#he doesn’t send mordred to school until he’s about 7 or 8 because no one ever told him he was supposed to
aetherdecember · 8 months
Another snippet from my Flipping the Coin au. Probably won’t make it into the actual fic, but I’ve been obsessed with these two and keep finding myself writing moments like this ^^
Mordred was sprawled over Arthur’s chest, with his thumb tucked in his mouth, and blue eyes serious as he listened to the story with the gravity of a judge. The two of them are slumped in their favorite armchair, the red velvet blotchy from numerous spilled drinks, sticky snacks, and misguided attempts at crafts. It was too warm for a fire, but in the dim evening, with the lone table lamp for light and the window cracked open for a breath of air, it took Arthur back to countless evenings spent in another room. One built of stone and lit only by candle flame.
Aloud, Arthur read, “Because he was the king…”
Personally, it wasn’t his favorite retelling, but Mordred had seen his name on the cover and insisted on hearing it, so he had conceded. Maybe he should’ve waited until Mordred was older before telling him that there were stories about characters who shared their names, but in these last few years, the events from long ago had been so close to mind Arthur had wanted to share it. He assumed Mordred would fixate on the sword fighting and tournaments. Instead, Mordred had picked a book that started with babies being sent out to sea.
“Two by two, he carried—“
Mordred pulled his thumb out of his mouth. “Did you really do that?”
“No.” Arthur marked his spot with a finger and ruffled the thick, black curls. Still damp from the bath, they were in need of a comb. And soon, if Arthur hoped to avoid dealing with tangles. “I never did that.” Dipping his fingers to tickle the back of Mordred’s neck, he smiled as Mordred giggled and tried to escape. “I could never.”
Sitting up, Mordred’s knobby limbs found all of Arthur’s soft spots as he settled knees first on top of Arthur’s chest. “If you had to, could you?”
“Would you,” Arthur automatically corrected.
“Would I?” Mordred’s pitch went comically high. “Nooooooo! Would you!”
Arthur gave him a look, one that Mordred immediately leaned in and mimicked with a giggle. “Would I, Arthur Penn, a man far removed from the ancient past, cast a boat full of babies into the ocean? Absolutely not.”
“What if Merlin told you to?”
He’d never had to. History hadn’t played out like that. But Arthur couldn’t tell his young son that he definitely knew it hadn’t happened because he couldn’t even explain his own past and all that entailed. All Mordred knew was that his father was named after King Arthur, so that meant he’d been named after Mordred. Because they were father and son and that was how it was supposed to be. He didn’t know that in another life they hadn’t been related and that the first time Merlin met Mordred he had helped save him.
“Nope.” Arthur popped the ‘p’. Out of Mordred’s sight, he set the book on the ground. It was time for a better story anyway. “Not even then.”
“What if Merlin did it?”
“Listen, let me tell you about the—“ He almost said ‘the Mordred I knew’ but luckily stopped. Instead, he says, “—the story I heard. It took place when Uther was still king. The first time Arthur met Mordred he was only a little boy…”
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merlinfic · 4 years
group ask for lost fics #25
Hi y’all! Below are a few lost fics that us mods just can’t seem to find. That being said, we’re hoping that you lovely followers are able to help! If anyone knows any of the fics below please reply or send in an ask with which anon/user and group ask that the fic corresponds with!
Note: previous group asks and all lost fics!
Anon 1 asked:
i'm looking for a lost fic... it's a magic reveal where arthur already knows and is trying to get merlin to admit to his magic. he ends up trying to fall out of a window so merlin would save him and reveal his magic. i hope that's not too vague or weird of a description?
That could be A Waiting Game by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle!
Anon 2 asked:
Hi! Thank you to everyone running this blog, it's absolutely incredible and I can't even imagine the amount of work it must take. I was hoping that you could help me find a fic? I think Gwaine got mad at Arthur for dismissing Merlin's warnings during hunts, but Arthur and Merlin reveal that they have a secret code, like if Merlin says he has a bad feeling that means there are bandits. Thank you so much!
Thanks anon for sending in Insight by Naelyn!
Anon 3 asked:
Hello! I was wondering if you could help me find a fic? The most I took away from it was Merlin ran away from Camelot and joined a druid camp, he also interacted with Mordred during that time who helped him use and train with his magic better. I'm sorry for the overall common description but my memory sucks and I didn't really get 'into' the fic before losing it. Hope you all have a good rest of your week!!
