#he jumps on a private jet he keeps insisting can go faster than this!
softquietsteadylove · 7 months
Gil surprised her with a matching look? She has a white nice dress and he shows up in a white suit? Would be a cool partner look =)
Thena offered a tight smile as she picked up a glass of champagne off of a passing tray. "Merci."
She hadn't really wanted to come all the way here for this function, but it was insisted upon not only by her French diamond contact, but the entirety of his diamond house family. It was to seal their business, as well as act as a gesture of good will for future deals.
Karun told her she had to go, and Kingo doubled down, even telling her that she should 'lead him on a little more' for the sake of business. She attempted to ignore that.
She was an engaged woman.
She had told Gil she had to attend a meeting in France. But she knew that he was no fan of the monsieur with whom she had conducted business. In all fairness, she supposed she wouldn't be thrilled if he had to conduct business with the Little Heiress again. But she was here for tonight and then she could return home.
"Madame Glasse?"
She smiled as her business associate sat down adjacent to her. At least if she was seated or holding something, he didn't feel the need to kiss her hand. "It's a lovely soiree."
"You seem very," the gentleman looked around the sparkling ballroom, "isolated."
Thena inhaled, looking down at her don perignon. "Forgive me, monsieur, I have never been the life of the party."
"Ah," he offered a smile, adjusting the gold button of his beautiful blue suit. "You accepted my offer, but I think perhaps your heart is not here with us."
Her heart was in a penthouse apartment with a certain Tyrant King, who had probably fallen asleep on the couch in front of the Food Network. She should have just asked him to come with her, risk that he would start a fight be damned.
"Madame, would you grant me the privilege of speaking my mind with you?"
She gave him the faintest expression of surprise before nodding. Perhaps he wasn't as much of a dumb blonde - the irony of which did not escape her - as she had suspected.
"I admit I am quite taken with you," he expressed openly, leaning on the arm of his chair that was closer to her. He did have that sad, puppy-love expression on, too. "Positively enchante, truly."
Thena merely waited for him to go on.
"But as much as you did not tell me," his eyes drifted down, and to her hands, safely folded over her crossed legs. "You do not withhold your heart from me out of modesty, non?"
Thena adjusted her lace around her arms and in the crooks of her elbows. She didn't bother taking her ring off for the night. "Would that affect our business if I told you that you're right?"
He chuckled, although she could already see his disappointment. "But of course not. I am a gentleman, Madame Glasse, and I will honour our business just as you have. And I do have some brain under these looks."
Thena resisted the urge to roll her eyes. She knew it was in good humour, but few men were allowed to get away with cocky humour like that with her. One man in particular.
"I realise I am pursuing a woman who has already made her match," he sighed, leaning back again. His eyes flicked down, "it's a beautiful ring, cheri. They are small, but I can tell the quality of them is impeccable."
Thena smiled. The little diamonds in her ring, creating joints where the bands could meet in their weave, were indeed perfect in every way. "But of course; I am the diamond queen, after all."
"Indeed," her associate agreed, also plucking a glass of champagne for himself. He gave her a smile, "I am grateful that you came. But if you wish to leave, I will not hold it against you."
Oh, how she ached to be at home, in the arms of her Tyrant. But even with a private plane, the journey home was no quick hop across the pond.
"She should stay for a dance, at least."
"Hey Princess," he greeted gently, despite her insistence that he not call her that in public. He bent over the arm of the chair, capturing her hand smoothly and pulling it up to his lips. "Miss me?"
He was like a knight in shining armour, and while she had never seen him in a white suit before, she didn't dislike it on him. She raised a brow, "new?"
"Like it?" he grinned as he pulled her to her feet, leading her closer to the dance floor. "I had my tailor whip it up just to surprise you."
Thena shook her head at him, her feet moving automatically as he led her until they could sway together, his hands holding hers and at her back. "When did you get here?"
"Not long ago, actually," he made a more sheepish face. "I got on a place a few hours after yours, after I picked up this number."
She smiled, running her hand over the lapel. "Did you want to match me so badly?"
"Well," he smiled as well, his eyes soft and reflecting the chandelier above them. "Can't let my wife show up to a fancy ball unaccompanied, can I?"
She refused to let him know how much she liked it when he called her his wife. "I did, though, didn't I?"
"Okay, so I was a little late," he huffed, rolling his eyes in good nature. He spun her around before pulling her closer, "I wasn't invited."
Thena stole a glance to the edge of the room, where her associate was excusing himself from the room entirely. "Last I checked, he was not in your good graces."
Gil shrugged, and her hand moved with the bounce of his massive shoulder as he did. "Just don't laugh at his jokes, Ice. Then we've got no problem."
She did not believe that. But perhaps she was too intoxicated by the warmth of him and the champagne she'd had. He pulled her nearly flush with him and she resisted the urge to lay her head on his chest.
"Sorry I'm late, baby," he whispered, sneaking a kiss to her temple while they were able to go unobserved. Or at least, unremarked upon, as far as this branch of society was concerned. They weren't exactly law abiding citizens, but this territory of Thena's was more about business than about brutality.
"You're forgiven," she sighed as she let him numb her overstimulated senses, "this time."
"This time?" he chuckled, and his chest bounced against hers from it.
"Just this time," she purred, running her hands over the front of his fine, white suit. "And this?"
Gil didn't even glance down as she tapped at the royal blue pocket square that screamed against the colour of the rest of his outfit. "Maybe a little bit of a challenge to French-y."
"So territorial," she murmured. She had to be careful not to sound like she enjoyed his territorial side; it would only encourage him.
Gilgamesh pulled her hand up his chest until he could kiss her fingertips, tapping against her ring as he did. "I think I have a right to be territorial about my own wife."
"We are not married."
"Yet," he nearly cut her off to insert. He smiled at her, still swaying them loosely to the beat of the band, "not yet. Anytime, any place, Ice."
"Hm," she sighed, the exhaustion of the business and the travel and the whole of the last few weeks weighing on her. She leaned against him heavier and he allowed it, holding her as much as she liked. "Not tonight."
"Fine," he chuckled, kissing her cheek this time. He stayed close, his nose dangerously near 'nuzzling' territory. "Wanna go home?"
"You just got here," she nearly groaned at the thought.
"Okay, so we get a room, spend a little time here before we go back?" he suggested. "We can take a long weekend in Paris, what do you think?"
She did not care what they did, so long as she didn't have to let go of him.
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wtfevenismypage · 4 years
Observer Not Profiler PT.3
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!reader
Summary: You’re similar to a profiler, but you can tell almost anything about a person just from a single glance. What they had for dinner, if they took a bath or shower, their name, favorite color, if they lie, even if they’re good in bed. You’ve been running from the government ever since you got caught hacking into their systems and since then you have been diagnosed with Extreme anxiety, anxious tics, and paranoia. But now the BAU need you’re help in Identifying killers.
Warnings: maybe a curse word or two, mentions of death, anxious/nervous ticking, tic attacks
A/N: Hey all! Here’s part 3! Remember that requests are open! So is the taglist, however I may be closing the taglist in a few weeks! thank you for reading!
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You never knew you were scared of being on private jets until Dr. Spencer Reid rolled along.
“Statistically, Private jets crash more so than commercial planes do. The rate is commonly expressed as the number of accidents per 100,000 flight hours. The accident and fatal-accident rates declined again in 2015. In fact, the fatal-accident rate fell below one to 0.84, meaning there was less than one fatal crash per 100,000 flight hours.”
You think he was trying to make you feel better, but it only made you even more terrified.
“I would like to join the Bureau!”
Emily smiles happily, she knew that getting to know you would be a blast, and your people reading skills would come in major handy.
“That’s wonderful!”
Garcia yells out before wrapping her arms around you, it makes you freeze at first, but the hesitation wears off and you hug her back before shaking hands with everyone else.
When you shake Dr. Reid’s hand, you linger for a second, barely a second, before shaking hands with Hotch.
“This is going to be difficult, you’ll need training.”
You nod, shaking his calloused hand firmly.
“Of course sir, I’m willing to go through all of the training in the world for this.”
He smiles, but barely, only noticeable if you were looking (which you are) and you feel ecstatic at the small gesture. 
“Well, we have a jet to catch, so let’s hurry up. wheel’s up in thirty.”
The first few weeks of training were intense, you were physically trained by Morgan, he got you into shape and gifted you with a subtle six pack that you could see if you squinted hard enough. 
Hotch trained you to handle a gun, which you kind of sucked at. Every time you shot it, you jumped five feet in the air and had a mini panic attack, which Hotch had to help you out with.
Emily, Rossi, and JJ made you into a pretty damn good interrogator, which made you smile every time they complimented you.
You were shocked when you learned that you actually did need lessons in profiling, you needed to learn certain behaviors at crime scenes when you couldn’t see the unsub. Reid helped you in that regard. He also told you all sorts of fun facts, which you happily listened to, you loved learning new things and you would even insist upon hearing the facts sometimes.
You and Penelope had races against each other to see who could get into what faster, so far you two were tied.
Today is the day though, your first day as an official member of the team. Surprisingly, you still couldn’t say the word profiler without spiraling, and you’ve been having anxious tic attacks all night and all morning.
As you walk into the doors to the big office in the early early morning, your wrists slam together twice, making you wince and rub them, feeling the bruises from last night scream in rage.
“I’ve gotta learn to stop that...”
You realize you’re the first in the office, so you just take a quick seat to try and ground yourself, but it instead spirals into a tic attack as you take in what’s finally happening after all of these long and torturous years. 
“Y/L/N. You alright?”
You turn to the cold voice, seeing Hotch standing at the top of the stairs. You thought you were alone, you hoped you were, but if anyone was going to be at the office, you weren’t surprised it was Hotch.
“Oh, sorry sir, I’m just having first day nerves! I feel like I’m back in middle school...”
He flashes you an understanding half-smile, walking up to you and patting your shoulder.
“Don’t worry too much, everyone here is already obsessed with you, you’ll fit right in.”
You smile, trying to act like you were okay,but when your fist harshly collides with the side of your head, you sigh and clutch the now bruised spot.
“Well, the others should be here soon, your desk is right there, next to Reid’s.”
You couldn’t stop the pink heat that bum-rushed it’s way onto your cheeks, trying to avoid Hotch seeing by moving to your new desk an sitting down, subconsciously clapping your palm against the desk.
“Wowie. I’m all official and everything huh?”
You smirk before the door clicks open, people beginning to enter the once-empty office space and making your nerves go through the roof once again.
That is, until Derek and Reid walk in with Garcia chatting about something random with Emily laughing at her.
“Hey Y/L/N! How’s the day so far?”
Derek asks, sitting on your desk. You immediately swat him off with a fake pout painted across your lips.
“Hey, I just got this space, I’ll be d-damned if I let some-some sweaty man sit on it.”
They didn’t miss your nervous stuttering, but in the short time the team had known you, they knew you hated when your tics were the center of attention, so they simply gave sad smiles and moved on.
“We have a new case, Y/L/N, I’ll give you a moment to adjust, round table in ten.”
Hotch walks away, back to his office before Garcia plops down on your desk. Derek notices how you don’t shoo her off and throws a whole fit.
“So you kick me off but not Penelope?”
“Is Garcia a-a sweaty m-man? I don-don’t think so!”
You all laugh before they sit down, Reid sitting next to you and logging into his computer before setting his stuff down.
“You ready for your first case?”
Reid asks, you shrug in response, a nervous smile plastered on your face.
“I g-guess we’ll find-find out.”
Your wrists slam together again, making you hiss in pain a bit, Reid looks concerned and takes one of your wrists in his hand, gently brushing one of his long, slender fingers over your bruised nerves.
“Well a better question, are these going to heal correctly?”
He asked with a sudden seriousness that you didn’t particularly enjoy. 
“Well I don’t know Mr. Genius, why don’t you tell me?”
He looks up at your sarcastic words and smiles a bit, cheeks being brushed with a bit of red as he answers.
“Well they won’t heal properly with your tics, if anything they could get worse, the veins in your wrists will actually get really damaged and it could affect your entire nervous system, you might want to get it-”
“Spencer, as much as I love listening to your rants, and I do, I don’t love listening to the ones about my health being in danger.”
He smiles and discontinues the topic, letting you take your wrists out of his gentle grip and returning to your computer.
“Alright everyone, let’s get to the round table.”
Throughout the entire case, you stick close with Reid, he made you feel safer than the others somehow. He didn’t say anything about you being with him the entire time, he just accepted the helpful points you gave him. 
One night, you two were up all night trying to find a connection, laying out on top of a desk, listening to Mozart (he insisted) and trying to make a connection between the victims.
You had gotten so excited when you finally made a connection you started jumping up and down with Spencer, holding his hands happily as he joined your silly theatrics.
He seemed to be the only person that can relax your anxiety, even just standing around him helped slow your tics. You didn’t know why he relaxed you, he just did. 
On the jet back to the BAU, the two of you shared earbuds to listen to classical music, you had left your headphones back in Oregon so Spencer offered his left earbud.
Even back at the offices when you were working with Penelope, he brought you green tea, telling you it would still keep you awake but it wouldn’t make you as jittery or paranoid as coffee would.
As soon as he left, Garcia started looking at you weird, giving you googly eyes.
“You like him don’t you!?”
Your jaw drops, eyebrows furrowing down, your cheeks get all rosy. No way! You didn’t like him like that, you just enjoyed his company.
“No I don’t! You’re finally going crazy huh?”
“You totally do! You’re getting all blushy and everything!”
“I don’t like him like that! I’ve never liked anyone like that, why would it start now huh? It wouldn’t. I don’t like him.”
She gives you a doubtful look, but drops it, letting you spin around to another computer while sipping on your freshly hot green tea.
The next day, you take the elevator up with Spencer, Derek, and JJ, JJ and Derek were talking about some show, while you listened to Spencer ramble about how unrealistic the show was.
“But Spencer, Dr. Who isn’t very realistic, but you still love it don’t you?”
“Well yeah, but I’m immediately biased to Dr. Who for my love of it, with any other movie or show, I don’t hesitate to point out faults.”
You chuckle at that, Spencer’s passion for Dr. Who was unmatched for anyone else’s love for any show. It’s insane. 
“Okay before pretty boy goes on about Dr. Who for hours, let’s escape.”
The doors open, allowing you and the other team members to walk in. Your desk was still fairly empty, not even a plant there to accompany your computer, you were still holding onto your runaway life, whether you admit it or not.
“Y/L/N, I need to talk to you. My office now.”
“What was that about?”
Panic bubbles to your chest, Hotch’s tone was too assertive, too aggresive. It was scary.
“I don’t know...”
@imsuperawkward @ithinkilovetruecrimetoomuch @l0ve-0f-my-life @hopebaker @thatonezesty13 @nightlygiggless @aberrant-annie @holybatflapexpert @spencerreidisbootiful @april-14-blog @jackryan-plz @ajwantsapancake @lightswriting @emilouu @yourmisosoup @lizziebritish @101donuts @rainsong01 @pretty-boy-genius @squirrellover1967 @gublerstyles @delievia @boxofsparklingmuses @annestine 
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highqueenofelfhame · 5 years
rules of engagement, one.
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On the afternoon that Rowan Whitethorn had declared to the bitch-boss that he and Celaena were getting married, he had gone downtown to speak with an immigration agent about the paperwork that would need to be filed in order for the whole issue to go away. As it turned out, in order for him to get a marriage visa, they would have to go through an entire slew of interviews because of how frequently people used quickie marriages to avoid deportation. In two weeks, they had an interview with an immigration officer, during which they would be asked all sorts of personal questions about the other, questions about their life together, and questions about their future plans and endeavors. Celaena knew she would pass with flying colors.
For the last two years, she had been working directly with Rowan as his personal assistant, and she could gauge what he wanted to eat for lunch based on his moods. She knew his medical history and major hospitalizations, she knew what his tattoo said that spiraled down his left arm and abdomen that was written in a near dead language; and she even knew the address for his penthouse in Doranelle. Rowan, however, wasn’t going to know the answers to any of the questions that were going to be asked except for maybe what color her eyes were. Even that, though, she thought might be a stretch. Had he even noticed?
