#he doesnt have a dragon age verse
recitedemise · 8 months
@mercysought asked: ❛  let’s  pretend  like  we’re  friends .  ❜ from maxima :) (𝑺𝑶𝑭𝑻 𝑻𝑯𝑶𝑹𝑵𝑺 STARTERS: no longer accepting.)
A strange request...but as usual, he's calm. Gale, dressed to the nines—a ravishing ensemble, his cloth of purple kissed prettily with teal—looks casually upon the twirling masses. He's little one for galas, more a man of libraries than lavish sprawls; however, with Maxima's quip, he craves home more than ever. Gosh, her cruel, foul mouth! Lesser men would wail. 
Fortunately, Gale, ears ringing with the crashing music, is hardly one to rile. As it were, he and Maxima go way back, far back, his chest with bomb and his hair more grey. She's scalding where he soothes. She's knives where he's poetry. And diametrically opposed, born to clash like the elements, Gale, beside her, finds a state of equilibrium; that is, he, inspired, grows sassy, too.
"Under better circumstances, I would advocate for being of the very same mind," he starts lamely, "but as it were, you've those morals of a corkscrew." You're a jester, Gale. He finishes his glass of wine, sets it down, and bunches his brows. Maxima... "I wonder what it is friendship with you entails. If you're asking for a dance, this is a rather roundabout way of doing it."
Not one to fear burns, Gale turns, her sharp eyes greeting him through the sheen of chandeliers. Things have changed since their youth, his life now compromised. (He needs her help.) She still dreams, he's sure.
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twink-frank · 3 years
hi i’ve noticed the pencey prep gay conversation going on over on @awsugar and i have spent lots of time dissecting pencey prep lyrics and subjecting nathan @faggot-frank to my deranged ramblings so Here is my pencey prep super ultra mega gay lyrical analysis masterpost. it’s very long so its all under the cut but i will include a TL;DR for those who dont wanna read paragraphs of my deranged ramblings: Pencey prep uses lots of themes of: heartbreak, forbidden love, keeping love a secret, and toxic relationships. which none of that is gay on its own but combined with them almost never using gender indicators in their songs and the “nail in the coffin song” of 8th grade it ends up being a very Fruity Album.
I will be going through heart break in stereo in order and pointing out which lyrics and elements of certain songs jump out to me as Super Mega Gay and then summarizing my conclusions at the end <3
1 ) PS Don't Write
PS don't write is about leaving a toxic relationship, it has notes of moving on and leaving someone behind. "packed up all my shit / stole back all my tapes / left your spare key under the mat / this is not a joke / you'd better learn to take a hint / 'cause i'm not coming back / maybe you'll understand / when you're waking up alone / in a cold and empty bed." it has no gender indicators or pronouns which is the case in a lot of pencey prep songs, and something i'll bring up quite a bit. it also has general "coming of age" themes, something common in lots of pencey prep songs. which Yeah apply to straight people to but read in this context combined with future evidence can be pretty Fuckin Gay. "somewhere along the line / i found a hidden strength / i didn't know i had / standing on my own / cutting all the strings / that you used to control / surprise surprise / i am long gone / if you thought you could hold me down / by holding me up / you were wrong / you don't call the shots anymore." not to say only gay people can find inner strength and the room to love themselves but combined with other context it is a really poignant message about accepting yourself for who you are.
2) Yesterday
Yesterday is very repetitive and has a lot less to analyze, but the constant themes of wanting to "run away" strike me as very Fruity. once again, not saying gay people are the only people who can want to run away or escape from something But Combined With Other Context. and once again a song with no gender indicators, doesnt specify who the speaker is running away with or what they are running away from. just that they want to Leave. "i wanna run with you / i don't care what we do / gotta get out of this place / because it feels like yesterday." also saying "it feels like yesterday" could mean that the town feels backwards or old timey in its beliefs, implying homophobia. how the speaker wants to run away from an old fashioned town.
3) Don Quixote
i'm going to bring up the cultural significance of this title and literary reference first. Don Quixote is a classical novel by Cervantes which is about a crazy dude who thinks he's a knight, and goes on weird adventures with his best friend. It's typically used as a symbol of following your dreams and breaking free from what people expect of you. In the context of the song its used as a symbol of following your dreams with Someone. once again this someone is given no gender indicators. "you say it's not worth it / been burned too many times / if your spine's receding / you can borrow some of mine / don't go and quit right now / cause i'd follow you through hell." "you say so many things / and not a word of it was true / if you're still in that state of mind / i'd still vacation inside of you / cause i think you're worth every minute / and every dime that i spend / i'd spend all my time fighting dragons / just to keep you alive and talking." it's about wanting to spend time with someone, wanting to be with them no matter what. and its also about how this person feels unreachable, like being with them would be a fairytail but the speaker Still Reaches for it. "your imaginations running wild / round your deceptive heart / this is my crusade / and you're the unreachable star / but i'm reaching." talking about this person being unreachable and unattainble. which isnt gay By Itself  but again combined with the other context. FRUIT BEHAVIOR.
4) 10 Rings
another breakup song once again with no gender indicators, are you guys sensing a theme here? anyways this song is about someone cutting you off and then coming back suddenly wanting to talk again after breaking your heart. it has a sense of forbidden love, like this person Told the speaker they cant be together for Whatever Reason ;] and is now trying to come back and repair their mistake when the speaker is already hurt and reeling. "learn to live with decisions you make / i learned things from the break i can't forget / catch you doing drive-bys at 1 AM / it must kill you to know we can't be friends." "end of the summer you cut me off / i cut you out all the pictures i have." which this Isnt Gay By Itself. but bringing that phrase back with other context this is such a uniquely gay experience. being in love with someone and they cut you off Because theyre weirded out by that and then they try to come back, convince you it meant nothing.
5) The Secret Goldfish
my FAVORITE pencey song. this one has a lot. it's another breakup song about heartbreak and loss and im not even gonna dwell on the no gender indicators because yall see the theme now. it has themes of heartbreak and losing someone who is very close to you and having to let go of them and having to accept that this person cant be yours and you cant be with them. "land of the lost / i found myself in nothing / this time, promises broken find me / clutching to you for something / something that you're not / believing in what you say / it makes me lie awake at night / the truth, the truth is not what scares me / it's why you have to lie / all the time." here we see these themes of having to let someone go because they just Aren't The Same as you. "clutching to you for something / something that you're not." maybe like chasing after a straight boy and getting rejected? also the repetition of "heartbreak is forever" when you're young and gay losing that first person you felt some kind of love and attraction to can feel like the end of the world and can be a huge deal because of the lack of representation and guidance young gays get. and the themes of nothing lasting forever, the fact that gay people never get promised eternal love the same way straight people do.
6) 8th Grade
this song is the nail in penceys fucking coffin honestly. the rest of these songs have a lot of plausible deniability, just vague enough to maybe Not Be Gay. but framed in the context of 8th grade they all start to get a lil fruity. Im just gonna go through lyric by lyric for this one. "caught staring again / like a deer in the headlights / when you can't move fast enough / i take a hit for the team / pretty girl is blushing / i can't tell if she's disgusted / laughter starts to swell / someone gets the joke." this kid was staring at some cute boy ass and got caught and everyone is laughing at him for being gay. the "pretty girl" here is what most people think he's staring at but with the rest of the song it's obvious she's not the one he's looking at. "bells ring, i make my escape / helps a little, but doesn't save / beat downs a common thing / with us every day / maybe im just strange / cause i dont change schools / so maybe i like the abuse / or maybe i just like you." literally This is the nail in penceys fucking coffin. "maybe i like the abuse or maybe i just like you." this kid purposefully takes beatings from his bully who is Obviously male if you take into context the next verse. because he Likes Him. "maybe im just strange / cause i dont change schools" literally willingly taking beatings from his bully bc he has a crush. "another confrontation / you've got something to prove / your girl can't tell how tough you are / when you beat me up in the boys room." this just confirms that the subject of the song is a boy, and a tough macho boy with something to prove. maybe also hiding his own internalized homophobia through bullying? "well i made a big mistake / but i can't help who i like / this may not cost my life / but i am branded forever lame." LITERALLY ITS RIGHT IN YOUR FACE. "can't help who i like" "branded forever lame" do i even need to fucking explain this oh my god. he got outed as gay, he Can't Help Who He Likes and is now branded forever as "the gay kid." the rest of the song is general "im gonna get back at my bully" stuff but literally THIS. THIS is the song that brands all penceys other very vague songs as 100% verified super mega ultra gay.
7) 19
this song has a lot less, and is more about internal struggle than anything. but it is the only song with a "she" pronoun in it. but there is one thing i wanna mention. "I scream out loud / but no one hears a sound / i take my life with lack of sleep / i believe the things i feel / the things i see are fooling only me." this song is about not believing what the world shows you, believing what you think is true in your heart and what You feel. not what anyone else tells you. which is a gay experience. believing in yourself and your heart and your feelings, believing theyre right and theyre true and valid. Also this song has a significance in coming right after 8th grade on the album, going from being 13 to 19, from being unsure in your feelings and angry about the people who dont like you to lost and hopeless but somewhat grounded in yourself.
