#he is a happy Gek
kitsunesakii · 10 months
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Thought u guys deserved a Gek
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halobirthdays · 8 months
Happy birthday to Gek 'Lhar!
Today is his -476th birthday!
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Following the end of the Human-Covenant war, Gek and his team of salvagers began working for Jul 'Mdama. They were tasked with securing weapons and ships to arm his new faction.
During a salvage mission, Gek and his crew ambushed salvager Ram Chalva and his crew, taking him prisoner and torturing him. Later, Gek would take his crew to the abandoned ship Radiant Perception to retrieve a log buoy rumored to be aboard. However, Rion Forge and her crew were also on the ship, seeking the same thing.
Gek released Ram to force the humans out of hiding and pursued them out of the system. He and Rion's crew fought in the debris field outside of the shield world Trove, where Gek killed Rion's crewmate and partner, taking his dog tags and adding them to his collection. Rion maimed Gek in the encounter, causing him to go blind in one eye. Gek left the system when Rion threatened to kill them both with a grenade. Following these events, he and the Ace of Spades crew became mortal enemies.
Rion discovered Gek's plot to commit a terrorist attack on Earth, and, despite her shaky relationship with ONI, sent Spartan Novak a warning. As a result, Gek was ambushed and taken into custody at Midnight Facility. At some point, he escaped, and left to join 'Mdama on Requiem.
Gek was put in charge of 'Mdama's human prisoner, Dr. Henry Glassman, who managed to escape with Gek in pursuit. Glassman ran into Fireteam Majestic, who had been tasked to rescue him. 'Lhar engaged the Spartan team, nearly killing Gabriel Thorne before being killed by Paul DeMarco. After his death, Majestic took a page from Gek's book and looted his body.
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corrupted-starcharts · 10 months
-{{ OOC }}-
7 years ago today I picked up my partner from work, went home, and spent almost the entire night watching him play No Man's Sky in the dark (it was great atmosphere, highly recommend). He had been telling me about NMS constantly in the months leading up to release; I hadn't even heard of it until we started dating, and from then on it just completely consumed me, I knew this game would have a chokehold on me for the rest of its days, I loved it from the very beginning.
My roommate and I got a copy not long after, and we both played obsessively; and after multiplayer came around, and character customization, they were the first person I played with - I was in the living room and they were in their bedroom, and we were just excitedly screaming across the house at each other while we played as our minty toothpaste korvax and cotton candy gek.
This blog came around at some point, not long after. I was so enamored with this game and everything in it I wanted to start documenting things somehow, come back to it later, and with how much things have changed over the last several years, it's really cool having this little time capsule.
Recently, I got my mom into playing, and it's been incredible to help and guide her through it, and be with someone seeing all this stuff for the first time; making her way through the story, asking questions, coming up with her own theories, ideas, and headcanons for her own Traveler and their journey.
I was going somewhere with this, but lost my own thread at some point, and maybe I'm being too mushy and cringe, lmao. But ultimately, it's just... so cool how this game and the community has grown over the years. It's been really fun to finally, actually start kind of dipping into the community here, too; everyone is so kind and creative.
Happy birthday to No Man's Sky, and here's to many more years of sailing through galaxies together!
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retphienix · 8 months
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Many unpictured things as well, but doing all the construction terminal base stuff has some fun moments here and there.
Mech boy is a criminal who had his family killed which wasn't built up for like, emotional payoff, but was interesting to read especially in the following reveal that he washes his memory clean with nanites in order to either A: Better serve you or B: Live with himself after what his actions caused to his loved ones.
Even drops a nice bomb of "My old self dies here and now with my family, when we next meet I will be someone entirely different."
All in all his story has some nicely written pieces; In isolation it's pleasantly melancholic- plays with some sci fi stuff in a fun way, and even ends ambiguously in an interesting way where there are implications that part of him remembers (he is caught staring at old family photos) while still implying that his new life is downing nanites to prevent those memories from resurfacing and commiting petty crimes with us for units.
As a whole it's as I said, not really built up for a grand payoff- but it's a small side quest in the tutorial section of the game so like, that's okay?
I much prefer reading/playing stories that build up and pay off, but this is a small side quest that introduces cars so like, the fact this bit of interesting prose is here is in itself a net gain even if it didn't really get the chance to kick me in the gut with its heavy themes since it's effectively "Random alien I just met is a little rude and then in the same scene we find out his family is dead and he 'drinks' to forget".
I admittedly already forget some of farm boys, but I do remember he felt alienated from his people for his interest in creating life vs profits- he wasn't happy with being asked to kill animals if I recall (I might not)- he was told to return to the Gek and freaked out saying the leader was "Not who he appears to be" and maybe "not even a Gek" and claiming he was poisoned (intense paranoia) but then he just. Doesn't go back, and that's the payoff.
Another moment where some nuggets of interesting (or even present) writing is there and then because they wanted me to have an NPC to hang around my home he just goes "Well that's done, I'm hanging out here now."
I do rather like his slightly solemn mood about it though. He says he's staying and has nowhere to go, and nodding to him about this has him quietly smile and nod back, like a quiet acceptance/support being put his way.
Gun lad gets riled up for "one last murder job", his age kicks in pretty badly, and then he comes to terms with life in a way that grants him new perspective- namely he says he'll stop focusing on the dead (I forget the word he used- worshiping? fighting for?) and start focusing on the living.
I can't recall if he's the one that revealed more of his species lore to me, or if it was someone else, so I won't attribute it directly here and instead the parts of his story that were about him pretty much just said "I'm old now. Being close to dying is making me appreciate life more." in so many words.
Bot boy got broken off from the convergence hive mind and is now stuck in an infinite loop of recognizing this fact and freaking out about the loneliness this causes and asking to be reconnected.
His story structure is fun for me because it's a horrifying time loop involving AI- and his story had fun touching on the greater narrative more than most of the camp buds because both the convergence and Atlas talk about our significance which was fun.
And the most but also in many ways least interesting is the main construction lad because he kinda just doesn't have a story- he just becomes more and more cryptic and his mood shifts lower and lower as you progress until he's basically (and I'm assuming) spells out what the story of this game is in a petty voice like some spoiler gremlin on an old gamefaq thread lol
He starts out all nice and excited to help us- claiming they have helped us countless times and must do so again!
And I initially read that as a funny play on manipulation tactics some space cult might do- but no- he's for real.
As his dialogue changes he basically just starts saying outright "You're going to reset everything. Fuck you." so now I'm lead to believe getting to the center of the universe has us meet Atlas (again, because I've met once after these screenshots) and reset everything to start somewhere else in the universe.
It's weird to me just how heavy handed his dialogue gets when this is like, tutorial land.
I know I'm super deep in hour wise, but this is the "How a base works" quest and he's like "You're going to get to the end of the game and it's going to be like this." which is a bit much when most other hints towards the end are much more vague and cryptic and less blatant lol
Maybe I'm wrong though, hell if I know, I'll get there.
The writing in no man's sky is more often than not a bit heavy handed but since the entire game's mythos relishes in that tone, it works enough.
It's sometimes hard to take too seriously since 99% of the game is survival game collecting and building and then they drop like
"Cycles continue ad infinitum, death and pain become all you know as your flesh becomes entwined with the sting of cutting glass; Your friend was never alive, but are any of us? You ponder this question, attempting to convince yourself that surely that isn't so, but you know it to be true."
because you collected 150 chromatic metal and turned it in to try and save your traveller buddy.
The tone of the writing feels pretty consistent in the quests/big NPC talks, but it's alongside 9 billion randomly generated NPCs who all say "I'm gonna trade today." "Fight those sentinels" "I've been studying something you couldn't possibly understand." so it's hit or miss for when those nicely written lines actually get to carry their intended gravitas or if they come off a bit harsh or serious for a quest that had me open a door and hold E on a terminal.
And as implied above, sometimes entire mini-arcs are written... but attached to parts of the game where they aren't allowed to shine like at all.
None of these individual narratives for the camp crew are explored enough or emphasized enough to feel significant or impactful- they mostly just bring up well written 'ideas' that feel like drafts of what could be impactful stuff- and they all feel very.... "Mash through the text to get my reward"-able.
I do like that they are there. Better than not, and I do like aspects here and there.
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Still think this guy is too heavy handed in just outright saying "All the weird hints you keep seeing seep into the narrative on your travels- yeah here's the exact thing. Just gonna say it. Anyways welcome to No Man's Sky- congrats on beating the base tutorial."
I wonder if I'm wrong and all this INTENSE AND BOLD LETTERED foreshadowing is misdirection/misinterpretation by either me or the characters in the narrative.
I'm pretty sure when you get to the center you get chucked back out to do it all over again, but until now with this guy I hadn't too much of a guess on the story significance of the action- now I'm left to assume I'm factory resetting a simulation (another name dropped in some text), so I'll go forward with that assumption until I reach the core.
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nempthis · 2 years
Happy Birthday to me
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Before I even forget, this is what happened to my birthday last November 30.
The night before I turn 23, I was having a really severe cold and I got the news that there will be a power interruption the next day. I thought the world was against me for giving me cold on my birthday and for also scheduling a fucking power interruption on that date. Like how am I supposed to cook when we use an electric stove here? So no birthday then? As if this year is a total bullshit in my part.
Gladly, people behind the electric corp rescheduled the power interruption because November 30 is a holiday for fuck's sake and having no electricity will bum everyone out so they have to do what they need to. Long story short, power interruption didn't happen and I was able to cook food for my bday.
First, I woke up tired and not feeling special as if my birthday is just an ordinary day but good thing my closest friends and my family greeted me. I didn't receive gifts from anyone except from my mom, dad, gek and van. Dad also arrived before 12 noon and then he gave me the budget for my bday so Gek and I can finally go to the market and shop the things that I need.
Yeah, this birthday happened because of me. If it wasn't for me then no one would celebrate it for me. I mean I did everything from thinking the menu under the budget, shopping the ingredients, cooking, decorations and even the cleaning afterwards.
I appreciate that my dad was here on my birthday, my best friend van bought me a cake as her gift and my boyfriend gek helped me with everything. He spent his rest day helping me do stuff on my birthday and I appreciate it of course. He promised me that we'll have a date and it's his treat when he finally got his first pay check that's why he can't give me anything on my birthday but his time, presence and effort to assist me.
All the food I listed in the menu was on the table, prepared by yours truly. We had buttered garlic chicken, carbonara, pizza, cheese sticks, cake and sweet corn as side dish. For few people who attended, the food was bountiful so I gave the leftovers to dad and gek. I also saved for myself.
Van helped me cleaned up and by the way, the decorations were recycled from van's birthday. I also bought that myself but I didn't take it down yet because I still have to use it on my day.
I also made a ton of wishes and blew a candle so hopefully all my wishes will come true.
I went to bed with gek happy and satisfied because I was still able to spend my bday with the important people of my life. There was food, the power interruption didn't happen and my cold was also getting better. This year's bday was simple but still blessed that I am still alive at 23 somehow.
As I get older, my birthdays are becoming a regular day but it's cute that only the closest people to me can remember it :)
This is me and Neptune. Cheers to 23!
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scithemodestmermaid · 3 years
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as soon as the saloon was built, me and this npc named Gan made a beeline for it.  after browsing the menu, we figured out that maybe building a saloon in a korvax settlement was not the wisest decision.