Anon 4 asked:
Hi, I'm looking for the very first Merthur fic I ever read. I believe it was high school au, Arthur is popular and Merlin not. Arhur makes a bet with his friends to seduce Merlin but ends up falling for him. Merlin of courses finds out about the bet and drama ensues. I think Merlin played the piano and there was a Merthur kiss on the piano bench. I think it was on fanfiction.net. Thanks a lot! xx
@statistical-nightmare asked:
I am looking for a fic where before it starts, Arthur found out about Merlin’s magic and is blanking Merlin. People have noticed that Merlin is out of favour and he gets attacked and hurts his hand. But he doesn’t tell Arthur about it, and when he’s taking off Arthur’s armour and bringing his dinner he sounds like he’s in pain but Arthur thinks he’s attention seeking and ignores it. The next morning he notices Merlin’s black eye and finds out that Merlin had a broken hand the whole time. Thanks!
Anon 5 asked:
Hello my loves. I hope you, or one of your followers, can hep me find a lost fic. It went through the event of the canon series but with Merlin offering his, uh, extra services to Arthur. They don't sleep together until after he banished Gwen. There is slight dub-con after that particular event. Arthur marrys Gwen but he still craves for Merlin and after sometime Gwen tells him to sleep with others because she has doubts about herself? I checked both the bedwarmer and FWB tags first to be sure.
That could be The Other Side of the Coin by amy_lupin!
Anon 6 asked:
Lost fic: Merlin gets injured protecting Arthur, Arthur writes his injury off as him being dramatic, it's a BAMF Merlin fic with merthur and a magic reveal, please help!!
Anon 7 asked:
helloo i’m looking a lost ficc :)) it’s where merlin and arthur and the knights are on a trip or whatever and this spirit or something (sorry the details are blurry) traps them and they have to face all the spirits that have died by their hands. merlin has the hightest death toll and when arthur’s come up merlin cries when he reunites with freya. nimueh makes an appearance after uther does and makes him trip over but arthur’s like “wtf u killed my dad??” then they find out he’s immortal and percival makes a joke about chopping his head off to see if the body or the head would grow. it’s a preslash i think and past freylin
Thanks anon for sending in Echoes by Minted_Midas!
Anon 8 asked:
Hello! I was wondering if you guys can help me find this fic. It was a time travel fic where Merlin went back in time, because Arthur (who was his husband) died. He helps Morgana before she turns evil, and some of the story was told in his flash backs and some of it was from Morgana 's POV, she also became like a Dutchess or something after black mailing Uther that she knew he was her real father
Thanks anon for sending in About Time by rosewatergold and always been the tower by springofviolets!
Anon 9 asked:
hey guys! hope you’re doin well! i lost this fic. it was kinda short, but anyways. in it, arthur has just come back and he learns that gay marriage is a thing and it’s legal and he kisses merlin and admits his feelings??
Thanks to @statistical-nightmare for sending in A Moment of Pride by fifty_fifty!
@lindiloo02 asked:
Hi, thank you for your blog, I've been following it for years and found some true gems. Im hoping you can help me find a fic. A part of it was based on the unicorns curse, when Arthur makes merlin eat the rat stew, merlin not only eats it all up but has had it before. Arthur realises just how bad merlin has had ut growing up. I think there are other examples like that in the fic but I can't remember than. Thank you so much ❤❤❤
Thanks to @fractalinferno​ for sending in All is Sweet that Ends Sweet by TyalanganD!
And, as always, this post will be updated if any fics are found!
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readermagnifique · 8 years
Whoever gets tagged answer my 11 questions, tag 11 people and write 11 questions for them. I was tagged by @mandysimo13. Cheers! I’m tagging @supermegafoxyawesomefangirl, @ultrastormydays, @nonstop-laurens, @mandysimo13, @bcdaily, @thatsthat24, @markiplier, @starwarsisgay, @bowtiesandpiratebear @my-secret-fairy-land, @daenerysmacfarlane. Because why not?
1. What is one cancelled/finished TV show are you never going to get over?
I was late to the Merlin Fandom, and only started watching after it was all over, but definitely that one. They had so much left to do. I wanted to see so much more that was left unsaid. Wish they could bring it back.
