#he is now in a shady tree yelling at me indignantly
phoenixcavalier · 1 year
i responded to an injured/trapped bird call at a childs birthday party- teenage house finch, not injured just lost. As soon as i ushured him out, he IMMEDIATELY flew into the cafe next door and trapped himself in their stockroom 🙄
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Chapter Five: The Tavern
"I can't stay here."
Everyone looked up from their meal in shock.
"What do you mean?" Millicent asked, "You're perfectly welcome to stay here!"
Nice shifted uncomfortably, "I know but I just… I don't want you guys to be put in any danger if I ever get found and I'm sure it's hard enough to find enough food for four people so an extra mouth will just be a problem. I'm very thankful for you all taking me in and offering to help but I just can't bring myself to burden you."
"Where would you even stay?" Hanzel asked, "The outside world is just a wasteland of the infected and raiders, you wouldn't make it a day out there on your own."
She floundered for an answer before Nep jumped in.
"She could stay at the tavern," They suggested, "The owners are extremely caring and would definitely take in someone in trouble without a home."
"There's a tavern?" Muffin asked.
Nep nodded, "You didn't know? It's super popular."
"Well sorry but I don't exactly keep up with gossip amongst others for obvious reasons."
They just rolled their eyes and turned back to Nire, "We could take you there if you're set on leaving."
"Yes, thank you for the help." She said, giving them a soft smile.
Muffin seemed sad but still returned the smile, "No problem, it was nice to have you around."
"Alright," Nep began, "there's a mixed crowd in there. A lot of people are nice but you've still got your fair share of rough 'n tough biker gang type people so be careful."
The other four looked worried but nodded in acknowledgement. Nep turned around and knocked on the large wooden door a few times. Nothing happened for a second and they knocked again, harder. Yet again nothing happened and they groaned in frustration.
"HEY!" They yelled and the others jumped, "LET ME IN BEFORE I KICK YOUR FANCY DOOR DOWN!"
Finally, the door opened to reveal a tall woman wearing a spiky leather jacket, black T-Shirt, and black pants.
"Chill out pint sized." She said, stepping out of the way.
"Pint sized?!" Nep cried indignantly, "I'll show you pint sized you stuck up biker bi-!"
"AAAND that's enough!" Muffin interjected, slapping a hand over their mouth and holding them out of the woman's reach, "Sorry about them, they're just a little excitable."
"Oh I know." The woman responded, smiling a bit, "They're one of the regulars."
Muffin gave them a shocked look and they just shoved her off, "Yeah whatever you tree."
"Pocket sized."
"Can it giant."
"Can we skip the banter and just go inside?" Hanzel eventually asked.
"Rude." Nep responded.
The woman stepped aside and let them all in, shooting one last tease at Nep who Muffin dragged inside before they could do anything. The Tavern was just like they had said. There were a lot of people dressed like the lady at the front or cloaks. There were a few dressed normally but the majority looked either shady or like something out of a biker movie.
"Are you sure this place will be safe?" Nire asked, nervously eyeing the patrons.
"Oh yeah it's perfectly fine," Nep assured her, "the owners make sure no one gets into any fights or anything so you're safe wherever you go in this place."
"Speaking of the owners, where are they?" Millicent asked.
"Up at the front." Nep responded and led the others up towards what looked like a receptionist's desk.
Two people were up there, one wore an apron with a cartoon frog sewn onto it and the other had a black cloak over some normal clothes. The one in the apron was writing something down while the cloaked one was idly chatting with them.
“Hey Lost, hey Frog.” Nep began, “I got some friends you should meet.”
The two glanced up at the group and the cloaked one immediately brightened.
“Hey there new customers!” They said, hopping over the counter and proceeding to aggressively shake Muffin's hand, “The name’s Lost! As you heard, I’m one of the owners of this fine establishment. I take care of the guests and make sure nothing happens to any of our beloved patrons.”