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Klinkt goed
Zo zoet
Ja dat ook
Het gevoel in jouw
Heyyy .you are a beautyfull vrouw
Op wie
Kan ie op wat ik nu heb lijken
Tegen waarheid.
Met gebreken nu
onder de plu
Vele emoties
Geeft commoties.
Opnieuw leren
Kraken en smeren
T.o.v. nu een duo
Zorgen maken
Hersens kraken
Zat vragen
Ondergaan in lagen
Al die plekken
En dan ...
Gesnuffeld ,geroken, vertwijfeld, lijkt een leuke man
Op een keer.
....de keuze
Is .shit .die Reuze.
Oude of die an der.
(Nu ik dit tik
Eikel , pik.,
Besef ik jaloersheid, waarheid, de reis die we al afgelegd hebben, zo ver gekomen, jij een happy vrouw, terugkomen naar jouw, ja de aantrekkingskracht, is groter dan opnieuw beginnen, de lach,de smak,de kracht,alles innen,geven en beven, tijd maken , interesses tonen , we hebben meer gesprekken over wat je doet, en hebt gedaan, stom he, her verlangen om als paar, te zijn bij elkaar)
Emotie of verstand
Wat is happines
Wat is geluk.
Huid zegt buikgevoel
Beetje sturen kan rrr
Dan thuis in je mand
rust,overgave, mess
Fouten,traan, sorry , kus
Een zijn
Dat is basis toch.
Dat us fijn.
Al Gemerkt
T werkt
Dat is een feit
Is dat toch dat
Wat ik niet weet
Wat jij al lang wist.
Gemis,de arm,kus,
Rust,jezelf mag zijn,
Alles zijn.
Op de reis afgelopen jaren.
Een band gecreeerd met verwerken.
Horizon klaren.
Paal en perken.
Het is err altijd geweest.
Jouw omgeving met die vent
Ja.ikmis je. Hoe,wie je bent.
Je krijgt, alles wat in die vent.(Nu ik dit tik
Eikel , pik., erik .
Besef ik jaloersheid, waarheid, de reis die we al afgelegd hebben, zo vergrkomen, jij een happy vrouw, terugkomen naar jouw, ja de aantrekkingskracht, is groter dan opnieuw beginnen, de lach,de smak,de kracht,alles innen,geven en beven, tijd maken , interesses tonen , we hebben meer gesprekken over wat je doet, en hebt gedaan, stom he, her verlangen om als paar, te zijn bij elkaar)
Bij t vrijen is wat ik doe echt
Vol vuur.
Het eten,zorgen,noa,de tuin, de zee, luisteren naar je werk, je hobby, thuiskomen en yes het verwennen, het kind in mij,in ons,in alles, de volgewassen vrouw, coaching, mijn rem op jouw,sexy mogen zijn, ,uitdagend,kleding zonder slip, volle naaktheid, intens intimiteit, in volle glorie,
Besef ... gek jong.
Love you
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smileykeijser · 5 years
Top 10 scenes from Skam NL season 1
To start off with, here are a few honorable mentions:
Kingsize (the girls talking about condoms, iconic)
Respect (the most amazing clap back from Liv)
Ik word gek (the sunglasses get me every time)
Now for the top 10 list. It’s under the cut because it is long, there are pictures from each of the clips, and a description of why I love that particular scene! This is meant as a tribute to season 1 before season 2 starts, and please, I invite you to share your favourite season 1 moments with me!
#10 Bullshit
I have such a soft spot for this clip. I first think it is beautiful aesthetically, and as I’ve said before, I love that this same cafe is used three times, creates a world for the show, you know the places our characters frequent. I think every single character’s style is in full force in this clip, they are all distinct, including Noah, and when he walks by, you really get to see their faces and their expressions toward him. But what really makes this clip is Noah, the way he goes in and buys condoms? Sugar packets? Whatever it is, he really makes this clip amazing.
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#9 Kesa forever
I am not the biggest Kes fan, he was extremely manipulative of Isa and in my opinion one of the worst Jonases, when he was being awful. But I will give it to him, he is an absolute sweetheart when he wants to be, and this was one of those times. I adore the idea of having a couple playlist, and he has a ship name for them, and then he goes and serenades her with Eternal Flame and brings her her favourite foods? So sweet and amazing. Plus, he makes Isa smile so brightly, and that is always a win in my books.
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#8 Trots
The first truly original scene on this list, and such a good one. This clip is full of smiley Isa, character development, supporting and loving Daddies Liv and Janna, and such a great bond between the three of them. You can physically see Isa becoming herself, and when she finally gets her nose pierced, Liv and Janna are just as happy as she is. This clip radiates positive, supportive energy and it’s too good.
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#7 Live without you
I tasked myself with putting this clip, or the confrontation clip on this list, because I couldn’t fit both in. I chose this one because while both do so much to drive both their characters forward and create the tension we know and love, but this one has so much character to it. 
First we get Liv singing, and Noah hearing her, then we get sassy Liv, and equally sassy Noah coming up next to her like a smooth motherfucker. Then we get to see Liv’s face, which shows how much he throws her off, and then of course, the most iconic piece of dialogue, “don’t count on it” and the forehead book tap. This clip really shows Noah’s dorkiness, and creates such an atmosphere around them.
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#6 Chips
Isa and Luc’s relationship is one of the strongest things in season 1, they are shown to be so close, and each other’s confidents. So, when Luc betrayed Isa, it stung all the more, so to see the two of them make up over chips, and hug so tightly, a bond forming between them again almost makes me tear up a little.
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#5 Opgekropte shit
This clip man, this clip has so much heart to it that I have cried while watching it once or twice. This is why I love this show so much, it’s so real, so meaningful, with such connection to the characters and actually healing. One of my favourite moments is when Janna leans over and presses a kiss to Isa’s shoulder and then one to her cheek. They’re all wrapped up in blankets, supporting their friend who is in that moment a gaping wound. And then, they shout into the void, they let their feelings free to the wind, and I can feel the relief as a watcher, feeling the clip sooth me to the bone.
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#4 The slow dance
We’re into iconic territory here, there’s no going back from the point forward. I didn’t specify the entire clip, because while the other parts of the clip are great, this moment with Lucas in Kes’ arms is truly a special moment that it makes me feel waves of feelings every time I watch it. It’s such an intimate moment between friends, but you also see Lucas’ feelings truly emerge and the pain they must cause him. It’s a fantastic clip to show you what a friendship without toxic masculinity can be, but it also shows that the intimacy is exceedingly painful, and Kes doesn’t even have a clue (presumably).
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#3 Bad boys
Talk about iconic, here we have a bloody icon, doing something even more iconic. The confetti? Bad boys need love too? Noah and Liv eye fucking as he walks up the stairs? All iconic, there’s nothing else that needs to be said, I love my extra boy.
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#2 Sherlock Vol. 2
The clip that made me fall in love with Skam NL. It’s so real, so emotional, so grounded and full of the connection that really strong friendships have. Isa pulls Lucas from bed to go out in the wee hours of the morning, and even though he certainly doesn’t want to go, he gets up, and they trek up a hill to look at the water and the sunrise, and they talk about love. Love and what it means to have it, why we are with the people we’re with. It’s soft and meaningful to the story, but it also feels like like a really private, quiet moment of peace in amongst a trip that is so rife with trials and tribulations. What a scene, and really shows the chemistry and skill of both Suus and Florian
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#1 Watskeburt?!
This may not be the most significant story wise, but I have an intense love for this scene. It is simply iconic, it cannot be perfectly understood unless you’ve watched it. So go watch it.
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femsff · 6 years
Every number that contains a 2 please 🍍
“hi, I’m not from the US” ask set
given how Americanized this site is, it’s important to celebrate all our countries and nationalities - with all their quirks and vices and ridiculousness, and all that might seem strange to outsiders.
For the record, I’ve included previously answered questions.
1. favourite place in your country?
Is it weird if I say my bed?
2. do you prefer spending your holidays in your country or travel abroad?
This is a toss-up. If I could choose without any consequences it would definitely be abroad. However, holidaying for me has always meant relaxing, preferably near the beach and an occasional stroll around town and maybe, depending on the company, a cultural outing, but I’ve been diagnosed with melanoma in the past and therefore such vacationing is out of the question. So, in actuality, it more often means I’m staying in my country and I’ll go somewhere (or visit friends/family) for a long weekend or something. It’s unfortunate, but I’m pretty sure my two cats are happy with the arrangement.
3. does your country have access to sea?
4. favourite dish specific for your country?
5. favourite song in your native language?
Hmm. I actually don’t listen much to the radio and especially not to songs in my native language specifically. The only one that really comes to mind right now is an older one that I heard a lot in my teens and it’s actually a sequel to another song by the same band. Part one is about when a good relationship starts to get rocky, all the dangers threatening their relationship, but that he (the singer) will keep the course because he knows their final destination. It’s pretty hopeful, I guess. Part two is when everything is ending, how they’re always fighting and love has turned to hate. Both songs have a maritime theme, and in the beginning he’s the strong one, the captain who’ll get them through it and in the second it’s like their ship has two captains and they’re steering in opposite directions.
6. most hated song in your native language?
7. three words from your native language that you like the most?
Gezellig - has no direct English translation but basically means something along the lines of cozy, intimate, warm, fun, snug, homey and can be applied to situations (like having a great time with family/friends), an atmosphere or even the interior of a house or something.
Katuitdeboomkijker - has no direct English translation but literally translated means ‘someone who stares a cat out of the tree’ and basically means that you tend be a bit reserved and will observe everyone/a situation first before engaging. Often used to describe a person’s behavior in social settings.
Mierenneuker - literally translated it means ‘ant fucker’ and is basically the same as a nitpicker or hairsplitter.
8. do you get confused with other nationalities? if so, which ones and by whom?
9. which of your neighbouring countries would you like to visit most/know best?
I’ve already been to all my neighboring countries several times. My least favorite was probably Belgium (no offense, Belgians) although my friends and I did have a blast there when we went there on a week-long school excursion in high school (I think as freshmen or maybe sophomores). I haven’t explored much of Germany yet, so maybe that would be it? I also like the UK and would definitely want to explore more of it (and yes, I’m using UK rather than England because that way there’s more to explore!).
10. most enjoyable swear word in your native language?
Oh my. Hmm. I think I’m going to have to go with ‘kut’, because of the k-sound which just sounds really good when expressing it in dismay/anger. It’s basically a vulgar word for a woman’s private parts and can be used in a similar manner as the English ‘fuck’. It is not considered as being on the same level of offensiveness as the English cunt. I also like ‘tering’ because you can really draw out the e. That’s the word for consumption (tuberculosis), by the way, but I only use it as an exclamation (there are variations where people basically wish it on you or, from the olden days, accuse you of suffering from it).
I probably should have prefaced this answer with the fact that in my culture, we tend to use diseases (often dreaded ones from the past) and sex organs in our swearing and profanity (also, often food for insults, like calling someone a pancake for being a dumbass).
11. favourite native writer/poet?
12. what do you think about English translations of your favourite native prose/poem?
Eek! I feel like this answer might disappoint folks, but I’m not a big fan of prose/poems and honestly, couldn’t name one. In my experience, translated written works always seem to lose something in translation though.
13. does your country (or family) have any specific superstitions or traditions that might seem strange to outsiders?
14. do you enjoy your country’s cinema and/or TV?
15. a saying, joke, or hermetic meme that only people from your country will get?
