#he is gonna colect people and make them work for him
valdeswan · 8 months
36 year old KRS taking all his savings and buying a farm in a town in the middle of nowhere.
His line of work was a dangerous one, being a bodyguard for high-profile clients
After a job where KRS was blinded in one eye, he took the compensation money and his savings and quit.
His idea was to buy a small, nice house in a town far from the city. But LSH and CJS convinced him that he should buy a couple of acres and make it a farm. Their argument was something about how he should keep himself busy with something to avoid getting into trouble.
Bullshit. If you ask him. But they made him promise that after a three-hour session of them yapping, he only managed to convince them to buy something smaller. There is still a lot of space for only one person (for now)
They made him promise that once they retire, he would give them a room at the farm. KRS sometimes wonders why they tend to ask obvious questions.
The land was acquired at a low price due to its condition: weeds everywhere, rocks, and a two-story old wooden house with leaks.
He wouldn't have bought it if it weren't for the fact that the previous owner had told him he had completely redone the plumbing and wiring a few years earlier.
The only thing Roksoo carried with him when he arrived at his new residence was a bag with clothes and another with his few precious belongings: books, a coffee machine that his coworkers gave him for his birthday, and his pillow.
The moment he set foot on his new property, Roksoo kind of regretted it all because of the work the property needed. He was aware of the condition of the house when he moved in, but for some reason he thought it would be easy. Never again.
He blames LSH and CJS for putting ideas in his head about moving to a farm; this wasn't his idea about living like a slacker. He could do nothing but sigh and enter the house.
The first step creaked as he walked on it; he avoided stepping on the second one, which was obviously rotten. The board on the third and final step creaked and broke. KRS cursed and fell into the hole. He had scratches all over his calf when he managed to get his leg out of the hole.
KRS wondered if he should have been less stingy when it came to shelling out money to buy the property. It's not like he couldn't afford it; he wasn't as rich as he would have liked to be, but he wasn't lacking either.
There was nothing he could do now, so he simply sighed again and opened the creaking door. A cloud of dust made him cough and step back.
KRS mentally thanks the previous owner, who was kind enough to leave him his old tools in the shed. He left his bags on the floor and went to look for a broom to clean the interior to make it minimally habitable for the night.
Sexy Ahjussy activities. Imagine a tall, buff, black-haired middle-aged man with an eye scar🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🦅🦅🦅
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"He was my first love... And only one."
Old photos, one old love and two not that old twins. A bit of talking after Weirmaggedon. Stan listening to his bro-bro memories about college lover.
Please be kind to me, it's my first fanfic in English and also my first fanfic i have ever posted.
Ford was nostalgically sorting old photoes. Wrinkled paper gently rustled in his weary hands. All those memories, forgotten things with distand feeling of lost love, whole past in his worn out hands. "Ya look sad, bro," Stan's voice broke the silence of Ford's room. His twin was looking at him with curious brown eyes covered with thick glasses. He leaned on the doorframe.
Older twin  smiled sligtly, running his polydactyl hands thru grey hairs. Fingers touched silver stripe that cut thru dark grey hairs. He felt suddenly old and exhausted. "Just... Overthinking past, i guess." He patted spot on the sofa next to himself, showing that companion is welcome.
