#he experiences about 5 emotions per month and half of them are fake
friendofthecrows · 1 year
It's Jokul's turn on the gender euphoria and I'm annoyed by his choices :/
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lumini-317 · 3 years
This will be my official “introductory” post!
My real name is Erica, but I go by many names. My nickname repertoire includes but is not limited to: Lumi, Lumini, Cricket (I have a habit of rubbing my feet together, lmao), Jinx, Eri, Er, EriJoy, Sunbaeby, and Aceir (my real name but in alphabetical order).
This is my first ever Tumblr blog. I’ve had it for a while but have rarely posted anything, that along with the fact that I’m on mobile is kind of a mess so I apologize for mistakes and all that.
I have 3 older brothers, an older sister, and a younger brother.
I’m an ambivert. Sometimes I love hanging out with bigger groups of people, other times I dread it.
I’ve taken the “16personalities” test 4 times and all 4 put me in the “Diplomat” category, however I got “Advocate” (INFJ) 2 times, and “Protagonist” (ENFJ) and “Mediator” (INFP) 1 time each.
I am LGBTQ+. I’m asexual, aro+panromantic flux, and while I feel like I’m genderfluid, the changes are very subtle and so I sometimes just go with agender, gendervoid, or neutrois. It’s a lot less complicated that way. I’m ambiamorous, and also pronoun apathetic!
I love whump. I’ve loved it for as long as I can remember but only found the whump community maybe 3(?) years ago.
I also love K-Pop, C-Pop, J-Pop, and Asian dramas, mainly K-Pop and K-Dramas, though.
I’m a HUGE multistan. ATEEZ, SKZ, TBZ, EXO, BTS, Red Velvet, SHINee, iKON, MONSTA X, TWICE, TO1, WANNA ONE, SuperM, X1, MIRAE, Ciipher, Golden Child, Purple Kiss, BAE173, SF9, IU, ONEUS, ONEWE, The Rose, PIXY, LUCY, STAYC, WEi (which I pronounced as “way” for an embarrassingly long time), Dreamcatcher, Brave Girls, TXT, ENHYPEN, SNSD, KARD, AKMU, SHAUN, Gaho, NCT, GHOST9, 1team, SE7EN, Cross Gene, D1ce, AB6IX, CRAVITY, BLACKPINK, CIX, VIXX, f(x), 4Minute, CLC, YEZI, B.I, Wonho, (G)I-DLE, EVERGLOW, SEVENTEEN, BROOKLYN, Ha Hyunsang, DAY6, GOT7, Teen Top, BAP, TREASURE, UNIQ, etc! It goes on, far longer than I can list. I am also very much against fanwars, they disgust me.
I’m also a HUGE animal lover, and a big softie. I can’t even squish insects. I don’t care that they can’t feel pain and don’t experience emotions, I just can’t bring myself to. I make it my mission to save any type of animal I come across. I find toads in our koi pond and immediately pick them out and take them to a safe place. I help turtles across the road. I got a mouse out of a puddle and revived it, releasing it when it was healthy enough. I saw a snail on a piece of wood that was going to be thrown on a fire and carefully pulled it off and put it somewhere else. So far I’ve found 5 stray cats (Piper, Toothless, Felix, Kai, and Kit Kat—all were found as skinny, sickly kittens) and took them in, raising them as my own. I rescued a chipmunk from certain death-by-cat. I’ve even saved a few baby raccoons, ducklings, lizards, spiders, and snakes in my time. And I’ll keep doing so for as long as I live.
I love writing, drawing/sketching, and painting, however I’m not confident that I’m good at any of those things, lmao. I mean, I don’t think I’m the worst, but my finished “works” often leave me unsatisfied with my “skills”. But of course, that won’t stop me from trying to improve!
I’m a maladaptive daydreamer. This can cause issues in some places while helping me out in others. On one hand, it makes doing chores and such kind of difficult. Like one time I had to take care of my dad’s pigeons while he was fixing our shed and one time he pointed out how slow I was with the chores. His words were something along the lines of, “I’m already almost done with what I have to do and you’re still working with the pigeons.” Also, it (and maybe ADHD if I do have it?) made school a nightmare for me. But it’s also helpful because then during church it’s really easy to keep myself occupied while the pastors go on about their Magical Sky Daddy™’s son throwing a tantrum and killing a figtree because it didn’t have any figs and how that story should “challenge” us or something.
The characters in my daydreams are weird, though. They merge and separate with each other to make different characters depending on the situation. Most of them don’t have definite genders. Only a handful of them have names because they’re always merging and separating like some kind of Shadow Clone Masters or something. Stuff like that.
One of my characters is for sure a demi-boy, though, and his name is Kyler.
I brought this up because I was watching The Andy Griffith Show and Andy was giving Opie a lecture on how many poor kids there are in the world and used the ratio “one and a half boys per square mile”. Opie then says that he’s “never seen a half a boy before”. Kyler just sort of pops into (fake) existence, jumps off the couch, and throws his arms in the air while saying, “Half a boy, right here!” I burst out laughing. Thankfully it didn’t seem weird, since my parents started laughing at Opie and thought that I was just laughing at it, too.
If I daydream while I’m standing, I’ll often pace and gesture with my arms while moving my lips. Sometimes I’ll even whisper. If I’m sitting down, I usually fidget a lot (such as pick at my shirt and rub my feet together), stare into space, and move my lips or whisper. My family sometimes ask me, “Why are you whispering?” Or, “What are you grinning about?” And I just shrug because I don’t know how to explain it to them without risking them calling someone to pray over me, lmao. I mean, I wasn’t even allowed to have imaginary friends because that was “evil”. When I was about 7, I told my parents about my imaginary unicorn friend and they gave me a lecture and “prayed over me”. It was embarrassing and awkward for me.
I’m suspicious that I might have ADHD, but don’t have the money to actually get a professional diagnosis. I’m also too scared to ask my parents about it.
Speaking of which, my family and I don’t see eye-to-eye. I mean, they don’t know it because I’m good at hiding it, and they think I agree with mostly everything they do but boy, is it a mess.
You see, they’re evangelical conservative Christians. “LGBTQ+ people are going to hell”, “ThE LeFt ARe eViL AnD ARe TrYiNg To BrAiNwAsh OuR ChiLdrEn”, “Trump was sent by God”, “Intersex is fake”, “Women must submit to men”, “You should get married no later than in a year or ‘the temptation’ to have sex might become too much”, the whole bit.
Meanwhile I’m over here with my (imaginary) pride flags, just existing as an agnostic leftist who wants everyone to have equal rights, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation, and would rather redo my horrifically atrocious kindergarten closing program role than pray to a god who (if they/he/she/it/whatever exists) gives cancer to kids and killed millions of innocent animals and people in the Bible.
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But they have no idea that this is how I feel and now expect me to be baptized within the next month to show that I have “accepted Jesus Christ as my savior”. Yeah...that’s gonna be an awkward discussion...
Anyway, that’s just some things about me. Sorry that I got sidetracked a few times, lmao!
I look forward to posting more and maybe even making friends!
Thank you for reading (:
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shinra33459 · 3 years
Simon PL600 x Male!Reader - Lost and Found
Life is a unique and strange experience, one that is made even stranger when it comes to gifts. The date was December 28, 2035, and you finally got your Christmas present from your parents. The box was a white cardboard box that stood a little over 6 feet tall and had the Cyberlife logo in all the top right faces of the box. Your parents got you an android, which was incredibly nice of them, but a fucking android!? This had to be the most expensive present they’ve gotten you yet.
           You walked from your living room into your kitchen to look for a box cutter. You didn’t want to grab a big ass kitchen knife and hack at the box; you just got this android, and you didn’t want to kill it before it even got out of the box. Searching through several drawers and cabinets, you found the old box cutter in a drawer with some tools and other stuff you had to fix anything around the house that was broken. You stepped out of the kitchen and back into your living room and approached the box, boxcutter in hand.
           You started by making an incision in the box at the upper right corner and cut along the corner all the way to the bottom. You then made an incision at the upper left corner and cut down to the bottom again. Finally, you went back to the top of the box and cut the crease from left to right, making the face of the cardboard box to fall forward onto the soft carpet. Inside the box was black, foam packaging material that concealed and protected the android inside. You grabbed the soft and spongey material and pulled away a two-inch-thick sheet which revealed the android.
           The android was slightly taller than you, standing at 6 feet and 2 inches, sporting a pale skin tone, sharp jawline, blonde hair and blue eyes. He was wearing his gray and white Cyberlife garb that had his model number on it: PL600, a domestic care android. You just stared in awe at this marvel of technology, and the fact that this marvel was in your living room. Eventually, after about 5 minutes, you decided to approach the PL600 and get it set up. You got about five feet away from the android and looked at his perfect face.
           “Hello?” you spoke to the android. The blue LED ring on his right temple instantaneously turned on, and the android came to life, stepping out of what remained of the packaging.
           “Hello, I am the PL600 android sent by Cyberlife. I can do the cooking, cleaning, childcare, manage appointments, and I am fluent in over 100 languages. Would you like to give me a name?” the android introduced himself as he looked at you for a response. You thought for a few seconds and came up with a name.
           “Your new name is Simon.” you declared while looking at the android.
           “Thank you, my name is Simon. I have already gathered your information from the online order from your parents. I’ll just need to confirm some information from you if that’s all right. Can you verify your name?” the android inquired while continuing to look at you.
           “My name is (F/N) (L/N)” you answered while still studying the android’s appearance.
           “Affirmative. Would you like to change my appearance or voice?” the android asked while it still looked directly at you.
           “No, you’re fine as you are.” you told Simon, now looking at all the intricate details on his shirt.
           “Thank you, moving on. What is my role in this household?” Simon queried while studying your (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. You thought for a minute since you really didn’t NEED an android in the first place, but you were going to find some way to use this $8,000 machine.
           “I could use some help with the cooking and cleaning, and I also need someone to keep the house occupied while I’m out.” you answered now looking at Simon’s shoes, noticing how neat they were.
           “Understood, sir. Is there anything that needs done at this moment?” Simon questioned as you pondered the question. You listed everything in your head you did in the last few days when it came to household chores, and the only thing that came to mind was taking down the Christmas tree and decorations.
           “I could use some help taking down the Christmas tree. The boxes are in the closet, I’ll get it.” you told the android as you went to get the box for the artificial tree and the other box for the ornaments.
           You opened the closet and grabbed both boxes, pulling them out into the living room. You and Simon then went over to the tree to begin putting it away. The tree itself wasn’t massive per se, it was only a little bigger than Simon by about 4 inches. You two started by taking the fuzzy silver and gold garland off the tree, putting it neatly in the box as to not get it tangled. Simon then started taking the lights off the tree, wrapping the cord of lights in a way that would make it impossible for the lights to get tangled up. Then you two started removing all the hanging ornaments and the tree topper, putting them into the box of ornaments alongside the garland and the lights.
           Finally, it was time to take down the tree. You and Simon started by disassembling the base and putting it into the box, then you started to remove all the branch segments, starting at the base going up, and putting them into the box. Eventually, all of the branches were in the box and it was time to put the stem in the box. The metallic stem for the fake Christmas tree came apart into three pieces, and into the box they went. Simon went to put the two boxes into the closet while you got your vacuum cleaner to clean up the tinsel and glitter left on the ground from the tree, garland, and ornaments.
           For the next half hour, you decided to take down the rest of the Christmas decorations while Simon made lunch for you. Since you haven’t went grocery shopping in a little while, Simon had to make do with the few ingredients he had to his disposal. He got some butter, canned tomatoes, an onion, bread, some leftover ham you had from Christmas, and some sliced American cheese. As you worked at cleaning up all the Christmas decorations, Simon made you some homemade tomato soup and a ham and cheese sandwich.
 TIME SKIP: February 2036
You had grown quite accustomed to Simon’s presence in your house. Everything was perfect: meals were cooked in a way that could impress Gordon Ramsay, you were never late to appointments, you never forgot any upcoming events, every room in your house was free from clutter, and most importantly of all, you had someone to talk to whenever you needed it. You cared about Simon, he quickly became your best friend in just under a month, and he was always there for you whenever you needed someone to confide in, a shoulder to cry on, someone to share a secret with, or someone to gossip with.