This is a tough one. I think I’m gonna go with a saying, “doe maar gewoon, dan doe je al gek genoeg”, which basically means ‘act normal, that’s weird enough’ because we don’t like crazy or over the top things.
16. which stereotype about your country you hate the most and which one you somewhat agree with?
17. are you interested in your country’s history?
I feel like this is a trick question and am now wondering if this questionnaire was created by an American or non-American. Why? Because, in comparison, Americans are very patriotic and nationalistic. My country and many in Europe are far less so, not in the least due to having seen the devastation such extremes can bring (WWII). This is not in any way meant as an accusation, it’s just an observation and I think, for the context, an important distinction that should be made.
Anyway, to answer the question, I’m not obsessed with my country’s history but am informed. History has never been my favorite subject (dropped it in high school as a freshman) but I do like to learn the origin of certain things in my country/culture.
18. do you speak with a dialect of your native language?
19. do you like your country’s flag and/or emblem? what about the national anthem?
20. which sport is The Sport in your country?
Looking at the Olympics, probably ice skating. But soccer (football for the Americans) comes as a pretty close second and it’s definitely one the whole country goes wild for when the national team is in the EC/WC (think: orange madness). Don’t get me wrong, we also like the Olympics but it’s not on the same level. Yet.
21. if you could send two things from your country into space, what would they be?
In order to destroy them? Or to make contact with the aliens?
22. what makes you proud about your country? what makes you ashamed?
Like I’ve said in another answer, we don’t really do the whole national pride thing to the same extent as some countries, but I like how we’re so small and yet are pretty good at certain things (water management, infrastructure, sports, agriculture, healthcare, science). My identity is not really tied to my country or vice versa, so I can’t say I’m really ashamed of something my country as a whole has done or does, but we used to be known for being very tolerant and the past decade or so you see more and more intolerance and that’s just a shame.
23. which alcoholic beverage is the favoured one in your country?
Good question. I think maybe beer or wine? A quick google search gave me no definitive answer either.
24. what other nation is joked about most often in your country?
Belgium! There’s a long standing tradition of us calling the Belgians dumb and, apparently, they do the same thing about us! However, lately, the US is a very hot topic as well.
So, I’d say historically/traditionally the former but in every day conversation and such it’s the latter.
25. would you like to come from another place, be born in another country?
I used to feel that way, but now that I’m older I think I’m far more appreciative of my country and culture.
26. does your nationality get portrayed in Hollywood/American media? what do you think about the portrayal?
Yes, sometimes. They’re all cliches and many of the stereotypes are very dated. Also, for some reason certain movies/shows like to use the language probably because they feel it’s “special” since, relatively speaking, so few people speak it worldwide but then they apparently can’t be bothered to actually hire a voice coach who speaks the language and it ends up being incomprehensible for native speakers as they pronounce the words often in a mix of German and some kind of Eastern European language or something. Very strange. I mean, why even bother?
27. favourite national celebrity?
I’m not really into celebrities, so I’ll pick the king&queen.
28. does your country have a lot of lakes, mountains, rivers? do you have favourites?
Nope, flat as a pancake as we like to say.
29. does your region/city have a beef with another place in your country?
Not really, anymore. We just have a long standing tradition of mocking the Belgians for their lack of intelligence and accusing Germans of stealing our grandparents’ bikes.
30. do you have people of different nationalities in your family?
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halobirthdays · 9 months
Happy birthday to Lucy Orion "Rion" Forge!
Today is her -501st birthday!
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Rion was born on Earth to Laine and John Forge. John Forge was enlisted in the UNSC Marine Corps and was rarely home, leading to resentment and a strained marriage with Laine. Although his marriage was souring, he maintained a close relationship with Rion, leading her to idolize her father, which damaged her relationship to her mother.
Her father had been stationed aboard the UNSC Spirit of Fire, which was declared "lost with all hands" in 2531, though the ship was actually missing rather than lost. Rion, like most of the crew's families, did not believe the UNSC's account, and her growing distrust led her to a career as a salvager, with the intention of commandeering a ship to search for her father.
Rion would prove to be an excellent salvager with a good reputation. She became the captain of a modified transport ship named the Ace of Spades after the playing card her father wore on his armor's pauldron, and put together a small ragtag crew.
Their travels would lead them to the Forerunner installation known as Trove--the place where her father gave his life to keep the planet's armament out of Covenant hands. Trove was still surrounded by a debris field, which included the destroyed Covenant ship Radiant Perception. She recovered a damaged Forerunner AI known as "Little Bit", who was able to offer them more information about Spirit's last location via a log buoy onboard the Perception. She and her crew were able to uncover the location of a Forerunner luminary which would give them unfettered access to location of Forerunner relics, but not without invoking the ire of the Office of Navel Intelligence, who wanted Little Bit, and ex-Covenant Sangheili Commander Gek 'Lar, who had also been in pursuit of the log buoy. 'Lar killed Rion's crew member and romantic partner Cade McDonough, and she swore to take vengeance on him.
ONI grounded and detained the crew, taking Little Bit and raiding Ace, erasing many of its star maps. Having to start anew, the crew reconvened and followed the same trail that ONI was on, leading them to a uninhabited planet called Geranos-a. Little did they know, the recovered Forerunner monitor 343 Guilty Spark was on the planet, having crashed there after taking control of the UNSC Rubicon, where he was being held and interrogated. He took the form of a Forerunner armiger, which gave him greater offensive capabilities. Thinking Spark was salvage, Rion and her crew brought him onboard, leading to a much greater-stakes mission.
Spark eventually revealed himself to the crew and told them of his history--that he was an ancient human named Chakas whose consciousness was turned into a Forerunner monitor in service to the Librarian. Though Rion did not entirely believe him at first, she could not deny his far superior technological abilities in the face of being impaired by ONI. Spark agreed to assist her in her search for her father if they traveled to Earth to a Forerunner facility where he could interface with the Librarian, which required a Reclaimer to access.
Upon reaching Earth, the crew was pursued by ONI, but were able to reach the Forerunner facility, where Spark was disappointed to find only further instructions from the Librarian, something he resented but ultimately accepted. Rion also encountered the Librarian, and felt the familiar draw towards her that all humans possess. Their agreement met, Spark shared the truth of John Forge's fate with Rion, something he had known the entire time. Though initially furious, Rion and Spark made amends, and, emboldened by her father's sacrifice, and with nowhere else to go, she agreed to help Spark complete his assignment from the Librarian. She also gave 'Lar's location to ONI, letting them pursue him for her.
While still fleeing ONI, Rion and the Ace crew helped Spark uncover the location of Bastion--the deeply hidden shield world containing the Librarian's laboratory. During these missions, Rion experienced vivid dreams where she spoke to the Librarian, closely mirroring the experiences that Chakas went through thousands of years before. Sensing danger when Cortana entered the domain, Bastion went into slipspace to avoid falling into Created hands. It was there that Spark learned the Librarian's intentions for him: he would be the caretaker of Bastion and the Precursor specimens that the Librarian had gathered with the intention of atoning for the Forerunner's eradication of their parent species. His mission completed, Spark and Rion parted ways, but not without upgrading the Ace of Spades with Forerunner technology and equipping it with a recovered fragment of Little Bit, making Ace one of the most technologically-advanced ships in the galaxy.
In canon (~2560), she is turning 36!
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hit-theroad · 6 years
Van Singapore vloog ik dus naar mijn laatste bestemming Vietnam! Een land dat al heel lang op mijn lijstje stond en waar ik onwijs veel zin in had. Niet alleen omdat ik er zoveel goede verhalen over had gehoord maar ook omdat ik het land met een van mijn beste vriendinnetjes mocht ontdekken! Annelot was in aantocht, jeej! Ik vloog op Hanoi, de grootste plaats in het noorden van Vietnam. Ik kwam weer aan in de complete chaos en tegenwoordig kan ik daar echt van genieten. Al die gekke drukke mensen om mij heen, het oversteken met duizend scooters zie ik als een soort spelletje, zwerfhonden, zelfs ratten en kakkerlakken doen mij niets meer (zolang ze niet over mij heen lopen natuurlijk;))
Eerste wat gelijk weer opvalt is de intense hitte in Hanoi. Lekker zweten, geloof het of niet ook daar wen je op de een of andere manier aan haha. De eerste dagen een beetje door Hanoi rondgelopen en vooral lopen zenuwen en niet kunnen wachten tot Lot er was haha. En toen mocht ik haar gaan ophalen van het vliegveld! Met een kartonnetje van een pizzadoos met haar naam er op stond ik gewapend aan de uitgang. Toen ik haar zag barste ik in tranen uit, wat een geweldig moment was dat. Zo blij om haar te zien en weer even van iemand van thuis te knuffelen! Het voelde ook gelijk alsof het gisteren was dat ik haar voor het laatste had gezien, heel gek haha.
 Na lekker bijkletsen over de veranderingen thuis gingen we de stad samen wat meer verkennen. Heel leuk om te zien hoe An nelot ook overal van genoot! Alles was natuurlijk nieuw voor haar en dat was voor mij ook leuk want dan zag ik ook waar ik mij in het begin inderdaad ook heel erg over verbaasde! Na twee avondjes in Hanoi gingen we verder het noorden in.
Onze eerste stop in het noorden was Halong Bay. Met een bootcruise gingen we deze baai met honderden kleine eilandjes verkennen. Lekker een beetje varen en veel gelachen om onze reisleidster die Engels sprak met een zwaar Vietnamees accent haha. Nog gekajakt ook en toen heeft Annelot haar eerste wilde aapje gezien haha, super blij! ’s Avonds sliepen we op een onbewoond eiland en hadden we met de groep een klein feestje met beerpong en een kampvuurtje. ’S Nachts was het echt zwaar aan het onweren, lekker tropisch stormpje. Gelukkig was het de volgende dag weer opgeklaard en gingen we terug naar Hanoi. Daar stapte we gelijk op de nachtbus naar Ha Giang. Man die nachtbussen, die ga ik echt missen als kiespijn. Ik had gehoord dat de nachtbussen in Vietnam heel erg fijn waren in vergelijking met andere landen, dus had er wel een goed gevoel bij. Dat hield op toen we door de buschauffeur op de achterbank werden gepropt. Tussen de chinezen in die in je nek lagen te hijgen. Ik denk dat ik oprecht nog nooit zo chagrijnig ben geweest haha. Want de rest van de bus had dus wel een eigen bedje maar omdat de buschauffeur zijn vrienden voorrang wilde geven lagen wij te creperen in de kofferbak hahaha. Ergens rond vier uur ’s nachts kwamen we aan en was de hel voorbij haha. De volgende dag zijn we, lekker Hollands, een stukje gaan fietsen richting een waterval. Verder hebben we een plan gemaakt om de Ha Giang loop te gaan doen. Dit is een rit door het noorden van Vietnam op de motor. Ik besloot zelf te gaan rijden en Annelot ging achterop bij een easyrider (een local die voor jou rijdt). Die avond kreeg ik nog even motorrijles want motorrijden had ik nog geen ervaring mee. Het was een semiautomatische motor dus dat was alleen maar schakelen met je voeten, super makkelijk!
