#he himself got caught in a net on the island too. lol
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Buffy getting caught in a net in Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode 2.15, and then Angel being trapped in one in episode 3.15. LOL
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zorobae · 3 years
Okay, so after not reading One Piece for more than a year, I caught up on all the chapters I missed by now and just wanted to write down my thoughts~ I also intend to make edits again. It’s been a while, though, I hope I still remember how lol. First and foremost, I’m really glad to be reading Oda-sensei’s great writing and to be in this world again, so to say. I missed this consistently-good quality of writing, the blend of action+emotion+humor and of course, I missed my adorkable Strawhat crew ^-^ I stopped reading where the second Wano Act ended so I picked up from there until chapter 1009. A lot of the chapters in Act Three are flashbacks from Kozuki Oden's life. He is an interesting and well-thought-out character, to say the least. I found it quite hard to wrap my head around his demise, though. That was just too... unfair. But then, if the point of that incident is to make us readers despise Kaido more; mission accomplished. I gotta say, for me, the highlight of those flashbacks was to see the Whitebeard pirates. The way that crew treated each other like family and they all called Whitebeard "pops" will never not be endearing to me. I lk hate that Oda indirectly brought up Ace in Oden's flashback (when Roger talked about his unborn son). Maybe I'm just overly emotional but I think it's a testament to Oda-sensei's writing that any reminder of Ace still makes me sad. I think that Toki and her relationship with Oden was also quite sweet. Oda-sensei never spends too much time on romance but he still manages to give those relationships weight. I was moved by how perfect Oden and Toki were together, how understanding and supportive of each other. When Toki said "we are not your weakness", right after she lost her husband... that was a powerful moment imo.
Coming back to present time; it's actually stupid how happy it made me to see Jimbei finally catching up with Luffy and all now ten Strawhats reunited! Didn't last long of course but hey, at least they're all still on the same island this time xD I’m so glad that Jimbei joined the crew for good now - the traditional toast to a new crew member has yet to come, though. And I wonder if maybe Yamato, even if just temporarily, might also join. Yamato is a badass character so far. I think her weird pretense as Oden is a bit off-putting but I still like her. I am actually confused about her gender identity now, though. Does he actually identify as male himself or is that solely because he’s pretending to be Oden? What she’s doing seems to be “identity theft” rather than being genderqueer. But either way, it hasn’t been confirmed yet. I really hope Oda-sensei will confirm her gender soon. For now and until we get any confirmation, I’ll still headcanon her as genderfluid. I definitely think it’s easy to tell that she’s genuine in her support for the Kozukis and the Strawhats. Also, there were some flashbacks with Ace... I both hated and loved those. Yamato, having to tell Ace he mentioned his brother too often was not okay TT-TT Speaking of Ace’s brother, Oda-sensei hinted that Sabo got announced dead but as is the rule with OP; if there is no corpse, he ain’t dead.
I haven’t checked how far the anime is but the rest of my thoughts might be spoilery so I’ll put them under a cut~
Luffy and Zoro are my faves but Is2G, I love all ten of the Strawhats with all of my heart. And yet, there’s one Strawhat who I always hope will do better but .... /sigh/ They are outnumbered 6:1 and somehow, Sanji still lets himself be distracted by women. And not even friendly ones but women who are also his enemies. Luffy and Jimbei assumed that Sanji stayed back to clear distractions for them - which was really sweet but not exactly true. I can’t believe there are fans who are arguing about who’s the #2 among the Strawhats. I mean, Zoro is fighting against Kaido and Big Mom and protecting his Captain as best as he can while Sanji got caught in Black Maria’s net cuz he’s a huge perv. And some fans still feel the need to debate who’s better.... Okay then. It’s not unexpected but it’s just disappointing cuz we all know how strong, protective and determined Sanji is. He can be better than this. I hope that he, and all Strawhats, will get their moments to shine at some point during the rest of this arc. Well, actually Chopper might have already gotten his moment when he cured the Ice Onis. That was pretty badass, and got even better when he punched Queen and reminded everyone he ain’t a racoon-dog teehee
Right now, at the end of chapter 1009, it looked like Big Mom would fall off of Onigashima. If she really does, it’ll probably take a while before she can fly back up somehow and anything like that would obviously help Luffy, Zoro, Law and Kidd. I wonder how tf Kaido can both keep the island floating and also fight at the same time. If they should defeat him while it’s still floating, is the whole island gonna crash down? Anyway, I can’t wait for Luffy to kick Kaido’s ass. I’m kinda hoping Momonosuke or one of the Akazaya or maybe Yamato will deliver the final blow or something. I also hope Oda-sensei won’t give us ten or so chapters of Kaido’s tragic past cuz I really don’t care lol. I’d rather see Oden’s dream of an open and peaceful Wano fulfilled~
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tracybirds · 3 years
TAG asks... I know you've done a lot, so pick one you haven't been asked yet, and then #20 with Alan and Scott.
