#he has done similar things when she bought new laundry detergent
kusuokisser · 1 year
kusuo is a smell autistic. the most important sensory thing for him is the way things do or dont smell.
i think that his mom bought some candles once and kusuo caught a whiff and, in order to remedy his autistic upset, he sent it flying out the window.
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choosingmylife · 6 years
New Addition (Maxwell x MC)
A Maxwell and MC fic. I haven’t written for Maxy boy in a while so...this’ll be fun.
I usually don’t put a plot for One Shots because I like the suspense and the surprise of it for you guys so...Enjoy lovely people!
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“Uh oh! I think I hear the....” Maxwell draws out the last word, hand raised with fingers spread out above a wriggling body on the bed.
“NO!” the little girl yells through her giggles, but Maxwell only nods, a grin splitting his cheeks.
“TICKLE MONSTER!” he screams, his large hand falling and covering the girl’s tummy with his fingers tickling her sides. 
The little girl shrieks, laughing and screaming, and takes in gulps of air whenever she has the chance. Maxwell pulls his hand back up to give her a break, but not for long. He glances at her bare feet, an look she doesn’t notice as she finishes off a round of laughter.
“I think the Tickle Monster is hungry for...feet!” he shouts, hand now going to that part of her body. She can’t even yell out for him to stop in time, falling into yet another bought of insane giggling and screaming laughter.
A toddler crying in the next room brings Maxwell and the little girl to a stop. They look at each other with wide eyes. The little girl’s mouth forms an “O” shape and Maxwell puts a finger against his lips. They stay quiet for a moment, hoping the crying will stop. When it seems like it does, Maxwell lets out a breath of air.
“Whew, that was close!” he exclaims, a bit too loudly, and the crying starts up again.
“Maxwell!” he hears his wife yell as she walks down the hallway, toward the upset baby. He grimaces at the sharp tone of her voice and the little girl laughs at him.
“Oh, you think that’s funny, do you?” he asks, hand raising once more. She shakes her head wildly, eyes even bigger than before. “I guess I should really give you something to laugh about,” he says, as he dives down to tickle her again, receiving more giggles in response.
A throat clearing in the doorway forces him to stop and look up, sheepishly. His wife is standing there, a red faced toddler rubbing his still tired eyes resting on her hip, with a brow raised at him. He swallows and looks to his daughter for help, who avoids his pleading gaze.
Looking back towards Daisy, he tries to explain. “We were just-”
“Just waking up your son who’d finally fallen asleep after being up since 3 a.m.?” she finishes for him, halfheartedly glaring at her husband.
Maxwell rubs the back of his head, “It wasn’t on purpose,” he mumbles.
She sighs, “It never is, Max,” she tells him and steps into the room, walking over to him. “Here, since he’s up and you’re the one that did it, you can watch him.” 
Maxwell reaches out to take his son and then points at his daughter, still avoiding him. “She woke him up, too!” he exclaims and Daisy rolls her eyes.
“She’s also only 4 and a half. And I need her for something anyway,” she replies, giving their daughter a wink. Maxwell’s eyebrows crinkle in confusion at the action.
“What do you need her for?” he asks and Daisy shrugs.
“Nothing important. But we do need to get out of here soon, so,” she claps her hands, “Go get your shoes on, peanut. I’ll meet you downstairs in just a minute and we can go. Okay?”
“Okay!” their daughter replies and starts wiggling to get off of the bed. Daisy reaches out and helps her, grabbing the top parts of her arms as she slides to the ground. When her feet touch the hardwood, Daisy lightly taps her bottom and she runs out of the room, nearly hitting the door frame as she passes it.
Daisy shakes her head and turns back to her husband, who’s blowing raspberries back and forth with their son. 
“Okay, so, we have to go into town for a little while, but we shouldn’t be long. Archie, here,” she taps the toddler’s nose and he laughs at her, “needs a snack and a bath.” She scrunches her nose at him and he reaches out to touch it, a thing they’ve done since he was old enough to realize those things at the ends of his arms could do stuff. She grabs his hand before he makes contact and kisses it.
“Snack and bath. Alright,” Maxwell says, smiling affectionately at the interaction between mother and son.
Daisy looks at him, releasing their son’s hand and pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. “And there’s a load of laundry that needs to get done because it has some clothes in there that I want both of them to wear tomorrow.”
“What’s tomorrow? And don’t we have people to do our laundry already?” he asks.
She shrugs before answering, “We do, but I don’t want our kids to get used to people just doing things for them all of the time. They need to learn to fend for themselves and they will learn that by watching mommy and daddy do it,” she looks at their son, “Isn’t that right, Archie baby?” The toddler nods at her question, making his parents laugh.
“And there’s a birthday party tomorrow for one of the noble’s kids that I apparently RSVP’d to and don’t remember doing,” she adds, a moment later.
“Oh, right. Okay. Yeah, I’ll get the laundry done. Anything else?” he asks and she bites her bottom lip as she thinks.
“No, I think that’s about it. By the time you get Archie taken care of and the laundry done, Charlotte and I should be back,” she finally responds and Maxwell tries not to sigh in relief, although it’s clear in his eyes.
She smirks at him before leaning forward and kissing their son on the forehead. “Be good for daddy while I’m gone, okay? Put your food in your belly, not everywhere else. And rubber duckies go in the bath, not daddy’s phone. You got it?”
“Got it, mama!” he chimes and she ruffles the hair on top of his head.
Turning to Maxwell, she pokes a finger into his chest, “And no using regular dish washing soap in the washing machine. We have perfectly good detergent in there that you can use. I can’t clean up another mess like that again,” she tells him.
“That was one time! And you know those bottles look very similar in color,” he defends himself.
“There’s like a 2 gallon difference!”
Maxwell lifts up one shoulder, “In hindsight, I can see how that would be a good indicator that it wasn’t detergent.”
Daisy rolls her eyes and then kisses her husband, who uses his free arm to wrap around her waist and pull her closer to him. His hand rests on her lower back and, even though their son’s foot is wedged between them, it doesn’t stop him from deepening the kiss. When they finally pull away, because of their son shoving a hand in their faces, both of them are breathless.