"Pics?" asked carefully Stanley. His mind was still a bit wobbly, but he remembered nearly everything. Definitely good sign. Stan sheepishly sat next to Ford on the sofa. Old matress swayed under his weight and caused, that Ford leaned a bit agaist Stan's shoulder. "What? Oh, yeah... Pictures. Old ones." said author of the journals with sigh while his hands gently folded photos on the lap. "Hehe, 'm probably not in your colection,...  Hey that one... that guy looks cute," chuckled his brother. He pointed at picture of tall smiling boy, maybe a bit older than twenty-one. Long sand blond hair, big blue eyes brightly shining with happines were hinding partly behind small round glasses. That noodle nerd had two daysies tucked behind his ear, big smile on his face. He looked like hippie college student. "Yeah... Fantastic old friend of mine. Wait! It...He is a man. Why do you think he is cute?" suddenly asked Ford. Stan was ladies man. Why he would think something like that?! Stanley blushed. His eyes wondered over room. Now seemed every piece of furniture like super interesting. "Ehh...No comment?" "No Stanley. We should be more honest with each other. We spend enought of our time pushing each other away. I just want to know why do you think that. No judgement, only curiosity." Old man mumbled something. Then he scooted away from Ford. Scietinst seemed a bit concerned. His brother was always the one who wanted to feel the others presence, but this was different. He was suddenly so shy. Ford like physical contact too but only from persons he loved and liked. Stanley was different- he loved patting peoples shoulder, hugging them even thou they were strangers. His attention was like contact sport. And sometimes it could change into one when that person made him angry. Ford's attention thou. It was more about reading between lines. "Pardon, Lee? I didn't understand." "I said... That i dated men too," sighed Stanley. His fingers were twiching. Eyes were trying to burned thru the floor into the heart of the Earth. He made himself look tiny. Whole body curled into himself. Ford's mouth formed into small silent "oh". "'m sorry... Gonna vanish, don't worry." "Are you crazy, Lee?! No vanishing, no going away." "But..." it was strange. Stanley could brake a montain with bare hands and now... He looked so vulnurable. Like scared teen he once was- standing outside in the middle of warm spring night hoping that Ford could forgive him. "But 'm nothing just familly disapointment. Stupid big idiot and even gay..." "If you say it one more time, i will punch you. Without warning! You are not disapointment! You are my best friend i have ever had and best twin brother i could wish for!" "Poindexer, i am weird old fag!" "Probably not. And that is absolutely horrible word, do not use it, please! You did loved Carla, hm." "And some other girls..." admited Stanley with blush of embarassment. "So you are bisexual. You like both." "'m not picky type," shrugged younger brother with hint of smile. He seemed more comfortable now. Hands put on his knees, eyes still sticked to the ground but he didn't look like persone who wanted to crawl under the rock and stay there for next few milleniums. "I am fag... At least that would Pa called me... If he had knew about it..." "That explains lots of things... And highschool," mumbled Stan scooting back so they shoulders touched again. "Pardon me?!" shrieked Ford. "You were curious only about science. And why girls didn't talk to you! Nothing was about girls, only why they kept ignoring you," explained Stan. Ford blinked few times, his face making pretty good impression of confuesed owl. Stanley was smugly smiling: "I've knew the whole time that you are not straight. 'm glad that Pa never knew about it thou. He would kick ya out too, maybe beat ya...Ya would never make it out unharm, on the streets..." "You were the one that ended up there... I can not forgive myself," two big tears started to roll down. Ford tried to dry them with his sleeve. "Poindexter, let it be. We are here, we are good..." "And gay," added Ford with tiny smile. Roaring of Stan's laught filled the room: "YEAH, we are gay! SO ... Who was that cutie? First crush?" His eyebrows wiggled in devilish way. "First crush, first love and only one. He took my heart without asking and never gave it back..." His brother wrapped arm around his shoulders. "You are old sappy man, Ford." "I know. I... Everything could be so different." "What happened?" asked younger twin. He hated seeing Ford depressed. "First time he went back to his family, after a while he had one too. And later when we found each other... Portal