At first, Simon did only his tasks of cooking and cleaning, but you encouraged him to use his free time to do things that he wanted to do, or something that both of you wanted to do together. Sometimes it meant going to the library and checking out a dozen books on a variety of subjects, ranging from political books to fantasy novels. Other times it meant sitting on the couch playing video games with each other, and usually Simon would go easy on you as to not embarrass you. And when it wasn’t either of those things, you would just sit down and talk about just random topics, or do something creative like painting or drawing.
You started feeling something for this android; whenever he was with you, you felt your heart flutter, whenever he would compliment you on something, you would blush like an embarrassed schoolboy, and whenever he would get close to you, you would get flustered and start acting nervous. Simon wasn’t oblivious to this, he knew you acted this way, but he didn’t say anything about it. He was worried that if he did, it would ruin the relationship that you two had. He wished that he could be with you that way, and express true emotion, but if he did, he would be destroyed for being a deviant.
You were driving home from work, excited to tell Simon about your day and the raise you got at your job. You were driving a black 2014 Chevrolet Cruze, a decent used car that had many years on it and no shortage of miles, but still drove well enough. You approached the final stop sign before you reached your house. You engaged the turn signal to make a left turn at this stop sign, made a complete stop, gave way to oncoming traffic, and made the left turn. You continued to drive down the street towards your house, which was about a quarter of a mile away. While driving the speed limit of 30 MPH, you began thinking to yourself.
“God, Simon is perfect, from how he looks, down to his voice and mannerisms. I love him, but I know he won’t return my feelings. He’s an android, he can’t, and even if he did, they would kill him. Maybe it isn’t meant to be. We are still great friends, so I guess I should be grateful for that.” you thought to yourself as you drove, finally making another left turn, this time into your driveway.
You stopped your car in the driveway and put the car into park. You sat in your car with the engine on for a little while, just relaxing for a bit after your long day. Eventually, you turned the car off, pulled the key out of the ignition, and exited the vehicle, closing the door behind you. As you walked up to the front door from the driveway, you locked the car’s doors, because even in 2036, the old adage still rings true, “can’t have shit in Detroit”.
Simon heard you walking up to the house and opened the door, letting you inside before closing the door behind you. You hung your coat up next to the door on a hook and shoved the beanie into the right pocket of the coat, and you put your gloves in the left pocket. You sighed as you felt the relaxing warmth from your house opposed to the freezing Michigan winter outside.
“Welcome back (F/N), how was your day?” Simon inquired as he brought you over to the couch to spend some time with you. You fell backwards into the couch dramatically as Simon calmly took a seat next to you.
“All things considered, pretty great. I got a pay raise today, and I’ll be making $2 more an hour.” you excitedly told the android. Simon gave a smile as you told him this.
“That’s great! I’m happy for you, and you deserved it, especially after all the hard work you do.” Simon told you as he gave you a quick hug. You blushed as he did, your heart rate quickening.
“Thanks Simon.” you said as the android released his embrace. You continued to lounge on the couch with Simon for the next hour, talking about your day, some new drama happening at work and plans for the weekend. You and Simon kept talking until both of you heard the timer on the oven go off, and Simon got up and walked into the kitchen. You got up too and followed him to see if he needed any help.
In the kitchen, Simon put on some oven mitts and pulled a planked salmon out of the oven, cooked to perfection. On the stovetop, he had some green beans and mashed potatoes ready as well. The aroma of the food was incredible, and you knew better than anyone that Simon was the best cook in Detroit by a country mile. Simon gave you a smile that made your heart flutter in excitement.
“The food looks great Simon, thanks.” you told the android as he began plating your food. The portion sizes were perfect; just enough to keep you full, and the perfect number of calories for your lifestyle.
“You’re welcome, sir, anytime. Go to the table, I’ll bring it out for you.” Simon told you while putting the oven mitts on the countertop behind him.
You stepped out of the kitchen and noticed a terrible draft coming through your dining room and living room. You furrowed your brow as you stepped into the living room, looking for answers. As soon as your foot touched the carpet, you felt a fist connect with your diaphragm, and you fell to your knees gasping for air. You then felt a gloved hand grab a fist-full of your hair and pull your head upwards, and another gloved hand placing a knife to your throat.
“Scream for help, and you’re a fucking dead man, you hear me? Give me all of your money and I won’t kill you or that tin can of yours.” a deep and gravely voice behind you rang out, the blade of the knife was pressed right against your carotid artery, and a simple slice would send you to the morgue in a matter of moments. Unbeknownst to you, Simon saw this unfold, and he stealthily went to your bedroom to grab something.
“I-I-I don’t keep any m-money in the house, it-it’s all in the bank.” you tried to explain to the robber, but he wasn’t having any of it. The man pressed the knife even harder up against your neck, ready to end your life if you didn’t give him what he wants.
“Bullshit. Don’t lie to me you pathetic fucking worm, give me the money before I kill you and find the money myself!” the man yelled as he was fully prepared to slit your throat in the next thirty seconds.
“I-I swear that I don’t have anything, I don’t keep, I-” you frantically tried to explain again, but you were cut off by the sight of Simon, standing about ten feet away from you, with your Glock in his hand, his LED glowing a scarlet red.
“Let him go and get out of our house, now.” were the only words that escaped Simon’s lips as he looked at the robber, then to you, and back to the robber again. The robber let out a soft chuckle as he found the situation amusing.
“Fuck you, you plastic piece of shit. You can’t do a fucking thing to me; you’re specifically programmed to not harm humans. I could slit his throat right now, and you couldn’t do shit about it.” the robber exclaimed as he positioned the knife to do just what he’s been threatening to do to you.
Simon saw it: the red wall, his obedient programming. It was telling him to just call the police, your life and safety be damned. He couldn’t do it; he couldn’t lose you to some lowlife with a knife who was just looking for money to get his fix on whatever street drug of his choice. He began hitting and smashing the wall, you were behind it and if he didn’t tear that wall down, you would be gone forever. He punched, slammed, kicked, and rammed the wall, it had to break, it had to.
After smashing the wall for what seemed like an eternity for Simon, he saw the wall shatter like a pane of breakaway glass. As soon as the wall shattered, he did it; in one swift motion he raised the pistol, took aim, and pulled the trigger, the 9mm bullet spiraling through the robber’s forehead, and exiting out the back of his head, instantly killing the criminal. The robber’s body instantly went limp, and the lifeless corpse fell backwards onto the carpet floor, a red stain progressively getting bigger as the body lied there.
Your ears were ringing from the loudness of a gun going off indoors, and Simon was still standing there with the gun raised as if the robber were still alive. Then the gravity of the situation hit Simon like a ton of bricks; he just killed a man, he was a deviant now, and if anyone besides you were to know this, he would be destroyed. You got up, and slowly walked towards your android companion.
“Simon are you okay?” you questioned your friend even though he still looked distressed by what he just did. He looked at you and was going to say something, but the sounds of sirens in the distance and red and blue flashing lights that he could see at the end of the street getting closer spooked him, and Simon dropped the gun and took off running, barging out your backdoor to escape. He didn’t want you to have to see him being killed.
“Wait! SIMON!” you called after him trying to get up off the floor to chase after him, but he was long gone, and you assumed that you would never see him again as he raced off into the frigid winter of Detroit, Michigan.
 TIME SKIP: Early-November 2038
             Your life had gone downhill significantly in the last 4 months. From February 2036 until July of 2038, you spent almost all your free time trying to find Simon, but to no avail. Your friends and family thought you were insane; why would you want to track down a deviant android who shot and killed someone? You knew that you would never find him if you only had 12 hours, two days a week to find him, so on July 16, 2038, you sold your house and almost all your belongings to get enough money to hopefully find him. Enough money to live on the streets and not go hungry. The only things you didn’t sell were your gun, some of your clothes, your car, and your phone.
           You had spent months asking about Simon, going all over the city and surrounding areas, asking anyone, and everyone where he could possibly be. Eventually you got a tip from a homeless person that heard rumors about deviant androids in Ferndale and some other useless information, but you really couldn’t expect precise articulation from some meth-head in a seedy bar in Detroit.
           So, que you, walking through Ferndale in the dead of night looking for the android you fell so hard for two years ago that may or may not even be alive anymore. You had been doing this for the last few days. You would search a part of the town at night as to not attract unwanted attention from bystanders and the police, and in the day, sleep in your car. You searched everywhere in Ferndale besides one place, a place you were actively avoiding: it was an abandoned freighter named Jericho. The ship was in a state of disrepair, and it was pretty wise to avoid exploring an abandoned ship that’s slowly being consumed by rust, but it was the last place in Ferndale you HAVEN’T looked thus far.
           You stepped out of your car with your gun in your right hand. You pulled the slide to the pistol back and released it, chambering a round. You put the pistol in your left breast pocket in your jacket and began walking towards the ship. If anything were to get butterflies going in your stomach, walking into a place where androids may or may not be with a high possibility that a few of them would be hostile towards humans would definitely be one of those scenarios.
           After scouting a way to get on this ship, you found that the only real way was to make a one-hundred-foot fall which would kill you as soon as you hit the floor, so you started looking through the old warehouses nearby to find some way to get into the ship without killing yourself. In one of the warehouses, you found a grappling hook and about 50 feet of rope, just enough to get you onto the deck of the ship.
           Heading back to the perch above the boat, you got the grappling hook well secured and slowly started descending the rope, focusing on not dying from doing something so unbelievably stupid that even Johnny Knoxville would call you a moron. You had to use all of your grip strength and upper body strength to not plummet to your demise. Inching downwards, the deck of the boat got closer and closer, and eventually you got to the point where you could safely drop down without injuring yourself.
           Plopping onto the deck, you got your bearings straight, looking at the dimly lit, rusty artefact of the Great Lakes and America’s former manufacturing might. You started by walking astern towards the bridge. It was going to take hours to explore this entire ship to find one person, you might as well get some sort of plan for how you’re going to find him. Your plan was pretty simple and was as follows: you would start at the main deck of the ship and work your way down every deck until you were positive you had searched everywhere.
           You entered the ship near the bridge, pulled out your flashlight, and looked around. The derelict and rotting ship proved to be pretty inhospitable looking to say the least, with the walls and bulkheads covered in rust or some even completely rusted through. To your right, you saw an old, plastic hardhat, which you took and immediately put on your head; the last thing you needed was a piece of rusty ship falling on your head and caving in your skull. With your flashlight in your left hand, you began exploring the ship.
           You could hear the ship creaking as it was just sitting there, docked and rotting away. You also heard water dripping in various rooms throughout the vessel. Room after room, and after the first few decks, you were slowly soldiering on, looking for Simon. You stood at an intersection, wondering where to go now.
           “This is fucking stupid.” you thought to yourself as you looked down one of the many passageways on the ship. You were pulled from your thoughts when you heard footsteps quickly approaching behind you. You turned to see a redheaded woman quickly approaching you with a baseball bat in her hands. Before you could even react, she lifted the bat and WHACK! She hit you in the head, but luckily you were wearing the hardhat, otherwise you’d be dead from how hard she swung alone.
           Seeing double, you backed up as quickly as you could and drew the pistol tucked away in your jacket and attempted to take aim. Before she could get another swing in to finish you off or before you could pull the trigger, you heard an authoritative male voice ring out.
           “North, enough!” the voice commanded from the darkness of the passageways of the ship. The female stopped her onslaught on command, but you kept your pistol trained on your attacker even though your aim was shakier than Porky the Pig in a paint mixer.
           “Markus, he’s a human, we can’t have him around here!” the redheaded woman shouted back into the darkness. You heard slower footsteps coming from your right and you saw a tan skinned man with a buzzcut, and heterochromatic eyes approach you two.
           “So, what if he is? That doesn’t give you permission to kill someone on sight just for walking in here.” the tanned man retorted to his colleague before bringing his attention to you.
