#cr headcanons
shellem15 · 7 months
Thinking about the Dawnfather. A god of light, a god of harvest, a god of the sun itself. Good but not nice, kind but not soft. Life-giving but also scorching. Protective, warm, and kind, but also stern, harsh, and abrasive. His light can foster growth, can protect and guide, but it can also scorch and burn. The sun is warm and nurturing but don’t stare at it too long, child, it’ll blind you.
Was he always so hard? Did he always hide his face with the harsh light of the sun? Or was there a time when he smiled and laughed, let others see him as he truly was?
Thinking about the Schism. Was the Dawnfather close to the Betrayer Gods before they turned? He must have been, Asmodeus wouldn’t be so hung up on him if he wasn’t. Speaking of Asmodeus, he was once a being of light, like the Dawnfather and the Everlight are now. Were they closer than the others? When the Gods came to Exandria, did they come from the same place or were they scattered, a ragtag group of survivors fleeing from predators seeking to devour them? And if the latter is true, did these three beings of light come from the same place? Siblings, born from the same stuff, forever tied to one another?
If this was the case, then, what was their relationship before the Schism? Did they call each other “Brother” and “Sister”? Did they hold each other when they were scared, dry each other’s tears, laugh and joke and tease and fight and make up because they were siblings and they’d always be together, and they loved each other with every fiber of their being and they only had each other. When Predathos came, when it devoured two of their newfound siblings, did the Dawnfather hold them both and promise them that everything was going to be okay because he was their brother and he was going to protect them, all of them. The gods, mortals, the world itself, they would not be devoured, they would not be destroyed, because he was there and would fight until his very last breath to keep them safe.
Wondering then, was that the moment when Asmodeus truly grew to hate their creations? Seeing his brother and sister and siblings risk their lives just to protect some mewling mortal wretches when they could just leave it all behind and start somewhere new. Was that the moment when he realized that mortals had done something to them, changed them when they were not supposed to change. Why else would they risk being devoured by Predathos, why else would they suffer through war with the Primordials? Why else would they choose them over him!? Was this the moment when he decided to conspire with the Primordials and the other Betrayer Gods? To destroy this world and the mortals on it so they could finally leave. And they would leave, of course, because the Dawnfather was his brother and the Everlight was his sister and the Gods were a family, and at the end of the day, they would always be together, and once the corrupting influence of those mortals was gone, they would surely all see reason.
And when the Dawnfather discovered this betrayal, when all the Prime Deities did, he must have been furious. How could they!? His kin, his brother, who had always been by his side through everything, how could they turn around and destroy their creations, their children. And so he and the other Primes took up arms and fought against their own family to protect this world they had created, and their children who inhabited it. Those battles must have been brutal, bonds of comradery broken, kin clashing against kin, screaming curses as they tore each other apart.
During those final battles of the Schism, when the Dawnfather clashed against Asmodeus, did they scream at each other in rage? A twisted reflection of previous squabbles, different because this time it was real, this time there is no forgiveness, no making up. When the Dawnfather knocked Asmodeus down, crushed his throat under his foot and banished him to the Hells, was he yelling when he disowned him? Or was he quiet when he did it, his voice going into a low growl, deadly calm as he told him that he was not his brother anymore. And moments previously, when the Dawnfather could have easily killed him, did he look into Asmodeus’s eyes and see his brother? Scared and hurt by his hands, hands that once held him and swore to protect him. In that moment, did the Dawnfather realize he couldn’t kill him? Because that was his brother and despite everything, he still loved him, and hurting him brought him more grief and pain than he could ever imagine. So instead, he banished him, locked him and all the other Betrayers away because he and the other Primes couldn’t bring themselves to kill their family, but they also couldn’t let them free.
Was this when the Dawnfather obscured his face? Hardened his heart because otherwise he would break, and he cannot break, because the other gods need him to be strong, because Exandria needs him to be strong. And so he stayed strong, despite the grief, despite the guilt, despite the pain of heartbreak, of hurting the ones he loved to protect the ones he loved. And this hardening must have continued, running himself ragged during Calamity, beating back Tharizdun, protecting Ioun after she almost died, sheltering the Everlight after Asmodeus once again betrayed her, stabbed her in the back and left her broken and weak when all she wanted was to do was get her brother back, to save him from his own wrath. Failure after failure after failure to protect those he cared about, to protect his siblings and mortals and Exandria itself. The guilt of his failures must be overwhelming, and these are his failures: Predathos devoured his siblings under his watch, his siblings betrayed them under his watch, Calamity ravaged Exandria under his watch, and even now, the threat of Predathos has once again returned under his watch.
