#he has the yamato. mirage edge. and beowulf
scalproie · 3 years
u already know... vergil
First impression: oh👀 hes... kinda cool👀
Impression now: So I've been stuck on this part for a while. I asked myself: what do I say here? Do I write an entire essay that go in extreme details over what, how, and why I like this character so much? Do I try to explain why he's literally been a constant presence in the back of my mind for what is soon to be 5 years without sounding insane? Do I just write [UNINTELLIGIBLE] or put a funny gif or a picture of his face with a lot of blue hearts💙 and call it a day? Idk man, but I can at least safely say this: Vergil is my absolute favorite character of all time.
Favorite moment: easy answer is everytime hes on screen💙 but for real. really. seriously. If I HAVE to choose one (1) moment. with the way I'm literally ALWAYS biting on my knuckle irl when Im seeing that scene. the slow reveal. the entire game worth of anticipation. his silhouette. him slowly turning. him having the most confused face known to man. "The Alpha And The Omega". fucking hell man. actual goddamn shivers.
Idea for a story: YALL KNOW ABOUT BAMBI 2 AU LOL. most of what I want has been covered in "Rebirth" anyway. And Im doing so many AUs with this man and his family. Have to work on that star wars idea with Vader Angelo. I also have a few ideas for an AU where the Mundus attack didnt happened and dante and vergil are just. some dudes in Redgrave.
Unpopular opinion: I already voiced them before but I cant invent another one out of nothing so: I dont see him and V (and Urizen for that matter) as separate characters and I dont particularly care about his relationship with nero's mom/lady in red.
Favorite relationship: NERO NERO WITH NERO theres so much potential there!!! I KNOW I dont have to look very far for this content to find it BUT. I genuinely think this is THE most interesting dynamic we can get in future content. I am EXTREMELY sensible for stories between father & son characters that are fully fleshed out on their own. AND I FEEL THIS WAY EVEN MORE BECAUSE OF THE RECENT VoV LIKE... AFTER A LIFETIME OF BEING LOST TO IT, IT WAS THE SON WHO SAVED HIS FATHER FROM DESPAIR...
Favorite headcanon: this man doesnt need to eat or sleep :) also librarian vergil my beloved💙
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DMC 5 - Why Vergil Feels Great to Play
I’m a huge fan of character action fighters like DMC, Bayonetta, Metal Gear Rising, etc. And of those, DCM is my favorite. 
Mainly because of Vergil. I like playing all the characters, but Vergil is by far my favorite. And not just because he’s way overpowered and its fun to body on a bunch of enemies. That’s part of it, but if that was all I wanted I could play Dante or V too. 
No, what I think sets Vergil apart is how deliberate his moveset feels. 
There is a tendency amoung game designers (Bayonetta was really bad about this) to think that all that really matters for making a good character in a spectacle fighter is to give them a lot of moves that look really cool. And that is important, but at least for me it is just important that each move serves a distinct tactical purposes. Ideally, the moveset of a character should act like a gun in Doom, where each move has its own distinct time and place and a good player is able to demonstrate mastery of the system by knowing when to use each move. 
And Vergil has that. Just looking at his air combat for instance, Yamato has two combos which can be used in the air to hurt juggled enemies (and which can be combo’d indefinitely) both with diagonal... whatever the opposite of a launcher is. Let’s call it a grounder. Meanwhile, mirage edge has a powerful grounder and the air-stinger which launches enemies forward. Both of these can be used to reposition vertically and horizontally. It lacks in-built combos however and is so best used to end your own midair combos. Lastly, the Beowulf has lunar phase, a powerful single attack which knocks enemies to the ground but which can be canceled to let it keep being used in a combo, and starfall a Kamen Rider kick which can be used to reposition Vergil or chase groundbound/grounded enemies. It follows the same arc as the grounders for Yamato, making it a good follow up to combo enders with that weapon. 
And almost every one of Vergil’s moves is like that. They all have some particular usecase, some area where they excell. Maybe their a variant launcher, or used to reposition or a shieldbreaker or good at dealing with groups or good at single targets or whatever. Point is they all have a specific use, and that makes Vergil really fun to play because you are constantly changing what you are doing to react to the situation on the ground. 