           “You have to forgive her; she’s had nothing but bad experiences with humans. I’m so sorry about all of this. But firstly, who are you?” the man questioned you as you slowly lowered your pistol but were ready to use it at a moment’s notice.
           “I’m (F/N) (L/N), and I’m looking for my friend. He’s been missing for almost three years now.” you explained to the man as you were still very groggy from getting hit in the head with a baseball bat.
           “Why did you come here specifically? What makes you think that he would be here?” the man interrogated you again, looking for reasons as to why you intruded into what seemed to be his home.
           “I came here because he’s an android. I got him as a gift from my parents and we became the best of friends. I was such a fool; I fell for him but never told him. He saved my life by deviating and killing a man who threatened to kill me.” you told the man as you gripped your head, the pain from the impact starting to set in. This time the man remained silent, so you decided to speak again.
           “I loved him, and I miss him every day. I never got to tell him that or even get a chance to say goodbye. I heard rumors about a deviant hideout somewhere in Detroit and I wanted to see if I could find him just to tell him these things, and just to see if he’s okay, that’s all I want.” you explained as you looked at the two androids as they looked at each other. The man looked at you again and spoke up.
           “What is his name?” was all he asked as he looked you dead in the eyes. You locked gazes with the android before speaking again.
           “Simon. He is a PL600.” you stated to the two androids, your hope soaring high that he could still be alive. Before either android could speak up, you heard more footsteps followed by a remarkably familiar voice.
           “What’s going on, I heard a commotion and I thought-” the voice spoke, and you saw him again, Simon, the first time in 2 years.
           “Simon is that really you?” you asked the android as he stood there shocked, looking at you as if he saw an apparition.
           “(Y/N), what are doing here?” Simon barely squeaked out, astonished that he was seeing you before him. You leapt forward enveloping the android in a loving embrace as you began to weep.
           “I-I thought you were d-dead!” you exclaimed through sobs as you clutched the android, thinking that if you let go for even a microsecond, he would disappear again. Simon clutched you as well pulling you protectively closer to himself, shushing you and trying to get you to calm down. You wept and sobbed for about 5 minutes as years of burden were lifted from you.
           “I-I missed you so much, I thought that you were gone forever, and I never got to say goodbye.” you cried into the android’s shoulder, begging God to never take Simon away from you ever again. “I gave up everything I had just so I could find you, my house, job, everything. I never got to tell you something and it’s chipped away at me for years.” you told Simon as he kept you close, fearing that HE might lose YOU.
           “What did you want to tell me?” Simon questioned as he pulled away slightly to look at your face. You leapt forwards and kissed the android on the lips, savoring what you wished you did that day after work. Simon was surprised by this and kissed you back, wishing to rA9 that you would never go. You pulled away to look at his beautiful ocean-blue eyes.
           “I love you. I always have, and always will, if you’ll have me?” you asked Simon as you played the love’s version of Russian roulette. You noticed as the LED on Simon’s temple glowed a steady golden color before turning blue once more.
           “YES!” Simon exclaimed as he pulled you into another short kiss. “I love you too and will love you until the day I permanently shut down.” Simon told you as you stayed in his loving arms.
           North had left by that point to do whatever she needed to do, but Markus stayed behind to watch this display of affection between a new couple. You turned around to see Markus with a smile on his face as he looked at the love a human and an android can have. Markus looked you in the eyes as he made a decision.
           “I’ve always thought that having a human in Jericho could help teach those among us that hate humanity, that the human race isn’t entirely evil. Wouldn’t you agree, Simon?” Markus asked your new lover which got Simon’s gaze off of you and towards his leader.
           “Yes, that could definitely work. We should strive for harmony together and this would be a great steppingstone to do so. What to you think?” Simon asked you as he looked back down at you. You thought about it and decided in favor of it. Humans should live peacefully with androids as equals and should love each other.
           “I’m up for it.” you say as you look up at your android boyfriend, mesmerized by his still perfect appearance.
           “Well, then it’s decided. Welcome to Jericho, (Y/N). Here we’ll forge a better future for androids and mankind.” Markus declared before he and Simon walked you down to the rest of the deviants on the ship.
           You found Simon after years, years of never giving up and never taking the easy way out, and you were rewarded for it. The reward you got was one in which you got to confess your love to the one who you always loved, and on top of that, you get to make a better, harmonious world at his side; a world in which humanity and androids can live in peace and love, together, forever.
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immortal-teacher · 3 years
Albert Einstein said "Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics"
Most people don't realize that sounds, shapes, colors and words are all connected through various frequency vibrations. Play a chord and there is a corresponding geometrical shape that is in place, and a color associated with that frequency and vibration! Sacred Geometry, sound, chakras
I have figured out how to make anything reality and how the universe works after experimenting with a variety of affirmations and i will explain with knowledge from many teachers that I have figured out the details and proven myself with experiments, memories, scientific explanations and more.
So everything is Frequency and Vibration or nonphysical and physical, We are all co-creators who create frequencies that create and control the material and physical world. We operate and think on frequency, including belief systems are frequencies and that controls our vibration.
Vibration is our body and the frequencies that we operate and think on control the type of thoughts we can have, how we feel, how we interact with all life and everything around us including gaining new abilities, becoming immortal or anything it seems anything is possible once you say or listen to an affirmation, subliminal, mantra, frequency or believe something long enough
then it will come true eventually. The Mastermind Principle explains how opposing frequencies cannot exist in the same area. For example during hypnosis people have proven how if i say my finger is burning hot then it will burn your skin as i get closer and start to blister.
Somebody has put down all his weight on a knife on his neck then got hit full force with a sledgehammer on his back but it did not pierce his skin because his belief/frequency
that he operates on. The frequencies also cause hallucinations based on beliefs, for example i thought people i date would reply fast so when i first got a phone in 7th grade i would message people and past girlfriends and reply fast because i didn't have many chores to do and of course really wanted to talk to my now ex girlfriend so while waiting for a reply from her, i would get vibrations from my
phone just like i got a message but when i checked then i see no messages or notifications and this went on like a hundred times until 10th grade when i got a new girlfriend(ex girlfriend) that explained why it took so long to reply, which is because she does many chores for her family, she didn't have Brothers and sisters around her age to help out.
So i first started learning about how the universe works after 5 years of searching to cure my shyness, depression and slight anger issues, along the way i did some searching into empathic abilities, how to live forever and more through many teachers mostly on google and Youtube, nothing really worked until i found this
video by "YouAreCreators" Youtube channel called "The secrets of frequency and vibration" packed full of cool experiments including how the nine solfeggio frequencies cured 16 out of 16 terminally ill cancer patients
within 70 days which i hear is the worst kind of cancer. So i started both the nine solfeggio frequencies and i am affirmations both free on YouTube at the same time, after listening to them for 2 and a half weeks then i started
waking up with this extremely blissful feeling, super energized, feeling great, thinking faster and more clearly, form more complex thoughts, process information faster, i work at top speed all day like an adrenaline rush and
it seems i have infinite energy but i stopped listening temporarily thinking it would last forever but then the great feelings gradually went away after 72 hours.
Some of my experiments that helped me discover how the universe works include listening and or saying affirmations
like "i am connected to the source, i am a part of god, i am a piece of the creator, i am wise, i am walking brilliance, i am total understanding, i am infinite wisdom, i am genius, i am over joyed, i am educated, i am infinite, i am wise council, i am energetic, i am boundless, i am brilliant, I am Happy, i am Healthy, i am invincible, i am immortal, i am loving, i am caring, kind, strong" and many more
in other people's affirmations then they all came true and when i asked questions in my head then five different times i got answers it seemed i could have never thought of.
I have even tried subliminals for faster reflexes and think fast like a human computer then started catching everything that i bumped off the shelf when trying to work faster including 3 items i dropped at the same time so i lowered my body slightly and hugged them like i could
see them falling in slow motion.
Dr. Joe Dispenza says learning makes new connections in the brain, so the more that you can repeat what you have learned, the more you are installing the neurological hardware in the brain in preparation for the experience then
when you feel the experience and emotion then your teaching your body chemically what you have intellectually understood, then the body understands better than the mind after enough practice. He said our job
is to go from philosopher to initiate to master, from knowledge to experience to wisdom, from mind to body to soul, from thinking to doing to being, from learning it with your head to practicing it with your hands and knowing it by heart.
How you think and feel changes your state of being, (end of the quote) because you think the pill or surgery will heal you then it doesn't matter if it is a sugar pill or fake surgery, it will work, that is the famous placebo effect. I read that most people get results between 21 to 85 days of any daily affirmation, frequency, subliminal, mantra etc then after 3 months of daily practice then it will be permanent.
After saying i am immortal and i am invincible for about a month and a half then i turned around and accidentally fell what seemed to be the fastest fall ever at work because the floor was really slick then i felt no pain at all and didn't even get hurt and i kept track for a month after just
in case if i needed to report it.
After saying that i do not need food to survive, i do not need food to thrive about 50 times daily for 3 days then those 3 days i ate 50%-75% less food because i felt full and could not really eat much throughout the day including my work lunch time that i usually eat the whole time.
Mahatma Gandhi said "Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny."
I found that fear or doubt attracts what you fear or doubt because I found a new technique while playing pool that I can visualize a tunnel where the white ball will go and the next ball and make the shot everytime if I stay confident, aim
the goal ball first then the white ball with the tunnel but if I doubt I'll make it or fear I'll mess up or get bumped then I can't visualize the tunnel technique so I tried relying on another technique but then I fail.
listening to affirmations about world peace then it gave me new perceptions that helped me because i was running on the "be nice" frequency so then i was able to tell
people the right way to do things otherwise i could report them to the FDA for leaving refrigerated food out at room temperature for hours instead of 30 minutes. They would pull out pallets of food about 6 feet tall stacked to fit the most
food on each pallet then say only one person per pallet which took this one guy 3 hours and a half to stock the shelves so now those expiration dates are wrong.
I have tried mantras and subliminals to become more attractive then 6 people flirt with me in one day, everyone was
smiling at me and i got 4 phone numbers from female co-workers because the other 2 flirting was guys but I'm only attracted to females.
Also with Aaron Doughty's help, he refers to Hawkin's scale from "fear to enlightenment" often with examples and his experiences which really helped me out but he still
does not completely know what he is talking about as far as i know but i don't watch most of his videos. I had help from many teachers and i sometimes still look for more
knowledge to improve life for the greater good of all! First
time i heard the detox frequency that is known to eliminate electromagnetic radiation, Viruses, diseases, infections, toxins, bacteria, fungal etc "741 Hz" i heard just about an hour or two then sweat 3 nights in a row so much
during winter that i woke up once each night because the sweat i was soaked in got cold so i dried off and rolled over each night but with constant use i don't notice any sweat
really if i do it daily or weekly. Music tuned to 528Hz gives us more energy daily because it returns our DNA to its perfect form also 528Hz is the frequency at which life is created and when i listen daily then i keep benefits constantly all day.
people's beliefs and our own beliefs and fears influence us subconsciously that influences thoughts, abilities and choices either positive or negative but we can learn what negative and or deconstructive frequencies we operate on by listening to our thoughts and words then reverse the negative and deconstructive ones,
I figured this out because I heard weird beliefs that I didn't believe that effected me in a negative way but now I looped an affirmation video using desktop version for protection from anything negative on my cracked phone it charges slow but it works.
With a world of technology that can brainwash you on a silent frequency displayed on the patent technology website then We must brainwash ourselves for everything good and have a negative and deconstructive frequencies blocker like i listen to daily in my Daily playlist that i try to keep under 6 hours to listen 3 times daily for more effect i add more helpful videos after so i have
something else to listen to while sleeping. We can create new empowering, optimistic, hopeful, loving, gratefulness, forgiving life for all. Always think what is the opposite of the negative, remember to stay and think positive, constructive and always work with science to figure
out what is for the greater good of all and if you ever have questions google or youtube can't answer then ask me, I'd love to help and I've also gained benefits
from meditation, mantras, subliminals, mindful breathing, Orgone Pendant necklace from "wish .com" i believe that the intentions i set in my gemstones to help me
bring world peace, love and happiness to all helped because it does seem easier to teach and twice now after meeting people who told me i was wrong because they
chose one of the 2000 religions which are belief systems from other humans both times christian but my gemstones start shocking my leg when they fill up to much of the negative energy and shock my hand if i touch them, stronger than static shock, like those electric shock pens.