Celaena’s long and nimble fingers flipped through the papers in the folder in her hands, eyes skimming the three-hundred something odd questions that were listed. With an annoyed sigh, she closed it and dropped it back onto the table that separated them on the private jet they flew on.
“You should start asking and start studying, I can answer all of that about you,” she said, turning her head to gaze out of the window at the high peaks of the Staghorn mountains that she could make out through thick clouds.
Home. She was almost home for the first time in two years. Celaena could feel Rowan’s gaze on her for a minute before the shuffling of paper followed, likely from him opening the folder and selecting a page and question at random.
“All of this?”
“All of it.” Celaena shifted in her seat to look at him, his pine green gaze boring into hers. After she quirked an eyebrow he sighed and flipped back to the first page and let his gaze slide down the list.
“Tell my what my parents do for a living, and then what yours do.”
Though her muscles momentarily tensed, she didn’t let it show. With a roll of her shoulders, she slid her gaze back over to the window and eyed the white tufts of clouds.
“Your parents passed away when you were twenty-one. Mine are government officials, hence the jet.” When she had first contacted her parents about coming home, it had been completely non-negotiable in terms of travel. They had adamantly insisted that they would come in on a private jet, no questions asked, and she knew better than to argue.
“Do you or I have any siblings?”
“No. We’re both only children, but my cousin is as good as my brother. He’s lived with us most of my life and we’ve always been able to pass as twins.” Celaena said, her lips twitching up at the corners. Just a few more hours and she would get to see Aedion again.
“Your birthday, that’s easy. May third,” Rowan said, half to himself but Celaena started in her seat.
“You know my birthday? From memory?” The disbelief colored her words as confusion etched over her face.
“I’ve given you a gift both years you’ve worked for me. And I tell you happy birthday each time,” Rowan pointed out, moving to flip a page for another question. Something about his posture had changed, like he was pleased with himself for knowing something so simple. His ego had inflated like a bubble, and she was going to burst it.
“Tell me, Rowan Whitethorn,” she leaned forward splaying her fingers wide on the table between them. “What gods—” she placed an anything but innocent hand on his knee, middle finger swirling over his knee cap before making a slow ascent up his thigh— “do I get on my knees for?”
Rowan’s eyes flashed with something she couldn’t quite recognize, flicking from her hand to her eyes. Faster than she had time to process, he gripped her hand in his and pushed it off his leg.
“I’m still your boss, Miss Sardothien,” he said tightly, jaw clenched with tension. Celaena snorted.
“Are you going to punish me for my sharp tongue, Mr. Whitethorn?” she drawled, that same tongue tracing over her lips. The way she had mentioned being punished sounded more like she was asking for it rather than scared of it. “My parents say that we are Mala blessed, by the way. That she favors me. That she favors our whole family and I will always be able to achieve anything because she is on my side.”
“What makes your family so special that she would bless your line in such a way?” Rowan asked, leaning back against the leather seat. Celaena’s lips curved up into a smile.
“Do I have children from my last marriage?” She asked, sidestepping his question entirely.
“What?” Rowan’s brows knit together and Aelin shrugged, thanking the stewardess as she was handed a glass of white wine that she gladly took a long sip of. Aelin gestured for him to answer and he opened his mouth, which was turned down in a frown. “I don’t think you have any ch— why are you looking at me like that?”
“I don’t have children. Or a previous marriage. You, though...” She trailed off as she noted the way his jaw clenched when she turned on him, her blonde hair falling over her shoulder. Celaena softened her voice as she sat back in her chair. “You do, though. You don’t have to tell me now but—”
“She was murdered. I’m not talking about that with you.” There was no inflection in his voice, no sign of the pain that flashed in his eyes when she had turned the conversation to his personal life. His voice was flat and his eyes didn’t meet hers again as he sifted through the papers for the next question, which he asked in a tone so far off and distracted that she wondered if she had pushed a little too far on accident. On and on it went, question after question of them volleying answers back and forth until they landed at the airport.
Celaena stayed in her chair until the door was opened and the steps were lowered to the ground, taking a deep breath to still her nerves. Rowan stood and stretched before he started putting his laptop and paperwork back into his bag. Silently, she watched until a man in a suit entered the cabin, his hands folded behind his back.
“Miss… Sardothien,” he said, a slight incline of his head. Celaena chewed on her bottom lip, a nearly imperceptible shake of her head the only signal she could send the man.
“Ren,” she greeted, pushing herself to her feet and lifting her purse from the seat beside her. “A pleasure to see you as always. This is my… boyfriend, Rowan Whitethorn. Rowan, this is Ren. He’ll be around quite a bit this week if we need anything.” Celaena paused and gestured toward the door.
“It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Whitethorn. Ma’am, everything is ready to go if you are.”
The smile that twitched at her lips was involuntary as she broke out into a wide grin. It was almost hard to keep tears at bay, to keep herself from crying. She would save that for when she saw her parents. With a firm nod, they descended the stairs from the plane and immediately got into an all black SUV with windows so dark there was no hope of anyone seeing inside.
The longer the car ride went, the more her leg bounced, the more her fingers tapped. The road home was a long and winding one that wrapped halfway around a mountain. As they came around the back side of the mountain, the grand castle came into view and she sighed. It was something she had loved forever, that initial view of the castle over the hill. Too quickly, though, they were taking a sharp turn and driving seemingly into the side of the mountain, completely surrounded by concrete.
“Are you taking me somewhere to kill me?” Rowan joked, the first thing he had really said outside of asking her questions.
Celaena barked out a surprised laugh as she shook her head. Several minutes later they were parked and she was too-eagerly jumping out of the car.
“Where is he?” she asked, bouncing on her toes as she turned to Ren.
“His office, ma’am. Would you like me to take Mr. Whitethorn—”
“No, no. He’ll come with me. Thank you, Ren,” Celaena turned to Rowan and grinned.
It was a wicked thing, that smile, a light flashing in the golden core of her eyes as she nodded to the single door that would lead inside. She was too excited to make small talk while she nudged him through the door, running up concrete staircase. They came to a fork in the path and she took the central one, leading him down a short hall to an elevator.
“Where are we?” he asked, eyes shifting from each camera in every corner of the elevator.
Humming to herself, she pushed a button for the ground floor and stayed quiet until the doors opened into a grand foyer. The elevator itself blended in with the wall, you only knew where it was if you knew where it was. The foyer in question was one that guests filtered into for lavish parties, and Celaena couldn’t help but smirk at the wonder and awe that was written on Rowan’s face.
“You’re kidding,” he said flatly as she pulled him over to a wide window down a long hall. “Your parents work in the castle?”
“Yes, they—” Celaena’s voice cut off as she spotted two men walking down the hall toward them.
Both of them were distracted by the conversation they were having, the tall man on the left dressed in an immaculate black suit with his hands in his pockets. His brown hair fell over his forehead as he nodded along to whatever it was the golden-blonde man beside him was saying until they both stopped talking and came to a stop some fifty feet from Celaena and Rowan.
“‘Majesty,” she said, dropping into a low curtsy the same time that Rowan dropped into a confused, but low, bow. She didn’t stay down for long though before she was bounding down the hall and launching herself at the King and his right hand.
“Oh, my love,” the king whispered into her hair, arms wrapping tightly around her body as he squeezed her.
As soon as her feet hit the ground she was jumping onto the other man and squealing as she did, unable to stop the tears that fell down her cheeks. Nothing else mattered— other than finding her mother— except King Rhoe Galathynius and Prince Aedion Ashryver and finally being back in their embraces.
“Are you gonna leave him like that?” Aedion asked her, causing Celaena to turn on her heel and appraise the man she had brought with her into the castle.
The confusion all over his face was better than she ever could have hoped for as she gestured for him to step closer. Hesitantly, he made his way down the hall and stopped a few feet away from her.
“Rowan, I’d like you to meet my father, King Rhoe Galathynius. My cousin, brother,” she shrugged and elbowed Aedion with a wide grin, “Prince Aedion Ashryver.”
“It’s an honor your Majesty, your Highness.” Rowan’s voice was tense as his green eyes fell on the woman standing before him who shot him a coy smile.
“Oh, right, I almost forgot.” She dropped into another low curtsy, her arms out wide as she looked up at him beneath thick lashes. “Crown Princess Aelin Ashryver Galathynius at your service.” Aelin paused then, thinking of the way he’d demanded she marry him so that he would be able to keep his job in Adarlan before adding, “Asshole.”
@musicmaam @starseternalnighttriumphant @myfeyrelady @city-of-fae @hannreadsalot @kandasboi @rhysands-highlady @empire-of-wildfire @schmlip-scribble @mariamuses @the-regal-warrior @rowanwhitethornss who else am i supposed to be tagging idk 
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Caramel Skin Under A Purple Rain prt 32 full draft
Leaving the outpost again was harder than it was the first time. Krolia opened a wormhole for them, Lance keeping his crossed arms and bad mood to himself. His mother-in-law looked radiant, her smile wide and almost carefree... whereas Lance had spent the morning throwing up. He missed his feet. His missed his knees. He missed everything beneath his stomach, and the need not to pee a tablespoon at a time. The Cuban felt as if he was dying slowly. He had zero energy. His skin was itchy and the bloating... the bloating and the gas... Thank quiznak Kosmo was there to blame. Seeing how happy Krolia was, he was well aware of his petty jealousy. He was well aware that Krolia knew he was pregnant, yet she was drawing this thing out. Not that he’d wanted her to talk. Not when that arsehole Krystaal was standing far too close to his mother-in-law. That arsehole Krystaal whose face had lit up when he’d set eyes on Keith. He didn’t like the man. He didn’t like that he didn’t like the man. He was Keith’s friend. Someone important to his husband... who clearly had his charming good looks and piercing purple eyes set firmly on his husband. But it wasn’t Krystaal’s fault, not really. Keith was hot as hell and heaps of fun to be around. His hostile ways had lost their barbs, leaving behind the brave and gentle man Lance was proud to call his husband. People would have to be either blind or stupid not to appreciate the whole “Keith package”. Wide shoulders, jet black hair, muscled without being ugly. Purple eyes he could spend a lifetime lost in. Badarse scars and a fierce loyalty... not to mention the “male” pheromones he trailed behind him. Maturity had only improved his husband’s gorgeous looks. It wasn’t fucking fair... not that he was bitter at all... much... a lot. It wasn’t fair. Keith was his husband, and he was beyond attractive, both in looks in personality and appearance... while Lance looked liked he’d swallowed 10 watermelons and scribbled across his stomach with pink highlighter. Landing near the palace in the allotted parking area, Krolia was a thousand times more radiant in person. Her stomach sitting low, hands resting on her bump as she smiled “Keith!” Moving to his mother, Keith hugged her tightly “Hey, mum. You look good” “I’ve always looked good. It helps that this little one is so well behaved, not at all like you...” Keith sighed as they drew apart. The sound the opposite of the smile on his lips. Stepping back, his husband grabbed his hand “You already know what’s going. Lance is pregnant. Miriam had the decency to tell us. Why didn’t you say anything!?” “I had no idea until after your accident. I thought the scent was my own... I hear it’s twins” “Yep. He’s due in January. Mum, you should have seen the scans. They’re so small. Their hands... I could watch them all day” Keith was beaming with pride. Lance was grinding his teeth. He wasn’t happy, nor was he proud. He felt like a fat useless lump that should have stayed on the ship. His crutches were irritating his arms where they sat, and seeing Krolia had sent his anxieties up. She was smiling. She seemed happy. But a marriage was a whole other thing to starting a family. Starting a family meant blood ties that would never fade “Congratulations. I have so many questions, but Miriam told me what she could... and I’m assuming that a lot of it is to do with Altean magic. How are you feeling, Lance? You look a little pale” “His morning sickness has been awful. He’s been throwing up all morning. Daehra’s tried to bring it under control. It’s been hard to watch him going through it all” “My poor darling. Still, it should have eased off by now. How’s your blood pressure? What about your vitamin levels? Have you had any false contractions? What about your breasts? Reading about all the changes your body’s going through, never truly prepares one. Keith’s father missed out on the opportunity to be there for any of his scans. Earth not knowing about the Galra and all that” “Mum, calm down. He’s ok. Daehra made him up some powder that turns into a shake when you add water. He’s been doing better since then. His dreams have been pretty crazy though. Last night he was crying in his sleep because he wanted grilled cheese sandwiches” Keith hadn’t told him this. He couldn’t defend himself in this conversation because he wasn’t being given any in. Keith and Krolia both seemed happy to talk about him as if he wasn’t standing right there. “I don’t blame him. Galra never got the “cheese thing” just right. The amount of times I’ve sent Kolivan out because of a craving” “Lance hasn’t had any of those. Then again, no one exactly knows how this pregnancy will play out. I have to show you the video Daehra made for us. They’re moving, and they’re so cute. One of them was moving as if it was in time with my voice. They’re heartbeats aren’t like anything I’ve heard before. Every time I had them, I’m quiznakking scared out my mind. That reminds me, we set the nursery up at the outpost... I’ve got photos...” Krolia laughed “If only you were this interested in your sibling” Keith’s excitement dropped like a stone in a well. Letting go of his hand, his husband’s expression clouded with guilt “You’re right. I haven’t even asked how you’re doing. Or about this little one... I’m sorry, mum. That was the first thing I should have been asking” “You’re not used to the idea of being a big brother. They’re fine. We’re right on schedule with the birth. They’re Happy, healthy, and have me up a hundred times a night, but it’s all worth it in the end when you finally get to hold your child. You’ll see for yourself when become a father. Kolivan keeps worrying him sick over everything. He insists that I need to rest, but I intend to keep working as long as I can. It’s been such an easy pregnancy, that it feels like the universe is finally taking notice of all the good work we’ve been doing” “I’m happy for you both. I really am... I’m just... it’s so much at once. You and Lance... I never thought it’d be at the same time” “You’ll get plenty of practice with this one before your own come. Have you thought about how you’re going to tell your team? Shiro’s already here. So are Hunk and Shay. I thought you could tell them all together at dinner. I’ve arranged for you all to have dinner privately. Your team, and your friends. I’m sure you’d much rather than than coalition work anyway” “Shiro’s going to be so shocked. Lance was barely showing when he last saw him. You were barely showing until you told me” “He’s carrying twins, it’s natural for his stomach to grow at a faster rate. No two pregnancies are the same” “I know, but it’s still so surreal. I’m going to be a brother and a father” “I already know you’ll be the best big brother. The important thing to accept is that these twins need you to be a team. Lance needs you as much as you need him. And you’ll always have me here for support. Why don’t we head to your room, I want to see all the photos of my grand-babies. Also, there’s a few things I want to run through before tomorrow’s rehearsal. The coalition has really gone all out” “I want to see the scans of my little brother...” Krolia rolled her eyes “Your sibling. I already have a fair idea of the gender, but Kolivan wants it to be a surprise, and as the father, he has the right to know first” “That’s fair. I know I was jealous of Shiro knowing before I did” “Shiro knew before you!?” Keith nodded, Lance jumped as he felt Kosmo’s teeth against his fingertips. His fur son knew he was getting too worked up by the conversation. Slipping his fingertips from Kosmo’s mouth, he rested them on between Kosmo’s ears “I was away and there was a miscommunication. But that’s all in the past now” “Good. I’d hate for anything to come between the two... four of you” Keith and Krolia talked about coalition work as they made their way to Keith’s room. Being behind the pair, Lance gave up trying to keep up. He had Kosmo anyway. Kosmo didn’t talk about him like he wasn’t even there. Lance was filled from top his head to the bottom of his feet with nerves. Krolia would want to know how he felt about the pregnancy. Some days he was over the moon... or as over the moon as he could be, yet most of the time he was too caught up in his self hatred. Keith kept reassuring him to the point Lance was sick of it. He was sick of his husband having too. He needed to talk to someone, but his husband wasn’t that person right now. Tapping on his comms, he limped as he typed, ignoring his spelling mistakes as he asked Shiro to come to Keith’s room. Shiro was as much family as he was... and as much on the outside as he felt right now. * Shiro reached Keith’s room just after Keith started showing Krolia the first ultrasound video. Excusing himself to the bathroom, Lance was sitting on the toilet seat as he patted Kosmo. His wolf had his front paws between Lance’s legs and head on his shoulder, as Lance nuzzled into his fur. He was trying his hardest not to cry, but he felt utterly rejected as person, only seen as baby carrier for Krolia and Keith. With a small knock on the floor, Shiro told him to “make himself decent”, then promptly let himself in. If he hadn’t been decent, then he certainly hadn’t had enough time to be. Closing the door behind him, Kosmo growled as Shiro came closer “Stop that. I asked Shiro to come. You know Shiro isn’t going to hurt me” Kosmo gave an almighty huff, moving to