | I have Seen No Evidence to the Contrary |
RS: | As My Moirail would Say | You will Need to Step Up Your Game |
ID: =:!
ID: you said you just had a matesprit!
ID: i think.
DP: Tell me more abovt yovr rvin diving Hadean | Yov mvst have seen some really great things
ID: wait is emerel your pale.
ID: i need a fucking graph.
RS: | What |
DP: No that's his red | I think
RS: | I didn't Say I had a Matesprit |
DP: That is yovr red | Right?
RS: | Where Did I Say I had a Matesprit | ? |
ID: okay i remember asking about your quads.
RS: | Pale and Flushed are Both Red Quadrants | Lucina |
ID: and you said you just had. them.
RS: | Right |
DP: Yes bvt | I distinctly remember that we've been talking abovt how yov have a green red
ID: now i am hearing of a moirail.
DP: Please tell me | Where that one came from
RS: | It was an Unfortunate Turn of Phrase |
RS: | As Sipara would Say | How is That | ? |
DP: Uh huh | Well alright then
DP: If yov say so
RS: | | I am Going to Correct This | Largely to Prevent any Unfortunate Misunderstandings |
RS: | I am not Pale with Emerel | Emerel and I are |
ID: I mean emerel is the one who invited you to join in his shower right.
DP: Oh my | Well then
RS: | Um |
DP: I feel less awkward now | After hearing that one
RS: | You Misread That | in a Very Terrible Way |
ID: no i did not.
RS: | I am Honestly Rather Appalled | But Perhaps I should Not Be |
RS: | Given Your Predilection with Discussing Garters with Nikola |\
RS: | Yes You Did |
ID: he said if you were in the area. you were free to join him.
ID: in the shower.
RS: | No | No |
RS: | No | =:| |
DP: I feel like this is where someone less civilized | Wovld be whistling Pheres
RS: | You Conflated Two Separate Concepts |
ID: no i did not. =:I
RS: | Honestly | The Both of You should Get Your Minds out of the Gutter |
ID: i know a flirty invitation when i read one.
DP: Bvt the real qvestion is | DO yov join him in the shower
ID: he wanted some warmth in his ablution block.
RS: | He Stated If I was Near His Home | Then I should Come and Visit |
RS: |- AND -|
RS: | The Emphasis is on |- AND -|
RS: | He would be Taking a Shower |
RS: | With the Unspoken Condition that I should Wait to Arrive |
RS: | | So He is Not In The Shower |
JM: Oh god. What have I walked into.
DP: I don't know | Bvt it's qvite entertaining
ID: ahahahah wow if you believe that you are dense.
ID: what is flirting to you pheres. a troll ripping their clothes off and throwing thesmelves to your sweet mercies?
DP: Don't think I didn't notice that yov failed to answer my qvestion
JM: Some trolls. Like that.
JM: The weird ones.
RS: | Thank You for that Stunning Addition | JM |
JM: I am. So proud to have added it.
RS: | I Think We have all Caught that Hadean Likes That | Given that He Came Up With It |
DP: Alright so it's canon | Wow I can't believe I said canon thanks Pademi
DP: That Pheres jvmps into the shower | With that Emerel gvy(edited)
JM: No I think he is just. Having a laugh. At your expense. Alas.
ID: oh so now i'm lying huh. >=:I
ID: i wonder how emerel would feel.
DP: No yov're not lying Hadean | He's just being obstinate
ID: about my lies.
RS: | And | Lucina | I don't Think the People I Shower With are Entirely Relevant to You |
RS: | =:1 |(edited)
RS: | Also | Oh My God |
DP: So yov do admit to it | Good to know
JM: Can someone message him
RS: | | I am Going to Go Check on My Booth |
JM: To see what he thinks
DP: Does anyone here know his tag | Or how to contact him
JM: Sadly I don't
ID: i know he'll eventually show up here.
ID: and i will not forget this. =>:I
JM: We'll have such things
JM: To tell him
RS: | You are All Dreadful |
RS: | =>:( |
[Pheres leaves the chat! The discussion continues.]
JM: Only when it is
JM: very funny
ID: well pheres. perhaps you brought it on yourself.
ID: =>:I
DP: Do yov think we covld find it | If we scrolled vp
ID: oh why yes we could.
JM: How about
JM: We just search his name
DP: Let's jvst take a little field trip here | To find this mysteriovs Emerel
DP: Alright everyone | Let's get searching
JM: meganeNarcissus
JM: appears to be his tag
ID: why.
DP: Excellent
ID: seems i will have to contact this tag.
JM: Do tell us
JM: How that turns out
ID: oh i will give oyu all front row seats. hopefully.
