#he can IMITATE a well balanced person with healthy relationships perfectly
tearlessrain · 4 months
HELLO, I'm going to try and be the chance I want to see in the world, hahaha. So TELL ME PLEASE, who is your favourite swtor OC? And how do you relate them to the story of the game; is it canon for them, do you write/imagine/rp stories for them adjacent to the game or totally divorced from it...?
eeeey thank you for the ask! sorry it's taken me so long to get to it, my brain has not been cooperative on any front this week
I have several I'm very attached to but I'd have to say my favorite is my Imp Agent, Khatte Antilles (pronounced "cat." he's a cathar. I originally made him as a joke character before he developed a personality/backstory and now I just have to live with my choices.)
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the fact that I had to go back four years in my art folders to find an image of him suitable for all audiences really tells you all you need to know already tbh
Overall he lines up pretty strongly with the canon basegame Agent story, it was kinda one of those "if it ain't broke don't fix it" situations because I do love the Agent storyline a lot. The headcanons kick in more in the DLC/Alliance zone and in his backstory, and I definitely fiddled with the timeline of things because he was very young for his first mission on Hutta (definitely no older than 20, probably closer to 17/18, he lied about his age and joined ImpInt at 13 claiming he was 16 so that makes everything more complicated. he only got away with it because the people doing his paperwork were all human and Imperial and had no idea what a 16 year old cathar would actually look like), but he's in his mid 20s for most of the basegame questline and in his early 30s by the Zakuul era. Basically it all works out that there are some unaccounted for years between Hutta and the rest of act one, and some very accounted for years during the Carbonite Timeskip because he's not the canon Commander and being incorrectly frozen in carbonite is one of the few medical horrors that hasn't happened to him. He spent that time having a mental breakdown because he believed that the only person he still trusted in the galaxy had been killed by the Empire, and channeled his feelings about that into wiping out every trace of the Castellan Restraints and their development, including the people who worked on the project. It was all very dramatic and probably would have also have included himself if Lana Beniko hadn't tracked him down before the Empire did and dragged him back to the Alliance to help organize and lead their Intelligence division, which wasn't fun for anybody but did ultimately lead to him getting therapy and starting to heal from the clusterfuck that was his career.
I also expanded on his relationship with a few NPCs quite a bit, he's got a History with Darth Jadus and met him not long after joining ImpInt, because Jadus saw someone that young and vulnerable as a perfect opportunity to mold himself a loyal (or at least scared into submission) man on the inside and eventual personal Hand. it did not work out for him; Khatte was both more willful and more loyal to Keeper than he bargained for, and by the events of the game he absolutely loathed Jadus and also knew him well enough to handily unravel the rest of his plan. he clashed even harder with Zhorrid once she "inherited" him because unlike Jadus he held no fear or respect toward her and no amount of getting barbecued by Force lightning at every meeting would change his mind. This has all lead to him having a distinctly unfavorable view toward Sith, which he voices probably more often than is advisable for one's continued health and safety in the Empire.
he also had an extremely toxic and mutually abusive situationship with Hunter throughout the latter two acts that he's still unpacking the baggage from to this day, and still has a much healthier slow burn romance with Vector (let him kiss the bug man EA I am begging you it's 2024).
But yeah, Alliance era he's honestly thriving as much as could be expected for someone with his history, I've got him in a whole multiverse situation with some friends' ocs where he's free to be a horny disaster in a much safer and healthier way than he used to be.
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clarespace · 4 years
lol my thoughts:
• ep 9 was the peak and it went downhill as the show tripped over itself with rushed plot lines and shoving the girl, again, to come in between the two guys. like, i was already ??? during ep 10 when they moved in, what, a month, two months after dating? and without even knowing your boyfriend has an older brother? so many inconsistencies. wat definitely browsed tine's ig with his friends as shown in that flashback, there wasn't a pic of his brother there, and man wouldn't have recognised him??? anyway
• tine's insecurities. we all have that, we've all felt that we are only pale imitations to the people we love so passionately, but the thing is, tine is portrayed as someone who can't do things without sarawat's help, and it's only being done to highlight what a perfect boyfriend sarawat is. the show fails to give tine the character development he deserves by growing within himself instead of waiting for wat to tell him he's enough. why didn't he tell pam himself that sarawat is his boyfriend? he can do that. he doesn't have to wait for sarawat to tell her and it would have been a huge leap for his characterisation. he's seen, he's experienced how sarawat has done everything to prove his feelings for tine but tine still doesn't trust him, would think the worst, stew in it, and let the problem get out of hand. totally relatable but when it happens every time without even a small hint that tine's learned something from the last time? damn it, show.
• sarawat the perfect boyfriend. the show has been pushing and pushing and pushing this narrative because come on, if you have an actor like bright in the role, it totally makes sense! lmao jokes aside, this is one of the main, if not the main, foundation of the show: sarawat being dreamy and romantic and totally in love with tine that he just says it without shame. idk if they were trying to show that no one is perfect, not even sarawat, but if it was their intention, they failed so hard. it's only convincing if it still makes sense. this is the guy who says point blank that tine is everything to him, that tine is the memory he loves the best — with other people present! swoon worthy! but then in the span of two days, he goes quiet about tine in front of the girl he used to love? okay, still understandable, first love and everything, there's always bound to be awkwardness and uncertainty, but then tine opened up to him and sarawat was perfect in his response, but then after that he still doesn't say anything as pam confesses and holds him? it's so out of character even if you're trying to show that sarawat's only human, too. damn it, show.