sit himself down between Lance and Shiro. “I knew you were back, but I didn’t think you’d be hiding in here already. Something happen?” Lance nodded, now missing Kosmo’s huge form to hide behind “Something like that... I need... someone to talk to who isn’t Keith” Shiro gave a knowing smile “Ah. Is he smothering you again?” “He’s trying his hardest, but I’m still not happy... I don’t know what to do. I look revolting and I’m only going to get bigger... I want to be excited about this but... I don’t feel like me... I don’t feel like anything more than a baby carrier when I’m here and that’s not fair on Keith” Cautious nudging Kosmo away with his foot, Shiro sat across from him on the floor “I noticed you’ve gotten bigger. Are you ok? I mean physically” “I’ve got a cast on my knee... from the accident. Daehra says I’m alright other than that...” “I heard about the accident. I wanted to come as soon as I could, but Krolia said not to. I heard it was pretty bad” “It was my fault. I went looking for Kosmo and they all got hurt because of me. Acxa and Keith... You probably understand it better than I do... Keith and Acxa... they couldn’t control what they said or did, and I know I’m not trying to hold anything against them, but I keep waiting for Keith to tell me I was right and he wants a divorce... because I look like this... I don’t deserve to be happy!” “Hey. Keith isn’t going to divorce you. Trust me, do you know how many times he complained to me that he hadn’t told you he loved you before you dated Allura? Loving you is the best thing in his life” “It shouldn’t have to be! I’m broken Shiro. I’m broken. I killed so many people... I can still feel the blood... Why do I get to be happy when I took that away from them?!” “Lance...” “I can... I can see what I did! With K-Klearo the choice was easy. There... there was no way I was having... I was having that baby. I would have aborted if I’d known... But Keith...” “With Keith you’re in a safe relationship?” Lance nodded wiping at his eyes “I killed him... I cut his dick off and slit his throat. I shot his soldiers... and I like it... How can I be happy when I did that?” “Because what happened with Klearo was not your fault. It wasn’t safe. It wasn’t love. It was not what you have with Keith. What he did to you, is completely unforgivable” “So why does it keep coming back!? He took my first pregnancy from me. He took it from Keith. I don’t get how Keith can sleep with me and not see everyone else I’ve slept with! I don’t get how Keith can look at me and love me” “Because you are you. You’ve always been kind. Even when it was only kind of annoying. You’ve always had the self sacrificing streak and now you’re sacrificing your own happiness, because you feel sympathy for the devil” “I wanted him dead so badly... he’s coming back in my dreams... Allura watching it all happen... I’m always with Keith, and I needed that, but I need... I don’t know what I need. It’s so confusing. I want to want these twins. I love them... but I hate my body... because I know I’m wrong” “Lance, you told me that male pregnancy happened in Altea culture. Are you saying that they’re wrong? That it’s wrong and disgusting to carry the child of the one you love?” “No! Of course not!” “Then how is it different for you” “Because I didn’t ask for my body to be like this!” “Yet it is. And you’re going to be the best father I know to your twins. No matter how goofy you act, you always love twice, three times, four times the amount of a normal person. Do you know how much I’d give to be able to... with Curtis...? You have all our support, because no matter what, we love you” “I don’t understand why. I’m scared. I’m scared Krolia is going to find out that I’m a sexually abused, ex-junky, and ex-alcoholic. I miss being high. I miss being confident and feeling invincible... it felt so good to be home again, Shiro. I could be myself again at the outpost. There was no emergency run to the hospital for Keith’s foot. My brother was there and sure he was a total dick because he was worried and jealous, we got there. I could move. They’re not going to let me go anywhere or do anything while I’m here. I’m Keith’s husband here. Keith’s baby carrier. The one training mission I was in charge of nearly killed everyone. I’m moody as quiznak and I’m so tired of being so down. Everyone is worrying and I don’t want them to” “Everyone is worrying because we love you. You think just because Pidge is on Earth, or Hunk is on my ship, that I don’t worry about them? We worry for each other because that’s what you do when you love someone. We love you. Pregnant or not... though you very much are. I am proud of you. I’m proud of you for opening up to Keith. I’m proud of you for kicking the drugs and alcohol. I’m proud of you for carving out your own sector of the universe and all the work there you’ve done. Don’t let what happened between you and Klearo keep weighing you down. Don’t let him spoil life for you. Have you talked to your councillor about this?” Lance shook his head. He knew he should, but... it never seemed to happen when he was at the outpost “They keep saying they want me to come in for a proper session, but we don’t have a wormhole generator at the outpost... Plus, we were on Earth for a week after Keith was finally released” “Do you think you’re up to going? If I call through and make the appointment, will you go?” At this point, he’d jump in a vat of acid if it meant figuring out his feelings. Nodding, Shiro smiled at him “Give me your comms. I’ll make the call then fly you out there myself. Keith doesn’t need to know until you’re ready. You’re trying so many things to find a way to cope, so maybe they’ll be able to help you figure out a better plan” “Shiro, you...” “Don’t tell me I don’t have to. I want to. I am making this choice on my own free will. Besides, I need a break from all this coalition talk. The seating chart has been absolute chaos” Putting on an overly stereotypical posh tone, Lance’s laughed at Shiro as he ended his sentence. He didn’t envy seating chart arrangements “Sounds like you’re preparing for you wedding” “It feels like it, but you want to know the big difference there? You and Keith are going to be my best men. I couldn’t think of two men I’d rather... also, I’m not planning on making space for 200 alien officials at my wedding” “But you’re the face of the future” “I’m thinking that it’s time I retired soon. Curtis and I have our whole lives in front of us. I want to get out there and live it with him” “You deserve it. You deserve it so badly... I thought Keith and I would be soon... but now I don’t know” “Have you planned for after the birth?” “We’re going to live at the outpost for a bit... so we can have some more time with our twins...” “That’s good. See, you have something to hope for” “I hoped that being with Keith would be our priority... I just keep feeling that I’m holding him back” “You’re not holding him back at all. If I said I wanted to take Keith out drinking, I know you wouldn’t say no. I know you wouldn’t say no if Keith had to spend all day working due to the coalition. I know you want him to be happy and to do the things he wants to do. If you were holding him back, Keith wouldn’t hold his tongue” “He would though. He would because he’s so scared of pushing me over into tears. He hates it when I cry. But sometimes you need to, and I can’t seem to stop” “Your body is flooded with hormones. You’re scared, but you’re strong. You are allowed to be scared. You’re allowed to feel the way you do. You’re the one going through this, but you are never going through this alone. I’m going to make that call now” “Thank you... I don’t know why, but it doesn’t seem as obligatory when you say it” “Because I’m not your husband. If you were being immature or milking things for attention, I wouldn’t be this nice” “That’s... true...” “Exactly” Making time for him that afternoon, they’d be pushing making dinner on time, yet Shiro insisted that this was more important. Coming out of the bathroom, Keith was still talking to Krolia, but paused mid-sentence when the door slid open, Lance feeling the need for an excuse blurred out the first thing that came to mind “Sorry” Yep. He was an idiot. That was sure to make Keith worry... which it did. Wrinkles appearing on his husband’s forehead “Should I be worried about my husband and my brother alone in the bathroom?” Shiro laughed, the tension lifting at the sound “No. No. It’s my fault for getting too excited. Gotta see how my nieces or nephews or niece and nephew are. Pictures don’t do justice” “That doesn’t explain why Lance said “sorry”” “Probably because I need to borrow him, although you just came back” Keith looked down at his comms “Lance usually goes down for a nap about now” He wasn’t three. He didn’t have “assigned” nap times. Normally he’d have been working the bar and needed a break. All he’d done was throw up today... “It’s fine, Keith. Shiro needs to take a quick flight and I said I’d go with him for company. Two or three vargas top” “Then I should come with you” Keith was killing him here. Slinging his arm around Lance’s shoulder, Shiro shook his head “How are we supposed to bitch about you if you’re there? Don’t worry, it’s a simple drop off and pick up. It looks like you and Krolia have a lot to talk about with the twins. Lance can nap in the pod if he really wants to” Keith didn’t want him to go. Sure, his husband would readily agree if he knew why Shiro was whisking him away, but Lance was still miffed that he and Krolia had talked about him like he wasn’t able to answer any of her questions by himself “I’m not three, Shiro. I don’t neeeeeed a nap. Let’s go already. We should be back by dinner, if not, start without us” Nudging his hand, Kosmo made his thoughts on the situation known “You have to stay with Keith, baby boy. Shiro’s going to take good care of me. We both know your human needs someone taking care of him too. Who knows what innocent air duct and vents might be violated when Keith’s left alone” Krolia laughed at that one. Keith seemed mildly peeved. Placing her hand on her sons arm, she reigned her laughter in “Let them go do what they have planned. Shiro wouldn’t take Lance anywhere dangerous” Betrayed by his mother, Keith crossed his arms “Fine. We’ll be talking about this when you get back” “That’s fine. Come on, Shiro. I’ll let you babysit him tonight if you want” Shiro hummed as he raised his robotic arm to stroke at an imaginary beard “With the twins coming, it would be good practice” “Pffft. You don’t need practice. You basically became an instant father when you took him in, and then when you blasted into space with the rest of us. If there’s anyone in the room full of “father” material it’s you... wait... ew... not like that... that’s Curtis’s business and I’m gonna shut up now” “Curtis enjoys my “father material”” “Shiro!” Groaning, he knew he’d done it to himself “As Lance said, we should only be a couple of vargas, and should be back for dinner. We’ll see you guys later” Keith wasn’t happy. Keith wasn’t happy that he was leaving. First he’d snubbed both his husband and Krolia, then he’d taken off with Shiro... but what was the point of being there. Keith could fill Krolia in with more enthusiasm than he could. Plus, it was his time to brag... Keeping a stabilising arm around him until they reached the hall, Shiro pulled his infamous “Space Dad Mind Reading” “Keith isn’t mad at you. Krolia isn’t mad at you either” “Yes they are” “No. He’s worried, but not mad” “I’m pretty sure it’s both” “Then he’s the one in the wrong. He should know I wouldn’t hurt you. He does know I wouldn’t hurt you” “Yeah... but... I didn’t have a good morning. Then he and Krolia started talking about my pregnancy like I wasn’t even there... maybe I wanted to get back at him a tiny bit by not telling him where I was going” “You’re already using enough of your courage to admit you need to talk to your therapist. You are allowed to be all out of courage right now. You’ll talk to him tonight, and he’ll understand” “I think he’s going to be mad I didn’t take him” “Lance, it’s healthy to take a break from your partner. To need your own time and do your own thing. I know Shay wants to borrow you while we’re here for wedding talk, and I know that Keith would fall asleep if you tried to include him in that” “He’s so protective of me... I guess I’ve been clinging to him as much as he’s been clinging to me. The accident... really fucked me up” “And that’s ok to. You need to start accepting that what you’re feeling is valid. Now let’s go get you some therapy” Mumbling, Lance started limping forward “I’d rather have icecream” “I’ll get you one after” Lance perked up. Now that they were talking ice cream, he was sure he could devour a tub if given then chance “Two scoops?” “Three with sprinkles” Gasping, Lance feigned being impressed before delivering his counter order “What if I want two with a waffle cone?” “That might be pushing it... It depends if you behave yourself on the flight over” Nodding his head, and trying to look as solemn as he could Lance replied “I promise not to throw up on your shoes” “That’s a good start” “I’m pregnant. That’s the best promise I can make” “I’m reserving my judgement for after we land” “Probably for the best” * Keith was trying his hardest not to be annoyed. They’d barely been planet side for half a varga before his husband was running off with his brother, without either of them giving him a clear answer as to what was suddenly so interesting or urgent that they both needed to leave. Lance hadn’t once answered Krolia’s questions, now he was gone... His husband had been crying, and now he was gone... “Keith, whatever they’re doing, I’m sure it’s nothing you need to worry about” “He didn’t say anything, and now he’s taken off with Shiro somewhere...” “Ooooh, you’re jealous because you’ve been left behind to hangout with your pregnant mother” “I’m not jealous” “Keith, your bottom lip is dragging on the floor. Talk to me” “It’s just... he didn’t say anything, then Shiro comes along and he’s leaving with him” “Do you want me to stop them leaving? Shiro hadn’t mentioned a trip to me, though he was pretty excited to catch up with you both. He wanted to come after the accident, but I thought you two needed your alone time more” “That’s Shiro though. I mean, I’m happy Lance is feeling up to talking to him... I wish he’d stayed and talked to you” “You didn’t give him much of chance when you both arrived. He clearly was feeling nervous” “He didn’t have a good morning. That’s why I don’t want him going out now. He’s been so tired” “Tiredness is common, especially when pregnant with multiples. Shiro won’t be making him do anything beyond his abilities. Now, if they’ve gone off to have some fun, then we’ll have some fun of our own. You need to be fitted for your suit now you’re back. Everyone else has” “How is that fun? The last time I wore a suit, it definitely wasn’t fun” “Think of how handsome Lance is going to find you” “He already thinks I’m unfairly good looking. More so now that his stomach is so obvious” “Ah. He’s not having a good time with that, is he? You did say he was quite obsessive over his looks” “He’s toned down on his face masks. I was hoping to find some kind of day spa, but he hates being touched. I need your recommendations on restaurants too. He refuses to let me do anything for his birthday other than letting me take him out for dinner” “You could cook for him. Your father used to cook for me regularly” With how scrambled eggs had gone, Keith wasn’t game to try something as complicated as dinner” “He’s been doing the majority of the cooking while we were gone. He let Marco cook at the outpost, but I thought I’d be nice to take him somewhere nice” “Why didn’t you tell me you can’t cook? I understand when it comes to Daibazaal food, but you should know how to make basic Earth food” “I never said I couldn’t cook” “You forget, I’m your mother. I can you read you. Why don’t you ask for some tips from Hunk?” “I’m a grown man. I should know how to cook” “Kolivan’s idea of a gourmet meal is changing the cook of the food goo. He has been making an attempt since I fell pregnant. I’m sure Hunk would be delighted to help” “Lance doesn’t want to talk to them” “Has he said that?” “He doesn’t need to. He didn’t want to come back here. He was doing better at the outpost... now he has to see everyone and he doesn’t want to” “Keith, people are going to find out he’s pregnant. It’s better coming from both of you than from a stranger. He’s a tough kid” “We’re both adults” “You’ll always be my kids. Think about it though. You have the backing of every single person in this palace. You’ve got Miriam, Shiro and Marco. Coran, which pretty much means you have the universes greatest military powers behind you” “I know... It doesn’t make it any easier though. He frustrates me so much. He knows I love him, and he’s always trying to take it on himself to sort everything out” “You do that for the one you love. You’re as bad as he is. You want to protect him from wherever he’s gone with Shiro, though you know he’d never put him in danger” “I’m mad because he left. He said he wouldn’t leave me, and he did” “I know you’re mad, but that won’t change anything. Let them have their alone time. Lance might be in a better mood when it comes home. You need a suit, and I need to pee” Suits were not his thing. Custom tailored suits that resulted in him being a human pin cushion was even less his thing, no matter how good he looked at the end of it all. Pricked and poked at, Keith knew Lance would have loved to have been there. His husband would have been scolding in place of the old Galra with shaky hands and white eyes. Keith had thought him blind with cataracts, until he went to work. His suit was modelled after Earthen styling, a simple 3 piece in black, with a black tie. It wasn’t a process that needed to eat up his whole afternoon, yet it did. The man could have taken his measurements on file, or from his blade outfit. A suit felt like over kill, given that Galra had their own military garb for these sorts of occasions. His mother content watching him being tortured, both physically and mentally. Shiro and Lance had left for Erathus. Erathus of all the places in the universe. Shiro shouldn’t have any business on Erathus. It confused him to no end as to why he and Lance would plan a sudden trip out there. If Th’al needed a hand, surely Lance would have simply told him that, there was the awards ceremony, but after that they both could have headed out there. There was no need for secrecy... Nor was there a need to leave him behind. Erathus wasn’t a good place for Lance to be, and Keith wasn't sure that Shiro would be able to protect his husband without putting himself in significant danger. Not with how much the government disliked him, and not with his knowledge of how to get his hands on every drug under the sun. No. No. Drugs were in Lance’s past. He’d seen how badly his husband had reacted to taking pain medication, even when it would have made things so much easier for him. Yet... he had relapsed before... No. Shiro wouldn’t let him buy drugs. He shouldn’t be even considering the possibility... Yet, his instincts weren’t allowing him to wave this off. Lance was his husband. Not Shiro’s. Lance should have been by his side, no matter what was going on. He wasn’t sure that he hadn’t given Lance the opportunity to answer Krolia’s questions, but if he had, it was only because he was excited to finally be able to confide in her and ask for help and advice on it all. Lance had said he wouldn’t leave him behind, then run off with Shiro without telling him anything... Why did it have to hurt so much? Maybe because this wasn’t the first time that Lance had chosen