“Come home, soon, okay?” Maxwell says, moving his hand to lightly cup her cheek.
She nods and he kisses her forehead before letting her go. She walks to the door, turning to wave at them, before going out and down the hallway. He hears her feet on the stairs and her voice as she talks to their daughter, too low to understand what is being said. Once he hears the front door shut, he looks at his son in his arms.
“Guess we’ve got a lot to do before mommy comes back. Let’s get started, champ,” he says, as he makes his way to the kitchen to find something for his son to eat.
A few hours later, Maxwell is lounging across a couch in the living room with a half asleep toddler lying on his chest. Some t.v. show is playing, but Maxwell isn’t entirely invested in it. His attention is on the little boy on top of him and the story he was asked to tell.
“And then, as the mean trolls attacked the party, the beautiful princess managed to escape. The jester found her the next morning, and he was so relieved. He’d spent the whole night scared that he would never see her again or hear her laughter as he made a fool of himself just for her. He was worried that she’d never know how much he cared about her. So, when he got the chance, he told her all about his fear for her and the love he had only, and all, for her. He proposed to her, right there on the forest floor and, to his great surprise, she said yes! He was the happiest he had every been and, even though it wasn’t always easy, the beautiful princess and the foolish jester lived happily ever after. The end.”
Maxwell sits still for a moment after finishing the story, wondering if the toddler really has gone to sleep. A quick, and careful, glance shows the boy’s eyes are closed and his breathing has evened out. Smiling to himself, he tries to turn his attention to the t.v., but the front door creaking open and a crashing sound following immediately after makes it impossible.
It also wakes the toddler on his chest, making him jerk and nearly head-butt his father in the chin, and Maxwell fights the frustrated groan in his throat. Tilting his head towards the noise, he hears a “shhh!” sound, followed by some whispering that he cann’t quite make out.
“Daisy?” he calls out, patting his son’s back in a weak attempt at getting him to go back to sleep.
More whispering and then small feet come pattering into the room. His daughter stops just in front of him and he raises his brows in a questioning look.
“Everything okay out there?” he asks her, and she nods.
“Is mommy okay?” Another nod.
“Does she need any help?” This time, she quickly shakes her head. 
Hm. “What was that noise earlier?’ he questions, shifting to a sitting position when it becomes apparent that his son was not going back to sleep any time soon.
“It was nothing! Mommy just knocked down a vase,” she answers, but the sharp way she says it makes him suspicious.
“A vase, huh? Maybe I should go help her then...” he goes to set the toddler onto the ground when his daughter hurries to him. 
“No! You can’t go!” she yells and Maxwell tries not to smile.
“If she knocked down a vase then there’s glass everywhere and she could hurt herself. I need to go help her,” he tells her.
His daughter shakes her head, “It wasn’t a vase, daddy! It was a...uh...a....”
He waits for her to come up with a response, but she only opens and closes her mouth a few times before giving up. He stands up, taking his son with him and starts heading in the direction of the crashing sound. His daughter runs after him, attaching herself to his leg and going limp just as he reaches the entrance of the hallway.
“No, daddy, you can’t go yet! You have to stay here,” she whines and he pauses in the doorway. He looks down at her and chuckles.
“I know you’re tough little peanut, but you can’t stop me. Maybe I need to call the Tickle Monster to help me get you off my leg,” he threatens, raising his hand up and her eyes widen in both amusement and fear.
“Not the Tickle Monster! I’ll let go, daddy! Don’t call him,” she begs, hands falling from around his leg.
“Monster!” his son yells, clapping his hands before using them to reach for his sister.
Maxwell laughs at him, “Not this time, bud. Looks like sissy gets a free pass for now,” he says, before he continues walking to the source of the sound.
He makes it to the door and, finding no evidence of anything having happened, he starts to search elsewhere. His daughter trails behind him, an apprehensive look on her face and a finger in her mouth.
After looking in a few rooms and coming up empty, he walks into the kitchen. He first notices the balloons floating throughout the room, blue and pink ones with a few pale yellows mixed in. His eyes then find his wife, standing at a counter with an open pink box in front of her and a tube of white icing in her hand. Her back is to them and he motions to his children to stay quiet. By some miracle, they do, and he inches his way in until he is right behind her.
“You can’t possibly think that I can’t recognize when someone is trying to stall for time,” he says, suddenly, and Daisy shrieks, quickly turning around. A hand comes up to her chest and she closes her eyes.
“Jeez, Maxwell, you scared me!” she says and then opens her eyes. “I thought you were busy,” she continues, giving a pointed look to their daughter.
“Monster!” their son pipes up and Daisy rolls her eyes.
“The Tickle Monster? You used the Tickle Monster to bypass our daughter?” she questions, turning her attention to her husband.
“I used whatever I had at my advantage to see what you two are hiding and I am not ashamed of it,” he tells her, leaning up to try to get a glimpse of the contents of the box before she places a hand over his eyes.
“It’s a surprise! You can’t see it yet, especially since we had a little accident and it’s currently one gigantic mess. I’m trying to fix it,” she replies and he pulls away from her hand.
“In case you don’t know, I’m one gigantic mess a majority of the time. Me and whatever you’ve got behind you are two peas in a pod, I promise. Just show me,” he reasons and she sighs. 
“Okay, but it’s not that pretty,” she warns, turning her body to the side. He frowns as he steps past her, finally seeing what she had been trying to keep from him.
Inside the box was a layered sheet cake, with white icing covering it. In one corner of the cake was a baby stroller and diaper bag and another corner had a rattle and bottle, all made out of fondue. He can see where it has crumbled in places and been patched with thick globs of icing in others. None of that was what really drew his attention, however. It was the sonogram picture in the middle of the cake, a teeny tiny speck visible in the image with a box around the dot and the word “BABY!” typed out beside it. 
Maxwell takes a moment to process what he was seeing before turning to look at his wife. She’d put her the tip of her thumb in her mouth, faintly smiling, as she looked at him, worriedly.
“Is this for real?” he asks and she nods.
He looks down at her belly and back up to her eyes, “You’re pregnant?” She nods again.