8) Trying To Escape The Inevitable
this song is about an abusive and toxic relationship, knowing you Need to escape it but being so infatuated with the person you literally cant. “i have this reoccurring dream / you make it hard for me to breathe / i gave you everything i could / i gave up everything i owned / and when you smile it’s not for me / you offer little sympathy / your grasp so far exceeds your reach / i wake up, this is not a dream.” “i have this reoccuring dream / where you admit that you’re not happy / i know that you will never leave / you’re here just to torment me.” which like again this isnt an exclusively gay experience but it is very interesting when framed that way. in that gay people are way more likely to throw themselves into abusive and toxic relationships because they dont feel like they can get anybody else. the repetition of “i know i should run” makes it seem like the speaker Knows he should get out but he just Cant because what if he never finds love again? and the little reprise in the middle “i have a new dream / and everything is perfect / the sky is pink, yellow, green, blue, and orange / and all the past has been forgotten / and we fell in love / and we fell in love / and we fell in love / and i fell into your trap.” implying that even if he escapes, even in his dreams he still falls for this person because he feels like he cant have anything else.
9) Lloyd Dobbler
another love song about wanting to have someone but not being able to because of Unspecified Forbidden Reasons. “why are you so far away / even when you’re standing next to me? / your eyes give you away / telling secrets your mouht don’t feel like talking.” falling in love with someone, maybe sensing that they like you too. that they Are Like You and that they have a Secret they dont want to vocalize. do i even need to explain it at this point? and in the chorus “That I’ll be your lloyd dobbler / with a boom box out in the street / and i’ll be there if you need someone / even if he isn’t me.” saying you’ll be there for someone even if that person isn’t you, also the use of Pronouns which is big for pencey prep. which yes the use of “even if he isnt me” could imply a straight girl ooorrr....Fruit Behavior. also this line “There’s a norman rockewll painting / of two kids sitting on a bench / it reminds me of all the stupid things / i’d like for us to share, but i dont care.” normal rockwell is a painter that paints traditionally “american” scenes. like the american ideal, that maybe he wants with this person. but he knows he cant have, but its stupid and domestic and he wants it but he Cant Have It because of FRUIT BEHAVIOR.
10) Florida Plates
another of my favorite pencey songs, and this one brings back those tragic “love but we cant have it” themes, except with a more somber tone. instead of being angry or resentful or spiteful in the face of adversity. its an Acceptance, of what they had and how good it was and how it just Cant Last. “kiss a mouth to open eyes / stall one last moment before goodbye / drive in different cars in different directions / never write all the letters full of good words, better intentions / it’s for the best although we don’t know it / paper words will cheapen the moments we shared / it’s better if i say nothing at all.” it’s about knowing you have to leave someone, even if having them in the moment is great they Can’t Stay and you can’t even talk or write about the moments you had. which do i even need to explain it at this point? forbidden love, not being able to have each other, not even being able to Talk about it. its a secret, and painful one but its beautiful while you have it. Conclusion alright!!! thank you so so much if you read all the way through that i Know it was long i Know it was a lot of repetition but i wanted to make my point. pencey prep has very big gay themes in their music. with forbidden love, letting go, heartbreak, keeping secrets, toxic realtionships. which none of it is gay on its own but in the context of: almost none of the songs having clear gender indicators and always speaking really vaguely about the subject and Eight Grade the “nail in the coffin song” you can see my point thank you and goodnight.
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strfd · 3 years
drakonig, maybe? ;w;
send URL for opinion. always open.
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character in general : okay but dragon tho . need i go on ??
really though . honestly . i love smaug . he's such a bastard . i mean what ? like i get that he's supposed to be like this evil character or what have you . & i get it , he's the bad guy . but like i feel he really just got like the short end of the stick ? i think ? in terms of the movie that is . couldnt tell how it's like in the books but i feel like he got very little screen time . this is a character that is EXTREMELY complex . & he just got shafted . like straight up . this fucking beast took an entire mountain from a group of peoples only to like , what , get maybe 5 minutes of screen time ? LOL
then again . i think i am just overly biased cause i really love dragons anyway . i think they are an often misunderstood species . theyre extremely intelligent & dangerous as a species . so like , again , smaug just really got fucked overall . i do hope this doesnt make me TOO much of a dragon simp lol . then again . i dont give a fuck i have so much dragon memorabilia ( specifically toothless tbh ) & i have too many dragon based characters / ocs . HRNGH
anyway . yea . hahah . brrrr dragon . i love .
how they play them : dragon go brrrrrrrrrrr .
LOL okay jk but ... like i dunno much cause ive seen like maybe 1 or 2 things . but from what i have read ? i like it ? honestly i think i cant really give you a super formal or personal opinion yet . but i do have to say that you take your dragon lore very seriously ! which is always something i really take into consideration . maibly because i dont want people to half ass something that i fucking LOVE . you know ? not talking about smaug but just dragons in general .
for smaug tho ... Like damn . dont think i could have really asked for another . & thats genuinely just from the little peicees i have seen . then again . i think any dragon lover can recognise another dragon lover HRNGH . i honestly look really forward to seein more of your posts T^T & just getting to talk to you more . cause im just GENUINELY interested . cuase yea . dragons ... 🥺
The Mun : huehuehue dragon ....
but oh i think i went off a little above but ... Like ... aged chocolate tho . LOL 
idk . i think we personally hit it off REALLY well ? & so quickly ?? idk . like i vibed with your rules & , ngl , i think you're very straight forward & honest ??? then again ... this is coming from somebody who bites snowflakes OFTEN so ... i think i may have mentioned this before but like , i think youre valid if what you gotta do to let peeps know but as i have said to another friend , anybody who wants to start shit about it are gatekeeping little shits . entitled brats who are childish & dont deserve you . youre a good bean okay ? maybe thats just me . BUUUUUTTT ... guess that means youre asshole repellent as well so ... i love me some raid mmmmmmm . keeps the gross people away HRNGH .
you know what though . you actually are a dragon . LOL a very cute & lovely dragon ! are you a pocket dragon ? can i keep you on me 👉👈 i l - like dragons .... 😭
DO I ;
RP with them : no :c it makes me very sads :<
Want to RP with them : oh absolutely ! Not sure how we would go about doing so . mayhaps in a modern verse ? honestly . im also SO down to make a specialised verse for you as well . we would have to do a lot of plotting i think . OR at the very least , if you could allow me to write up a special verse mixing some of our crrent verses ? we could have a unique thing for ourselves . but thats entirely up to you . i dont mind making a new world . i have done so already since ive written a book series before xD so it wouldnt be hard for me . but hmu sometime ! Lets talk yea ~ ?
Overall Opinion: hmmm ... something something ... dragons . 😊
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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prodigil · 4 years
oh yeah i guess i should give basic sums for my aus huh? 
fallout -- sam is a former follower of the apocalypse who was infected with a particular light strain of the FEV at six months old by azazel, who was probably a former scientist branched off from the master. this is what gives him similar abilities to canon. he cant utilize them in the same way, but he still experiences visions and a strange psychic connection that he cant quite explain. radiation and certain items would probably amplify the feeling. he broke off from the followers when dean--former raider--found him again, trying to recruit his help to find their father. between that, he usually does solo work that involves creature clean up and occasional detective work. hates the brotherhood of steel, would probably like the science side of the institute (would believe that at least some of them are really trying to do a good thing and secure the future of humanity), would like the railroad (definitely believes synths of consciousness deserve human rights). not particularly NCR friendly. would roll his eyes at any mention of the enclave. has been to vegas. 
dragon age -- ferelden born apostate, natural force mage, blood mage by manipulation by ruby. doesnt use his abilities unless he has to or its the easiest way to get out of a situation. is a formidable physical combatant, grew up travelling all over with john and dean, but still considers ferelden his home. was probably born in the hinterlands. for age reference, he is in his early 20s during inquisition, so he lived through the blight. (theres possibly something to be said of darkspawn taint here, but i have to think about how to put it in in a lore-friendly way. lucifer is probably an old god.) 
werewolf au -- accidentally bitten and turned by madison. fluctuates, but typically in this verse she still passes, as she asks to be killed, but sam doesnt realize he’s been bitten until he turns during the lunar cycle. his wolf form is pretty fucked up. it is not humanoid like typical supernatural wolves, but it isnt fully lupine, either, and his demonic blood renders this form even more bizarre and grotesque. he uses silver bracelets, a choker, and keeps silver cuffs and heavy chain links in the impala for emergency use. (typically his demonic heritage will wash out any virus, inhuman or not, but we’re saying fuck it for this verse because i like werewolves.) 