to confide in Shiro over him? But he thought they were good. Sure, there’d been a hiccup at the shack when he repeatedly hurt Lance with his actions without intending to, but their time at the outpost had been good. His husband had perked up significantly, even before talking to Marco. Lance had seemed truly happy for the last three quintants before the flight out there. They’d gone at it like rabbits, so he shouldn’t be feeling too stressed... So why the quiznak did he have to be left behind?! * Sending word that they were running slightly late, Keith was left to enter the dining room alone after waiting as long as his anger allowed him in the hallway like a loser. His friends were already seated before him, and should have been laughing, but when he stepped in all conversation stopped and he was left with far too many eyes in his direction. Making a quick exit back out the room, Veronica came after him “We need to talk” There was never a time in the existence of those four words being placed like that, that they didn’t stir dread up from the pits of one stomach. Pausing, Keith turned back to her “Why? What’s going on?” “Did you and Lance break-up?” Keith blinked at his sister-in-law “What? No. What are you talking about?” “I’m talking about this” Tapping on her comms, Veronica pulled up some tabloid article. The photo was recent. Lance was wearing the same pants he’d had on earlier that day, he was on crutches... and he was on Erathus with Shiro “Shiro asked him for his help” “So you aren’t “frustrated in your marriage”. And Lance didn’t repeatedly deny your request for a divorce?” “What now?” “Here, read it yourself” Taking Veronica’s comms, Keith wasn’t sure he wanted to “Sources inside Daibazaal palace have often heard the pair fighting Keith has made his request for a divorce repeatedly know, yet Lance refuses to listen. Could it be due to the shocking new allegation that former Red Paladin was in fact involved in relationship with now deceased Diplomat Klearo, who’s death has been the cause of many rumours. Sources also allege that Lance has admitted to murdering Klearo. And that through mental illness, Lance believes himself to be pregnant with Keith��s child, despite it being impossible for the male born species of the Earth race. Though we cannot confirm this, we can confirm that Lance was seen with Atlas Commander Takahashi “Shiro” Shirogane, and not for the first time. The pair were spotted heading to Erathus’s main hospital, where they spent two vargas before emerging. The former Red Paladin, though clearly pale and sickly, seemed in high spirits as the pair stopped at a local ice cream parlour before enjoying a nice walk. As you can see, Lance is smiling brightly as he wears Shirogane’s jacket. Could this mean that the rumours and allegations were correct? Is it goodbye Keith, and hello Shiro?” Keith was silently seething with anger. He wanted to punch something as badly as he wanted to throw Veronica’s comms on the floor and grind it into dust beneath his boot. Choosing the worst possible moment to finally arrive, Lance’s crutches hit his ears as his head jerked up. His husband had Shiro’s jacket draped over his shoulders, as he dared to fucking smile “Veronica, go back inside. Tell the others we’ll be in to explain shortly” “Keith” “Go!” Yelling at his sister-in-law, Veronica let out a stream of angry Spanish as she grabbed her comms and fled into the dining room. Down the hall, Lance had stopped. Shiro standing beside him. Striding down the hallway, Lance flinched away from him “Where the quiznak have you been?!” “I... we... Erathus” Squeaking his words out, Lance tried to retreat backwards. Shiro’s arm preventing him from running “Do you know how I know? You’re all over the tabloids again!” Lance paled, swaying on the spot “Keith, perhaps now isn’t...” Growling at his brother, Shiro shut up “You were photographed on Erathus. Eating ice cream with Shiro, and going to the hospital with Shiro. Is something going on? Are these twins actually mine?” Lance whimpered, Shiro half stepping in front of Lance to shield him “Keith, that’s enough” “Is it?! Erathus is dangerous, and you took him there! You took him to hospital! That’s twice now!” “It’s not what you think” Keith’s rage bubbled over. He could hear his heartbeat thudding in his head, bellowing at the pair of “I don’t know what to think because you didn’t tell me anything!” “This isn’t the first time lies have been printed” “No, but this is the first time that multiple details that people shouldn’t have, have been. Lance being Klearo’s lover. Lance killing Klearo. Lance pregnant. What happened on the training mission. Why couldn’t you tell me what was going on!? Do you know how many people have read this!?” Behind Shiro, Lance’s legs gave out. His husband wheezing harshly as he slumped to the floor. Grasping his chest, sobs and pants fell from his lips, between softly mumbled words that Keith didn’t quite hear. Crouching down in front of Lance, Lance whimpered as he tried to drag his busted leg away from Shiro “Keith, you need to calm him down. It’s not good for him or your twins” “Thanks. I fucking know how to take care of my own fucking husband” Moving past Shiro, Keith sank to kneel, keeping his movements slow as he reached for his husband. When Lance tried to kick him, Keith grabbed his leg and pulled him back towards him, forcing his husband into his arms as Lance fought “I don’t want to be upset with you, but you took off suddenly and you didn’t tell me why. You didn’t tell me anything and now these rumours are going around all over again. Do you have any idea how much it hurt to be left behind?” Lance was hiccuping his sobs, his husband wanted to say something but he couldn’t get the words out for his distress “I forced Lance to go to Erathus to see his therapist. I borrowed his comms, made the appointment and took him. It was after hours, that’s why we were so late returning, given Lance had finally come in, they were in there for quite sometime. He was going to talk to you about it when he came back, but there was no way he could have foreseen this happening. He came out his appointment feeling better than when he’d gone in, and the ice cream was a joke bribe to get him to go. He figured you and Krolia were just going to talk about pregnancy anyway. You know there’s nothing between me and Lance. I shouldn’t have to explain myself to you again, nor should Lance. He’s completely devoted to you. He was going to bring you back ice cream until I vetoed that idea because I didn’t want it split in my pod. Even when we were walking back to the space port, he kept pausing because something would catch his eye and he thought you’d like it” “I’m a jealous idiot, aren’t I?” Still, he would have supported Lance going if he’d known it was to see his therapist. He hadn’t even been sure that his husband had kept up with his therapy session... Fuck... He’d royally fucked this up “You are. We didn’t know we were photographed, not that should matter. Do you have the details of the publisher? There’s a few things I’d personally like to say to them” “Veronica showed me on her comms” “I thought it wasn’t like you to read gossip trash” Finally getting his voice, Lance rasped out “I’m sorry... I’m sorry, I keep fucking this up. But I’ve never cheated on you... and not with Shiro... he doesn’t smell right... he doesn’t feel right” Shiro huffed, faking offence “I take you for ice cream and this is how you repay me? It’s a good thing you’re not my type either. Who gets liquorice and strawberry ice cream, then nuts on top? Weirdo” “Leave him alone, he can eat whatever he wants” “Speaking of eating, is everyone in there already?” “Yeah” “Then I think it’s time we head in. Lance has got this, don’t you. Remember what I said?” Lance was still crying, surprising him by nodding at Shiro, he sniffled loudly “Anyone who’s an arsehole I can shoot” “Exactly. This isn’t like the seizures. You’re in control here. You’re the one telling them, and they don’t take it well...” “I can shoot them” Shiro reached down and ruffled Lance’s hair “Yep. I’ll even hand you the blaster myself. What do you say we get up off the floor now?” “I like the floor” “It’s perfectly fine as far as floors go. Though I think you’ll be more comfortable sitting properly” “I’m stuck down here” “I’m sure Keith can help you back up. It’s the least he can do” “Shiro... don’t... please. I don’t want to fight with him. I don’t want to fight with anyone. I was the one who stupidly thought it’d all be ok” “You weren’t stupid. We talked about this too. You used all your courage accepting you needed the appointment. You had no idea this would happen. This is not your fault. At all. Remember, your therapist said you need to stop blaming yourself” “Yes, dad... Ok... I’m ok... I’m ok...” Breathing through his nose, Lance’s took half a dozen deep breaths, before finally raising his gaze to meet Keith’s eyes. Hurt was still clouding his husband’s ocean blue eyes “Will you please help me up?” “I’m so fucking sorry. I panicked because you left and I didn’t know why” “I’m going to leave again if you attack me like that again” “I don’t blame you... I just wish you had faith in me enough to tell me” “Why? When you can’t have faith that I’m not cheating on you with your brother?” The verbal jab was as good as a slap to the face. Keith’s cheeks red with humiliation “I don’t think you’re cheating” “You straight up accused me. Why does this shit always have to keep happening? Do you want to ask me that? How many people I fucked while high or after drugs? None. None. I used my body to get my bounties and I always took precautions in case things went too far. I can’t say what happened when I was unconscious because I honestly didn’t care anymore. But you. You’re the only one I’ve given my permission. I thought we were better than this. Forget it. I don’t want you touching me when you clearly think I’m fucking dirty” Detangling himself from Keith’s hold, Lance brushed off both him and Shiro, watching himself pull himself up the wall was painful. Grabbing his crutches, Lance stared down at him “Well, get up. Your friends are waiting for you to go in there and tell them that you knocked your whore husband up” “Lance! I don’t think you’re a whore” “Then tell me what you find so untrustworthy. You know I fucking love you. You know that. I would crawl through glass to be with you. But one bad rumour and you think nothing of me” “That’s not it! You know what these instincts are like. You left me behind” “Because I had to go before I worked myself up too much to. Besides, you were happily telling Krolia all about my pregnancy. You might be the father, but I’m... I’m the one going through it. Yes. I have fucking cravings. No. I don’t say a damn thing about them, because I’m still not ok with what my body is becoming, and because you are your own person. A person I want to be proud of. We are supposed to be a team. I want to be happy about the twins, but how can I be when you’re like this” “Lance...” Shiro’s voice held a gentle warning “It’s fine, Shiro. Oh. Shiro helped me rewrite what it’d done for your speech. You’re welcome” His anger had gotten the better of him. Lance had only been gone a few vargas, and his afternoon had gone to shit the moment his husband left. His paranoia and flaring instincts to protect had taken control of his mouth. He knew Lance wouldn’t fucking cheat on him. He knew his husband wasn’t a whore. He’d known that for so long... Why hadn’t he held his anger? Everything came bursting forth when he saw him. He should have been happy Lance was happy... not fucking jealous that Shiro was the one there making Lance happy... That was like... like giving Lance permission to be shitty when he hung out with his brother. Everything Lance did, he always put Keith first and foremost. Coming back to Diabazaal and facing everyone for the first time since the incident wasn’t just hard for Lance. His team were going to want to know all about their impromptu vacation. They were all going to want to talk to Lance and know that he was alright. They were all going to want to reassure him that he hadn’t been to blame. This stupid article, launching mere vargas after arriving home couldn’t have come at the worst time. Lance’s pregnancy wasn’t a figment of his husband’s mind, yet now he was being slandered. Quiznak if Keith didn’t want to hunt down the reporter and slaughter them, though the main issue was that someone who knew what had happened had leaked information to the press to drive them apart. Even if issued with an apology and retraction, people would still be making up their own minds that Lance was something he wasn’t. Burying his face in his hands, he wasn’t aware he was crying until Shiro was pulling him into a firm hug “You’re an idiot, but you’re my brother. I love you, and I know you’re worried, but it hurts that you’d doubt me. I love Curtis. I’m planning a life with Curtis. What that article doesn’t show you was us ring shopping for Curtis, after we had ice cream. No one is going to take Lance from you, because he doesn’t love anyone but you. He didn’t leave you with the intention of never returning, he left because his mental health is all over the place and he needed help working things out. You’re allowed to be worried. You’re allowed to be scared. Both those feelings are valid. But don’t let that ruin your marriage” “I don’t want to fight with him either... I was so worried the whole time he was gone” “I would be too if Lance was Curtis, but I’d also trust him. You two love each other fiercely, sometimes too fiercely. Now pick yourself up and wipe your face. You’ve got news to tell everyone, and Lance is waiting for you” Lance was the bigger man. His husband passing his crutches to Shiro so he could take Keith’s hand. Keith was still very much in the dog house. They might be holding hands, yet there felt like a whole universe of distance between. Opening the door for them, Shiro’s presence was almost claustrophobic as the three of them stepped into the room. Raising his free hand, Keith scratched the back of his head as he tried to find his words. Half raising in his seat, Hunk’s eyes were fixed on Lance. Feeling too emotionally compromised, Keith moved half a step in front of his husband, finding his words in a hurry “Um... Lance and I are having a baby... Lance and I are having twins. He’s carrying my twins... I’m not actually having them, but he’s pregnant... and I’m the father” There was a moment's pause before Hunk groaned and slumped back in his chair. Pidge started laughing, full on holding her stomach laughing “You guys are idiots, men can’t get pregnant! That’s a good one...” Zethrid brought some order to the conversation “I don’t think they’re joking, Pidge” “But Zethrid, Lance doesn’t have the right parts. You can pull the pillow out your shirt now. Great gag guys, especially after the article” Keith snarled at Pidge, moving further between his pregnant husband and their friends. The sound sobering Pidge up in an instant. Her laughter turning to genuine concern “Come on, Keith. You’re joking, aren’t you? Lance? You’re not really pregnant are you?” Blindly reaching back, Keith grabbed Lance’s hand “It’s not a joke. You can blame Allura. It seemed she knew how Lance I felt for each other, and Lance’s desire for a family. When she gifted him part of her quintessence, Lance changed a little biologically. He’s still very much the love of my life” Sitting back up, Hunk sighed “Of course. Altean magic. Hold up, that stomach bug! That was morning sickness, wasn’t it!?” “Y-yeah...” Shyly replying, Lance tugged on Keith’s hand “I think you should let them both sit down before you ask anymore questions” From across the table, Curtis stood “Congratulations to both of you. I’ve been waiting to see for myself, as it’s all a bit... I don’t want to say strange, but I don’t know what else to say about it. But what could be better than two of our best friends building their family” Keith gaped “You knew?” “Taka talks a lot in his sleep. The sleep version on you got quite him quite excited over all of this. The sleep version of you also named one of them Shiro. He was cooing in his sleep” “Curtis! Why...?” Shiro sounded humiliated, Keith could see it though. Not the part where they named one of their twins “Shiro”, but the excitement over the birth of the twins “Because it was adorable. Now, come sit down. Lance is probably exhausted, and Keith doesn’t look that good either” Emerging from behind his husband, Lance’s hands were on his stomach. Pidge was now repeating “oh my god”, Hunk was wringing his hands, Acxa had her arm around a shocked Veronica, while Zethrid and Ezor were grinning at each other “I’m... sorry... I know it’s not normal and you’re probably grossed out, but... it’s true” “Does Mami know!?” Lance flinched, holding the hem of his shirt as he did. Placing his hand on his husband’s nape, Keith nodded “Papi, Mami, Krolia, Coran, Lucteal, Daehra, Shiro and Marco. Shiro was the first to know. Rachel doesn’t, unless Miriam has told her by now. I don’t think Luis and Lisa know yet, either. We spent the last movement training Marco to take over some of Lance’s roles at the outpost” Pushing his chair back, Hunk rose to his feet “I need a tick” Shay was quick to follow after him. Keith could understand if it’d been Veronica storming off, yet Hunk was the pure ray of sunshine in their life. He could even understand Pidge thinking it all a practical joke... At his limit, Lance brushed him off as he grabbed the closest free chair and lowered himself down. Promptly ignoring his husband’s wishes, Keith sat beside him, forcing him to take his hand “Ok. You all get one question each. Veronica goes first because she’s Lance’s sister” Pidge grumbled about “favouritism”, glaring at both of them as she bounced in her seat. Rather than looking at his sister, Lance was looking at his left hand as he rubbed his belly “How? How long have you known?” “About two Earth months” “And why weren’t you there for him? Why did Shiro know first? Where were you?” Lance’s scent filled with anger, as he spat as his sister “Don’t you dare start on him, V. Keith was a training mission. I called Shiro” “You should have called one of us. We’re family” “Shiro’s family too. Shiro has never forced me to blab out stuff I haven’t wanted to. Not like you. You’re not my mum, V. You’re my sister. If Marco could accept it... No, if Papi could accept it, you can too” “You’re pregnant. It can’t be healthy for you. You have enough medical issues, and you’re not made to carry. A baby isn’t an accessory” “Don’t you think I know that? Don’t you think Mami and I have had this talk. I’ve carried this far. I don’t need your negativity” Keith looked to Acxa, who gave a smile “No questions. I know better when it comes to you. I’m happy for both of you... though it may take me a while to get my head around my brother-in-law being pregnant” Ezor nodded, popping her trademark pink gum “If anyone was going to pull this off, it was going to be you too. We don’t want to babysit, but we’re happy to teach them hand to hand once they’re big enough... Krolia didn’t seem as enthused when we gave her the same order. No idea why” Keith definitely did not want their children raised or trains by Zethrid and Ezor. He’d go insane having two more of them around. Pidge sucked in a giant breath before grasping the table. Unable to keep it inside anymore “What does Coran have to say? Do you have Allura’s quintessence still in you? Why do you have her quintessence? Do you know what they are yet? Have you had an ultrasound? Are they Galra, Human or Altean? Do you have, you know, the bits to give birth or is it going to explode our your stomach like an alien? Do you know if it’ll be the same length as a