#he has such a range of books I've noticed so I sometimes get my recs from him
artemismatchalatte · 2 years
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dieanywhereelseart · 2 years
Hi! I’m. A massive fan of your fic “What Once Was Mine” . Genuinely my favorite fic it’s amazing and I still think about it. I was wondering if you think their may be a chance you’d come back to it? If not, that’s totally fine but I thought I’d ask!
Hey! lmao I've gotten this a lot recently. Actually, over the past few months my fic has been doing the rounds again, not sure if someone recced it or what. Either way, the short of it is that I'm not currently working on it but it's something I want to get back to. You can find more of my musings on wowm here and here. I've also gotten into other media lately (namely critical role and C1/the legend of vox machina) so i might scratch an itch and post some fic for that. I have OCD so for me posting a fic is like several steps of planning outlines, worldbuilding, then writing ahead like 5 chapters of 4,000 words each before i start posting regularly. oh and i Have to respond to Every comment (and will probably dig through the hundreds of comments to reply to all of them after i post the next chapter 😅). so uh needless to say it can take me a while to actually. make stuff. in fact i think the only reason i posted wowm at all was that i didn't bother to plan for it? which bit me in the ass later when i needed to sit down and decide how the plot would proceed cause otherwise it would turn into a train wreck reeeal fast. That said, I do have a rough plan for up to like ch 16 and I Think the fic itself will go into the ~20's range for the chapter count? And then maybe I'll follow it up with a collection of epilogue time travel shenanigans drabbles. But! i really do appreciate the love you and so many others have shown for this fic so, for a little early celebration of the two year anniversary of my last update, here's a little bit of next chapter with Nathan and Bella bonding on the train.
"" If Bella noticed the strange chirp of static, she didn’t comment on it, “Sometimes, you’ll be going around looking like you got the weight of the world on your shoulders. For all I know, you probably do. My phone’s open if you ever need to talk, yeah? Just give me the word.”
“Yeah- I mean-” Nathan coughed a little, “There’s . . . a lot? I don’t think it’s the kind of thing you want to get involved with.”
Eldritch deities, time travel, and the fragility of humanity was a little much for a casual Tuesday morning chat.
“So don’t share everything,” She shrugged, “I don’t need the details to care, do I? Just get what you need off of your chest.”
“ . . . I . . . Suppose?”
It was something he hadn’t stopped to consider before. Jon was always chasing after answers, trying to piece together a complete understanding of the things lurking in the shadows. The thought that someone could simply accept uncertainty, could stop looking with only a few meager details, was foreign to him.
Jon sucked in a breath, “I might just take you up on that. Just- not today, alright?”
Bella smiled, “Good! In the meantime, got any hobbies? Any books to recommend? It’s been a while since I could just sit and do something  for myself.”
“Oh- um,” Jon blinked, the knowledge of her favorite genres dripping into his mind, “Martin likes poetry. Not quite my thing, but you might like some of Emily Dickinson’s work.”
“Really? He doesn’t really strike me as the poet type.” A laugh bubbled up from his chest, spilling off of his lips with a sweet ring. It felt good. “You have no idea.” ""
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