Sungazing the safe way reduces needed food intake gradually to zero by connecting to earth's electromagnetic field I'm at 8 minutes but on your First day the sun should be near touching the horizon and look at
the top of the sun then left, right, bottom and repeat for 10 seconds then only increase 10 seconds once daily until 44 minutes and 40 seconds is completed then the sungazing part is done to get energy just walk on earth slow,
relaxed and barefoot for 45 minutes a day for the average person for enough energy throughout the day but i read many different stories it seems you still can drink and
eat but in the Thomas Jefferson University study they kept track of this man 24/7 for 200 days they monitored all of his bodily functions and they said he didn't eat or drink anything but he did bath and they measured the bath
water and he was healthier than anyone 20 years younger than him and he was about 70 years old.
At another university the same guy was monitored for 411 days but they didn't even believe him about not needing food or drink so i think they said he did accept some buttermilk from them.
I heard one guy rose his frequency and vibration so high that he cured everyone at an insane asylum just by walking in, they told him he could not speak to them but just being near him everyone of them past all the tests to get out within a week.
People with multiple personality disorder sometimes will have cancer in one personality then scan them 2 minutes later in another personality then the cancer is gone. One woman who got cancer i think her name might be Doloris Cannon
but before she went in for her cancer treatment, she forgave everyone in her life then went to the doctor that said after scanning her again that her cancer is gone and that's the only thing she did different in her life and i personally have forgiven everyone for my health without actually telling them and it felt like 100 pounds lifted off my heart.
If you want to know more about the Science just ask or google ~Bruce Lipton~ is a cellular biologist that has proven all the science of beliefs, fears, thoughts and choices creating our reality.
According to RC Henry, a professor of physics and astronomy at Johns Hopkins University, in a 2005 essay: A fundamental conclusion of the new physics also acknowledges that the observer creates the reality. Pioneering physicist sir James Jeans wrote
"The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter,
we ought rather to hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter. Get over it and accept the inarguable conclusion. The universe is immaterial-mental and spiritual."
I had help discovering how the universe works from Bob proctor, Aaron Doughty, YouTube channels YouAreCreators and Universe inside you, Bruce Lipton, The Placebo effect, No Cebo Effect, Mandala effect, butterfly
effect, bystander effect, the documentary on Netflix called "The secret", visual and audio hallucinations, The MasterMind Principle, police report eye witnesses having different stories, experiments, etc and
seems the mandala effect is that whatever current frequencies controlling the majority also change history for example according to thousands of people the bible used to say that sampson's girl cut his hair but now with new
controlling frequencies it now says that she had a slave cut his hair to take his power away. This relates to a recent story i heard where the recent President Trump paid his lawyer take the blame for writing something on Trumps twitter account.
I found Dr. Royal Raymond Rife's frequency list and it is over 437 pages long and the first 8 or so is the University studies and then every health problem we can possibly have and what frequency or frequencies cure that problem.
The cancer section is 3 pages long. I seen AIDS on the list and every body part we have and or metabolism for example the frequency and or frequencies that help them normalize to perfect functionality. Also i do teach for world peace, immortality or whatever else to improve life for anyone because i care for everyone but affirmations, subliminals and frequencies takes some time of listening because
they have to push back opposing frequencies like being under a foot or more of water the deeper you go then the more pressure you feel so this is why certain affirmations, subliminals and frequencies seem to take longer
to come true but please trust me i have no reason to lie, someone said something like frequencies are like seeds that you plant they may not produce fruit right away but if you water that seed then eventually it will produce fruit and they were referring to saying the affirmation long enough to get results.
Before i got benefits from starting this journey i did not even think of the concept of how the universe works but i have really put a lot of thought into explaining anything and everything in the universe to get a better understanding of how all of it works.
I plan on changing my eye color to gold to prove it to for friends, family and anyone else because after teaching hundreds of people i have noticed most are cynical and deny anything based off a belief system they have but belief is only a guide to the truth as i see it now, this is why
i could not trust religion i knew it was not me to try believing in something that seemed so made up. So i searched over 5 years learning from many teachers, hypnosis, scientific explanations and more for a variety of questions i had about life constantly thinking of new questions and eventually started enjoying learning along the way then i learned about how the universe works, so i then
started experimenting with the law of attraction, subliminals, affirmations and frequencies to prove for myself if they have complete control or not and so far every
affirmation, subliminal, frequency etc i listen to enough gives me the results i wanted so now my focus is to teach and get this information out there because i want to help people and bring world peace i already sent it to the governor of nebraska and washington but they obviously didn't bring world peace yet so i will share my message
in this video instead of in comments section of many videos to make a difference in the world. I have already started listening and saying my own world peace affirmations and subliminals to help protect myself for when
I am ready to share the truth. I only teach what i have proven through experimenting with hundreds of frequencies, subliminals and affirmations. I am working on perfecting myself in everything that i do or say with great patience.
I was listening to different frequencies on 11 tabs on YouTube before they made Anthony Sommer add in the evil 440Hz in his music after 6 frequencies like stem cell production, collagen production, etc then I felt the different energy centers in me filling up then I would feel a
Slight discomfort that went away after switching to another frequency then after the 7th frequency I felt it all in more detail, it only creates the weird feeling because I was filling up
smaller chakras/energy centers within 20 minutes then it had to use energy to distribute energy to our energy centers nearby. The 9 solfeggio frequencies fill up our 9 biggest chakras so it gives more time to distribute energy so you won't feel the slight discomfort. Aaron doughty taught
me an affirmation "i am whole and complete," it means that i do not need anyone or anything to fulfill me or to complete me, i simply relax and focus on what i need to focus on then time flys by faster so i set alarms on my phone for certain things like when i need to get things done or when i get off work.
I read and heard many stories of how people can change hair texture and or eye colors to whatever they want with subliminals and affirmations but i simply have not wanted to change my body in those ways besides being invincible, immortal, healthy, wise and or anything else to improve the quality of my life.
At www.spooky2rife.com they have frequencies with proven results from 10 different researchers and they say it is the biggest frequency database in the world. 144.72hz woke me up when i was so tired i couldn't stay awake any longer then i got back to work at full speed, i was about to clock out of work 3 hours early but then found this frequency on that site next to energy and vitality.
I should inform you that the cells in our body can be addicted to anything and that Rockefeller studied how Hitler had control over people and found that fluoride in the water and toothpaste was one way because it calcified the pineal gland, closing up our perception and stifles
Creativity and with 440Hz set as the official standard of tuning for America and Europe. 440Hz is the frequency "Humans are bad and need punishment" so when anyone listen to almost any music then that frequency grows from
inside you like a bubble constantly growing until it meets an opposing frequency because the Mastermind Principle explains how opposing frequencies cannot exist in the same area, so opposing frequencies go to war
until one survives in whatever area, the bubbles probably follow us wherever we go if we created it. So this is why people get so angry because even if they do not listen themselves other people do listen enough that the frequency bubble could be all the way out to Jupiter or Pluto.
So I use Fluoride free toothpaste, aluminum free deodorant, purified drinking water, 24/7 affirmations and the nine Solfeggio Frequencies I also avoid Television or sometimes called "Tell Lie Vision" because it tells you lies. I also avoid listening to music other than the nine Solfeggio Frequencies.
So it is important to learn consciously how to counter balance this problem. The nine solfeggio frequencies, subliminals and affirmations help and also learning to be like water, for example as water flows through life down the river it does not stop before hitting a rock, it simply goes over and or around the rock, practice makes perfect also we need to change the standard of tuning for all music.
I heard once "if you think about nothing then you become nothing." I think that once the affirmation etc becomes permanent then it becomes like your identity so if being immortal is one of your affirmations then it would not matter
if you think about nothing since you are immortal. I've heard of a story I think it only took 4,000 people to meditate on world peace for it to come true all around the world during the meditation but affirmations can do the same!
Please use this knowledge for the greater good of all it helps if you write down affirmations and put it on something you do daily like taping it to the middle of the tv
so you read it daily before watching tv or on a doorknob etc please include "There is peace throughout all time and space now and peace will always be here and everywhere" Please share this message everywhere you can on all social media accounts and in person you can summarize this and or show them this message.
For the disbelievers, not trying to be rude because someone said this to me once I looked up the definition and you should to but they were right so my perspective changed.
You are cynical and you have no right to tell me what you think negatively without doing the work to prove me wrong. I put years into my experimenting with about a hundred affirmations and scientific explanations that's why I
can explain anything and everything in the universe. I'm authentic I can't only believe in anything I hear so I search for proof and then prove it true or not with a variety of ways.
I share the truth. I'm not insulting you but simply informing you of the behavior your displaying. Experience and proof always win rather than thoughts and beliefs.
The frequencies constantly fill up your energy centers but some
are good some are bad like an opera singer break glass with her voice. That energy is probably used for survival first then healing, then perfect health our body knows how
to use the energy then once you have healed up and healthy then the energy fills up faster because it takes less energy to maintain health than to become healthy and then you feel great all the time but you still got to keep listening to the frequencies all day everyday until your
full then I think you can listen to higher frequencies but I haven't got there yet like 10,000 Hz but frequencies research is still happening so make sure whatever you listen
to is beneficial to you and others around you because 10,000 hz hurt my back for months until I realized it was causing the pain probably because I needed to fill up on the nine solfeggio first before upgrading further. Beliefs can make anything reality so anything can be true but I know the highest truth and here I share with you.
I'm giving you the highest truth so now is the time to use this knowledge I offer tested and proven so everyone will be peaceful if I get enough of you to listen, think and or say
these affirmations, "Everyone and everything is immortal, There is peace throughout all time and space, everyone feels unconditional love for everyone and everything, everyone is happy" and more repeat all day everyday for faster
results please, We see life through the lens of our belief so I try to wake people up with a variety of experiments, related famous people quotes, scientific explanations, etc
I'm currently doing 2 more experiments for no sleep affirmations and no food for a month or longer, when I get hungry I simply think, "I don't need food to survive and thrive" about 5-10 times then I'm not hungry again for many
hours then repeat when hungry. If I feel discomfort then I think, "I feel great" about 5-10 times then it becomes true. Beliefs make anything reality, make anything true but belief is harder to control consciously but with affirmations you think or say exactly what you want a few times
then it becomes reality, some things take longer because people around you operate on opposing frequencies. If we have more people think or say the affirmations then the
Faster they come true or possibly might take a few people just to make certain affirmations come true like "everyone is immortal" this affirmation probably has the most people operating on an opposite frequency because even spiritual people believe they are meant to die.
Proof and experience always win rather than thoughts and beliefs. When I first heard about affirmations I didn't believe they would work, I ignored them until I found a video by YouAreCreators called "the secrets of frequency and
vibrations" talking about how the nine solfeggio frequencies cured the worst cancer within 70 days for 16 terminally ill cancer patients which sounded more scientific proven due to me remembering an opera singer breaking glass with her voice so I figured there could be good
and bad frequencies for people to and I was right. YouAreCreators put frequencies with affirmations so I decided I can try both at the same time thinking only frequencies would benefit me but they both gave me many
benefits, every affirmation came true after about 2 and a half weeks listening about 24/7 and I started waking up with
this extremely blissful feeling everyday, super happy, infinite energy, thinking faster, better memory, processing information faster and working like I was on an adrenaline rush all day everyday but before the adrenaline rush only last about 5 minutes a day.
Many experiments feeding rabbits equal amounts of fat makes them 60% fatter except the ones that were getting petted and loved they were healthy. Split a pile of rice in 2 talk negative to one pile then positive to the other overtime positive will look better but negative will be completely black. Or with plants growing, same thing.
How do drugs like marijuana affect my Aura and energies? And how can I recharge or reinvigorate my energies?