normal human pregnancy? Or do Altean’s have shorter pregnancies? Does Lance’s scent have something to do with it? Oh my god, this is why your marks are back, isn’t it?! Because you’re having a baby? Did you grow bits or how does it all work down there? Was it through the butt? No. No I don’t want to think about that bit. We’re the eggs yours?Are they identical twins? What does it feel like? Can you feel them moving yet? What does that feel like? There’s so many variables...” Lance was trying for everyone’s sake. His words were a little wobbly, yet he picked himself up “Pidge, I’m pretty sure that’s more than once question. Everything is normal, from the scans. Caesarean’s are a thing. We have a theory that Allura gave me part of her quintessence to keep my soul and my body from separating, like with the crystal in Shiro’s arm... from when I died. It’s twins by the way, not one baby, but two. She... she changed my body... and I’m not ok with it... Even if she was trying to be nice, it’s been complicated since she did... She basically made it... so my scent tells Keith my moods. All Galra really. Um... Coran says that I can’t control the quintessence in my body. Apparently male pregnancy is a thing on Altea due to their shape shifting abilities, so it’s not like I’m the first male in the world going through this... But both twins are fine. Hitting all the right milestones and stuff... After we spent a week at Keith’s shack we hit up the outpost. So I’m not cheating on him with Shiro or anything like that... He’s been a big help...” Pidge started laughing again, Lance startled by the sound. Hushing him softly, Keith rubbed the back of Lance’s hand with the pad of his thumb “There is no way Shiro would date your twig arse! We didn’t believe that article, you know. We were more concerned with if you’d heard. Acxa was pretty angry, those rumours were really specific. Someone might have seen Lance, and no offence, your stomach isn’t exactly small, so they might have guessed, but they still wouldn’t know the details of this divorce business. There’s obviously been some kind of security breach. Krolia is having your room scanned for bugs, and I’ve already written several angry emails on your behalf... plus, I hacked the site and now their email account it registered for every spammy thing I could find” Lance didn’t laugh, the sound wasn’t laugh, yet it wasn’t not a laugh at the same time “Pidge. You are one brilliant gremlin” “I’ve got your back. Or in this case, your front. I accept payment in tech” “I know you do. I promise the next time we get a good box of tech and I’m at the outpost, I’m saving it for you and Rover 2.0” “Now that’s settled, and we’ve established that I’m going to be the best aunt, when are my new minions due?” “My twins... Keith’s twins, are due in January. So before Hunk and Shay’s wedding” “Dammit. See, if you were pregnant you wouldn’t have to be part of the wedding then I wouldn’t have to be because you weren’t... Shay keeps wanting to talk dresses... The only dresses I own were forced upon me by Colleen” “Pidge, you do know you’re an adult now. You’re supposed to own a dress or two” “Noooo. They’re so impractical. I’ll put you in a dress and see how you like it” “I would slay. Still, it’s her wedding, you should probably make the effort to wear a dress” Pidge wrinkled her nose at both of them “I’m going to excuse such horrible words, seeing your pregnant and obviously are affected by hormones. But don’t think I’ll let it slide for a second time” “Pidge, I’ll make you a deal. You wear a dress for Shay’s sake, and I promise you’ll never change a dirty nappy when it comes to the twins. Even minions poop, you know” “I hate you. You know that I hate you. You can’t use that kind of logic against me. I’ll consider it” “That’s all Shay would ask... So, uh, we’re supposed to be eating dinner, buuuut...” “Oh, Hunk and Shay... were waiting for you” Keith could have slapped Pidge up the back of her head for pointing out the Hunk shaped gap at the table. Hunk had been Lance’s best friend, yet he’d bailed the moment he saw Lance was pregnant “Ah... I don’t know about you guys, but I already... and I’m just about ready for a nap” “Dude, you can’t go flaking on us no. You tell us your pregnant, and I still haven’t gotten all my answers” “That’s because you’re a gremlin. You’re always searching for more answers than what you know to do with. I’ve pretty much told you all I know... No, you’re not running any tests on me, or them” “I totally wasn’t thinking about running aaaaany tests” “You literally asked to before. I think I’m going to head to bed. These two aren’t even here and they’re exhausting as quiznak. I’m sorry... I’m also back on outpost time” Yawning mid-sentence made Lance’s words seem more credible, but credible or not, Keith was certain his husband wanted to leave before Hunk came back out of fear of making him uncomfortable... Politely, Curtis cut in “Your outpost runs at a different time rate, doesn’t it?” “Mhmm. One quintant here is one and a half there... It’d be something around 4am there” “Definitely time for you to be sleeping then” “Yeah. I’m sorry, did you have any questions?” “No. I can ask Shiro, right?” “Yeah. You two are a package deal... I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner... It hasn’t been easy” “Lance, it’s fine. We’ve already talked. You should rest when your body tells you to” “I feel like I’m always bailing on meals” Pidge snorted “That’s because you are, but pregnant people get a free pass, tonight at any rate. Plus, if those bags under your eyes got any darker, I’d be the one dragging you to bed just like you used to do for me. Shay wants to talk wedding tomorrow, so don’t be surprised when we show up at your door. Consider it your punishment for telling me I’m going to be an Aunty then bailing on me” “Thanks, Pidge. Thank you all... I was... I was really scared telling you. It’s not something semi-normal like seizures... or losing a finger...” “You were scared because you’re an idiot. Voltron family for life! When I say “Vol”, you say...?” ““Tron”. I can’t believe you remember that” “Trust me, I remember plenty...” “I’m sure you do. There’s no need to go into detail. I’ll see you guys tom-morrow” Pushing his chair back, Lance slipped his hand free of Keith’s, Keith going to stand “You can stay. Brag. I know you want to. He’s got video evidence” “I’ll see you back to our room...” Lance rolled his eyes “I can limp there under my own steam” “Lance, let your husband walk your pregnant arse back to your room” Lance groaned “Pidge! You don’t get to use my pregnancy against me” “I’m ensuring the safety of my future minions” “Keep this up and I’ll... I don’t know what I’ll do, but when I think of it, I’ll let you know” Pidge poked her tongue out “I’m soooo scared. Besides, Krolia is probably still scanning Keith’s room. Do you really want a lecture from her?” Lance huffed “No” Pidge giving him a sickly sweet smile “Then put Keith to work” “I already did, or can’t you see the stomach?” Covering her ears and scrunching her eyes closed, Pidge had been defeated “Don’t make me picture things I don’t want to! You know I have an overactive imagination as it is!” “Yep. I sure do. I’m off to bed, night guys!” Leaving their friends, Keith mistakenly thought he’d been forgiven. With how good the mood between Pidge and Lance had been, and with her being the one Keith was sure would take it worst, the half-Galra foolishly believed that their fight in the hall had been forgotten, or labelled as the “temper tantrum” it was. Hovering at his husband’s side, Keith went to help as Lance’s left crutch slipped. His husband stepping away from him, causing the crutch to fall from Lance’s hold “Babe?” “Don’t touch me” In that instant, Keith felt as if brambles had filled his heart. Swallowing down the painful emotions blooming, he picked up the dropped crutch. Lance taking it, and steadying himself before starting toward the corridor that’d eventually lead them back to Keith’s room “Babe?” Lance ignored him. His husband’s expression set with a firm frown “Babe?” “What?! What do you want, Keith?! Can’t you see I’m trying to concentrate” “I... I wanted to apologise” “Well don’t” “What I said was completely out of line” “Yes, it was. Do you know how humiliating it is to not have your husband believe you? And not for the first time, I might add. If you don’t want me saying something we’re both going to regret, don’t talk to me. Don’t touch me. Don’t look at me. Just... don’t” “My instincts...” Lance scoffed “You’re not the only one with a weird set of new instincts, Keith. Don’t you think I get fucking paranoid?! You know I do! But when have I ever shown an interest in anyone other than you, since we’ve started this whole thing? I haven’t. I was going to fucking tell you about my therapy appointment after I’d been, because I stupidly thought that my husband... my husband who told me to go to Shiro over things, would trust that I haven’t spread my legs willingly for anyone but you, and I sure as quiznak wouldn’t start with your brother, would believe in me enough to trust my choice! Do you know how gross that it is? It’s like telling you to sleep with Marco! No. It’s actually like you sleeping with Marco, because that’s what you accused me of doing with Shiro! I tolerated it for dinner, because quiznak knows despite how everyone reacted, they all probably wanted to run, so the last thing they needed was to think that you were arguing with your whore. Hunk and Shay had the right idea. I don’t care if it’s petty, but you really hurt my feelings. It’s bad enough we have this stupid security leak the moment we fucking come back to this place. Not to mention it was publicly announced I was fucking Klearo before I murdered him. So tell me where in there I have the mental strength to be having this fucking fight right now. You can walk next to me, but if you touch me, I will have Kosmo teleport me somewhere else. I don’t care if I spend the whole night throwing up because of it, because it’d be better than having you touch me right now! Dios. I told you I don’t want to fight!” Ignoring the tears rolling down his cheeks, Lance picked up the pace as he continued forward. Keith felt physically ill from his husband’s words. It’d been a long time since he’d felt so insignificant or hurt. Part of him, the part of him he’d learned to control since his days as a moody teen, wanted to head to the training room and train until he had nothing left. That was only due to the fact that his other desire was to punch the shit out of the closet wall while screaming out his frustrations. He loved him. He loved Lance. Lance had a secondary set of instincts, just like he did, yet he didn’t... they weren’t the same. Lance was softer with him than anyone else. Lance could heal his heart in a way that no one else ever could, but he could also tear his heart to pieces by unplucking each and every one of those threads he’d used to patch him back together. He’d been stupid. He’d been jealous and lashed out foolishly. How long was this going to be held against him? He regretted the words. Shiro had even said something about ring shopping for Curtis. Lance was made to shop. If someone were to examine his husband’s DNA, he was sure they’d discover the genetics for ”shopperholic” in there. It might have been impromptu, yet the compulsion had been there. Shiro wanted a life with Curtis, and as his brother, he should have said something to congratulate him... but at the same time, once again, he was jealous that he hadn’t been there. Shiro was his brother. This was the kind of thing Shiro would have once told him first. Now Shiro and Lance had bonded in a way that left him out, and instead of admitting it, he’d fucked it all up. He didn’t know how to have a family. He didn’t know how to have whatever all of this was. Lance knew that. Surely he should have been cut some slack!? Right? He could have died not that long ago. Lance could have died. He was allowed to still jolted from that fact. The idea of losing Lance... He couldn’t live without his husband. Lance was the other half of him, constantly encouraging him, constantly there for him. Constantly seeking Keith’s hold for reassurance... yet now his husband didn’t want him... and he didn’t know how to fix that. * Keith’s room was cordoned off, as was the hallway it was on. Standing at the edge of the area, Kolivan wasn’t who they’d expected to be there. For Lance, he found it relieving. Krolia would take one look at then and know they weren’t talking, where we Kolivan was too... “Kolivan” for that. Pointedly ignoring Keith, Lance stopped just short of the man who was basically his “step-father-in-law”. He didn’t know what to call it. As far as he knew, Krolia and Kolivan weren’t married, yet the ran the whole empire together, and they had their first child together coming... so he might as well be “What did you find?” “Lance. Keith. A scan of Keith’s quarters revealed a listening device in his bathroom. A secondary listening device was found between his bed and mattress. Both devices are Galra technology, though outdated by at least a decade. Both were also set to auto destruct upon discovery. We utilised frequency blockers and they have been removed for examination. As a precaution, the entire area is being examined. With dignitaries from across the universe converging for tomorrow’s Gala, it is possible that the devices were placed by any of the factions. The rooms of the other former Paladins are being scanned as we speak to ensure that this is not of their doing. Unless there is something either of you would like to confess to” Lance shook his head. The exploding letter, shorted holopad and being hit in the head by something, came to mind. Though he was certain he had been hit in the head, he couldn’t say if that was a preordained attack against him. Then there was this news article, along with the first, yet the first seemed simply tabloid, as it didn’t state “sources”, unlike today’s. Knowing Keith believed it all in his head, he had nothing to confess to Kolivan. Not about the listening devices, which was technically what Kolivan was enquiring about. There was also the issue with Keith’s comms... that he’d been forced to think about more than he’d wanted to. He’d been prepared to accept it a weird space hiccup, because Keith had been genuinely confused and then remorseful over missing his important appointments. It would all seem to point to someone on Keith’s team wanting him gone. The obvious choice being Krystaal, seeing that Krystaal had obvious feelings for Keith... and which Lance was certain Keith returned to some extent. With how attentive Keith had been, he’d been prepared to bite his tongue over the whole “Krystaal thing”, as he believed Keith when he said nothing had happened. Thanks to his husband’s earlier accusations, Lance was wondering if attempting to pin an affair on him was his husband’s way of telling him that he, himself, had been unfaithful. “No. I’ve used Galra listening devices before for work, but I’ve never set one up in the palace to spy on Keith. Ours are modified, and with the castle systems, I assumed they’d be jammed. Plus, I’m sorry to say, but I’m more interested in information on my sector than I am here” Kolivan gave him nothing. The man was a damn ice wall “Keith?” “No. I have no need to bug my own quarters. I trust Lance completely. Besides, we’ve been away. Any signal strong enough to reach from here to the outpost would have been picked up and logged. Even on an encrypted signal...” “Alright. I was ensuring you both hadn’t set this up as some kind of thing between you. You won’t be able to sleep here tonight. Krolia would never allow it. She has prepared a chamber closer to the inner sacrum for you both” Keith was useless with directions “Sorry, Kolivan. I don’t know where that is” “Not to worry. Keith does” Yeah... that would be a no. Lance doubted his husband could have led them from the dining room to the bedroom if he’d been in charge “And if he doesn’t?” Kolivan raised an eyebrow, taking Keith’s silence to mean yes “I will have you escorted” Being escorted wasn’t fun. Lance’s stomach was rumbling as it demanded food. Keith was still silent. The Blade member leading them was silent, and there were quiznakking stairs. Too many stairs. Any stair over the number of one stair, was too many stairs. He was tired. His body was exhausted. His pain level increased due to fatigue and Keith’s stupid scent was only serving to make his heart race further. Deciding to be a real quiznakking arsehole, fake contractions left his belly feeling all that more uncomfortable. He’d hoped to have a bath before bed to ease the pain. He’d also hoped to have a bath to wash away the hurt of Hunk taking off without listening to how the pregnancy came to happen. Pidge had been far too accepting, yet the man who claimed to still be his “best bro” had run at the first chance he had. They’d most likely discussed him before he’d join them, and were most likely discussing him even now... Why was it every time he thought he was getting somewhere in life, that found himself blindsided with some bullshit like this? Krolia accepted “custody” of them when they arrived at what would be their new room. Kosmo an excited mess as he wagged his way over to Lance, Lance far too tired to deal with his fur son who threw himself at his feet as if he’d die without attention. Eyeing him, Krolia could see how hard Lance was shaking with the effort to stand “Lance, why don’t you head in? I’ve personally checked the room, there are no devices here, and limited personal who know your location for the night. Tomorrow you’ll be able to return to Keith’s room, where you probably will feel more comfortable, but for tonight your safety, and Keith’s, is our top priority” “Thanks, Krolia. Please tell me this room has a bath?” “Naturally. Do you mind if I borrow Keith for a moment?” Lance yawned widely. Nope he didn’t mind. He didn’t want to be fighting with his husband as it was. He’d asked Keith not to push, yet he had. He always did, though their fight didn’t often hurt as badly as this one was “Mumma K, I know there’s Galra things that I don’t need to know about, or shouldn’t know about. It’s honestly completely fine. Take as long as you need, I’m going for a bath” “You’re family, Lance. I just want to run through what he needs to do tomorrow morning. Did he tell you how he spent his afternoon being fitted for his new suit? The only time I’ve seen him that jittery before was when it concerned you. I don’t have your bath lotions here, but I recommend the green liquid. It’s a muscle soak and calmative that I’m quite fond of. Especially on those nights when you’re too uncomfortable to sleep. Use it like a bubble bath” “That sounds amazing. Thank you. I’m so ready for bed, these twins have been playing havoc with my stomach all day” Krolia gave him a sympathetic smile “I can imagine. If there’s anything you’re not sure of, or if you need someone to talk to, don’t hesitate to ask me. You’re my second son remember. I’m thrilled for both you and Keith, yet I also know how the baby blues can be. All those thoughts and fears. Every mum feels that way. I’m still scared for this little one after how long it took to conceive. Now go rest, you should be resting as much as your body tells you too” “If I did that, I’d never get out of bed. The exhaustion and nausea hasn’t gotten any better really... ‘night, Krolia” “Good night, Lance. I’ll see you in the morning” “Let’s make that the afternoon” Krolia laughed, hitting the door pad for him, Lance shooting her the best smile he could before hobbling in. Bathing while sleepy could be dangerous, yet falling asleep in the tub seemed like the best idea he’d had all quintant.
