#he is so freakin adorable and everything ahhhh
felixstark · 1 year
felix time!!
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Felix Stark in "Hitchcock und Frau Wernicke" (Tatort, 2010)
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lenle-g · 5 years
Tbirds Liveblog | Buried Treasure
Virgil’s face when talking about recycling is so precious, hell yeah they don’t use landfills any more
The gestures in this episode are so good, Gordon and Scott’s little interaction XD
Scott decapitating that guy’s shrubbery giraffe is PEAK entertainment
oH NO SHE’S HOT?!?!?!??!?!!?!?!?!?!?! Annndd plummeting to her death.
Brains is trying to help the mechanic!! Omg!!
Oh whoa that’s really cool, he called it digimax, of course he did XD
Ahhhh the little bug things are tiny but they’re also just digital... they’re not related to the poisoning (pleaSE ITV) episode they’re this weeks aaaah
Aww Scott your little face
Virgil’s little wave!!
ITV hub keeps buffering every couple of seconds so I’m missing bits of this, gosh darn it
Gordon getting excited about a 2020 game console is adorable, what a nERD, him and Alan absolutely are gamer bros
Can i marry Scraps?
Why’s Scott got his helmet on and Gordon doesn’t
“Mechanic, mechanic?!?!” Someone give that guy an actual name already, bless him
“I can’t navigate out!” ... “I can!” John absolutely listening in to everything suddenly appearing mid-conversation to help is my FAVOURTIE thing
Digimax’s design is really really cool, love that spinning d20 he’s got going on
S;dlfkgjdls;adkfjdksl it worked aaaaaaaaaaa
Brains’ little ‘phew’ aww sweetie
“Thankyou for the lesson.” OH SWEET HEART
Scott picked up a doll?!?! Oh, nope they did, and Scott unboxed it omg X’DD
The ‘He knows’ is ominous as HELL
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maychild · 4 years
my engineer ep.3 🐱
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*sighs* is this “relationship” going to be where bohn likes duen so. very. much but because he has a reputation to uphold as a playboy amongst his friends, and everybody, he’ll do everything in his power to make it seem like he “hates” duen??? 
...i think i’ve cracked the code. and i don’t like it.
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I JUST...gdi why is he so adorable??? i cant handle all these characters being so damn adorable. 
(look, i restrained myself--otherwise this commenting would just be screencaps of duen in the flower shop.)
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URGHGHHGHHGHGH i feel like bohn was actually genuine in that moment, but ofc duen has low emotional intelligence, and ofc there are going to be misunderstandings. 
but, also, i feel like it’s good that duen misunderstands bc if he didn’t, he WOULD flat-out reject bohn. because he’s just not there yet in his feelings. so his low EQ is a blessing in disguise, i guess?? 
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oMGGG KING CAN SNIFF OUT A FLOWER IN A MESSENGER BAG???!! (this reminds me of psych--if u don’t know psych, one of the characters is called gus burton and he has what he calls a “super sniffer”--that means he’s really good at identifying smells and i swear that’s what the scene reminded me of.)
okay, but bohn’s friends’ teasing is decidedly NOT helping. and i get it--they dont know much about love & relationships (like do any college students???), so they resort to teasing, but all the teasing is just making bohn act like an utter idiot. like he’s not being his genuine self, and i feel like that’s where a majority of the misunderstandings are going to come from concerning duen/bohn. and it’s just, ughhhh--when u can see what the solution is, but the characters are being dummies. (feel like that is what’s going to go wrong with mek/boss as well--boss keeps teasing mek about mek being the husband, bUT MEK REALLY LIKES YOU, U IDIOT. and boss is such a player, like bohn. i swear, they’re all frustrating.)
OK, but what is up with all these girls stepping out on their boyfriends?!!! (lol--i know we’ve only seen nang & ging but srsly--i’m getting offended on behalf of my gender...)
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I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR THISSSS AHHHHHH IT’S BEEN 84 FREAKIN’ YEARS (also, ram is reading a book on dogsss ahhhh so precious--considering the very next scene...was he reading up on how to attract stray dogs?? he not only attracted that beautiful black doggo but he also attracted another stray--king)
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this dreamweaver tattoo is fascinating...
U ARE DRIVING AND LOOKING AT YOUR PHONE UGHRHHGHGHGHH THAT IS DANGEROUS AND SOOO STUPID, BOHN, SRSLY, and you had a six-year-old with you, i know this is tv, but still...that is so stupid and dangerous, i’m seething. 
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ommgggg mek’s shrine to boss...mek is a precious cinnamon roll so i don’t find it too creepy in this context.
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ahh, that old-come-up-behind-someone-to-tie-their-apron-for-them move. i love this...do we call it a “trope”? i mean cooking for someone/cooking as a love language is def. a trope and that’s what’s happening here. ALSO losing it at that bunny apron. 
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this felt wayyy too pornographic. like, whoaaaa there dudes, u’re not even boyfriends yet. 
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I SPOKE WAY TOO SOON *this* is the most pornographic.
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atamascolily · 5 years
lily liveblogs “terminator 2: judgment day” for the first time, part 3
(First and second parts here and here, respectively)
I like that Miles Dyson is a black computer geek, a manager, a programmer, a rich man with a wife he clearly adores. It's just sad that he's also going to destroy the world, and is on a collision course with our heroes. I think that's the point - that good intentions/ideals/not being a terrible person don't save you from doing terrible things...
Miles' computer has a sign taped to the top saying "BIT HAPPENS" aaaaahhhh, he's such a nerd, I love him... except his subsequent speech to his wife makes clear he is so determined to perfect everything and not really consider the consequences, aaahhhh. but he does turn off the computer and go spend time with his kids, and the family is really cute together, so he's very very human and relatable.
(this movie is so freakin' relevant in 2019 on so many levels, I can't even)
Sarah is still wearing her psych ward clothes under her jacket, just like Kyle did for most of the first movie, parallels...
I love Sarah's expression when Enrique offers the T101 booze, and she just grabs it and drinks it out of the bottle, like WE DO NOT WASTE ALCOHOL ON ROBOTS IN THIS HOUSE, ENRIQUE. lolololol. 
