#they spend all weekend in bed and lazing around
softquietsteadylove · 10 months
Gil surprised her with a matching look? She has a white nice dress and he shows up in a white suit? Would be a cool partner look =)
Thena offered a tight smile as she picked up a glass of champagne off of a passing tray. "Merci."
She hadn't really wanted to come all the way here for this function, but it was insisted upon not only by her French diamond contact, but the entirety of his diamond house family. It was to seal their business, as well as act as a gesture of good will for future deals.
Karun told her she had to go, and Kingo doubled down, even telling her that she should 'lead him on a little more' for the sake of business. She attempted to ignore that.
She was an engaged woman.
She had told Gil she had to attend a meeting in France. But she knew that he was no fan of the monsieur with whom she had conducted business. In all fairness, she supposed she wouldn't be thrilled if he had to conduct business with the Little Heiress again. But she was here for tonight and then she could return home.
"Madame Glasse?"
She smiled as her business associate sat down adjacent to her. At least if she was seated or holding something, he didn't feel the need to kiss her hand. "It's a lovely soiree."
"You seem very," the gentleman looked around the sparkling ballroom, "isolated."
Thena inhaled, looking down at her don perignon. "Forgive me, monsieur, I have never been the life of the party."
"Ah," he offered a smile, adjusting the gold button of his beautiful blue suit. "You accepted my offer, but I think perhaps your heart is not here with us."
Her heart was in a penthouse apartment with a certain Tyrant King, who had probably fallen asleep on the couch in front of the Food Network. She should have just asked him to come with her, risk that he would start a fight be damned.
"Madame, would you grant me the privilege of speaking my mind with you?"
She gave him the faintest expression of surprise before nodding. Perhaps he wasn't as much of a dumb blonde - the irony of which did not escape her - as she had suspected.
"I admit I am quite taken with you," he expressed openly, leaning on the arm of his chair that was closer to her. He did have that sad, puppy-love expression on, too. "Positively enchante, truly."
Thena merely waited for him to go on.
"But as much as you did not tell me," his eyes drifted down, and to her hands, safely folded over her crossed legs. "You do not withhold your heart from me out of modesty, non?"
Thena adjusted her lace around her arms and in the crooks of her elbows. She didn't bother taking her ring off for the night. "Would that affect our business if I told you that you're right?"
He chuckled, although she could already see his disappointment. "But of course not. I am a gentleman, Madame Glasse, and I will honour our business just as you have. And I do have some brain under these looks."
Thena resisted the urge to roll her eyes. She knew it was in good humour, but few men were allowed to get away with cocky humour like that with her. One man in particular.
"I realise I am pursuing a woman who has already made her match," he sighed, leaning back again. His eyes flicked down, "it's a beautiful ring, cheri. They are small, but I can tell the quality of them is impeccable."
Thena smiled. The little diamonds in her ring, creating joints where the bands could meet in their weave, were indeed perfect in every way. "But of course; I am the diamond queen, after all."
"Indeed," her associate agreed, also plucking a glass of champagne for himself. He gave her a smile, "I am grateful that you came. But if you wish to leave, I will not hold it against you."
Oh, how she ached to be at home, in the arms of her Tyrant. But even with a private plane, the journey home was no quick hop across the pond.
"She should stay for a dance, at least."
"Hey Princess," he greeted gently, despite her insistence that he not call her that in public. He bent over the arm of the chair, capturing her hand smoothly and pulling it up to his lips. "Miss me?"
He was like a knight in shining armour, and while she had never seen him in a white suit before, she didn't dislike it on him. She raised a brow, "new?"
"Like it?" he grinned as he pulled her to her feet, leading her closer to the dance floor. "I had my tailor whip it up just to surprise you."
Thena shook her head at him, her feet moving automatically as he led her until they could sway together, his hands holding hers and at her back. "When did you get here?"
"Not long ago, actually," he made a more sheepish face. "I got on a place a few hours after yours, after I picked up this number."
She smiled, running her hand over the lapel. "Did you want to match me so badly?"
"Well," he smiled as well, his eyes soft and reflecting the chandelier above them. "Can't let my wife show up to a fancy ball unaccompanied, can I?"
She refused to let him know how much she liked it when he called her his wife. "I did, though, didn't I?"
"Okay, so I was a little late," he huffed, rolling his eyes in good nature. He spun her around before pulling her closer, "I wasn't invited."
Thena stole a glance to the edge of the room, where her associate was excusing himself from the room entirely. "Last I checked, he was not in your good graces."
Gil shrugged, and her hand moved with the bounce of his massive shoulder as he did. "Just don't laugh at his jokes, Ice. Then we've got no problem."
She did not believe that. But perhaps she was too intoxicated by the warmth of him and the champagne she'd had. He pulled her nearly flush with him and she resisted the urge to lay her head on his chest.
"Sorry I'm late, baby," he whispered, sneaking a kiss to her temple while they were able to go unobserved. Or at least, unremarked upon, as far as this branch of society was concerned. They weren't exactly law abiding citizens, but this territory of Thena's was more about business than about brutality.
"You're forgiven," she sighed as she let him numb her overstimulated senses, "this time."
"This time?" he chuckled, and his chest bounced against hers from it.
"Just this time," she purred, running her hands over the front of his fine, white suit. "And this?"
Gil didn't even glance down as she tapped at the royal blue pocket square that screamed against the colour of the rest of his outfit. "Maybe a little bit of a challenge to French-y."
"So territorial," she murmured. She had to be careful not to sound like she enjoyed his territorial side; it would only encourage him.
Gilgamesh pulled her hand up his chest until he could kiss her fingertips, tapping against her ring as he did. "I think I have a right to be territorial about my own wife."
"We are not married."
"Yet," he nearly cut her off to insert. He smiled at her, still swaying them loosely to the beat of the band, "not yet. Anytime, any place, Ice."
"Hm," she sighed, the exhaustion of the business and the travel and the whole of the last few weeks weighing on her. She leaned against him heavier and he allowed it, holding her as much as she liked. "Not tonight."
"Fine," he chuckled, kissing her cheek this time. He stayed close, his nose dangerously near 'nuzzling' territory. "Wanna go home?"
"You just got here," she nearly groaned at the thought.
"Okay, so we get a room, spend a little time here before we go back?" he suggested. "We can take a long weekend in Paris, what do you think?"
She did not care what they did, so long as she didn't have to let go of him.
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killerlookz · 4 months
hiiiii i adore your writing soooo sooo much!! i was literally dancing in my room to joosts music and i thought of a new fic idea:3 can you write something where Joost comes back home and the reader is dancing to his songs in their apartment, the reader doesnt notice him at first, completely in the moment and when they do, they get all embarrassed and its all fluff and cute??(((:
awww this is so cute <33 ty sm anon!!!
Dance With Me? | Joost Klein
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content: gn! reader, no warnings rlly! just fluff :-) the song in question for this fic is Joost Klein 2 btw! this fic contains rpf and has been tagged as such, do not continue if that makes you uncomfortable
word count: 1.2k(just a wee little blurb!)
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Sundays had always been your least favorite day of the week, a bleak reminder that the hours of the weekend were waning and you'd have to return to the monotony of the weekdays. Perhaps the worst part of Sundays was that they were your designated cleaning day, you would much prefer spending your last day free from work lazing on the couch or curled up in bed, but instead, once again you found yourself bouncing around your apartment straightening up whatever cleaning you had left unfinished throughout the week.
The silence of your empty apartment had been getting to you, bored out of your mind as you stood on a chair to dust off a bookshelf. The only thing you figured that would this slightly more tolerable was music at least the apartment wouldn't be so damn quiet.
You hop down from the chair, scurrying into the living room to turn on your speakers. It wasn't long until music was flowing into the apartment, loud, and probably obnoxious to the neighbors, but it hadn't been late enough to warrant a noise complaint- so they would just have to deal with it for now.
Among the many plusses of having a musician for a boyfriend, you had to admit being in possession of a stellar stereo system was definitely one of them. You had been able to hear the music just as perfectly as you pranced back into your bedroom, not exactly eager to get back to cleaning.
Though it would seem not much cleaning would get done after that point, more focused on the music than any of the tasks you had at hand.
"Joost Klein maar m'n stack die is groot!" You sang along with the lyrics that boomed over the speaker. Another plus of having a musician boyfriend was that he was a damn good musician., "De regering zoekt mij, maar ze vinden me nooit!"
You had found yourself jumping around to the music, a smile pressed onto your face as you swayed your head back and forth in time to the beat.
Still jumping, your arms in the air you start to spin around when suddenly the breath is knocked out of you at the sight of a figure in the doorway to your bedroom. Your body grows rigid, stopping dead in your tracks as your mind races to the worst-case scenario.
Luckily it hadn't exactly been the worst-case scenario, as your eyes focused and you were able to see your boyfriend leaning against the doorframe, a wide grin plastered on his face.
"Why'd you stop?" He asks, clearly amused, "I was enjoying your performance. I think you might put me out of a job."
"Joost!" Your voice is sharp like you're scolding him for being in his own home. Your eyes widen at the shock, not having expected him to be home, much less having even heard him walk through the door, "I thought you said you'd be running errands all day."
Embarrassment begins to grow on your face, your eyes refusing to meet Joost's, a sheepish smile tugging at your lips as your body grows hot.
"I've actually been gone awhile," He chuckles, "I finished my errands."
"Hmm," You hum, looking down at your feet, "Time flies." You mumble.
"It does when you're having fun, which you looked to be having." Joost muses, an eyebrow-raising behind the thick rims of his glasses.
"Cleaning was getting boring," You shrug, still refusing to make eye contact out of sheer embarrassment.
Joost can clearly sense your unease as his smile still rests on his face, beginning to bob his head up and down, slowly walking towards you with some grove in his step,
"Maar ik blijf Joost en ik bleef in de derde zitten," Joost lowly sings along to his own voice over the speaker, his movements becoming livelier as he gets closer to you, "Soms haat ik kittens en haat ik ook science-fiction."