happened." "Sixer! I ... I caused...! Did I....?" Stanford grabbed old photos. He hold them on his chest, close to his fast-beating heart. "It was my fault, we had huge arguement and split up. I should have listened to him, but i was the biggest idiot on this Earth!" Stanley suddenly gasped. "You were dating McGucket?! Old man MCGUCKET?! Oh holy hot Belgian waffles!" "Kids aren't home," snarkyly pointed out Ford still carressing his pictures. "In that case- FUCK!" Small smile crept on scientist's face. "May i tell you a story, Lee?" asked Ford. He looked way younger now. Shy blush on his cheeks, still a bit teary eyes behind glasses. But they were light up with memories. "Yep, ya nerd. I haven't heard romantic novel for a long time! Ok i saw one last night. But i want to hear yar romance," beamed happily Stan and made himsleft comfortable. He was now sprawled on sofa, legs streched infront of him, hands folded on his soft belly. "So...Tell me yar fairytale, bro-bro." "Lee you are so silly," nudged Stan's elbow Ford playfully. "Fine. Long time ago... Ok, i am really getting old and silly. We were college roomates. I liked him first time i saw him. He was true opposite of me. Emotinal, empathic, wonderfully talented. His genius was amazing. After a while we got closer and closer. Fidds was so carring, nearly motherly. You should saw him when i was ill. I phoned dad, that i needed some money... to see a doctor, cause i felt really awful. He... shouted at me- to be a man and sleep it off. So i tried it. And fainthed during one of our classes we had together. Fidds did knew what to do, he took care about me. Got me to our room, helped in bed where i stayed for next week barely knowing about world. I don't remember much, my fever was too high. All seemed like a dream. After i got better i found him sitting on the window frame. His eyes were looking into starry night, silently crying. He was aftraid about me whole week and...He finally snapped... We started dating few days later." Ford had tears on his cheeks while he hold old pictures like precious treasure. His hands were clutching them, only gems he had from his past. Someone knock on the door frame. Fiddleford Hadron Mcgucket stood there. He was dressed in jeans, silly shirt with watermelons and drinks on it. He had crazy bowler hat with daisy that kept danggling. Still with beard that could belong to the oldest wizzard in the Dungeons, Dungeons and more Dungeons, but under it was hidden smile. "I swear Stanferd, ma biggest mistake was leaving ya. And i fool made it twice!" Stanley looked at them with squint eyes trying to seem like he fall asleep. "Stop foolin' us, ya'r great conman, but that's horrible try," laugh Fidds hopping on the sofa from Ford's free side. He covered one six-fingered hand with his small one. They fitted perfectly, like two pieces of puzzles. Maybe their hands were a bit cold, but hearts were still aflame with passion and love. "I guess now i've to keep an eye on two nerds," sighed Stanley. "Have fun ya two, i am gonna go to... Don't know. Want a coffee?" "Yeah we will join you," smiled Ford when Fiddleford hugged his waist. "Yej, coffee is great idea pals!" "Gentlemen, we will have gayffee party!" clasped his big hands Stanley and went to the kitchen, chuckling because he liked that new horrible pun. Ford froze a bit and then shouted: "Do not tell this term in front of Mable! Or we all end up covered in rainbow glitters! I don't mind them but i certainly don't like to drink them with my coffee!" "WHO SAID SOMETHING ABOUT RAINBOW GLITTEEEEEERS???????!" "Mabel, calm down! Honey, put that bottle of rainbow disaster down!"
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Nina Heath
Skin tone: dark
Eye color: blue
Hair: curly, dark brown with a blue ombre
Height: 158cm
Weight: 90kg
Age: 23
Gender: nonbinary
Sexuality: bisexual
Details: vitiligo on their left shoulder/right hip/stomach/back/over the left eye, eyebrow piercing, nose ring, lip ring, ears pierced all the way up, sleeve tattoos on both arms, tattoos all over their body (thighs, ankles, torso, back, calves,...)
Personality: confident, chaotic good, gremlin, dumb but kinda smart, loyal, would kill for their friends, would kill their friends, angry, smol and chubby, disastrous bisexual, scary, yell-a-lot, bunnies!, strong, caring
Hobbies: baking, crocheting, arguing, painting nails, reading (but their head hurts), cuddling, kissing, calming their girlfriend down, Fighting with people who hurt their friends/girlfriend (is totaly the embodiment of:
Nina: You made Sophia cry!
Tray: Sophia always cries!
Sophia, crying: That’s not true...)