• okay, okay. the thing is. tine. or, more accurately, how they portray 'bottoms' in bl. im sure you've all noticed but tine doesn't really initiate romantic gestures. not head touches, hugs (except for this one in ep 12), or kisses, or most of the intimate gestures we expect, even the small ones, and it's mostly because bottoms in bl dramas somehow don't do anything but just lie there and be complimented, wooed, and touched? i mean, there just be something out there where the universally acknowledged 'bottom' (ugh seriously that is not a character trait! not! a! character! trait!) actually does something but in this series, only the 'top' gets to take care of the 'bottom' and it's so frustrating to watch. im like, ok, this is definitely the ep where tine will actually show sarawat the kind of affection we scream at if it was coming from sarawat, but instead tine just received and i end up disappointed. it feels like tine is always waiting for sarawat to do something and that's not a balanced portrayal at all. tine was shown in the beginning to be pretty flirty, he's the one with experience, and yet it's the opposite when it comes to wat. sure, he might be unsure of what to do in a gay relationship, but there are other scenes where he's perfectly comfortable, so it's just really that ole bl trope i dislike. the one scene where they looked, acted and felt like a real couple was definitely when sarawat was pouting about having to apologise to tine's brother and he did that whole arms around tine, pulling him in closer by the hips. oh, two scenes, including the sofa scene. such intimacy and closeness. they were much more like a couple before they actually became a couple. damn it, show.
• pam. damn, this girl shows her face and already everyone hates her. why? WHY SHOW? you've used all the girls as plot devices: pear, earn, pam. they're only vehicles for the drama. not to mention the rest of them are just shippers. no other trait but as shippers. it's so toxic. pam was so likeable in the book. sarawat was upfront about tine being his boyfriend and pam supported them. why does the show have to shove drama in the second to the last episode and hoping to resolve everything in the last ep? also, grand gestures are so overrated. it's thrilling, yes, but what a couple really needs is to sit down and talk about the little things. can you even imagine if next ep tine will tell sarawat he was hurt, sarawat apologises, and pam apologises too? because we all know she knows tine is sarawat's boyfriend. wat's ig is mostly time anyway and i refuse to believe they don't have a selfie together. the show could never let them deal with it in a healthy, mature way. they will have to break them up, give the characters reasons NOT to talk, and it will all end in a Grand Gesture to reunite wat and tine in the last minutes, leaving us unsatisfied because all we want is to watch them be cute and happy for the entire episode like they deserve. i thought the show would not go the jealousy/insecurity because of a past love route because most of the conflict stemmed from tine's uncertainty over sarawat's feelings, which wat already proved by telling him the truth about when he first liked him, asking him to move in, being protective and attentive, and showing him the video he made after the concert. nope, they still needed a villain to reaaaaaaaally make things clear in the end. damn it, show.
• time skips. so many time skips that could have shown us more clearly the progress of tine and wat's relationship that aren't montages or moments made for squealing. damn it, show.
• the main plot still makes me laugh to this day. tine doesn't want to date a guy, so the only way to discourage him is to pretend to date another guy? ??? ok, i'll bite, but why does it have to be the hottest guy in school? wouldn't any attractive guy do? also...why does every character use someone to make another person jealous/interested? green using tine, tine using sarawat (and wat taking advantage of it lmao), man using earn in a literal catfish situation! damn it, show.
aside from those things, though, i still actually really like and enjoy 2gether the series. it brought bright into my life, after all, and the middle episodes were excellent. there were a lot of genuinely funny and moving moments, and moments when my heart beat fast and i blushed. a lot of good dialogue and interesting characters. sarawat's uniqueness in that he was SUCH a confident and straightforward gay, which you don't really see. loved his character development when he let himself show his softness around tine, and then smiling and laughing along with his friends. i usually dislike super dense characters but tine was cute and charming. the supportive friends! the utterly sweet backstory. consent and actually giving people space. this could have been the one to truly convince me in bl dramas. oh, well, back to fanfic lmao sorry for the long ass essay
what do you guys think? im up for a nice and polite discussion!
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brokehorrorfan · 6 years
New Release Review: Halloween (2018)
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Viewers can criticize the Friday the 13th and A Nightmare on Elm Street franchises for being redundant (in the case of the former) or becoming overly campy (in the case of the latter), but at least they each managed to maintain a single, albeit messy, continuity before receiving the inevitable remake treatment. The Halloween series, on the other hand, plays out more like a choose-your-own-adventure story. The new, confusingly-titled Halloween marks the fourth distinct timeline over the course of nine movies - and that doesn’t even include Rob Zombie's remake and its sequel.
Halloween serves as a direct follow-up to John Carpenter's seminal classic of the same name, ignoring all previous sequels and picking up 40 years after the night Michael Myers came home. The silent slasher, now 61, has been locked away at the Smith's Grove Rehabilitation Facility since being apprehended following his killing spree on Halloween 1978. After escaping during a transfer that just so happens to take place on October 30, Michael Myers recovers his trusty mask and heads back to Haddonfield, Illinois to finish what he started four decades prior.