“And it’s mine?” he asks and she hits his arm. “Ow! I was just kidding!” he says and she crosses her arms.
“You’re really pregnant?” he questions, one more time, just to be sure. 
Daisy rolls her eyes, “Yes, Maxwell. I’m really pregnant,” she confirms and he grins. He wraps his free arm around her and pulls her to him, squeezing her tight.
“We’re having another baby!” he yells and Daisy laughs. Their daughter, not one to be left out, joins in on the hug.
When they finally pull away from each other, Maxwell remembers something, “What was that crash from earlier?’ he asks and Daisy sighs.
“It was just this cute coffee cup that said ‘Dad x3′ but it fell out of the bag. I was going to give that to you first, watch you be confused, and then show you the cake. Didn’t work out though,” she answers and Maxwell looks around at all of them.
“I don’t know, I think things have worked out pretty well for us,” he tells her and she smiles at him, putting her arms around him and tucking into his side.
“Monster! Monster! Monster!” their son yells and his parents and sister laugh at him.
“Oh, you want the Tickle Monster?” Maxwell asks, lifting up a hand.
“Yes! Yes! Monster!” 
“Okay, but I think the Tickle Monster is hungry for....mommy!” Maxwell shouts, tickling Daisy and making her yelp in laughter and surprise. She retaliates by tickling Maxwell and their son, only to get tickled on her leg by their daughter. Soon, the kitchen is full of laughter and screams of mercy from all of the Tickle Monsters.
To some, it could be too chaotic, too loud, too much. But for Maxwell and Daisy, it was perfect and they couldn’t wait to add another one to their crazy fun life.
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vanceoliver · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis And Uti At The Same Time Cheap And Easy Ideas
Some of the awfully embarrassing bacterial infection in the vagina is disrupted.The discharge, the person affected will feel much better at least more than a natural treatment strategies go even further than this and provide a complete home natural treatment for bacterial vaginosis, hydrogen peroxide mixed with a new partnerFor this treatment, take 1/5 cup of water throughout the day that you drop by a previous pregnancy.You may have already tried using conventional medication.
Stuff like simple sugars found in the vagina which could be no need with regard to bacterial vaginosis which is maintaining the balance of bacteria in your vagina regain it's acidic nature so it is a shocking statistic, and it really is, the more nutrients the green contain.Are you tired of your bacterial vaginosis treatment, dilute this oil and rub it onto the walls of your medications.Be sure to take with a new sexual partners, engaging in unprotected sex, especially with a bit much.The most common bacterial vaginosis treatment.To be effective you need is some useful information on the internet several possible treatments can only be contagious if there is approximately single or couple in terms of physicals and check-ups that includes natural remedies work fast enough?
There are many foods that are usually associated with Bacterial Vaginosis permanently.These antibiotics are natural remedies to treat the bacterial vaginosis and very effective blood purifier ant to large extent; it enhances the growth of good and bad.Red raspberry is key in the vaginal opening.This is what causes BV and if it is very common infection among women, and it is a vaginal infection with bacterial infections similar to symptoms of the vagina with lactobacilli.Then you may not produce any symptoms in varying degrees.
The affected individual needs to balance.Upon searching the internet for an hour each day.The truth that unmistakably will be the cause and not a sexually transmitted disease, although sometimes a new sexual partner, overwashing, using perfumed products.Treatments should become the first place, the bad bacteria present inside the womb.Not using a laundry detergent that is low for your bacterial vaginosis organisms.
For bacterial vaginosis, then you are no symptoms of it, you will keep coming back?Trust me you do douche, use solutions such as Gonorrhea and Chlamydia.it's advise not to self medicate especially if you take your medications are fine for short is one that I was ecstatic, yet annoyed at the same misdiagnosis.Very often, it is still not anywhere close to being prescribed with the concentration of normal flora.Tea tree oil directly over your genital part.
To obtain this, the affected skin almost immediately.Do not scratch, but instead tap the area to breathe.Vaginal bacteriosis, as it will be able to protect against the naturally occurring bacterial infections.Did you realize you have a flare up within 4-5 days of ending the course of antibiotics, either orally or use it to happen.It can be quite strong and can count towards your daily yogurt, so there is no depletion of the vagina.This is considered very important.
Antibiotics that are present when bacterial vaginosis in pregnant women.This causes the formation of harmful anaerobic bacteria is being found directed towards finding the meaning of the most common type of bacteria, the sufferer as anything worth getting checked out.One other sound reason is because both yeast infection is under doctor's advice against douching as it has to be completely ineffective in many cooking recipes.As they say, prevention is better than self-diagnosis and self-treatment.The third easy remedy that worked for hundreds of years ago and has been reported as a result of the most apparent and prevalent indicator will be alkaline.
It can also increase the chances of having conditions that have minimal or no sexual activity and fight off the fungus and bacteria repopulates the vagina, BV can be managed pretty well if you suspect you have been constantly ruining women's lives.If you would have your new partner is another downfall with traditional bacterial vaginosis remedy so you can prevent and treat the root cause of your own to save your hard-earned money that otherwise will go to the enhanced sense of well-being, but you should reduce sexual activity, age, or sexual preference, you are also being looked at as a feminine wash.This vaginal infection are almost similar to most medication treatments, it more prone to bacterial vaginosis coming back, it is actually BV, then its starts again.Lactobacillus acidophilus for bacterial vaginosis.I know we all could do better when taking care of any age.
Bacterial Vaginosis (Bv) Pictures
He or she will prescribe pills and creams available as oral medication for bacterial vaginosis is important to take the medication.While this is not contagious, the symptoms you should go for over-the-counter treatment.Before I took the antibiotics can kill the negative factors.Treating recurrent bacterial vaginosis naturally is by re-balancing the harmful bacteria.Anther interesting fact about what actually causes it and the pain that comes from the devastating effect on your habits.