“And I’m Frog,” The other said, “I mainly manage the rooms and do general room service.”
“Good to meet you two,” Muffin said, eyeing Lost who was still grinning, “but we weren’t just here for a tour. We were wondering if you’d be willing to take one of our friends. She doesn’t want to crash with us but there’s nowhere else for her to go so we figured this was the best option.” she gestured to Nire who waved sheepishly.
“Oh you poor thing!” Lost cried, grabbing Nire’s hands, “Here, come with me and I’ll take you to one of our absolute best suites!” and with that, they were off.
“Do you really trust that person with Nire?” Hanzel asked.
“A lot more than you’d think.” Nep responded.
The other three seemed confused but trusted them enough not to question further. However, that didn’t mean Frog was safe from questions.
“Alright,” Muffin began, “what is this place?”
Frog seemed surprised by the sudden question but quickly responded, “It’s a rest stop of sorts. Somewhere where travellers from all walks of life can take a break and take some time off. Speaking of which, would you all like a room and food?”
“How much?” Millicent asked.
“It’s all free,” Frog said, “there’s just limits to how much everyone gets.”
Hanzel whistled quietly in surprise and Muffin and Millicent just nodded.
“Anyways,” Nep cut in, “mind giving us a couple rooms for the night?”
“Of course not!” Frog responded, bending over to look underneath the counter, “How many?”
“Just two.”
“Aaalrighty!” With that, two keys were dropped on the desk by a smiling Frog, “The room numbers are on the keys, sleep tight!”
Nep grabbed one and tossed the other to Hanzel, “I’m bunking with Muffin, you get Millicent.” they waved goodbye as they began to walk towards the hall, “See ya’ tomorrow!”
“Hey wait up!” Muffin called, jogging over to join them.
“Oh calm down,” Nep responded, “you could outpace me any time of day.”
“Whatever ya’ nerd.” She ruffled Nep’s hair.
“Hey!” They responded, trying to fix their hair.
Muffin just chuckled, “Anyways, what’s our room again?”
Nep seemed to take a second to process the question before jumping to respond, “O-oh, it should be just up ahead.”
Just like they said, the room the two were given was just a couple doors down. They opened it to reveal a standard looking hotel room. Shockingly clean for an underground tavern in the middle of an apocalypse but hey, they weren’t complaining.
Nep flopped over into one of the beds, “Ah, I’ve missed this place. It’s always nice to come here and just get a break from the world.”
“You could’ve just said you hated spending time with us.” Muffin teased, sitting on the other bed and taking off her shoes.
“Quiet you.”
She just laughed quietly, “I’d rather not, it’s fun messing with you.”
Nep muttered something unintelligible before kicking off their shoes as well, “Damn it, now I wish I thought to bring pajamas or something.”
“It is what it is.” Muffin responded with a shrug, “Might as well make due with what we’ve got.”
It was quiet save for the rustling of blankets as they both got under the covers. Muffin turned off the lamp on the bedside table and mumbled a quiet goodnight that Nep returned sleepily. There was relative silence for a moment before more shuffling could be heard. It continued for a minute or so until Muffin spoke up.
“You alright over there?” She asked.
Nep grunted in response, wiggling around in the blankets for a moment before sighing, “It’s cold…”
Muffin chuckled a bit and the lamp clicked back on, “Well then hop on over here, freezing your face off in a hotel probably isn’t the way you want to go.”
Nep seemed stunned for a moment, “Are you… Sure? I mean, think about it, having me that close could be a problem for obvious reasons and I don’t really want to hurt you so-”
“Just shut up and bring your blanket over before I say no.”
There was another moment of hesitation before they stood up, the blanket draped around their shoulders like a cape, and walked over to the other bed. They both shifted around a bit to get comfortable and eventually settled on Nep clinging to Muffin like a koala.
“Sorry if this is uncomfortable,” They mumbled, “I can move if you want.”
