#he doesn't mind spring but he much prefers late summer/early autumn
ravenquing · 6 months
Thinking about how Vox Machina feels about different seasons and types of weather;
Percy grew up in Whitestone where it's always cold, but it can always get much colder.
He definitely prefers summer, when it's warmer and it's less likely to snow - it had been snowing when the Briarwoods betrayed his family after all.
He also hates the rain, the sound of it anyway, and he much prefers a warm sunny day to a cool spring or autumn one - but his favourite day of the year is in autumn; Vex (and Vax's) birthday is in Sydenstar.
Keyleth, as a druid, is expected to love all weather and seasons, but in truth? she hates winter, she hates snow and she hates ice unless she's directly making it and shooting it at enemies.
She prefers the summer when it's warm and sunny with nary a cloud in the sky, or in early autumn where it's still warm but everything is red and brown and it rains so much.
She loves the smell of petrichor and loves dancing in the warm rain with her partner - it's just so freeing and silly and fun.
Scanlan has a bone deep hate towards summer in Tal'dorei, its too humid and too heavy in comparison to summer back home in Marquet - the heat there was dryer and less suffocating in his opinion.
He loves the winter here, though, and is fascinated with snow even after experiencing it for so many long years now.
He also loves the mistletoe tradition surrounding the very cute Tal'dorein holiday called Winter's Crest - if people call him a menace, so fucking be it.
Pike loves all of the seasons, but she hates rain and snow.
She prefers when it's warm and dry, a cool breeze on the air, and loves to go on picnics with her loved ones outdoors during the late spring to early autumn.
She grows tired in the winter, however, and can become sad all too easily throughout it.
Vex prefers the spring, when all of the flowers bloom and the baby animals tend to be born.
She loves making daisy chains with her brother, she loves cloud gazing with Trinket and she unironically loves to frollick in the wheat fields outside of Whitestone like she did in the fields outside of Byroden as a young and innocent little kid.
She hates winter, though, the month of loss and grief darkens her heart, it leaves her feeling so cold and lonely. So sad.
Grog is indifferent to basically everything weather or season related, but he loves jumping in big piles of fallen leaves and he loves drinking nutmeg and he loves watching the baby animals learn to walk and he loves their beach vacations.
He gets a bit overprotective of his loved ones in the winter, sees some of them get really sad and tired all of a sudden but doesn't understand why.
But Grog personally loves snow and enjoys Winter's Crest a good bit, so he doesn't mind shouldering the weight of his friends' seasonal depression.
Vax is an autumnal boy, with winter being a close second favourite of his, followed by spring - summer isn't even in the running, it's just too warm and sunny for the rogue's liking.
He loves participating in all of the different seasonal holidays - Harvestfest, Winter's Crest, Blessed Tenday, Lover's Day, The Artisan's Faire etc. - and he loves getting everyone gifts.
However, he too suffers from seasonal depression like Vex and Pike do - his is more just an extension of his pre-existing depression, but it still happens to him all the same in the end.
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vivalavillain · 2 years
send me  ‘ hc ‘  + a word and i’ll write a headcanon about it regarding my character. / N + rain, and archer + summer
Headcanon Meme || Accepting
Rain - N
{N is actually rather fond of the rain. I believe seasons play a heavier, more important role in Unova than anywhere else (after all, they're only really featured in Unova and never again) and so with seasons comes all sort of weather. Rain is not the sort of thing to get N down the way it is often tied to feelings of depression for others. He relishes in the feel of cool water on his skin, matting his hair to his face, and soaking through his clothes. He prefers summer rain to early Spring/late Autumn rain but doesn't mind a chilly rain as much either. It means the seasons are changing, different Pokemon are emerging from or preparing for hibernation for the year, and the local festivals are bound to start. After spending two years in Orre especially, following the events of Black and White, he's very grateful for rainfall.}
Summer - Archer
{Where N delights in rain, Archer despises summer. He's very particular about showing skin (as in, he prefers not to) and wearing a full three-piece suit or even just his Rocket uniform in the heat of Summer is absolutely miserable for him. He vastly prefers the cool temperatures of Spring and Autumn and even enjoys the frigidity of Winter (after all, anyone who can suffer the ice queen Ariana herself and still come out of the encounter better for wear must truly be an ice masochist of some sort). He is known to roll up his sleeves in the summer but never wears shorts, no matter the forecast. This is why he enjoys staying in Johto so much where the weather is, perhaps, rainier than other regions but is, at least, more temperate in its summers. Kanto and Unova were the worst offenders for summer heat and he's glad to have those regions 'behind him' so to speak.}
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tunetest-blog · 7 years
❅- Favorite time of the year ?
❅- Favorite time of the year 
mics favourite time of the year is late summer / autumn.  it is a time where the weather is cooling down  &  isn’t as hot  ( as heatwaves are his worst nightmare  &  doesn’t like how cold winter can be - it usually messes with his quirk due to more likely catching a cold, making his voice more shaky  &  harder for him to direct his voice with accuracy etc,  )  
its a time he enjoys as the nights slowly become longer  &  he usually gets more time to relax  an do things such as  enjoy local festivals  ( which he adores for the games / activities, food  &  music the festivals usually have )  mic dubs it as the perfect time of the year.
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