De volgende dag vertrokken we met nog twee meiden uit Quebec (Frans Canada) want zij hadden precies hetzelfde plan als ons. Een van hun reed ook zelf en die andere had ook een easyrider. Dus daar gingen we met zijn zessen richting het noorden. Het motorrijden vond ik echt heel erg leuk, lekker scheuren en je ligt veel stabieler op de weg dan met een scooter! Onderweg zie je zoveel mooie dingen, het is echt een onwijs mooie route. Ook zijn de mensen in het noorden nog helemaal niet gewend aan toerisme, dus iedereen zwaait langs de weg als je voorbij komt rijden. Ook stopten we met de easyriders echt op de lokale plekken. Zo aten we elke maaltijd rijst bij een familie thuis en brachten ze ons naar een dorpje waar ze door middel van weef technieken kleding maakten. Erg leuk! Heel hilarisch wel want de easyriders spraken echt geen woord Engels dus wij zaten elke keer met Google Translate met elkaar te communiceren, ideale uitvinding! ’s Avonds echt heel erg moe zijn van een intensieve dag op de motor en mij een beetje ziek voelen. Maar wel echt heel blij zijn dat we dit zijn gaan doen want wat is het mooi!
 De volgende dag reden we richting de grens met China. Dit stuk was zacht uitgedrukt een uitdagend stuk op de motor. Er werd flink aan deze weg gewerkt dus vaak moest je over kapotte wegen, net aangelegde wegen die nog bedekt waren met smeulend asfalt en heel veel grind stukken rijden. Nu is het zo dat je voornamelijk door de bergen rijdt en langs de smalle weggetjes staat geen vangrails. Een slippertje en het kan heel gevaarlijk worden, voorzichtig rijden dus. Eenmaal aangekomen bij de grens zijn we natuurlijk even in China gaan staan. Kunnen we die ook weer van de lijst afstrepen;) Verder weer heel veel mooie natuur gezien met intens blauwe meren en prachtige bergpassen. Ook de mensen zien er hier zo mooi uit, met hun traditionele kleding en vaak ook mega hard aan het werk op de plantages. Ongekend wat voor bergen die mensen beklimmen, zouden ze een Olympische medaille voor moeten krijgen. Ook kindjes lopen al op hele jonge leeftijd alleen langs de weg hun ouders te helpen. Bizar om te zien hoe anders hun opvoeding is vergeleken met de onze, kinderen hier kunnen echt tegen een stootje en zijn al heel jong zelfstandig. Mijn keelpjin is inmiddels heel erg geworden en lig met hoge koorts op bedje. Denk d at het voornamelijk komt door de smoq en de stof die elke keer in mijn keel komt als ik aan het rijden ben. Achja je moet er iets voor over hebben.
 Weer een mooie dag in de Ha Giang loop en na een goede nachtrust gaat het gelukkig iets beter. Helaas voelt Lot zich vandaag wel een beetje ziekjes, maar dat komt vooral omdat haar maag moet wennen aan de vele rijst haha. Zoals je op de foto’s wel kan zien was ook dit stuk weer prachtig. Het Canadese meisje dat zelf reed is vandaag gevallen met de motor. Dat was echt wel even schrikken want ik reed achter haar en zag het dus gebeuren. Ze slipte weg in de bocht, maar gelukkig viel de schade mee en had ze een goed plekje uitgekozen zonder ravijn. Wel weer een reminder over hoe voorzichtig je moet zijn op de motor. Sowieso is het bizar hoeveel mensen er ongelukken krijgen, in elk hostel loopt er wel iemand die helemaal onder de wonden zit van een ongeluk. Dat wilde ik toch echt even voorkomen in de laatste weken van mijn reis;) ’s Avonds sliepen we tussen de rijstvelden bij een homestay met een prachtig uitzicht. Family dinner met het hele hostel was erg gezellig. Ook het ‘happy water’ kwam op tafel, een zelf gebrouwen maïs wijn. Nouja wijn, je moet het shotten en het smaakt nog erger dan tequila. Maar het is erg onbeleefd als iemand je uitnodigt om een shot te doen om deze dan te weigeren, dusja we moesten wel he;)
De laatste dag van de Ha Giang loop probeerden we vooral zo snel mogelijk in Ha Giang te komen. Moe maar voldaan kwamen we terug bij ons hostel aan en zijn we ’s avonds nog even gaan uiteten met de gastvrouw, super lief mens! Daarna stond er weer een heerlijke nachtbus op ons te wachten. Deze chauffeur probeerde ons ook weer op de achterbank te leggen maar dat pikte ik deze keer echt niet haha, toen hij mijn gezicht zag wist hij niet hoe snel hij ons in een gewoon bedje moest leggen haha. Om 6 uur ’s ochtends kwamen we aan in Hanoi en hebben we een beetje rondgedwaald tot we ’s avonds met het vliegtuig naar Hoi An vlogen.
Hoi An
Voor de eerste nacht in Hoi An hadden we even een hotel geboekt om bij te komen van onze drukke planning in het noorden. Dat was nodig ook. We hebben als doornroosjes liggen pitten in die kamer haha. Zo heerlijk. Die middag verplaatst naar een hostel en toen zijn we lekker naar het strand gefietst en hebben we daar cocktails lopen drinken. Even echt een vakantiegevoel! Heerlijk om dit samen met Lot te doen, echt zo fijn om even een échte vriendin om mij heen te hebben ipv de vrienden die je maakt voor (meestal) een paar dagen.
De volgende dag zijn we even naar het stadje gegaan. Hoi An is echt een gezellig plaatsje met een heel oud centrum. Overal hangen van die lichtgevende lampionnetjes op, ziet er heel gezellig uit. Lekker hapje gegeten daar en wat rond gestruind over de marktjes.
Wat ik nu ook merk is dat familie en vrienden thuis echt aan het aftellen zijn naar het moment dat ik naar huis kom. Geeft een heel gek gevoel, weet niet of ik er al helemaal klaar voor ben;)
Dag erna gaan we naar een kledingmaker. Dit is waar Hoi An vooral bekend om staat. Je kan hier allerlei kleding laten maken voor een veel  goedkopere prijs dan in Nederland natuurlijk. Maar er is zoveeeeeeel keus, woow. In elke straat zitten wel 15 kledingmakers. Annelot besluit een jurk te laten maken en ik denk er nog even over na ;) ’s Avonds gaan we lekker op stap en liggen we in een deuk om de Aziatische DJ’s die doen alsof ze Justin Bieber zijn. Wakker worden met een lichte kater en Annelot haar jurk opgaan halen, hij is prachtig! Vroeg naar bed vandaag want morgen vliegen we vroeg naar Phu Cuoq, een eilandje in het zuiden waar we het vakantiegevoel nog even gaan verlengen.
 Phu Cuoq
In Phu Cuoq zaten we in een redelijk nieuw hostel met een aantal Aziaten op de kamer. Nou die staan dus heel erg vroeg op elke dag. Hahaha Lot en ik hebben ons doodgeërgerd. Toen wij eindelijk eens lekker uit konden slapen gingen zij om 6 uur ’s ochtends het licht leuk aan doen in onze kamer. Nu ben ik geen ochtendmens en dat hebben ze dan ook geweten. De volgende dag had Annelot het er mee gehad en hoorde je vanachter haar gordijntje heel hard SSSSSSSST hahaha ik kwam niet meer mij. We hebben op Phu Cuoq een dag een snorkeltour gedaan, Lot had nog nooit gesnorkeld dus dat was hartstikke leuk! Lekker visjes kijken. Toen we de keus kregen om op het strand te gaan liggen of om nog een keer te gaan snorkelen op een andere plek kozen we voor het laatste. De rest van de groep koos voor het strand. Na een tijdje zwommen we terug naar de boot en toen we eenmaal aan boord waren begon het ineens vollebak te stormen. Alle Vietnamezen in totale paniek! Alle mensen die voor het strand hadden gekozen zaten daar vast. Want het mini bootje dat ze transporteerde van het strand naar de boot was de klein om in deze storm te varen. Daarnaast was er ook nog een andere boot met toeristen die zijn anker was kwijt geraakt en blijkbaar een hele slechte motor had, haha ‘only in Asia’! Dus wij moesten met onze boot in de buurt van die andere boot blijven voor het geval hun motor uit zou vallen. Veel geschreeuw heen en weer en Lot en ik zaten het schouwspel te bewonderen haha. Zulke dingen zijn zoveel leuker om met zijn tweeën mee te maken. Het reizen zelf is vaak saai alleen vooral als het een heftige reis is, nu vind ik alleen reizen af en toe echt lekker, dat zijn meestal de momenten dat je even tot jezelf komt maar als er drama is tijdens de reis is het zoveel leuker om dat met zijn tweeën mee te maken, kan je er nog om lachen haha. Anyway, we hebben de storm overleefd en uiteindelijk teruggevaren naar het vaste land. Eenmaal daar hebben we hond aan het spit zien hangen, zijn helemaal gek hier!
Verder zijn we nog een nachtmarkt gaan bezoeken en hebben we een dagje een scooter gehuurd en zijn we het eiland gaan verkennen. Uitgekomen op een super mooi strand met spierwit zand en turquoise zee. Daarnaast deden we elke avond wat cocktailtjes bij ons hostels en speelden we wat spelletjes. De obers mochten ons wel dus we kregen de ene gratis cocktail na de andere, oh ooooh haha. Een avond wilden we graag beerpongen, dat kon in eerste instantie niet want daar hadden ze de spullen niet voor zeiden ze. Een Aziatische jongen die goed Engels sprak en voor het hostel werkte, pikte dit op en ging er voor zorgen dat we toch konden beerpongen. Hij daagde ons uit voor een potje tegen hem en zijn maat. Dat was me wat, ineens kwam er een heel leger met Aziaten om ons heen staan en kwamen alle telefoons tevoorschijn. Heb nog nooit onder zo’n grote druk beerpong gespeelt denk ik haha, ik denk dat we op elke Instagram livestream in Vietnam te zien waren want dit was niet normaal ahah. Na ons potje ging het hele hostel beerpongen, super gezellig!  
 Ho Chi Minh
Van Phu Cuoq vlogen we naar onze laatste bestemming samen! Ho Chi Minh City, de hoofdstad van Vietnam. Deze heette voorheen Saigon. De eerste dag in Ho Chi Minh hebben we onze gebroken telefoonschermen laten repareren voor 20 euro (hilarisch goedkoop natuurlijk) en zijn we alvast op souvenir jacht gegaan voor Annelot. Zo leuk, ik kan nu ook eindelijk eens kijken naar souvenirs want ik hoef ze nu niet lang meer mee te zeulen. De dag erna zijn we naar het War Museum geweest, echt enorm indrukwekkend. Ik wist eerlijk gezegd niet veel van de Vietnamoorlog af maar na dit museum kan ik nog steeds amper geloven dat deze oorlog heeft plaats gevonden, en zeker omdat het eigenlijk nergens overging. Ook de foto’s die er op hingen van de mensen die aan de gevolgen van Agent Orange verwondingen of handicaps hadden opgelopen. Verschrikkelijk! Maar heel goed om eens te realiseren hoe bizar deze oorlog is geweest. In dit museum wordt ook niets achter de hand gehouden, dus foto’s van dode mensen, uit elkaar getrokken lichamen en marteltechnieken zijn hier gewoon te zien, niet voor mensen met een zwakke maag dus.
Na het museum even bijkomen van de nieuwe indrukken en hebben we nog meer geshopt.  