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Caramel Skin Under A Purple Rain prt 32 start
Leaving the outpost again was harder than it was the first time. Krolia opened a wormhole for them, Lance keeping his crossed arms and bad mood to himself. His mother-in-law looked radiant, her smile wide and almost carefree... whereas Lance had spent the morning throwing up. He missed his feet. His missed his knees. He missed everything beneath his stomach, and the need not to pee a tablespoon at a time. The Cuban felt as if he was dying slowly. He had zero energy. His skin was itchy and the bloating... the bloating and the gas... Thank quiznak Kosmo was there to blame. Seeing how happy Krolia was, he was well aware of his petty jealousy. He was well aware that Krolia knew he was pregnant, yet she was drawing this thing out. Not that he’d wanted her to talk. Not when that arsehole Krystaal was standing far too close to his mother-in-law. That arsehole Krystaal whose face had lit up when he’d set eyes on Keith. He didn’t like the man. He didn’t like that he didn’t like the man. He was Keith’s friend. Someone important to his husband... who clearly had his charming good looks and piercing purple eyes set firmly on his husband. But it wasn’t Krystaal’s fault, not really. Keith was hot as hell and heaps of fun to be around. His hostile ways had lost their barbs, leaving behind the brave and gentle man Lance was proud to call his husband. People would have to be either blind or stupid not to appreciate the whole “Keith package”. Wide shoulders, jet black hair, muscled without being ugly. Purple eyes he could spend a lifetime lost in. Badarse scars and a fierce loyalty... not to mention the “male” pheromones he trailed behind him. Maturity had only improved his husband’s gorgeous looks. It wasn’t fucking fair... not that he was bitter at all... much... a lot. It wasn’t fair. Keith was his husband, and he was beyond attractive, both in looks in personality and appearance... while Lance looked liked he’d swallowed 10 watermelons and scribbled across his stomach with pink highlighter. Landing near the palace in the allotted parking area, Krolia was a thousand times more radiant in person. Her stomach sitting low, hands resting on her bump as she smiled “Keith!” Moving to his mother, Keith hugged her tightly “Hey, mum. You look good” “I’ve always looked good. It helps that this little one is so well behaved, not at all like you...” Keith sighed as they drew apart. The sound the opposite of the smile on his lips. Stepping back, his husband grabbed his hand “You already know what’s going. Lance is pregnant. Miriam had the decency to tell us. Why didn’t you say anything!?” “I had no idea until after your accident. I thought the scent was my own... I hear it’s twins” “Yep. He’s due in January. Mum, you should have seen the scans. They’re so small. Their hands... I could watch them all day” Keith was beaming with pride. Lance was grinding his teeth. He wasn’t happy, nor was he proud. He felt like a fat useless lump that should have stayed on the ship. His crutches were irritating his arms where they sat, and seeing Krolia had sent his anxieties up. She was smiling. She seemed happy. But a marriage was a whole other thing to starting a family. Starting a family meant blood ties that would never fade “Congratulations. I have so many questions, but Miriam told me what she could... and I’m assuming that a lot of it is to do with Altean magic. How are you feeling, Lance? You look a little pale” “His morning sickness has been awful. He’s been throwing up all morning. Daehra’s tried to bring it under control. It’s been hard to watch him going through it all” “My poor darling. Still, it should have eased off by now. How’s your blood pressure? What about your vitamin levels? Have you had any false contractions? What about your breasts? Reading about all the changes your body’s going through, never truly prepares one. Keith’s father missed out on the opportunity to be there for any of his scans. Earth not knowing about the Galra and all that” “Mum, calm down. He’s ok. Daehra made him up some powder that turns into a shake when you add water. He’s been doing better since then. His dreams have been pretty crazy though. Last night he was crying in his sleep because he wanted grilled cheese sandwiches” Keith hadn’t told him this. He couldn’t defend himself in this conversation because he wasn’t being given any in. Keith and Krolia both seemed happy to talk about him as if he wasn’t standing right there. “I don’t blame him. Galra never got the “cheese thing” just right. The amount of times I’ve sent Kolivan out because of a craving” “Lance hasn’t had any of those. Then again, no one exactly knows how this pregnancy will play out. I have to show you the video Daehra made for us. They’re moving, and they’re so cute. One of them was moving as if it was in time with my voice. They’re heartbeats aren’t like anything I’ve heard before. Every time I had them, I’m quiznakking scared out my mind. That reminds me, we set the nursery up at the outpost... I’ve got photos...” Krolia laughed “If only you were this interested in your sibling” Keith’s excitement dropped like a stone in a well. Letting go of his hand, his husband’s expression clouded with guilt “You’re right. I haven’t even asked how you’re doing. Or about this little one... I’m sorry, mum. That was the first thing I should have been asking” “You’re not used to the idea of being a big brother. They’re fine. We’re right on schedule with the birth. They’re Happy, healthy, and have me up a hundred times a night, but it’s all worth it in the end when you finally get to hold your child. You’ll see for yourself when become a father. Kolivan keeps worrying him sick over everything. He insists that I need to rest, but I intend to keep working as long as I can. It’s been such an easy pregnancy, that it feels like the universe is finally taking notice of all the good work we’ve been doing” “I’m happy for you both. I really am... I’m just... it’s so much at once. You and Lance... I never thought it’d be at the same time” “You’ll get plenty of practice with this one before your own come. Have you thought about how you’re going to tell your team? Shiro’s already here. So are Hunk and Shay. I thought you could tell them all together at dinner. I’ve arranged for you all to have dinner privately. Your team, and your friends. I’m sure you’d much rather than than coalition work anyway” “Shiro’s going to be so shocked. Lance was barely showing when he last saw him. You were barely showing until you told me” “He’s carrying twins, it’s natural for his stomach to grow at a faster rate. No two pregnancies are the same” “I know, but it’s still so surreal. I’m going to be a brother and a father” “I already know you’ll be the best big brother. The important thing to accept is that these twins need you to be a team. Lance needs you as much as you need him. And you’ll always have me here for support. Why don’t we head to your room, I want to see all the photos of my grand-babies. Also, there’s a few things I want to run through before tomorrow’s rehearsal. The coalition has really gone all out” “I want to see the scans of my little brother...” Krolia rolled her eyes “Your sibling. I already have a fair idea of the gender, but Kolivan wants it to be a surprise, and as the father, he has the right to know first” “That’s fair. I know I was jealous of Shiro knowing before I did” “Shiro knew before you!?” Keith nodded, Lance jumped as he felt Kosmo’s teeth against his fingertips. His fur son knew he was getting too worked up by the conversation. Slipping his fingertips from Kosmo’s mouth, he rested them on between Kosmo’s ears “I was away and there was a miscommunication. But that’s all in the past now” “Good. I’d hate for anything to come between the two... four of you” Keith and Krolia talked about coalition work as they made their way to Keith’s room. Being behind the pair, Lance gave up trying to keep up. He had Kosmo anyway. Kosmo didn’t talk about him like he wasn’t even there. Lance was filled from top his head to the bottom of his feet with nerves. Krolia would want to know how he felt about the pregnancy. Some days he was over the moon... or as over the moon as he could be, yet most of the time he was too caught up in his self hatred. Keith kept reassuring him to the point Lance was sick of it. He was sick of his husband having too. He needed to talk to someone, but his husband wasn’t that person right now. Tapping on his comms, he limped as he typed, ignoring his spelling mistakes as he asked Shiro to come to Keith’s room. Shiro was as much family as he was... and as much on the outside as he felt right now. * Shiro reached Keith’s room just after Keith started showing Krolia the first ultrasound video. Excusing himself to the bathroom, Lance was sitting on the toilet seat as he patted Kosmo. His wolf had his front paws between Lance’s legs and head on his shoulder, as Lance nuzzled into his fur. He was trying his hardest not to cry, but he felt utterly rejected as person, only seen as baby carrier for Krolia and Keith. With a small knock on the floor, Shiro told him to “make himself decent”, then promptly let himself in. If he hadn’t been decent, then he certainly hadn’t had enough time to be. Closing the door behind him, Kosmo growled as Shiro came closer “Stop that. I asked Shiro to come. You know Shiro isn’t going to hurt me” Kosmo gave an almighty huff, moving to sit himself down between Lance and Shiro. “I knew you were back, but I didn’t think you’d be hiding in here already. Something happen?” Lance nodded, now missing Kosmo’s huge form to hide behind “Something like that... I need... someone to talk to who isn’t Keith” Shiro gave a knowing smile “Ah. Is he smothering you again?” “He’s trying his hardest, but I’m still not happy... I don’t know what to do. I look revolting and I’m only going to get bigger... I want to be excited about this but... I don’t feel like me... I don’t feel like anything more than a baby carrier when I’m here and that’s not fair on Keith” Cautious nudging Kosmo away with his foot, Shiro sat across from him on the floor “I noticed you’ve gotten bigger. Are you ok? I mean physically” “I’ve got a cast on my knee... from the accident. Daehra says I’m alright other than that...” “I heard about the accident. I wanted to come as soon as I could, but Krolia said not to. I heard it was pretty bad” “It was my fault. I went looking for Kosmo and they all got hurt because of me. Acxa and Keith... You probably understand it better than I do... Keith and Acxa... they couldn’t control what they said or did, and I know I’m not trying to hold anything against them, but I keep waiting for Keith to tell me I was right and he wants a divorce... because I look like this... I don’t deserve to be happy!” “Hey. Keith isn’t going to divorce you. Trust me, do you know how many times he complained to me that he hadn’t told you he loved you before you dated Allura? Loving you is the best thing in his life” “It shouldn’t have to be! I’m broken Shiro. I’m broken. I killed so many people... I can still feel the blood... Why do I get to be happy when I took that away from them?!” “Lance...” “I can... I can see what I did! With K-Klearo the choice was easy. There... there was no way I was having... I was having that baby. I would have aborted if I’d known... But Keith...” “With Keith you’re in a safe relationship?” Lance nodded wiping at his eyes “I killed him... I cut his dick off and slit his throat. I shot his soldiers... and I like it... How can I be happy when I did that?” “Because what happened with Klearo was not your fault. It wasn’t safe. It wasn’t love. It was not what you have with Keith. What he did to you, is completely unforgivable” “So why does it keep coming back!? He took my first pregnancy from me. He took it from Keith. I don’t get how Keith can sleep with me and not see everyone else I’ve slept with! I don’t get how Keith can look at me and love me” “Because you are you. You’ve always been kind. Even when it was only kind of annoying. You’ve always had the self sacrificing streak and now you’re sacrificing your own happiness, because you feel sympathy for the devil” “I wanted him dead so badly... he’s coming back in my dreams... Allura watching it all happen... I’m always with Keith, and I needed that, but I need... I don’t know what I need. It’s so confusing. I want to want these twins. I love them... but I hate my body... because I know I’m wrong” “Lance, you told me that male pregnancy happened in Altea culture. Are you saying that they’re wrong? That it’s wrong and disgusting to carry the child of the one you love?” “No! Of course not!” “Then how is it different for you” “Because I didn’t ask for my body to be like this!” “Yet it is. And you’re going to be the best father I know to your twins. No matter how goofy you act, you always love twice, three times, four times the amount of a normal person. Do you know how much I’d give to be able to... with Curtis...? You have all our support, because no matter what, we love you” “I don’t understand why. I’m scared. I’m scared Krolia is going to find out that I’m a sexually abused, ex-junky, and ex-alcoholic. I miss being high. I miss being confident and feeling invincible... it felt so good to be home again, Shiro. I could be myself again at the outpost. There was no emergency run to the hospital for Keith’s foot. My brother was there and sure he was a total dick because he was worried and jealous, we got there. I could move. They’re not going to let me go anywhere or do anything while I’m here. I’m Keith’s husband here. Keith’s baby carrier. The one training mission I was in charge of nearly killed everyone. I’m moody as quiznak and I’m so tired of being so down. Everyone is worrying and I don’t want them to” “Everyone is worrying because we love you. You think just because Pidge is on Earth, or Hunk is on my ship, that I don’t worry about them? We worry for each other because that’s what you do when you love someone. We love you. Pregnant or not... though you very much are. I am proud of you. I’m proud of you for opening up to Keith. I’m proud of you for kicking the drugs and alcohol. I’m proud of you for carving out your own sector of the universe and all the work there you’ve done. Don’t let what happened between you and Klearo keep weighing you down. Don’t let him spoil life for you. Have you talked to your councillor about this?” Lance shook his head. He knew he should, but... it never seemed to happen when he was at the outpost “They keep saying they want me to come in for a proper session, but we don’t have a wormhole generator at the outpost... Plus, we were on Earth for a week after Keith was finally released” “Do you think you’re up to going? If I call through and make the appointment, will you go?” At this point, he’d jump in a vat of acid if it meant figuring out his feelings. Nodding, Shiro smiled at him “Give me your comms. I’ll make the call then fly you out there myself. Keith doesn’t need to know until you’re ready. You’re trying so many things to find a way to cope, so maybe they’ll be able to help you figure out a better plan” “Shiro, you...” “Don’t tell me I don’t have to. I want to. I am making this choice on my own free will. Besides, I need a break from all this coalition talk. The seating chart has been absolute chaos” Putting on an overly stereotypical posh tone, Lance’s laughed at Shiro as he ended his sentence. He didn’t envy seating chart arrangements “Sounds like you’re preparing for you wedding” “It feels like it, but you want to know the big difference there? You and Keith are going to be my best men. I couldn’t think of two men I’d rather... also, I’m not planning on making space for 200 alien officials at my wedding” “But you’re the face of the future” “I’m thinking that it’s time I retired soon. Curtis and I have our whole lives in front of us. I want to get out there and live it with him” “You deserve it. You deserve it so badly... I thought Keith and I would be soon... but now I don’t know” “Have you planned for after the birth?” “We’re going to live at the outpost for a bit... so we can have some more time with our twins...” “That’s good. See, you have something to hope for” “I hoped that being with Keith would be our priority... I just keep feeling that I’m holding him back” “You’re not holding him back at all. If I said I wanted to take Keith out drinking, I know you wouldn’t say no. I know you wouldn’t say no if Keith had to spend all day working due to the coalition. I know you want him to be happy and to do the things he wants to do. If you were holding him back, Keith wouldn’t hold his tongue” “He would though. He would because he’s so scared of pushing me over into tears. He hates it when I cry. But sometimes you need to, and I can’t seem to stop” “Your body is flooded with hormones. You’re scared, but you’re strong. You are allowed to be scared. You’re allowed to feel the way you do. You’re the one going through this, but you are never going through this alone. I’m going to make that call now” “Thank you... I don’t know why, but it doesn’t seem as obligatory when you say it” “Because I’m not your husband. If you were being immature or milking things for attention, I wouldn’t be this nice” “That’s... true...” “Exactly” Making time for him that afternoon, they’d be pushing making dinner on time, yet Shiro insisted that this was more important. Coming out of the bathroom, Keith was still talking to Krolia, but paused mid-sentence when the door slid open, Lance feeling the need for an excuse blurred