2. What was your first fandom?
I had read Harry Potter before I even knew what fandom was, and had read all seven Narnia books before I reached eight, so those two.
3. If you had to be a superhero’s sidekick, whose would you be?
Can I count the Kingsmen? I’m going to count the Kingsmen. As sad as it is, I’ve considered that if I could cast myself in the movie I would have an original side character created for me to play. Based on the idea that you don’t have to work in the field to get a codename, i.e. Merlin is a handler but is still ‘Merlin’. Also thinking about what do Kingsman do when they need to extract information brutally? They would need interrogators. 
Introducing the roles of Mordred and Morgana. I have put way too much thought into this, I have the whole recruitment program set out, and will probably write a fanfic on it... eventually.
4. Are you more scared of space or the ocean and why?
I’m not really scared of either, but I remember listening to the soundtrack of ‘The War Of The Worlds’ in the car - I was probably about ten - and being utterly terrified for donkeys years. So I’ll go with space.
5. If someone were to try and find you in a crowd, what would they yell?
“Lancashire is shit!” “Yorkshire is better than Lancashire!” “I hate gravy!”
6. Favourite Disney movie?
... You have to choose? What? Sinful. I’m going with Hercules. But it’s a close one. Utterly wrong if comparing it to the original mythology, but doesn’t bother me here because it’s so damned good!
7. What do you think was the worst fandom trend you witness in your own lifetime?
People hating on Amanda Abbington for playing Mary Watson/Morstan. Absolutely brilliant woman, absolutely fantastic character. I don’t give a flying fuck what you ship, I’ve been convinced by artwork and fics from everyone’s otp’s to the point where I ship everything and everyone on Sherlock right now, and I will be happy with whatever becomes cannon because I ship all the ships, even the contradictory ones. But to send violent hate to the actress playing a character is fucking unprofessional. As someone who wants to act and have their own theatre company after the next two and a half years of drama school finish, it drives me round the bend that people can do that to someone who works damned hard at what they do. Fuck you lot. Bastards.
8. Favorite incarnation of potato? (fries, tater tots, baked potato, etc.)
Roasties. Love a good roastie in gravy. Cooked in goose dripping. 
9. What is the most satisfying sound in the world for you?
Never thought about it. Possibly the word Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch in a soft welsh accent. And yes, I can can say it, and yes I know it’s translation. How do I know it? Because my friend can say it and I had to outdo him.
10. Are there any new hobbies or skills you’re wanting to learn this year?
Aerial is on the list, most definitely. Going to be signing up with a course this term out of classes to learn all of the hoop and silks and my hands will be wanting to kill me by the first hour. Also I’m on a really bizarre course. Just this term I did four hour a week of African dance with a tutor coming in to teach us from togo. (He lives in our area now, he doesn’t commute from Africa every week, just to clarify). We then had an hour long performance at the end of term. At some point this year, I’ll start Balinese temple dancing, capoeira, and Playground Theatre. 
11. If money and the need to find a job weren’t a barrier, what would you love to get a degree in?
I am one of those lucky bastards already doing a degree in what I love. I would like to do a masters degree in something, but I reckon that won’t be possible. Probably voice or directing or classical text. Really anything to give me more on the career I’m pursuing. My questions to you: 1. What is your favourite word above all others? 2. If you could choose anywhere in the world to live, regardless of financial situation, where would you go and what would you live in? 3. You are only allowed to read one thing for the rest of your life. What do you pick? Fanfictions can be included. 4.If you could pick any character in the world to play, existing on stage, paper, screen, or just in your head, regardless of gender, sexuality, or ethnicity, who or what would you pick and why? 5. Are there any obscure skills you would like to learn? 6. You can spend the night with any one person from the dawn of time until today, in any way. 12 hours to talk about anything, do anything, go anywhere. Who do you choose and what do you do? 7. What is your favourite smell in the world? 8. What would you like to happen after you die? What afterlife do you imagine, or do you just want to sleep for the rest of eternity? 9. Choose a cake. 10. What is your favourite sassy phase to shut people up? (Can be your own, or stolen from a friend or movie. Just the best comeback in your opinion.) 11. Blankets. How many?
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