#he dances on the graves of terfs
bro-in-training · 2 years
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Since we have an empire now
Have an introduction post that's partially a joke
Welcome to the Valere Empire~!
Here we specialize in respecting trans people and asexuals, as well as a few other things, which include, but are not limited to;
Being trans and named Alex
Welcoming all LGBTQ+ people and allies
Hating TERFs, homophobes, aphobes, pedos, and vice versa
Dancing on Justinian's grave even though he was actually a really cool emperor I'm just messing with him okay
Probably being bad at math but I don't speak for everyone
Probably being tired very often for no reason at all
Other things that I can't name because there's too many and I don't know everyone well enough
All are welcome in this empire/union UNLESS:
-You are aphobic, homophobic, transphobic, or anything Anti-LGBTQ+
-You are disrespectful towards people on the basis of religion, sexuality, gender, race, ethnic background, and vice versa
-You are going to harass anyone here for anything
-You are going to be disrespectful and rude towards other people here for no reason
-You are/support pedophiles, TERFs, exclusionists, vice versa
You are to be nice to everyone here!!
You are not to be careless or reckless with anything you say that could possibly be triggering towards others
You are to be mindful of other people because you may not fully know them
You are not to disrespect ANYONE here on the basis of race, religion, sexuality, vice versa (refer back to the list of what types of people may not join us here)
Harassment will NOT be tolerated here. Not one bit. No excuses.
Hate speech will also NOT be tolerated. Again, no excuses.
If you want to introduce yourself to other people, feel free to do that by leaving an ask giving a brief introduction (more on this later)
You may invite other people into the empire who do not fit the description of anything not allowed here but I doubt anyone would do that cause I'm a tiny blog and we're just having fun with the few people who actually hang around here
If you for some reason have any issues with people on this blog or in this empire, do NOT bring it into here publicly!! Work it out in private!! Discourse is a major anxiety trigger for me and other people here I'm very sure of that so please,, no public discourse here.
Other things to note;
Please let me know if anything on my blog can be triggering that you would like me to tag so you can filter it out
This isn't the most serious thing ever we can just chill and have fun here this is just something I'm doing for no reason
You aren't required to do anything here except follow the rules about respecting other people and such because I won't tolerate any of that here
If theres anything else I'll add it
For introductions;
An introduction isn't required of course, but if you'd like to leave one, you can leave it in my inbox as an ask
What to include for an introduction:
(May or may not be required)
-Name (Doesn't have to be your real name, required)
-Pronouns (Required so we know what to call you by!!)
-Age (not required, just if you want to)
-Favorite flower (Not required I just wanna put that there aha)
-A couple facts about yourself maybe (Not required but you can if you want ppl to get to know you a lil better)
-Why you're joining us here (Required just so we can see :P)
List of members:
This will be updated whenever the hell so if you're joining us and I haven't put you down on the list lmk and I'll add you
Me! Do I still need to @ myself,, @ihavenoconsistentname
That's all for this stupid little post I think,,
Remember; we all support and respect each other here, the Empire's name is the Valere Empire because the word "valid" is derived from valere and everyone here is valid no matter what gender/sexuality/etc,, and remember: Ace rights!! Trans rights!! Nb rights!! Everything rights!! Unless you're a pedo/TERF/etc!!
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