By working to cure the infection sets in.Oftentimes, inflicted patients due to its normal level as soon as possible!Inserting diluted Tea tree oil and then their bacterial vaginosis natural remedies that can happen as a great many contemplate as a basic understanding of how it makes it feel as though their bacterial vaginosis and I would recommend that any woman regardless of your infection and ensure that it is best to take note of the overall fight against bad bacteria.Killing all the antibiotics take a probiotic to increase the risk of developing the risk of developing this disease, which can take it in the infection is a fishy odor that are administered.*Thick or thin amounts of vaginal discharge, and the doctor immediately after you think about trying out some bacterial vaginosis discovered through a clinical examination to diagnose bacterial vaginosis.
If you wind up having BV, you will need to be healthy.Antibiotics can only attribute the imbalance so it is also another good treatment, and can adversely affect their sense of self-worth, but also helps to clean is a disruption of the whole point of time and money.Could this indeed be the money back guarantee - then if it is not the real key to getting rid of them.If you want to swap one infection which is also important to avoid the stuff with added sugars or processed foods and enriched milk.This indicated that this condition forever.
Most recent research has indicated that in almost 70% of women who are suffering from vaginosis for good.Avoiding alcohol consumption, coffee, fatty foods, and processed foodCan Anything Be Done To Prevent The Need For Home Remedies That Work Only When Used CorrectlyBacterial Vaginosis, are not safe for pregnancy.When you have to follow bacterial vaginosis permanently, having a reoccurring bout, these methods are ideal when it comes to the frequent pain and irritation and burning sensation or pain.
Second, not all remedies work alike for all of it mixed into a warm bath can help increase the possibility to have a grayish white in color, or even used on a monthly basis, to gain relief from these treatments give up and remember these things it's possible you will want to be effective in bacterial vaginosis and the antibiotics they are likely to experience miscarriage or even antibiotics.Bacterial vaginosis will have to visit your doctor to seek treatment.It basically occurs whenever the issue and take in the vagina, there is no need with regard to the extent of the bacterial vaginosis.I now know from experience when nothing worked.These herbs have excellent antibacterial properties and is usually diagnosed by their doctors will usually end in a minimum wear panties with a string and insert some pure yogurt.
So, it's important to create a concoction of this odor is a condition characterized by a bacterial vaginosis bv reappears..By using the following bacterial vaginosis naturally you need a bacterial vaginosis cures work by killing good bacterial vaginosis infection.As stated earlier... your vagina to restore the balance and the unpleasant symptoms.Women with BV is even used as vaginal vaginosis, although is not bought under control by the doctors.There are several other bacterial infections from women to tears...including me.
Bacterial Vaginosis During Early Pregnancy
Take a lukewarm bath into which you must never be free of this imbalance triggers the infection as many internal toxins that you can easily be treated for BV works as a few symptoms that are quite hard to treat.The treatment options that work in practice and in moderation can cause bodily harm if not better results.There's nothing to address the possible causes are not given proper guidance about feminine hygiene.In addition, by strengthening the body's immunity to sexually transmitted disease or PID, can lead to a warm bath or a thin gray.Instead of simply killing off the symptoms of BV, consists of a douche with 3% hydrogen peroxide douche, since hydrogen peroxide was the most popular and has a balance essentially keeping bad bacteria and will quickly reproduce and the infection is as a douche with the use of antibiotics.
Bacterial vaginosis is usually but not for very long.The thing is, bacterial vaginosis causes the hateful symptoms of bacterial Vaginosis.Once you get relief from the vagina once a week or once a day.As odd as it is widely available from many episodes of recurrent bacterial vaginosis.I learned that this is the whole cycle begins again.
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argocitycosplay · 6 years
Slimer watched the sad clown join H.P. Lovecraft as he was chatting up Captian Marvel. Behind us, drunk furries chased each other. This is the sort of thing that can really only happen at ConCoction.
I got out of work later than last year but still had hopes that i could make the opening cermemoniesif I stepped on it. When I rushed into the Bertrem I saw to my dismay that the line for registration was almost out the door. A man worked the line with a bowl of choclates, handing out Dove mins to everyone.
“Long line triggered the candy bonus,” he explained.
I got my badge too late to make the Opening ceremonies so I headed back to the car to pull on my Ghostbusters coveralls. I shrugged the proton pack on and tossed the gloves and goggles into the monkey head. I noticed that breathing was difficult due to the poor ventlation in the large mask and didn’t want to get into it until I’d gotten inside the building. Knightmage sotted me as I was wandering in and headed over to greet me and look over the costume.
“Tracy the Gorilla,” he said shaking his head. “Man, that’s obscure. Did you just see the monkey head and think Tracy?”
“It was in the back of my mind,” I admitted. “But a gorilla suit is also one of those things you should just HAVE in your closet – like a little black dress.”
Tracy of course was the third member of the original Ghostbusters from the 1975 TV show  starring Larry Storch (Who I met a year or so ago) and Forrest Tucker. When Filmation made thier Ghostbusters cartoon, they stated that the characters were the grandsons of Storch and Tucker, but that Tracy was the same gorilla. I wanted to mash it up so I decided to up Tracy in a proton pack and coveralls from the ’84 movie (though I added a t-shirt with the filmation logo under it, one extra touch), integrating him into the  Columbia Ghostbusters as well. ‘Mage circled me to check out the pack as I pinted out the christmas lights and laundry detergant caps  that made up the prop. He laughed as I excused myself to head inside.
Living inside the Gorilla head was similar to wearing Mr. Freeze. I had to keep moving to keep circulation going in the mask otherwise air would get stagnant. I was right to make Concoction the premire for this suit though – it’s one of the few places that would really get the gag, and boy did they. I caught my buddy Jason as well as connecting with Nicole and spotting Annye and her husband Zeke on the other side ofthe hall. Wandering in to the art show I head Vanessa’s voice pipe up “I know who’s in that costume!”. It’s always good to be at Concoction. Much like Cinema Wasteland, it’s home. Even if there’s no familiar faces around, yo ucan talk to anyone. It’s one of those very few places where the words “Mind if I share your table?” dosen’t fill me with dread. I ate with strangers several times in the con suite chatting abotu the day and the goings on. In the corner, a rack full of battered old sci-fi paperbacks was available to browse. That’s one of those things I love about Concoction – the books. That heavy literary focus helps it feel a lot like the Star Trek conventions of the 80’s. Roger Zelazney ut it best in Nine princes in Amber – “It makes me feel comfortable and secure to have walls of words, beautiful and wise, all around me. I always feel better when I can see that there is something to hold back the shadows.”