No wonder he is so harsh now, so controlling now: because every time he has failed in his vigilance the world has suffered for it. He can’t fail again; he can’t lose any more siblings. And so, he continues hardening his heart, continues fighting, because the sun must always rise again in the morning, no matter what.
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nowyoursoulisforfeit · 7 months
Thinking about Percy being a touch-starved little guy who gets injured and has to be carried home, and though he’s resistant at first because “it’s not dignified” and “I can do it myself” he settles downs and becomes a limp noodle and falls asleep to the rhythm of their steps because he knows he’s safe here.
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grantofalltrades · 9 months
Love thinking that Bells Hells should all be immune to fear b/c they hang with Laudna.
Like “what the fuck is up with this scooby doo bullshit? witchbolt.”
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aeoris4lovers · 1 year
it’s very important to me that, in the years following campaign two, jester’s two families slowly become combined as marion unofficially adopts more and more of the nein.
it starts with fjord, for obvious reasons. he was already going to be her son in law anyway, but once she finds out he doesn’t have parents of his own, she fully absorbs him into the family, insisting he needs to eat more and adjusting his clothes before he leaves and playfully scolding him for not keeping in touch often enough. fjord doesn’t really realize what’s happening until he and jester come to visit her one afternoon and she calls them “her babies.”
caleb is a close second. she’s had her eye on him since the night they all spent at ryn’s place in the fire plane, and it doesn’t take long for her to put together why he looks at her and jester spending time together the way he does. caleb, like fjord, doesn’t realize what’s going on for some time — not until he accepts a teaching position at the academy, she gives him a tight hug and tells him how proud she is, and he can’t help but think about how much it reminds him of his mother’s reaction on the day he was accepted into the academy.
next is kingsley, who (though he would never admit it) frankly needs all the surrogate parents he can get to give him a crash course in how the hell to be a person. anyone watching them would have no problem believing they’re family — not just because they’re both tieflings, but because they exude the energy of a mom very insistently loving a teenager who acts annoyed but secretly likes it — and kingsley is the first to actually start calling her mom.
from there, the family just keeps growing until it encompasses basically all of the nein — even essek and, some time later, astrid and eadwulf are taken in. caduceus and veth never fully get the same parenting treatment (caduceus has a perfectly loving family of his own and veth is more like the family’s wine aunt that marion hangs out with when they get together), but their families essentially become like lavorre extended family and they still get included by default when she yells to babenon that “the kids are here!”
and speaking of babenon, he has absolutely no intention of getting wrapped up in any of this. he wasn’t even planning on being the father to one child, and sure, that didn’t go to plan, but it stops there. one (ridiculously charming and nigh impossible to resist) child is more than enough. marion can be a mother to the rest all she wants, but he’ll have no part in it. his family is just her and jester...
...and that lasts for all of a few months before it starts to fall apart. the more he commits to doing the dad thing with jester, the more it starts to spread to the others when they’re with her. and who could blame him? it’s impossible not to start seeing them that way when marion won’t stop calling them “the kids” or “our babies” (or, when they’ve done something particularly stupid, “your children”). if there’s one force in the universe that can match the power of jester’s cuteness, it’s marion’s love for her kids; his will is simply no match for the two forces combined.
sometimes a family is a famous courtesan, her long lost love who runs a massive organized crime operation, the child they secretly had together, that child’s adventuring party, two party members’ pre-existing families, and the formerly evil strays the party took in.
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littlebosslady7 · 4 months
Rewatching when BH first stayed at Ligament manor with Fearne. Ashton was into Fearne's "at home" elongated look. They would be (in Taliesin's words) the gremlin partnerwho drank Nana's liquor without asking. But also they and Fearne would come to the Fey Realm more often with dead, creepy cool trinkets as gifts.
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cringefaecompilation · 5 months
scanlan was orym's teenage celebrity crush, it's canon. he had a poster of him he kissed every night. he would probably die if keyleth told him that they were in the same adventuring party.