the walking dead -- comic based, for reference, as i have not seen the show in entirety and have no desire to. sam and dean are traveling the country in the impala, since its a muscle car that can largely withstand the majority of any wandering zombie pressure--they live in and out of it for a while. they travel from the dakotas (bobby’s) down to alexandria around the time rick’s group takes control. sam is bit shortly after the fall of the prison, while rick’s group is wandering, mirroring croatoan; he is immune, does not turn, and keeps it to himself and dean alone. 
the last of us -- developed w/bishop’s ellie, so i’m not willing to write with other ellies in this verse, but other characters are mostly open. sam ran away at 16 and joined the fireflies with brady and jessica, but became quickly disillusioned and defected by 18--with both of them. jessica dies, sam disappears and resurfaces a while later in a qz, helping the local resistance fight back against the controlling military. when they start to turn into people he can no longer endorse -- hunters, killers, thieves -- he abandons the group and travels to north dakota where he reunites with childhood guardian bobby singer. sam, seeing the state that the scrapyard is in, decides to become a supply and trade man for bobby, bringing him back food and other valuables he could use while trading things bobby no longer needs or can part with. while he disappears for periods, he always comes back, and considers bobby his only parental figure. he only reunites again with dean years later, after dean--indoctrinated into the seraphite ranks--defects alongside anna. (this is a cohesive verse for tlou1 and 2! feel free to ask about where he is in tlou2.) 
boy king au -- flexible, but i usually go with the idea that sam kind of loses it after s3 and figures dean is dead, for good, and succumbs to taking his throne of leadership in hell. he is not evil. he does not kill wantonly and being demonic does not make him evil--he is brutal, but he is not evil. he is chaotic neutral at his lowest. his true form is like a body horror dragon.
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maque · 4 years
Modern Yakuza Verse: Information
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PLOTTED VERSE┊(blessed by a bitch from a bastard's seed. pleasure to meet you, but better to bleed.) (arc.modern yakuza) PLOTTED WITH:  @ADVERSITYBLOOMED​
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Dark Themes will be present, due to the fact that this is the Yakuza verse. Please note that there will be sexual themes involved, blood, murder, drugs, drinking & other themes involved.
  Viewers discretion is advised ( rarity don’t worry i promise to tag it for you <3 )
NAME: Shimada Genji
NICKNAMES: Kōjaku ( Sparrow ),  Kōj,  Otouto, Daddy ( from mulan) 
WHAT TO CALL HIM:  Chances are you aren’t going to know Genji by first name unless he has a personal relationship with the given person or trusts you deeply. He often uses his nickname of Sparrow. Yakuza Clan / Group: Shimada-Gumi. Place Of Operation: Hanamura, but over the years the group has made it’s name known with Tokoyo and other parts of Japan & China.
AGE: 20
PROFESSION: Genji is the other head of the Shimada-Gumi. His elder brother Hanzo deals with the more business side of things, while Genji’s nature is in the street fighting districts and the use of drugs and gun selling. He handles more of the illegal side of things that require less paperwork and more movement. For money he street fights and is a well known name in the rink.
SCHOOLING: Degrees in business from college, among with being taught at a young age how to street fight and use a sword.
FATHER:  Sojiro Shimada (father, deceased)
MOTHER: A/N ( mother, assumed dead ).
BROTHER: Hanzo Shimada ( elder brother)
HEIGHT: 5′7″
WEIGHT: 160lb
HAIR: Genji is known for his green hair. It has been a trademark of his since he was a teenager. He prefers it to be the color despite being easily found from it. His reputation is connected to him having the moss hair, and it doesn’t bug him at all. 
ATTIRE: He often wears whatever fashions are in but he also can wear high class clothing in a heartbeat. Don’t let his childish appearence fool you, he knows exactly what he is playing at. He almost always has his jacket with his dragon symbol on it.
it should be noted, the traditional jackets they have a dragon symbol etched into them. the dragons are a symbol of their yakuza clan as a whole and people know a shimada by the fact they carry that.
┊he has a very charming aura. he is the polar opposite of his brother. genji can come off really friendly and warm almost over exicted and childish at times. there’s an innocence he knows how to play. he can however be ruthless when pissed off.
┊he’s thin and lean but don’t let that fool you. he’s had years of learning how to fight with a sword and fend for himself. his tattoo stretches over his left rib of his left side, it is green and black as far as coloring goes.  The piece is a massive dragon piece done in a traditional Japanese style and was finished completely by the time he turned twenty.  The ink is not seen by anyone that is not yakuza, or exposed when he is in the rink fighting,  that is the only time it is exposed and Genji knows a great deal how to cover it up when needed to.
Genji grew up raised in the lifestyle, and upon reaching a certain age he was introduced into the world of the yakuza. genji has an extremely close bond with his elder brother. he had stopped an attempt on hanzo’s life twice, and genji himself has nearly died saving him. he comes off warm and a flirt and charming to most.
┊ Genji is an underground fighter and arms dealer.
┊ He knows how to small talk to get what he wants. He is not afraid to use money or desire to trick someone into giving him what he wants.
┊Threaten any of the head family, and you are dead. If Genji doesnt kill you his brother will.
┊ Genji’s anger is not something you want to witness. People have fled rooms when he has been angry, it’s not a violent anger, but cold and that is more dangerous because it means he’s dug up more dirt on you than you know existed.
Genji Shimada. A name celebrated to his father when he was born into the world. Genji comes from a world were violence and blood lingers under high class and a clan that has it’s name known in the streets of Tokoyo. The Shimada do not play games when getting what they need and protecting thier own. Their city of Hanamura tends to be a place tourists flock to due to the cherry blossoms and the hot springs. The town is run entirely by the Yakuza grouo, the city is loyal to the Shimada and you won’t find anyone in the city that opposes them. Within Tokoyo, Genji begins to make his voice known. A chance meeting leads him to become entangled with w young woman by the name of Hua Mulan.  By the end of the night he has her eating out of the palm of hand.
THIS VERSE DESICRIPTION IS FOR THE MODERN VERSE ONLY / Not to be mistaken with my overwatch main verse.
┊ Genji is the oyaban of the Shimada along with his elder brother, after his father was murdered. He had been the head since the age of nineteen. His father had him complete the ceremony of passing before his death for both of his sons. He had known there was going to be an attempt on his life.
┊ There have been a total of three attempts on Genji’s life. 
┊ Mulan ends up becoming almost a right hand to him when their relationship becomes serious. He often has her wearing his clothes, or pieces of him if he is in an area were he knows he is well known as a form of protection and stating that she’s HIS.  
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ver-flare · 5 years
RP Info: Odile Beaumont
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Name: Odile Beaumont
Age: 26
Nameday: 15th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon
Race: Hyur Midlander
Gender: Female
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral/Lawful Evil
Marital Status: Single
Server: Balmung
Hair: A grey-ish lavender color that fades lighter as it gets to the ends. When worn down the volume and wavy-ness of her hair is on full display and reaches just past the middle of her back. More often than not it will be worn up in some kind of ponytail or up-do, usually while working on her airship to keep it out of the way and out of the wind.
Eyes: She was born with two matching color eyes, so dark they almost look black, but from some traumatic experiences with void creatures her right has turned to a bright purple color, it almost seems to glow. Several scars cover the area around that eye.
Height: 5′1″
Build: She has a very small and petite frame, with hardly any muscle to speak of. Unfamiliar people often assume she is a greenhorn on her own airship, from how harmless she looks. Her arms of some definition, from her years of rapier training but nothing significant.
Common Accessories: Most noticeable is her eye patch that she uses to cover her purple eye. Usually she wears a black one, but will sometimes wear a white one in more formal events. She will also more often than not be wearing a pair of gloves. Partly because she doesnt want to hurt her hands while working on her ship or if she is forced to fight, and partly to cover the scars that cover her hand and arms especially on the right side.
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Profession: She is a very proud sky pirate captain, mainly focusing on smuggling and selling illegal firearms and substances, though they sometimes will sell parts from their expeditions in Azys Lla.
Hobbies: Odile is a fan of painting, a skill she picked up during her childhood years as a noble in Ishgard. She is also a fan of gambling, specially card games, though she tries not to make a habit of it.
Languages: Common
Residence: She has a house that she rarely ever stays at in Ishgard, usually only staying when she comes to visit for formal events that require her attention. Her small sky pirate crew have also inhabited a floating island in the Sea of Clouds that they use as a base. If not on her ship she is most likely there. She of course has her office on her airship, Lâche, which is where she spends most of her time.
Birthplace: Ishgard
Patron Deity: Llymlaen
Spouse: None
Children: None
Parents: She grew up with her Mother and Father in the heart of the noble society of Ishgard. Her Mother was an established healer, and her Father was a honored, but a retired, knight. Paths that they forced onto their children at a young age. They both died by Odile’s hands.
Siblings: At one point Odile had an older brother she was very close to who joined the Ishgard Dragoons to fight against the dragons. He was killed in battle, which spurred her life changing events.