"Just drop by anytime and totally fuck up my life, all right?" - this franchise in one sentence
Of course the T101 isn't going to survive this movie, and we learn this in a literal Chekhov's Armory. oh, and there's a big, fucking gun. I'm sure we'll see that again.
Sarah's biceps continue to be amazing, all those pull-ups paid off big time. I'm in total awe.
Male bonding with engine repair. it's endearing. John blames Sarah for telling potential father figures about Judgement Day and scaring them off. Poor John just wants a father. GOD I WISH KYLE REESE HAD SURVIVED.
Just realized the only reason John knows how to re-program a T101 is because his younger self did it again when they sent that same T101 through time. HISTORY CREATES ITSELF, THE FUTURE CREATES THE PAST, IT'S ALL ONE BIG, STABLE TIME LOOP.
Sarah watching John with the T101 and realizing it's the perfect father for him. I'm surprised there aren't AUs where she starts sleeping with the T101, too, for similar reasons. Kyle Reese would be spinning in his grave...
I was hoping for another Michael Biehn scene when Sarah falls asleep, but no, it's that playground again...
OH GOD, that woman in the dream looks just like her in the '80s, and she's even wearing a dress that looks like the waitress dress... holding a kid and living a normal life... ahhhh, what Sarah really wants (even though she's a badass on the outside and so strong and competent). I don't know how I feel about this. Like on the one hand, Sarah has massive PTSD, and this is a totally valid thing for her to want, and on the other hand, given how this film keeps treating women, it feels kinda regressive?? Sigh.
Then she burns and everybody burns when the bomb goes off... this is James Cameron's signature nightmare image and it's ours, too, now... callbacks to the first movie and the liquid melting flesh of the new Terminator....and Sarah’s photo burning, ahhhhh.
There's all this destruction, but no blood. That's the thing I notice most about this movie--there's just as much violence as the first film, but it's all CLEAN violence... hardly any blood at all. Horror is bloody. Action is not. I don't think I realized that fully until I watched these two films back to back.
it's too bad Sarah couldn't see a real therapist instead of Silbermann for all this time, because she has such a tremendous case of PTSD.
She drives off without saying good-bye to John, he's supposed to go to safety, but of course he won't.
John says that his father told Sarah there's no fate but what we make for ourselves, which is technically true since he said it to her in this movie, but didn't SHE say that to HIM? Oh, right, it's a message from John that he gives to her so she can give it to John later so he can give it to Kyle. Right.
Why is John so upset that Sarah is trying to change the timeline after all? Because he might not be conceived? I doubt he's thinking about temporal loops here? Or does he think he can help her? Or because he thinks she’s crossed a Moral Event Horizon by going after Dyson?
T101 is like, "dude, your mom's probably right," and John's all, "I don't care!" RIGHT YOU STUPID ASSHOLE, you're going to let millions of people die instead?? You can tell he hasn't been fighting at all yet.
I'm all Team Sarah here. John Connor has yet to convince me why he's in the right here. Why shouldn't Sarah try to shift them onto a better timeline if she can? Especially since it’s not 100% clear what her plan is??
(And if she's wrong, then her actions were necessary in order to create the original future, so... it gets complicated to sort out. I get it.)
Okay, she’s at Dyson’s house. She's going to try to kill him, but she doesn't really need to kill him, just destroy the Terminator chip he's using as a model. She's basically become a human version of the Terminator now, because Cameron loves his parallels...can she not see there are other options?
Speaking of which, there's a radio controlled toy truck that Dyson's son is driving through the house, lol.
Yup, there's a red laser guide beam just like the T1 did to her. And she's going to see Dyson with his kid and think better of it, because she yearns for innocent time with her own kid (that she didn't have because she was training for the future).
NOPE, she shoots him, but he ducks when the car hits his foot, and he hides behind his desk just like Sarah did in T1. The circle is complete. She's even firing automatic rounds like the first Terminator did. SHE’S BECOME THE ENEMY NOW.
Sigh, the first time Sarah talks to a woman in this movie, and she's calling her a bitch and telling her to get down on the floor after she's shot her husband. I hate this so much.
She can't shoot him. His wife and son are watching and she realizes what she's become. She's doing to Dyson what the Terminator did to her.
The fact that Dyson, who is black, got his home shot up by a white woman and nearly killed while his family watched in terror is... not a great image, and I can only imagine what must be going through their heads right now.
Dyson recognizes the metallic hand once the Terminator strips its skin off. Wow, what a gory move to prove the truth. effective, though.
"You're judging me on things I haven't even done yet" - Sarah's face here when Dyson says that.
Sarah has no patience for Dyson's protestations of innocence: how could you think that eliminating humans from the decision-making process would go well? She says "Men like you--" and all I can hear is "patriarchy".
The difference between Dyson and Sarah is Dyson did his invention purposefully, whereas all Sarah was supposed to do was have a kid. She could have died once John was born and it wouldn't necessarily have mattered, because her role is finished (just like Reese could die). Still, her line, "You don't know what it's like to really create something" is so IRONIC in this context... would men feel the need to create weapons of war if they could create life like women do??
I hate teenage John shutting Sarah down, because she's right, if not tactful, and I'm so tired of people dismissing Sarah and even her own kid is treating her like a crazy person when she’s just so goddamn tired and haunted by visions of the end of the world. 
Tarissa (Dyson's wife) asks the smart question: Aren't we changing things now, just by having this conversation? Dyson says, no way I'm finishing this now that I know. Would that the future worked like that.
god, why didn't Sarah just bring the Terminator with her as proof she wasn't crazy? Why did she have to shoot Dyson BEFORE all this?? why wasn’t she thinking outside the box? sigh. she’s not stupid. 
They go to Cyberdyne headquarters and Sarah is wearing a jacket like Kyle’s, oh my heart. Dyson is taking this amazingly well--we were right to like him--but I'm pretty sure he's not going to survive the movie. Although since this is action and not horror, maybe he has a chance??
I like the contrast between the security cams in the state hospital and the Cyberdyne building. Glass doors, too.
Oh, the T1000's going to be waiting for them because he knew they would show up here because IT IS WRITTEN. I wonder if he's hiding in the floor somewhere like he did before??