He grabs your hands, as to ask you to dance with him, but you're reluctant, only holding his hands in front of him as he dances on his own continuing to sing along to his own song.
"C'mon," He urges, "Dance with me?" An exaggerated pout rests on his lips as he stares down at you with big, blue, puppy-dog eyes. You can't exactly resist that look, slowly stepping back and forth to appease his request.
He pulls at your arms as he jumps up and down to the music, just about forcing you to move with more excitement, your embarrassment quickly subsiding as Joost dances in a manner similar to how you had been just moments prior.
"Joost Klein maar m'n stack die is groot!" Eventually, the two of you are singing, bouncing up and down in sync with each other and you can't believe you had ever been embarrassed in front of Joost in the first place. It had seemed so trivial now that the two of you danced together, after four years together you were sure you had seen each other in much more embarrassing situations, you knew better, that he would never pass any judgment on you, "De regering zoekt mij, maar ze vinden me nooit!" You practically yell to each other, oversized grins burned into both of your faces.
The song soon fades out, allowing for a song that wasn't Joost's to start playing.
"You've got some good music taste," Joost teases, the two of your movements dying down.
"Meh," You shrug, "Joost is kind of mid, I think Ski Aggu is better,"
Joost clicks his tongue, shaking his head in joking disapproval,
"You're lucky you're cute." A kiss is pressed against your forehead. The small gesture leaves you with butterflies in your stomach, despite the length of time the pair of you had been together, every touch from him seemed to feel like you were falling in love for the first time all over again.
"You get much cleaning done?" He pulls back
You look around the bedroom, the bed still unmade, clothes strewn upon your dresser, various items scattered around your desk. You feel yourself becoming stressed again at the task ahead of you.
"Not quite." You respond sheepishly, you sigh, "I should probably-"
"It can wait, relax, liefje," Joost cuts you off, "I think we should continue our little dance party."
"Easy for you to say when you've gotten everything you need to get done today,"
"Hmm," Joost puckers his lips, twisting his face into an expression that makes it obvious he's thinking, "How about..." He trails off for a moment, inching closer to you, "You stay here and dance with me, and I'll clean the whole apartment while you're at work tomorrow."
It's an easy proposition to accept, not having to clean? Fine by you.
"Deal?" He asks, smiling down at you.
"Deal," You quickly nod.
"Eh," he holds up a finger, "We need to seal the deal."
You raise your eyebrows up at him, waiting for what he's going to say next,
"You gotta give me a kiss to seal our deal,"
You giggle, standing up on your tip toes, placing both of your hands on Joost's shoulders as you reach up to press your lips to his.
He's quick to kiss you back, resting his hands on your waist as he engages you in a soft, passionate kiss.
"Okay," He nods, "Now it's a deal."
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cloudluvrrr · 20 days
basically sunday who sees you as the aeon of beauty herself
a/n: i love sunday guys hes so cute i wish he wasnt so negative and traumatized. Also idk if it was but i just made him like love bomb you but its permanent and he just loves you a lot and worships you and also general ideas 😭🙏
loving! sunday x g/n reader
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virtual angel - artms
-hes very busy, with meetings and constantly is in his office. Reviewing plans or studying the scripture. But he never fails to send you texts
'hello angel <3'
"I will be home late, please don't stay up for me <3."
“I’ve made us restaurant reservations, so be ready when I get home <3.”
-his texts are always grammatically correct, since hes always writing to his colleagues or to other families.
-but sometimes he tried to incorporate emoticons.
“How are you my angel? :3”
“These meetings are boring. ;-;”
"Hello darling, I bought take out! o((>ω< ))o"
-he’s so cute
-but he often checks in when he has a chance too, and often responds quickly. And always ends his message with a heart.
-when speaking of you or to you he smiles with his eyes closed. He will find any excuse to talk about you
-and he’ll likely bring your flowers after a long day, as an apology for taking too long.
-taking you to his 'family' dinners, and parties.
-and help you dress up and even put on your makeup, jewelry, and help you with your zipper/tie/buttons.
-kissing your cheek, and shoulder as he does. Whispering sweet things in your ear.
-he'll always have things for you incase of an emergency as well, if you find yourself with a spill or your shoes are hurting. He'll tell his assistant to bring you a new pair and escort you to a private room.
-during parties he'll drag you away, to walk around just the two of you
Your sitting on the couch on your phone, reading the latest news before your attention is turned to the door opening. Revealing Sunday as he carried a small bouquet of flowers “I apologize the florist didn’t have any that were bigger my love” he began as he closed the door “I’ll buy you bigger ones next time”
"you and your gifts for me sunday" you spoke taking the flowers from him and arranging them. "I love giving you things, I have money to throw around why not spend it on my lovely fiance" he replied playing with your hair, and burying his nose into your collarbone "you're so wonderful... " he uttered his hands gently rubbing your waist "so perfect.. I love you very much you know"
-Sunday only works during the week, on weekends he's all yours.
-you both wake up late in his expensive bed, he'll be all over you in the morning whispering sweet nothings.
-he'll make breakfast, whatever you want he'll make.
-Making a plan of what you want and organize the day to fit your schedule. Ordering his driver around and having a private shopping day
-giving anyone a look if they look at your a little weird
-buying you anything and everything 'I dont have any other use for my credits' he'd say as he placed another ring on your finger.
"Sunday I can make pancakes" you huff trying to take the spatula from his thin fingers
"You work too hard, It time for me to pamper you" he said slyly, bringing up your hand and kissing your knuckles. "You do that every week"
"oh do I? I guess i forget" he chuckles flipping the pancakes.
"Would you like bacon with that my love?"
-you spend weekends together, in restaurants or shopping.
-or just at home lazing around, watching tv, scrolling through social medias or just petting his wings.
-he spoils you in every shape and form.
-buying you earrings, rings, necklaces and all kinds of stuff that'll make you happy
"this looks lovely on you doesn't it" he said pulling out a frilly shirt, with a gentle smile. "Sunday I have that one in 3 colors"
"it looks so beautiful on you why not have one more" he said putting up again your torso "its on sale as well" he added placing it on the overfilled basket
- He'll try to hide his stress and his own emotions from you, in an effort to not affect you.
-sometimes he'll open up about his past if hes tipsy enough, his wing piercings, his clipped wing on his torso, his trauma with the family, loosing his mother.
-especially when its something with that gopher fuck gopher wood
-you could tell when he was anxious, he would touch his piercing on his wing or play with his gloves
-that and he'll be spacing out during dinner
"did something happen a work" you asked taking his hand from his wing. "Nothing to worry your pretty head about" he said calmly kissing your hand, and smiling. "your sure.. you seem antsy" you insist "Just a bit antsy for the festival.. Hoping everything will be perfect, especially you. We have to find a new outfit for you don't we?"
-he was always a smooth talker and manipulative, hes able to easily do it when your worried as well.
-he does it so you dont think about it too much, as well as using gifts to lead you away from the conversation
-he doesn't like manipulating his love he'll avoid it, but its so you dont ask too many questions.
"I love you, you know that" he said not looking up from his desk, as he spoke to you over the phone "I know that.. I'm just worried you know, you haven't taken any days off this week." you vocalized as he continues his paper work "I'll make us reservations at your favorite restaurant" he suggests finally picking up the phone
"Sunday.. I just want to know you're okay"
"I am my angel, please stop worrying we'll see eachother at dinner. I love you, alright? I love you.. very much" he murmured before hanging up. His mind had many thoughts but you were always on top, he smiled to himself as he looked as the many photos of you on his desk.
Sunday loves you very much, his only regret it not showing it more. As he fell from the penacony theatre, his eyes following the horizon as he envisioned your smile. The only thing giving him hope, that he'll survive this fall.
also kinda got carried away 😔😔
-- navi >.<
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wonijinjin · 8 months
seventeen when their s/o is overwhelmed and needs a lazy day
(includes: seungcheol, jun, wonwoo, seungkwan, vernon)
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author’s note: please take a break if you need to, noone is rushing you, it is okay to take some time off from life.
synopsis: what the title says
word count: 0.6k | genre: fluff, hurt/comfort | pairings: seungcheol/jun/wonwoo/seungkwan/vernon x gn! reader | warnings: mentions of food, bad mental health
when seungcheol woke up to you crying in the middle of the night he got very worried very quickly thinking you had an injury or had a bad dream. “my love what’s the matter?” he would ask, to which you would tell him about how you have been feeling like you needed to take a break from everything and just wanted to rest. he would be cooing at you instantly, already in the process of booking a hotel room somewhere with a nice view and whichever extra services you want and would take you there to relax the next day immediately, no matter how much it would cost he would do anything to provide comfort for you while you cuddled in bed all day and ate good food, just lazing around, enjoying each other’s company.
jun knew you were a little bit burnt out way before you did; he tried to get you to rest more and get your mind off of things with subtle acts of love, like making you something to eat after a hard day of studying or cleaning up the house on the weekends before you woke up so you wouldn’t have to. however, when you stepped into the hallway with tears streaming down on your face he knew you needed a full day of peace and quiet immediately, which is why after waking up the next morning he would make you a bubble bath quickly then would let you watch your favourite shows all day, curled up in his arms.
wonwoo’s heart would just break when you had the third argument in a week, clearly caused by the stress that had been building up in you due to life, knowing how hard it must be to try to stay put together, even though he wished you could let loose for a bit, with him on your side. he would take you into his arms, whispering sweet nothings into your ears and promising to give you a massage to help you calm down, then would proceed with whatever you felt like for the next day; if it was playing games with him on the computer he would do just that, or if you wanted him to read to you he would take the book into his hand without hesitation.
i picture seungkwan to be a person who is very in tune with his and his partner’s emotions aswell, so he himself would get quite disstressed by the fact that you weren’t feeling the best regarding all the stuff happening in your life; whether it was your studies or personal matters he was angry at the world for making you feel bad. he knew how much you liked spending time with him, joking around, so that would be exactly what he planned for the following day; he would let you sleep in then welcome you with the craziest line of cozy activities you could do together, like at home karaoke or dancing in the kitchen to cliché romantic music while laughing without stop, recharging good energies in you.
vernon isn’t the most affectionate guy in general, but he is the most understanding soul and best listener anyone could find; he would choose a simple solution to your worries; listening to you. he would let you rant to him all day, telling him about the things that bother you, or the things you wanted to fix in order to have a more chill and peaceful life. he would contribute a lot by brainstorming ways to help you relax more easily, especially hoping he himself could be much help to you in the future, encouraging you to let out your tiredness from time to time and to trust him with anything, he would handle a dragon if it meant making you feel better.