Other Relatives: None
Pets: Odile has a black hayate named “Lis” she takes nearly everywhere, including her the airship.
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* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Smoking Habit: Odile will occasionally indulge in a cigarette or cigar. Usually only if in company that also smokes. Drugs: Never. Though her business is peddling illegal and dangerous substances, including various drugs, she is not keen on taking any herself. Alcohol: She will often have a glass of wine before bed, or in social events and if shes having a particularly stressful time, she’ll break out some whiskey or ale.
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Sky Pirate-- Odile has been starting to make a name for herself and her crew. If you are a sky pirate you have probably started to hear whispers of the airship “Lâche” and its Captain. A smaller but fast airship that seems to always have weather on its side. Crews that have escaped fights with Odile’s ship advise not to engage without extreme caution.
Black Market-- If you are invested or a part of any kind of illegal trade or purchasing, especially illegal substances or weapons, you may have purchased from Odile or one of her crew members.
Aether Sensitivity I --  Anyone sensitive to magics would be able to tell that Odile has an absurd, almost stifling, amount of aether flowing from her. While she has taken measures to try and mask and manage it [since it can be damaging to her own body], it is still noticeable to some.
Aether Sensitivity II -- If you can sense aether and are well versed in Void Creatures you might sense that the magics Odile has an abundance of originates from the Void. While not a Void Creature herself she is often mistaken for one by people familiar with that type of aether. She will not answer questions about it unless very familiar with the person.
Ishardian Noble -- Any one from Ishgard who is familiar with the noble families might know the Beaumont name, its loyalty to the Ishgard military and its tragic demise when all the family members died in a raging house fire one month after their son was lost in war. Heretics were suspected, though some gossip it was done by the only survivor, the daughter Odile.
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selieltheninja · 5 years
If you ever feel up to it, do you have any OC headcanons you could tell us? I love your OC's (and your art is absolutely amazing? Beautiful? My eyes have been blessed by it?!) and I'd love to here more about some of them!
Thank you!! I have a couple I can share~
My main Ninjago oc is Rohan:
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- Loves making friends so if you even say hi to him he will refer to you as a friend
- can jam to anything even podcasts
- “rohan can you give this to your mom?” “which one i have like 20 moms.”
- he made his ninja gi lmao. it originally was a kabuki uniform.
- chakrams can turn into a double sided spear.
- everything about him is pink. he even dyed his hair pink once.
- hates noodles because he grew up eating it three times a day everyday.
- is sad he cant afford a gym membership
- his elemental dragon is very hallow looking and is almost invisible because it is made of sound and decibels. 
- rohan has echolocation ability. very useful for times when he forgets where he put his keys.
- has daddy issues lowkey. hes bitter his dad was a hit it and leave it guy.
- somewhat has a valley girl accent but its subtle.
- can also control vibrations, so he can basically move anything with the vibrations. this includes being aesthetic af and bending sakura petals around him
- tattooed flowers on his neck to represent his kabuki heritage.
Next is Sam, son of Ronin:
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- ronin wanted sam to grow up to be just like him but unfortunately sam cried at everything when he was a kid
- passion is photography. hes like peter parker, photographing the ninja due to fascination. his favorite thing to take pictures of are candid shots of the green ninja.
- ronin still bothers sam a lot of carrying on his occupation. sam just goes along with it bc he loves his dad.
- always breaks up fights between his siblings, willow and rory.
- is studying to become a professional photographer. currently in high school.
- book smart but not street smart.
- cannot do sports. if u throw a football at him he would run away.
- tags along with ronin just to see the ninja.
- he got the white streaks on his hair because one of his friends told him he was too much of a goody two shoes to do anything rebellious.
Kitty, the gangster:
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- high school drop out. she thought she didn’t need school to survive.
- one of rohan’s “sister from another mister (and mom)”
- is in a yakuza-like gang
- ofc it was bc she thought harumi was the cutest girl she’s ever seen and didnt know how to flirt properly
- puts kitty stickers on everything.
- she got her nickname from her scratching people all the time when she was young
- got a motorcycle.
- screams loudly when talking
- has adorable band aids that she carries around
Keanu, master of mist:
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- more well versed in wielding a katana than his own powers.
- gets up at 5 every morning to prep sushi
- has very soft hands because he often has his hands dunked in sake when prepping meals
- hair was done as a bet from rohan.
- tattoo symbolizes his father and how he died without being able to achieve his true potential.
- isnt afraid of heights so he can jump off the roof without feeling fear.
- a lightweight drinker
- very awkward at showing affection towards his boyfriend, Chiru (owned by @ookamihanta) so he just… doesnt unless Chi does it first lmao
- keeps a sharp knife with him all the time
- his lips are always chapped bc lip care?? wtf is that
- has gucci brand eyebags 
- Works out in his small apartment by using old vhs workout tapes
Kaede, the master of Ferrolmagnetism (No ref yet)
- Animal symbol is the peacock
- Her power deals with anything that has magnetism in it, such as metals, alloys, magnetic fields, etc.
- She can cover her whole body with any type of metal she wants. Her favorite metal to cover herself in is platinum. And yeah, when she punches you it feels like a sack of bricks.
- Her elemental dragon is a very shiny metallic one, complete with wings that represent aurora borealis.
- Knew Harumi when they were friends in the orphanage.
- Aged out of the foster home. Upon getting out, she turned to a legion of Ninjas who do not have elemental powers, yet follow everything else.
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aceyanaheim · 5 years
What are your Kaiba thoughts for the Send Me a Character ask?
I’m guessing you mean Seto Kaiba but..imma do all 3 because i can.
Seto Kaiba
First impression
What a BAMF!
( I was a child and very tiny and kinda fairly very bullied and Seto was...well he broke into his own house and jumped out a window. And he could fight. I was sold. I wanted to be like him.) I also sided with him over Yugi on most things...including friendship and speeches.
Impression now
Maaaaaaaaac freakin dork ass curt ass dramatic af  child with anger issues and trauma someone help him someone help him Now.
I also ( obviously) now side with Yugi over Seto on the whole friendship deal. (But I get Seto’s reaction on an almost instinctive level and still love him a lot.)
( Like..dont get it wrong. I poke fun at him because of how much he reminds of me as a kid but...I adore him and I’ll defend him from near anyone. Okay no I won’t because im a coward who goes into fight-or-flight at the mere thought of char-disc-0urse but like still 
I love the kid.  Him good child. Deserves all the happiness and good fortune. I want to see him grow up healthypng.)
Favorite moment
hmm. I haven’t seen him since the show was new so its foggy but..Imma say any time he either shares screen time with Mokuba or snarks at Joey. ( at Joey specifically because oh lord “Mokuba make sure Wheeler’s late” still sends me into a laughing spell. ( mind you I adore Joey too but  uh..yeah. Snarking Seto is best Seto)
Idea for a story
Right now the one I have is a crossover with xmen where Laura Kinney becomes his and Mokuba’s bodyguard. It has ended up becoming 3 separate verses because i couldn’t decide between comic!book Laura and Logan!Laura and also at what time in both their stories I wanted them because I am the opposite of competent and know no hubris.
It’s eking along kinda slow-like tho. Because writing Seto’s hard for me. I feel like a lot of people have done it better already. So I don’t know that it’ll get done.
Also I don’t know how to keep her from killing Pegasus.
I also had an idea for him and Tea becoming friends in like therapy or something but that never kicked off. Although it’s worth mentioning I’d like to explore the concept of what it would take for them to get along.
Unpopular opinion
He’s a good person I guess? I’ve heard that’s unpopular but haven’t seen it. He deserves a shot at a happy life. He’s a good person? He has never ( to my knowledge) been unkind to Mokuba and even if he was being angry in one moment in your life isn’t some kinda morality indicator especially when it comes to children. Especially traumatized to high heaven children who just keep getting traumatized so no Mokuba didn’t “deserve a better brother” or w/e both Seto and Mokuba deserved better period and can people just enjoy the show which is about forgiveness and friendship anyways good golly. 
I mean..yeah I guess I got a few.
 Another one that I think might be unpopular but I don’t know due to not really publicizing it is that Seto and Yugi....actually aren’t that different at the core? Like if you took Seto away from a lot of the Tragic Backstory stuff he might end up..not exactly like Yugi but not that different either. They’d have a lot in common.
Favorite relationship
Him and Mokuba. Hands down.
Favorite headcanon
Ohshoot do i even have one hm. This ask covers a lot of the headcanons I have for him..but I guess my favorite is him liking children followed by the one that he does math equations and formulas when he’s bored.
I also share a lot of the ones @iced-blood has posted due to most of my exposure to the character coming from his fic after I stopped watching the show so a lot of his headcanons are up there too.
Mokuba Kaiba
First impression
He’s adorable. Protect him.
Impression now
He’s adorable and tiny. Protect him.