Dyson might be able to get out of this by claiming Sarah and the T101 forced him at gunpoint to break in, assuming he survives.
Good thing John is a budding hacker!! He can open the doors when the guard trips the alarm and locks the doors.
John knows EXACTLY WHAT SARAH MEANS when she warns him about "fire in the hole".
I like how the mechanical factory of the previous movie is now a sleek and shiny '90s lab with computers and chips and things. And now they have a collaborator on the inside who's working with them to take it down instead of being totes on their own.
The T1000 is at Dyson's house. How did he track them there? Did Tarissa call the police?? But he gets the police call about the raid of Cyberdyne, so hopefully Tarissa and her kids survive the night.
Parallels to the police helicopters and cops in the parking lot with the human beings on the ground vs. the machines in the opening.
Cyberdyne is using literally the same locking software as the bank ATM, lol.
ahahahah, it's a remote control to set the bombs off, because even more parallels, lolololol
oh, hey, there's the big fucking gun with a freaking mountain of automatic bullets. Ironically, the name for this monstrosity is "mini-gun". somehow, he shoots all the cars and doesn't kill anyone - he's just that good a shot!! Just enough to make the cops get clear. Then he shoots the cars to make them blow up. CLEVER.
Of course John doesn't destroy the chip once he gets it out of the safe, because where's the drama in that??
SHIT. THE POLICE SHOOT MILES AS THEY ENTER THE ROOM FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCKITY FUCK I HATE THIS. They don’t even try to save him, or seem aware that Sarah might be using him as a hostage. and of course he's got the detonator in his hands, too.
all this shattered glass reminds me of the police station sequence from T1, but it's way less of a slaughter.
T101 busts through the clean room to save Sarah, just like he did the mall walls before.
Miles dies. His hand drops. The building explodes. GOD DAMN IT I LIKED HIM WHYYYYYYYY.
"we got a war zone here"-- oh, you just wait. Probably there's going to be Judgement Day anyway and Miles died for NOTHING. *sob*
Okay now the T1000 shows up.
"I'll be back," says the T101, because of course he does.
Good thing they brought an oxygen mask to a gun battle!! 
The T101 is so creative. He won't kill you, but he'll still shoot you in the legs, and it will hurt like hell.
lol, the T1000 literally rides in on a flaming motorcycle OH MY GOD THIS MOVIE. He even takes it up the staircase WHAT.
meanwhile the T101 is firing tear gas, and then pulling peoples' masks off. Then he drives a truck back into the building to pick Sarah and John up.
THERE'S ONLY ONE GODDAMN CASUALTY IN THIS ENTIRE SEQUENCE AND IT'S THE BLACK GUY, WHO WAS A FUCKING GOOD GUY, I WILL NEVER BE OVER THIS!!! All the white cops get to live, but not the black dude who was an actual character. FUCK THIS.
T1000 rides his motorcycle off the edge of the building and hijacks the helicopter to chase after John. He tells the pilot to "Get out" and the guy does, but idk if he survived? OWWWWWW.
John tells Sarah of course he'll stay hidden behind the bullet-proof vests, but of course he doesn't.
Yeah, John was getting shot at by intelligent machines from the sky long before it was cool. No wonder he's the leader of the resistance... he was literally trained from birth for this! Plus, you know, he had help. From the future.
Sarah gets shot in the leg, owwww. The helicopter rams the truck and crashes. So does the truck. This is just like the bridge scene in T1, isn't it?
Ohhh, a gas truck showed up, so YEAH THINGS ARE GOING TO EXPLODE. Oh, it's liquid nitrogen, not gas, does that make a difference? Oh, maybe that has an effect on the Terminator melting metal??
Both the dudes who stopped to check on them are going to get killed... yeah. Sigh. Oh, one of them went over the edge, he might have survived.
Pity anybody who is on this road tonight, 'cause it's clobbering time!!
Oh, good thing John knows how to drive! And they take the off-ramp, just like they did before in the river chase.
Oh, good, just bust through the gate into a random factory, that always goes well. Ah, drive right into the middle of a molten steel pour. EPIC.
Liquid nitrogen everywhere. This is so going to be relevant in a moment.
Good, all the workers flee. Fewer casualties that way.
The liquid nitrogen makes him frosty and metallic. He's literally shattering. This can't be the end, though, because we still have at least twenty minutes left.
The T101 shoots him and he shatters. But doesn't each piece keep hunting??
Yup, the hot steel is melting the nitrogen, he's coming back.
John's carrying Sarah just like Sarah carried Kyle at the end of T1... and the T1000 comes out of the liquid in the same pose as it came into the past...
Sarah's hair is loose and crazy-looking, and she's also lost her agency since she's been shot and in shock. Symbolism is not lost on me.
Now the T1000 starts mimicking the scenery. Now they're in the part of the factory with machines. t101 stays behind. John's going to lose his father-figure again, but find him in the future again I guess?
Oh, the T101 gets his hands trapped underneath a giant gear, IRONY. And the T1000 just literally rolls its eyes and walks away because it doesn't give a fuck about anything but John. T101 hacks off his own arm, while Sarah and John stumble up more stairs just like T1. God, I hope Cyberdyne doesn't find that arm stuck in the machine gears and destroy the world with it... JUST LIKE LAST TIME.
Sarah puts John on a conveyor belt while she stays behind to fight. JUST LIKE T1.
She shoots a literal hole in his head and it doesn't work... no blood, just cgi silver stuff... and this is simultaneously horrifying and yet cheapening the effect of real blood/bullets, etc...
He pins her to the wall. All he needs is to touch her. He tells her to call to John - he can mimic her voice, of course this was coming...
But the T101 intervenes! Now he's getting rammed with a hydraulic press, just like last time. Crawling towards him, just like before... but he gets stabbed again and shorts out. Good thing Terminators are hard to kill.
T1000 takes Sarah's form and starts calling for him. God, this dude must be so freakin' paranoid as an adult knowing this. Actual Sarah shoots Fake Sarah and he transforms back into his usual form. He doesn't say anything, just waggles his finger at her, and it is is scarier than any one-liner possibly could be.