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woso-dreamzzz · 9 months
Amanda Ilestedt x Reader
Summary: Your girlfriend visits you in London
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The sun shone through the blinds directly onto Amanda's face, making it look like she was glowing.
She looked like a goddess, lying asleep in your bed with no care in the world.
With her in Paris and you in London, you rarely got to see each other in person. Both of your schedules were packed for most of the year. Amanda was always on the pitch, always with a ball while you always had a camera around your neck, snapping pictures of the men's and women's teams for Arsenal.
Your work kept you separated but on long weekends or national holidays, you were always together. Most of them, it meant that you flew out to Paris where the two of you would hit all the touristy romantic spots before curling up in Amanda's bed and watching a generic rom-com as you traded kisses.
This was one of the rare times she came to London.
It looked good on her, the English weather. She fit in well here, bundled up in scarves and a long coat with a silly hat on her head.
You smiled as she shifted in her sleep, scrunching up her nose as if she could feel the sun on her.
Absentmindedly, you reached back to grab at the camera you kept handy on your bedside table. It was nothing like your professional camera that got placed in its case as soon as you were finished with it (it was also stupidly expensive and you didn't want to buy a new one after spending so much on the one you currently had) and was a polaroid rather than a digital.
You snapped a picture.
Amanda groaned, turning more fully into the pillow as your camera spat out the picture. "It's too early."
Her voice was heavy with sleep and she cracked open her eyes to look at you.
"It's nearly noon," You replied.
"Too early," She said again," Especially, for you to be taking pictures." She reached out for your camera.
You didn't usually let people touch your camera. You were protective over all of them and got antsy when they were in somebody's else's grip.
But, with Amanda, you didn't mind.
You let her fiddle with it for a bit as you picked up the polaroid you had snapped and inspected it.
You smiled.
"Is that going on your mirror?" Amanda asked. She sat up in bed and nestled closer to you, pulling it down to properly look.
You glanced at your mirror. Everyone who was anyone in your life ended up as a polaroid along the edges of your mirror. Your mother. Your father. Your first family pet. The Arsenal girls were on there as were many of your friends.
But the most pictures on your mirror belonged to your girlfriend.
Very few people got more than one solo shot of themselves displayed but Amanda wasn't like everybody else.
She was your girlfriend, the girl you wanted to spend your entire life with.
A new picture of her appeared on your mirror every time you saw her.
Candids littered the border.
Amanda on a walk, at dinner, lazing around on the sofa. It didn't matter what she was doing, you would take a picture of her doing the most mundane of things if she let you.
"Where else would you go?" You teased, stretching and rising from bed. You slipped this picture between one of her sunbathing on the beach and one of you kissing her cheek with fireworks in the background.
"Well...I was hoping here."
You turned around, frowning. "What do you mean? You're already here."
"No." She shook her head and approached you, her hands finding home on your waist. "I mean permanently."
"I...I don't understand."
"Arsenal made me an offer," Amanda said.
"Arsenal made you an offer," You said, smiling as you reached up to cradle her cheeks, closing the distance between you both with your lips. "Are you going to take it?"
"I am."
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vnti-vntiety-recs · 6 months
Mr.NotSoRighteous (M)
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★  PAIRING: BadBoy!S.coups x RichQueenka! reader, Princess Complex!reader featuring:Joshua
★ GENRE(S): smut, fake dating, Hate to love, slow burn
☆ SUMMARY: When your boyfriend Joshua breaks up with you and gets with your sworn rival, you are determined to get him back. You seek help from the known bad boy on campus who's not too fond of you. Can the campus outcast help you win your Mr.Right back?
★ ☆ WARNINGS: panic attack mention,smut/unprotected sex, y/n is a bitch, swearing, sexual acts, super brief mentions of drugs, poor description of a game of golf. 
☆★ NOTES: DONT LIKE DONT READ. wrap it before you tap it. Leave nice comments please or else <3 
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Spending a Saturday night waiting for a text from a man was not one of your top priorities. It was a Saturday evening, and instead of being out with your girls, you're lazing around your dorm, waiting for a text from Joshua. This was your fifth fight all week, and all of this arguing was definitely not good for your pores. You were laying in bed, fluffy designer slippers kicking in the air. You scrolled aimlessly on Instagram, liking and comment on a few posts.
Normally Joshua would have taken you out over the weekend, but now that your schedule was clear, you figured you might as well take this to try and do some networking. Your father would always scold your social skills in formal settings; he said you were too “wild” and needed to “tone down the partying for the sake of the business's image.” Your figured you might as well take the opportunity to prove him wrong.
As the daughter of Carat Co., a diamond manufacturing company, it was in your best interest to keep a pristine image. The media was always attacking your family. Bringing a good image to your father’s company would benefit everyone. 
Normally you and Joshua would go to the mall over the weekend, and he would let you max out his cards by buying designer bags and shoes. Instead of him spoiling you rotten, you are back to ignoring each other again after another petty argument. 
You couldn't really blame him; you knew you could be a handful, and with his father giving him more control over the company, Joshua was more sensitive to your attitude. Joshua was the grandson of a CEO and his grandfather was hellbent on him undoubtedly inheriting the company. You tried hard, you swore you did, to be on your best behavior. You knew how stressed he was and your princess complex wasn't making it any better.
Normally your little quips didn't bother him; he was used to your bossy behavior, but earlier that week he had enough. He was late to pick you up from brunch with your mother, and when you called him a lousy driver, he blew up on you. Unbeknownst to you, he had just come from a failed business proposal. His grandfather was extra hard on him so he was already feeling down. In the moment, you did feel a sliver of guilt for not noticing his sour mood. You were so used to the ups and downs in your relationship with Joshua you expected him to call or text you back by now with an apology. 
He was usually the one to apologize first, even if you were in the wrong. (Which was never.) In your eyes you were perfect and when he didn't come crawling back to you, that knocked you off your high horse. For as long as you could remember, you had always gotten what you wanted. Joshua was one of those things. He was your white knight, and you were not done playing princess. 
As you're scrolling, you pass a post by Seo-Jun, the daughter of one of your father’s business rivals. Seo-jun has been your rival since grade school. She joined all the same teams you were in during middle school, participated in all the same extracurricular classes you took in high school, and applied to the same university as you. Seo-jun was like a bad cold you just couldn't get rid of. 
 Seo-jun was obsessed with proving she was better than you. Your father had outperformed hers in terms of annual business revenue once; apparently, that's all she needed to make it her goal to take everything away from you. If there was anyone more entitled than you, it was her. She wanted everything you had and made sure to get it—everything except for Joshua. 
You both had a crush on him in high school; granted, Seo-jun had a crush on him first. You really only started liking him to piss her off. You both fought to get his attention, but somehow he ultimately chose you.
In the present, you can't help but quirk a brow at your screen and let out an incredulous laugh. You almost scroll past it, but when you zoom in, you're certain. It's a post of Seo-jun and Joshua in a golf cart parked in the lush grass of your favorite country club. The caption was full of heart emojis. 
Was this bitch soft-launching your boyfriend?
That asshole knows how much you hate her! He was definitely doing this to get a rise out of you. You scoff and angrily type out a comment under the post. You hesitate, but ultimately erase it. You throw your phone in frustration. There was no way you were letting them know they got under your skin. You stare at your ceiling, deep in thought.
 You had to think of a way to get back at him! Screw that; you needed to find a way to get back with him. Not only would it piss off Seo-jun, but being with Joshua was just too beneficial. He was basically your little lapdog. If you told him to jump, he would ask how high. Too bad he grew a backbone; you roll your eyes. And Seo-jun! She's probably over the moon. Joshua was the last thing she could take from you, and she finally got it. You would die before you let her win.
If he wanted to play that game, you would just plug in a controller. You knew you had to make him jealous, but you honestly didn't know who you could use for the task. You didn't have many close guy friends; men gave you a headache. The few you did have were also close with Joshua and definitely wouldn't be up for the challenge. The other option was choosing a guy your father had been trying to set you up with for ages. He said it would be good publicity, but you knew getting mixed up with someone like that was trouble. It was too risky and could damage your father's business relations, so that was out of the question.
Maybe you could just pay one of the less fortunate students on campus to play your new boyfriend. You chuckle at the thought. Yea right, you were desperate, but not THAT desperate. You don't think any of them would even be up to the task, given that whenever you saw the scholarship kids walking the hallways on campus, you made a point to stare in disgust. 
You went to a prestigious university that normally only the wealthiest families could afford, but a few years ago, they started a scholarship fund to let in underprivileged  students. You figure they should be lucky to even breathe in the same air that you bless when you spray your high-end perfume.
 There was only one out of the unlucky bunch of outcasts that you had ever even held a conversation with, if you can even call it that. 
Choi Seungcheol was a mystery to some but a nuisance to you. He was never in class, caused trouble everywhere he went, and always started arguments with the snobby, well-off students. Well, maybe they picked on him first, but regardless, he should know his place. There was even a rumor that he sold drugs behind one of the old lecture buildings. Even with all the rumors surrounding him,. He was still able to maintain his scholarship. You deduced he must either have a brain in there somewhere or is bullying some poor kid into finishing his class work. 