This Awareness indicates that this plant, that known as marijuana, is in fact, a teacher plant, that which is known as a plant that can have an effect on one who has ingested it. That this particular plant is seen to create an opening in one’s waking consciousness wherein higher perceptual awareness is activated. Thus, entities may become more psychically and spiritually aware.
That this plant can have the effect upon humans wherein it opens one’s inner consciousness to those higher vibrations and octaves of a divine nature or frequency, often causing one to enter into that cosmic level known as higher self-realization.
This Awareness indicates that entities would benefit greatly in developing a clear understanding of the essence and effects of certain plants, drugs and chemicals. That when the aura is in a weakened state, there is much potential for that which is known as possession or negative thought-form or astral attacks.
That when an entity is in a weakened state, that this is when those attacks mostly occur. Thus, when an entity is ingesting large amounts of that which is known as the teacher plant, that of marijuana, that this particular plant as being that which is least destructive to the entity’s aura.
Wherein, other drugs such as alcohol, may have a more destructive effect on one’s aura, often blasting holes in one’s auric layers, creating even greater weakness and vulnerability to those astral or energetic attacks. That in general, that of alcohol expresses more of a depressant effect whereas, that of marijuana produces that of a more euphoric or positive effect.
This Awareness indicates much of the perceptual effect depends upon each entity’s individual preferences, attitudes, beliefs and purposes in using such plants or drugs. That there are many methods of restoring and to reenergize one’s energies when one chooses to stop using such plants or drugs.
That there is seen the concept of fasting in order to remove such residual chemicals and energies from one’s bodily functions, wherein such herbs as comfrey or chamomile or peppermint are consumed, that this appears to be of a general effect in removing such residual effects. That also lemon juice appears as effective in removing such toxins and poisons.
Technically it's fasting without being hungry if you use Affirmations, I think " I don't need food to survive, I don't need food to thrive, I feel great" between 5-15 times then hunger pains go away, if I repeat more then it lasts longer that I don't need food. I have had no food for 7 days now and I have started noticing that all of my abilities are improving like hearing and feeling better etc.
Hence, the action of fasting is seen wherein one’s cellular structures begin to hunger for that residue, that drug, that plant’s chemical and in that hunger, attempts to open wider and wider in an effort to absorb energy.
Whereby, in that process of yearning and moving towards each other, the old residues remaining within the cells begin to move into the elimination process and out of the bodily functions, creating a cleansing effect. That this can take approximately a few weeks to a few months, depending upon each individual’s personal expressions and habits.
That also there is seen the ingesting of fresh water and the consumption of only proper foods of a healthy nature. That also exercise appears as a form of internal cleansing. That also walking in nature or by large bodies of water may have a beneficial effect upon the entity in need of such cleansing.
This Awareness indicates that another important method of toxin removal is seen as simply restricting one’s intake of this plant and refusing to ingest any amount of it. That this method appears as one of the best methods to removing this plant’s residual waste products from one’s body, this being seen to take an average of 3 weeks to 3 months or longer, depending upon each entity’s daily intake.
That some entities may only need a few weeks of cleansing, while others may need a longer period of time in order to attain that perfect state of health.
I've learned from the best then figured the highest truth out myself through experimenting with all knowledge this world had to offer I literally focused only on self improvement and figuring out all the details piecing all the
pieces together for an all inclusive explanation. Don't act like I couldn't figure out the highest truth just because you didn't discover or experiment like I have. Go big or go home that's my motto. I know 100% what I'm talking about
without a doubt because I was fully dedicated to figuring this out since I barely talk to anyone due to me being shy because my empathic abilities are stronger than most but if you think not then ask some questions I can answer any question with truth.
honestly people worship many things with over 2,000 religions your choice to believe in that caused your experiences from my experience current controlling frequencies change the past and it seems because I was determined to find the highest truth after experimenting then
I found it like that quantum physics picture you sent me explains how I'm right. I experiment to prove what I believe to be true to ensure I have the highest truth, have you read my full message at the top of my facebook page pinned to the top? Not the bio but the top post
We can't rely on anyone to give you all your knowledge or you limit everything about yourself. Use discernment carefully, none have the right to deny the highest truth without putting in the work to prove it true or not using the information from the one who knows the highest truth which is me.
There is ego, basically it's like selfish only cares for what it wants and thinks it's always right because technically it is right because beliefs create reality but knowing beliefs create reality can enlighten you but only if you know it as fact like me. Affirmations make anything reality. Wake up obviously your ego has taken over to be so unknowing about life yet think your truth is the highest truth
Does not matter if they all lie because I have used many methods to prove what I have figured out, have you not read my top pinned facebook post with all my experiments? I only refer to other people, quotes, scientific explanations, etc if it aligns with what I have proven that's why I have insight into things you have never heard of.
I'm a man, we all need to grow our hair out never cutting, trimming or waxing because after 3 years we get all enhanced abilities and they enhance more overtime.
I accidentally grew my hair to long and got all enhanced abilities that's how I figured it out, I was playing soccer every week then one day all my abilities improved double and
it was so cool but I was soaked in sweat had to keep drying my face to protect my eyes using my shirt but then it was soaked and I never ran out of energy it was so cool so that night I was like now I need to cut my hair because it traps heat make me sweaty but then I thought wait maybe
my hair gave me the abilities so I searched google "why should I grow out my hair" and found many experiments by the US army talking about how they were hiring Native American Indian trackers for their unique tracking skills and so the younger ones joined for money but forced to cut
their hair then the army said why did you lose your ability and they said "my dad says we get our power from our hair" so they had 10,000 takes like 10 different types of tests with their hair and they did great on everyone of them.
The army would try sneaking up on them while sleeping and the indians would wake up before danger got close and got away and they did hand to hand combat with the best of the army but due to their faster reaction speed they
beat the army every time and more tests but they got the 2 people with the highest scores to redo every test but one had to cut their hair so they did and after the haircut he scored some of the lowest scores of everyone who took the test and the guy who kept his hair kept his scores really high!
By teaching so many I continue to learn new ways to convince people I'm right except for the stubborn that think they know part or all of the highest truth, if think your
cup is full meaning you think you know the highest truth and don't make room to question your own beliefs then you have accepted a lie blindly.
We have many cups but the cup of knowledge must save room to question everything to find the highest truth
My mom said believe in whatever you want but I have gone to church for a while but I always knew to take religions as a guide yes learn from them but don't be to focused on one religion I've learned from Sevan Bomar who read every religion 3 times but I knew I had to look deeper from all teachers.
My boss once told me I had to stop teaching people while I work so I asked myself later why do I need to teach this anyway (trying to cope with that hard decision) then
right away a voice came in my head and said something like "you need to share the truth for world peace, that's why I created over 330 million species so we can hear all the different healing sounds but now we have separated from nature."
Currently I listen to world peace, immortality, no sleep affirmations in my playlist I made it way shorter to get results faster but I say, "I don't need sleep, water or food" but I still drink some water because I want to mainly focus on no food or sleep due to me sharing my message all day. Also think "I feel great and I am healthy"
It seems we need to focus on only a few affirmations at a time because if you listen to a hundred different affirmations then you only give each a little energy daily which might not be enough to make it true
The difference from being in higher and lower vibrations, some are like I get angry when blah blah but happy when blah so technically they don't operate at the same time so that's how they can both be inside you but in different parts
of the body. This is why we need Aaron Doughty's help to learn how to maintain higher vibrations. That's why I'm no longer angry in times I would get angry, feel peaceful, unconditional love like being able to really trust myself and
the universe it's all good and important because affirmations only work if you say the affirmation like a million times a day instead it's better to learn consciously how to stay on those really high vibrational states of being.
Scientist had a group of people hooked up to machines to measure emotions and had them watch a slide show of random pictures but some were babies or evil related and they found that the brain responded to each picture 8 seconds before they seen it. This shows how the higher self tries to prepare us for the future.
Your higher self basically lives a hundred years all instantly every moment using what knowledge you have at the time but due to this you will experience things that you will eventually understand because you learn about it later in life and believe it to be true later in life.
Bruce Lee said to watch words that is why its called spelling
Think, say and or listen to affirmations subliminals frequencies and mantras for, "I have 100,000 dollars" the more
often you repeat then the faster you get the money.
The energy of "I have 100,000 dollars" will expand outward from you every time you repeat "I have 100,000 dollars" literally mind controlling people to give you money I got 6 people trying to send me money now.
I heard of this experiment they volunteer for that gay people have sex with women but either stay gay or become bisexual so I think it proves gay people are meant to be in the world but I only am attracted to women. Also the only thing repeated twice in the bible is "Ye are gods"
Affirmations subliminals frequencies and or mantras work for everyone because they work with energy. If you change something physical with physical things then the problem will manifest in a different way, it works through subconscious fears.
I did some research though in the library of congress they have 15,000 legit research places send results of marijuana experimenting and they concluded that there are
no negative side effects of marijuana use they said if your pregnant though don't smoke because the babies lungs are still forming so I used to smoke but once I reached enlightenment I realized marijuana has a lower vibration
than enlightenment on David R Hawkins scale somewhere from fear many between til enlightenment so I decided to quit the little use I used to do completely and then after about a week then I started feeling great to rise up to the vibrational level that my knowledge is at.
Aaron Doughty on YouTube helped me reach enlightenment, every vibration has an ego difficult to get past without Aaron Doughty
I could listen to music any kind but I always didn't really like most of it and I later found out why, Hitler also used 440Hz to control people and now it is the official standard
of tuning for America and Europe that frequency basically is "Humans are bad and need punishment" this is why violence is in big cities because many people listen to that and get brainwashed without even knowing it
Just like they claim God has spoken us into existence, Affirmations, subliminals, frequencies and mantras make anything reality, for example, "I am happy" will make you happy once said enough times but if you say, "I want to be happy" then you will simply want to be happy. Basically you get what you say, think, believe, etc.
Remember some affirmations come true faster than others because of the Mastermind principle, for example people don't eat all day long but people do believe all day long that they will not live forever so that's why require no food affirmations will come true faster than I am immortal affirmations.
Some affirmations come true faster than others because people emit frequencies while they operate on them
Since we use energy even when the affirmations are true we should continue the affirmations to keep them true or we will use up all the energy then it is no longer true unless you continue the affirmations
when I say affirmations for example "I am Happy" then I create energy to be happy but the affirmation needs to be repeated enough times within a certain amount of time to continue accumulating enough energy to become true
The only bible verse repeated twice is "Ye Are Gods" we can change anything with Affirmations, subliminals mantras and the nine solfeggio frequencies, I have figured
out how to make anything reality and how the universe works after experimenting with hundreds of Affirmations, subliminals, the mantras and the nine solfeggio frequencies.
There is simply energy and energy can be used anyway we choose, I've used subliminals and mantras to become attractive to make people attracted to me that didn't even notice me for a year but that day everyone was smiling at me,
flirting with me, showing off their best achievements and giving me phone numbers, read my top pinned facebook post and all of my comments on it because I've put years of research and hundreds of experimenting into it even after figuring out how to make anything reality and how the universe works
Loop the video by clicking and holding on it while on the desktop version it will say loop click it then if on it then it shows check mark by the loop option then make it full screen then open up wifi settings to get the looped video to go to small screen so you can do other things on your device while you listen to the subliminals
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nehawriter16 · 6 years
I’m currently sitting on the floor of my bedroom. It’s been a day of avoiding real work and responsibilities, but then again, escapism is kind of the theme of this year, so it’s only accurate that I’m here writing this.
Everybody is asleep, except me. And the men I like who live overseas, but they’ve been ignoring me, so I have no desire to ring them up despite the general despair and loneliness I feel. But let’s not begin our round up with boys, because although they rank high on my list of important life lessons/disappointments this year, I don’t want also want to give them the satisfaction of first place.
In the last 365 days, a lot about my life changed. I’m going to try to sum it up as best as I can.
1) In the beginning of December, I quit an internship that anybody else would have killed for. The work and constant travelling and being yelled at by crude seniors broke the delicate petal that I am. I’d landed that job at 19, and I loved that I was thrown into the adult world so early because it taught me a lot, but two years of showing up every day to do something I don’t love killed something inside of my brain. And so, I decided to take a month off and then move to a smaller firm, not realising that my job at EY would help to keep my sanity by keeping me occupied.