Hates: dysphoria, homophobes, transphobes, Karens, birds, tall people who make fun of them, their glasses (but their head hurts if they don’t wear them), contacts (but their head hurts if they don’t wear them), headaches
Job: baker
Sophia Georgening
Skin tone: caramel
Eye color: green
Hair: really messy,straight (unlike her), bob cut with a triangle undercut at the back if her head, ginger
Height: 186cm
Weight: 78kg
Age: 24
Gender: cis woman
Sexuality: lesbian
Details: freckles all over her face and shoulders, bushy eyebrows with an eyebrow cut in the left one, tongue piercing, tattoo of a Phoenix on her back between the shoulder blades, Nina and a heart tattooed on her right bicep, ripped (seriously, she’s buff, she has abs, biceps, triceps, she could crush a melon with her thighs, the CaLvEs,...), wears her hair tied up in a messy bun almost 90% of the time, vegetarian and whenever she eats a product that came from an Animal like milk or an egg, she apologizes to said animal
Personality: calm, thoughtful, lawful good, a TrEe, loving, caring, silent, secretly anxious, strict, tidy, colected, extremely smart but almost never shows it, a bottom, sensitive, crybaby
Hobbies: blacksmithing, archery (but she never shoots at living targets and cries when she needs to shoot at plastic animals), working out, running, kickboxing (even tho she apologizes to her oponent afterwards), helping people out, petting animals, kissing, cuddling
Hates: sad movies, Animal cruelty, mean people, social interactions (but she’s good at hiding it), not much else, she thinks that everyone deserves another chance and that all people have some good in them
Job: works in a flower shop, part time blacksmith/gym trainer
Tray Black
Skin tone: light
Eye color: yellow
Hair: short, bright blue
Height: 175cm
Weight: 69kg
Age: 20
Gender: genderflux (using all pronouns, mostly they/them, so they’ll be refered to as such while description is going on)
Sexuality: asexual panromantic
Details: nose ring (changes up every day), extravagant earrings, sleeve tattoo on their right arm, a snake tattooed around their left thigh, colorful/black clothing (they either look like a neon paint bomb or as a black hole), they rarely bind but pack rather often (bottom dysphoria is worse then the top one), a lot of rings and bracelets (you always know when they’re near since you hear clanking), hats, always wearing earphones
Personality: they’re really extra in every way, chill, sarcastic, funny, flegmatic, pesimistic, both love and hate attention, very competitive, potterhead but hates JK, totaly a Slytherin (and not just because of the snakes), a bit arrogant, very good leader, very very smart, good at arguments (seriously, you so don’t want to get into an argument with them, they’ll obliterate you)
Hobbies: singing, drums, gaming, playing the guitar, sketching people/sceneries, reading (mostly sci-fi/fantasy), dying hair, combining jewelry with clothes, listening to music, taking care of their pet sneks
Hates: shoping, overplayed pop songs, dogs, teeth, the summer (it’s too damn hot for them), homophobes/transphobes, J.K. Rowling, terfs, politics (the people)
Job: part time at Nina’s bakery, studying politology and sociology, in the school band
Connor Wearings
Skin tone: lightly tanned (not as pale as Tray but not as dark as Sophia)
Eye color: heterochromia - left eye is green, right eye is grey
Hair: curly, short, hazelnut brown
Height: 168cm
Weight: 64kg
Age: 21
Gender: demiboy (using he/him pronouns but not quite cis)
Sexuality: asexual, aromantic
Details: freckles. everywhere., always smiling (he’s got dimples), dressed freely (skirts, dress, pants, blouses, shirts, heels, crop tops, hoodies,...), he’s really comfortable in his body and yet he’s not fully comfortable with all that comes with it, smol bean, the cutest little pout, ALWAYS covered in paint, fingers are pernamently covered in bandaids, wears a bandana to hold his hair back while working
Personality: he’s a total sweetheart, kind, helpful, outgoing, happy-go-lucky, loving, caring, funny, always laughing/smiling, really hard to piss him off, really easy to make him upset (another embodiement of ‘he always cries), ‘Maybe I can drink my problems away’ *opens capri-sun*, dog lover, puppy-like personality, loyal
Hobbies: drawing, cooking, baking, petting animals, fluffy things!, crocheting, sewing, painting, dressing up, making tea, helping his friends, hugging, holding hands, platonic relationships