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This time, however, Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis, reprising her first film role) is ready for him. No longer a hapless babysitter, barely surviving the 1978 attack has turned Laurie into a paranoid recluse. Her neurotic behavior has strained her relationship with her daughter, Karen (Judy Greer, Jurassic World), but she has a strong bond with her teenage granddaughter, Allyson (Andi Matichak). Differences aside, Laurie will stop at nothing to protect her family and stop Michael Myers once and for all.
Director David Gordon Green tends to have a "one for them, one for me" mentality when it comes to filmmaking, balancing his time between higher-profile movies with wide appeal (Pineapple Express, Your Highness) and more personal, independent projects (Joe, Prince Avalanche). Although Halloween is certainly a commercial property poised to make huge money at the box office, it still feels like a passion project, as Green's reverence for the material and respect for the fanbase is present in every frame.
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Halloween features respectful nods to the original film, as well as brief homages to Halloween II and Halloween III: Season of the Witch. Mostly visual, the references serve as knowing winks to fans without diverting the attention of viewers who are unfamiliar with the source material. A couple of the callbacks, subtle as they may be, are marginally distracting, as they occur deep in the third act when tension is high.
Despite this being Green's first foray into the genre, he successfully pulls off several clever and original horror set pieces. It's a healthy mix of classic suspense and modern scares, the latter of which never come off as cheap. Only the middle act of the film rests on slasher tropes, many of which were established in the first Halloween. This portion of the 106-minute runtime favors slashing over stalking, building a high body count out of peripheral characters destined to die.
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The kills are often brutal, which may be incongruous when viewed back-to-back with Carpenter's relatively bloodless film, but the violence is never as gratuitous as it was in Rob Zombie's Halloween. Academy Award-winning make-up artist Christopher Allen Nelson (Kill Bill, Suicide Squad) crafts some gory special effects. His Myers mask is one of the best looking in the series, with an aged look similar to Rob Zombie's take without losing the blank, expressionless visage of the original.
The visual style fits right at home in the Halloween universe, but Green doesn't try to imitate the anamorphic cinematography established by Carpenter and director of photography Dean Cundey. Green and his cinematographer, Michael Simmonds (Nerve, Paranormal Activity 2), capture the small, Midwestern town vibe of the fictitious Haddonfield and its autumnal atmosphere with a richer color palette. They also pull off a brilliant, one-take Steadicam shot that rivals the opening of the original Halloween.
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Green co-wrote the script with frequent collaborators Danny McBride (better known as an actor from Eastbound & Down, Vice Principals, and Alien: Covenant) and Jeff Fradley (Vice Principals). Although they have roots in comedy, their script doesn't overdo the jokes. Levity is ample - largely stemming from Toby Huss (Carnivàle) as Laurie's son-in-law and Jibrail Nantambu as a wise-cracking boy being babysat - but Green and company know to pull back when the plot picks up.
More than a mere doomsday prepper, Laurie is a complex and nuanced character. In many ways, she fills the void left by Michael's late psychiatrist, Dr. Loomis, as she is the only one who knows the true evil that possesses The Boogeyman. (Loomis' importance to the legacy is acknowledged in the film.) Fearless and resourceful, the character channels great female action heroines like Terminator 2's Sarah Connor and Alien's Ellen Ripley - and Curtis matches their intensity. The isolation in which she has existed for the majority of her life and its resultant obsession mirrors that of Michael Myers.
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Although there were several known actresses vying for the role of Allyson, Green smartly cast an unknown - much like Curtis in the first Halloween - in Matichak (who receives an “Introducing” credit). Despite her inexperience, she comes off as genuine, with her character echoing the innocent yet determined Laurie Strode of 1978. James Jude Courtney is perfectly cast as Michael Myers (with original The Shape actor Nick Castle donning the mask for select shots). A natural extension of the first film, he provides an imposing presence without being a big, hulking monster.
In addition to serving as creative consultant and executive producer, Halloween director/co-writer/composer John Carpenter composed the new soundtrack. It marks his first film score since 2001's Ghost of Mars, but this time around he worked with his band members from his three recent solo albums: his son, Cody Carpenter, a talented synth musician in his own right; and his godson, Daniel Davies, the son of The Kinks guitarist Dave Davies who clearly inherited his father's chops.
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The soundtrack incorporates the unmistakable Halloween theme in its unnerving 5/4 time signature, along with a couple of other recognizable cues, but the majority of the score is brand new and highly effective. The inclusion of Davies' guitar occasionally brings to mind Carpenter's collaborations with metal musicians on the Ghosts of Mars score, but its integration sounds far more natural. In line with Carpenter's classic music from Halloween, Escape from New York, and The Fog, the eerie, pulsing soundscape elevates the film to the next level.
Adopting a similar approach to Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Halloween reinvigorates the dormant franchise by giving fans everything they love in a familiar way while passing the torch to a modern generation. The ultimate showdown between Michael Myers and Laurie Strode is a satisfying one, perhaps even more so than their now-retconned face-off in Halloween H20, as Laurie's dire emotional state heighten the stakes. Most importantly, David Gordon Green's Halloween makes Michael Myers scary again.