JM: Yes
JM: good
DP: Please give me a front row ticket | I need to see this
JM: I get bored in the caverns
JM: I need silly drama
JM: To watch
[ Emerel gets invited in! ]
MN: okaaay .MY. flat grEEn ass is hErE
MN: why am .I. bEing summonEd again
ID: so glad you could join us. =:)
ID: to cear up some chat confusion of course!
ID: you see, dear pheres dropped some confusing knowledge on us before business drew them away.
ID: =:(
DP: Pheres was trying to convince us | That yov've never invited him into a shower
DP: Amongst other things
MN: oh .MY. god what is hE doing this timE(edited)
ID: why, according to him your flirtacious offer of a steamy shower together.
ID: was just an invitation to stand awkwardly around your hive until you could finish and join him.
ID: =:(
JM: He says you're not matesprits
JM: confirm or deny
ID: also that in so many words. =:(
MN: pfffft
MN: wow okay
MN: hold on and lEt .ME. scroll up to sEE what ElsE hEs bEEN saying
MN: ...
MN: what
MN: .........
ID: is he prone to bouts of shyness?
ID: or perhaps. dare i say it.
ID: shame?
JM: That's a bit too mean
MN: wEll hE is but
MN: .I.m going to go talk to him
ID: good luck. =;) perhaps he is in need of more. brazen shows of your affections.
ID: to help qualm whatever insecurities he might have.
MN: right
MN: thanks for contacting .ME.
MN: byE
ID: bye~
ID: well. now either pheres will thank me or curse my name.
ID: and better than that.
ID: he'll know better than to try and call me a liar.
DP: Uh | Wow
DP: He didn't even confirm or deny | I don't think that's a good sign
ID: =:)
[REGRETS ARE HAD. By some, but not Hadean.]
JM: This is not
JM: really what I was expecting
DP: Well I guess we won't know how it went | Until we hear from one of them
JM: I hope they resolve it
ID: well imagine if it was your mate denying your quad's existence.
ID: the guy had a right to know.
ID: i just might have gone about it nicer if pheres had fucking deserved it.
ID: as it is.
ID: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
DP: Still | I hope Emerel will be alright
DP: Those dots can't have been good
ID: try not to worry too much.
ID: your worries will do nothing for them. either they'll communicate and work it out.
ID: or their ship will meet a watery end.
ID: uwu
DP: I gvess you're right | Still that's harsh
DP: I'd hate it if someone I was close to | Svddenly started acting like they didn't know me
DP: This is what I was trying to tell him | Bvt it's his problem at the end of the day
ID: damn right. you're not his rail, not your problem.
DP: I feel sorry for his rail | They have a hell of a job with him
ID: i mean jeesh and they call me high maintenance. =:I
ID: at least i'm mostly just physically destructive.
DP: Whereas Pheres is socially destrvctive | And covldn't be less self aware if he tried(edited)
ID: what a mess in the worst way. anyways! who is here that didn't get scared away by that! other than dp.
[ In the meanwhile, Emerel contacts Pheres! ]
[ meganeNarcissus [MN] began trolling refiningSpacetime [RS] ]
MN: hEy
RS: | Emerel | Hello | ! |
RS: | You are On Speech to Voice | No | Um |
RS: | Speech to Text | Haha | So | I hope You Know that Exclamation Mark was Added Manually | By which I mean | Verbally |
RS: | | To Emphasize My Enthusiasm to Hear From You |
RS: | | It has Been a Long Night | Haha |
MN: yEah
MN: what happEnEd
MN: is EVErything okay(edited)
RS: | Ahh | Nothing You need to Worry About |
RS: | Just a bit of | Verbal Rough-Housing |
RS: | People get Overly Enthusiastic in Their Displays of Hate-Friendship | I Think | ! |
MN: that sounds likE a pain in thE ass
MN: sorry its bEEn rough
RS: | Haha | Isn't It | ? | They Mean Well | Though |
RS: | But | Never Mind That | How are You | ? |
MN: .I.m
MN: alright
MN: hEy .PHERES. can .I. ask you somEthing
RS: | That is a Very Hesitant Alright | Haha |
RS: | You're not Injured Again | Are You | ? |
RS: | And | Yes | Of Course | ! |
MN: no .I.m not hurt dont worry
MN: .PHERES. wE arE matEsprits right
MN: .I. mEan .I. assumE wE arE