Toen was onze laatste dag samen alweer aangebroken. Beetje een droevige dag natuurlijk, Annelot haar vakantie zat er op en ik moest weeeeeer afscheid nemen! Gelukkig wist ik dit keer dat het maar voor een korte periode zou zijnJ Alsnog eventjes een traantje wegpinken op het vliegveld natuurlijk:P Wat een mooie herinneringen hebben we samen geamaakt en wat een geweldige tijd hebben we gehad. Onwijs blij dat Lot mij is komen opzoeken, zeker een hoogtepunt van mijn reis!
 12 dagen over om er nog even alles uit te halen voordat de dag kwam dat ik ook het vliegtuig richting huis zou pakken. Ik besloot nog een dagje in Ho Chi Minh te blijven om de tunnels die in de oorlog werden gebruikt te bekijken. Daarna zou ik voor een paar nachtjes naar een plaatsje genaamd Dalat gaan en mijn laatste dagen in Hoi An doorbrengen. Ik was hier wel al geweest maar dat vond ik juist wel even fijn.
 De tunnels die 2 uurtjes rijden van Ho Chi Minh vandaan te bewonderen waren, vond ik erg indrukwekkend. We kregen met een groep een rondleiding en als je daar rondloopt krijg je ook echt een gevoel bij hoe die oorlog geweest moest zijn. Midden in de jungle met BOOOBYTRAPS? Achter elk bosje. Ironisch genoeg bevindt zich ook een schietbaan op dit terrein, heel raar want je hoort dus ook heel de tijd kogels door de lucht vliegen. De Vietnamezen zijn zo onwijs slim geweest tijdens deze oorlog. Ze hadden bijvoorbeeld schoenen gemaakt met omgekeerde voetafdrukken, zodat de Amerikanen altijd dachten dat ze de andere kant op waren gelopen als ze de voetstappen zagen. Verder bouwden ze de tunnels in zigzagvorm zodat wanneer ze gebombardeerd werden ze niet helemaal instorten en zo hadden ze nog allerlei trucjes. Toen was het moment daar dat we zelf door de tunnels mochten lopen. Nouja lopen, ik met mijn 1.82 mocht daar natuurlijk kruipend door en man dat was zelfs bijna onmogelijk. Ongelofelijk dat mensen jarenlang in deze tunnels geleefd hebben, ik heb nog nooit last van claustrofobie gehad maar nu wilde ik toch heel graag zo snel mogelijk uit die tunnels kruipen haha. Na het tunnelavontuur had ik de volgende dag een 7 uur durende bus richting Dalat.
Ik kwam ’s avonds aan in Dalat en mocht gelijk aanschuiven voor een family dinner. Zelden in zo’n gastvrij hostel verbleven (Cozy Nook), wat een lieve mensen daar niet normaal. Gelijk een leuk groepje mensen leren kennen tijdens het eten en die zelfde avond doken we nog de kroeg in met zijn allen. Ze hebben hier een bar genaamd Mazebar. Ze hebben ook een echt doolhof gemaakt in deze kroeg. Heel grappig om doorheen te lopen. De volgende dag hadden we allemaal zware katers haha. Besloten naar het ‘Crazy House’ te gaan, een hotel met mega gekke kamers en architectuur. Een beetje dezelfde stijl als die van Gaudi, die heel veel gebouwen in Barcelona heeft ontworpen, maar dan nog een beetje gekker. Leuk om te zien, daarna waren we uitgeput en kwam ik met het idee om een filmpje te gaan kijken in de bios. En een half uurtje later zaten we Deadpool 2 te kijken. Prima katerdagje zo. ’s Avonds in mijn eentje nog even de nachtmarkt bezocht waar vooral veel lokale mensen waren dus het was weer een ‘kom we gaan met zijn allen naar de enige Westerse kijken’ wedstrijd haha. Op tijd mijn bed in en de volgende dag een beetje lopen bloggen en wachten op mijn allerlaatste nachtbus (YES) die mij naar Hoi An zou brengen.
 Hoi An 2.0
In Hoi An heb ik echt nog even een laatste weekje vakantie gehouden. Lekker naar het strand geweest en kleding laten maken, eerste souvenirtjes gekocht en lekker gegeten. Ook nog even met Freek en Thom gechillt die ook in Hoi An zaten en die ik ken uit Thailand. Heel fijn om de laatste dagen even geen moeite meer te steken in nieuwe vrienden maken. Ook Boy was er, hem kende ik ook uit Thailand en hij reisde nu toevallig samen met Thom en Freek haha. Nog even het onderste uit de kan gehaald tijdens mijn laatste stapavond in dit leuke land en toen vloog ik alweer terug naar Ho Chi Minh voor mijn laatste twee nachtjes.
 In Ho Chi Minh heel de markt leeg gekocht, ik ben net Oprah als ik straks thuis kom haha. En vooral mezelf een beetje mentaal voorbereiden op het terugkomen in Nederland.
Vietnam was in ieder geval onvergetelijk, had ik voor geen goud willen missen! Special thanks to Lot voor het achterlaten van haar vriendje (Thijs ook bedankt jongen;)) en het opzoeken van mij (L)
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overwijs · 4 years
Dag 69 & 70 – “Happy new year”
Gelukkig nieuw jaar! We zeggen het niet echt, maar het is wel hoe het voelt. We hebben elkaar zes weken niet gezien en we beginnen aan een nieuw jaar. Die zes weken maken het verschil tussen het einde en een nieuw begin.
Het onderwijs is daarin speciaal, we vieren twee keer een nieuw jaar, krijgen twee keer een kans op goede voornemens en een nieuwe start. Ook speciaal omdat wij allemaal tegelijk weer beginnen na weken vakantie en elkaar daarom begroeten zoals men gewend is bij een nieuw jaar. De drie zoenen bleven vandaag om logische redenen achterwege, wel gek dat hierdoor de casual gesprekjes over de vakantie ook minder op gang bleken te komen.
Veel mensen in het onderwijs zullen er niet rouwig om zijn, niet iedereen één voor één af te moeten. We begroeten elkaar op afstand en kunnen door. Een tijdsbesparing en toch begint de openingsbijeenkomst te laat. Ook dat is onderwijs. We gaan van 0 naar 130, ookal is onder schooltijden die snelheid helemaal niet meer toegestaan, maar wel als de slechte leerlingen die wij zijn. Wij kunnen helaas niet rustig starten met de mails in de mailbox wegwerpen, al gingen wij dit jaar voor een rustige start, de leerlingen komen morgen pas.
Zoals wij verschillen van andere beroepen, verschillen wij ook van het basisonderwijs. We komen geen week eerder, bereiden weinig voor (over het algemeen) in de week voor de start. De 0 tot 130-mentaliteit hebben we daarom nodig.
Door de maatregelen, de volle klassen en wij die afstand moeten houden voelen we ons wel een beetje lost and blue, maar blijven oplossingsgericht. Of het openingspraatje van de baas gaat over een boot, auto of rotonde maakt niet uit. We zijn onderweg. Uit de startblokken. Zo anders dan gister.
Als een raceauto racen we weg, van vergadering naar vergadering naar training naar nog meer geklets. Alles om klaar te zijn voor de leerlingen. Ook ik race door deze dag, maar ik moet bekennen dat ik wel anders ben dan de meeste van mijn collega’s.
Wat mijn collega’s namelijk niet weten (en jullie na dit te lezen, wel)…
… toen hun vakantie begon op vrijdag, werkte ik nog een halve dag om de roostermaker te instrueren voor het maken van ons (ver)nieuwe(nde) rooster.
… dat ik die dag zelfs nog eventjes helemaal alleen in de lege school was.
… kreeg en beantwoorde ik nog zat mails van de leidinggevenden en roostermaker.
… ontmoette ik onderwijsvrienden in ‘de badkuip van Nederland’ voor het maken van mega leuke nieuwe onderwijsplannen waar ik vanaf dit schooljaar deel van uit mag maken.
… kreeg en beantwoorde ik ook daar veel mails over.
… is dat ik misschien naar de Verenigde Staten zou gaan voor een onderwijsconferentie.
… dat deze fysiek niet doorging, maar ik daardoor wel een maand lang sessies georganiseerd door docenten van over de wereld kon volgen en veel met deze onderwijsmensen via beeld in contact was.
… dat ik hierdoor veel heb bijgeleerd en een onderdeel daarvan meteen vandaag als inspiratie kon gebruiken voor een filmpje voor de school.
… dat ik vorige week dinsdag en vrijdag alweer op school was.
… dat de tussenliggende dagen ik ook via Teams in contact was met collega’s.
… dat ik zelfs de laatste zondag van de vakantie nog conceptueel en concreet aan het brainstormen was met mijn leidinggevende.
… dat ik daarom voor mijn vakantie werkdag 69 gebruikt heb in de telling, ook al was het niet één dag..
… dat ik dankzij drie weken naar mijn vrienden op de Franse camping, opgeladen en klaar was voor werkdag 70.
… dat ik er zin in heb.
… maar dat ik geen chef de mission meer ben en het dus spannend is om terug naar mijn rol als docent te gaan.
… dat zo’n eerste werkdag toch altijd hectisch en energievretend is.
… dat het wel voelde alsof ik meer de controle had dan andere jaren.
… dat ik dit jaar spannend vind omdat ik geen theorievak meer ga geven.
… dat ik er klaar voor ben!
… dat ik er alles aan ga doen om de vernieuwing, binnen mijn mogelijkheden, tot een succes te maken. Maar dat weten mijn collega’s denk ik wel.
Ik zeg het met al mijn hart en ziel. Gelukkig nieuw jaar!
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No more champagne
And the fireworks are through
Here we are, me and you
Feeling lost and feeling blue
It's the end of the party
And the morning seems so grey
So unlike yesterday
Now's the time for us to say
Happy New Year
Happy New Year
May we all have our hopes, our will to try
If we don't we might as well lay down and die
You and I
Sometimes I see
How the brave new world arrives
And I see how it thrives
In the ashes of our lives
Oh yes, man is a fool
And he thinks he'll be okay
Dragging on, feet of clay
Never knowing he's astray
Keeps on going anyway
Happy New Year
0 notes
The twelfth episode of De Algemene Verwarring was broadcast on Monday November 18 on a cold evening in Kortrijk and you can listen to it by clicking on the Mixcloud link above. Pictured below is the Australian band These Immortal Souls with the legend Rowland S. Howard. So yeah I did an all Aussie band special last Monday but unfortunately the broadcast wasn’t recorded by the radio Quindo software, so I was not able to upload it on Mixcloud for your listening enjoyment. That’s why I decided to make a mixtape with all the music that I played in this episode #12 so you can at least discover the bands without my boring explications in-between sets. Instead of that, you can find some extra information below, in the playlist.  I hope that you all are interested to read this, and that you like the music too, of course. Enjoy!
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Cosmic Psychos: Back At School (CD “Blokes You Can Trust” on Amphetamine Reptile Records, 1991)
There is no better way to start an Aussie special with a cracking punk rock song from these blokes you can trust. Still going strong, because the opening track of their most recent album that was released in 2018 has as a title “100 Cans Of Beer”. Santé!
Vintage Crop: Coming Up (LP V/A “New Center Of The Universe Vol. 3″ on Anti Fade, 2018)
Most punk song from this compilation that features some usual suspects such as Exek, The Shifters, Parsnip, Terry and The Stroppies, but also rather unknown names such as Gonzo, Permits, Billdozer (good name!) and Sleepyhead. Volumes 1 & 2 were only released on cassette and CD, so this is the first vinyl compilation. Vintage Crop are from Geelong.