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teachmixerofficial · 4 years
10-Year-Old Child Development Milestones
As children reach the age of 10, many will start to think of themselves as being almost teenagers. But, it's not always the case. While some will start looking and acting more mature, others will remain more child-like, both physically and emotionally.
Being 10 is all about change. It is a period of transition that can offer challenges and delights as children start to embrace the approach of adolescence.
Physical Development
Many children will start to experience major growth spurts by the time reach the fifth grade. Girls tend to grow at a faster pace and may suddenly find themselves towering over boys the same age.
By contrast, many 10-year-old boys may only just beginning to show the signs of puberty, while others will have to wait until they are 11, 12, or even 13. This disparity in growth can create discomfort in many children, either because they are growing too fast or not fast enough.
Demonstrates improved agility, speed, coordination, and balance
Begins to show signs of puberty such as oily skin, increased sweating and hair growth in the genital area and under the arms
Experiences an increase in small muscle coordination.
Although 10-year-olds often act more mature, they still need an early bedtime. Children this age should get between 9 and 10 hours of sleep each night.
Emotional Development
At 10 years of age, children are developing a better sense of who they are in the world. Many are preparing for the start of middle or junior high school and are getting ready to navigate new social settings.
For girls, who generally develop physically at a faster rate and enter puberty earlier than boys, the transition into adolescence can trigger a host of emotions: excitement, uncertainty, trepidation, and even embarrassment.
At age 10, you can expect your child to have more control over emotions and may see her becoming more skilled at handling conflict and negotiating solutions with friends. At the same time, you may see some volatility in her emotions.
Another factor that can play a role in mood swings is the stress that a typical 10-year-old may be under as she tries to deal with all the physical changes and other shifts in her life. A 10-year-old child may be trying to keep up with ever-more difficult school work, working to fit in and socialize with friends, and dealing with the physical changes of growing up.
Admires and imitates older youth
Beginning to question authority
Are accepting of parent/family beliefs
Help your child to learn how to deal with uncomfortable emotions including frustration, anger, disappointment, guilt, anxiety, sadness, and boredom.
Social Development
Ten-year-old girls cope with cliques, as an insider, an outsider, or both, on a daily basis. At ten, girls may become possessive of their friends and can be jealous of one another.
Ten-year-old boys may have an easier time with friendships. Boys' relationships tend to be based on mutual interests rather than close, personal feelings.
Ten-year-olds have good ability to sense the emotions of others and to read facial and body language. At ten, acceptance by the peer group is a critical step that seems to have a strong effect on the next level of development. Poor peer acceptance at age ten is a strong predictor of behavioral and emotional problems in adolescence.
Ten-year-olds do feel very close to their parents, siblings, and extended family. They may have frequent squabbles with siblings, fighting especially with younger siblings.
Peer pressure can play a big role in social relationships of most 10-year-olds. At this age, kids will be eager to fit in by wearing the right clothes, listening to the right music, or liking and disliking the same things.
Enjoys creating secret codes and passwords with their friends
Identifies with individuals of the same gender
Prefers to work in groups and enjoys cooperative activities
Allow your child to have some privacy with friends. Holding private conversations and sharing secrets is socially appropriate at this age and it can be important to your child’s healthy development.  
Cognitive Development
Parents may notice that around 10 years old, children start thinking and sounding almost “grown-up.” Children this age are on the cusp of adolescence and have the language skills and cognitive ability to gather information and formulate well-organized opinions and thoughts. As such, many 10-year-old children can be pleasant company at dinner and at social gatherings, capable of expressing their thoughts on current events, books, music, art, and other subjects.
For many children, the development phase around 10 years old is packed with learning and rapid-paced cognitive growth. Learning accelerates significantly in fifth grade as children prepare for the middle-school years. It is in fifth and sixth grade that kids begin to tackle more complicated materials in math, reading and other subjects.
In math, fifth graders can be expected to work with fractions, hone multiplication and division skills, and learn more complex geometry concepts. You can expect your fifth grader to learn concepts such as symmetry of shapes, how to use formulas to calculate the area and volume of shapes, and possibly begin early algebra. Your 10-year-old will start to practice more mental math skills and will be increasingly more able to use logic and abstract thinking to solve verbal math problems. 
When studying other subjects, such as history or social studies, 10-year-old children will expand their research skills and use resources such as library books and websites for school projects and presentations. Eager-to-learn fifth graders will delight not only in assembling their research but will also enjoy crafting their thoughts and having people appreciate their work.
Your 10-year-old will be transitioning toward greater independence in managing and organizing school work and homework, requiring less supervision from parents.
At this stage, reading skills move toward reading and enjoying more complex and lengthier chapter books. They may learn concepts such as metaphors and similes and will continue to encounter more difficult vocabulary words. They will be able to analyze stories, offer criticism. Their ability to think logically will become more pronounced. They will be able to write persuasive essays and argue viewpoints and opinions with more confidence and organization.​
Many 10-year-olds love to run, bicycle, skate, and play sports. They may enjoy team sports or individual activities.
They follow their favorite sports teams and know all the details of their favorite TV programs. They are also beginning to be aware of popular singers and groups as well as their favorite celebrities.
Many 10-year-olds enjoy electronics. They are often interested in taking pictures with digital cameras or they may enjoy playing video games.