MN: am .I. wrong
RS: | Um |
RS: | Wait | What | ? |
MN: .I. was wondEring
MN: bEcausE .I. loggEd in today and saw whErE you wErE tElling pEoplE that wE wErEnt
MN: did .I. misundErstand
RS: | I Thought We weren't Matesprits |
RS: | Wait | Ah | I'm Confused |
RS: | How Much Of That did You Read | ? |
MN: all of it prEtty much
MN: .I. gEt not wanting to talk about my showEr commEnts in public
MN: but .I. thought wE wErE matEsprits sincE youVE callEd .ME. your matEsprit in chat bEforE
RS: | Haha | Um |
RS: | Heavens | Um |
RS: | Um |
RS: | I Thought We weren't Matesprits | And That is Why We had That Conversation | about Kit |
RS: | Remember | ? |
RS: | At the Bar | ? |
MN: oh fuck wE dEfinitEly got confusEd again
RS: | I Apologise for Referring to You as My Matesprit in the Past | Um |
RS: | I was Not Expecting You to | ah | See That | ? | Or Read It | ? |
RS: | But | Ah |
RS: | That was |
RS: | Presumptuous of Me |
RS: | But | I didn't Mean It Seriously | Ah | I just |
RS: | | Orpheo is Very Excuberant | and Impressive | and Prone to Theatrics |
RS: | I thought It would | | | Um | Well |
RS: | I Don't Know What I was Thinking | Really |
MN: sEE .I. thought wE wErE formally matEsprits
MN: and .KIT. was a mEmbEr of thE fold in part of a rEd smEar nobody saw coming
MN: so you
MN: liEd to gEt an uppEr hand on orphEo in othEr words
MN: wEll thanks for tElling .ME. at lEast
MN: that would haVE bEEn nicE to know bEforE .I. got the wrong idEa
MN: onE of thEsE days wEll work out what wErE calling oursElVEs
RS: | Ah | Sorry | I'm Driving | Did I Mention That | ? |
RS: | Because I Am | And There was Traffic | Um |
RS: | I wasn't Ignoring You |
RS: | | You Said We Weren't Matesprits | When did You Decide We Were | ? |
RS: | Because | You didn't Tell Me |
MN: hEncE why wErE both confusEd
MN: fuck we rEally nEEd to work on this communication thing
MN: bEcausE wE both kind of suck at it
RS: | Hahahaha | Haha | Um |
MN: .I. rEally thought wE wErE bEcausE you said that
MN: and you said .KIT. was okay so .I. figurEd hE was actually okay
MN: .I. haVEnt touchEd anyonE ElsE
MN: .I. mEan .I. know .I.m a catch but
RS: | You Thought We were | For the | |
RS: | Hour After You Read That | ? |
RS: | Ah | No | That sounded Unkind | It isn't Meant to Sound Unkind |
RS: | Um |
RS: | I don't Mind Being Matesprits | Haha | Not at All |
RS: | I am Just | Startled |
RS: | And | Wait |
RS: | You Spoke to Kit First | ? |
RS: | Is He |
RS: | also | your matesprit | ? |
RS: | I Am Just A Little Confused Here |
RS: | Ha Ha Ha |
MN: wait what
MN: now .I.m confusEd
MN: plEasE rEpEat that in an actual languagE
RS: | Which Part | ? |(edited)
RS: | | That is Sincere | There are Several |
RS: | Haha |
MN: what do you mEan .I. talkEd to .KIT. first(edited)
RS: | You Said | You Assumed He was a Member of the Fold | Or | Whatever |
RS: | | Did I Misunderstand | ? |
RS: | Because I Thought that Meant | You were Saying He's Your Matesprit |
MN: thats what .I. figurEd
MN: sincE wE both carE about .KIT. and nEithEr of us want to lEaVE him alonE
MN: hEs not my matEsprit .PHERES.
MN: .I. thought you wErE
MN: shit this is confusing
RS: | Yes | I Care Deeply for Kit | But |
RS: | I'm not Sure What You Mean |
MN: .I. dont know
MN: somE wEird thrEE way quad is thE bEst way .I. can dEscribE this
RS: | And | Were | ? |
RS: | I Thought You Meant Are | haha | heavens |
RS: | usually people | say | propose to quadrants with | say | rings |
RS: | Three Way Quadrant |(edited)
RS: | ? |
RS: | IOh dear |
MN: .I. dont know what to call it
MN: but arE wE matEsprits or not .PHERES.
MN: bEcausE hEy
MN: .I. wouldnt mind bEing official
RS: | Haha | Hahahaha | Ha | Ha | Um |
RS: | Um |
RS: | Um |
MN: dudE brEathE
MN: dont actually diE on .MY. account
RS: | I'm Not | Don't Worry | Hahaha |
RS: | Sipara would be Upset |
RS: | I wouldn't Mind | At All | That would be Amazing | Really | But |
RS: | I don't Understand | Haha | Oh |
MN: .I. haVE no idEa whErE to put all that hair if .I. haVE to hidE a body .PHER.