“Nah this is good.” Muffin responded, “Now, let’s finally get to bed, I’m exhausted.”
“Amen to that.”
The light clicked off once more and the two said goodnight one last time before falling fast asleep.
“If you try to disassemble something in here to make another invention I promise to disassemble you as well.”
Hanzel just rolled his eyes, “Whatever, you’re just grumpy.”
Millicent gave a disbelieving hum, “Believe what you want but I think you’re just too energetic. Now c’mon, I don't want to have to wake up tomorrow and hardly be able to get out of bed.”
“Fine, fine, just calm down for a second.” He detached his prosthetic before sighing and sitting down on the bed, “There, that’s better.”
“Good, now we can finally sleep.”
She turned off the light and curled up slightly to get comfortable. They both eventually found comfortable positions and finally settled down for the night.
“G’night Millie.” Hanzel whispered.
“Goodnight Hanzel.” Millicent responded, finally getting to sleep.
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|Ch. 3 PART 1: Kidnapped| Her Forgotten Past //AOT fanfic//
~A/N~ The sass in this omggg. Btw... YES, this is a slow burn ship. It’s gonna be one hell of a ride 👀🌹
The desert around us was harsh and unforgiving. My mouth felt like sandpaper, but I already had a turn with the water canteen, and I didn't want to be that one annoying and needy person, so asking for more was out of the question.
Brief explanation as to why we were in a desert traveling with horses: Instructor Shadis rounded us up this morning and told us we were doing a special kind of training today. He split all the cadets into two groups, and gave each group horses and a map. We were to make a trip to a specific destination, meet up there, trade information about the trip, and then split again and return back to the training camp. Simple, right?
Thats what I thought too. But the second I was placed into my group I knew this would be a pain in the ass. Here's who was in my group: Armin Arlert, Marco Bodt, Mina Carolina, Sasha Braus, Connie Springer, Krista Lenz, and the ever so classy Eren Jaeger and Jean Kirschtein.
Those last two started bickering the moment we left.
"So we're not allowed to rush?" Marco asked. Sweat beads rolled down his forehead.
Armin shook his head, looking at his pad and pencil to write down our progress. He was given the role of record-keeper. He basically had to give a non-biased and honest record of our struggles and advantages during this training. Him and I stuck together at the front of the group with our horses. I was given the role of leader, which was in truth my worst nightmare. I'm better at taking care of myself. That's the way it's always been. I don't want people to expect stuff from me, and I certainly didn't want to be held responsible if something goes wrong. Besides... the last thing I wanted to do was babysit Jean and Eren.
"We'd be stupid if we did rush." Jean said with a yawn. He obviously didn't plan on taking this training seriously. "We can take our time."
Here we go, I thought.
"You don't know your lower limit." Eren said and scoffed. "If you're taking it slow, then I'm going ahead." He tapped his horse's side and trotted faster.
"But the formation of the group..." Marco tried to argue. He looked at Jean as if to say 'Do something!'.
Jean clicked his tongue. "Like I care! Extra effort here won't get me into the Military Police."
I sighed. 30 more kilometers to go... I wasn't sure if I could take any more of this.
Tap, tap, tap! The horses' hooves wasn't the only noise in the area. We all looked to our right, and saw a fairly large lizard amongst some rocks. It appeared to be following us.
"Looks like that lizard's joining us on the same path." Jean said.
"They're pretty rare." Marco commented.
"They're delicious, you know!"
We all looked at Sasha quizzically. The girl seemed to know exactly what she said, though. "They are!" She said, positive. "My family and I used to eat them. They taste like chicken!"
"What haven't you eaten..." I muttered. Armin heard and he suppressed a laugh.
"You can cook?" Jean asked Sasha.
"Of course. Piece of cake!" She said.
"Alright, then!"
Next thing I know, Jean raced past me on his horse, galloping towards the lizard.
"Oi!" I yelled. "You're breaking the formation, Kirschtein!"