out the first thing that came to mind “Sorry” Yep. He was an idiot. That was sure to make Keith worry... which it did. Wrinkles appearing on his husband’s forehead “Should I be worried about my husband and my brother alone in the bathroom?” Shiro laughed, the tension lifting at the sound “No. No. It’s my fault for getting too excited. Gotta see how my nieces or nephews or niece and nephew are. Pictures don’t do justice” “That doesn’t explain why Lance said “sorry”” “Probably because I need to borrow him, although you just came back” Keith looked down at his comms “Lance usually goes down for a nap about now” He wasn’t three. He didn’t have “assigned” nap times. Normally he’d have been working the bar and needed a break. All he’d done was throw up today... “It’s fine, Keith. Shiro needs to take a quick flight and I said I’d go with him for company. Two or three vargas top” “Then I should come with you” Keith was killing him here. Slinging his arm around Lance’s shoulder, Shiro shook his head “How are we supposed to bitch about you if you’re there? Don’t worry, it’s a simple drop off and pick up. It looks like you and Krolia have a lot to talk about with the twins. Lance can nap in the pod if he really wants to” Keith didn’t want him to go. Sure, his husband would readily agree if he knew why Shiro was whisking him away, but Lance was still miffed that he and Krolia had talked about him like he wasn’t able to answer any of her questions by himself “I’m not three, Shiro. I don’t neeeeeed a nap. Let’s go already. We should be back by dinner, if not, start without us” Nudging his hand, Kosmo made his thoughts on the situation known “You have to stay with Keith, baby boy. Shiro’s going to take good care of me. We both know your human needs someone taking care of him too. Who knows what innocent air duct and vents might be violated when Keith’s left alone” Krolia laughed at that one. Keith seemed mildly peeved. Placing her hand on her sons arm, she reigned her laughter in “Let them go do what they have planned. Shiro wouldn’t take Lance anywhere dangerous” Betrayed by his mother, Keith crossed his arms “Fine. We’ll be talking about this when you get back” “That’s fine. Come on, Shiro. I’ll let you babysit him tonight if you want” Shiro hummed as he raised his robotic arm to stroke at an imaginary beard “With the twins coming, it would be good practice” “Pffft. You don’t need practice. You basically became an instant father when you took him in, and then when you blasted into space with the rest of us. If there’s anyone in the room full of “father” material it’s you... wait... ew... not like that... that’s Curtis’s business and I’m gonna shut up now” “Curtis enjoys my “father material”” “Shiro!” Groaning, he knew he’d done it to himself “As Lance said, we should only be a couple of vargas, and should be back for dinner. We’ll see you guys later” Keith wasn’t happy. Keith wasn’t happy that he was leaving. First he’d snubbed both his husband and Krolia, then he’d taken off with Shiro... but what was the point of being there. Keith could fill Krolia in with more enthusiasm than he could. Plus, it was his time to brag... Keeping a stabilising arm around him until they reached the hall, Shiro pulled his infamous “Space Dad Mind Reading” “Keith isn’t mad at you. Krolia isn’t mad at you either” “Yes they are” “No. He’s worried, but not mad” “I’m pretty sure it’s both” “Then he’s the one in the wrong. He should know I wouldn’t hurt you. He does know I wouldn’t hurt you” “Yeah... but... I didn’t have a good morning. Then he and Krolia started talking about my pregnancy like I wasn’t even there... maybe I wanted to get back at him a tiny bit by not telling him where I was going” “You’re already using enough of your courage to admit you need to talk to your therapist. You are allowed to be all out of courage right now. You’ll talk to him tonight, and he’ll understand” “I think he’s going to be mad I didn’t take him” “Lance, it’s healthy to take a break from your partner. To need your own time and do your own thing. I know Shay wants to borrow you while we’re here for wedding talk, and I know that Keith would fall asleep if you tried to include him in that” “He’s so protective of me... I guess I’ve been clinging to him as much as he’s been clinging to me. The accident... really fucked me up” “And that’s ok to. You need to start accepting that what you’re feeling is valid. Now let’s go get you some therapy” Mumbling, Lance started limping forward “I’d rather have icecream” “I’ll get you one after” Lance perked up. Now that they were talking ice cream, he was sure he could devour a tub if given then chance “Two scoops?” “Three with sprinkles” Gasping, Lance feigned being impressed before delivering his counter order “What if I want two with a waffle cone?” “That might be pushing it... It depends if you behave yourself on the flight over” Nodding his head, and trying to look as solemn as he could Lance replied “I promise not to throw up on your shoes” “That’s a good start” “I’m pregnant. That’s the best promise I can make” “I’m reserving my judgement for after we land” “Probably for the best” * Keith was trying his hardest not to be annoyed. They’d barely been planet side for half a varga before his husband was running off with his brother, without either of them giving him a clear answer as to what was suddenly so interesting or urgent that they both needed to leave. Lance hadn’t once answered Krolia’s questions, now he was gone... His husband had been crying, and now he was gone... “Keith, whatever they’re doing, I’m sure it’s nothing you need to worry about” “He didn’t say anything, and now he’s taken off with Shiro somewhere...” “Ooooh, you’re jealous because you’ve been left behind to hangout with your pregnant mother” “I’m not jealous” “Keith, your bottom lip is dragging on the floor. Talk to me” “It’s just... he didn’t say anything, then Shiro comes along and he’s leaving with him” “Do you want me to stop them leaving? Shiro hadn’t mentioned a trip to me, though he was pretty excited to catch up with you both. He wanted to come after the accident, but I thought you two needed your alone time more” “That’s Shiro though. I mean, I’m happy Lance is feeling up to talking to him... I wish he’d stayed and talked to you” “You didn’t give him much of chance when you both arrived. He clearly was feeling nervous” “He didn’t have a good morning. That’s why I don’t want him going out now. He’s been so tired” “Tiredness is common, especially when pregnant with multiples. Shiro won’t be making him do anything beyond his abilities. Now, if they’ve gone off to have some fun, then we’ll have some fun of our own. You need to be fitted for your suit now you’re back. Everyone else has” “How is that fun? The last time I wore a suit, it definitely wasn’t fun” “Think of how handsome Lance is going to find you” “He already thinks I’m unfairly good looking. More so now that his stomach is so obvious” “Ah. He’s not having a good time with that, is he? You did say he was quite obsessive over his looks” “He’s toned down on his face masks. I was hoping to find some kind of day spa, but he hates being touched. I need your recommendations on restaurants too. He refuses to let me do anything for his birthday other than letting me take him out for dinner” “You could cook for him. Your father used to cook for me regularly” With how scrambled eggs had gone, Keith wasn’t game to try something as complicated as dinner” “He’s been doing the majority of the cooking while we were gone. He let Marco cook at the outpost, but I thought I’d be nice to take him somewhere nice” “Why didn’t you tell me you can’t cook? I understand when it comes to Daibazaal food, but you should know how to make basic Earth food” “I never said I couldn’t cook” “You forget, I’m your mother. I can you read you. Why don’t you ask for some tips from Hunk?” “I’m a grown man. I should know how to cook” “Kolivan’s idea of a gourmet meal is changing the cook of the food goo. He has been making an attempt since I fell pregnant. I’m sure Hunk would be delighted to help” “Lance doesn’t want to talk to them” “Has he said that?” “He doesn’t need to. He didn’t want to come back here. He was doing better at the outpost... now he has to see everyone and he doesn’t want to” “Keith, people are going to find out he’s pregnant. It’s better coming from both of you than from a stranger. He’s a tough kid” “We’re both adults” “You’ll always be my kids. Think about it though. You have the backing of every single person in this palace. You’ve got Miriam, Shiro and Marco. Coran, which pretty much means you have the universes greatest military powers behind you” “I know... It doesn’t make it any easier though. He frustrates me so much. He knows I love him, and he’s always trying to take it on himself to sort everything out” “You do that for the one you love. You’re as bad as he is. You want to protect him from wherever he’s gone with Shiro, though you know he’d never put him in danger” “I’m mad because he left. He said he wouldn’t leave me, and he did” “I know you’re mad, but that won’t change anything. Let them have their alone time. Lance might be in a better mood when it comes home. You need a suit, and I need to pee” Suits were not his thing. Custom tailored suits that resulted in him being a human pin cushion was even less his thing, no matter how good he looked at the end of it all. Pricked and poked at, Keith knew Lance would have loved to have been there. His husband would have been scolding in place of the old Galra with shaky hands and white eyes. Keith had thought him blind with cataracts, until he went to work. His suit was modelled after Earthen styling, a simple 3 piece in black, with a black tie. It wasn’t a process that needed to eat up his whole afternoon, yet it did. The man could have taken his measurements on file, or from his blade outfit. A suit felt like over kill, given that Galra had their own military garb for these sorts of occasions. His mother content watching him being tortured, both physically and mentally. Shiro and Lance had left for Erathus. Erathus of all the places in the universe. Shiro shouldn’t have any business on Erathus. It confused him to no end as to why he and Lance would plan a sudden trip out there. If Th’al needed a hand, surely Lance would have simply told him that, there was the awards ceremony, but after that they both could have headed out there. There was no need for secrecy... Nor was there a need to leave him behind. Erathus wasn’t a good place for Lance to be, and Keith wasn't sure that Shiro would be able to protect his husband without putting himself in significant danger. Not with how much the government disliked him, and not with his knowledge of how to get his hands on every drug under the sun. No. No. Drugs were in Lance’s past. He’d seen how badly his husband had reacted to taking pain medication, even when it would have made things so much easier for him. Yet... he had relapsed before... No. Shiro wouldn’t let him buy drugs. He shouldn’t be even considering the possibility... Yet, his instincts weren’t allowing him to wave this off. Lance was his husband. Not Shiro’s. Lance should have been by his side, no matter what was going on. He wasn’t sure that he hadn’t given Lance the opportunity to answer Krolia’s questions, but if he had, it was only because he was excited to finally be able to confide in her and ask for help and advice on it all. Lance had said he wouldn’t leave him behind, then run off with Shiro without telling him anything... Why did it have to hurt so much? Maybe because this wasn’t the first time that Lance had chosen to confide in Shiro over him? But he thought they were good. Sure, there’d been a hiccup at the shack when he repeatedly hurt Lance with his actions without intending to, but their time at the outpost had been good. His husband had perked up significantly, even before talking to Marco. Lance had seemed truly happy for the last three quintants before the flight out there. They’d gone at it like rabbits, so he shouldn’t be feeling too stressed... So why the quiznak did he have to be left behind?! * Sending word that they were running slightly late, Keith was left to enter the dining room alone after waiting as long as his anger allowed him in the hallway like a loser. His friends were already seated before him, and should have been laughing, but when he stepped in all conversation stopped and he was left with far too many eyes in his direction. Making a quick exit back out the room, Veronica came after him “We need to talk” There was never a time in the existence of those four words being placed like that, that they didn’t stir dread up from the pits of one stomach. Pausing, Keith turned back to her “Why? What’s going on?” “Did you and Lance break-up?” Keith blinked at his sister-in-law “What? No. What are you talking about?” “I’m talking about this” Tapping on her comms, Veronica pulled up some tabloid article. The photo was recent. Lance was wearing the same pants he’d had on earlier that day, he was on crutches... and he was on Erathus with Shiro “Shiro asked him for his help” “So you aren’t “frustrated in your marriage”. And Lance didn’t repeatedly deny your request for a divorce?” “What now?” “Here, read it yourself” Taking Veronica’s comms, Keith wasn’t sure he wanted to “Sources inside Daibazaal palace have often heard the pair fighting Keith has made his request for a divorce repeatedly know, yet Lance refuses to listen. Could it be due to the shocking new allegation that former Red Paladin was in fact involved in relationship with now deceased Diplomat Klearo, who’s death has been the cause of many rumours. Sources also allege that Lance has admitted to murdering Klearo. And that through mental illness, Lance believes himself to be pregnant with Keith’s child, despite it being impossible for the male born species of the Earth race. Though we cannot confirm this, we can confirm that Lance was seen with Atlas Commander Takahashi “Shiro” Shirogane, and not for the first time. The pair were spotted heading to Erathus’s main hospital, where they spent two vargas before emerging. The former Red Paladin, though clearly pale and sickly, seemed in high spirits as the pair stopped at a local ice cream parlour before enjoying a nice walk. As you can see, Lance is smiling brightly as he wears Shirogane’s jacket. Could this mean that the rumours and allegations were correct? Is it goodbye Keith, and hello Shiro?” Keith was silently seething with anger. He wanted to punch something as badly as he wanted to throw Veronica’s comms on the floor and grind it into dust beneath his boot. Choosing the worst possible moment to finally arrive, Lance’s crutches hit his ears as his head jerked up. His husband had Shiro’s jacket draped over his shoulders, as he dared to fucking smile “Veronica, go back inside. Tell the others we’ll be in to explain shortly” “Keith” “Go!” Yelling at his sister-in-law, Veronica let out a stream of angry Spanish as she grabbed her comms and fled into the dining room. Down the hall, Lance had stopped. Shiro standing beside him. Striding down the hallway, Lance flinched away from him “Where the quiznak have you been?!” “I... we... Erathus” Squeaking his words out, Lance tried to retreat backwards. Shiro’s arm preventing him from running “Do you know how I know? You’re all over the tabloids again!” Lance paled, swaying on the spot “Keith, perhaps now isn’t...” Growling at his brother, Shiro shut up “You were photographed on Erathus. Eating ice cream with Shiro, and going to the hospital with Shiro. Is something going on? Are these twins actually mine?” Lance whimpered, Shiro half stepping in front of Lance to shield him “Keith, that’s enough” “Is it?! Erathus is dangerous, and you took him there! You took him to hospital! That’s twice now!” “It’s not what you think” Keith’s rage bubbled over. He could hear his heartbeat thudding in his head, bellowing at the pair of “I don’t know what to think because you didn’t tell me anything!” “This isn’t the first time lies have been printed” “No, but this is the first time that multiple details that people shouldn’t have, have been. Lance being Klearo’s lover. Lance killing Klearo. Lance pregnant. What happened on the training mission. Why couldn’t you tell me what was going on!? Do you know how many people have read this!?” Behind Shiro, Lance’s legs gave out. His husband wheezing harshly as he slumped to the floor. Grasping his chest, sobs and pants fell from his lips, between softly mumbled words that Keith didn’t quite hear. Crouching down in front of Lance, Lance whimpered as he tried to drag his busted leg away from Shiro “Keith, you need to calm him down. It’s not good for him or your twins” “Thanks. I fucking know how to take care of my own fucking husband” Moving past Shiro, Keith sank to kneel, keeping his movements slow as he reached for his husband. When Lance tried to kick him, Keith grabbed his leg and pulled him back towards him, forcing his husband into his arms as Lance fought “I don’t want to be upset with you, but you took off suddenly and you didn’t tell me why. You didn’t tell me anything and now these rumours are going around all over again. Do you have any idea how much it hurt to be left behind?” Lance was hiccuping his sobs, his husband wanted to say something but he couldn’t get the words out for his distress “I forced Lance to go to Erathus to see his therapist. I borrowed his comms, made the appointment and took him. It was after hours, that’s why we were so late returning, given Lance had finally come in, they were in there for quite sometime. He