Learning to use good judgment
Shows interest in sports teams or pop culture
Have an increased attention span and can often spend long periods of time working on activities they enjoy
Set your child up for academic success by encouraging good study habits. Establish a homework time and a designated homework area. Create rules, such as no TV during homework time, that will help your child succeed.
Other Milestones
Children this age may also begin to place more emphasis on physical appearance and may want to fit in and conform with peers more than they used to. Body image issues can also develop at this age in some children—particularly girls.
Be a good role model when it comes to body image. Avoid making comments that criticize your own body (such as calling yourself “fat”) and set an example of healthy eating habits.
You can expect to see an increased desire for privacy in children this age. Ten-year-old children are becoming more aware of their bodies and are more likely to want privacy when bathing and dressing. They are also more likely to pay attention to things like clothes and hairstyles and what their friends are thinking and wearing.
When to Be Concerned
If your child’s flashes of bad temper are fleeting and only happen occasionally, it’s probably nothing to worry about. But if your child still becomes aggressive or his angry outbursts interfere with his relationships, it could be a sign of a bigger problem.
If you see behavioral or personality changes,(trouble sleeping or eating, or not wanting to go to school, for example), talk to your child’s pediatrician or teacher.
Children of this age also develop physically at different rates. Early puberty in girls may lead to an especially high risk for body image issues. It’s important to hold regular conversations about your child’s changing body and to emphasize the importance of health over appearance.
If you are worried that your child is not developing as he or she should, start by reminding yourself that now is a time of transition for a 10-year-old. There is not a set place as to where your son or daughter should be. While some will be toying with makeup and sports, others may be happy playing with dolls or reading comic books. Both are fine and perfectly healthy.
If you are still concerned that your child is lagging, speak with your pediatrician. He or she may be best qualified to assess your child's development and to refer you to the appropriate specialist if needed.
Parent's Guide to Navigating the Tween Years
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coolseanobuseng · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://legitlover.com/how-to-be-the-girl-that-guys-want-to-date-even-if-youre-nervous/
How To Be The Girl That Guys Want To Date Even If You're Nervous
Does it happen to you getting nervous with cute guys but you want to know how to be the girl that guys want to date?
NEWS FLASH: Does climbing Mt. Everest seem easier compared to achieving greater self-confidence? Perhaps you feel that being a bolder, more attractive version of yourself is too much of a tall order.
Are you one of those women who turn into a NERVOUS wreck? When meeting a cute guy for the first time? Worse, do you feel like you should be a totally different person. Or stuff down all wonderful the aspects of your personality?
If that’s the case, then you need to break out of this harmful train of thought. The things you want to be are already inside you. But you’ll need a healthy amount of self-confidence for others to see it!
Check out the best way to let everybody else know that you ARE an attractive woman:
Click Me To Watch
When you think about the dating scene, what do you believe are the necessary ‘selling points’ you need to get a guy’s attention? It seems like some girls know something others don’t.
A lot of women end up scratching their heads thinking, ‘How does SHE do it? It’s as if she does practically nothing but she’s NEVER short on dates!’
Well, the real trick to connecting with quality guys is by putting yourself on EQUAL footing with them. After all, the kind of man you want needs to be on the same page as you are, so let’s go through three quick tips:
How To Be The Girl That Guys Want To Date Even If You’re Nervous.
#1: Look after yourself
You may think that this is about being a flawless specimen of beauty or wallowing in vanity.
NOT at all.
What I’m stressing here is that you need to let everyone know you care enough to look your best. And that’s not the same as physical perfection. Guys just need to cotton on to the fact that you’re always on top of your looks.
The men that we squeal in delight over are considerate enough to look as good as they do. Even if he isn’t without a few flaws here and there, you KNOW that he’s got it together.
Thus, we ladies should be game enough to make ourselves just as presentable as they are. Would you date someone that had no regard for hygiene? Any guy who’s let go of himself would lower his chances of finding a partner ‘ that certainly applies to us as well!
Now, what details should we be concerned about? First of all, being fresh and clean is paramount. You may have an awesome personality, but you can help others see all of that by being in a PRESENTABLE package.
This is where regular showers and other daily habits such as flossing, brushing your teeth and shaving come in. Why should we let cleanliness be an issue that’ll get in the way of meeting gorgeous men?
Try putting on a nice feminine fragrance that distinctly defines you. Get beautified by spritzing on a light perfume that isn’t overpowering but pleasant enough to have guys at the first whiff!
Also, don’t be shy with lotions (like vanilla or other similarly enticing scents) to keep you looking AND feeling smooth. There’s nothing like a feminine appearance of delicate softness to appeal to a guy’s masculine sensibilities!
This same approach goes with your sense of style. Don’t be afraid to try on outfits that amplify your womanly attributes.
Looking good doesn’t have to mean baring too much. A tasteful outfit should bring out your feminine essence, expose just ENOUGH skin, and accentuate your curves. If you need help with this, employ the help of the people in your life who have a knack for style and fashion.
They’ll be able to recommend dresses, tops and blouses that’ll keep you classy and sensual at the same time. The most elegant wardrobes allow a HINT of skin in the right places ‘ any guy with the tiniest bit of imagination will be intrigued enough to take notice!
I’m sure you know at least one woman who happens to have fabulous hair that suits her perfectly. You don’t have to imitate her style; instead ask her where she gets her hair done so the same salon can fine tune your own set of locks.