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Loquatius Seelie, despite his tendency to milk attention from the citizens of Avalir by parading around in public, often spends time hiding from the masses, pretending to be someone else. There are afternoons when he clears his schedule and just walks around the city admiring his home, free from the hassle of pretending to be grand. He'll pass by the places his ex-wife frequents to see if she's doing well, though always in secret.
Laerryn Coramar-Seelie, who is always on the move? Who needs to get ahead of the schedule she's already ahead of? Every so often she'll spot him enjoying the peace and quiet. She was the only person who ever knew it was him - even in the middle of a crowded street. Just by the way that young girl held herself, or that elderly man stared at the spell kites. She was always keenly aware of when the stranger secretly admiring her handiwork was her ex-husband.
And there's a little bit of guilt from both of them. Because when they were together, they always felt too busy to take those strolls through the city. But now? All they could do was steal glances at each other from afar and find peace in that solitude.
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blorbologist · 1 year
- Wedding rings convergently evolved in a lot of contexts due to some divine events/recurrences (ex: halos of some aasimar and divine casters). Though how they're used varies (some cultures have many, with rings being added as the couple has children or for other life events; some wear them in their hair or as body piercings; some insist the couple or someone close to them make the rings themselves; sometimes they're made as a chain that's ceremonially broken during the wedding and reforged).
- I love the common HC that elven weddings involve ceremonial knots and rope/string tying the couple together! Drow use white-silver threads (heated debate rage as to if this is nods to Loloth or the Luxon in the Dynasty), wood elves will use plant-based fibers grown from each family's land/plants that grow near their home, and all elves will use fancier material to indicate wealth. A common practice for half-elves, especially from societies where they’re more common and can share this knowledge, is to intersperse the weaving and knots with rings, or save the threads to make into necklaces or armbands.
- many Ashari wedding practices (a little different for each tribe) have their roots in Drashari & Age of Arcanum customs that survived. For Zephrah in particular, I like the idea of the couple writing their vows, folding the paper into a bird or flower or something specific to Them (Vaxleth would 100% do a raven) and sending it flying from the cliffs. I'm undecided if they're supposed to use wind spells/cantrips to keep them aloft or trust in the air to carry them and their hopes for the relationship. (The people living downwind think it's good luck to catch Ashari wedding vows, and sometimes make the trek up to return them to the happy couple.) They don't know this is adapted from the spell kites of Cathmoíra.
- Several parts of Wildemount include planting something Important as part of the ceremony. Either something that will grow (a tree, a vital crop, a favorite flower) or not (a memory capsule, an offering, or something meant to decay). If the planting doesn't go well, or if the plant/burried thing gets damaged down the line, it's seen as a terrible omen. Couples living in cities will keep theirs on windowsills or roofs to ensure they get enough light, and it’s a common source of gossip if a neighbor's plant is unwell or if the pot of soil tips during a storm, spilling out the gifts within.
- I've thought. So much. About Whitestone weddings. The city-state was very isolated for years, so their practices are very tailored to their home. Laurels are made out of the Sun Tree's shed leaves, which are also scattered around their feet. Weddings are usually held at dawn or midday for Pelor reasons, and the rings are weighed in scales blessed by Erathis to ensure the partnership is equal. The ceremony is usually held in front of the Sun Tree, and if the couple is very lucky or of high status a fallen bough will be brought with them into their marital home to keep them safe and blessed by its shade (and it's meant to be burnt as firewood should they face a challenge they feel they can't surmount, be it a terrible winter or awful fight). Most couples only get a twig or small branch though. Actually, you'll see soon ;3
- Vex's wedding ring is 100% forged from melted down gold pieces from her own person. Because there's a chance, however small, that one or two pieces used were among those Percy gave her when they first met. Percy includes some residuum in his, partially because he wanted to make sure their rings could both be used as Resurrection components should anything happen... and partially because he still remembers the Sunken Tomb and how his offering of residuum then was not accepted. He doesn’t want to forget what his mistake cost them, a reminder to be careful (what if he had succeeded? would Vax not have - then he might - fuck.).