"Get down!" -arc words, apparently, since that was also what happened in the beginning. The T101 shows up and shoots the T1000 back into the pool of molten metal and then it's really over. But not before he turns into a CGI silver monstrosity first.
Chorus sings the Terminator theme slowly and dramatically while the thing transforms into every form it's ever taken, including Sarah because we needed more symbolism of Sarah's face melting in flames in this franchise. Oh, wait, no, I think that was the only one we didn't see. Wow.
Oh, man it's like being at the fires of Mount Doom when John tosses the first Terminator arm from T1 into the molten pit. Of course a piece of the chip has broken off somewhere - they should have destroyed it in the lab!! Sigh.
The T101 has to toss himself in to prevent anyone else from finding the chip. ahhhh, John has to sacrifice what he loves for the world. Sob. So much for being a happy Terminator family together, except in fic. And it doesn't matter because of that goddamn missing piece *sob* Miles' death, this... for nothing if anyone finds that missing chip piece. AAAAAAH.
"I can't self-terminate"--wow, that means Sarah and John have to do it themselves, EVEN WORSE. John is pulling a Frodo and screaming a lot.
Wow, Cameron managed to make us feel AWFUL and SAD at the death of a Terminator. Well played, sir, well played. John cries. T101 and Sarah shake hands. It's all so moving. fuck.
ONCE AGAIN, SARAH PRESSES THE BUTTON TO KILL HIM OMG. John is forced to watch someone who came from the future to protect him, whom he came to love dearly after just a day or so of knowing him, DIE IN FRONT OF HIM, just like Sarah in T1.
GOD IT'S SO HOPEFUL AN ENDING, BUT WHAT ABOUT THAT MISSING CHIP CHUNK, DAMN IT!! And the, uh, severed robot arm the T101 left behind? We end the movie in pretty much exactly the same space as we began - with an arm and a chip unaccounted for. I do not find this hopeful.
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hellreads · 5 years
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Chapters: 12/12 Fandom: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jeon Jungkook/Reader, Park Jimin (BTS)/Reader Characters: Jeon Jungkook, Park Jimin (BTS) Additional Tags: Angst, Smut, Cheating, Fluff, Romance, Drama
In theory, things were simple: your best friend was Jungkook’s girlfriend while your boyfriend, Jimin, was Jungkook’s best friend. In reality, things weren’t always that simple. And mutually exclusive.
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I don’t know how to express too much and overflowing love and adoration for a fanfiction, this one right here eased its way to the top of my favorites. ahhh this is a beautiful yet heartbreaking story, how real this felt poked a hole through my heart as I go along reading this one, It made me laugh, love and cry my heart out in the middle of the night as I eat my fries, I know I looked like a fuckin’ mess who cries while eating their french fries huh??? I became a friend, a lover and a sinner in just one sitting and the emotions were unbelievably intense I felt how good friendships should be, thanks to MC’s best friend Sohee, I felt how treading dangerous waters can be so wrong yet so addictive you can’t just get out of it no matter how strong you think you are, because of the fucking what-if’s thanks to Jungkook and how real, unconditional yet plain and boring love felt like, that no matter how hard you try to make things work if the spark was long gone and you both failed to communicate and sort things out it’ll be too late to catch and save that one small spark left thanks to Jimin. 
I was torn between the two male characters as I was reading this, I cannot tolerate and will never engage in such affairs but damn the way this was written the story, characterization just had me so immersed knowing which strings to pull for my emotions to come out, Jimin was really a catch, he was everything one could ask for but sometimes we become too comfortable with our person we can’t help but wonder what would it feel like to be with another love? how would it taste like? would it be as intoxicating as what we have? he deserved everything and more and as much as it killed me to be the MC and hurt him, again and again, it cannot be helped, Jungkook was every man’s nightmare he was someone who would get every girl’s attention, and MC was no exception she fell for him fast and hard but even though she knew it was wrong, she cannot deny that it also felt so freakin’ good, she felt alive, felt this kind of love, lust and comfort she never have felt before not even with her own lover. Affairs are a dangerous thing, but I enjoyed every single moment MC and Jungkook had, it was bad to the point of destruction and madness but I also hated him for not doing things right, if he was serious with her as he says he is, he would’ve ended things with his girl, but I guess MC would never allow it too, ahhhh the heartbreaks this one gave me. 
She lost all of them - all at once, I hoped that things would’ve ended well but that’s not how life is, all secrets will be revealed in time, at some point I wished she would end up happy with Jungkook, they had this chemistry and connection between them so raw and real but also short-lived because it’s a forbidden type of love, or that she would end up with Jimin living the life they both dreamed of, making things work no matter how life tries to make her feel that perfect can be boring too, and that she would never lose her friend but with this I’m not sure, I know no matter what she will lose her in the end once the secret was out. anyway, the important lesson here is to never cheat, I know there are some exceptions? but please that will never be justified but yeah some end up doing it and finding their “true love” but please don’t hurt another precious soul for your curiosity or thirst for a little tryst, even if there was little no love left, respect your partner as a human being, be decent enough to let go before giving into temptation, you don’t know how much damage being cheated on brings to a person.
anyway if you’re looking for a fic that will give you angst, fluff, infidelity drama, romance, and smut this is what you should be reading, the story flow is perfect, the words and poems are just beautiful some will make your heart flutter, some will make you feel some sort of heat and some will crush your heart to pieces, the angst wow it will get to you, it will make your heart freeze like ice but also have it shattered with the pain and drama, the romance that almost gave me diabetes because Jimin is Jimin (such a sweet boy) and also the rough yet gentle type of love from Jungkook (that also had me swerving which was very wrong) also hands down to the generous amounts of delicious, graphic, and sinful smut, I have to blame it tbh that’s why I easily wavered and hoped for a happy ending with Jungkook, ohhh and also make sure you listen to the song recs at the beginning of every chapter to set the mood. at the end of it all my friends, life will always go on, no matter how much you fucked up or how life fucked you up, it will go on and will only get better, just be thankful for the lessons it has given you, we love and we lose but that doesn’t mean it’s the end, because who knows maybe one day life suddenly gives you one more chance to love again, maybe the same person over again. | 🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒
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nigelspookerjee · 6 years
CRY💀 Thoughts💜
“Current assignment? What assignment?!” Nancy, you’re jinxing yourself already
I still remember the first time I played this game and that feeling I got when the warning comes up on the screen before everything begins. Sp00py nostalgia vibes 👻
Ned: “Hey Henry, I’m worried about you, but not worried enough to get off my ass and check on you myself. Imma send my gf instead and then bitch at her a few games later about how I never get to go anywhere.”