MN: dont understand
MN: what do you mEan
RS: | Hold On | I'm Pulling Over |
RS: | What I mean is that I don't Understand | Why You Changed Your Mind | on If We are Quadrants |
MN: oh
MN: wEll
MN: bEcausE .I. thought about it
MN: and .I. was likE hEy .I. likE this idEa
MN: of bEing matEsprits with .PHERES.
MN: fuck this is sappy
MN: but you know
MN: yourE a fluffy wEirdo but yourE .MY. fluffy wEirdo and .I. wouldnt tradE you for anything
RS: | Oh | Haha | That's |
RS: | I'm Glad | =:B |
MN: plEasE dont makE .ME. ElaboratE on this anymorE bEcausE the lEVEls of mushy sap might actually turn .ME. into a trEE
RS: | | | I wouldn't Make You | But | Ah | You can Feel Free To | If You'd Like | Haha |
MN: oh boy
MN: whErE to bEgin(edited)
MN: alright lEts makE this formal
MN: ahEm
MN: will you
MN: with no miscommunication for oncE whatsoEVEr
MN: for thE loVE of EVEry forgottEn troll dEity out thErE lEts gEt our wirEs uncrossEd
MN: bE .MY. matEsprit(edited)
April 18, 2017
RS: | | Haha | Ha | Um |
RS: | Yes | ? | I already Said Yes | I Meant You can Extrapolate | on the Mush | But | Ah |
RS: | Um |
RS: | This | is Perfectly Acceptable | ? | ? |
RS: | Which is to Say | Yes | Of Course | =:B |
RS: | | But | Ah |
RS: | For Communication's Sake |
RS: | What did You Mean by Kit | ? |
RS: | | Are You Two Quadrants Now | ? |
RS: | Wait | no | Shit |
RS: | Wait | Oh | Let Me Turn off This Voice Program |
RS: | | |
RS: | Okay | My Apologies | Emerel | We Can't be Matesprits |
RS: | I don't Have a Ring For You | Or | An Earring | Or |- ANYTHING -|
MN: no
MN: .I.m strEamlining it morE
MN: basically .I. guEss EVErything is the samE
MN: including stuff with .KIT.
MN: ExcEpt wErE not flailing around like wRigglErs trying to talk through a cup and string
MN: dudE .PHERES. wE could sEriously opEn up a jEwElry storE with all thE jEwlrEy wE haVE bEtwEEn us
RS: | Oh | Right | That makes Sense | Ah | The Bit about Smearing just | Confused Me | Haha |
RS: | And | Well | Yes | But You don't Have Anything in My Colour | ! |
MN: bEt .I. could find somEthing prEtty nicE whEn .I. go out again ;)
RS: | ! | ! |
RS: | Oh | Haha | I will Get Something in Yours | Then | If You'd like to Do It Like That |
MN: sounds good
MN: now thE big quEstion hErE is
MN: what kind of jEwElry
MN: haha itll be a surprisE
RS: | Haha | Rings are Traditional | ! |
RS: | | But | Whatever Works for You | =:B | A Surprise sounds Lovely | ! |
RS: | So | Ah | Do You want Me Saying that We are Matesprits | Then | ? |
MN: .I. likE thE sound of that
RS: | Haha | | Good | ! |
RS: | Ah | Can I Mention This to Kit | ? |
MN: what arE you going to tEll him?
RS: | Um | that We are Officially Matesprits | ? |
RS: | He is Going to Come Visit a Girl with Me | while I Sort Out a Certain Mess |
RS: | So He night Have Questions about The Jewelry | Haha |
RS: | | | But | I don't have to Mention It |
MN: knowing .KIT. that
MN: might upsEt him a littlE
MN: you know how sElf conscious hE tEnds to gEt
MN: so for thE timE bEing maybE not yEt
RS: | Haha | Ah |
RS: | Alright | ! |
RS: | Good That I Asked | =:) |
RS: | I shall Keep My Lips Zipped |
RS: | So to say |
MN: wEll tEll him just
MN: not quitE yEt
RS: | Haha | Okay |
MN: .I. haVE to gEt back to work now
MN: papErwork is a bitch ugh
MN: .I.ll tExt you whEn .I. gEt donE
MN: <3
RS: | I should Get Back to Driving | I have to Go To the Train Station | So |
RS: | Ah | <3 |
RS: | <3 | <3 | <3 |
MN: drivE safE babE
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