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aiden-dino · 17 days
I hate the "Walnut wanted to me a wizard but Almond didn't let her and forced her to be a detective" headcanon, like bro did we played the same games? Almond hates his job why he would force HIS DAUGHTER to be something he hates? 😭
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cherryficmc · 2 months
I don’t know if this has been said yet but I feel that Percival would be lactose intolerant
Yes, Lord Percival Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III, slayer of dragons, the guy that made pacts with demons, the one that killed the Briarwoods, quivers upon a piece of cheese
He still eats it tho
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sldlovescartoons · 27 days
I’m just going to put this out there because I was going to write a proper fic but it’s look like that’s not going to work out so I just want to ramble about some ideas for a bit. For the purposes of this little post, I’m just sort ignoring anything that has happened in campaign 3 and things attached to the plot line, mostly becayse we don’t know where going to happen in the end yet. All things said here just sort of assume none of that all happens. Just in case.
So, at some point in time, Essek comes to a sort of realization that he’s… being stupid. He can’t effect real change to atone for his wrongs as a transient on the run from the government. It’s just punishing himself, his friends, and his boyfriend, and he doesn’t want to do it anymore. He wants to get Transmogrification cast on him, but he’s worried that he still might be caught, the people who would seek him out have magic to look in his mind if they suspect his new form. They might need to fake his death.
And then Caleb is like: well, we don’t have to fake it at all.
Because Caleb has a copy of Clone. And so a plan is made, they’ll grow a new Essek, make a spare spell book, and a new spell book to match the his new identity they are crafting, and when the year is up, the Nein will turn Essek in for treason. He’ll get executed, and once he wakes in his fresh pod body, they’ll escort him to the spell circle to start his new life.
The comedy potential in the planning stages for his new identity and form is great. Angst too.
After Essek picks his new name, he starts to insist they start to call him by it almost exclusively, and the Nein don’t want to, that seems weird. Essek’s insistence that he’d only had the name Essek for 30 years, he was barely used to it in the first place, it was no big deal and den members change names all the name because for many reasons, it soothes the M9, but also creates more questions. Like what was your Child Name, huh, hot boi? (He refuses to tell them as a point of pride. His child name was so silly!)
He and Caleb work very closely on his new form and there are disagreements:
On the angsty side: Essek puts forward that with some light modifications and a higher level of casting, they could also give the target the lifespan of the chosen race over the original. They could make him a human in his 30’s and they could spend the rest of both of their lives together. He doesn’t care about living a long time, just being with those he loves and atonning for his sins. Caleb refuses vehemently, that’d be paramount to killing Essek with his own hand and he refuses to do it. He makes him swear that he won’t do anything stupid when the Nein are all gone. He almost calls off the whole thing.
On the funny side: We have Essek, who as a member of a noble den had a through sex education that throughly covered gender and tried to prepare the young drow in early schooling that they could be in, or one day be in, a body much different from theirs. They try to ease they into the idea that might someday give birth, or might have already done so in a previous life. Gender and Body Dysmorphia are covered throughly. Gender is kind of bullshit to him. His form is kind of bullshit. He was acquainted with the fact his body might not always be or have been what it is at a very young age. He is largely unconcerned with how his new form will make HIM feel, he’d get used to it easy. He wants to know what Caleb would like.
Caleb, on the other hand, is trying to reduce body and gender dysmorphia as much as possible after his experience getting to know Nott/Veth. He’s trying to figure out how close they can get to the original without getting caught. To make it easier for Essek to adjust.
Caleb has absolutely no idea how to deal with Essek suggesting giving his new form a much larger penis (because he knows Caleb is a little bit of a size queen) or intersex body configurations (because Caleb likes both, right? He could very be both. He had some cousins that seemed very happy that were intersex or nonbinary.). He turns him down, explains why, but that doesn’t stop Essek’s brain train.
So naturally, when Essek asks if Caleb wants biological child and suggests they could just make him a woman if he did, the other man absolutely loses hugs shit and chokes on his tongue in shock. In take a long time to calm him down and the drow’s assurance that it wasn’t a big deal, he had a soul sibling (he actually used a weird drow word, but that’s what it meant) that his father gave birth to when he was woman and his mother was a man, they married into Den Mirimm to strengthen Den relations! Happened all the time! Did not in fact help Caleb much, he had several questions.
Just a lots of Essek taking the whole much less seriously than most of the Nein because of his upbringing.
They end up make him a male elf roughly his age with very tan skin. They make up a whole amnesia story, Fjord and Jester pretend to find him washed up on shore. They wait 4 months him and Caleb to ‘start dating’ and two months after that to move in, claiming a ‘whirlwind romance’. They are married within the year. (Because fuck them breaking up because of lifespan angst, that’s bullshit and I refuse to entertain it lol.) They get to be happy together and make the world better as a pair, a unit, and Essek continues their various cause they’d taken up well after Caleb dies an old man.