Favorite moment
Either him in the beginning of the Noah arc since we get to see him know how to operate the computers in KC or when he’s telling Alistair off in Awaken The Dragons
Basically any time he’s not getting captured again for the plot tho.
Idea for a story
I have a couple drabbles based on @kintatsujo‘s age swap AU...and her In The Back Of My Brain AU, alot of her AUS give me ideas actually ( which of course id ask for permission before pursuing)  but nothing concrete.
Oh and the xmen crossover mentioned above.  Mokuba’s a fair share of that since in one of them Laura’s his bodyguard rather than Seto’s. ( in another Gozaburo gets Laura as protection for Seto while still being abusive and they both shake him off. Like I said it’s..it’s splintered into a lot)
Unpopular opinion
I..don’t think I have any? I don’t really know what opinions are popular tbqh. I guess if anything i saw here is then that.
Favorite relationship
Him and Seto. 
Favorite headcanon
His hair’s a liability I speak from experience.
I guess I’m a fan of the shared headcanon that Mokuba wears heelys. I like the idea that he’s not a genius like his brother and maybe he doesn’t get HIgh HIGH grades and maybe that’s okay ( as someone who has a complex relationship with academics I guess thats something I wish i saw more often yknow) because he’s smart in different ways.
I like the idea of Mokuba being athletically inclined like skate boarding or parkour or being involved in some sport at school I mean he roped climbed out a window in his intro episode so its not that outlandish.
I actually don’t have that many headcanons for this kid. I should fix that.
Noah Kaiba
First impression
Yikes. What  a freakin loon. ( first episode) Oh no..he’s lonely and abandoned. Oh no oh no oh no. ( later episodes in the arc) Okay but he’s still a mean dude ( when he turns ppl to stone) Oh no...he died...and he turned around at the last minute WHAT DO YOU MEAN I DONT GET TO SEE HIM AGAIN. ( at the end)
( yeah Noah took kid!Me through the freakin wringer)
Impression now
He was a child. And his father left him to rot. 
He deserved so much better. 
I love him. I cry and screech about him needing things monthly and sometimes weekly. 
Favorite moment
When he turned around to fight Gozaburo. Also the scenes where you see Mokuba getting to him.
Idea for a story
I guess-no I know a lot of people have done it better but I like the idea of a canondivergence where he’s spared and/or rescued by Seto.
I also like the idea of crossovers with shows like Digimon or Code Lyoko where you have digital worlds.
I just don’t want to be alone and i want him to have nice things okay. That’s..that’s all i want..from life.
Unpopular opinion
Probs that he was an actual smol child and got a raw deal and Deserved Better. ( tm) ( you’ll find thats..my beat with a lot of characters ^-^:) 
Favorite relationship
He...doesnt have any? In fics where he gets brought back like Paved With Good Intentions ( specifically Blue Eyes Violet Eyes) I like seeing his relationships with the other Kaibas. But as far as Canon goes...yeah there’s none.
Favorite headcanon
He’s very tactile. He liked running his hands through his dog’s fur and it always got to him that digitized it..wasn’t the same.
Following that he used to be very physically affectionate before Gozaburo started discouraging it.
Following that if he was to be brought out of the digital place/rescued I think he’d be pretty clingy. I mean because of the tactile thing and because..he’d need to reassure himself the world around him is real.  
If he had been allowed to live he’d probably think he didn’t deserve it/that he has to Atone for the stuff he’s done.
His whole world was his father and even when he hated him he loved him. He wanted nothing more than to be held by him again. That’s why the abandonment stung so much, there’s nothing like hating and being hurt by someone you love...and still having a part of you love them. A part of him still wonders what he did to get left behind. That’s a big part of what drove him to the deep end.
Character Asks Meme
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kinokami · 6 years
[ A very descriptive and detailed profile of your muse ]
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Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc.
If you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own! Tagged by: @fierykage
NAME: Hashirama Senju
AGE: Currently? Like, uh, 130+? (Honestly I don’t trust the Naruto timelines. How the hell was Hashirama old enough to know his granddaughter, still look 30, and die BEFORE the first shinobi war? WTF kishi?)
SEX: Male
PROFESSION: Senju clan leader, First Hokage
                          { PHYSICAL ASPECTS }
HAIR: Brown
EYES: Black
SKIN: Tan?
HEIGHT: 185cm
WEIGHT: 74kg (honestly this is bullshit. he’d have to be built like a fucking bird. This man is not delicate. He should be heavier)
                       { FAMILY }
WIFE: Mito Uzumaki
HUSBAND: Madara Uchiha (in 2 verses)
PARENTS:  Butsuma Senju (father), unknown mother
CHILDREN: Danma, Maeko, Kichiroh Senju (in most verses), Yukirama Uchiha (sort of)
OTHER RELATIVES: Tobirama Senju (brother), Itama Senju (brother), Kawarama Senju (brother), Tsunade Senju (granddaughter), Nawaki Senju (grandson), Haruki Senju/Uchiha (grandson)
ANY PETS?: yes [  ] || no [ x]  
                    { SKILLS }  
Physical Prowess:  Immense durability, immense strength, immense stamina, will power, regeneration, medical ninjutsu, chakra control, chakra density, seal-less use of jutsu 
Speed: Pretty damn fast
Magic: Summoning Jutsu: Bringer-of-Darkness Technique, Chakra Transfer Technique, Contract Seal, Four Red Yang Formation, Hokage-Style Sixty-Year-Old Technique, Kakuan: Entering Society with Bliss-Bringing Hands, Regeneration Ability, Sage Art Wood Release: True Several Thousand Hands, Sage Art: Gate of the Great God, Sage Mode, Summoning Technique: Summoning: Quintuple Rashōmon, Summoning: Rashōmon, Top Transformed Buddha, Wood Clone Technique, Wood Release Secret Technique: Nativity of a World of Trees, Wood Release: Advent of a World of Flowering Trees, Wood Release: Great Forest Technique, Wood Release: Hōbi Technique, Wood Release: Hotei Technique, Wood Release: Wood Dragon Technique, Wood Release: Wood Human Technique, Wood Release: Wood Locking Wall 
{Bonus Round}
Senjutsu (Sage Mode)
Scroll(s) of Seals
Nature Type: Wood Release, Earth Release, Water Release, Fire Release, Wind Release, Lightning Release, Yin Release, Yang Release
Ashura Chakra
                    { TRAITS }
— —- NEGATIVE ——
                                { LIKES }
COLOURS: Green, dark brown, red SMELLS: lily of the valley flowers, moss, a forest in the morning FOOD:  gyoza, steamed buns with red bean paste (bc who doesnt?) FRUITS: Lychees, Apples DRINKS: Sake, jasmine tea  ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES? Yes [ x ] || No [ ]   favourites: Sake, but almost anything will do. —————————————————————————-               {  OTHER DETAILS  } SMOKES? yes [  ] || no [ ]   DRUGS?: yes [ ] || no [ x ] DRIVER LICENSE?:  yes [ ] || no [  ]   EVER BEEN ARRESTED? yes [  ] || no [ x ] || almost [ ]   —————————————————————————- tagged by: @fierykage tagging: @sennokami, @ketsuekki, @yukannatori @thexsenjuxheirs (give it to danma, i need to know more about him), @asunokami (bc i want to do it again xD) 
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joulethieves · 7 years
deep breath remember when i said this would take me 5mins nevermind i wrote for an hour
tl;dr burmecian dragoon frately and his adopted hume daughter kipcha are hunters that speak several languages but speak french to each other. there’s a dog and a falcon involved that are kipcha’s weird pets. burmecians are an extinct race aside from frately after they defended marginalized groups across ivalice and slowly died off. kipcha and reddas probably have a Thing. kipcha yells at al-cid in rozarrian bc he owes her money cuz she was hired to spy with her multilingual skills before getting thrown into prison and recently broken out by the time the xii-timeline is close to an end , pre-pharos.
ok wheremst do i start with these two i’ll try to. keep it short. 
kipcha is a hume in her late 20′s who is a huntress. she has a dog and a falcon has a pet. she lives in the mountains, i headcanon somewhere in rozarria, with her weird dad frately.
frately is , quite frankly, a ripoff of sir frately from ffix. like basically he is a burmecian. but in ivalice-verse, i headcanon burmecias/cleyrans as an extinct race. long long lonnnng ago, burmecians used to be protectors of sorts, of the downtrodden or endangered. they are dragoons so they slayed a lotta dragons threatening their land and the land of others. they were all around a super amazing good race of creatures. the viera, especially, consider themselves heavily indebted to them. many many years ago the burmecians defended eruyt from an attack from some force (i havent figured it out yet, either humes or wyrms) and thus helped build the barriers in golmore now. 