Hates: arguments, people who make fun of someone, rude people, loud music, the dark, the cold, octopuses, dark colors, unfinished jobs
Job: studying art, psychology and doing a baking course at the moment (very productive and capable), working a part-time at a convinience store and a daycare centre (the kids love him)
Abram Hayze
Skin tone: dark
Eye color: hazelnut
Hair: deep brown, curly and fluffy
Height: 197cm
Weight: 78kg
Age: 19
Gender: agender - e/em/eir/emself pronouns
Sexuality: pansexual, demiromantic
Details: e has a lot of moles all over eir body, mostly presents androgynous, yet sometimes likes to present feminine, had very unaccepting parents so whenever e is forced to go to a more profesional setting or to meet with older people, e presents masculine even though e hates it, very proud of eir hair, love to play with them when e’s nervous and try new hairstyles all the time, e never dyes it tho, piercings on both ears, piercing under the lip, piercing in the bellybutton
Personality: e is really calm, likes to think and be alone, yet also loves to spend time with eir friends, smiling a lot, always there when someone needs em, really perceptive and no one really knows how e does it, but e seems to know about a lot of stuff that other people don’t (it’s just the fact that e is very trustworthy and so a lot of people let their guard down around em), e is also really into debates, but not the political ones like Tray, eir partner, but rather ones about books, headcannons and interests, e is also really sneaky and likes to play tricks and pranks on people, especially confusing them with the food that e eats, e is chaotic good
Habbies: reading, hiding around places and letting emself be found in the most ridiculous positions, putting stuff on the top shelves when e is hanging out with eir friends (the short ones), sitting in strange places where no one knows how e got in, sleeping
Hates: homophobes/transphobes, people with no sense of humor, long waits, queues, places with a lot of people, the dark
Job: studying psychology, working part-time in a hairdressing shop
Tenzin Arish
Skin tone: slightly tanned
Eye color: purple
Hair: deep black, short (one side is totaly buzzed and the other is a bit longer) the ends are bleached and dyed (purple, blue, green, pink) depending on their mood
Height: 164cm
Weight: 58kg
Age: 22
Gender: nonbinary (xe/ xeir/ xem)
Sexuality: queer
Details: xe are really skinny and fairly androgynous, no one actually knows what xeir biological sex is and xe aren’t gonna tell anyone anytime soon, xe present androgynously, yet sometimes xe like to present masc/fem, depending on the day, xe love xeir hair and that’s why xe dye them so often, if xe don’t like the color, it can even change daily
Personality: sarcasm and irony are the two languages xe speak in, xe like coffee and practicaly live off of it, no one ever saw xem sleep, xe are always online and always awake when someone knocks on xeir door at any time (so xeir friends know that when they need a friend, xe will be awake whenever they decide to come there), xe love helping people with their mental problems yet xe never try to solve xeir own, the only other language xe speak is memes
Hobbies: taking care of stray animals, helping people out (whether it’s an old lady who needs to cross the street or a protestor who needs protection from the rubber bullets/tear gas), protesting, breaking down gender boundaries, educating people on the LGBTQ+ history, history itself, archeology, xe love caves and everything that has to do with geology
Hates: homophobes/transphobes, terfs, anyone who’s stupidly using history (especially against the LGBTQ+ comunity), plants (xe have alergies), flowers (xe think it’s overated)
Job: part-time job in a museum, studying history and geology
Okay, so I hope you enjoy...this? Please inform me if my autocorrect misgendered one of my sweethearts, I proofread it but one can never be so sure. To be clear: all of them hate transphobes/homophobes, racists, terfs, neon*zis, Tr*mp supporters and everyone else who is somehow harming people or disrespecting their rights, I just really didn’t have the willpower to write everything of this down in every Single one of the hate columns because that would mean I have to think about it and that would do me no good, because I really didn’t want to have a mental breakdown while writing about my oc’s. That’ll be all, thanks for comming to my TED talk.