Everyone is different, so consulting with a stylist will help narrow down a customized appearance that complements your frame and personality. Whether your hairstyle is straight, wavy or curly, the important thing is that it’s clean, lustrous and fully expresses your unique identity!
Of course, FITNESS has a lot to do with being a girl who has it together. You don’t need a perfect body mass index, but it does matter that you are making an EFFORT in this regard.
As busy girls, we have a load of excuses to keep us from working out regularly. However, if we recognize its importance in the general scope of dating (or your health for that matter), we can ALWAYS find time to work on ourselves, one way or another.
As for other matters, a dentist, dermatologist and other specialists who offer the kind assistance you need (be it your teeth, skin, etc) to really help polish the overall package. Investing in their services is a necessary factor to letting everyone know you’re looking after yourself.
Generally, the sum of your beautifying efforts weighs a lot more than your imperfections. What girl doesn’t have something they don’t like about themselves?
But it doesn’t matter since guys are willing to gloss over these infinitesimal details if they know you’re the kind of girl who doesn’t neglect herself.
In a parallel universe, we could look into each other’s inner beauty and that would be enough. However, the way we present ourselves still matters when it comes to making a memorable first impression!
#2: Have yourself to rely on
Neediness in an emotional and material sense is one of the biggest roadblocks to greater attractiveness. Sure, guys may get the occasional kick out of being your knight in shining armor, but for the most part you’ll need to let them know you can live without their brute strength.
In many relationships, the balance of power is so lopsided against a woman’s favor that it allows bad stuff to seep in, such being taken for granted. If a guy knows you can live WITHOUT him, he’ll naturally treat you better and it will breed MUTUAL respect.
It’s a human tendency to VALUE something you could lose at any given moment, right? But of course I don’t recommend that you flaunt this fact in anyone’s face or use it as a way for a guy to submit to your whims.
I’m simply asking all the ladies out there to project a sense of independence. Guys absolutely LOVE it when they can’t have a 100% hold on a girl ‘ you have no idea what self-sufficiency can do to their ‘hunting’ instincts.
Men are in it for the thrill of the chase, and knowing that he can’t ‘tame’ you is plenty of fuel for his masculine drive to conquer, pursue and achieve. Tapping into this wellspring (using your independent personality) is a great way to get a lot of dates! There are so many ways on How To Be The Girl That Guys Want To Date Even If You’re Nervous and this is one of the most crucial step.
# 3: Get a life!
I hope you don’t take this the wrong way because all of us obviously *have* lives. It’s just that sometimes, pursuing a relationship – or having one – can obscure the importance of having a WELL-BALANCED life.
Even if we are talking about improving your dating life, remember that you have a LOT of other things to be passionate about. And this kind of attitude is what makes a woman more attractive and dateable in a guy’s eyes.
When you’re dedicated to improving yourself as a whole person, it just makes you more interesting and compelling to know. Jumping into a relationship just so you can have one isn’t the right away to go about dating.
For your dating life to flourish, it needs a good, sturdy ground to stand on. Namely, a happening life filled with stuff you care about and ACTIVELY go after.
For instance, a guy is more likely to be riveted by a girl who has weekly brunches with her family, regularly attends a fitness class and excels at her chosen career. Furthermore, this interesting woman may also have a bunch of other hobbies that open her up to opportunities. To meet other similarly appealing people!
If you simply lived out the other parts of your life EQUALLY, chances are that this lucky guy will be dying to be part of your awesome life!
And the great thing about this is that you aren’t actively seeking a man’s validation or approval; living as a driven woman NATURALLY does that for you.
So my advice for you is to get involved in the other things that interest you ASIDE from cute guys. In the end, we have ourselves to look after anyway ‘ regardless of whether we’re single or not.
The way you treat yourself is like a big, fat neon sign that tells the world how to treat YOU. That’s why the way we handle ourselves. Be it in terms of looks, self-sufficiency or lifestyle is a reflection of what kind of women we are.
And when you send the right kind of message to guys out there, you can be sure that these quality men are going to pick up on your signal! Now that’s How To Be The Girl That Guys Want To Date Even If You’re Nervous.
This article comes to you courtesy of www.meetysweet.com
Serious about changing your love life success? The first step on your journey of self discovery needs to be with Meet Your Sweet’s ‘Get a Guy Guide.’
If you want genuine men, and not just any man, let Mirabelle Summers and the team challenge your beliefs. About love and attraction, and show you the way to become a seduction success story. I hope you’ve learnt a thing or two. On How To Be The Girl That Guys Want To Date Even If You’re Nervous.