so in ffxii timeline, when fran sees frately, and frankly--when any viera sees frately, the only burmecian they’ve seen in many many many years (as they were rumored to be wiped out in some war)--she removes her helmet and bows her head in respect. bc even though the viera that he sees have left the wood, they still owe their lives to burmecians and there’s a deep respect for them as well as a quiet shock as to how he is alive. not sure if he’s the only burmecian who survived; i imagine there are others but perhaps he is looking for them
somewhere in the timeline after eruyt was defended long long ago, another attack on a village happened, a hume town in rozarria. savages were tearing through it, raping and pillaging and burning it to the ground. burmecians fought to eliminate the threat and save the people, but many were slain in their efforts. THE BURMECIANS WERE VERY BUSY FULL-TIME DEFENDERS OF ALL. they never slept. there was always shit to save. kipcha was a toddler at the time and her whole family was murdered, and frately saved her before hiding them both in the woods. maybe just about every burmecian was wiped out (idfk i really dont have it worked out in a timeline). basically, frately adopted kipcha, at a very young age. she was probably like 3. after that attack, they were both alone. he decided he’d take care of her.
fast forward and now kipcha is 20something and she hunts around ivalice with her weird dad. they have a giant big-ass cabin they both built on some lonely mountain and she doesnt get to talk to humans much. but she has her birb and her doggo and likes to kill shit with her dad. 
also frately speaks in a heavy french accent because i said so, and bc i headcanon burmecians as generally speaking french, also bc i created him as an OC in high school when i was learning french, also bc i do what i want and french is a language in ivalice altho it probably isnt called french it just sounds french. basically its a dead language its probably what the burmecians spoke.
 anyway they speak that to each other. she taught herself the main ivalician tongue and bugged him to learn it too. she doesnt speak with an accent but he’s lazy and old so he has a heavy one. also she speaks rozarrian and landisian and galtaean (what i headcanon as english i guess. she learned a lot of languages by books and travel and when she does meet other humes she loves to talk to them to test out her skills. she is very clever like that. languages come easily to her.
hmmm so anyway
reddas took over balfonheim 2 years pre-game. and there was an assassination attempt to get rid of him as he tried to make all these changes in balfonheim since he cleaned  a lot of it up. well, there was an attempt at an attempt for murder, at least.
 y’see, kipcha and frately were in balfonheim on a hunt and it was their first visit there. kipcha overheard two men talking in a foreign language no one could speak while in a bar, and understood they were trying to plot against reddas. she didnt know who reddas was but she’s literally so catty and didnt like how they looked at her so she snitched. basically she saved reddas’ life cuz it ended up being a huge plot to kill him. 
from then on kipcha got on reddas’ good side but was labeled a snitch by others. she doesn’t really care tho, but sometimes it grates her. lots of people call frately a rat bc of how he looks as a burmecian, and because of him partnering with kipcha to snitch, but i dont think the namecallers understand how tall he is cuz when he stands up from his barstool he is literally like almost seven feet tall he is so tall dude. 
kipcha is average like 5′6″ or something but frately is gigantic. he used to give her piggyback rides and jump around when she was a kid and she squealed in delight but he calls her too fat now (she isnt, but he teases her). kipcha is very sassy, outgoing, and mislabeled as “confident” when really she has no concept of how to act in public since she is never around people so she’s generally just a loud weirdo. she carries her dog around in her arms and ppl are like “omg is ur dog ok” and shes like “he’s fine i just like carrying him around like a baby” . she has a bird, a falcon named [redacted (im honestly so embarrassed by a lot of this)], she flies around sometimes and brings kipcha things like dead rats and random rings. kip has a bohemian sort of style about her and wears a bunch of shit the bird finds. 
because kipcha can speak a lot of languages she was then hired by al-cid to do some spying for something or other, shortly after the reddas stint, as word got out about her. she did the job, and got the info back to al-cid,  but she got caught and imprisoned. frately broke her out but it took over a year to figure it out. i also headcanon that the bird steals al-cid’s glasses in xii timeline during his brief stint in balfonheim. 
kipcha and frately are coined “fire ‘n ice” by most folks who are fond of them. kipcha is very hotheaded and loud. she is also a redhead. frately being of pallor skin and white hair and quiet temperament is therefore ice. whenever frately is embarrassed by her she likes to remind him he raised her and he likes to respond “i had nothing to do with this” in a very french accent.
 so reddas hasn’t seen her for over a year and a half before she shows up in the xii-timeline, broken out of prison, growing her hair out cuz they buzzed it off, and demanding money from al-cid bc he never paid her, but in his defense she was in prison. 
kip and frate show up late in-game and that’s the first time reddas sees her since she saved him, essentially i. sort of maybe ship her with reddas? but more like a “they totally banged once and she’s obviously nuts about him and clambers on his back and curls his sideburns around her finger while whispering in french in his ear” she’s honestly hilarious and frately facepalms a lot. frately and fran hang out. kipcha goes on a hunt with vaan and penelo and they becomes bff’s. hmmm. yeah anyway they show up late in-game to help with a hunt or an esper or like, they need kipcha and frately’s translating knowledge for something or other. idk kipcha is just happy to be out of prison and eating oysters and petting her dog. by the time she shows up in balfonheim ingame she’s probably been out of prison for a few months. oh no this got so long im sorry i think abt them every day they live in my head
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hunter-gate · 5 years
More Headcanon Stuff
Okay so I've been inactive for quite a bit but i still love this character. Gate has quite abit too him and so does his sister but we'll only be touching on stuff they share.
Okay so both Jinx and Gate are not completely human they are part human and part wyverian. So that means that they will age slower than a human would but faster than a wyverian. Like when most people would begin to grow old they would probably look physically still themselves but maybe a bit more defined and adult like after a certain point they will begin to basically stop aging again for a period of time. While most wyverians live for hundreds of years Gate and Jinx will probably only live up to 100-200 years while most live for a much longer timespan. Also they have mainly looks from human biology meaning they have normal looks and five fingers rather than where wyverians have four. But they do have somewhat of claws on their feet as well as pads like some wyverians. They also have pointed esrs like wyverians but less distinguished where it is not as long as a wyverian ear but they do have a point at the end but you can miss it if you're not looking. Gate and Jinx were also orphaned at a very young age from unknown reasons. Also while Gate has more noticeable features showing his wyverian Heritage Jinx took more after their human side more having more human like features for feet but still having pads on her feet and slightly pointed ears.
Continuing to the next part this will be solely about Gate and his history. Before Gate was a hunter he was a smithy and a very adept one at that. When he made something it was one of the most high quality pieces that people could get to the point where people requested that he make their armor. Of course his adoptive father wasnt too happy that he was getting outshined by what he called basically a ugly hybrid abomination. As soon as Jinx had left to become a hunter Gate had left as well joining the hunters guild under the pretense of bei g a smithy at one of the main hubs and not a city smithy. This meant that hunters were actually more likely to interact with him and get his weapons. Soon after he was actually promoted to smith g rank armor and weapons as well. Gate having a photographic memory was able to learn and recreate any item that the hunter requested to the point he was again one of the more sought out smithy to get an item from. Though it did take him more time since he didn't work with anyone else being a oneman smithy doing all the work himself he actually had a wait list you had tk be on if you wanted to order something and wait until he had an open slot when it was your turn since it took him about a week to make something. He did make quite a bit of money doing this. He did get visited by his sister often and he would always make armor for her and making her armor was much easier since he knew her measurements and was able to more efficiently make armor and weapons(aka gun lances) for her. After a certain point in time though he began to work as a hunter instead meaning most people he had worked for as a smithy were now his colleges. This also came with some backlash since they still wanted him as a smithy but he was able to have more freedom as a hunter so he stuck to it. During that time he was a very adept high ranker but never went above high rank since g rank had a large amout of responsibilities he didn't want. So he chose to stay in high rank being able to secretly compile large amounts of notes from the elder dragons he spoke to like the Chameleos, Teostra, and others. There were also quite a few that he couldn't speak with for them being too hostile to get them to consider speaking with him or the monster just being to dangerous to even go near those being the corpse dragon nakarkos and any of the elder dragons classified as a black dragon like the Fatalis whom despise humanty would most like try and kill him on sight not caring he was peaceful or that he just wished to speak. And he knew he couldn't even go to where they were because of the danger.
Finally Gate has two abilities that also help him but one is a dangerous one that could easily kill him. The first one he uses often is his aura sight where his eyes seem to glow and he is able to see the aura of a person and decern someone from that. This ability also has an audatory nature with him where each person has something that is specific to them. The second ability is called mind invasion. This ability is volatile and dangerous to the user. It allows Gate enter the mind of someone and speak with them among other things. This also depends on the verse hes in as well on some of the effects that are able to happen. Though the side effects happen in all verses this being the time spent using this ability will begin to rack up basically begin to kill him where his hair is sort of a clock counting down where once he spends at least a total 24 hours of real time using this he will die. But in the mind time moves more quickly than in the real world. This being 5 minutes in the mind world is only 1 min in the real world. However even if he doesnt use all of the allotted time he still will be in a weakened state to the point he could barely defend himself. This is the reason he doesnt use it because of the side effects that will ultimately completely just kill him whether it be through using all the time he could or because he died while trying to defend himself against a monster but was too weak to do so.