Thanks 😅😅 I do appreciate the continued indulgence and I hope everyone had some fun with it (although I feel like I fell asleep as the real party started lol I still have so many to read 😁😁💕) Anyways!! I went ahead and rolled a die and came back with 13 - A common fanon you can't get behind
I will pick the fanon that Scott became a father figure after Lucy died. I do think he stepped into that role after Jeff disappeared, and that it has a lot of influence on his relationship with Alan in particular, but I like to think Jeff earned his sons' loyalty honestly and is just as much a good person as they are, and I can't get my head to make that agree with that idea. I think he probably didn't handle his grief particularly well for a time but it seems to me that he wouldn't have let it all fester either and would have reached out for help and that's when Grandma Tracy would have moved in with them, and so even if Jeff wasn't a perfect father in the aftermath (and who would be), it wouldn't have all fallen to Scott.
But also "can't get behind" eh it's not my favourite and it'll never be my own headcanon of what happened but it's still interesting to explore and I've read great fics where the concept is upheld 😁 And I hope they continue to be written because they make for some great conflict and character stories!! I love it!
and then 20 alright okay!!
• Most afraid of the dark
I will say Alan here, he's still got an active imagination about what lurks in the dark and he plays all those video games so I bet he'd easily convince himself that something was out there! He wasn't as jumpy as John on Ghost Ship but he's still caught out a few times I think 😅😅
• Putting off homework/paperwork
Alan - classic situation and one day he is going to get caught out and caught out BADLY (hopefully with something fairly innocuous like school like at least there's a bit of a safety net there)
• Going off the grid for fun
Scott 100% 😁 I can't picture Alan ditching video games for a weekend but I can absolutely imagine Scott throwing all tech in a box and saying screw it, I'll be back in a week deal with it until then 😅
• Reading Jane Austen in their spare time
Scott again!! I said this for Scott vs Virgil too and I still think it fits 🤷‍♀️
• Going to move off Tracy Island first
ooooh okay that's a hard one bc obvs no one leaves in reality but I will say Alan! I can see him wanting to take some time to explore who he is outside of his family and outside of iR, but not for a while yet 😅😅 maybe when he's in his twenties? by contrast, Scott had that time and I think he has a very strong sense of self - he knows who he is and what he wants and his identity as a member of iR is so strong I can't see him leaving for much
• Secretly replacing Grandma's cooking
Scott - Alan cooks just as badly but no one wants to tell him 😅😅
• Taking all the family photographs
Scott for formal dos, he does all the "GATHER!! GORDON MOVE IN, JOHN GO BEHIND ALAN WE CAN'T SEE HIM, VIRGIL IF I SEE ONE MORE BUNNY EARS YOU ARE A DEAD MAN" deal and Alan takes the candids and he's pretty good at it 😄
• Planning a picnic for the next sunny day
Neither of them ahaha, but Scott's the most likely to go along willingly without whining... especially if it's for someone special xD [insert ship of choice here] Alan would whine far too much and then be annoyed that he's having fun lol
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spiderscribs · 7 years
headcanons for our fav sharks trace and fin 🦈 sharks rule
send me a character and i’ll list my headcanons for them
hell yeah
his planet was mostly tropical
the ending disaster was hurricanes
i’m still working out details on his planet but i’ve been loosely basing every planet off of an existing country and/or time period, but my inspiration for trace’s planet is american samoa
trace had 132 brothers. shark leprechauns tend to have huge clutches of eggs
people on his planet often had tattoos, and he does too. they shave the fuzz where they want the tattoo to be, ink the skin, and from then on only trim the fuzz in the shape of the tattoo to keep the green from covering up the ink
trace and his brothers often had surfing competitions and trace always placed 3rd
i think i said this w crowbar but dancing had different meanings on different planets (cultural differences u feel) and on trace’s planet it was more of a confirmation of a charm together than anything else
when the planet started to end, the residents were convinced that because of trace’s temporal ability, he was meant to save them- which is something he would never be able to do in all reality
he plays ukulele rather well, and has a good singing voice, but he uses his talents to sing the worst songs he possibly can
his favorite song is mr. brightside and nobody can tell me otherwise
he likes piña coladas and getting caught in the rain
he gets jealous fairly easily