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sherristockman · 7 years
The Stories Behind Our Christmas Traditions Dr. Mercola By Dr. Mercola Christmas, just as every other day of the year, is an occasion for celebration simply because you are alive. If you are in good health, enjoy healthy relationships and have a positive outlook on life, you very likely have cause for celebration, not only on Christmas Day, but also every day throughout the year. While TV commercials and print advertisements seek to influence your attitude and mindset about Christmas (and any number of other holidays), I believe it’s more personal than that. It stands to reason that you can make the day worth savoring simply by choosing meaningful activities and surrounding yourself with people you love. When approached that way, Christmas becomes less about the food, gifts, tree and the like. Instead, Christmas emanates as a deeper, more personal experience within your heart. That said, wherever you are, whatever you are doing, you might be interested in taking a closer look at the history behind five common Christmas traditions: Santa Claus, Christmas trees, gift giving, candy canes and eggnog. Merry Christmas to you and yours from all of us at Mercola.com! Interesting Facts About Christmas No matter how many Christmases you’ve celebrated, you may not know how five of the most common Christmas traditions came about. Let’s begin with a few interesting facts about Christmas from History.com:1 Christmas was declared a U.S. federal holiday on June 26, 1870 Every year, 30 to 35 million real Christmas trees are sold in the U.S., most of them cultivated by one of the nation’s 21,000 Christmas tree growers Poinsettias are named after Joel R. Poinsett, an American minister to Mexico, who brought the plant to America from Mexico in 1828 The Salvation Army has been collecting Christmas donations on the streets across the U.S. since the 1890s “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” was written in 1939 by copywriter Robert L. May as a marketing piece to attract customers to the Montgomery Ward department store2 Construction workers initiated the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree tradition in New York City in 1931 The first eggnog made in the U.S. was consumed at the Jamestown settlement in 1607 The Legend of Santa Claus The modern-day Santa Claus3,4 originated as St. Nicholas of Myra, a real-life, fourth century Byzantine monk known for handing out bags of money to the poor. Introduced to the U.S. in the early 1800s, American views of St. Nicholas began to morph based on the 1823 poem "A Visit From St. Nicholas," which became more commonly known as “’Twas the Night Before Christmas.” By the late 1800s, St. Nicholas was renamed “Santa Claus,” a name based off the Dutch nickname for St. Nicholas, “Sinterklaas.” Appearing in Harper’s Weekly, images of our modern Santa were presented by political cartoonist Thomas Nast in the 1880s. According to History.com, it was Clement Clark Moore who “depicted Santa as a rotund, cheerful man with a full, white beard, holding a sack laden with toys for lucky children.”5 Furthermore, Nast is credited with giving Santa a wife, a bright red, fur-trimmed suit and a workshop at the North Pole replete with elves. By 1890, children could visit with a live Santa at department stores. Beginning in the 1930s, Coca-Cola propelled “the right jolly old elf” further into the spotlight through its many Santa-focused advertisements, his red-and-white suit harmonizing perfectly with their brand colors. The effects of Coke’s advertising with respect to Christmas were so profound that some mistakenly came to believe the company actually created Santa Claus.6 Today, Santa endures as a full-bellied grandpa-like icon with a twinkling eye and flowing white beard. About the common characteristics between St. Nicholas and Santa Claus, the St. Nicholas Foundation says:7 “It's been a long journey from … St. Nicholas, who showed his devotion to God in extraordinary kindness and generosity to those in need, to America's jolly Santa Claus, whose largesse often supplies luxuries to the affluent. However, if you peel back the accretions, he is still Nicholas, bishop of Myra, whose caring surprises continue to model true giving and faithfulness. There is growing interest in reclaiming the original saint … to help restore a spiritual dimension to this festive time. For indeed, St. Nicholas, lover of the poor and patron saint of children, is a model of how Christians are meant to live … ... Families, churches and schools are embracing true St. Nicholas traditions as one way to claim the true center of Christmas — the birth of Jesus. Such a focus helps restore balance to [the] increasingly materialistic and stress-filled Advent and Christmas seasons.” The Story Behind Christmas Trees While stories behind the origin of the modern-day Christmas tree abound, most sources agree that decorated evergreen trees became customary in the mid-19th century. Prior to that time, according to CNN, similar trees were used by:8 Pagans in winter festivals for thousands of years, with evergreens signifying the coming of spring Christians as a symbol for Christmas during the time Christianity was spreading throughout Europe Playwrights as props in German mystery plays, where they were garnished with apples in depictions of the Garden of Eden One of the more notable legends, especially given the marking of the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation in 2017, suggests Protestant reformer Martin Luther may have been responsible for bringing Christmas trees into homes. Legend has it Luther was inspired by a walk through the forest on Christmas Eve in 1510, when he saw stars shining through overhead tree branches. He apparently told his children the dazzling sight reminded him of Jesus, so much so that he brought an evergreen into their home for Christmas. In the mid-19th century, England's Queen Victoria is credited with influencing the modern tradition of erecting Christmas trees in homes. She reportedly encouraged her husband Prince Albert to decorate a tree as a way to carry forward holiday tradition from his childhood in Bavaria. After a drawing of the royal family and their decorated Christmas tree appeared in the Illustrated London News in 1846, the desire to copy their tradition rapidly spread throughout the U.K. and U.S.9 In the late 1800s, artificial Christmas trees originated in Germany, at which time metal wire trees were covered with goose, turkey, ostrich or swan feathers that had been dyed green to imitate pine needles. In the 1930s, the Addis Brush Company used the same