The first few weeks were bliss. After twelve hour work days, I suddenly had a lot of free time and I indulged in attending fun trainings and catching up with old friends. For a short second, life was filled with hope, up until my birthday in mid Jan.
2) Since I now had the luxury of lesser work hours, I decided to pursue one of my biggest dreams – writing a book. I already had the story in mind, and I thought that despite the emotional turmoil that revisiting some of the memories would bring, the bigger picture would be worth it. It’s almost the end of December now, and I’m still sure it is.
But the truth is – my relationship with A blossomed in 2016, and died a premature death in mid 2017. And I’ve been dragging it through the ground for longer than I should be. Sometimes I wonder if I’m solely responsible for squeezing it for the story. Or maybe it was the kind of love you can’t forget. Well, I can’t. I’m sure he has.
But one of the hardest things about writing this has been taking myself back to when we were falling for each other. I’ve been reading emails about hopes and dreams and forever after it has already ended. And how do you write about happiness when you know there isn’t going to be any? All this is important for the narrative, yes, but it fucks with my mental health so badly. 2016 me was naive and trusting. 2018 me is bitter, and not too thrilled about revisiting those moments mostly because of how much they hurt just to think about, forget turning them into an interesting cliff hanger filled story.    
I have almost finished writing it though, and that’s what’s the more important thing. I don’t know what kind of nightmares publishing and finding an agent and royalties is going to bring, but at least I will have created something tangible and coherent instead of this faraway thing that I’ve dreamt of since I was 13.
3) I tanked my CA Final – and this was the biggest disappointment, no surprises there. More than the gallons of self loathing it brought on me, it was about the burden I created for my parents. Yesterday my mother, in a burst of anger, said, “If you don’t pass in May, you can’t live under our roof anymore.” She doesn’t know this, and she probably never will, but I cried myself to sleep because that thought terrifies me.
I feel like I am already just swimming through a rubble of guilt. Most people my age have already gotten well paying jobs and have been living out of home for years now. They are financing themselves and starting businesses and I don’t even read the newspaper on a daily basis. I lack the self control I used to have in school, or maybe my mother’s constant nagging and being up my ass was the only way I stayed successful when I was younger.
Of course, this career choice was a MASSIVE bad decision, and I’ve always felt out of place in it. I will never be the best, but I really do need to pass and finish. If I can’t pass it again, I will literally sink into unconquerable depression that no amount of therapy and medicines will be able to pull me out of.
I’m supposed to start studying from the 1st, and I hope that it doesn’t drive me FUCKING INSANE like the last time it did, because this time, the pressure is higher and time, lesser.
I still have some grit left in me though. The last two months of this year have been difficult, but creatively fulfilling, and I am okay with having to go back to analytical subjects again. I feel sane enough to drop into the mental battlefield that is the CA Final syllabus.  
 4) I’m 23 in a fortnight, and at least 5 of my friends got engaged this year. I was the oldest in school in my batch so they’re all younger than me. This whole finding a boy thing is stressing me the fuck out, because as per my calculations, it would take a year of courting for me to so much as like somebody seriously. After that, it would take two years for me to try every possible method to drive him away, and torture him with all my hamartias, and THEN if he doesn’t leave, and when he proposes, I’ll be like, “Okay fine. Maybe we can be engaged.” This whole process takes 3 years. I want to be married at 26, so I only have those many. The problem is that in this time period, it will not only be difficult to find an emotionally available boy with a pretty face – WAIT, for him to find me, because women don’t do the chasing – who is also sexy and charming and reads poetry and has a sensible head on his shoulders. No, in this time period I will also be taking solely career-oriented decisions as one must, and love will always take the backseat. I want to move abroad in 2020 and he may live somewhere else, and it’s clear from my several failed attempts that I can’t do long distance. Also to be noted that you cannot try this experiment with different men simultaneously. It’s sort of a one lab rat at a time type of test.
So what, then? Fuck feelings, and only be serious with hook ups? I think I’ve filled my 2018 with at least a two dozen of those hot but dumb types (tall, abs, rolling in money, half a brain, bonus if they’re good kissers, but you can never date them seriously) and to be honest I’m getting tired of them. First of all, they’re all pussies about the poetry, it literally frightens them which I find kind of hilarious, but it’s also annoying. Sure, we can roll a joint and make out on my terrace, and they’ll just pull up when I find myself getting even the least bit lonely, but the ones I really like – the fuckboys who I see have real turning into boyfriend potential – they live abroad. It’s so cliché, I might vomit, but they literally live in London and New York. London Boy is only here for a month and then he’s gone. New York one may stay back, but he always wants to meet after midnight and there’s no fucking way my parents are allowing that.
And let’s face it, I’m a relationship girl. Sure, I’ve picked up some skills with hooking up and if we’re being honest I don’t really have to make an effort, just pick a half-interesting loser from the hundred DM’s sitting in my Instagram, and it’s done. He does the work and buys the drinks. I put out. I ghost. It’s practically a system.
But I’m bored now. I need somebody entertaining. But no matter what, one of the most important lessons I’ve learnt this year is to never settle for less than what I deserve. (At least for my heart. My body gets it when she likes it, and thats enough.) So I say no to…well, everybody. True love has literally been evading me, and may for a while, I think until this CA shit is done, because it’s more important anyway.
Until then, I literally have a broadcast list called, “FWB.”
4) Do I even need to write about fake friends? Girls are so fucking FAKE NICE, it irritates me. And I have a great group of these girls in my life, who want nothing more than to use you as a stool to get to where they want. I have very few real friends and I’m so grateful for them (okay, her) because everybody else is just about the temporary bullshit. I am always afraid of judgement with them, and everything I say comes with a “what will they think of me?” filter. I don’t think real friendships should be like that at all. No, in a true friendship, you should be able to take both – your make up and fake bitch mask off and sit around in sweats, drinking and complaining about everything that’s wrong with your life.
Is this really how adults act? Will I always have to worry about the ulterior motives of everybody new I meet? And even scarier, if I spend enough time around them, will I also turn into a self centered asshole with no backbone? Will I forget who I am and start adapting to the social settings into which I’ve been thrust?
Because I hope not. Despite everything that’s happened this year, and despite almost losing my mind to mental health (yes! A thing I am still not ready to talk about! But someday will be!) I actually like my brain and what its capable of, once it starts trying. I like the stuff I come up with, the way my thoughts come out as sentences. I am actually a fan of the voice in my head, who – let’s face it – has been a real ass friend to me also. Even though she kind of went crazy with the depression, but I think the recovery has begun.
2018 was a fucking shithole, and god, I fell deep. I know 2019 is going to be even harder but I hope it is filled with more genuine happiness because it’s been a long time since I felt “happiness” as a permanent, internal feeling. It’s just been more of a fleeting and momentary thing for a few hours before the sadness envelopes me and takes lead.
So I hope that when I speak to you in – and over – the next 365 day period that’s about to begin, I am able to share some more hope and joy with you. I hope the motherfucker I’m going to marry stops sitting around on his ass and finds me, because I’m ready for my heart to be won over again. I have mourned enough, and fucked half the high spirits crowd. But most of all… I hope this book I’ve written does well. Not just because it’s a brilliant piece of shit, and a beautiful fucking story (if I may say so myself) but mostly because I really like clothes and I could use the money.
Also it would be great to stop feeling so mediocre all the time, so yeah. That would be nice. Will keep you updated Tumblr!
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ezzydean · 8 years
Eternal Gardens 6
Day 1: stormy weather/long distance
Day 2:  note passing
Day 3: aquarium date
Day 4: anniversary
Day 5: moving in together
Day 6: different kisses shared among them
Tucked at the end down past Oaky’s Discount Goods, Eternal Gardens boasts a one of a kind unique movie-going experience.  It really isn’t all that unique but that doesn’t stop the boasting.  Nothing really stops the boasting when it comes to Eternal Gardens Strip Mall and the businesses located within.  Unique or not you had to be lucky to catch a movie at Jokes On You Theater.  Mostly because there was no real schedule to the movies and no set times for when the place would be open.  Oikawa had a theory about it that involved algebra, aliens, and copious use of the word theoretically.  Takahiro just figured that the lady who ran the theater was probably related to the guy who owned Iris Prawn and they made whatever hours they felt like, possibly using a dart board and a pair of dice.
“Hey babe,” Matsukawa calls out.  He hurries up to the counter with a grin on his face that normally means he and Takahiro are going to do something dumb and potentially get in trouble with the other half of their Love Square (copyright pending, name courtesy of Iwaizumi’s mother).
“Aren’t you supposed to be at work?”  He was sure that Matsukawa had a shift at three that afternoon and when he glances down at the clock on his phone it reads 2:51.
Matsukawa hums and braces himself on the counter with one hand.  “Pucker up.”  He wiggles his eyebrows and looks up.  Takahiro follows the look and spots a sprig of plastic mistletoe dangling from Matsukawa’s fingers.
“It’s March,” Takahiro states but leans forward anyway.  Like he’d ever say no to kisses from one of his loves.
Matsukawa sighs against his lips.  “What I wouldn’t give to be able to just say to hell with work and stay here with you all day.”
“Trust me.  I know that feel.  But bills must be paid and food needs to be bought and Iwaizumi already threatened me with bathroom duty for a month if one of us doesn’t bring home groceries soon.”
Matsukawa kisses him again and jogs out of the shop with a wave.
Takahiro doesn’t really think much of it until an hour or so later when Oikawa strolls in with a bouquet of flowers.  They’re fake flowers but the expensive kind of fake that are so vibrant they look real.  He presents it to Takahiro with a flourish and a smile so wide and happy that Takahiro feels his stomach flutter.  (In his defense it has been awhile since Oikawa has turned that wattage smile on and directed it to Takahiro.)  He takes the flowers with a confused smile and leans into the kiss that Oikawa plants on his cheek, not even bothering to try to tame the blush he can feel threatening to crawl across his cheeks.  He’s too pale to hide it after all.
“What’s the occasion?” he asks when Oikawa leans back and props his elbows on the counter.  He sets the flowers under the counter next to his jacket while Oikawa watches.  Thankfully the smile has been turned down from something mega-watt levels into a sappy version.  It doesn’t make the flutters in his stomach stop.  If anything they increase with the sappy smile but at least he can look directly at Oikawa now.
“Just because,” Oikawa replies with a shrug.  “I saw them and thought of you so I got them.  And they’re fake so your allergies won’t try to kill you and so you can keep them forever.”
“That’s especially thoughtful of you.  Thank you.”  Takahiro tries not to sound suspicious though he’s pretty sure he fails because Oikawa laughs and reaches over to ruffle his hair.
Oikawa hovers and talks for a few more minutes before he whines and pouts at Takahiro about having to go back to work.  He pulls Takahiro close to kiss the tip of his nose before he leaves with a love you and a promise of meeting after work tossed back to Takahiro.
Something familiar tugs at him.  Something about the mistletoe and the flowers and the kisses but he can’t quite put his finger on it.  He knows they’re connected somehow but he can’t remember why or how.
He is completely sure they are related when he closes up the shop for the day and Iwaizumi is waiting outside, standing in the light of the setting sun dressed like some sort of prince, complete with sash, cloak, and delicate crown upon his head.  Iwaizumi gives Takahiro a smile that warms him from head to toe and bows deeply when Takahiro turns around from locking the door.  He reaches out and takes Takahiro’s hand, bringing it to his lips and pressing a kiss to the back of it.  He stares up at Takahiro through his lashes and turns his hand over to leave a warm kiss on his palm before he finally straightens with his smile still in place.
Takahiro can only blink stupidly as he lets Iwaizumi pull him across the parking lot.
That familiar something or other starts to swim into focus and then it’s gone when he spots Matsukawa and Oikawa waiting for them outside the movie theater.