Not even in the house two seconds and I’m already getting attacked. Renée and Henry are the worst hostesses ever and this vacation already blows.
Nancy, you are taking a drink from someone you don’t even know; it could literally be poisonous. But go ahead, chug it anyways
Actually, if Renée just poisoned Nancy now, it would have saved her a lot of trouble in the end. Game over. Roll credits!
Henry: “maybe I should call THEM and leave THEM on hold and see how THEY like it.” Me when I’m on the phone with any customer service representative from any company ever.
Henry definitely wore eyeliner, had an emo swoop, and listened to “Ohio is for Lovers” on repeat in his angsty teenage years. But I’m not judging because honestly...same
But Henry is hot af. Broody definitely works so fucking well for him
Henry: “I come across as a little needy sometimes.” Be needy to me, Henry. Be my stage five clinger. I don’t care. Suffocate me with your broody love.
“My parents died in a car crash when I was eight.” Nancy *thinking to herself*: “damn, I didn’t even get the chance to ask him what happened to his mother.”
Henry: “no offense but are you sure you didn’t just pass out from the heat and humidity and dream that you saw this skeleton dude?” No, but in a few games further down the line, I will hallucinate seeing a ghost due to carbon monoxide poisoning. Hahahaha forshadow af.
“What was in that concoction you gave me?” You are supposed to ask this before you take a drink from a stranger, Nancy.
I love this game so much. The setting, the atmosphere, music, characters, storyline, puzzles, EVERYTHING.
“Finding Fish by Bill Kessler” OF COURSE BILL AND HIS NORTHERN PIKE POPS UP ONCE MORE TO HAUNT ME *eye twitches ever so slightly*
Henry: “Do you always go digging in other peoples’ fire places?” Actually, yeah. That’s how I found out some poor sap of a homeless handyman was living in the basement of the house he was renovating lol
Bruno and the Bolet family as a whole are so fascinating and I must learn everything about them
Nancy just ate a whole bunch of candy from Renée’s stash and then proceeded to vomit all over her bedroom floor. *places newspaper on top of puke and slowly backs out of the room, whispering to herself*: “I was never here...”
Ned: “it’s about time you called!” “Call again, like soon.” Um, I listen to no one or no thing, u controlling piece of cardboard
Ugh, I love Bess so much. She’s such a precious, innocent bean.
Bess is the friend who gave into peer pressure in high school: “you wanna underage drink and smoke some weed?” “Absolutely, unequivocally no.” “Come on, it’ll be fun!” “Ahhhh...okay!!”
Lamont’s Lament: Part 1
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*grits teeth* these motherfucking wasps around this mother fucking tree
Henry: “Don’t worry, we got plenty of food here, beds-“ CAN I SLEEP IN UR BED? I’LL BE THE BIG SPOON!
Poor Hotchkiss has early on-set Alzheimer’s and Nancy is shaming her for it
“Sorry ‘bout your loss.” “...my loss?” Nancy, you got so annoyed that Hotchkiss couldn’t remember your name, but you can’t even remember what you said just a minute ago..pot meet kettle¿
Yeah, scurry the fuck out of my way, you hairy eight-legged motherfucker and give me my damn key before I squash you with the bottom of my shoe run away screaming like a lil bitch
Great, time to talk to creepy Gilbert and cringe as he openly hits on a girl at least 30 years younger than him. There is no May-December romance going on here, buddy.
Thanks for the gumbo, Shorty, but it does not make up for the fact you attempted to murder my best friend. And no, she has not picked those vegetables for you yet
Okay, I just laughed my ass off. After eating spicy gumbo, Bess burped out fire. I had no idea she was a dragon
I played this goddamn skeeball machine so many times. The things I do for eyeballs and Easter Eggs.
Summer, Summer, Summer. Smh. Now I ain’t sayin she a gold digger...
Henry: “I bought her a bunch of CDs to keep her occupied while I was gone.” Yeah...Summer is just gonna sit in her room, listening to the CDs you bought for her on a loop, just waiting for you to get back...
I love Iggy so much. Dressing him up is adorable af
🎶 Bernie with a tooth so sweet. Likes marshmallows but it’s you he’d love to eat🎶 (I sang this to the tune of Brigitte’s Ballad)
Renée: “oh my, I forgot to warn you about Bernie, didn’t I?” *grins evilly* Could you contain your excitement that I was almost devoured by a crocodile until I fucking walk away?
I actually like the cemetery scavenger hunt, a lot
I love how Iggy just huffs and dips the fuck out when you dress him up as a clown. “You get nothing for this. I ain’t coming back with anything. WHO’S THE CLOWN NOW?”
Lamont’s Lament: Part 2
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I seriously feel for Lamont. All he wants to do is run his curio shop in peace, and here comes this blonde twister wreaking havoc all over his night
Someone give Bess a Xanax. Poor girl is gonna have a panic attack with all of the stuff Nancy is asking her to do
Infiltrating the Jolly Rogers meeting is definitely my favorite sequence in this game
Y WOULD U CALL ME WHEN U KNOW I’M AT THE MEETING UNDERCOVER, NANCY? Thx for almost killing me, ur bff xoxo
Yup, just toss the priceless skull up to Renée like it’s a freakin’ football. You are not on the same team here, Nan.
Bernie the Immortal crocodile. Who would have thought at the beginning of the game, we’d end up with this resolution.
Hahaha of course, Lamont is out in the swamp looking for Bernie. If anyone in this game deserves the skull, it’s deff him anyways.