Tags: @exhaustedauthor @definietlynotsatan @detroit-become-snail @nyamafriend and @ anyone who wants to read this. Bye!
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Okay so main charicters
These are the main group for the story, there are a few charicters outside the main group but I’ve got no idea what they’re like yet since I haven’d developed or named them. 
One thing to note about heir, they are not revelaed until they know who each of their advisors will be. This allows them time to know people as they are and not as the heir. The reason advisors are anounced when the heir is is so that they can be trained and all members of the court can learn to work together.
Prince Clement:
His hair is a soft lavender colour and cut short to keep it out of his eyes, he shares his mothers blue-purple eyes. He’s tall, muscular, and very handsome
Many assume he would be upset with is younger sister being selected as heir instead if him but he finds insperation in it
He works hard so that when his siter becomes queen he will be able to protect her
Sees advisor Amelie as a second mother figure, she’s like his awsome aunt
He looks up to all the advisosrs but her specifically
Very protective of his sister, not in the don’t go near her way but in the if she started crying you he is going to hit you way
He’s the type of guy that everyone has at leas a low key crush on
He’s kind to everyone, even those who aren’t kind back
Very critical of Advisor Leif’s daughter
She’s honestly such a spoilt brat
She thinks everything is gonna go her way
He’s still nice to her in hopes she’ll start being neice to others
It’s not working
She’s just convinced he’s in love with her and that they’re going to get married
Always offers to help whenever given the opertunity
Never one to turn down a challenge
This leads to a lot of competion between him and a few other male classmates as they try to best him 
None do
Only one has been able to beat him, and that Ulva
And that’s because he went easy on her to save her pride
The dad friend? Will protect and support but also you’re affraid to dissapoint him
Tries to support his siter through her issues
Stop talking like you’re worthless please
If anyones useless it’s me
Please, stop
You’re breaking me
a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to fighting
Unless he’s fighting a friend he can’t stand to lose
He must be strong to protect the kingdom!
When Clarisse is revealed as heir he is named her metal advisor
Princess Clarisse:
Long lavinder hair that she often wears up in a braided bun, warm golden eyes. She’s midheight and neither skiny nor fat
Very gentle and good natured
Soft spoken and hard to make angry, she’s great at arguing a point
Very easily makes friends as most people find it hard to dislike her due to her gentle nature
Her only desire is for others to gain happiness
Her aim when she becomes queen is to keep peace as war brings nothing but pain and sadness for the people
However, she is very critical of herself
She’s an extreem perfectionist
This often leads to her beating herself up for the smallest mistake
Doesn’t think sh deserves to be queen and fears she’ll do a horrible job
Her greatest fear is that her people will hate her
She doesn’t think she’s particularly good at magic (I mean she’s not the best. Jack of all trades), she’s not the best diplomat, and her public speaking could use some work
But she has time to practice and get better
She’s actually particularly talented at singging
When he’s stressed Clement often goes to her and asks her to sing him a luluby from when they were younger
Loves soft toys? Has a colection on her bed
Sets them on the chair every night before going to sleep
They all have names
She’s still young and nieve, learning her way through life in order to be the best queen she can be
And she often forgets that until they announce she is the heir she has all the time in the world to perfect her craft
There is no rush
Long bright red hair and emerald eyes. She’s short and curvy with strong legs
Remember when I said Advisor Kira had a wife and daughter?