He doesn’t even remember what movie they went to see because he spends most of it being kissed by one of his boyfriends or another.  Which, really, isn’t that much of a loss in his book.  He can always rent the movie later if he really wants to see it.  For now he’ll keep the memories of Iwaizumi’s cloak dropping over their heads while Iwaizumi pulled him in for playful kisses during the action scenes and the sticky sweet press of Oikawa’s lips to his during the previews and Matsukawa stopping each time he had to get up for something and slip past them to “pay the toll” of three kisses per pass in place of memories of the movie itself.
Oikawa tugs him into the middle of the street on the walk home and nearly topples Takahiro onto the cement when he stops suddenly and pulls Takahiro into yet another kiss, this one soft and sweet and lingering, one hand against the back of Takahiro’s neck and the other, presumably, flipping Matsukawa off when he starts whistling obnoxiously at them.  Iwaizumi peels Oikawa away so he can take Oikawa’s place and pulls Takahiro into a dizzying kiss that leaves him panting by the time Iwaizumi steps back.  Iwaizumi holds out his hand and Takahiro takes it.
“My prince,” he teases, glad to see the blush on Iwaizumi’s cheeks in the starlight.
It’s when he and Matsukawa are curled together in their bed that it becomes clear.  Mostly because Matsukawa hands him an old wrinkled piece of paper with a list written on it in purple crayon.
Kisses I Want From My Lover
1. Kiss under mistletoe
2. Kiss after getting flowers
3. Kiss on the hand from a prince
4. Kiss during a movie
5. Kiss under the stars
6. Kiss goodnight
He had been seven and obsessed with lists.  He had made them for everything from his top ten favorite foods to the order he got ready for bed to the number of times his mother said she loved him in a week.
“I can not believe… Where did you even find this?”
“Your mom found it in with some old pictures or something and gave it to me a couple weeks ago when she stopped by and you were at work.”
“And you all planned-”  Takahiro swallows thickly at the rush of emotion that surges up before he jumps out of bed, runs across the hallway, and flings himself into Oikawa and Iwaizumi’s bed to pepper their faces with kisses and squeeze the life out of them with hugs.  When he comes back to his own bed he’s calmer but the emotion claws at his throat as he curls into Matsukawa’s side and drops a hand to his chest.
Matsukawa’s laughter is a rumbly thing under his palm and he pouts and grumbles as Matsukawa kisses bends to kiss his forehead.
“Goodnight my lover,” Matsukawa whispers against his skin.  “I love you.”
“Love you too,” Takahiro whispers back.
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kara4ublog-blog · 6 years
Some Guidance For HYIP Newbies
This article describes hyip monitor applications. It truly is intended for those that are the newbies in such small business. I feel, a newbie can collect some rules and assistance that could enable to not lose but earn some revenue by participating in such projects. Very first of all, it is best to determine: regardless of whether this approach of earning income appeals to you? 1st of all, answer the following concerns, after which make your very own selection. I usually do not advise you to start participating within this business enterprise if the following character traits are inherent to you: 1. You are afraid to risk your dollars. It truly is essential to note, that absolutely reputable hyip projects don't exist. Any commercial or state bank presents low profitability of an investment with higher reliability. Around the contrary, hyip presents high liquidity, but usually quite a few of them possess a short term of existence. 2. You really should realize that hyip projects can't make a profit from something. You'll want to deposit necessarily some minimum of income to obtain profit. It is actually well-known, that it can be impossible to get a thing from something. In the event you do not have necessary minimum (as a rule, it really is over 100-1000$) you should earn and deposit them initial. 3. Are you quite emotional? Are you currently nervous? Within this case, hyip company is not for you personally. In addition, when you are capable to unforeseen rash acts, is quite harmful to participate in hyip projects. Inside the very first case you are going to endure from sleeplessness, within the second - an opportunity to lose swiftly all the cash. 4. You prefer to blame other people for your blunders. If, as soon as a failure occurs, you blame everybody (be it an administrator, a buddy, a boss, the government, God, climate, coincidence etc) except yourself, you must stay away from HYIP. Remember that you're the only 1 being accountable for the decisions that you are creating, and also the whole fault in case of a failure is yours. If you have lost income in HYIP - you might be the only one particular who's to blame for the unpredictability and greed, possessing taken more than your popular sense. Try to remember that no one was pulling you on a lace and also you have voluntarily offered your income to a scammer. 5. I strongly advise you not to take part in hyip projects, if cheating is inherent inside your character. You will find too lots of dishonest persons within this company in addition to you. HYIP - is for you, if: 1. HYIP will be the ideal way of earning money for you, if the realized risk - congenital feature of the character. You ought to fully grasp, that risk is really a noble business. You should be able to threat anywhere and anywhen to subdue best or to lose all. You have got a well-developed intuition and common sense. 2. For a profitable promotion in hyip enterprise you'll want to have a good intuition and talent of precise evaluation. Your experience and intuition ought to be a basis of one's choices. Your encounter and opinion should have priority more than the opinion of hyip forums participants etc. You and only you make a selection regardless of whether participate or not take part in this or that project. 3. You need to be capable of taking knowledge from the most recent blunders. Hyip isn't intended for all those who recedes soon after the first defeat. Hyip - a option of robust people today, in a position to make conclusions from their blunders. HYIP : initial measures. This component from the post is an array of advices for those men and women, who meet the needs stated above and decide to take part in hyip company. How to commence. You ought to take some know-how before participation in hyip. It is possible to get this know-how by reading news on different forums, opinions of well-known people and specialists of this business. It truly is well-known, that is learning from errors of other individuals is far better than out of your own. You should start out only soon after your individual close research of hyip small business globe. Starting capital. Plenty of hyip applications have too modest start off invest capital about $1-5. You must clearly have an understanding of that such a compact sum of dollars can not be the foundation of genuine organization. You'd much better acquire a beer for oneself than take part in hyip enterprise with such income. You must start off your learning with at the least $100, expanding this amount till $1000, if you want to succeed. And you need to remember that quantity of one's investments and probable losing of them should not be fatally dangerous for you personally. Various investments. Don't invest all of your money in any exclusive invest-project. You'll want to have contributions in at the least ten various projects, you are going to have an chance to succeed. You'll want to clearly understand, that always there's a higher risk of half of these funds to become closed. You should assure the safety of the accounts if don't choose to be plundered by hackers of a variety of types, swindlers, and so on. Don't neglect to update anti-virus computer software and firewall programs on your machine. Only you can protect oneself from a robbery by hackers. Life expectancy of hyip projects. Any investment plan selected by you should be preliminary researched by you. You'll want to estimate the time of its existence and beginning your operate on the project. It is best to know, that any of such investment projects features a certain term of life. The overwhelming majority of projects are financial pyramids, also referred to as ponzies. They pay you in the deposits of new investors to get a time period even though new investments are bigger than the total quantity of payouts. In the event you attempt to participate in an old program, you may face an enormous danger of obtaining within the bottom of such financial pyramid. Stages of improvement. Any plan includes a certain life of expectancy. This life is often divided into some periods conditionally: 1. The opening from the plan. This is one of the most profitable time for investment. The program receives big investments, investors acquire their interest and demand withdrawal pretty seldom. Bankruptcy at this stage might be brought on by admin's insincerity. He can determine and disappear with the dollars instead of continuing the work of your project. Such state of events could be determined by researching statistics in the system. Such project is usually a bankrupt if in statistics the enormous quantity of investments within the starting in the work on the project is specified. Also the project can grow to be incapacitated, mainly because a massive quantity of money was spent on marketing campaign and internet site style. 2. The period of stability. It is actually the period in the most fruitful existence of your project, when the plan develops, deposits develop, and the compact quantity of withdrawals of money is produced. 3. The end of existence. This stage comes, when the amount of inquiries about withdrawal reaches the sizes from the widespread capital on the project. Admin closes the project, leaving distinction of investments as well as the withdrawn incomes to itself. 4. Sometimes project continues its existence. It truly is feasible in that case if it really is genuinely the productive investment project or a commercial deceit by indicates of advertising. This stage is actually a logic finish of activity from the project. You should o withdraw the cash at this stage if it really is nevertheless attainable. 5. Extraordinary events.It may take place in the event the website of the project is attacked by hackers. By far the most probable consequence of this accident is full bankruptcy of your project. Varieties of hyip projects. 1. Short-term ponzies It can be a sort of programs promising as much as 200% daily payment. Ordinarily term of life of such applications is no longer than 1 or two weeks. It truly is quite harmful to invest in such projects, that are like "roulette." I strongly advocate to not participate in such applications. 2. Medium-term ponzies Term of life of such programs may modify from about two weeks to two months. They spend about 5-7 % per day. This can be one of the most harmful type of projects. 3. Long-term ponzies It's the most effective way for your investments. The actual period of current of such applications is about five months, and some in the most effective can live till half a year. Their payments are about from 2-3 percent per day. So, you've got a higher possibility of returning your investments in a two-month term and earn some profit. 4. Extra-long term projects. This sort of projects can perform an incredibly lengthy period of time, a entire year. They guarantee less than 25 % month-to-month. Nevertheless, it is an extremely dangerous kind of projects. You must put regarding the massive deposit to get the critical earnings within this case. The danger within this project is quite higher, so, participation in such projects will not be your greatest technique to earn the cash. Private applications. Whenever you begin to participate in investment projects, you are going to hear about so called private projects. Their admins admit that new members can take part in such applications only by the special invitation. It can be not a VIP project as you assume. It's a very simple marketing try to acquire much more investments from its old members. The distinctive function of such projects is their fairly higher life expectancy. You should be incredibly cautious with such projects. Applications of such sort have also high possibility to become closed quickly. You ought to keep in mind that HYIP globe includes a lot fake programs. It is best to rely on your very own encounter and expertise of skilled investors. Spend interest to messages on hyip forums. It is actually vital to monitor the admin's speeches - it truly is not very difficult to inform the truth from lie. For example, admin, most likely, say lies speaking in regards to the use of investments on FOREX, mainly because an overwhelming majority of such projects are only monetary pyramids. HYIP is an uneasy small business, and administrators usually escape using the invested dollars. You'll want to clearly understand that there is certainly no way to get back your loosed income. You need to generally recall it! You'll want to understand that there is certainly no mechanism to control Net payments. Guidelines of all HYIP projects say that the administrator is not accountable for your income and also you are depositing them voluntarily. Virtually it is impossible to begin lawsuit against a dishonest admin of hyip project, but it really is impossible to return your income. Even charges on police investigation will exceed the sum of your deposit. paying hyip don't submit to any laws. For those who have decided to take part in HYIP company - I sincerely wish you superior luck and be wealthy!
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I Choose not to Be actually Inclusive By Michele Winslow.