You tried to steer clear of him, but somehow you ended up being one of his targets. You were one of the wealthy students he would throw jabs at, resulting in many arguments. He was the most insufferable man you had ever met. One afternoon, as you were walking to class, you saw him coming your way. You would have gladly taken a detour, but if you were late to class, your father would kill you. Time is money. You roll your eyes as you pass him, and he scoffs in return.
 “You can roll your pretty eyes as much as you want sweetheart; you’ll never find a brain up there,” he chides, making you stop in your tracks and turn to face him. The audacity of this man! 
“Animals speak? Science sure has come far.” You bite back. 
“Yeah, real mature,” he said, clicking his tongue.
“You started it, you mutt.” You continue walking, throwing the insult over your shoulder. You were so over this exchange, 
“Takes a bitch to know a dog, huh?” He spits at your retreating back.  You whip back around at the insult. You stumble over your words in shock. No one would get away with talking to you like that.
 “I knew you were trouble the moment I saw you! You're no good, and when I tell my father about this, you’ll be sorry!” 
“Oh? Big girl can't handle her own problems. Gotta have Daddy take care of them for you?” he smirks. You were beyond flustered as you stormed off. That's how a lot of your encounters would go, with him somehow leaving you at a loss for words. 
You curse yourself; there was no way in hell he would accept your offer, and even if he miraculously did, he was definitely going to make your life a living hell. You weren't even sure where to find him, and there was no way you were going to go around campus asking for him. 
In the present, you sigh. It is going to be hard to track him down now that you are willingly looking for him. You were just about to give up on the whole revenge plan once you realized how much work it would be, but then a ding from your phone caught your attention. You look at your screen, and it shows one new message from your friend Lia. She sent you a new post from Joshua's page.
 "Girl, you gotta see this,” her text reads. In the picture, Seo-jun was now sitting in Joshua's lap as they locked lips.  
You audibly gasp. And here you were about to be the bigger person. If they go low, you go to hell, and who other than Satan himself to help you with your scheme? Somehow, he always seems to appear when you least expect him. Who knew the day would come when you were hoping to hear his crude remarks? If you had to turn the campus upside down looking for Seungcheol, you would. If you had to get on your knees and beg for his forgiveness, you would probably bend your knees a little bit, clasp your hands together, and say please, maybe once? That was all he would get out of you,  but you had high hopes that he would play along. You knew he would love to have some type of power over you; knowing your fate was in his hands was enough to please him.
“I'll see you on Monday,” you plot.
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It's Monday morning, and you're already off to a terrible start. You have scoured high and low looking for Seungcheol in between your classes, but he was nowhere to be seen. You hoped he didn't skip class and stay home. You're almost tempted to ask around, but decide against it. Asking questions would raise too many red flags, and Seungcheol was not well-liked on campus; you doubted anyone knew where he was.
You trudge into your biochemistry class dejected, so tired that you collapse onto your seat. You lay your head down on your desk and close your eyes to rest. After a few moments, your professor finally shows up. You should probably pay attention as he explains today's lab, but you're still too tired to even bother. Luckily for you, you sat at the back of the class. 
You don't think he would notice if you took a quick nap and got comfortable. You are almost completely under when you hear the professor scoff. You think he's about to reprimand you, but what he says instead has you sitting up straight just the same.
“Nice of you to join us, Mr. Choi; I thought I'd only have the joy of seeing you during testing.” 
"Sorry sir, I was feeling a little under the weather,” he yawns unabashedly, like he just woke up from the best nap of his life. 
"Well, it's nice to have you sitting in on a lab for once; these are also a huge percentage of your grade.” Your teacher nags.
You almost don't believe it—that bastard was in your biochemistry class the whole time? Your professor, who doesn't look impressed at all by Seungcheol’s story, tells him to quickly find a seat. Seungcheol begins to walk towards the back of the room. He locks eyes with you as he approaches the empty desk next to you; at least that's where you thought he was going.
“Get up; this is where I always sit.” He instructs 
You blink twice at his impudence. You have sat here every day…all year. You have to bite your tongue; if you want his help, you have to be nice. You fight the scowl from your face.
 “Of course.” You get up reluctantly and move one desk over. 
He gives you a weird look. The you that he knew would have put up more of a fight and called him out on his bluff. He's convinced you've been a victim of body snatching, and the person in front of him was an imposter. He sits cautiously, eyeing you up and down.
You expect him to at least take notes given the fact that he's missed months worth of class, but you should have known better. Instead, he just sits there, lying back in his seat, arms crossed over his broad chest, as he inspects you. He partially sat here to rile you up. He wasn't interested in what your professor had to say; he would do the lab after hours. As much as the professor nags at him, he will allow the makeup. Seungcheol just liked the eerie quiet of an empty building; he worked better. It was seldom that he came to class; he did his own independent studies and just showed up on exam days to ace them and keep his grade afloat.
The desks were closely packed together,which is another reason why you sat in the back away from others. You liked your space. Seungcheol, who was manspreading so much that his knee was against yours, seemed to enjoy your space as well.
You're tempted to knock his knee away in disgust, but you remember again that you actually need him, so you keep yourself in check. You don't realize your glaring eyes have started to wander from his invading knee to his face. You rake his body over and can't help but stop at his thighs. They were so thick, you wondered if he had to jump to put jeans on. Your eyes continue up until they reach his smug face. He waits for you to blow up at him, but you just blankly study his features; you never noticed how handsome he was. His obnoxious comments were really taking away from the view; he should learn to talk less and smile more.
He's more than a little disappointed that you didn't respond to his knee nudging yours; you were no fun.
“What's wrong? Why is Miss Princess being so quiet today? I didn't know you could be so docile.” He jokes, and he wonders what's gotten into you.
“Wait for me after class. We need to talk.” You demand. 
“That's not how you ask for favors, pretty girl.” He shakes his head. “You were being so good to me earlier; what happened?”
You sigh as you think to yourself. You hadn’t even gotten yourself involved with this man yet, and he's already working your patience. He's already making you regret this. You pinch yourself and breathe in deeply. You can tell Seungcheol enjoys watching your internal struggle. It's not like it's the first time you’ve ever had to be polite; you could do this! The only thing that could account for your peculiar behavior today was whatever you needed from him, so he is figured it must be pretty important.
“Puh-” You stutter
“almost there, you got it!” Seungcheol says
“Puhleeee” You stammer again. This time, he says nothing as he waits patiently, gesturing for you to continue.
“puh-lease,” you let out a staccato beat, finding it easier to say if you split up the syllables. 
You pat yourself on the back. That was enough strenuous activity for today. You look up at Seungcheol, meeting his gaze. He looks satisfied enough but you're unable to tell if your hard work has paid off.
“Ok, let's talk after class,” He says nonchalantly as he turns back to face the professor. He's given up on bugging you, so he pretends to at least pay attention during the lecture.
Class is over, and you pack your things slowly, waiting for everyone to clear out. You can't risk anyone overhearing you, or else it would be over before it even started. Once the classroom is empty and you're sure you're alone with Seungcheol, you look over to see him looking bored, pushing his pencil back and forward on his desk as he waits for you to speak.
“We need to go somewhere more private.” You say.
Seungcheol rolls his eyes at that. “You're losing me love; I don't have all day. No one’s even here.” He gestures to the empty room
“Then give me your number,” you continue. “If you're busy now, just text me when you're free! I promise it won't be a waste of time.” You don't want to go into too much detail; you're too paranoid that someone was curious to see why you were hanging back after class with a scholarship kid. Maybe someone was listening outside; you don't know, but you refuse to take a chance. You reach out your hand, gesturing for him to hand over his phone.
He unlocks it, handing it back to you, and you quickly send yourself a message. Satisfied with your handiwork, you grab your things, wave goodbye, and leave. Watching your retreating back as the click of your heels sounded throughout his ears, all Seungcheol could think about was how peculiar you could be at times and just what it was that he had agreed to.
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It wasn't until later that night that he texted you, letting you know he was finally free. You send him the address to a restaurant he didn’t recognize and instruct him to be there in the next hour. The restaurant you picked was completely off campus; you wanted to make sure it was a place that presented zero chance of you running into anyone you knew. 
When you arrive at the slightly run-down mom-and-pop shop, you find Seungcheol already sitting in a booth. You approach and notice he’s ordered a shake and fry. He's too busy munching on his food and scrolling on his phone to acknowledge you. 
Even if he wasn't preoccupied, you doubt he’d be able to recognize you by the way you're dressed. You're dressed in a cheap party city wig that was haphazardly slapped on your head. You wore a trench coat that definitely stood out in the warm weather of spring and thick-rimmed sunglasses. You look ridiculous, but it had to be done. If you wore any of your regular clothes, someone would definitely recognize you; you had a very distinctive style. All your clothes were custom-made and tailored to you. You sit down in the booth in front of him, clearing your throat and drawing his attention. A look of confusion crosses his face.
“It’s me.” You pull the shades down just slightly to give him a good look at you.
“I know…” he deadpans.
“I didn’t want anyone to notice me,” you explain, snatching the wig from your head in embarrassment.
“It's almost 80 degrees outside; you look stupid.” He can't help but laugh as the initial shock wears off.
“You think I don't know that!” You reach for a fry and snatch the shake out of his hand, helping yourself. Your mood changes in an instant upon tasting the flavor. "Omg, I love chocolate shakes.” You sip happily on your new drink. 
Seungcheol sighs heavily but lets you have it without a fight. “What did you need to talk about?” he reaches for a few fries and dips them in your shake before eating them. 
“I need you to ask me out,” you state plainly, taking a long sip of the shake, hoping the chill can stop the heat of embarrassment from crawling up your neck. You hated this feeling; you were never anxious. What really made you nervous, though, was Seungcheol's laid-back demeanor. 
“And why would I agree to do that beautiful?” he smirks, observing you nervously chew on your straw.
You rolled your eyes at the compliment; you knew he was being patronizing. He was trying to get you worked up, and it was working. Suddenly, the fire that he was used to was roaring behind your eyes again. 
“Because you are a selfless person who helps people in need,” you say with a condescending smile.