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mini-minish · 9 months
*makes eye contact with you* trans fjord stone
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shellem15 · 7 months
One of my favorite things to learn about while reading about cr gods is that the Changebringer "calls no domain in the planes her residence" and "wanders through the Outer Planes where serenity can be found." Which I can only interpret to mean she couchsurfs around the planes, randomly showing up at the other Prime Deities' doors and being like "heyyyy, so I'm gonna chill at your place for a bit, thxxxx :)"
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vaxxy-the-raven · 4 months
Thinking about how Vox Machina feels about different seasons and types of weather;
Percy grew up in Whitestone where it's always cold, but it can always get much colder.
He definitely prefers summer, when it's warmer and it's less likely to snow - it had been snowing when the Briarwoods betrayed his family after all.
He also hates the rain, the sound of it anyway, and he much prefers a warm sunny day to a cool spring or autumn one - but his favourite day of the year is in autumn; Vex (and Vax's) birthday is in Sydenstar.
Keyleth, as a druid, is expected to love all weather and seasons, but in truth? she hates winter, she hates snow and she hates ice unless she's directly making it and shooting it at enemies.
She prefers the summer when it's warm and sunny with nary a cloud in the sky, or in early autumn where it's still warm but everything is red and brown and it rains so much.
She loves the smell of petrichor and loves dancing in the warm rain with her partner - it's just so freeing and silly and fun.
Scanlan has a bone deep hate towards summer in Tal'dorei, its too humid and too heavy in comparison to summer back home in Marquet - the heat there was dryer and less suffocating in his opinion.
He loves the winter here, though, and is fascinated with snow even after experiencing it for so many long years now.
He also loves the mistletoe tradition surrounding the very cute Tal'dorein holiday called Winter's Crest - if people call him a menace, so fucking be it.
Pike loves all of the seasons, but she hates rain and snow.
She prefers when it's warm and dry, a cool breeze on the air, and loves to go on picnics with her loved ones outdoors during the late spring to early autumn.
She grows tired in the winter, however, and can become sad all too easily throughout it.
Vex prefers the spring, when all of the flowers bloom and the baby animals tend to be born.
She loves making daisy chains with her brother, she loves cloud gazing with Trinket and she unironically loves to frollick in the wheat fields outside of Whitestone like she did in the fields outside of Byroden as a young and innocent little kid.
She hates winter, though, the month of loss and grief darkens her heart, it leaves her feeling so cold and lonely. So sad.
Grog is indifferent to basically everything weather or season related, but he loves jumping in big piles of fallen leaves and he loves drinking nutmeg and he loves watching the baby animals learn to walk and he loves their beach vacations.
He gets a bit overprotective of his loved ones in the winter, sees some of them get really sad and tired all of a sudden but doesn't understand why.
But Grog personally loves snow and enjoys Winter's Crest a good bit, so he doesn't mind shouldering the weight of his friends' seasonal depression.
Vax is an autumnal boy, with winter being a close second favourite of his, followed by spring - summer isn't even in the running, it's just too warm and sunny for the rogue's liking.
He loves participating in all of the different seasonal holidays - Harvestfest, Winter's Crest, Blessed Tenday, Lover's Day, The Artisan's Faire etc. - and he loves getting everyone gifts.
However, he too suffers from seasonal depression like Vex and Pike do - his is more just an extension of his pre-existing depression, but it still happens to him all the same in the end.
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grantofalltrades · 10 months
Critical Role musing from my wife tonight: with that poison Otohan Thull’s crew used, which prevents victims from resurrecting - would that interfere with the Kryn’s consecution process? Perhaps something Ludinus concocted to take out the Bright Queen?
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littlebosslady7 · 6 months
how old are the de rolo children in campaign 3?
Vesper: roughly 29-30 since she was a baby in Dalen's Closet.
Wolfe and Leona: Unconfirmed, but Matt said they looked like teenagers, or about 15 or so. That was going off the official family portrait set 10 years or so pre-campaign 3. So I'd guess they're actually closer to mid-20's
Danny Unconfirmed, but at least to my eye in the portrait he looks 4-5 years older than Gwen. So I'd say 16
Gwen: according to Tal'Dorei Reborn should at least be 12, but Matt keeps playing her like 5-6 or under. I adore Matt LOL
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