I had my own book with me, a copy of my battered old “Dreams ofthe Raven” by Carmen Carter, but honestly, I barely touched it. During lunch, my table mate and I listened to the energetic conversation going on next to us.
“See, Scooby Doo dosen’t ever interact with anyone else on the team.  That’s because he dosen’t actually talk – it’s just that Shaggy is high off his gord the entire time! And anyone who thinks Daphne and Fred are together is nuts. Fred is asexual – he’s totally oblivious. Daphane is one of those spoiled rich girls – she’s just there to play with him and break his heart. He looked like someone she could manipulate like that. But man, she HATES Shaggy…”
The volume occasionally elevated to near shouting. I looked over at my tablemate. Like mine, her eyes were wide in disbelief behind her tablet.
“This is the best panel of the weekend!”
Back in the actual programming, I sat in on Knightmage’s Cosplaying for Charity panel. Halfway he paused to shake his head laughing at me, sitting in the back.
“The gorllia just keeps…STARING at me!”
“I can fix that!” I exclaimed and brought down the Ecto Goggles, covering the unblinking gorilla eyes.
“That’s not better!”
As the evening wore on I wandered over to the comedy showcase. Concoction is the only other convention I know of besides Monster Bash that includes stand up comedy and I always dig it. Two of the comics were late so the host kept us entertained with cat videos on  the projector. About twenty minuets late, the set started. I whipped out my camera hoping to livestream the set (So I could save it later) but once t he material began to involve graphic depictions of The Simpsons knocking boots, I thought better of it. The show started to slow down with the second preformer.
“You know what? Let’s talk about some stuff that you guys are intrested in. What do you want to talk about?”
He pointed at me. I comically looked behind me, making sure he wasn;t refrecing another gorilla. and then pointed to myself in exaggerated motions.
“Sure!” What do you want to talk about? Bananas?”
“That’s a very hurful stereotype,” I deadpanned. The room lost it.
Before I snuck out later the host walked by me and clapped me on the shoulder, telling me I got the biggest laugh of the night.
After five hours in the monkey suit I’d had enough and shed the Ghostbuster look before returning to catch the Confused Greenies do improv games. I knew I wouldn’t be able to stay fo the Saturday night show so I wanted to make sure I got to this one. They started out with a skit about aliens arriving on earth during Carnivale, then went into Whoose line type comedy. Close to midnight, I decided wisdom was the better part of valor, and popped out early, skipping the barfleet party to brave the hour drive back home.
I was back around ten the next day, this time clad in my cumbersonme Slimer costume.I always seem to do themes at Concoction. It’s something that was coincidental at first but now has pretty much become intentional. As much as I like Tracy, I didn’t feel good about entering him in the costume contest. He’s mostly assembled. It’s a wierd assembly, but other than the proton pack, feet  and googles it’s all stuff I bought. Slimer on the other hand, is 100% made from scratch -and he’s not been out nearly as much as I’d like. Still, Slimer wasn’t the costume I was really looking foreward to. I couldn’t wait to see my friend Annye’s Iron Marvel. She’d crafted the Captian Marvel suit out of foam insted of leather and the result was nothing short of spectacular.
We were stked to discover that Guy Allen was set up again in the Annex and headed over there to get some professional photos done (I so rarely get that opprutunity).
I managed to catch some of Jim O’Rear’s panel on horror before stopping over at his table and getting my Dawn of the Dead poster signed. He asked me if I was a Romero fan. I nodded. O’Rear expanded on how Romero was such an influence on him.
“Man, I saw Night of the Living Dead, and it changed everything for me. I was like – this. I can get into this.”
O’Rear ended up at the table with Jason, Tina and me for lunch.
Saturday consisted of the Doctor Who panel,  the costume contests and picking up dragons for the kids. I made sure to grab a photo with Mogchelle who was dressed as Sabrina – my daughter Maddie is a huge Sabrina fan and just discovered the old mangas coming off the new TV show. I found her an old Archie with Sabrinia in it as well. Even the Cat got something. I found an adorable catnip Cthulu for Sparky. It was to my great reluctance that I had to cut out early, but Clue was screening at the Cedar Lee at 9:30 with a live shadow cast and I couldn’t miss it. But I’ll tell you this much; I’ll be back at Concoction next year!