“You? Needy? When have you ever needed anything from anyone, let alone me?” he asks. 
“We just have to pretend for a few months. I just want to make Shua jealous so he comes back to me.” You cut to the chase. 
“Oh? Lapdog ran away from home?” He redirects
“Jus’ means a new position has opened up,” you shrug
"You once told me that breathing the same air as me was a biohazard because I was poor." he furrowed his brows in disbelief.
“And in debt.” You correct.
“Shitty scholarships,” he shrugs factually.
“And if I can cover what they can't?”
Now you seem to have his attention. He wishes you would have said that from the beginning; it would have saved time. You knew he wouldn't do this out of the kindness of his heart.
“How much are we talking?” He licks his lips.
You were already ahead of him. You pull out a folder from your trench coat and slide it to the other side of the table. The action reminded me of the old noir movies your dad used to watch. Seungcheol can only narrow his eyes at your antics. This couldn't get any more cliche.
Seungcheol takes the folder and skims the contents. His eyes grew in size, betraying the poker face he wore. He knew you desperately needed his help, but he didn't think you were this desperate. You must really, really love Joshua, he thinks.
“I know I'm asking for a lot so I'm not afraid to compensate.'' You continue to explain. “If more is needed, don't be afraid to speak up.” 
He skims over the details and reads the agreement. After the contract was up, he would receive a lump sum amount for his time, and on top of that, every time you needed him for an official public appearance, he would receive additional payment. He continues to read and sees that physical contact is also in the contract. You would also pay for each kiss, and anytime he had to hold your hand. Seems excessive, but there are no arguments on his side. At one point, you go over a set of rules. Seungcheol had already skimmed over them but listened anyway. The rules were as follows:
No unnecessary kissing or touching 
No unnecessary hangouts/meetups
No pursuing other people romantically while the contract is active
The contract expiration may be subject to change in the event that Joshua Breaks up with Seo-jun sooner
“I want to add a rule,” he adds confidently. 
“no,” you scowl.
“Then I'm out,” he says nonchalantly.
“Ugh! Fine.” You throw him your pen. He takes it happily and begins to make changes to  the page. He hands the pen and paper back to you and you review his notes. You give him a look before rolling your eyes. You were ready for this whole exchange to be over so you accepted the added rules with no further pushback. The rules now read the following:
No unnecessary kissing or touching 
No unnecessary hangouts/meetups
No pursuing other people romantically while the contract is active
The contract expiration may be subject to change in the event that Joshua Breaks up with Seo-jun sooner
No swearing at Seungcheol or else punishment will be received 
No name-calling Seungcheol or else punishment will be received 
“Sign the bottom dumbass,” you smile.
“Did you even read it?” He groans
“We haven't signed anything yet so I still have free reign to call you whatever I want.” You quip as you poke your tongue out at him.
“Just give me the damn pen,” He huffs.
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The next couple of days were spent easing into the fake relationship, trying to be as natural as possible. You couldn't just show up to class the next day as a couple, not when everyone knew your history together. They had all bore witness to your many scuffles. You needed to make sure you were seen having more friendly encounters, so that meant no more insulting words as you passed each other in the halls. You were going to have to start staging interactions. You made a point to wave at each other and eat together in places that everyone could see. People couldn't help but gossip and started to speculate if you guys were dating. When you guys were spotted walking to class together holding hands,  people could not believe their eyes. It wasn't until the rumors reached their peak that you bothered to confirm them. You uploaded a new post to Instagram. It was a simple picture of Seungcheol and you at a local cafe. You decide to confirm the rumors with a simple heart emoji in the caption; there is no need to say more.
Hows that for a hard launch, Joshua?
You almost had everyone fooled. Your friends are the only ones who don't believe the rumors. They knew you hated Seungcheol, and they were constantly trying to get the truth out of you. To them, this was completely out of character, and you knew you had to come up with something to get them off your back. Eventually, you told them that your dad had cut your allowance short and you wanted to rebel and piss him off. They reluctantly bought your story; it didn't bother them very much; they were used to you dropping things once you were bored with them. 
Now that your fake relationship has taken off, the real game could finally begin. 
It's the week after establishing your relationship in the public eye, and you invite Seungcheol over to your apartment. You want to brief him on the next thing you have in mind. You get a text from him letting you know he's in your driveway. You have to jog across your dorm to get to the door in a timely manner. The dorm you're staying in doesn't hold a candle to your family's home, but it's big enough to be a hassle to have to cross.
You open your door and greet the man waiting. He was dressed very comfortably; he had told you earlier that he would come after mixed martial arts practice. You're a good host, so you show him around before leading him to your office and sitting him in a swivel chair. 
“Ok! Tomorrow is Monday. This means Joshua will be going to Spade Oaks; this is the perfect opportunity to make him jealous.” You begin drawing stick figures on the whiteboard that spans the back wall.
“What’s spade oak?” Seungcheol yawns. He looks tired; practice must have taken a lot out of him. His hair was ruffled, no doubt from the sparring that took place earlier in the day. You almost wanted to grab a comb and fix it for him, but you had more pressing matters to attend to.
“It's the country club I'm a member of. I only got the stupid thing because Shua likes golf,” you shrug offhandedly, drawing more details on your figures
“That sucks.” Seungcheol remarks.
“I know, I prefer tennis,” you shrug
“I meant the drawings,” he says, stifling a laugh.
“Just pay attention!” you huff. “This is important business," you said, setting the marker down with a clack.
He takes a deep breath to ward off anymore laughter. "OK, OK, continue.” 
“Tomorrow I'm going to Spade Oaks to show off my new boyfriend, and hopefully we can catch Shua in a friendly game of golf.” You finish.
“Lucky for you, I actually played a little golf in high school.” 
"Mini golf," he says, laughing at his own dad joke.
You throw your dry-erase marker at him in reply to his stupid pun. You almost swear at him but hold your tongue. Seungcheol stares at you expectantly with a raised brow, challenging you to break his rule. He was more than disappointed when you didn't take the bait. You let out a sigh and collected yourself before returning to the whiteboard and using the extra marker that was attached to draw a new figure into the scene.
“If Shua really is there, Seo-jun is likely to have tagged along. She would never pass up a chance to try and one-up me.” You turn back to Seungcheol 
“Got it, golf. This was great, but you really could have just texted me this.” Seungcheol gets up and stretches. 
His shirt rises slightly during the process, allowing you to catch a brief glimpse of his happy trail before it returns to its proper position. You are even more annoyed by his ability to look good in sweatpants. That was enough for today; he was clearly over it, and so were you. You usher him to the door, but before pushing him out, you give him a stern warning. 
“If you screw up tomorrow, you're not getting paid!” And just before he can complain, you slam the door in his face. 
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Seungcheol meets you first thing in the morning. When you arrive at Spade Oaks, you look him over one more time, making sure his appearance is perfect. He's dressed lightly for the warm weather. He’s wearing khaki slacks and a black polo shirt that almost looks a size too small as it constricts against his arms and chest. His ass is definitely fatter than yours in those slacks, and it's making you mad. Get a grip. You shake the thoughts from your mind and loop your arm around him as you walk.
“Are you ready to have fun today, babe?” You ask jokingly, making obnoxious kissy faces at him. Seungcheol smiles bitterly in return.
He grits his teeth and puts on a false smile to match yours, "Of course, sunshine."
You guys compliment each other so well
You show him around the grounds. Your little tour not only introduces him to some of your acquaintances but also serves as a good way to look for Joshua without being too obvious. After another impromptu introduction, you finally spot the man you were looking for alone on the outside deck. A crooked smile makes its way onto your face as you casually lead Seungcheol outside. 
 “Oh, Joshua? What are you doing here!?” Of course he would be here; you two used to frequent this place all the time. You were together so often that the staff looked Seungcheol up and down like he grew another head before they realized he wasn't Joshua.
“Oh, I'm just here with Seo-jun. We're about to head down to the golf course.” Joshua was a bit taken aback at your sudden appearance, especially with a new man in tow, but he couldn't help but smile in triumph when he saw your nose scrunch up at the mention of Seo-jun. “Who's your friend?”
Before you can introduce him, Seungcheol extends his arm for a handshake. 
“Im Seungcheol, I assume you're the ex?” 
Joshua lets out an incredulous huff at the statement. “Yeah, that ex,” he states bitterly, shaking Seungcheol's hand in a tight handshake.
You're sure he's making reference to how long he and you have been together. He's the ex of 4 years who she tells you not to worry about.
This was clearly working, and you could jump for joy, but your joy was short-lived because you happened to catch a glimpse of the Incarnate Devil out of the corner of your eye. Seo-jun emerges from the restroom and immediately rushes over to Joshua when she realizes it is you he is been speaking with. 
“I'm so sorry to keep you waiting sweetie,” she pouts, then places a quick kiss on his cheek. 
She turns you like an afterthought. She looks you up and down. "Hello y/n, long time no see. We should really catch up, yeah?” She doesn’t ask; she simply pulls you off the deck and inside the bathroom.
 Once you're far away from any prying ears, she lets you have it.  “What the hell do you think you’re doing here?” She smiles despite her harsh words.
“I'm here to play golf.” You smirk nonchalantly as you walk up to the mirror in the bathroom, fixing your hair.
"Oh please, you hate golf.” She stands beside you with a huff, touching up her makeup.
“Guess things change, unlike you. Still chasing after my shadow?” You ask, making eye contact with her through the mirror.
“I know why you're here. Stay away from him,” a calm washes over her features in seriousness.
“He's all yours; don't worry.” You raise your hands in defeat. “If we're done here, I've got a game to start.” You say this as you turn to the door.
“How about you and your new little boy toy play us in a quick game of Two-Man Best Ball?” Seo-jun successfully stops you in your tracks.
“You're on.” You smirk.
You and Seo-jun walk back to the deck, and she fills Joshua in on the game you agreed to play.
“You don't even like golf.” He states.