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friskibitz · 3 years
vergil smash moveset under the cut! i still haven't come up with a splash screen slogan, classic mode is incomplete, and i don't have alt colors, but i DO have a whole lot done. as the beginning will explain, vergil's moveset uses all three of his playable weapons. i decided against true weapon switching because i think that'd be a bit TOO much, but the weapons' moves are divided throughout.
VERY long post under the cut. here goes...!
True to Devil May Cry, Vergil has three weapons, which this moveset makes use of throughout:
Yamato, his signature space-cutting katana
Beowulf, a set of demonic gauntlets and greaves
Mirage Edge, a spectral copy of his father’s sword, Force Edge
Jabs: Yamato Combo A/B/C
A 5- or 4-hit jab sequence.
Combo A (A, A, A, A) - Vergil strikes twice with Yamato’s scabbard, slashes twice with its blade, and finishes with a forward-launching strike.
Combo B (A, A, delay, A) - Vergil strikes twice with Yamato’s scabbard then finishes with a launching slash.
Combo C (A, A, A, delay, A repeatedly) - Vergil strikes twice with Yamato’s scabbard, slashes twice with its blade, and continues with a flurry of slashes, culminating in a launching strike.
Side: Mirage Edge Combo - The full combo is three consecutive attacks, done with subsequent A button presses. With Mirage Edge, Vergil slashes twice and finishes with a thrust.
Up: High Time - Vergil slashes upwards with Mirage Edge.
Down: Spiral Swords - Four Summoned Swords quickly circle Vergil.
Dash Attack: Stinger
Vergil dashes forward with Mirage Edge to pierce opponents.
Forward: Aerial Rave A - Vergil performs three quick slashes with Yamato, with the last launching the opponent.
Back: Aerial Rave B - Vergil spins with the Yamato, finishing with a slash to send opponents downward.
Up: Rising Star - Vergil rises upwards while unleashing two consecutive Yamato slashes.
Down: Aerial Cleave - A falling attack, Vergil brings Yamato down on opponents.
Smash Attacks
Side: Drive - With Mirage Edge, Vergil performs two powerful slashes that release wide, short-ranged shockwaves.
If B is held after the second slash, Vergil can charge and release Overdrive, a slash that sends a larger, slower shockwave.
Up: Upper Slash - Vergil slashes upwards with Yamato. With a longer charge time, Vergil can rise along with the attack, increasing its range.
Down: Void Slash - Vergil slashes around himself in a wide arc with Yamato, slowing down opponents and drawing them closer to him. No knockback, but helps immobilize opponents for combos.
Grabs/Throws: Vergil’s grabs and throws all involve Beowulf.
Forward: Beowulf Combo A - A short melee combo that ends with a double roundhouse kick.
Back: Kick 13 - A flurry of kicks that knocks an opponent away.
Up: Beast Uppercut - A forceful uppercut that launches an opponent upward.
Down: Lunar Phase - A spinning attack that unleashes rapid midair axe kicks, with the last slamming the opponent into the ground.
Dodge Roll: Trick Dodge
Vergil teleports a short distance to dodge.
Neutral: Judgment Cut - Vergil slashes and resheathes Yamato with such blinding speed that he creates a whirlwind of slashes before him. This attack hits any opponent a short distance away from Vergil (indicated by a shadowed area in front of him) and deals damage with no knockback.
Holding B readies the attack, and releasing B unleashes it. There is no additional damage for holding B for a prolonged time. However…
Releasing B with the right timing, indicated by a blue flash of light from Yamato’s scabbard, unleashes Perfect Judgment Cut, which deals a bit more damage and can be chained into three more Judgment Cuts.
This attack can also be used in the air, with slightly different timing for Perfect Judgment Cuts.
Side: Rapid Slash- Vergil dashes forward with tremendous speed, leaving a flurry of slashes in his wake. Opponents in his path will be hit multiple times, with the last dealing knockback.