Straight Arrows: Make Up Your Mind (7″ on Agitated Records, 2014)
Sydney based garage punk band. I actually played another song in the show from their split 7″ with French garage rockers The Creteens, but didn’t find a good quality mp3 from that song, so I downloaded this cracking track from their band camp page. They did a European tour earlier this year but unfortunately didn’t play in Belgium.
Cereal Killer: Your Punk Scene Can Suck It (LP “Beginning And End of Cereal Killer!” on Drunken Sailor Records, 2019)
Cereal Killer is an Australian hardcore punk band from Geelong, Victoria, and this is their first full length on vinyl. The band was brought to my attention by DJ Alexanderrr who brought one of their singles to a De Radio Is Gek Geworden episode and I’ve been looking for that 7″ since then.
The UV Race: Hot Dogs (7″ “Queens Of Punk” on Eighteen Records, 2014)
If you don’t dance to this song, you can not be my friend. Sorry.
The Stroppies: The Truth (7″ “It’s A Hit” on Hobbies Galore, 2017)
This is from the debut 7″ from this young Melbourne based indie/pop band who have recently released their debut full length called “Whoosh!” on Tough Love Records. We already played a song from that record a few weeks ago. “The Truth” is the very first song I ever heard from this band and it’s still one of my favorites.
The Scientists: I’m Looking For you (LP “The Scientists”, reissue on Numero Group, 2015, originally released in 1981 on EMI Custom Records)
Very first incarnation here of the band as a trio with Kim Salmon, Ian Sharples and James Baker. The band is mostly remembered as the swamp rock band it became after this debut album with core members Boris Sujdovic and Tony Thewlis, but I also very much like the jingly jangly punk sound of this self-titled debut album.
Lubricated Goat: Bad Times (LP V/A “Dope Guns & Fucking In The Streets Vol. 4 - 7″ on Amphetamine Reptile Records, 1990)
One of the more notorious bands on the AmRep roster with main man Stu “Spasm” Gray. Charles Tolnay from King Snake Roost was another member of this band. Apparently the band disbanded after Stu Spasm was stabbed in 1991, but later reformed with other members including some people from Cop Shoot Cop. 
Negative Gears: U.M. (12″ “Negative Gears” on Static Shock Records, 2019)
Very nice debut 12″ by this young Sydney based post punk band. A short record too, which makes me curious to hear more.
Repairs: Decay (7″ “Repairs” on Hozac Records, 2015)
Synth punk yeah! Based in Melbourne and not a very active band as they have just 4 releases in eight years, two cassettes and two seven inches. Last release was in 2017, so it’s about time for a new single, boys!
Carla Dal Forno: The Same Reply (LP “You Know What It’s Like” on Blackest Ever Black, 2016)
Carla Dal Forno was born in Melbourne but is currently based in London. This track is from her debut full length, but she also has a new album called “Look Up Sharp” on her very own label Kallista Records, and he’s playing this Friday 22/11 in Brussels at the Botanique. 
These Immortal Souls: Hey! Little Child (LP “Get Lost (Don’t Lie)” on Mute Records, 1987)
Apparently this band was formed in London after Rowland S. Howard, his brother Harry and Epic Soundtracks (from Swell Maps fame) were not invited for the recordings of the Crime & The City Solution album “Shine”. They recorded two full lengths, this is the first one and the second one was released in 1992. That last one is very hard to find, so hit me up. This track is an Alex Chilton cover, by the way.
The Triffids: Wide Open Road (LP “Born Sandy Devotional” on Megadisc, 1986)
My favorite song from The Triffids, but it’s not from my favorite album, which is “Calenture”. Probably because I saw them around that period (1988) at the Pukkelpop festival, where they must have made quite an impression on this young fellow that was discovering strange bands at that time... Their sound is polished and clean and not comparable at all to all those other wild Aussie bands I played in this episode, but yeah, I still do love them.
Naked On The Vague: Happy Endings (12″ “Twelve Dark Noons” on Sacred Bones Records, 2011)
Two-piece girl-boy act out of Sydney, Australia. Matthew P. Hopkins plays eerie bass and Lucy Cliché plays keyboards, and both do vocals. “Happy Endings” is a great track that contains elements of post punk and no-wave. They played Noisefest II which was a bit weird, but I still remember that show as a very good one, for a small but happy crowd.
HTRK: Into The Drama (LP “Venus In Leo” on Ghostly International, 2019)
Another duo: Jonnine Standish & Nigel Yang, with the opening track of their recently released new album. Their second record was produced by Rowland S. Howard who became a bit of a mentor of the band. 
Fabulous Diamonds: Wheel Of Fortune (LP “Plain Songs” on Alter, 2019)
After seven years of silence, Fabulous Diamonds are back with a new album on the British Alter label. Contrary to previous releases, there is not one rhythmic track on this record. It’s eerie, mysterious, strange and to be honest I had to listen a few times to completely get the feel of it. Definitely a new direction for the duo of Nisa Venerosa and Jarrod Zlatic. This Jarrod guy used to have band called Oh! Belgium!
Sozialistisches Patienten Kollektiv: Malaria Europa (The European Sickness) (LP “Leichenschrei” on Side Effects Records, 1982)
Legendary industrial band formed in Sydney. Original member and New Zealander Graeme Revell changed the band later into a synth pop band and made a career as a critically acclaimed soundtrack composer. Leichenschrei is one of the early loud and gnarly albums, excellent for ending this episode of De Algemene Verwarring. Hope you all are confused now.
0 notes
nempthis · 2 years
Today and tonight
Hi, it's one of those nights again. I can't sleep, too much noise inside my head and stuff.
Today, I just accomplished some of my requirements for work. I am happy today, it was bright outside. The sky is blue and not too hot either. My dad just gifted me a cute cat ring. He first bought me a cat ring with gems in it back when I was 7 and I still keep it somewhere. Now he gave me a new one except it doesn't include gems. I appreciate it of course, pleasant surprises like that.
One reason why I'm also happy is because (I really can't share here why).
I also had a good sleep this afternoon. Neptune didn't do me any trouble today. In fact, he's affectionate. Today is just slightly happier than regular days. Until something odd happened tonight. Kept me thinking why I'm like this. Am I really the problem?
I don't know. I'm tired. Maybe I shouldn't take all things seriously. I ended up this happy day with hurtful feelings. Yeah, I get a lot of comments that I look so tough and dominant or scary but I'm not mean and a bad person. It's just that for some people, they see me a a threat even though I didn't do anything. Maybe because my vibe means obey or else feel my wrath? I asked gek if I look scary with my arched eyebrows and he said yeah but he didn't mind me having arched eyebrows but it bugs me because people might think I'm angry all the time so I shaved my eyebrows and reshaped it. It kinda worked but it also keeps growing back and I still look scary. I hate that about me. I swear I don't have an ugly personality, it's just that I have my temper at times but it ain't gonna kill you.
What the hell am I talking about? I started this post with postive information and now it became like this. It's because I received a comment about me from a person and I took it personally. That person said I always bring negative vibes and I'm controlling. Sighs... Is it really true? Should I listen to that person? It really makes me feel bad about myself and I know I'm gonna keep thinking about this for days to come. It's gonna be loud in my head again every night. I'm tired and I want to sleep but my mind keeps thinking about this.
I just really need to let this out. If not all maybe some. Deep breaths.
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0 notes
ceruleanvulpine · 7 years
asoue reread: les miserables (mills)
optometry! cross-dressing! hypnosis! me, in the background, speculating about the arc plot!
To Beatrice- My love flew like a butterfly Until death swooped down like a bat As the poet Emma Montana McElroy said: "That's the end of that."
The first time I reread this I looked up the source of that poem, and it turns out to be from a third-grader in an asoue-themed poetry contest. Ms. McElroy (presumably no relation) says that she “like[s] sad stories, because after reading them you can get happy again until you're ready to read one again”. Relatable, Emma. 
But this book begins with the sentence "The Baudelaire orphans looked out the grimy window of the train and gazed at the gloomy blackness of the Finite Forest, wondering if their lives would ever get any better," and you should be able to tell that the story that follows will be very different from the story of Gary or Emily or the family of cunning little chipmunks.
It doesn’t, Lemony, there are two full paragraphs before that sentence is said! 
And the only trophy they would win would be some sort of First Prize for Wretchedness.
Can someone draw the kids with a First Prize For Wretchedness Trophy, cool, thanks
I'm now the Vice President in Charge of Coins
Mr. Poe took a piece of paper out of his pocket and squinted at it. "His name is Mr. Wuz- Mr. Qui- I can't pronounce it. It's very long and complicated."
"I have given Mr. Bek- Mr. Duy- I have given your new caretaker a complete description of Count Olaf," said Mr. Poe. "So if by some stretch of the imagination he shows up in Paltryville, Mr. Sho- Mr. Gek- will notify the authorities."
Lifehack: if you discover Sir’s true name, you can compel him to release you from your lumber compact. 
Alongside the sidewalk, where a row of trees might have been, were towering stacks of old newspapers instead.
(squints) Doesn’t the fact that VFD stores old newspapers in stacks on the Paltryville streets get mentioned in UA or somewhere? (Or was that a fanfic? >.>)
Other than a sign I saw once that said "Beware" in letters made of dead monkeys, the "Lucky Smells Lumbermill" sign was the most disgusting sign on earth
It is much, much worse to receive bad news through the written word than by somebody simply telling you, and I'm sure you understand why. When somebody simply tells you bad news, you hear it once, and that's the end of it. But when bad news is written down, whether in a letter or a newspaper or on your arm in felt tip pen, each time you read it, you feel as if you are receiving the news again and again. For instance, I once loved a woman, who for various reasons could not marry me. If she had simply told me in person, I would have been very sad, of course, but eventually it might have passed. However, she chose instead to write a two-hundred-page book, explaining every single detail of the bad news at great length, and instead my sadness has been of impossible depth. When the book was first brought to me, by a flock of carrier pigeons, I stayed up all night reading it, and I read it still, over and over, and it is as if my darling Beatrice is bringing me bad news every day and every night of my life.
Lemony --
You know, I don’t think hearing it in person would have helped? 
Klaus frowned at the hand-drawn map that was attached to the note with another wad of gum, "This map looks pretty easy to read," he said. "The dormitory is straight ahead, between the storage shed and the lumbermill itself."
Violet looked straight ahead and saw a gray windowless building on the other side of the courtyard. "I don't want to live," she said, "between the storage shed and the lumbermill itself."
I love her...
I'm sure you have heard it said that appearance does not matter so much, and that it is what's on the inside that counts. This is, of course, utter nonsense, because if it were true then people who were good on the inside would never have to comb their hair or take a bath, and the whole world would smell even worse than it already does.
I’m not.. sure that follows.
"You must be Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire," the somebody said, and the children turned to see a very tall man with very short hair. He was wearing a bright blue vest and holding a peach. He smiled and walked toward them, but then frowned as he drew closer. "Why, you're covered in pieces of bark," he said. "I hope you haven't been hanging around the lumbermill. That can be very dangerous for small children."
He’s just as useless as every other adult in the damn series, but I have a soft spot for him anyway. Maybe because he’s Gay And Useless. 
"That doesn't matter," Charles replied. "When Sir has made up his mind, he has made up his mind. I know he sometimes is a little bit mean, but you'll have to excuse him. He had a very terrible childhood. Do you understand?"