One of my favorite games, ever. So happy I replayed it🖤
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kippentrash · 6 years
OH MY GOSH I SAW THE EPISODE FOR THE FIRST TIME LIKE 30 MINUTES AGO AND I CRIED. Cyrus actually said it, no hinting, no going around it. He's gay. I was a Jyrus shipper not gonna lie but Tyrus has overtaken me and platonic Jyrus is amazing! Andi's little smile when TJ walked in...She seems to suspect and I loved her and Cece talking
(2/2 heres my replies to your questions!) I am in the Pacific Time Zone (Oregon/Washington area), I love Andi Mack and Blue Planet for shows, Inception for movie, favorite book ooof probably The Guardians series! I love the color brown, like an amber. I think I might be more pastel, but been told I’m a neon :) -ghostie anon PS I FORGOT TO SAY THIS BUT, when Buffy and Andi were talking about the phone I was like “please don’t fight guys” I love the GHC, them and you deserve the world
AHHHH I"M GOING TO TRY ONE MORE TIME WITH THESE ASKS BUT TUMBLR F YOU SERIOUSLY LET ME SEND ASK AND CRY ABOUT ANDI MACK. This episode was too powerful, Jonah being open, Cyrus coming out to Jonah! The platonic Jyrus is amazing. Buffy and Andi interacting about Marty and Walker (I want them to meet) and TJ appearing! So many tears tbh. I loved this episode and it has all of my uwus forever -ghostie anon
AHHH SORRY FOR THE LATE RESPONSE GHOSTIE I’VE BEEN PACKED BECAUSE I HAVE 3 FRIENDS WITH BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEKEND SO MY SCHEDULES A BIT CRAMPED ;w; I’m putting most of it under a cut because I pretty much responded to each part individually so it’s like really long and jumbled whoops
But oh my god same at literally everything ahhhh daklsjda THEY LET HIM SAY THE WORDS “I’M GAY” I’M STILL SHOOK. I’m so glad that Andi Mack and Josh are able to be the ones to bring to the screen this iconic moment in Disney history, especially after everything else they’ve done. I still only half believe it. Wow.
Also like 90% of my wardrobe is black with like 5% red or blue, so I only wore some green accessories ;w; rip. I tried.
If I’m being honest, I never shipped Jyrus but that doesn’t mean I don’t freakin love platonic Jyrus with all my heart. I’m so glad that with Jonah and Cyrus there’s this comfortable and open friendship between guys that’s depicted so well and instead of two guys always trying to act all cool and tough towards each other, it shows it’s fine and honestly beautiful to have two close guy friends care and be so supportive towards one another. Even though Cyrus is gay, that doesn’t change the fact that Jonah will still be a kind and supportive friend and vice versa it’s just a fact that had to be said, and his reaction to it was just AHHH. And same with Cyrus supporting Jonah through his panic attacks, he didn’t lie and say “of course they’ll get easier eventually” because it’s not necessarily true that they ever get better, even if that’s what Jonah wanted him to say,; yet he still did reassure him with “that’s what you need to remember: that they end” to help him out and remind him that it’s survivable. Platonic Jyrus gets all my uwus it’s just so beautiful and AHSKJADHKS
Tyrus has overtaken me as well oh my god that moment was so soft and Luke’s doing freakin AMAZING at making TJ so very soft especially with the “of course I came” line I seriously adore the entire cast so much they’re so talented. Andi and Buffy’s shared look is me with my friends around their crushes all the time or when we’re like owo what’s this?? So that PLUS the texts between them got me over the edge ohmygod
CECE AND ANDI OH MY GOD THAT MADE ME WANT TO CRY. It made me appreciate my grandma even more than ever honestly to remember she’s still here and is always so helpful and supportive and even though she’s not the most fluent in English does her best and tries to get involved and know what’s going on with my life and Ima cry. The recent episodes have been doing really really well with the interactions between Andi and her family and I just adore them so much. 
Buffy and Andi conflict was like “Buffy I get what you feel but Andi I get what you feel too please communicate yall are more understanding of each other but shady is no bueno ;-;” I’m glad though that Buffy did eventually tell both her and Cyrus, but oh my gosh her FACE of defeat when she finally did like “I know what you guys are about to think but please be chill for once in your lives.” Good to see that both Andi and Cyrus are still the biggest Muffy shippers. Everyone’s talking ‘bout Andi’s teasing Buffy about it but did you hear Cyrus’s squeaky “what???” That was the sound of containing yourself when your friend is talking to someone you ship them with don’t change my mind because that’s me with my friends.
I so want all of them to meet (Marty and Walker and TJ) and I’m sad Walker got written off before he and Marty or he and TJ ever got the chance to interact. It would have been interesting to see how Marty and Walker react to each other similar to how we got to see Walker and Jonah interact, and I’m genuinely curious about how Walker would have reacted to TJ and if the others would tell him about old TJ or just leave the past in the past. Honestly I just love the friendships in this show, the GHC + Jonah + Walker + Amber + Marty + TJ + Libby would be the dream. But just from last ep GHC + Jonah was beautiful and even though the moment was inherently romantic the friendship connotations of Tyrus last episode (TJ being there for Cyrus when he needed his friends to support him through the loss in general) was so sweet too. 
TL:DR; I love so much of that episode!!! It’s in a heated battle between Bash Mitzfah as my favorite ep primarily because Bash Mitzfah was so fun and had more time to do more things without having to rush. I need to rewatch it so I can decide but ahhhh it was SO GOOD MY HEART
As for the personal questions, I’ve never heard of Blue Pacific... is it a newer or older show? Oh my Inception is a mind fk LOL, and my brother read the Guardians (I think I’m thinking of the right one, the one with the owls?) awhile back but I never really tried it or got into it I think. How many books is it? :o And ooo a warm color liker, amber’s a nice shade! And lol I like how you see yourself as a pastel while others see you as a neon because they’re so starkly different LMAOO
Sorry again for the late response to your asks ghostie!!! ;w; Hope you have a nice day and weekend you lovely lovely human! Or should I say spirit since I call you ghostie lol ;P
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alwayssummerblog · 6 years
[Listen] Bohnes’ Romantic Single ‘Coffins’ From ‘206 Act II’ Album
A follow up to his debut album 206: Act I, former frontman of emo-pop band The Cab, Alexander DeLeon (aka Bohnes) has recently dropped his highly anticipated new record 206 Act II. 