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RULES. repost; do not reblog! tag 10! good luck!
TAGGED BY: tagged by @luck-crowned who requested Velkyn and/or Kaladin, and my dumb ass went for both XD
TAGGING: I haven’t got anyone to tag yet RIP
(( 1. Velkyn ))
FULL NAME: Velkyn Kilana
NICKNAME/S: ‘Vel’ (previously only used by his foster father, but then the nickname was adopted and used by the leader of the Assassin’s Guild, causing the rest of the guild to quickly follow suit. Now it can be used by just about anyone who decides that those extra three letters are just too much.)
AGE: 45 (In human years, but looks closer to mid-20s physically. Pretty young, by elven standards.)
BIRTHDAY: Sometime in Winter (Earth month equivalent: Mid-January)
NATIONALITY: Underdark (in D&D verse), Rivaini (in Dragon Age verse)
LANGUAGE/S: Common, Undercommon, Thieves’ Cant, Elvish (In both D&D and DA verses)
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual AF, buddy pal, and a total disaster.
ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Same as above, but with like twice as big of a disaster on the horizon. He doesn’t know how to express his emotions in any healthy fashion and would most likely struggle forever with just admitting he cared about someone.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Currently single in all verses
CLASS: Basically lower than dirt in most circles. Pretty high up in the assassin’s guild though, so there’s that.
HOMETOWN / AREA: The city inside Mount Wryoz in the Underdark.
CURRENT HOME: He no longer has anywhere that he thinks of as home, spending his current life wandering and taking contracts where he can find them. At the moment though, he is attempting to bring down a cult and rescue his foster father, despite the rift he’s wedged between them.
PROFESSION: He is a skilled assassin, in both ability and mindset, showing no mercy towards his targets or enemies and making sure that the killing strike does it’s job without any room for doubt. There are times when it actually gives him a sense of enjoyment to have such control over life and death, since he has such little control of his own.
HAIR: A bright halo of soft white curls, worn long and tied back into a tail with bangs that commonly fall into his face. Though often matted with blood and gore, it can be washed and brushed to near perfection with the right amount of care.
EYES: Pale pink in color with a blood red burst in the center. Giving off a bright glow in the dark, his eyes are sharp and focused and burn like fire when turned towards the source of his anger. His eyes are large and expressive, almond shaped and angled, bordered by long pale eyelashes.
NOSE: Slender, with a sharp, slightly upturned tip, A large scar stretches horizontally across the bridge, from one cheek to the other. He has a habit of scrunching it when he thinks.
FACE: An oval-shaped face with delicated elven features. Or, at least, they would be delicate, if he didn’t make such vicious expressions. 
LIPS: Full, slightly marked by splits and bite marks, as he tends to chew at his bottom lip when he’s stressed. Often curled in a snarl or twisted in a deep frown. Perhaps his smile might be beautiful, but he doesn’t give a damn.
COMPLEXION: A deep dark brown, nearly true black, creating a striking contrast between his skin and his icy locks of hair. 
BLEMISHES: Scarred from head to toe, thanks to his years or struggling and painful lessons. Most notably, the scar across his nose, a slice taken out of his right ear, near it’s pointed tip, and a scar on his left shoulder from where he was stabbed just below his collarbone. That particular wound was recieved on his first assassination contract, but his recklessness doesnt seem to have lessened.
TATTOOS: No tattoos, but there is the brand of his guild on the heel of his left foot.
HEIGHT: 5′1″. He is...so small.
WEIGHT: 105 lbs. Just about anyone could lift him, so long as he wasn’t resisting.
BUILD: Slender, acrobatic, with wiry whipchord muscle throughout his body. His arms and shoulders are especially strong, despite his small frame. Though he is athletic, he isn’t especially bulky. He could even be seen as graceful at times, though it is a brutal, powerful grace. 
USUAL HAIRSTYLE: Long and usually tied back in a tail with a blue chord. it is only down while he sleeps or occassionally weaved into a braid if he has the time.
USUAL EXPRESSION: More often than not, Vel’s expression is grim, only shifting when he’s feeling particularly sarcastic or when he’s hit by some intensely strong emotion. Lips set in a firm line, eyes narrowed and focused, brows furrowed, staring down a brick wall would be easier.
USUAL CLOTHING: Dark colors, loose fits, things that are easy to move in, easy to fight in and don’t draw too much attention. He wears a few pieces of leather armor alongside his clothing and his gauntlets are a constant piece of equipment. Wickedly spiked at the knuckles and often bloodstained, his gauntlets are his weapons of choice, lending his punches a deadly touch.
FEAR/S: Helplessness, weakness, the trust of others (and failing them), having his heart broken, getting close to people, heights
ASPIRATION/S: For the most part, Velkyn has always aspired to be strong. Unbreakable, even. He wants to carve a place for himself in the world than no one and nothing can touch. A place that no one can take from him. Though he’d never admit, he just wants somewhere or something to call home.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Dedicated, determined, strong-willed, protective (though he won’t admit it.), clever, justice-oriented.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: A liar, especially to himself and especially about feelings. Violent, quick-tempered, hostile, extreme aversion to unwarrented touching, sarcastic, cynical, emotionally unstable, merciless
ENNEAGRAM: Type 5 - The Investigator (With some tones of Type 8 in there but mostly Type 5)
ZODIAC: Capricorn
TAROT: 10 of Swords, The Tower (some pretty negative cards tbh)
TEMPERAMENT: Melancholic
SOUL TYPE/S: Hunter and Leader are nearly tied.
ANIMAL: Tested as a Badger, which was pretty accurate by the description, but I’ve always assosciated him with a wolf or an especially cranky house cat.
VICE/S: Wrath, above all else, he is wrath. He’s brimming with rage and pain and vengeance. His temper could burn a hole through any adversary. As for physical vices, he’s a bit of a gambler, but not really to excess.
FAITH: Atheistic. He never really developed an interest in any form of faith or religion. I anything matters the least to him, it’s that.
GHOSTS?: Yes. Very much so.
AFTERLIFE?: Not particularly. He finds the idea that people expect there to be a place for them to live after they’re done living a bit...entitled?
REINCARNATION?: He’s considered it, but it’s not really a strong belief of his.
ALIENS?: None of that concerns him much. He’s not in the habit of believing in anything intangible. It just doesn’t matter to him, since it doesn’t effect him.
POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: complete lawlessness and disregard for authority. Anarchy is best, as far he’s concerned. The only reason he’d pay attention to politics is if he was hired to kill a political figure.
ECONOMIC PREFERENCE: He has been dirt poor for the majority of his life until he started taking on contracts. Money is nice to have, but he knows how to survive without it. Budgeting is something his foster father taught him to do well, but, if left without money, he has other ways to get what he needs.
SOCIOPOLITICAL POSITION: Despite his cutthroat ruthlessness, he despises descrimination and opression, fully believing that no person should own another. Chains are meant to be broken, as are those who would use them. In his lower class position, he has faced things like abuse, distrust and the threat of slavery all his life. He isn’t able to just stand by and watch those things happen to others.
EDUCATION LEVEL: Very low in terms of academics. Has only a basic understanding of math and cannot read very well at all. His foster father only taught him as much as he could. His practical education has been quite extensive, however, as has his criminal education.
FATHER: (Biological) Evard’rian, a Drow blacksmith, cruel, domineering, controlling. (Adoptive) Kilan, a Drow assassin, intelligent, witty, a master of stern-but-affectionate parenting. Never thought he would have children, but couldn’t bring himself to leave Vel to die as a child.
MOTHER: Maevaria, a Drow midwife, killed in a murder-suicide by Velkyn’s biological father. volitile emotions, but extremely loyal and protective of her son. To the extent where she steps in between Velkyn and the killing blow delivered by his father.
EXTENDED FAMILY: To his knowledge, no blood relations that he’s ever met, though I suppose the whole of the Assassin’s Guild qualifies.
SIGNIFICANT OTHER(S): Currently none.
NAME MEANING/S: Unknown. ‘Vel’ is apparently a Hindu name, meaning the divine javelin spear associated with War God Karthikeya. “Kyn’ is a Vietnamese name, meaning ‘the golden one’.
HISTORICAL CONNECTION: There really isn’t much. His gauntlets have a short but bloody history and he himself has quite the reputation in...certain circles.
BOOK: He doesn’t really have any. He’s never read a full book on his own and no one has ever read him one.
MOVIE: He’s the sort to like horror movies and psychological thrillers, though, outside those genre confines, his favorites would be things like V for Vendetta, Sin City, Seven, Blade Runner, etc.
DEITY: He got Hades on the test. Accurate
MONTH: No specific preference, just not anywhere from June through August, the weather is way too hot for him.