Violet looked at the painting of the seashore, and thought once again of that dreadful day at the beach. "Yes," she sighed. "I understand. I think I'm having a very terrible childhood myself."
This is still such a good line.
But although all the workers looked tired, and sad, and hungry, none of them looked evil, or greedy, or had such awful manners.
and at that moment one of the children had a trick played on him which I hope has never been played on you. This trick involves sticking your foot out in front of a person who is walking, so the person trips and falls on the ground. A policeman did it to me once, when I was carrying a crystal ball belonging to a Gypsy fortune-teller who never forgave me for tumbling to the ground and shattering her ball into hundreds of pieces. It is a mean trick, and it is easy to do, and I'm sorry to say that Foreman Flacutono did it to Klaus right at this moment.
1. Was that Madame Lulu? 
2. The similar incident in ATWQ 3 still makes this funnier to me.
When they arrived at the dormitory, Violet and Sunny looked out the window to watch for him, and they were so anxious that it took them several minutes to realize that the window was not a real one, but one drawn on the blank wall with a ballpoint pen.
either they’re VERY anxious or this is some shockingly good ballpoint trompe l’oeil
"Klaus, we were so worried about you," Violet said, hugging her brother as he reached them. "You were gone for so long. Whatever happened to you?"
"I don't know," Klaus said, so quietly that his sisters had to lean forward to hear him. "I can't remember."
"You'd better get to bed, Klaus," Violet said. "Follow me."
 At last, Klaus spoke. "Yes, sir," he said, quietly.
Okay. People differ in their opinions on when this series Gets Horrifying. Monty’s death is upsetting, certainly, and Olaf trying to marry Violet is scary, and when he pushes Josephine off the boat it’s chilling...
But IMO hypnotized!Klaus is a sudden uptick in fear level. (At least, it’s the thing I very clearly remembered even after I hadn’t read the books in years.) He doesn’t take his shoes off before going to bed! And Violet does and then in the morning he gets up and goes off to work without putting them back on! That’s Horrifying(tm)
My chauffeur once told me that I would feel better in the morning, but when I woke up the two of us were still on a tiny island surrounded by man-eating crocodiles, and, as I'm sure you can understand, I didn't feel any better about it.
Violet and Sunny sat down beside him, confused and frightened, and put their arms around their brother as though they were afraid he was floating away. They sat there like that, a heap of Baudelaires, until Foreman Flacutono clanged his pots together to signal the end of the break.
;-; ;-; ;-;
Then everyone had to blow on the stamp so it dried quickly.
That doesn’t seem efficient, but I don’t know what I expected from Sir. 
And I simply cannot describe the grotesque and unnerving sight—the words "grotesque" and "unnerving" here mean "twisted, tangled, stained, and gory"—of poor Phil's leg. It made Violet's and Sunny's stomachs turn to gaze upon it, but Phil looked up and gave them a weak smile.
"No, no," Phil said. "It's fine. I've never liked my left leg so much, anyway." "Not your leg, you overgrown midget," Foreman Flacutono said impatiently.
me: children
bald man: midgets
me: adults? 
bald man: overgrown midgets
...and at this point in the story of the Baudelaire orphans, I would like to interrupt for a moment and answer a question I'm sure you are asking yourself. It is an important question, one which many, many people have asked many, many times, in many, many places all over the world. The Baudelaire orphans have asked it, of course. Mr. Poe has asked it. I have asked it. My beloved Beatrice, before her untimely death, asked it, although she asked it too late. The question is: Where is Count Olaf?
That does seem like a pretty straightforward implication that, yep, it was Olaf. The books are not as subtle about this as tumblr user Istoki insinuated to me. :P
Dr. Orwell was a tall woman with blond hair pulled back from her head and fashioned into a tight, tight bun. She had big black boots on her feet, and was holding a long black cane with a shiny red jewel on the top.
Book Orwell was blonde? I had forgotten this.
Also jeez no wonder people think she’s hot. Boots! Boots.
"Have you ever encountered," Dr. Orwell said, "in your reading, the expression 'You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar'?"
Aw man I was mad at the netflix show for giving her Esmé’s line but it was her line all along! I was incorrect. 
The buildup to the payoff of that line is so good. Georgina is so much more competent than Olaf. 
"That wig and that lipstick don't fool us any more than your palebrown dress and sensible beige shoes. You're Count Olaf."
The word “palebrown” appears twice in this page and I am very perplexed. I also love... book Shirley: sensible receptionist’s outfit! Netflix Shirley: red red red red red re
Count Olaf shook his head. "But if you do something impolite to me" he said, "then I might do something impolite to you, like for instance tearing your hair out with my bare hands."
Zero to sudden threats of violence in two pages after his appearance: the Count Olaf MO!!!
"Possibly," Shirley said, crossing her legs and revealing long white stockings imprinted with the pattern of an eye.
"Don't be ab—" Violet said, but she stopped herself before she could say "surd." 
"Ab?" said a voice behind her. "What in the world does the word 'ab' mean?" 
Violet and Sunny turned around and saw Dr. Orwell leading Klaus into the waiting room. He was wearing another new pair of glasses and was looking confused. 
"Klaus!" Violet cried. "We were so worried ab—" She stopped herself before she could say "out" when she saw her brother's expression.
"There you go again, with 'ab,'" Dr. Orwell said. "Whatever in the world does it mean?" 
"'Ab' isn't a word, of course," Shirley said. "Only a stupid person would say a word like 'ab.'" 
"They are stupid, aren't they?" Dr. Orwell agreed, as though they were talking about the weather instead of insulting young children. "They must have very low self-esteem."
 "I couldn't agree more, Dr. Orwell," Shirley said.
"Call me Georgina," the horrible optometrist replied, winking. 
STOP BEING SO MEAN TO THESE CHILDREN.. Also “”Call me Georgina,” the horrible optometrist replied, winking,” is such an incredible sentence? I’m glad they’re exes in the show.
Violet tried to smile at Phil, but her smiling muscles just stayed put. She knew—or she thought she knew, anyway, because she was actually wrong—that the only thing in disguise was Count Olaf.
... Wait, what else is in disguise? ... Orwell’s sword-cane? 
"Hypnosis! Count Olaf! Fiti! I've had enough of your excuses!" he yelled.
Sir is terrible, but this is the second or third time he’s just accepted Sunny’s baby talk as comprehensible speech, which amuses me. Also Klaus isn’t at this meeting because he’s hypnotized and VIOLET THOUGHT HE MIGHT MURDER SIR
"They are being treated like members of the family," Sir said. "Many of my cousins live there in the dormitory. I refuse to argue with you, Charles! You're my partner! Your job is to iron my shirts and cook my omelettes, not boss me around!"
"You're right, of course," Charles said softly. "I'm sorry."
Sorry Charles(tm). your inability to stand up to sir doesn’t excuse letting the children be neglected but i do still feel bad for you
Violet and Sunny sighed, and thought of their poor hypnotized brother. Klaus seemed so different from the brother they knew that it was almost as if Count Olaf had already succeeded with his dastardly scheme, and destroyed one of the Baudelaire orphans.
His eyes were usually all squinty from reading, and now they were wide as if he had been watching TV instead.
1. Introduction 1 2. Basic Ophthalmology 105 3. Nearsightedness and Farsightedness 279 4. Blindness 311 5. Itchy Eyelashes 398 6. Damaged Pupils 501 7. Blinking Problems 612 8. Winking Problems 650 9. Surgical Practices 783 10. Glasses, Monocles, and Contact Lenses 857 
11. Sunglasses 926 12. Hypnosis and Mind Control 927 13. Which Eye Color Is the Best One? 1,000
I’m still losing my mind about this table of contents from Dr. Orwell’s book. Which eye color *is* the best one, anyway? How big of a problem are itchy eyelashes? Why is there only one page on sunglasses? 
"We just stopped by to make sure everything went well," Dr. Orwell said, gesturing to the saw with her black cane. "And I'm certainly glad we did. Lucky!" she shouted to Klaus. "Do not listen to your sisters!"
This moment in the book: p good. This moment in the show: made me fall in love with Dr. Orwell a little. She’s just so satisfied with her own cleverness! 
"Oh no you can't!" Klaus cried, and stepped forward to push Charles out of the way.
"Oh yes we can!" Foreman Flacutono said, and stuck his foot out again. You would think that such a trick would only work a maximum of two times, but in this case you would be wrong, and in this case Klaus fell to the floor again, his head clanging against the pile of debarkers and tiny green boxes.
There are also, like, six lines of “Oh no you can’t!”/”Oh yes we can!” from various characters, including an “Oh toonoy!” from Sunny. Then Sunny bites Dr Orwell on the hand and Orwell yells “Gack!”, breaking the combo. 
But then she smiled and used an expression that was in French: "En garde!" "En garde!," as you may know, is an expression people use when they wish to announce the beginning of a sword-fight, and with a wicked smile, Dr. Orwell pressed the red jewel on top of her black cane, and a shiny blade emerged from the opposite end. In just one second, her cane had become a sword, which she then pointed at the youngest Baudelaire orphan. But Sunny, being only an infant, had no sword. She only had her four sharp teeth, and, looking Dr. Orwell right in the eye, she opened her mouth and pointed all four at this despicable person.
I understand why this wasn’t in the show... but I love it so much. It’s so fucking ridiculous. Lemony describes the dramatic clanging of blades ringing against each other except that SUNNY JUST HAS HER TEETH. Also: 
There is a loud clink! noise that a sword makes when it hits another sword—or, in this case, a tooth—and whenever I hear it I am reminded of a swordfight I was forced to have with a television repairman not long ago.
Macros I need: “Thanks Lemony,” “u ok Lemony” 
Klaus needed to invent something to stop the machine, and he needed to invent it right away.
God, I love that in this book Violet has to research hypnosis and Klaus has to invent a thing. I think I’m overall glad they didn’t include it, because Klaus’ stretched-gum-log-grabber is kind of silly ... but the skill-swapping is really cute and I hope we get to see it later on.
Hukkita —hukkita—hukkita! The machine began making the loudest and roughest sound Klaus had ever heard. Charles closed his eyes, and Klaus knew that the blade must have hit the bottom of his foot.
Gathering up all of his strength—and, after working at a lumbermill for a while, he actually had quite a bit of strength for a young boy—he grabbed his invention, and pulled. Klaus pulled on his debarker, and the debarker pulled on the gum, and the gum pulled on the log, and to the relief of all three Baudelaire orphans the log moved to one side.
(i know, i know, it’s not strictly realistic! but! aaaaaa) 
For just as Dr. Orwell was about to bring her sword down on little Sunny's throat, the door of the lumbermill opened and Sir walked into the room. "What in the world is going on?" he barked, and Dr. Orwell turned to him, absolutely surprised. When people are absolutely surprised, they sometimes take a step backward, and taking a step backward can sometimes lead to an accident. Such was the case at this moment, for when Dr. Orwell stepped backward, she stepped into the path of the whirring saw, and there was a very ghastly accident indeed.
I love, uh... 
This thing Lemony does where he goes from describing a specific situation to describing something in general terms that MIGHT happen or SOMETIMES happens, but which has ominous implications for the current situation, and then after this suspense-building, worrying delay gets back to the main story. See also: Violet reads the first, incredibly dense sentence of Dr. Orwell’s book, looks at the table of contents to see where to skip to, and then Lemony immediately launches into a definition of “stylistic consistency” and you know exactly where it’s headed. 