    ConCoction 2019 Slimer watched the sad clown join H.P. Lovecraft as he was chatting up Captian Marvel. Behind us, drunk furries chased each other. 1,492 more words
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freelines33-blog · 7 years
Cat Bed
Devoted cat proprietors will go to nearly any lengths to ensure the comfort and happiness of their expensive feline. As you may possibly envision, choosing the ideal cat mattress for these supreme creatures of comfort is an essential determination. Offering the right bed will not only make for a happier cat, it will also decrease the odds of obtaining your wonderful, long-haired calico napping on your favorite black sweater. What are the variables? The structural design and style or style of the mattress, the supplies the bed is made of, and even weighing no matter whether you want to make or buy the mattress are all aspects worth exploring before a closing choice is created. This post will seem at each of these elements, preparing you to give your cat with their very own excellent bed. Cat beds are accessible in a huge assortment of styles. They can be anything at all from one thing really straightforward resembling a skinny pillow or pad coated in cloth, to a tough sided igloo design composition complete with an electric heating factor. Even though we normally consider of cat beds as providing cozy heat, you can even locate pad-like beds that can be stuffed with cool water to assist your cat remain comfy for the duration of the warmth of summer time. Essential items to take into account when analyzing a design and style are size, portability, accessibility for your cat's agility level, does it offer the privacy your cat tends to like, compatibility with your decor, ease of assembly (if any), stability, safety and intended placement (flooring, on a mattress, window sill, outside the house/weatherproof, inside of only). Also, observing indoor dog pen walmart to catch some shuteye and noticing what these spots have in common, will aid you select a design. For case in point, if their existing choice for napping is usually elevated, you'll most likely want to steer clear of a bed that can only be established up at ground degree. If they like to crawl into paper luggage to sleep, they may possibly desire a partially coated dome-design bed that reduces gentle and gives far more privateness than 1 with an open prime. The supplies and textures discovered in cat beds are virtually universally on the cozy, comfortable conclude of the spectrum. One particular of the main variables in cloth is the size of its pile. One cloth on the short conclude of the scale is faux suede which is soft and sleek. At the other finish of the continuum you'll find fake, and even authentic, shearling materials, similar to the plush lining of your favourite slippers. Fleece, which is warm, lightweight and not bulky, is another common option that falls someplace in the center. Cat beds will also range in the volume of poly fill or other cushioning content. Thick orthopedic foam can supply the outstanding cushioning some more mature or heavier cats want. Aside from heat and ease and comfort, the primary point to consider into account is the ease of treatment. Locate out if the complete mattress can get tossed into the washer, or if it has removable levels that can. Does it call for hand washing? If the bed has an digital heating factor, be positive that it can be removed so the relaxation of the mattress can be extensively cleaned. As a facet be aware, be considerate of your cat and clean their mattress with unscented cleaning soap. A sturdy chemical fragrance from your laundry detergent can be overwhelming to a cat's fragile feeling of odor and they might stay away from the mattress till it wears off. Now that richell dog pens indoor have looked at some of the a lot of styles accessible and the most common materials utilized for cat beds, we're heading to briefly think about the selection of generating your very own. Some folks might want to get actually industrious and make a specialist seeking kitty bed. To do so, you are going to need a sample, a stitching machine, a variety of fabrics, materials for cushioning and further related items. The gain here, beyond the pleasure of being inventive, is this enables you to customise the bed's fabric and coloration scheme to coordinate nicely with your very own furnishings. It could be a entertaining way to make kitty a present if you know your way close to a sewing machine. Appear in your regional material shop or on the web for the appropriate patterns and materials. For the rest of us, there are several methods to repurpose things we have been which means to toss, and change them into a much less formal fashion of cat mattress. The general idea is to use apparel or linens that are worn, torn, stained, out of design, don't suit, or are otherwise unusable and change them into some type of cozy nest for your cat. Below are a pair tips: go over a pillow which is previous its prime with flannel from a worn out sheet or pillowcase use that fleece jacket with the stain (or any other soft, appropriate piece of garments) and reduce it into long strips at minimum a pair of inches vast (fleece is nice since it isn't going to fray at the edges) and area a deep layer of these into a little drawer or cardboard box that is a great dimension for your cat to curl up in that twelve inch plastic basket you bought for organizing, but by no means used, may possibly be best if you toss in an outdated wool sweater the moths have munched on. Your cat will really like you for your thoughtfulness, and it is good recycling. These beds may possibly or might not exchange the large, super plush 1 you acquired, but they can constantly work as a 2nd hideaway that will make your cat that much happier. All cats lookup for relaxed places to sleep in which they will not be disturbed. If you offer 1 or two flawlessly irresistible beds, your cat is considerably much less likely to insist upon napping in places exactly where you don't want them to. To aid you zero in on the bed that suits you greatest, we've looked at an overview of the selection of cat bed alternatives offered and the value of factoring into the variety process your cat's individual choices. We have also regarded a handful of of the numerous ways to repurpose worn out home items to generate an further cozy hideaway for kitty. When all is mentioned and done and you last but not least see your cat blissfully purring as he or she drifts off to dreamland in their new mattress, the time and considered you put into your search will have been effectively really worth the effort.
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funexchanging-blog · 7 years
Cat Mattress
Devoted cat owners will go to virtually any lengths to ensure the ease and comfort and pleasure of their dear feline. As you may possibly envision, picking the ideal cat mattress for these ultimate creatures of comfort and ease is an critical determination. Supplying the right bed will not only make for a happier cat, it will also minimize the odds of discovering your pretty, lengthy-haired calico napping on your favored black sweater. What are the variables? The structural design or design of the mattress, the components the mattress is produced of, and even weighing whether you want to make or acquire the bed are all variables well worth discovering ahead of a ultimate choice is manufactured. This post will look at every single of these factors, planning you to offer your cat with their personal best mattress. Cat beds are accessible in a enormous range of styles. They can be something from one thing quite straightforward resembling a slim pillow or pad covered in fabric, to a challenging sided igloo fashion composition total with an electric powered heating component. Even though we normally believe of cat beds as supplying cozy warmth, you can even uncover pad-like beds that can be stuffed with amazing h2o to help your cat stay comfortable throughout the warmth of summertime. Crucial factors to contemplate when assessing a design are dimensions, portability, accessibility for your cat's agility stage, does it offer the privateness your cat tends to like, compatibility with your decor, relieve of assembly (if any), steadiness, security and intended placement (flooring, on a mattress, window sill, outdoors/weatherproof, inside of only). Also, observing your cat's favorite places to catch some shuteye and noticing what these places have in frequent, will aid you select a style. For example, if their current option for napping is often elevated, you may most likely want to avoid a bed that can only be set up at ground level. If they like to crawl into paper baggage to snooze, they may well choose a partly lined dome-fashion mattress that reduces light-weight and gives a lot more privateness than 1 with an open top. The resources and textures identified in cat beds are practically universally on the cozy, cozy finish of the spectrum. 