If B is still held and the up direction is input on the joystick as Vergil reaches his opponent, he can chain this move into Rising Star.
Up: Trick - Vergil dashes at warp speed in any direction dictated by the control stick’s input.
In the air, Trick does not send Vergil into free fall, allowing him to continue attacking, but it cannot be used again until he touches the ground again.
Down: Summoned Swords - Vergil summons blue spectral swords to fly at opponents. These swords deal no knockback, but they make opponents flinch. This special has three uses:
Tapping B will shoot out swords one by one in a straight path.
The two other moves use up one bar of the Devil Trigger Gauge (explained under Special Mechanic) per use.
Holding B (with no special inputs) will lead to Blistering Swords, generating six swords that fly at an opponent all at once.
Holding B (then inputting up -> down on the joystick) will lead to Heavy Rain Blades, which fall from the sky in an area around Vergil.
Final Smash: Judgment Cut End
Vergil readies Yamato, and a circle of blue fire marks a certain radius that slows down opponents around him. After a short delay, he unleashes a lightspeed flurry of slashes that appears to cut space itself, then sheathes Yamato to cause all slashes to hit at once, demolishing opponents caught in the effective radius. This does more damage if Vergil's Devil Trigger is active.
If Vergil is not in DT, the outline of his Sin Devil Trigger will appear around him as he readies JCE. If he is in DT, he will transform into his Sin Devil Trigger for the attack.
Special Mechanic: Devil Trigger
Vergil has a gauge that fills up whenever he deals damage or KO’s opponents, represented by a row of purple bars. Importantly, it only fills up when he deals damage, not when he takes it, which means players will have to do well without DT first to reap this reward.
Bars from this gauge can be used for the alternate Summoned Sword commands detailed under Specials.
When the gauge is filled to at least three bars, and with an input of shield + B, Vergil will activate his Devil Trigger, transforming into his demon form. While DT is active, Vergil will have increased power and speed, and some of his moves will be improved (e.g. faster charge time for Blistering Swords, the ability to perform two Air Tricks in a row, larger Judgment cut range, the ability to perform Rapid Slash twice). The transformation lasts until the DT gauge runs out.
Additional Content:
Stage Entrance:
Vergil stands up from his (in)famous Qilphoth chair, calmly unsheathing Yamato in his left hand as it dissolves away.
Taunts: Vergil says the mentioned quotes during his taunts.
Side: “Show me your motivation!”
Vergil unsheathes Yamato, brandishes it, and resheathes it.
Up: “Let’s have some fun!”
Vergil spins a Summoned Sword on his finger.
Down: “Try me!”
Equipping Beowulf, Vergil gets into a melee combat-ready stance.
Victory Screens: Vergil’s victory theme is a snippet from the very end of his DMC 5 theme, Bury the Light. For added reference to DMC, instead of the usual victory screen transition, the screen is hit with numerous slashes before shattering like glass and leading into the victory animation.
Vergil cuts open a portal with Yamato, looks over his shoulder to the camera, and walks away.
In a replication of his Bloody Palace ending in DMC 5, Vergil readies Yamato, slashes it, and sheathes it with a disdainful expression.
Vergil begins with his hair down, making him resemble Dante. He sheathes his sword to finish a Judgment Cut End, slicks back his hair into his signature style, and glares at the camera.
Classic Mode: The Alpha and The Omega
Vergil’s Classic Mode is meant to resemble Devil May Cry’s Bloody Palace mode, in which the player character fights through a gauntlet of “floors” filled with enemies, with boss fights every now and then. Therefore, Vergil’s Classic Mode consists of rounds of weaker mob fights interspersed by a few bosses.
Final Round: Dante
Naturally, Dante would be in Smash alongside or before Vergil, so Vergil’s final boss is the Legendary Devil Hunter, his good old little twin brother. This is a no holds barred, one-on-one Stamina battle on the Qliphoth, echoing the final battle of DMC 5: Special Edition. With Vergil’s arsenal and the opportunity to craft combos without Smash’s typical knockback, this is a fight to decide who the strongest Son of Sparda is, once and for all.
Soundtrack: this.
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