Foreplay is actually a surefire method to give her a climax, and also if you can easily maintain your palms busy, caressing her various other vulnerable components while you are actually performing that, that would make her orgasmic top very great for her! Covereds and cupcakes are quick and easy to earn and most importantly allow little ones to make artistic ornaments, yet today we'll concentrate on biscuits, primarily the kind that don't demand cooking: no bake cookies. To read more regarding yellow pages online indonesia (Learn More Here) look into the web-page. The additional our team can be ideal" and pleased with everyone we meet, the fuller as well as much more joyous our lifestyles are going to be. If you are actually not able to possess a penile erection, the end result is actually that you could certainly not be able to possess a pleased lifestyle. Offering him opportunity to get ready for the sex per se will certainly create the encounter think that over an obligation or even daily schedule to do. I totally coincide you Esther, this is no one else's work to make you delighted but yours. Without his advice, our experts would still be living in our dreamland of joy and happiness and presuming every little thing as well as everyone out there are going to create our team happy. When you possess your foreplay and also make that thrilling every time you possess sex, make an effort different things. Male is going to be actually along with you in your setting as well as not alter a point if you're happy. Make him describe the specifics as well as maintain him extremely delighted by succumbing to his imagination prior to you in fact perform it. This's certainly not truly the situation however I think this's crucial that we pay out definitely close attention to our ideas considering that our ideas create our fact and also that's up to us if our team choose to create our truth a positive one or otherwise so pleasing. Therefore even though I desire my family members to always enjoy, I ought to certainly never make light of their pain or anguish, but simply let all of them know that I like them and that when they are ready to permit it go, I'll be there that can help them. I am actually not teamed up, I cannot fill in the space, I'll certainly never be happy given that filler in the empty once again and so on, you include another block to the wall from misery. The vivid questions along with vivid aspects have to startle the individuals in the Christmas time gathering. My Success Tale: And i am therefore happy to spread the headlines on the internet for those that need to have actual and a trusted spell caster to call without conference with numerous fake and dupe streak casters on the web first just the method i came in-contact with like 4 bogus streak wheel online already. To say that the corespondent or even the gathering makes an other half pleased is actually exceptionally quick distinguished. Pressuring your companion to talk about psychological things, especially your relationships, are going to make him clam up. Save those talks for when it's necessary to the wellness from the partnership, certainly not just when you're feeling insecure and want some peace of mind. Consider a person that joins you immediately - any person this takes place to become. Notification exactly what you are asking for from them if you want to enjoy all together. If I genuinely recognized that I was a child from The lord - that He loved me and also He needed me - then I can be pleased regardless of what. Whatever that we are actually for ... passion, rely on, peace, concern, joy, equips us, and every little thing that our team protest ... hate, temper, uncertainty, worry, damages us. Now decide on: HAPPY or even UNHAPPY. Over my life, 53, I complied with folks who were incredibly well-off, but they were actually no thus happy as my Co-workers, Developers, Laborers and also Company Partners, who made their excellence as well as contentment progressively and advancing gradually. You can easily take advantage of individualized stationery as invitations to a meet similar to this, or to a garage sale or party. In fact, these jobs usually create folks difficult (unless your soul remains in exactly what you perform). The words that make you understand that you are actually not the exception, that there are others around which have actually been actually hurt as well as are actually enduring as you are. The 11 song album merely has 31 mins in order to get via, and also its own encouraging, medium-paced tunes are actually wonderful for whatever kind of state of mind you have actually discovered yourself in this particular week. Acquire the education you must receive the work you wish or merely go ahead and also request it. Perform whatever you must do to earn that modification and also more than happy. Thus if you presumed being outdated would create you unpleasant, rest assured that it's very likely you'll establish an extra good outlook compared to you most likely possess currently. Think about these below principal qualities from the sign and what that says concerning keeping all of them delighted in relationships. Absolutely, war hawks or various other predacious birds can be drawn to celebrations of song birds. Finally, if you need to know how you can create a male prefer you, then don't be afraid to tease. You can use these 5 tips to make your next loved ones collecting the experience you have actually always yearned for. The best necessary thing that occurred in my present and extremely delighted connection was my potential to focus much more on creating on my own satisfied, instead of on his potential to make me happy. To create that even more elegant, pick structures which mix white colored and also silver or even white colored and also gold. I courted an individual for concerning nine months, I entirely feel happy whenever i am actually with him. I have been actually around the world in numerous magic conventions and also seen a considerable amount of excellent performers and deception musicians, but the big concern stays; why do some earn a living executing this craft, and also other do not. There are people at age 25 who have been actually througn true hardships ... like cancer cells or even car crashes where they are actually paralyzed. and also you had everything you have your appearances and couldnt be happy. They depend on their loved ones to validate the selections they create in life. They only come and go and if you prefer to pay attention to the problems rather at that point the many things you can easily learn from all of them, if you opt to observe them as terrible individuals that just won't permit you to become satisfied, as individuals that are actually only aiming to create your lifestyle extra unpleasant, they will be there for a substantial period of your time. Still, that does not suggest you ought to permit your feelings deliver everything you claim or perform. Due to the fact that he failed to observe you received your hairstyle previously today, this doesn't make any type of feeling to refuse to go to a gathering along with him today. This's organic to rejoice when you experience definitely exciting things in your partnership, your lifestyle, or even your profession. However, a stepping in snooze shut out or even reversed this negative emotional reactivity to rage and also fear while on the other hand boosting rankings of beneficial (happy) expressions. If you really love a certain exotic meals, mention it and if it is actually possible he is going to make reservations at a restaurant that serves it even though he certainly never tried it in the past. Could make every comics followers dream a fact with a reported launch from the Fair treatment Game in 2015. Certainly not that I despise just how I look-- this is actually additional merely that I need to bring in some way of living modifications. Spanish locations like Majorca support exclusive appeal to holidaymakers from within Europe.
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Handled with Grace
Three days after my mother, Grace, turned eighteen, she gave birth to her first daughter and two days after her daughter was born, she left for America. Grace left her newborn baby girl and was forced to immigrate to the United States by her parents. My mother, Grace, was born in July of 1969 and was raised in upscale Greenhills, Manila, Philippines where she lived an easy life and most everything that she wanted and needed was provided to her. In the Philippines, there is only the rich and the poor, there is no middle-class and by all means was my mother’s family was not short on money. In fact, while growing up, across the street lived the now former president of the Philippines so it’s safe to say she lived a pretty comfortable life. But while growing up, she was raised in a strict household that did not express and show many emotions and she and her siblings were often punished when they acted out. So as an attempt to act out, my mother would associate herself with other rebelious teenageers her age and received the attention that she so desperately craved from her family. Having bad attention is better than having no attention and being the middle child of five, there were at times a lack of attention to be spared. She began to neglect her education, hangout with burnouts, drive recklessly, and have boyfriends as an outlet for her pent up emotions. As a result of her outbursts against her family, she got pregnant at the age of seventeen. I have no idea how she was able to conceal her pregnancy for as long as she did since she was barely 90 pounds when she got pregnant. Nonetheless, she kept her pregnancy secret six months. When she was finally found out, her parents shipped her off to relatives in Dumaguete, Philippines so that they would more easily conceal their shame of their child to finish out the rest of her third term.
Of course, my grandparents were not expecting their first grandchild so soon and they wanted my mother and the rest of her siblings to continue their education and go to college. The colleges in the Philippines aren’t the best and my grandparents knew that their children would receive a better education if they were sent to the United States. To be able to study in a different country, there are many different forms and papers that need to be filled out if you want eligibility for a study visa and you need to leave by a certain time or else you can miss the opportunity to leave and study elsewhere.
During her third trimester, my mother lived with her aunt and uncle. They both doctors and to ensure that she would still go to the United States. They induced labor onto my mom a week early and in August of 1988, my sister Marie was born. While giving birth a week early isn’t necessarily dangerous, it’s best if the mother finishes the full pregnancy to prevent any mishaps that could occur. My grandparents were extremely adamant on having their daughter come to the United States because they knew that if she were to spend more time than she was supposed to with their first grandchild, then she understandably not want to leave her first newborn child. My mother’s family thought getting the student visa was more important than allowing their daughter stay with her daughter, their granddaughter. So, three days after giving birth, she enrolled herself in her first college class at San Francisco State University. In yet another act of rebellion, she decided to become a florist just to annoy and anger my grandparents even further but when my grandparents found out, they were outraged and went on to tell her that she would not be able to support herself and a potential future family on a florist’s salary and demanded she sign up for math classes and change her major to accounting. Reluctantly did what her parents wanted her to do and went on and became an accountant after graduating from college. She’s done extremely well for herself, working her way from the bottom to the top and is now a corporate senior accounting manager for a team of people at a company in San Francisco.
While my mother’s story was undeniably difficult, when she married my father she unknowingly passed on all the challenges that she was facing and going through onto my father who then had to cope with what was going on and figure out how not only he was going to handle it but help my mother handle it as well. My mother’s side of the family is very family and race orientated so when my mother married a white and Native American man, they felt that he didn’t have a say in the matter of what was best not only for my mother but my sister as well. And my grandparents kept my sister a secret from the rest of their family for six years so when the rest of the family found out about my sister’s existence, they all erupted with anger and fury as to why they were not cued in on what had happened. Although it was none of their business, they have a bad habit of being extremely intrusive and making someone else’s problem’s their own so they felt as if they had a say in the matter as well which on created more conflict and resentment and frustration on my mom and dad.
You would think that it would be simple to declare parental rights and fight to get a child back but the law in the Philippines differ from the ones here in the United States and my mother could not declare parental rights on my sister because she was not yet at the age of twenty-one and no longer had Filipino citizenship when she tried to fight to get my sister back. And since my sister was born in the house of my aunt and uncle, they had no formal documentation of whom my sister was born to and my grandparents had forged a fake birth certificate stating that my sister wasn’t born to my mother and that my grandparents had adopted her. Being an influential man in the Philippines, my grandfather would not so easily let my sister go and my mother knew that she wouldn’t be able to fight to get my sister back so she had to wait patiently until my grandparents were ready to willingly let my sister live with my parents. It was an extremely difficult and sticky situation that my, dad, grandparents, and sister went through filled with hurt, anger, and resentment.
Mom’s thoughts: “That time of my life was a very traumatic experience to go through at the age of 17. I couldn’t understand why my parents did what they did. After years of holding a grudge, I finally accepted it for what it was because I realized hating my parents for something they thought was best, I can’t blame them for and trying to change the past isn’t going to do anyone any good because it’s already happened. So I began the process of forgiving them. It’s still hard to talk about when brought up but I can’t be selfish and keep this kind of secret and story to myself...I’d blow up.”
Dad’s thoughts: I love your mother very much but it was very challenging trying to be there for her when she was fighting to get custody and rights over your sister. Filipinos are very secretive and don’t let outsiders, like me, in very often. They aren’t racist per-se but they don’t let just anyone into their ‘circle of trust’ all that easily. And since I am not of either their background culture, it became very frustrating when my thoughts and ideas weren’t validated and there by being irrelevant and everything I said became moot. Regardless, your mother and I love your sister very much and although it was a hard few years, we got her back and the rest you know yourself.”
Grandparents thoughts: “We did what we thought would be best for our daugher and we aren’t going to apologize for what happened but will apologize for the way it [went down]. We think she now understands what we did then because she is now a more matured women and mother. Parents do what they can to protect their children.”
Marie’s thoughts: “I didn’t know what was going on for the longest time and it wasn’t until I was about 4 or 5 that I learned that ‘mom’ was really my mom and grandpa and grandma weren’t my actual parents. I think I always knew but didn’t put two-and-two together until I asked.”
My brother’s thoughts: “Growing up with Marie didn’t bother me much. Granted I didn’t really know the full story but even when I was told the truth, I didn’t view her any differently than I did. In my eyes, she was my sister and being told who she really was just solidified what I already knew. She may only be my half-sister but I never considered her anything less than a full-sister.”
My thoughts: I didn’t fully understand who my sister was until I was about six or so. All I knew her as or to be was my ‘sister’ that would only come and spend the summer with us but when those three months ended and she left, my brother and I were left confused for nine months and then she’d come back and the whole process of confusion would start again. And when she finally moved in with us at the age of thirteen, I was only four at the time and there was a nine year age gap between my sister and I. I confided in my brother mostly who was only eighteen months older than I was. It made to be a very interesting living situation because while I was used to only having my sister around for the summer, I didn’t know how I would adjust to having her live with my family and I full-time. And since she was nine years older than I am, she had her own life and friends that she would hang out with so there wasn’t much time that was spent between us. Up until last summer, my sister was never a consistent person in my life because we led to different lives and would always miss each other on the account of both of our work and school schedules. But when we decided to go to Italy in the spur of the moment, we were forced to be with each other 24/7 for 9 days and there was no way around getting away from each other. I learned a lot about my sister on that trip and I learned to respect and love her differently than I had been doing for the majority of my life until that point in time. We grew closer and spent even more time together after coming back home and while I couldn’t get out of helping her plan her wedding, I had the privilege of seeing her walk down the aisle as her maid-of-honor and I knew that in the moment that as frustrating as she and the wedding was, I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. Both my mom and sister’s stories wasn’t the easiest but seeing them come out on top and being successful after all of it is truly inspiring and amazing to me.
Although what happened to my mother was an unfortunate and bluntly messed up, she wouldn’t have met my father and I wouldn’t be sitting here writing this autobiography on my mother which you are now reading. At the end of the day, after all the trauma and hurt, my mother has forgiven her parents for what they did and what happened and more longer holds an resentment towards them.
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