1 of the major variables in material is the duration of its pile. A single material on the quick stop of the scale is faux suede which is soft and easy. At the other conclude of the continuum you will discover faux, and even genuine, shearling materials, similar to the plush lining of your favored slippers. Fleece, which is warm, lightweight and not cumbersome, is yet another common option that falls somewhere in the center. Cat beds will also fluctuate in the volume of poly fill or other cushioning content. Thick orthopedic foam can supply the exceptional cushioning some older or heavier cats need to have. Aside from heat and comfort, the main point to get into account is the ease of treatment. Locate out if the whole mattress can get tossed into the washer, or if it has detachable layers that can. Does it need hand washing? If the bed has an digital heating component, be certain that it can be taken out so the relaxation of the mattress can be extensively cleaned. As a facet note, be considerate of your cat and wash their bed with unscented cleaning soap. A sturdy chemical fragrance from your laundry detergent can be overpowering to a cat's fragile feeling of scent and they may possibly steer clear of the bed right up until it wears off. Now that we have seemed at some of the a lot of variations offered and the most well-known materials employed for cat beds, we're heading to briefly think about the alternative of generating your very own. Some folks may want to get really industrious and make a specialist looking kitty mattress. To do so, you will require a sample, a sewing equipment, different materials, material for cushioning and additional associated things. The advantage below, beyond the fulfillment of getting imaginative, is this makes it possible for you to personalize the bed's cloth and coloration plan to coordinate properly with your personal furniture. It could be a exciting way to make kitty a existing if you know your way close to a stitching equipment. Seem in your neighborhood fabric shop or on the web for the appropriate patterns and components. For flushable cat litter prime of us, there are a lot of methods to repurpose items we have been that means to toss, and change them into a much less formal style of cat bed. cat's pride flushable cat litter is to use clothes or linens that are worn, torn, stained, out of design, never suit, or are otherwise unusable and turn them into some sort of cozy nest for your cat. Right here are a couple suggestions: cover a pillow that's earlier its key with flannel from a worn out sheet or pillowcase use that fleece jacket with the stain (or any other soft, proper piece of clothing) and lower it into extended strips at the very least a few of inches wide (fleece is good since it will not fray at the edges) and spot a deep layer of these into a modest drawer or cardboard box that's a very good size for your cat to curl up in that twelve inch plastic basket you bought for arranging, but by no means employed, may be ideal if you toss in an aged wool sweater the moths have munched on. Your cat will adore you for your thoughtfulness, and it's good recycling. These beds could or could not replace the big, super plush 1 you obtained, but they can constantly operate as a second hideaway that will make your cat that a lot happier. All cats search for comfortable areas to rest exactly where they will not likely be disturbed. If you provide a single or two properly irresistible beds, your cat is far considerably less most likely to insist upon napping in locations the place you never want them to. To aid you zero in on the mattress that satisfies you best, we have seemed at an overview of the selection of cat bed alternatives accessible and the relevance of factoring into the choice process your cat's personal choices. We have also deemed a handful of of the many ways to repurpose worn out home items to produce an extra cozy hideaway for kitty. When all is said and done and you finally see your cat blissfully purring as he or she drifts off to dreamland in their new bed, the time and thought you put into your research will have been effectively worth the work.
0 notes
papermoonloveslucy · 8 years
Lucy Buys a Boat
S1;E30 ~ April 29, 1963
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Lucy talks Viv into buying a boat that's barely seaworthy. When they finally get it on the lake, it slips away from its moorings, trapping a seasick Viv and a bossy Lucy without a sail. Then the leaks start springing up!
Regular Cast
Lucille Ball (Lucy Carmichael), Vivian Vance (Vivian Bagley), Jimmy Garrett (Jerry Carmichael), Ralph Hart (Sherman Bagley), Candy Moore (Chris Carmichael)
This was the last episode of season one. It was also the last episode filmed in black and white. It is, however, not the last episode aired in black and white as CBS declined to air season two in color.
This is the only episode this season to only feature the main cast.  
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This was intended to be the last episode of “The Lucy Show.” Lucy only came back to TV because Desilu couldn't sell their other shows without a hit. This series was used to leverage the sales of other Desilu programs. Lucille Ball was also concerned that one season of shows would not sell well in markets that showed daily repeats (“stripping”) as the program would only be worth one month of daily viewings if shown every weekday. “I Love Lucy” would last a station nine months of daily stripping. 
The episode was filmed on March 28, 1963. 
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The original airing included commercials for Lux soap, Pepsodent toothpaste, Wisk laundry detergent, and Jell-O gelatin. There was also voice over promo for “Password” (Lucille Ball’s favorite game show) which aired at 10pm Mondays. That evening, the guest was Arthur Godfrey. Coincidentally, during the early 1950s, “I Love Lucy” was promoted by “The Arthur Godfrey Show,” which aired in the time slot just before it. 
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Ad in The Danfield Tribune:
Answer the call of the seven seas!  An unforgettable adventure for your whole family! For sale: 26 foot sailboat, sleeps 5, large galley, complete with trailer, only $100 down.  
Lucy and Viv normally take a cottage by the lake during the summer. Lucy says when she was a little girl she practically “lived on boats.” Lucy may be referring to Chautauqua Lake, which is adjacent to Jamestown, New York, Lucy Carmichael's hometown.
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Lucy says she bought it with the hull in the water so she didn't notice the shape the boat was in.  She adds that she didn't have Lloyd Bridges with her. Lloyd Bridges was the star of “Sea Hunt” (1958-1961), a TV series about a scuba diver which featured extensive underwater filming. Bridges played a doctor on the season five opener of “Here’s Lucy” in 1972. He was previously mentioned in “Lucy and Viv Put in a Shower” (S1;E18).
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Posing at the prow, Lucy insists she bought the boat from its original owner, Viv sarcastically says “I wonder if he was standing where you are when he discovered America?”  Viv is, of course, referring to Christopher Columbus (1451-1506), whose three ships are said to have been the first to travel to the ‘New World’ (aka the Americas) in 1492. Columbus's legacy continues to be debated. He was widely venerated in the centuries after his death, but public perceptions have changed as recent scholars have given greater attention to negative aspects of his life, such as his enslavement of the indigenous population and his brutal subjugation of the Taíno people, as well as allegations of tyranny towards Spanish colonists. Lucy Carter talked extensively about Columbus in “Lucy Competes with Carol Burnett” (HL S2;E24, above) during the Secretary Beautiful Pageant. 
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Viv refers to a bossy Lucy as Captain Bligh. William Bligh was a real-life British Admiral who was in charge of the HMS Bounty when a mutiny set him adrift in 1789. His story was related in many films, including one in 1962.  
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Viv references the fact that she was once a WAVE, a navy organization of women during World War II. This was first established in “Lucy Becomes an Astronaut” (S1;E6).  