He looked back over his shoulder. "If hunting for food is part of this training, then what's better than getting that lizard?"
This was precisely what we didn't need. Distractions. What's worse is Eren went after him, making the situation even more burdening. Now I had two idiots chasing a stray animal.
"Damn it, Jaeger!" I said and pulled the reigns on my horse, going after them. What did I do to deserve this? If only I could've been placed in Annie's group...
Jean drew out his ODM blades once the lizard was within reach. He smiled hungrily and brought his blade down, but only to produce a sharp clink sound. It had come in contact with Eren's blade instead. The lizard scuttled away, probably grateful that it had been protected.
An argument formed between the two. I dismounted my horse and marched up to them, hands on my hips.
"This isn't a game!" Eren told him.
"We don't even have an Instructor!" Jean said. "This so-called training isn't getting us anywhere!"
"Drop it! You're acting like brats." I said angrily.
"Look who's talking..." Eren mumbled under his breath, not making eye contact, but I still heard him clearly.
I folded my arms. "You wanna say that louder, Jaeger?"
Tensions were riding high. Marco also dismounted his horse, walking up to us. "Guys, we need to stop! If we continue this it'll have to be recorded. Don't write anything yet, Armin!" He said.
The pencil trembled in Armin's hand. He looked torn between his duty and his friend's wishes.
"Write down 'Jean Kirschtein tries to get food during the training, but gets interrupted by Eren Jaeger.' " Jean told him.
Eren gritted his teeth. "You bastard."
"Don't talk to him like that." I said.
"Why not?"
"Because I said so. Now shut up."
"Make me."
We all jumped. With incredulous faces we turned to look at none other than Sasha. Her mind was obviously somewhere else, still fantasizing about the lizard who was probably long gone by now.
I stand by my case... this girl definitely needs help.
Eren's eyes landed on me again. "Listen, I don't know what you have against me. Is it because you're friends with horseface, here?" He gestured to Jean.
Jean turned livid. "What did you say?"
"Of course not! I have a mind of my own. You clearly have something against me. Drop the macho act for once. Or are you still butthurt that I beat you in hand-to-hand combat?" I shot back.
Eren seemed to recall the event, and his cheeks turned a deep shade of pink. He was at a loss for words. The others stared at us in disbelief, a few of them snickering.
"Eren, is that true?" Connie asked.
"Wow." Jean said, evidently trying to contain his laughter.
"And why are you guys so surprised?" I snapped, and seeing the look on my face, the teasing ceased immediately. It was replaced by an awkward silence. I sighed deeply, feeling a migraine coming on. I looked to the sky and checked the position of the sun. Afternoon. We were wasting time.
"From now on, you guys listen to me. Got it? No chasing after lizards, no sidetracking— nothing. Is that understood?" I said strictly.
They all nodded, Eren a little reluctantly.
"Let's get moving."
* * *
Five hours later we were all huddled around a fire, our sleeping bags stretched out on the ground and our horses tied to nearby trees, helping themselves to some wild grass while we helped ourselves to canned rations. The overall mood was dull and humdrum. My eyes blinked slowly as I sat on a log, blanket thrown lazily over me, chin supported on my hand, watching the dancing flames.
"So this is what squad rations taste like..." Jean droned, picking at his canned food with distaste.
Sasha sighed. "It would've been better if we caught that lizard."
"Enough." He said immediately. "I've heard enough about lizards."
Just as I'd expected, Eren spoke up. "Weren't you hunting one just now?"
I rolled my eyes. One of these days, I'm sure, I'm going to roll my eyes so hard that I'll go permanently blind. And who will I blame? These two idiots.
Jean tossed away his half-eaten stale bread, a sign that he was officially fed up. Mentally. Not physically, which was another contributor to his bad attitude. Everyone shared exhausted looks, knowing what would come next. "Well, we are supposed to hunt titans." He said.
