#he could easily have been an arrogant poopular asshole type but he's a big softie
morathicain · 2 years
Started watching Scoy and I was sooooooo close to giving Nuea the same treatment as Bohn (as in giving him a better boyfriend!) bc omfg the stalking! Seriously, I wish they wouldn’t have made Toh as obsessed with him. A few pictures or trinkets? Okay. But all of this? Biggest red flag!
I understand that he thought he would never get anything else or be closer and was very insecure, but Nuea isn’t a doll and Toh has NO right to all of this. Especially to that extent. There’s also the problem with Toh obsessing over an idolised version of Nuea in his head while he has no idea who the actual person is.
The only thing saving Toh from having his boyfriend rights revoked by me is his character growth (still hate what he did but he’s growing and I love to see it!) and the fact that he’s so enthusiastically into Nuea. Especially after they got to know each other properly.
still judging Nuea’s taste in people; they have proven not to be very healthy *cough* but well, you do you, boy! What luck for Toh that Nuea is apparently into this ...
Still wish Toh would listen a bit more to what Nuea is actually saying and what he actually wants, even though I understand him being constantly overwhelmed. In between it really felt as if he was treating Nuea, who tried to be honest and open with him, like a pretty doll and not a real person and it made my fingers itch! But as far as I am now (beginning of ep 9 as we speak), it’s getting better and I catch myself rooting for them. Especially because of them being ridiculously into each other. Let’s hope I won’t change my mind again c.c
Anyway, I will still write Bohn and Nuea as brothers bc damn me and my crossovers X.X
Also: Jao, Daisy and Som are precious and I need to protect them!!
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