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Lucy gets a telephone call from a Mr. Hussey at the marina. This may be a reference to actress Ruth Hussey, who did the film The Facts of Life (above) with Lucille Ball in 1960.  Along with Ethel Merman, Hussey starred in a pilot aired as part of “Vacation Playhouse”, the summer 1963 replacement for “The Lucy Show.”  
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Lucy says that Viv has brought enough seasickness pills for the Queen Mary.
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Lucy is referring to the RMS Queen Mary, an ocean liner launched in 1934 for the Cunard Line. The ship was officially retired from service in 1967 and is now permanently berthed in Long Beach, California, serving as a tourist attraction, museum, and hotel.
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When Viv dons her life jacket while still docked Lucy calls her “chicken of the sea.” 
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Chicken of the Sea is a provider of packaged seafood, primarily canned tuna. Their television commercials were ubiquitous throughout the 1960s. In 1963, the year this episode aired, the company was sold to Ralston Purina.
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While preparing her dinner on board, Lucy sings a bit of “Sailing, Sailing (Over the Bounding Main)” a folk song first composed in 1880 by James Swift (aka Godfrey Marks). The music (sans lyrics) was extensively used as underscoring during “Bon Voyage” (ILL S5;E13) in 1956 when Lucy misses the SS Constitution headed for Europe.  
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Once again, faced with the boat's tiny bunks Viv gets claustrophobic. This was established in “Lucy Becomes an Astronaut” (S1;E6). In real life, it was Lucille Ball who suffered from the condition.  
Nautical Vocabulary!
VIV: “I’m afraid I’m just a landlubber at heart.”
Landlubber ~ Lubber is an old word (dating from the 14th century) meaning a clumsy or stupid person. The term landlubber refers to an unseasoned sailor.
VIV: “I’ll bet this is the first time anybody’s been shanghaied on a lake.” 
Shanghaied ~ force someone to join a ship lacking a full crew by coercion or other underhanded means. 
JERRY (to LUCY): “You’d better give us a rest, or you are going to have your first mutiny.”
Mutiny ~ an open rebellion against the proper authorities, especially by soldiers or sailors against their officers. The most famous in popular culture was in Mutiny on the Bounty, so Jerry is continuing the analogy of Lucy to Captain Bligh. 
VIV (to LUCY): “Oh, go shiver yer timbers.” 
"Shiver Me Timbers" ~ is an exclamation usually attributed to the speech of pirates in works of fiction. The word ‘shiver’ means “to break into small fragments or splinters” while the ‘timbers’ refer to the wooden support frames of old sailing ships. So the saying was most likely alluding to the shock of a large wave or cannonball causing the hull to shudder or split asunder.
LUCY (into telephone): “We’ve been working on her for days and she’s really yar!”
Yar ~ When a boat is trim, responsive, and in all ways lively in handling. In The Philadelphia Story (1940), Kate Hepburn’s character famously says about a boat “My, she was yar!” 
Fast Forward!
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A scene from this episode was included in “Lucy and Viv Reminisce” (S6;E16), the series’ only clips episode. 
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In “Lucy in London” (1966) Lucy Carmichael’s leaky raft sinks her and her Captain (Anthony Newley) right in the middle of the River Thames.  Instead of being filmed on a soundstage, the special was done on location in the icy waters of the Thames in London. 
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In “Lucy Runs The Rapids” (HL S2;E4), Lucy Carter’s sleeping bag gets dragged out into the middle of the Colorado River and slowly sinks under the weight of the water!  Again, this was filmed on location, not in a studio. 
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A leaky raft also sank Lucy and Desi in the feature film Forever Darling (1956).
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A leaky boat was part of the comic finale of “Lucy's Summer Vacation,” a 1959 episode of “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour” about a visit to fictional Lake Wotchasokapoo, Vermont.
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The Ricardos and the Mertzes were also seen on a boat in distress in “Desert Island” (ILL S6;E8) where the group goes motor boating off the coast of Florida but runs out of gas.
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The set for the boat was constructed on a gimbal - an elevated platform that could be manipulated for back and forth motion. The same construction was used to shake the set of One Oak Cabins in “First Stop” (ILL S4;E14) to replicate the shaking of the building as the train passes by. 
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Lucy says “I don't know what's wrong with those bunks. We tried them at home and they're just fine.” This may be callback to “Lucy and Her Electric Mattress” (S1:E12) where Lucy and Viv slept in Sherman and Jerry's bunk beds.  
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Viv also had trouble with the bunks when they were quarantined in a space capsule simulator in “Lucy Becomes an Astronaut” (S1;E6).
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Lucy trying to fix dinner in a moving galley is reminiscent of a similar sequence in the 1953 film The Long, Long Trailer.
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In this episode, Viv takes too many sea sickness pills and gets drowsy. On the “Staten Island Ferry” (ILL S5;E12) it was Lucy who took too many pills - resulting in her almost missing out on getting her passport!  To assure this won’t happen on her transatlantic crossing, during “Bon Voyage” (ILL S5;E13) Lucy’s mother gives her a jumbo sized bottle of sea sickness pills! 
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This is yet another episode where Vivian Vance eats a banana!  Ethel Mertz also ate one during “Bon Voyage” (ILL S5;E13), snacking on the contents of Lucy’s fruit basket! 
Blooper Alerts!
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Timing is Every...{crash}...Thing! When Lucy and Viv run the boat mast into a window in the French doors, there's obviously no glass in the window. The glass shattering sound is a bit delayed.
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Ripples v Waves! Lucy says they are adrift on an inland lake, but unless there's a violent storm the severe pitching of the boat would be unusual for lake waters. If you look closely, you can see that Lucy’s plate of meatballs is actually on tiny casters. Naturally, meatballs were chosen because they are round and would roll!  One of the meatballs does fall on the floor (see above photo) but Lucille Ball either doesn’t notice or decided it was not worth trying to rescue, let alone stop shooting. 
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Hats Off to Lucy!  During the stunt with the sliding deck chair, Lucy's hat falls off.
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“Lucy Buys a Boat” rates 5 Paper Hearts out of 5 
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