"And what do you mean by that?" Eren shot back. They both stood up and glared at each other. "Why did you even join the Training Corps?!"
"To live something better than a humble life, at least!"
The brunet's lips curled into a sneer. "Some things can be tolerated, others can't!"
I ran a hand through my hair, wondering how the other group was getting along, and if they had encountered any problems. I saw Armin grab his pencil and pad worriedly as the argument continued, but I made no effort to stop him. Marco did.
"Oh, come on, Armin. It's just a chat during mealtime!" The freckled boy tried to persuade him.
As if that was going to convince anyone. It only got worse.
"You think that when a real Titan shows up the results of training will pay off?" Jean scoffed. "Good luck to—"
Eren lunged at him, fisting his collar. "That's enough from you!"
They ensued a brawl, shoving and aiming for punches.
"Stop it!" Krista cried out.
"H-how about we actually hunt lizards instead?" Sasha suggested nervously. "You'll feel better after that!"
Are you kidding me? Enough. I grabbed a signal flare from my belt and didn't hesitate, aiming and shooting straight at Jean and Eren. The popping sound made them jump apart just in time to avoid the green jet of smoke. It zoomed between them and past the trees, deep into the forest. There it goes..., I thought, wasted. But wasted well.
Everyone turned to look at me, startled. I stood up and ripped the blanket off me indignantly, throwing it to the ground. I saw Eren gulp as I approached him and Jean, pointing at them with the now empty flare canister. "That's it. Im done with you two and your never-ending fights." I said angrily, "Look at yourselves! You should be ashamed. Everyone else is doing a great job at participating in this training. Everyone. Even Sasha!"
"Hey!" Sasha said, pouting.
Admittedly, I didn't really think that last part through. "Sorry," I told her, and returned to scolding Jean and Eren. "But seriously.... You two are bringing us down. I'd grade everyone else an A and you guys would be the only ones with a fucking F. Especially you, Jaeger." I looked at the tan, teal-eyed boy. "You're constantly criticizing Jean for not contributing fairly to the group and yet you make things worse by starting petty fights! The damn titans are outside the wall, not here! So why fight your comrade?"
By the time I was done there was only a shred of pride left in his expression. He was no longer vexed. In fact, by the way he looked down at his feet, I'd say he was realizing the truth in my words.
"Heh." Jean folded his arms.
"And don't get me started on you," I slapped his shoulder. He yelped. "You're no better than him! So stop acting all high and mighty. We all want comfort and idleness, Jean. Hell, I want to get into the Military Police too. But I'll let you know," I jabbed at his chest. "They don't accept slackers."
Silence. The others shared looks of second-hand embarrassment.
"I need a break." I said and spun on my heel, walking off and away from our camp setup, leaving them behind.
I didn't know how long it had been since I left them. At first I only meant it to last a couple minutes, but sitting now besides my horse, a stunning caramel and white-spotted colt, I figured they were all probably asleep. The moon provided soft, gentle and soothing rays of light amidst the enshrouding darkness of the forest. It was quiet here. Quieter than it could ever be in our group. Maybe I could just stay here, sleep, and return to them in the morning. Maybe I'll apologize to Jean and Eren for losing my temper. Maybe.
I stroked my horse's well-groomed coat, resting my head against his muzzle, listening to his peaceful, rumbling breathing. Perfection. My mind and body relaxed and I felt myself drift into sleep. Listless... unbothered...
Then my horse started to act up. The creature's breathing became rough and alert, nostrils flaring. It was when he started jerking his head that I finally woke up, bleary eyed and confused. "Whoa boy," I hushed, trying to calm him down. "What is it?"
A twig snapped. I sensed a presence behind me and my blood ran cold. The second I turned around a large rifle bashed the side of my head mercilessly. The last thing I remembered was wincing and touching the injured spot, bringing my hand down to see red on my fingers, and losing consciousness.
End of Chapter 3 PART 1
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