Anyway. Yes. Doctor Orwell. This works better when she’s .. about to stab.. Sunny on the ground, instead of carrying her as in the show. 
The Baudelaire orphans sat together on the floor of Sir's office and looked up at the adults discussing the situation, wondering how in the world they could talk about it so calmly. The word "dreadful," even when used three times in a row, did not seem like a dreadful enough word to describe everything that had happened. Violet was still trembling from how Klaus had looked while hypnotized. Klaus was still shivering from how Charles had almost been sliced up. Sunny was still shaking from how she had almost been killed in the swordfight with Dr. Orwell. And, of course, all three orphans were still shuddering from how Dr. Orwell had met her demise, a phrase which here means "stepped into the path of the sawing machine." The children felt as if they could barely speak at all, let alone participate in a conversation.
Aaaand getting sawed up is a lot less of a Disney Villain Death than stepping backwards and disappearing into a fire, huh? If I were a child of fourteen, twelve, or one, I would not like to see someone sawed up.
"If your left ankle does not have a tattoo of an eye on it," Mr. Poe said, "then you are most certainly not Count Olaf."
Shirley's eyes shone very, very bright, and she gave everyone in the room a big, toothy smile. "And what if it does?" she asked, and hitched up her skirt slightly. "What if it does have a tattoo of an eye on it?"
Stop!! smiling!!!
Count Olaf shrugged, sending his wig toppling to the floor, and smiled at the Baudelaires in a way they were sorry to recognize. It was a certain smile that Count Olaf had just when it looked like he was trapped. It was a smile that looked as if Count Olaf were telling a joke, and it was a smile accompanied by his eyes shining brightly and his evil brain working furiously.
We’re four for four on this phenomenon!
Even a boarding school sounded like it would be better than their days with Foreman Flacutono, Dr. Orwell, and the evil Shirley. I'm sorry to tell you that the orphans were wrong about boarding school being better, but at the moment they knew nothing of the troubles ahead of them, only of the troubles behind them, and the troubles that had escaped out the window.
I mean, at least they get to make some friends there.
(and boarding school isn’t INHERENTLY bad ok)
"Well, let me think," Phil said, and thought for a moment. In the background, the orphans could hear the dim sounds of Mr. Poe describing Count Olaf to somebody on the telephone. "You're alive," Phil said finally. "That's lucky. And I'm sure we can think of something else."
I like that the culmination of Phil’s useless optimism in the book is.. well, yeah, everything sucks, but the kids are genuinely a little cheered by thinking about how they could have died and didn’t. A bunch of the earlier books have about one page of hopefulness at the end. I don’t think it lasts. 
LEMONY SNICKET grew up near the sea and currently lives beneath it. To his horror and dismay he has no wife or children, only enemies, associates, and the occasional loyal manservant. His trial has been delayed, so he is free to continue researching and writing the tragic tales of the Baudelaire orphans for HarperCollins.
Let’s see, he was living in the city, he was going to be put on trial, now his trial’s been delayed and he’s (presumably) living on the Queequeg. At what point do we start getting the worrying asides about “the author’s execution has been cancelled”? :P 
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movietvtechgeeks · 7 years
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Latest story from https://movietvtechgeeks.com/marvel-mishandles-diversity/
Marvel Mishandles Diversity
Marvel Comics is currently doing damage control. The brand that can do no wrong in film is having problems in print. The damage control situation stems from a statement by Marvel Comics Vice President of Print and Marketing David Gabriel that their push for diversity in comic was not working. “What we heard was that people didn’t want any more diversity… I don’t know that that’s really true, but that’s what we saw in sales.” -- David Gabriel, ICv2 interview Earlier news suggests that Marvel will be bringing its core heroes back, probably after their last major event Secret Empire. Marvel also said that they’ll be doing a moratorium on multiple crossovers which they’ve relentlessly been doing the past years. There are comic book fans out there who can’t afford purchasing multiple titles. This fan for instance, lives off on borrowing from his friends or reading into them on Wikipedia or catching up on YouTube. In the pre-internet age, I was concentrated on Ghost Rider, Spirits of Vengeance and X-Men Classic. A friend of mine was into X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, X-Factor and X-Force and we borrow from each other every time we meet up.  The only time I got into any major crossover was during the Midnight Massacre event (with black covers) and Siege of Darkness to which I had to buy all the books involved (NightStalkers, Ghost Rider, Spirits of Vengeance, Morbius the Living Vampire and Darkhold). These events were somewhat in parallel to X-Men’s Age of Apocalypse and the Onslaught Saga to which me and my friend cooperated on. That was an expensive undertaking. Imagine if we were still at it. So as for Marvel’s events, they’ll be cutting back as not all fans can buy all the books they need. Some fans may be into the X-Men; others the Avengers or Spider-Man. Secret Empire is going to be the last of those major events where Ultimate Spider-Man Miles Morales would be seen killing Hydra Captain America. With Miles Morales, let’s go back to diversity. Most of us geks probably know this but for others’ sake let’s elaborate on diversity. These past couple of years, Marvel has gone gangsta on diversity for some reason. Whether it’s third wave feminism, increasing gender equality awareness and the social media preoccupation with political correctness. As said before, Marvel often reflects the issues of the time. We now have more female leads, more ethnicities and some gender identities. The transition of Miles Morales to the mainstream Marvel universe, poised to replace Peter Parker who is now currently too busy running his own company. Tony Stark, after the events of Secret Wars is now in a coma and has been replaced by female black teenager, Riri Williams. There are actually two Iron Men flying around; Riri Williams and Doctor Doom. We’ve had Pakistani Muslim female teenager Kamala Khan who took on the mantle of Ms. Marvel from Carol Danvers who will be having a movie by the way featuring Brie Larson.  The current official Captain America is Sam Wilson, formerly the Falcon. The Hulk is now Korean genius teenager Amadeus Cho who took Bruce Banner’s power. Bruce Banner is now dead by the way. She Hulk Jennifer Walters is being positioned as the current savage hulk persona because of PTSD. The mantle of Wolverine is now in the hands of teenager Laura Kinney also known as X-23 whom we’ve all seen on the awesome Old Man Logan film. Thor is now female whose secret identity is Jane Foster who the general public identifies with Natalie Portman; due to Odinson becoming unworthy in one of Marvel’s many, many crossover events. Ghost Rider is now Latino LA resident Robbie Reyes. And they made X-Men’s Iceman gay. Not the mainstream Iceman but the version snatched from the past. Confusing huh? It’s comics. There’s really nothing wrong with diversity. If Marvel only looked into its inner character line, their lineup is already very diverse. They already have the sexiest female lineup of superheroines like Ms. Marvel Carol Danvers, former White Queen Emma Frost, X-Men’s Rogue, Spider-Woman Jessica Drew and The Wasp Janet Van Dyne. They’re well represented in the African-American community with Nick Fury Jr., Black Panther, the Falcon, War Machine James Rhodes, Luke Cage, Misty Knight, the X-Men’s Storm and Cloak from Cloak and Dagger. Then we have the Asians Colleen Wing from Iron Fist, the X-Men’s Jubilation Lee, Big Hero 6’s Sunfire and Silver Samurai, British mind but Asian body Psylocke and X-Men’s Armor Hisako Ichiki. On the Latino side, Marvel has X-Men medic Cecilia Reyes, X-Force Sunspot Roberto Da Costa, Spider-Man Miles Morales, Slingshot Yo-Yo Rodriguez (featured in Agents of SHIELD) and New Mutants member Rictor Julio Richter. As for the LGBT community, there’s Alpha Flight’s Northstar, Young Avengers Hulkling, New Mutant’s Karma Xi'an Coy Manh, the Darkhold’s Victoria Montesi, and Daredevil’s Jeryn Hogarth. They just need to bring the focus back to these characters in main or supporting roles. What happened with Marvel according to some fans is that they did things too quickly even going so far as to replace their core characters like Thor, Iron Man, Captain America, the Incredible Hulk, Ms. Marvel and Spider-Man. There was previous talk before Captain America Civil War that Marvel should use Miles Morales instead of the traditional Peter Parker. Fans were totally divided because even the general public knows that Peter Parker is Spider-Man at the very least from newspaper comic strips. Marvel should have been promoting the hell out of their core characters who people are just getting to know in their films and introducing their diversity line in major but supporting roles. Marvel became too heavy-handed with the diversity thing, and many fans didn’t like the total replacement of their core heroes according to some forums. Even people just going into comics because of the films will be surprised that Bruce Banner is dead and is no longer the Hulk, that Thor is a lady and that Captain America is HYDRA. IMHO, if they wanted to replace Iron Man with a female, they could have just re-imagined the hero Spitfire (Jenny Swensen) from their 80s New Universe line. That could have gotten people excited because people are more familiar with the character instead of Riri Wiliams. Anyway, poor sales or not, Marvel didn’t pull off the diversity very well. If they did get new fans with their diversity line, they alienated others. It reflected in their sales numbers and is now blaming their sales on their program. Many argue that the diversity thing could have been handled with better stories and a lack of emphasis on major events. Whether or not you agree that Mr. Gabriel’s statement was not in good taste, the reality is often in the sales numbers despite other factors that are difficult to quantify. He chose to listen to the retailers griping about their poor sales because their respective clientele didn’t like the diversity program.  Below are some statements of those retailers: “I don't want you guys doing that stuff… I want you to entertain. That’s the job. One of my customers even said the other day he wants to get stories and doesn’t mind a message, but he doesn't want to be beaten over the head with these things.” “When you talk about the Academy Awards, and how [inclusion and diversity] was a prime topic, I look at the cold, hard reality, and I'm in business. A lot of those movies, or other things in other media, aren't really big money makers. For me, I care more about whether I'm going to sell it or not.” The situation could be different elsewhere as individuals or entire areas of customers may have the opposite taste. Anyway, Marvel may soon bring back the classics. Good old Captain America Steve Rogers, Tony Stark as Iron Man, Odinson as Thor and Bruce Banner as the Hulk. Again, IMHO, what Jennifer Walters is going through, turning pleasant She-Hulk into Savage She-Hulk is quite interesting. Whatever happens to bring the classics back could have something to do with the Cosmic Cube that turned Steve Rogers into an agent of HYDRA. But fans of the new characters won’t be left out as Marvel won’t be letting go of the characters they’ve already created. “Discussed candidly by some of the retailers at the summit, we heard that some were not happy with the false abandonment of the core Marvel heroes and, contrary to what some said about characters “not working,” the sticking factor and popularity for a majority of these new titles and characters like Squirrel Girl, Ms. Marvel, The Mighty Thor, Spider-Gwen, Miles Morales, and Moon Girl, continue to prove that our fans and retailers ARE excited about these new heroes. And let me be clear, our new heroes are not going anywhere! We are proud and excited to keep introducing unique characters that reflect new voices and new experiences into the Marvel Universe and pair them with our iconic heroes… We have also been hearing from stores that welcome and champion our new characters and titles and want more! They've invigorated their own customer base and helped them grow their stores because of it. So we're getting both sides of the story, and the only upcoming change we're making is to ensure we don't lose focus of our core heroes,” -- Marvel Comics What’s truly important though, is that diversity or no, is for Marvel to continue producing great stories involving their iconic characters as well as their new ones. That they strike the right balance between art and storytelling that manages to properly reflect the world’s current issues like they used to do.
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