machinery that made their toilet brushes to manufacture artificial trees.10,11 The Addis “silver pine” tree, which had a revolving light source under it, was patented in 1950. Why Do We Give Gifts on Christmas? Prior to the establishment of Christmas, pagans in Europe and the Middle East had already adopted the custom of giving presents12 on the occasion of various winter festivals. One such lengthy Roman festival called Saturnalia, thrown in honor of the agriculture god Saturn, began on December 17. During the cold, dark days of winter, pagans lightened the mood by eating, drinking, merry making and exchanging gifts. Candles, fruit, nuts and pottery figurines were some of the gifts given. With the spread of Christianity, early church leaders looked for ways to phase out pagan holidays without creating too much of a backlash. In the fourth century, Christian leaders created a rival festival centered on the celebration of Jesus' birth called Christmas. While the actual date of his birth is unknown, but thought to be in the spring, church leaders set it as December 25 in hopes of overshadowing pagan holidays enjoyed around the same time. Due to its placement near Saturnalia and other well-established pagan holidays, many of the pagan rituals of revelry naturally attached themselves to Christmas. As such, Christmas Day was initially characterized by church attendance followed by a raucous, drunken, carnival-like atmosphere similar to today’s Mardi Gras. Although Christmas traditions took root in England in the sixth century and Scandinavia by the eighth century, it wasn’t until the 19th century that Americans began to embrace the holiday with vigor. According to History.com, in time, Americans reinvented Christmas, transforming it from a wild, carnival-like holiday into a nostalgic day focused on the peaceful gathering of family and friends:13 “As Americans began to embrace Christmas as a perfect family holiday, old customs were unearthed. People looked toward recent immigrants and Catholic and Episcopalian churches to see how the day should be celebrated. In the next 100 years, Americans built a Christmas tradition all their own that included pieces of many other customs, including decorating trees, sending holiday cards and gift giving. Although most families quickly bought into the idea that they were celebrating Christmas how it had been done for centuries, Americans had really re-invented a holiday to fill the cultural needs of a growing nation.” The Candy Cane: A Popular Christmas Icon Given its role as an iconic symbol of Christmas for nearly 350 years, you may be surprised the original candy cane was a straight white stick flavored only with sugar. According to Candy History:14 “Legend has it that in 1670, the cane-shaped candy became historical when a choirmaster at the Cologne Cathedral in Germany bent the sugar-sticks into canes to appear as shepherd's hooks. The all-white candy canes were given out to children who attended the ceremonies. This became a popular tradition, and eventually the practice … spread all over Europe and America.” The first documented use of candy canes with respect to celebrating Christmas is believed to have occurred in the U.S. in 1847, when August Imgard, a German-Swedish immigrant living in Wooster, Ohio, placed candy canes and paper ornaments on a Christmas tree. Red-and-white striped candy canes made their debut at the turn of the 19th century, and the peppermint flavor followed shortly thereafter, quickly becoming a traditional flavor. In 1919, Bob McCormack launched a candy business in Albany, Georgia, that eventually became Bobs Candy Company.15 Making candy canes by hand was quite labor intensive, until the 1950s when Gregory Keller, McCormack’s brother-in-law, invented a machine designed to automate production. Bobs was the first company to mass-produce and distribute candy canes worldwide, as well as the first to wrap candy in cellophane.16 Although Bobs is no longer a family business, having been sold in 2005, you can learn more about how Bobs candy canes were made by viewing a Georgia Public Broadcasting video “The Candy Cane Factory.”17 While candy canes are now available in many colors, flavors and sizes, the classic red-and-white peppermint cane remains the perennial favorite. Below are some interesting facts about candy canes:18 About 1.76 billion candy canes are produced worldwide annually Ninety percent of all candy canes are sold between Thanksgiving and Christmas Candy canes are No. 1 in sales among non-chocolate candies in the month of December The second week of December accounts for the highest candy cane sales U.S. Candy Cane Day is December 26 Eggnog: A Traditional Holiday Drink You Either Love or Hate Eggnog — whether you love it or hate it — is firmly embedded in American winter holiday traditions, including Christmas. It is believed to have gotten its start in Europe, where medieval monks in Britain were known to drink posset, a warm ale punch made with eggs and figs as early as the 13th century.19,20 When the beverage was brought to the New World, colonists began pairing Caribbean rum with their ready supply of eggs and milk, creating a drink that became popular with people of all classes. At the time, thick drinks were known as “grogs.” As such, eggnog was known as “egg and grog.” By 1775, the term eggnog was coined. Over the generations, this rich, spicy alcoholic drink has become a fixture during the holiday season in the U.S. and beyond. Eggnog recipes are frequently adapted to accommodate personal tastes. For instance, in the South, whiskey is often preferred over rum. In Mexico, cinnamon, milk and vanilla are added to rum or grain alcohol to make rompope. Puerto Ricans add coconut juice or milk and omit the eggs to make a drink called coquito. Peruvians make an eggnog-like cocktail using a local brandy called pisco. If you’ve tried eggnog and did not find it to your taste, you may want to make your own. The quality of this beverage very much depends on the quality of its ingredients, especially since the basic recipe has not changed much over the years. If you can tolerate raw eggs, milk and spices, you may enjoy eggnog. Due to the alcohol and high calorie content, I would caution you from overindulging on conventional eggnog. When consumed in excessive amounts, alcohol, even when blended into eggnog, can wreak havoc on your liver and your overall health. For the healthiest eggnog, I recommend you omit the alcohol and use organic pastured eggs, raw organic grass fed milk and a healthy sweetener such as honey or stevia. Check out this Healthy Holiday Eggnog Recipe.
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