“I guess I just like playing it with Seungcheol,” you shrug. You can see his eyebrows furrow in betrayal; you never played golf with him.  
Seungcheol takes your hand in his and kisses the top of your head. “I like playing with you too baby.”  
Out on the course, Seungcheol plays a lot better than you expect. You can tell it's his competitive attitude that drives him, rather than the prospect of trying to impress you. The score is a lot closer than you would like, but you take what you can get. You had no interest in golf, but you at least knew the basics, so you were grateful you could at least keep up.
Joshua's turn is next, and he swings his club, putting the golf ball off into the air. Even though he doesn't score well on this swing, Seo-jun makes sure to encourage him just as much. You would not let her out-girlfriend you, so whenever Seungcheol scored well, you would give him a kiss on the cheek with some words of encouragement. 
You were starting to have fun. You had almost forgotten that the reason you were doing this was to make Joshua jealous. Words of affirmation were slowly becoming genuine, and you even found yourself anticipating the short kisses you shared. It was the last thirty minutes of the game, and you weren't even looking back to see Joshua's reactions anymore. You found that you could only focus on the way Seugcheol would either hug you or kiss you on the top of your head, following with a “that's my girl” whenever you would score well on a hole. You had to snap yourself out of it. Every time you guys had some form of skinship, he would be getting paid. 
Of course he's being extra affectionate. It's his job, dummy. You chide yourself in thought. 
You are the last player to swing, and it is neck and neck at the final hole. If you scored well, it would put you ahead of Joshua and Seo-jun. It wouldn't be by much, but it was still a win. Joshua wasn't as good as you expected if a bunch of newbies were keeping up with him. You steel your nerves and make your final swing. It was a beautiful swing that ended the game in your favor. You immediately drop your club and run into Seungcheol's arms to celebrate. It seems he has the same idea because his arms are already open and waiting for you. He picks you up effortlessly and spins you around in a tight embrace. When your feet touch the ground again, Seungcheol kisses you without a second thought. He pulls away just as quickly, and you're left dazed. Seo-jun's annoying voice brings you back down to earth.
“Winning isn't everything guys,” she grumbles. 
You roll your eyes then you finally remember Joshua. The look on his face made everything worth it. On the outside, he was calm, but you knew him too well for that to be true. He's upset. The tight smile and deathly grip on the golf club were dead giveaways. Now the real question was if he's upset about losing or if he's jealous. After a moment of debate, you decide that you don't care about the reason. As long as you were able to get under his skin, you consider that a win.
“Good game,” he grits reluctantly. “Let's go, Seo-jun,” he states as he packs up his equipment. 
Seo-jun, ever the follower, runs after his retreating back, “coming sweetie!”
Seungcheol already had your things packed up as Seojun and Joshua pulled off in their golf cart. As soon as they are out of earshot, you turn to him.
“So I guess you're good for something,” you say.
“Don't start princess; we were having a good day,” he exhales exasperatedly. 
He was right; today had been fun, but that was the problem. You were not supposed to have fun with Seungcheol, You were not supposed to like his touch as much as you did and you sure as hell were not supposed to crave his kisses. The one you were supposed to want  was Joshua but right now all you could think of was Seungcheol. You had to put a comfortable distance between you two again so you did what you did best and threw a wet blanket on all the fun you had.
“I was only pretending to have fun! How could I have fun when Seo-jun is all over Joshua? In case you forgot, he's supposed to be mine, not hers.” You grit out, suddenly finding it a bit hard to find your words. The hurt that flashes in Seungcheol's eyes almost makes you regret opening your mouth. It's not like this was new; you say stuff like this all the time but for some reason, after a day of joy and laughter, the cold reminder that this was all just temporary was not welcome.
 “Whatever.” He throws the equipment in the back of the golf cart, not wanting to argue anymore. “Get in.”
 You followed his lead and got in the cart. The ride back was a silent one. 
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After that day, Seungcheol’s attitude towards you completely changed. There was no more playful banter or flirty pet names; it was straight business. When you were in public, he played his part and immediately pulled away when the coast was clear. When you had paid him the sum that you owed him, not even a thank you was muttered; he just took the funds and went on about his day. This shouldn't bother you, but it does.  You shouldn't care about his feelings, but you do. It's not like what you said was wrong! Why are you being treated like such a bad guy when all of this was a lie? Still, for whatever reason, you find yourself trying to be in his good graces again.
You're slightly late to your biochemistry class. Since you started dating, you have made sure that Seungcheol and you walk into class together. Appearances were everything. Today, though, you told him you would be running late. You come into class with two frappuccinos instead of the usual one. You sat on his desk, forcing his attention up from his phone and onto you.
“Is this your way of saying sorry?” He relents but accepts the gift. 
“Don't get ahead of yourself; they just gave me an extra one,” you state matter-of-factly.
You were apologizing. You would never come right out and say it but you did feel bad. There's no better way to fix problems than to throw money at it. You would rather do that than talk about the cause of your little outburst on the golf course. Seuncheol doesn't expect much else out of you, and truthfully, he's surprised he even got this much. He had already decided to let it go; he just wanted to see how much you would grovel first. 
Answer: Not a lot
And just like that, he's walking you to your next class like nothing happened. He mentions offhandedly a judo match he has later that day; he even invites you to watch him spar.
“And why would I want to watch two sweaty men throw each other around?” you inquire. 
“Because you're my girlfriend, and you're supposed to support me.” He extends his arms, handing you the books he's been carrying for you, marking your arrival at your next class. You take them without a word and kiss him on the cheek for show.
“Of course, how could I forget.” you smile sarcastically. 
“I'll send you the address later.” He swats your backside as you walk into class. You turn to face him, but he just sends you a shit-eating grin. You figure it was his form of payback. You try your best to hide the small smile that breaks across your face.
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He said he would text you but he ends up calling after you finish all your classes. You thought it would be a quick exchange of information but you end up staying on the phone with him all the way until you get home. It was the longest you had ever spoken to each other without throwing around insults. He tells you about how he trained in taekwondo for 7 years and that he recently picked up judo. Today's match would be judo; it would be his first one upon picking up the sport. As he tells you more about himself, you find that you enjoy listening to him speak. When the conversation switches gears and it's your turn to talk, you don't say much. You're not one to open up easily; what could he possibly want to know? You're rich; that's all that matters.
You have to end the call to shower and get ready for the match. After you shower, you get ready to put on your favorite designer skirt, pairing it with a frilly crop top. You don't forget to accessorize with a rose gold Cartier bracelet and matching necklace. You throw on your Celine Ave shoulder bag and grab your shades. You top it all off with your favorite pair of Louboutin heels. 
Earlier over the phone, Seungcheol told you to dress casually because he knew you would stick out like a sore thumb otherwise. You hate being casual; casual was boring, and casual didn't get your attention. For all you knew, this was casual; it was just designer casual. 
 It takes you about 20 minutes to get to his martial arts gym and when you step out of your pink Porsche 718 boxster, all eyes are on you. You pull your shades down over your eyes and smile at the attention. You walk inside and Seuncheol is already waiting in the lobby for you with a disapproving look on his face. 
“What's the matter, babe?” you smile 
“You're causing a scene,” He groans  
 “Sorry, should I have driven the Pink Audi instead?” you shrug and grab his hand. “Lead the way,” you urge. 
Seungcheol scoffs in amusement but follows your order. You hear a few whoops and hollers as he takes you to a matted sparring room, but one glare from Seungcheol shuts it all down. When you enter the room, his opponent is already warming up. As soon as you step from behind Seungcheol, his opponent coos upon seeing you.
“It's a shame you brought your girlfriend; now she's going to have to watch you lose.” He teases playfully
“We’ll see," he replies coolly. He turns to you and grabs your face, placing a gentle kiss on your lips. Maybe all the gawking really did bother him.
“For good luck,” he whispers and releases you. 
Your face begins to heat, and you're afraid he could feel the heat seep into his palms, which still cradled your face. You nod dumbly before finding your seat. It's not long after Seungcheol finishes stretching that the match begins. It's exactly as you had expected—two sweaty men throwing each other around on a dirty mat—but you couldn't keep your eyes off of Seungcheol. You surprised yourself at how loudly you could cheer. 
The way he forces his opponent into submission and pins them to the mat made butterflies erupt in your stomach; you kind of wanted him to throw you around next. The way he uses his strong thighs to lock onto his opponent to ensure they don't move and the way his chest heaves at the extraneous task makes your mind wander to unholy places. You are so far gone that you can’t even remember how the game ended. You assume Seungcheol won with the way he helped his opponent to his feet. They make small friendly banter as you watch from the sidelines. Once he's done, he approaches you with the widest grin you've ever seen. You have grown accustomed to his scowl; you didn't even know his face could do that. His face lights up when he smiles. Under his tough exterior, a soft light shone. You wanted to see this side of him more.
“I just need to help clean up, and we can leave, ok?” He's dripping in sweat, still trying to catch his breath. 
 You smile and congratulate him. He looks like he wants to hug you but decides against it. He knows you’d throw a fit if he got any sweat on your designer. He gives you one last smile before heading back to the changing room.
 When he comes back, he starts straightening up. You're sitting on a bench watching him put up the mats and clean the area. You enjoy the silence that settles, and you enjoy just being in his presence. Once he’s done, he comes over and sits down next to you.
“I’m proud of you princess; you didn't complain at all today,” he teases. “Who knew you could be well behaved?”  
You were just as surprised; today taught you a lot about yourself. First and foremost, you would kill to be manhandled by Seungcheol. Second, you learn you definitely have a thing for his thighs. Lastly, you learn that praise makes your stomach twist in all the right ways. 
“You smell; go shower. I'm tired and ready to go,” you utter, never finding it easy to agree with him.
“Why don't you join me princess? Give you a reward for being good.” His voice drops to a whisper. “What are you thinking about, huh? Want me to throw you over my shoulder and take you with me? Ask nicely, and I might be gentle.”
Your breathing picks up, and you want to disagree, but you can't find your words. All you can do is stumble over a response.