This is her daughter
Loud, out going, and adveturous Ulva is just as perfect for the role of Fire advisor as her mother was
As such Clarisse names her as the next fire advisor when she is revealed as heir
She’s best friends with Lavada and both often dance together
While she isn’t as telented as her mother she is still a beautiful dancer
Do not mess with this girls friends
She is extreemly loyal and will punch you in the face if you so much as look at someone funny
However, due to her nature she often runs straight into a problem instead of thinking it through
She’s rather resorcful though, able to win a fight despite the odds being against her
She can be rather proud at times and often lets that get the better of her, refusing to admit when she is wrong
This leads to arguments with Daleir as neither wants to sacrifice thei pride
She means well though, doesn’t mean to be argumentitive but she is
Actually very kind herated when not arguing
She’s astually the first to befirend Clarisse at the school
Her mothers had a surrogate sperm doner to have her
While she was always told he was her bilogical father she understood that he was not in a relationship with either of her mothers
She calls him uncle
She was close friends with her mothers so it’s not like she never sees him and he’s very important to her and her mothers but she understands that he isn’t really her dad
She’s bisexual
Soft blue hair that falls down her back like a river(sometimes held up by a pencil), her eyes are a strikig warm peach colour. She’s tall and lean.
Highly creative and a prodogy of water magic
While she is out going and bubbly she’s no where near as loud as her best friend
Enjoys drawing and is always seen with a sketch book somewhere on her person and a pen/pensil on her
She’s a little bit of an air head though
Fogets dates
When things are due
Has a high key crush on Clement
But everyone has a crush on Clement
Why would be pick me?
Talented at sword play as well as water magic
Has developed a style that merges the two
Her family sell crystals
They’re one of the greatest sellers in the kingdom due to their large range and style
They have raw crystals
Crystals that have been refined
Crystals filled with magic
Jewlery with magical property
As such she has a wide range of accesoeries that enhance her abilities
She is also bisexual
Short brown hair and soft green eyes. She’s very short and curvy. Her face can be described as elven, and very pretty
Her family were originally farmers near the norther forrest
The norther forrest is the last known place that has creaures such as fairies and elves
As such she’s one of the few people who has actually had interactions with fairies
Her mother was actually an elf and passed on the pointed ears
She’s tealented in plant magic
Assisting in the growth of crops
As such she later becomes the advisor for plant
She’s soft spoken and gentle
Unfortunatly this often translates into her being viewed as weak
She used to get bullied a lot before she became friends with Daleir as she was viewed as an easy target since she struggled to stand up for herself
Her dorm room is full of plants
So many pot plants
She grows them herself
I hope her room mate doesn’t have hayfeaver
Animals love her
She’s just so gentle and sweet
She has a pet squiril that lives in her room
Another person with a high key crush on Clement
He was just so kind the day they met, he helped her find her class
Eavan is heterosexual
Very tall. Beautiful green eyes, and aqua hair.
Daleir is actually blind
However, he’s developed a way to use air magic to see his surroundings
Sort of like a form of echo location
He’s from a nobel family and has a strong code of honour
Can be very prideful
However, that doesn’t mean he looks down on people from lesser bloodlines
quiet the contraty
He belives a persons value should be determined by their ability and achivements
Which is where his friendship with Eaven started
He found her bullying to be uncaled for
Especially considering her ability
Having heared things like half cast being thrown around he bacame enraged
Elves are highly skiled in many areas
We have no reason to look down on those who have their blood
If anything she’s better off than the bullies
So he stood up for her and they quickly became friends
He admires her ability to be so kind hearted despite being called names
His pride often gets in the way of him seeing things clearly
This is a trait he works on as he ages and becomes wise due to it
Making him the perfect candidate for the air advisor
He is bi-romantic, and heterosexual
Warm brown skin, light brown hair and warm amber eyes. He’s tall and kind of like a big teady bear
Another gentle soul
But this one will actually fight you if you step out of line
He’s like a teady bear, so cuddly
He’s a very warm and welcoming presenece
Will offer advice wherever he can
He’s also able to straight up pick you up if you need
Reach high places
He’s the best person to live with if you’re short
He’s talented with eath magic
His whole family has been practcing for centuries and he’s been doing it since he was young
As such he’s much better than many in his classes
Has a low key crush on Eavan
He’s just to shy to persue anything
He’s rather shy when it comes to romance or anything sexual
Love animals
Back home is has a big dog that he picks up like it’s still a puppy
Very open to new people and we ideas
He’s heterosexual
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