SEASON: Winter, as his body retains heat too easily. Summer heat is too much for him and he’s miserable all throughout it.
PLACE: He hasn’t really got one.
WEATHER: Storms. Rain, wind, thunder, lightning, all of it is thrilling for him and the feeling of rain on his skin is one of his favorites.
SOUND: His favorite sound is likely the wind throught the trees or the crackling of fire or the distant roll of thunder. Natural sounds that aren’t grating or too distracting.
SCENT/S: Even though he can’t read, he’s always liked the smell of ink on parchment. Also the smell of the ocean.
TASTE/S: He enjoys strong spices and salty foods. He likes some alcohols, particularly ale and rum. Tastes that hit hard and have a bit of kick to them are his preference. He doesn’t like most sweets but he does enjoy chocolate at times. He also enjoys the taste of rare meat.
FEEL/S: coarse fabrics as well as soft fabrics. cold glass or smooth-cut gems. The edge of a blade, good quality leather, gthe feeling of fingers or a brush through his hair. The feeling of raindrops on his skin.
ANIMAL/S: He likes most animals, particularly felines. He’s most definitely a cat-person, but horses are also some of his favorite creatures. Both animals are very intelligent and good company for him.
NUMBER: He doesn’t like numbers. Math is his least favorite thing.
COLOR: Dark colors, such as wine reds, black, deep blues, etc. as well as earthy colors like reddish-browns and greens and burnt oranges. He also likes seafoam green, though he is unsure why it appeals to him.
TALENTS: He’s excellent at hand-to-hand combat, and ‘interrogation’. He’s delightfully efficient at killing people, if that counts? And making poisons. And singing, strangely enough. He has a very good voice.
BAD AT: Reading, math, keeping in control of his emotions, using ranged weapons of any kind (very nearsighted and doesn’t have/know he needs glasses), FEELING THINGS????? ADMITING FEELING????, Expressing any tenderness at all.
TURN-ONS: Trust, competence, a certain degree of cynicism, understanding, the willingness to see him as a person and not a weapon, honesty, experience, a healthy disregard for the law.
TURN-OFFS: Being looked down upon, being treated like he’s less than someone else, blind idealism, ‘white-knight syndrome’, disrespect of his abilities/being percieved as weak, sugar coating things.
HOBBIES: Taking walks, exploring, occassional gambling, BEING COMPLETELY RECKLESS, DESTROYING THE ESTABLISHMENT, getting into street/bar fights, stargazing
TROPES: Professional Killer, Combat Parkour, Close-Range Combatant, Hair-Trigger Temper, Insult of Endearment, Anti-hero, Hitman With A Heart, Street Smart, Rebellious Spirit
AESTHETIC TAGS: ;Aesthetic ( VELKYN ) Real simple tbh 
I will be making a seperate post for Kaladin’s since this is hella long!
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sol1loqu1st · 7 years
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Podcast Ep. 68: Why Did We Break Up?–Dungeons & Dragons
Say goodbye to emotional unavailability & hello to loving relationships.
It’s time for another episode of Why Did We Break Up?.
When Lloyd friend requested Abbie on Facebook, she was surprised because she’d got the feeling that he didn’t like her. Uneasy, shy in addition to a tad antisocial , she bit by bit found to realize him plus passed through him because a pal, so a lot of hence that she didn’t still realise that they were on a date .
Simply a few months out of a distressing breakup with Zac who worked the equivalent bureau since her as well as Lloyd, in spite of telling him on this purported primarily date that she was not set as a relationship in addition to apologising as if she knowledgeable led him on any systems, this was brushed aside by both of them also she found out sucked inside by Lloyd’s commitment. He informed groups of people that she was ‘The One’ nice looking a large amount of at once.
Believing that it was a rebound relationship that became care, indoors months she was existing with Lloyd, which was once she seen that he was a gamer , something she bit by bit became minute manipulate to . A each year into the relationship in addition to he was aiming to get her to changed also him to a gamer friend’s condo , which she weakened. Bask in there , stuffs went hurriedly downhill , resulting them contravening conscious, only because her to see that she was pregnant . Stuffs went savours ghastly to damaging and by the absolute of it , she skilled comparable to a genuinely awful person. She’s all set to detect out why they broke wakeful.
My different essay, Warmth, Trouble, Agree with & Respect.
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my ex was similarly a shy , gamer toddler who passed through older a absolutely toxic youth furthermore an unreal father . he was an unsatisfied infant but also a truly prone as well as balmy vital that he solitary appears to indicate to me . our relationship was mainly me unofficially creating a psychology foremost, we discussed the whole lot his ingredients minute high as well as when important he played videos game in anticipation of i lessened sleeping as well as he may well crawl into bed to brand out/have sexual activity. i ended this as four months ! the monotony was mind-numbing but i classify of had responsible because him . he broke unsleeping with me on our six month birthday cos he was scared with regards to his feelings for the reason that me , he plainly broke conscious along furthermore me the then breath succeeding parlance how a large amount of he from me . i depleted that summer a coma , entirely cut up off enjoys everybody with all. this competent been my first bf , my initially sexual knowledge, plus it only affirmed the negative topics i capable invented everything along ,that someone cherish me doesnt acquire to capture a typical relationship like everybody else.
we completed unsleeping hooking up high a few months behind our breakup , we hadnt in actuality enjoyed time inside unite it only transpire lone nighttime as i was visiting his place of abode that he reciprocal and my bestie .we skillful had a condom break beyond our hookup , also furthermore later on my ex hadnt even checked to work or also explore conscious on whatsoever passed off following the condom broke after he had sexuality, nada . i major managed to find the morning after pill after 3 life , also i deduce that is why it didnt duty. i received pregnant along with plotted out the election to bring to a close on my own . borrowed minute amounts of currency cherish around 20 dissimilar people at large , didn’t tell any person on the subject of it plus went ended the set of rules on my own . cabbed it conjugal plus competently lay in my dorm suite because 2 weeks . he had no suggestion whatever was going on little bit he was principally brushing off me succeeding a taxing sexual issues misfortune on the other hand that cleanly intended me consider relatively vindicated near to my choice not to imply someone who i knew wasn’t moving to supportive .
school started another time along with we tried and true set out to babbling cos he was despondent way over his dad and grades , he was not flowing to sorts furthermore was as regards to to flunk out of school . i well-advised him almost about anything seasoned passed off also the termination far more than the squash. i felt not notified somebody on world as well with it was the whole thing achieving to engagement exaggeratedly a lot of because me to contend with on my own emotionally. HE FREAKED OUT. he blamed me for killing his “baby” with named i didn’t also give him a adjust to proclaim farewell to his baby( to the 6 week old-time cells) . he went on a nutty political rant about how feminists are anti -men’s rights plus how wounded he was by me preferring to not enlighten him for the reason that it was the akin of me expression he can withstand been a dreadful father such as his dad competent been . not once inside his bluster opposed to me ended he inquire how i felt been moving completed that , if anyone well-versed come as well as me , how i was doing at this time, he didnt care at all. he proceeded to begin a negative cause hostile me amongst our friends , painting me given that a liar in addition to villain furthermore how would I have completed this to him when he reliable me . i older consequently mar that he was throwing pro-life arguments at me as i suffered found out him to be a cute departed leaning , atheist pro-choice gentleman. i didn’t yet identify who the man reputation in front of me was also whether he actually needed to have a child or was effortlessly flowing on a rage cos he had unproductive along with the child was gone well thus he may well draw in other places in addition to the glaring hypocrisy .
I wasted a bouquet of kinsfolk i seasoned imagined in truth first-class friends , who absolutely ignored that everything this competent materialized After he skillful unceremoniously dumped me savours his survival plus we were toxically infringed conscious , also hooking wakeful however just about a breed of relationship where i reliable him or he should withstand anticipated whatsoever relishes me . my good judgment of self-worth knocked rock beneath, i actually internalized the whole thing the hateful issues he stated almost me pending only daylight i merely was firm no other. but that was behind a few months of correct clinical grief.
he finished unsleeping dating solitary of the girls in his dungeons furthermore dragons assortment who was plenty his category well . she tied the anti-Kookie parade emailing me diverse blerb from her church regarding the sanctity of vitality as well as she was basically nursing him back take pleasure in the damage i undergone ended him . it self-imploded itself a few months beyond that albeit regardless of their reciprocal picture tournament way of life as well as joint disdain of me .
that was my Initially relationship . so you might envisage how i started a long illustrious times of yore unavailability succeeding that . whoa , haven’t notified that chronicle out flamboyant ages . except i sought to enlighten the poster inside this podcast that this has passed off to others excessively! you will look back on this countless time take pleasure in at this time in addition to scarcely deem that gal is the matching person you are now. don’t acknowledge the negative labels about yourself fancy mortals who don’t still labor under the originally inkling almost who they are grant on my own you . you suffer to work out how your unresolved ingredients led you to believe thence better off almost about people along furthermore still major facet. i’m still executing on it .
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