“wha-I don't,” you stutter
“Just kidding, doll.” He teases with a smirk. Then he leaves for the showers and you're left trying to figure out what just happened. 
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An emergency meeting is called later that week. You decide to meet at Seungcheol’s place; he lived closer to campus, and you were too impatient to wait until you got home to go over the details. You make your way up the stairs of his apartment, him not too far behind, as you ramble about how important it is to pay attention. You both make it to his apartment, and he unlocks the door, trying his best to tune you out. He enters first, and before you can even step through the door, a white fluff ball bounds to the door. You immediately step back outside. 
“What is…that?” You don't even attempt to hide your disdain. 
“I told you I had a dog,” he shrugs, picking up the dog and cooing at her affectionately. 
Now that you think about it, he did mention a dog. “Oooh, Koda?” you try. 
“Kumma,” he glares. “She's my little princess; isn't that right baby?” he coos even more affectionately. 
Being jealous of a dog was not something you wanted to admit. You already don't like dogs but you especially don't like this one.
“Cute, but I don't want her getting her dirty paws on my Louis Vuitton,” you snide. 
Seungcheol rolls his eyes and he walks further into the house with Kkuma in his arms before disappearing around a corner. A few minutes later, he returns empty-handed. 
“I put her up, now come in; your letting the air out.” 
Once inside, you scan the house and you take your shoes off by the door. “At Least it's clean,” you say
Seungcheol stayed in a small apartment on the second floor. Granted, little furniture occupied the space, but even so, it was roomy. You wouldn't give it too much credit, though; it was still far smaller than the space in your home closet. Seungcheol can feel your judgment.
“I'm never inviting you over again,” he says with a shake of his head 
“I didn't even say anything!” 
You both sit down in his living room and get comfortable. He leans back against the couch and waits for you to begin your rambling. 
"Tomorrow, my father is hosting a rooftop dinner to celebrate the expansion of the company.” You start off, “Shua's father and my father are business partners, so that means Shua is bound to be there.” 
He doesn't know why, but hearing you call Joshua by that nickname upsets him. You only ever call him by his name. But when it came to Joshua, it was still Shua this, Shua that. He wanted to Shua’t himself in the head.
"Ok, so you want me to attend this dinner party with you, is that right?” Seungcheol recaps.
“Precisely,” you smile and pat his head.
You tell him he's probably going to have to meet your parents. Honestly, you were more nervous about that than anything else. It really shouldn't matter to you because you guys would be breaking up by the end of the year anyway, but you still want him to leave a good impression on them for some reason. You coach him on all your parents favorite things to help him if he ever finds himself stuck in conversation with them. 
“Any questions?” You finish up.
“What do you have against dogs?” 
“Important questions” 
“This is important.” 
“important to me.” You correct
“I guess not,” He sulks. 
You sigh and give in, “they’re loud and obnoxious.” You deadpan.
“Just like you?"  Seungcheol smirks 
“Do you want to get paid or not?” You roll your eyes at his comment. 
“How about instead of paying me this time, you grant me one wish?” he says
“Fine, do what you want; just remember tomorrow to come dressed in your best and be on time.” You can already guess what his wish may be as you get up from the couch and collect your things.
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You arrive at the party early to help your mother set up. You spent the whole time trying to win Seungcheol some brownie points with your mom. You rambled on about how sweet and charming you found him. Your mom would adore anyone you brought home, but you still felt the need to sell it. Shockingly, it wasn't hard to talk about his good qualities; you didn't find yourself lying like you thought you would have to. Soon enough, you knew your mom was won over before he even got there. Now it was time to worry about your father.
Your father was already upset that your relationship with Joshua ended on a bad note.  He was working on closing a deal with Joshua’s father, and the breakup made closing negotiations a hassle. Your father had adored Joshua, so you knew Seungcheol would come in with 10 negative points already in your father’s book. 
You're almost finished setting up when guests start to arrive. The party was about an hour in when Joshua and his father showed up. You were starting to get antsy with no sign of Seungcheol. You tried to keep your temper in check, but you told him to be on time! He wasn't picking up his phone either. You didn’t have time to worry about him; you had to jump from circle to circle, making sure everything was in order. Even though your parents were the ones hosting the party, they left you in charge of greeting guests. You're making your rounds and you run into Joshua and his father.
“Oh! Mr. Hong, such a pleasure to have you!” You put on your best hostess voice. 
“So nice to see you again, Y/N. I'm finding everything just fine,” Mr.Hong responded. Joshua's father loved you as much as your father loved Joshua. They were both devastated when you two broke up.  
"Shua, don't be rude; say hello.” He nudges his son. Joshua gives his best smile and greets you, “I'll leave you two to catch up, ok?” Mr. Hong says he is making his leave. He was probably hoping you two would use this moment to rekindle.
“Where's your boyfriend?” 
“He's late,” you say worriedly. At first, you were upset but now as more time has passed, that feeling has shifted to worry. You wonder if he was okay.
“What about you? You came here alone?” You change the subject to keep the thoughts away.
“Seo-juns in Paris for fashion week” 
“I hope she's having fun.” Joshua knows you don't mean it. 
This was the first time you and Joshua had been alone since the breakup. You think he looks handsome in his suit with perfectly styled hair. “Hey, can we talk?” He looks at you seriously. 
"Us,” he says, hopefully.
This was the moment you were waiting for. The moment he comes crawling back. You wait patiently for him to continue. You are on the edge of your seat, but before he can speak, you feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist, pulling you into a firm chest. 
“I'm sorry I was late love.” A voice says  and places a kiss on your neck. You can't see it, but from Joshua's face, you can tell Seungcheol is staring him down. “I was picking something up for you.”
You turn around in his arms and smile, “its ok, I was just catching up with Shua.” 
There it was—that stupid nickname again. He doesn't even properly greet Joshua as he pulls you away. You're not sure if you're relieved or upset that he pulled you away from the moment. Part of you wanted to go back and hear what Joshua had to say. The other part was afraid of the outcome. If he wanted to make up and get back together, would you? Could you just "break up" with Seungcheol on the spot, never seeing him again, and returning to cold stares as you pass each other in the halls? But that's how this was supposed to end anyway. It's not like you had feelings for Seungcheol.
It isnt until after he pulls you away that you take him in. He wore a sharp royal blue suit and carried a bouquet of daisies. He looked unbelievably good. You took the flowers without a thought and gave a faraway smile.
Seuncheol wonders what you were thinking about—was it something Joshua said? Where are you upset that he was late? He knew you were planning to kill him later, and that your smile was just for show.
“What were you two talking about?” he inquires. 
“It was nothing; we weren't even talking for long.” You explain.
“Why do you call him that?” 
“Shua. you always call him Shua.” 
You shrug “It's just a nickname; what's the problem?” 
"Well, how are we supposed to be fooling anyone when you're calling each other cute little pet names like you're still together?” 
"Fine, cheol, don't throw a fit.” You wrap your hands around his neck and kiss his nose. “Who would have guessed you're the jealous type?”
You wanted to at least try to pretend to be a little angry at him, but it seems like all your frustrations wash away when you're in his arms.
 “Don't call him Shua anymore.” He sulks.
“Yes sir,” you joke. 
He looks down at you for a couple more seconds and smiles. He is about to lean in for a kiss when your mother comes over and coos.
 “So this is Mr.Choi? I’ve heard so much about you! How are you?” Your mother greets you two.
You break away from each other so Seungcheol can greet your mother properly. 
“He brought me flowers, mom. Aren’t they beautiful?” You brag.
Your mother takes the bouquet and gasps once she notices the flowers that sprinkle throughout it. “Oh my! This is great news! Let me get your father!” Your mother scuttles off, leaving you a bit confused; They were just flowers?
“I think she likes you,” You smile 
“One down, one to go,” He jokes 
“Yeah, about that~'' You chuckle nervously. Not only was he already negative 10 points with your dad but his tardiness didn't really help his case. 
“I'm almost certain he wont like you,” you half-joke. If Seungcheol is discouraged, he sure doesn't show it.
“That's ok; i'm used to disapproving parents,” He shrugs 
You had almost forgotten that he was an outcast on campus. You suddenly feel bad for all the times you picked at him and made him feel lesser. Sure, he had a reputation on campus for being a bad boy, but the worst thing you had ever seen him do was j-walk. He could be a bit of an asshole at times, but he was likable once you got to know him. You hate that you have been one of the many people to judge him.
After a few moments, your mother is dragging your father over, speaking enthusiastically about something. Whatever it was had your father frowning deeply. This didn't look good.
“Mr. Choi, was it?” Your father extends an arm for a handshake. 
Seungcheol puts on his most charming smile and gives your father a nice, firm handshake. 
“Pleasure to meet you, sir,” he says, returning the greeting
“You're a few hours late, son,” your father quips. Your father wears a smile, but you know it's just for show. "And I hear your bringing us some shocking news as well?”
Seungcheol falters. "I'm sorry for my tardiness, sir. I make no excuses," he responds. 
Your father appraises him for a second longer before letting out a breath “While I do think it is irresponsible for you to get my daughter pregnant, I hope you are planning to marry her; a child out of wedlock would not look good for the company.”
You choke on air, and you swear your eyes almost burst from their sockets. You snap your head to look at Seungcheol, and he wore a similar expression as you.
“Excuse me, sir?” he sputters out.
“My wife says you bring daisies? I don't know much about flowers, but she says they can symbolize childbirth. Was she mistaken?” Your father tests.
“Im sure thats true sir, but I think theres a misunderstanding. We are not expecting a baby,” he laughs
Your father's shoulders relax, and he laughs the nerves away. Your mother sends an apologetic smile your way and rubs your fathers back to soothe him. You were sure he would have had a heart attack if you really were pregnant.
“Im so sorry, dear! I must have misunderstood.” She says.