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SOUND UP PEOPLE! my album comes out on BLACK FRIDAY!!! (because of course💀😈) ahhhh that’s only 2 days away!!! this is my favorite half of the album and really hope you’re as excited as me. what’s your favorite song so far? #206ActII
A post shared by Alexander DeLeon (@bohnes) on Nov 21, 2018 at 10:18am PST
While the album in its entirety is lyrically and musically masterful, “Coffins” stands out as the record’s lead single. Written by Bohnes for his girlfriend (now fiancé) Josephine Skriver, “Coffins” evokes the strongest sense of love you can imagine and speaks about not wanting to be without each other even in death. With a lyrical build that will leave you breathless, this is an emotional love letter fit for for the most intense of romances.  
[Pre-Chorus] So please don't take her away But if you do I'm just skin and bones, I know that there’s room
[Chorus] When the man in black Comes to cash his check And you're holding on to your final breath When you walk out the door Know that I will too I hope they build coffins for two
Check out the full album below:
Speaking of romance, DeLeon recently got engaged to his long-time girlfriend Josephine Skriver, and proposed in the sweetest way ever. According to an instagram post shared by the Victoria’s Secret model, after tracking down orcas “in their natural habitat” in Norway, they took a road trip over to neighboring Finland to watch the northern lights. DeLeon set up a bonfire on the surface of a frozen lake under a full moon, where there was hot chocolate “to keep us warm,” she wrote. There, he presented her with the ring and her response - “of course it was 1millionxYES!!!”
Check out the adorable photos of the proposal below!
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I SAID HELL-FREAKIN’-YES!!!! I’M ENGAGED 😱😍😆😱 It was a cold November night. Alex had us driven all the way to Finland to see the northern lights. It was my second bucket list number i was checking off in the same week after swimming with Orcas, my favorite animals, in their natural habitat! Little did i know it would soon be my third! He had a bonfire built for me on top of the middle of a frozen lake deep in Scandinavia completed with the full moon shining on our backs and hot cocoa to keep us warm!?!? Like.. is he crazy?!??? For the first time in both of our lives we got to see the northern lights decide to show their dance across the starry night!! It was a full moon... it was on the 23rd (23 is my lucky number).. and the same day as his song “Aurora Borealis”, which was the first song he EVER wrote about me, came out to the world! sometimes the universe just chooses to leave you speechless!!! that was when @bohnes looked over at me. When he got down on one knee and asked me to be his forever.. I have never been more sure about anything in my life. You are my biggest adventure. My fairytale come true. My soulmate. My best friend. The love of my life. So of course it was 1millionxYES!!! Sometimes in life you will meet that one person that makes everything make sense. A person that pushes you to be an even greater version of yourself. A person that makes you not just dream it.. but believe it! Believe in your own abilities to make anything happen! Love is not about compromising yourself. Love is finding someone that only adds to your own joy and shine! Teammates for life!!! @bohnes with you i just knew! You are all that and more. You walked into my life and i have never looked back. I love you. You are MY northern lights and MY Aurora Borealis. <3 -Your Jo
A post shared by Josephine Skriver (@josephineskriver) on Nov 26, 2018 at 9:02am PST
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russiansunflower3 · 7 years
Seijou 3rd years, and Yamaguchi and Kindaichi
Wow, that’s a lot! Thank you so much! I put the rest under the cut.
Oikawa Tooru
Why I like them: He’s incredibly serious and focused, his competitive side burns like fire, but he’s also a giant dork off the court. Best of both worlds! But he’s also very kind to his fanclub, like, he interacts with them and accepts their gifts.
 Why I don’t: Sometimes, he seems really fake.
 Favorite episode: I- I don’t think I can narrow it down…
 Favorite season: Season 2!
 Favorite line: “Spikers are all different. Once you’re able to bring out 100% of the strengths of each and every one of them, that’s when you’ll be a true setter!”
 OTP: Hnnnng I love OiIwa, but also Matsuhanaiwaoi, but also OiKin and OiKuni, and pretty much any pairing within seijou.
 Brotp: See the above! But I love Captain!squad too!
 Head Canon: He has a reeeeeeally big family! His father is one of seven, his mother is one of three, and most of his aunts and uncles have multiple kids too! He has over 20 cousins! And, of course, an older brother and sister, plus his nephew Takeru. There’s another on the way from his sister.
 Unpopular opinion: He hates fashion. There’s so much pressure to get things just right! He’d rather just throw on the first thing he grabs, as long as it doesn’t clash too bad.
 A wish: I hope he makes peace with Kageyama. Even reluctantly. Just like
“Oh noooo, you accidentally saw me serving… Whoops, better not teach you- hey! If you’re gonna do my serve, do it properly, like this!”
 An oh-god-please-don’t-ever-happen: Losing contact with Iwaizumi.
 5 words to best describe them: Manipulative (in a good way), clever, dorky, complicated, focused.
 My nickname for them: Oinkawa.
 Iwaizumi Hajime
 Why I like them: Have you seen him???? He’s confident, kind, 100% the perfect senpai, badass, and he’s like a freakin’ ninja with those receives!!!
 Why I don’t: Uhhhhhhhhh
 Favourite episode: All of them. Every single episode he appears in.
 Favourite season: Season 2!
 Favourite line: “Don’t think about anything unnecessary. No matter what, you only need to focus on the ball in front of you.”
 Favourite outfit: His volleyball uniform! That 4 symbolises so much!
 OTP: OiIwa, MatsuIwa, IwaKin, IwaKyou, IwaDai, IwaKiyo, UshiIwa… And many polyships.
 BROTP: HanaIwa and SugaIwa! Also any of the above if they’re not dating.
 Head canon: He falls apart in university. Sometime around the end of second year-start of third year. He just gets too wrapped up in studying, practice, trying to balance everything and just,,, falls apart. His friends get him back on his feet though!
 Unpopular opinion: Y'all focus too much on his arms. He’s a person, not a slab of meat.
 A wish: Let him on the national team! Even if he’s on the bench for a while! Let! Him! On! The! Team!
 An oh-god-please-don’t-ever-happen: Loses contact with Oikawa.