was going to talk to you about it when he came back, but there was no way he could have foreseen this happening. He came out his appointment feeling better than when he’d gone in, and the ice cream was a joke bribe to get him to go. He figured you and Krolia were just going to talk about pregnancy anyway. You know there’s nothing between me and Lance. I shouldn’t have to explain myself to you again, nor should Lance. He’s completely devoted to you. He was going to bring you back ice cream until I vetoed that idea because I didn’t want it split in my pod. Even when we were walking back to the space port, he kept pausing because something would catch his eye and he thought you’d like it” “I’m a jealous idiot, aren’t I?” Still, he would have supported Lance going if he’d known it was to see his therapist. He hadn’t even been sure that his husband had kept up with his therapy session... Fuck... He’d royally fucked this up “You are. We didn’t know we were photographed, not that should matter. Do you have the details of the publisher? There’s a few things I’d personally like to say to them” “Veronica showed me on her comms” “I thought it wasn’t like you to read gossip trash” Finally getting his voice, Lance rasped out “I’m sorry... I’m sorry, I keep fucking this up. But I’ve never cheated on you... and not with Shiro... he doesn’t smell right... he doesn’t feel right” Shiro huffed, faking offence “I take you for ice cream and this is how you repay me? It’s a good thing you’re not my type either. Who gets liquorice and strawberry ice cream, then nuts on top? Weirdo” “Leave him alone, he can eat whatever he wants” “Speaking of eating, is everyone in there already?” “Yeah” “Then I think it’s time we head in. Lance has got this, don’t you. Remember what I said?” Lance was still crying, surprising him by nodding at Shiro, he sniffled loudly “Anyone who’s an arsehole I can shoot” “Exactly. This isn’t like the seizures. You’re in control here. You’re the one telling them, and they don’t take it well...” “I can shoot them” Shiro reached down and ruffled Lance’s hair “Yep. I’ll even hand you the blaster myself. What do you say we get up off the floor now?” “I like the floor” “It’s perfectly fine as far as floors go. Though I think you’ll be more comfortable sitting properly” “I’m stuck down here” “I’m sure Keith can help you back up. It’s the least he can do” “Shiro... don’t... please. I don’t want to fight with him. I don’t want to fight with anyone. I was the one who stupidly thought it’d all be ok” “You weren’t stupid. We talked about this too. You used all your courage accepting you needed the appointment. You had no idea this would happen. This is not your fault. At all. Remember, your therapist said you need to stop blaming yourself” “Yes, dad... Ok... I’m ok... I’m ok...” Breathing through his nose, Lance’s took half a dozen deep breaths, before finally raising his gaze to meet Keith’s eyes. Hurt was still clouding his husband’s ocean blue eyes “Will you please help me up?” “I’m so fucking sorry. I panicked because you left and I didn’t know why” “I’m going to leave again if you attack me like that again” “I don’t blame you... I just wish you had faith in me enough to tell me” “Why? When you can’t have faith that I’m not cheating on you with your brother?” The verbal jab was as good as a slap to the face. Keith’s cheeks red with humiliation “I don’t think you’re cheating” “You straight up accused me. Why does this shit always have to keep happening? Do you want to ask me that? How many people I fucked while high or after drugs? None. None. I used my body to get my bounties and I always took precautions in case things went too far. I can’t say what happened when I was unconscious because I honestly didn’t care anymore. But you. You’re the only one I’ve given my permission. I thought we were better than this. Forget it. I don’t want you touching me when you clearly think I’m fucking dirty” Detangling himself from Keith’s hold, Lance brushed off both him and Shiro, watching himself pull himself up the wall was painful. Grabbing his crutches, Lance stared down at him “Well, get up. Your friends are waiting for you to go in there and tell them that you knocked your whore husband up” “Lance! I don’t think you’re a whore” “Then tell me what you find so untrustworthy. You know I fucking love you. You know that. I would crawl through glass to be with you. But one bad rumour and you think nothing of me” “That’s not it! You know what these instincts are like. You left me behind” “Because I had to go before I worked myself up too much to. Besides, you were happily telling Krolia all about my pregnancy. You might be the father, but I’m... I’m the one going through it. Yes. I have fucking cravings. No. I don’t say a damn thing about them, because I’m still not ok with what my body is becoming, and because you are your own person. A person I want to be proud of. We are supposed to be a team. I want to be happy about the twins, but how can I be when you’re like this” “Lance...” Shiro’s voice held a gentle warning “It’s fine, Shiro. Oh. Shiro helped me rewrite what it’d done for your speech. You’re welcome” His anger had gotten the better of him. Lance had only been gone a few vargas, and his afternoon had gone to shit the moment his husband left. His paranoia and flaring instincts to protect had taken control of his mouth. He knew Lance wouldn’t fucking cheat on him. He knew his husband wasn’t a whore. He’d known that for so long... Why hadn’t he held his anger? Everything came bursting forth when he saw him. He should have been happy Lance was happy... not fucking jealous that Shiro was the one there making Lance happy... That was like... like giving Lance permission to be shitty when he hung out with his brother. Everything Lance did, he always put Keith first and foremost. Coming back to Diabazaal and facing everyone for the first time since the incident wasn’t just hard for Lance. His team were going to want to know all about their impromptu vacation. They were all going to want to talk to Lance and know that he was alright. They were all going to want to reassure him that he hadn’t been to blame. This stupid article, launching mere vargas after arriving home couldn’t have come at the worst time. Lance’s pregnancy wasn’t a figment of his husband’s mind, yet now he was being slandered. Quiznak if Keith didn’t want to hunt down the reporter and slaughter them, though the main issue was that someone who knew what had happened had leaked information to the press to drive them apart. Even if issued with an apology and retraction, people would still be making up their own minds that Lance was something he wasn’t. Burying his face in his hands, he wasn’t aware he was crying until Shiro was pulling him into a firm hug “You’re an idiot, but you’re my brother. I love you, and I know you’re worried, but it hurts that you’d doubt me. I love Curtis. I’m planning a life with Curtis. What that article doesn’t show you was us ring shopping for Curtis, after we had ice cream. No one is going to take Lance from you, because he doesn’t love anyone but you. He didn’t leave you with the intention of never returning, he left because his mental health is all over the place and he needed help working things out. You’re allowed to be worried. You’re allowed to be scared. Both those feelings are valid. But don’t let that ruin your marriage” “I don’t want to fight with him either... I was so worried the whole time he was gone” “I would be too if Lance was Curtis, but I’d also trust him. You two love each other fiercely, sometimes too fiercely. Now pick yourself up and wipe your face. You’ve got news to tell everyone, and Lance is waiting for you” Lance was the bigger man. His husband passing his crutches to Shiro so he could take Keith’s hand. Keith was still very much in the dog house. They might be holding hands, yet there felt like a whole universe of distance between. Opening the door for them, Shiro’s presence was almost claustrophobic as the three of them stepped into the room. Raising his free hand, Keith scratched the back of his head as he tried to find his words. Half raising in his seat, Hunk’s eyes were fixed on Lance. Feeling too emotionally compromised, Keith moved half a step in front of his husband, finding his words in a hurry “Um... Lance and I are having a baby... Lance and I are having twins. He’s carrying my twins... I’m not actually having them, but he’s pregnant... and I’m the father” There was a moment's pause before Hunk groaned and slumped back in his chair. Pidge started laughing, full on holding her stomach laughing “You guys are idiots, men can’t get pregnant! That’s a good one...” Zethrid brought some order to the conversation “I don’t think they’re joking, Pidge” “But Zethrid, Lance doesn’t have the right parts. You can pull the pillow out your shirt now. Great gag guys, especially after the article” Keith snarled at Pidge, moving further between his pregnant husband and their friends. The sound sobering Pidge up in an instant. Her laughter turning to genuine concern “Come on, Keith. You’re joking, aren’t you? Lance? You’re not really pregnant are you?” Blindly reaching back, Keith grabbed Lance’s hand “It’s not a joke. You can blame Allura. It seemed she knew how Lance I felt for each other, and Lance’s desire for a family. When she gifted him part of her quintessence, Lance changed a little biologically. He’s still very much the love of my life” Sitting back up, Hunk sighed “Of course. Altean magic. Hold up, that stomach bug! That was morning sickness, wasn’t it!?” “Y-yeah...” Shyly replying, Lance tugged on Keith’s hand “I think you should let them both sit down before you ask anymore questions” From across the table, Curtis stood “Congratulations to both of you. I’ve been waiting to see for myself, as it’s all a bit... I don’t want to say strange, but I don’t know what else to say about it. But what could be better than two of our best friends building their family” Keith gaped “You knew?” “Taka talks a lot in his sleep. The sleep version on you got quite him quite excited over all of this. The sleep version of you also named one of them Shiro. He was cooing in his sleep” “Curtis! Why...?” Shiro sounded humiliated, Keith could see it though. Not the part where they named one of their twins “Shiro”, but the excitement over the birth of the twins “Because it was adorable. Now, come sit down. Lance is probably exhausted, and Keith doesn’t look that good either” Emerging from behind his husband, Lance’s hands were on his stomach. Pidge was now repeating “oh my god”, Hunk was wringing his hands, Acxa had her arm around a shocked Veronica, while Zethrid and Ezor were grinning at each other “I’m... sorry... I know it’s not normal and you’re probably grossed out, but... it’s true” “Does Mami know!?” Lance flinched, holding the hem of his shirt as he did. Placing his hand on his husband’s nape, Keith nodded “Papi, Mami, Krolia, Coran, Lucteal, Daehra, Shiro and Marco. Shiro was the first to know. Rachel doesn’t, unless Miriam has told her by now. I don’t think Luis and Lisa know yet, either. We spent the last movement training Marco to take over some of Lance’s roles at the outpost” Pushing his chair back, Hunk rose to his feet “I need a tick” Shay was quick to follow after him. Keith could understand if it’d been Veronica storming off, yet Hunk was the pure ray of sunshine in their life. He could even understand Pidge thinking it all a practical joke... At his limit, Lance brushed him off as he grabbed the closest free chair and lowered himself down. Promptly ignoring his husband’s wishes, Keith sat beside him, forcing him to take his hand “Ok. You all get one question each. Veronica goes first because she’s Lance’s sister” Pidge grumbled about “favouritism”, glaring at both of them as she bounced in her seat. Rather than looking at his sister, Lance was looking at his left hand as he rubbed his belly “How? How long have you known?” “About two Earth months” “And why weren’t you there for him? Why did Shiro know first? Where were you?” Lance’s scent filled with anger, as he spat as his sister “Don’t you dare start on him, V. Keith was a training mission. I called Shiro” “You should have called one of us. We’re family” “Shiro’s family too. Shiro has never forced me to blab out stuff I haven’t wanted to. Not like you. You’re not my mum, V. You’re my sister. If Marco could accept it... No, if Papi could accept it, you can too” “You’re pregnant. It can’t be healthy for you. You have enough medical issues, and you’re not made to carry. A baby isn’t an accessory” “Don’t you think I know that? Don’t you think Mami and I have had this talk. I’ve carried this far. I don’t need your negativity” Keith looked to Acxa, who gave a smile “No questions. I know better when it comes to you. I’m happy for both of you... though it may take me a while to get my head around my brother-in-law being pregnant” Ezor nodded, popping her trademark pink gum “If anyone was going to pull this off, it was going to be you too. We don’t want to babysit, but we’re happy to teach them hand to hand once they’re big enough... Krolia didn’t seem as enthused when we gave her the same order. No idea why” Keith definitely did not want their children raised or trains by Zethrid and Ezor. He’d go insane having two more of them around. Pidge sucked in a giant breath before grasping the table. Unable to keep it inside anymore “What does Coran have to say? Do you have Allura’s quintessence still in you? Why do you have her quintessence? Do you know what they are yet? Have you had an ultrasound? Are they Galra, Human or Altean? Do you have, you know, the bits to give birth or is it going to explode our your stomach like an alien? Do you know if it’ll be the same length as a normal human pregnancy? Or do Altean’s have shorter pregnancies? Does Lance’s scent have something to do with it? Oh my god, this is why your marks are back, isn’t it?! Because you’re having a baby? Did you grow bits or how does it all work down there? Was it through the butt? No. No I don’t want to think about that bit. We’re the eggs yours?Are they identical twins? What does it feel like? Can you feel them moving yet? What does that feel like? There’s so many variables...” Lance was trying for everyone’s sake. His words were a little wobbly, yet he picked himself up “Pidge, I’m pretty sure that’s more than once question. Everything is normal, from the scans. Caesarean’s are a thing. We have a theory that Allura gave me part of her quintessence to keep my soul and my body from separating, like with the crystal in Shiro’s arm... from when I died. It’s twins by the way, not one baby, but two. She... she changed my body... and I’m not ok with it... Even if she was trying to be nice, it’s been complicated since she did... She basically made it... so my scent tells Keith my moods. All Galra really. Um... Coran says that I can’t control the quintessence in my body. Apparently male pregnancy is a thing on Altea due to their shape shifting abilities, so it’s not like I’m the first male in the world going through this... But both twins are fine. Hitting all the right milestones and stuff... After we spent a week at Keith’s shack we hit up the outpost. So I’m not cheating on him with Shiro or anything like that... He’s been a big help...” Pidge started laughing again, Lance startled by the sound. Hushing him softly, Keith rubbed the back of Lance’s hand with the pad of his thumb “There is no way Shiro would date your twig arse! We didn’t believe that article, you know. We were more concerned with if you’d heard. Acxa was pretty angry, those rumours were really specific. Someone might have seen Lance, and no offence, your stomach isn’t exactly small, so they might have guessed, but they still wouldn’t know the details of this divorce business. There’s obviously been some kind of security breach. Krolia is having your room scanned for bugs, and I’ve already written several angry emails on your behalf... plus, I hacked the site and now their email account it registered for every spammy thing I could find” Lance didn’t laugh, the sound wasn’t laugh, yet it wasn’t not a laugh at the same time “Pidge. You are one brilliant gremlin” “I’ve got your back. Or in this case, your front. I accept payment in tech” “I know you do. I promise the next time we get a good box of tech and I’m at the outpost, I’m saving it for you and Rover 2.0” “Now that’s settled, and we’ve established that I’m going to be the best aunt, when are my new minions due?” “My twins... Keith’s twins, are due in January. So before Hunk and Shay’s wedding” “Dammit. See, if you were pregnant you wouldn’t have to be part of the wedding then I wouldn’t have to be because you weren’t... Shay keeps wanting to talk dresses... The only dresses I own were forced upon me by Colleen” “Pidge, you do know you’re an adult now. You’re supposed to own a dress or two” “Noooo. They’re so impractical. I’ll put you in a dress and see how you like it” “I would slay. Still, it’s her wedding, you should probably make the effort to wear a dress” Pidge wrinkled her nose at both of them “I’m going to excuse such horrible words, seeing your pregnant and obviously are affected by hormones. But don’t think I’ll let it slide for a second time” “Pidge, I’ll make you a deal. You wear a dress for Shay’s sake, and I promise you’ll never change a dirty nappy when it comes to the twins. Even minions poop” “I hate you. You know that I hate you. You can’t use that kind of logic against me. I’ll consider it” “That’s all Shay would ask”
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