depression session covered up by memes
his best friend is itchy
he’s gay for quite a few others in the felt, (itchy, doze, fin, crowbar, matchsticks, quarters, cans) albeit to varying degrees
he’s got teeth similar to those of a cookie cutter shark 
he likes being in the car if he’s driving or if he has the back seat to himself, otherwise he hates extended car rides
he once tried to snort cocaine through his gills and nearly died like a stupid idiot
felt manor has a pool. trace will sit and float on an innertube even though he knows damn well how to swim
he won’t kill himself but if he happens to get hit by a bus while crossing the street that’s just fine with him
he’s lazy as fuck
sometimes he steals one of stitch’s ironing boards and uses it to surf down sand dunes
he goes tray surfing at the local fast food joint, McMonald’s
one time he climbed into a garbage can and had itchy push it down the stairs just to record it and put it on the internet
he’s always referring to people with nicknames instead of their names
says bro/dude/bruh/etc. a lot
“say that about fin one more time and this cuestick is going right up your ass”
lowkey always ready to fight
he spends a majority of his free time playing his ukulele and chilling w fin
he likes to play guitar hero and absolutely destroys anyone that plays against him
“hey itchy check it out slick stabbed me lol isnt that cool”
also if u wanna know what kind of music he likes i made him this playlist on spotify
his planet was mostly ocean sparsely dotted with islands
the ending disaster was ocean acidification
his planet had both sea-dwelling and land-dwelling leprechauns
the land-dwelling leprechauns saw the sea-dwelling as nothing more than wildlife and would prey on them for food 
fin’s planet was chock-full of subnautica-esque marine life, but bigger and scarier 
these terrifying bastards were a thing
basically everything on fin’s planet aside from most leprechauns was gargantuan and built to kill
fin often has nightmares about his planet and his experiences there
fin’s peppered with various scars from narrow escapes with predators and other leprechauns
he’s been caught by fisherman and escaped multiple times
he’s afraid of jellyfish, starfish, nets, hooks, and enclosed spaces
the felt first found him washed up on an island, injured and trying to catch reef fish by using the future trails to snap at them so they’d be too hurt to swim away from him
he was instantly attached to trace bc hey!! another shark!!
he didn’t know how to talk or understand speech at first. he was taught a few words of trace’s home language, and later english along with the rest of the felt
he doesn’t know how to read and can’t see well enough to read most things anyways
he’s totally colorblind. he only sees things in greyscale 
he behaves like some odd combination of a cat, a puppy, and of course, a shark
he loses teeth often
he’s afraid of quarters
he’s also afraid of diamonds droog but like nobody else in the midnight crew lmfao
if it weren’t for the gang war, fin and deuce would be best friends and nobody can tell me otherwise
if someone’s sitting on the floor or the couch fin will try to lay across their lap like a big dog that thinks it’s still small enough to be held
fin will eat anything and everything
he chews on furniture and wall corners all the time
he likes to roll around in the sand while trace is dune surfing
he forgets he can open doors and will just sit at a closed door and whine until someone opens it for him
a newspaper is delivered to felt manor every morning and fin usually brings it to stitch regardless of if stitch wants the newspaper or not
if someone tries to take something that he’s chewing on he assumes they’re trying to play tug-o-war
he bites sometimes whether he means to or not
he’s got some temper issues
usually if he has a problem he just yells for trace 
he often gets his head stuck in garbage cans whilst trying to eat garbage
fin gets excited when people talk to him like they’re excited, regardless of what they’re actually saying.
he more often than not walks around on all-fours because it’s easier for him than walking upright
both had dorsal fins between their shoulder blades. trace’s receded as he got older, and fin’s was cut off by a fishing crew
they both have a shark tail. trace has a short tail and fin’s tail is long enough that it drags on the ground behind him no matter how he stands/walks
they’ve both got gills. trace has 6 gills and fin has 10
they both love to swim and they like being outside
they wind up getting into trouble often because one has a stupid idea and the other just goes along with it because “it’ll be fun!”
they both basically live for attention and affection, though trace is awkward about approaching it and fin just assumes everybody wants to snuggle with him
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