 5 words to best describe them: Persuasive, comforting, respectful, kind, senpai.
 My nickname for them: Iwazoominoomi.
Matsukawa Issei
 Why I like them: He’s amazing!!! Not just as a blocker, but he’s really strategic too, like in the match against Karasuno where he came up with the solution against Hinata’s quick!
 Why I don’t: I- I don’t have anything to put here…
 Favourite episode: The one where he figures out how to limit Hinata’s quick!
 Favourite season: 2!!!!
 Favourite line: “TANTANMEN!” I can’t spell, but that’s when he called out his ramen order for if Oikawa missed his serve.
 Favourite outfit: Whenever he’s wearing Hanamaki’s shirt. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
 OTP: MatsuHana!!!! MatsuIwa, MatsuOi, MatsuKin, MatsuKuni, and any polyships within that!!
 BROTP: Any of the above if they aren’t romantic, and Matsukawa & Watari!
 Head canon: Has twin baby brothers!!! They’re seven, and they’re total cheeky devils. He loves and spoils them to bits.
 Unpopular opinion: He’s a lot quieter and mellow than people think, and not just a meme.
 A wish: I wish the best for Matsukawa and hope he has a happy, peaceful life doing what he loves.
 An oh-god-please-don’t-ever-happen: Getting into an accident and ending up injured. I say, having written a fic where he gets paralysed from the waist down…
 5 words to describe them: Quiet, analytical, eyebrows, supportive, friend.
 My nickname for them: Mattsun.
 Hanamaki Takahiro.
 Why I like them: He’s so goofy but also really down-to-earth!
 Why I don’t: I don’t have enough information on him to deduce this. Why doesn’t he have more screen time?
 Favourite episode: The one where he laughs and then high-fives Oikawa!
 Favourite season:  Season Twooooo.
 Favourite line: “Y-Yeah, I’m fine, I’m fine!” After Kyoutani knocks him to the floor and Oikawa asks if he’s okay. He says it with a little laugh, it’s adorable!
 Favourite outfit: Whenever he’s in Mattsun’s shirt. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
 OTP: Matsuhana, HanaOi, HanaYaha, HanaKin, HanaKyou, and any polyships within that!
 BROTP: See the above, plus HanaKuni, and HanaWata!
 Head canon: he has chickens!!!! Just a small pen in the back garden, but CHICKENS!
 Unpopular opinion: Dude, creampuffs are awesome, but that doesn’t mean he’s obsessed. They’re a special treat!
 A wish: Considering his all-around ability, he’s probably got the best chance of getting on the national team next to Oikawa. I really wish that would happen!
 An oh-god-please-don’t-ever-happen: Vanish from the manga.
 5 words to describe them: More than a meme, ffs.
 My nickname for them: Makki.
 Yamaguchi Tadashi.
 Why I like them: He’s incredible!!! Not only is he highly motived, but holy smokes, talk about character development! He went from Cinnamon Bun to “Will kill for a money.”!
 Why I don’t: Originally, I didn’t like that he was a bit of a pushover. But his development in Season 2 erased that, especially during the training camp!
 Favourite episode: Can- Can I say all of them?
 Favourite season: Season 3!
 Favourite line: “I want to be able to make my body move right! I want to control the ball! I want to play on the same level as the other, better players!”
 Favourite outfit: In the match against Hinata, Kageyama and Tanaka, where he wears the black shorts and maroon jumper!
 OTP: TsukkiYama, KurooYama, TanaYama, YamaAsa, SugaYama, OiYama.
 BROTP: YamaHina! YamaKen.
 Head canon: I like to think that he as a single mother, and they’re very close knit, despite the fact that she travels the world so he basically lives alone.
 Unpopular opinion: His freckles aren’t stars. They’re sunspots! Freckles appear after extended time in the sun, so he’s a really outdoorsy person.
 A wish: I wish he’d score 10 in a row like Hinata told him to!
 An oh-god-please-don’t-ever-happen: Like, a shoulder injury? Cus then he wouldn’t be able to serve!
 5 words to describe them: Loyal, dedicated, motivated, sweet'n'sour (That’s one word, okay?) and Kind.
 My nickname for them:  Tororo! It’s grated Japanese mountain Yam!
Kindaichi Yuutaro.
 Why I like them: Oh my god I love him so much he’s my precious son, he deserves the WORLD. He’s spiteful to those he doesn’t like, true to himself, but an absolute sweetheart with the aobajousai team. He’s like, their child. His main concern is that girls call him lanky and his name means Brave First Son, like, can he get any more perfect???? He’s also a Gemini like me, so I’m biased. XD
 Why I don’t: I can’t answer this. My heart will break.
 Favourite episode: ALL OF THEM
 Favourite season: Ahhhh- 1 and 2? Can I pick both?
 Favourite line: “N-No! Yes!” “Which is it?”
 Favourite outfit: His big volleyball jumper! The one he wears over the normal uniform outside of games.
 OTP: IWAKIN IWAKIN IWAKIN. But also MatsuKin, HanaKin, OiKin, KinKuni, and KyouKin, plus any polyships within that. I’m also warming up to KinHina and YamaKin.
 BROTP: Yahaba and Kindaichi! Throw Watari in there too and I call them the gossip squad.
 Head canon: He doesn’t have a good relationship with his parents. His mother is barely around because she’s too busy being a scumbag, and his father has been in jail as long as he can remember. He doesn’t know the full reason why, but apparently it’s something that his mother says “doesn’t even matter”. (Spoiler, it’s multiple counts of child abuse. It does matter.)
 Unpopular opinion: His hair!! Is perfect!!! Leave him alone!!!
 A wish: I really want him to be vice-captain and Ace in his third year. And I wanna see him crush Kageyama. On a friendly basis, of course!
 An oh-god-please-don’t-ever-happen: P l e a s e don’t cry anymore. Oh god, that breaks my heart. I NEVER WANT HIM TO BE HURT SO HE CRIES AGAIN. (yet I write so much angst about him…)
 5 words to describe them: PERFECT, GOLDEN, SON, ADORABLE, BESTBOY.
 My nickname for them: Kin. (It means gold, it’s so perfect)
 Thanks for asking!!!!
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