Your father finally smiles and claps a hand on his shoulder. “Thank you for joining us today; we really appreciate it.” He says
Your father turns to you and gives you a hug. “His tardiness does not impress me, but he's not the worst.” He says this to you, pulling away from the hug. He bids himself farewell as he goes to chat with some colleagues. 
You turn to Seungcheol. “Why daisies?” 
“The shopkeeper told me they meant new beginnings and love and some other bullshit. I didn't know they could mean childbirth!” Seungcheol explains in disbelief.
"Well luckily, my dad didn't kill you; I think that means he likes you?”
“Thank God,” he sighs.
Following the minor hiccup, the rest of the night went smoothly.  Seungcheol is like a natural; he's able to follow along and make small talk with a few of your father's work colleagues, even managing to get a chuckle out of a few. 
You enjoy the rest of the night socializing by Seungcheol’s side and having a few drinks. You had seen Joshua storm off earlier; you could only assume your plan was working, but you couldn't find it in you to care. It was starting to get late, and you're ready to go. Seungcheol offers to drive you home since you had come with your parents. You quickly find your parents and bid them farewell, and you two leave the party together. Mission Success!
“Even though you were late and almost gave my father a heart attack, you did pretty well. I guess I’ll keep my promise. Whatever you want, it's yours.” you say. 
"Good, because I want you to promise to go to the dog park with me. I want you to get along with Kkuma.” He smiles wickedly at you.
 You instantly regret giving him that wish coupon.
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Was this outing breaking one of your rules? Possibly, but it was essential that your closet stay in season. It was time to buy the latest fashion collections, and you would die if you had to carry all of your bags.
Cue seungcheol. 
At first, he protested, but after waiving around a little money, he folded. You had honestly expected him to complain a lot more, but this was your third store you had gone to, and he hadn't complained yet. He was a lot more vocal about your outfit choices than you thought he would be. He told you what he thought would look nice on you. No matter how many bags you handed him, he took them without a word. 
“You’re being nice today,” you say in passing.
“You look cute when your in your element,” he shrugs nonchalantly.
You dont know why you do it but the next store you lead him to is a lingerie shop.
Maybe it was his good behavior or his comment earlier, but you think he deserves a treat. When you look back at him over your shoulder, you can see the tips of his ears burning red, even though he tries his hardest not to show it on his face.
“Its fine if I try something here, right?”
“Pick up whatever you want, love.”
The pet name has your heart doing cartwheels. 
This was going to be fun.
Now normally, you would never try on a set in store, but you planned to buy whatever you brought into your fitting room. You have Seungcheol drop the bags off at the front so he can trail behind you comfortably. 
“Why dont you pick out something for me to wear”
“What, so you can wear it for Shua?” he says, rolling his eyes before crossing his arms over his chest.
“Joshuas’ not the one standing in a lingerie shop with me.” You challenge, "Are you scared?”
He was standing toe to toe with you now, leaning down slightly to meet your eyes. “You gonna let me see it?”
“That and more if you impress me,” you say, giving him a sly smile.
That gets him moving and his eyes scan the store, You think hes going to pick out the slutties thing he could find but after walking around the shop for 10 minutes looking at all types of sets, you realize he was looking with careful consideration
Finally, he hands you a lacey pink corset with thin bows on the shoulder that also laced up the middle. It was part of the set, the other part being a pink garter belt attached to matching lacey pink panties. It was very pretty and delicate, while still being sexy. You nod your head in appreciation. You could work with this. You take the fabric from him and you walk towards the changing room. You stop and look over your shoulder.
“You coming or not?” 
“You cant be serious,” he says. You could tell a part of him still wasn’t taking your invitation seriously and that you were just messing with him.
“Dont tell me you all bark”
"Actually, its the opposite,” he says, sending you a smile “im afraid i might bite”
This was soooo breaking a rule.
You know you were the one who boldly suggested it, but you still make Seungcheol stand in the farthest corner of the dressing room, turned away from you. You make him pinky promise to keep his eyes closed until you tell him to open them.
You change silently and appraise yourself in the mirror. The set hugged your body in all the right places. The color complemented you so well that you praised Seungcheol for his taste in your head. You turn towards his back, and after a few seconds of debating, you tell him its ok to look.
When he turns around and opens his eyes, he immediately drinks in your figure. You suddenly became shy under his gaze. You could feel your heart pick up, and you almost stumbled over your words when you asked, “h-how do I look?” 
“Can I take a closer look?” Before you can answer, he has his hands on your hips, pulling you closer and looking at you from up close. His eyes slowly trail down your front before he spins you around in his hold to have you face the mirror. He's looking at you, and your looking at him through the mirror. Through the mirror, you can see his eyes admiring how your ass looks wrapped in the pink lace. He has a tight grip on your hips, and the way he bites his lip makes you clench your thighs. Suddenly, he's pulling you back, flush against his chest. You meet his gaze in the mirror, and you almost gasp. His eyes were hooded and shadowed in lust. He hooks his chin over your shoulder and wraps his arms around you, laying one palm flat against your abdomen while the other rubs your side affectionately.
“You look good enough to eat,” he says while holding your eye contact in the mirror.
He noses at your neck, inhaling your sent “you gonna let me show you I can bite?” he chuckles from behind you before nipping at your ear.
You try to come up with a response but all you can do is trip over your words
“Whos all talk now?” He says light-heartedly.
“The contract” is all you can manage
“Right. Your right,” he pulls away from you with his hands raised at his sides  "I don' want to break our contract,” he says sarcastically before turning around again and facing the wall.
You hurry, get changed back into your normal clothes. You pay at the front and collect the bags you dropped off earlier. The ride back to your house was silent but only because the air was so thick with sexual tension that you thought if you opened your mouth, you would choke on it.
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You won't see him again until the next weekend. He decided to use his wish coupon to bring you to the dog park. He doesn't mention your last meeting, and your grateful because you're in a living nightmare. There are all sorts of dogs running around, spit-covered tennis balls flying through the air, and loud, annoying barking sounded throughout the park. It would be an understatement to say that you were not thrilled to be here. Seungcheol, on the other hand, looks like he could stay out here all day. You can just imagine his imaginary tail wagging. He takes Kkuma out of her kennel and leashes her to bring her to the park. He then hands you a few toys to carry.
“You're really making me do this, huh?” 
“Stop being like that; it’ll be fun,” he says, leading you into the main area of the park and unleashing Kkuma. She seems to be well trained and doesn't run far.
Seungcheol takes one of the toys from you and plays with Kkuma. He's playing a game of tug of war with Kkkuma and lets her win. He seems to be having so much fun with Kkuma you almost think he's forgotten about you. He takes a break to give her water.
"Alright, now it's your turn.” 
“I'm not in the right attire for this,” you try to make up an excuse. Your over-the-top outfit drew attention the moment you stepped into the park. Someone was probably wondering why you would wear something so expensive to a dog park.
“That's your fault,” he shrugs. Seungcheol had warned you the moment he saw you step out of the house. Maybe it was time to start listening and stop being so hardheaded.
You cautiously approach Kkuma with the rope, and you crouch down to offer it to her. She stares at you before hesitantly going for the toy. You play a short game of tug of war, letting her win almost immediately. 
“Ok done! We played; can we leave now?” you conclude. 
“You promised!” Seungcheol frowns in disappointment.
You sigh; you're already here; you might as well try. You reach out to pet Kkuma, and she rolls over cutely. You coo at her and rub her tummy. OK, maybe she was precious. You hold up a ball. It's like she's frozen as her eyes lock on the ball. She springs onto her paws and wags her tail. You throw the ball, and she chases it, bringing it back. You do this a few more times before trying out the other toys.
You're having so much fun that you forget that your wearing heels, and when you go to playfully chase after Kkuma, you lose your balance. You’re able to right yourself before falling and let out a sound of relief. You step forward, but something slick causes your foot to slide forward slightly. You lift your foot to discover that you’ve stepped in dog poop. 
“Just wonderful,” you say to Kkuma with a tight smile. Seungcheol is watching from afar. You have to squint to see him, but you're sure he's laughing at you.  
“Your daddy is an asshole, you know that?” 
Kkuma barks at you in retaliation. 
“What do you know?” you argue back. Sticking your tongue out at her childishly.
You hobble back to Seungcheol and plop down on the bench next to him. 
"Is this what you wanted? I got dog shit on my Choos." You pretend to be a little annoyed; you were only joking.
“Here” He pulls a few wet wipes from an attachment on Kkuma’s leash. He pulls your legs over his lap and wipes the poop from your shoes. “Are you ready to go?” Seungcheol can guess you're probably reaching your limit for outside activity for the day.
You would have been out here for at least an hour and a half, and while it was nice to see Kkuma having fun, you were already sweating more than you would like. As you head out, you offer to play with Kkuma for a while longer indoors.
Once you arrive at his house, Seungcheol lets you have fun. You're sitting on the floor and although Kkuma jumps all over you, you don't seem to mind. This was definitely not something you would have allowed a few days ago so Seungcheol is proud of your progress. 
“Should I buy her a bow? Won't that be cute?” You mention. 
Seungcheol finds it cute that you're already ready to spoil her. “I think she's spoiled enough,” he argues. 
 "Well, I'm her mommy and she can have whatever she wants.” You say defiantly.
“I thought you didn't like dogs, “ He teases. 
You ignore him and continue playing until you tire yourself out. You are just lying on his floor, too exhausted to straighten out your rumpled clothes, but he thinks you are the most beautiful in this moment. When you're relaxed without a care in the world, those are the moments he can peek through the gaps in your defenses.
“It's getting late; I should head home,” You declare, giving Kkuma a few more pets before finally standing.
“You could stay the night,” Seungcheol Proposes.
This was a bad idea. Staying by Seungcheol's side for longer than necessary would only make your confusion about your feelings toward him worse. You're ready to decline but one look at his puppy eyes and you couldn't find it in yourself to say no. You agree to stay the night and he gives you some of his clothes to wear guiding you to the shower. When you close the door behind you, let out a sigh. This was going to be a long night.
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You shower and put on the borrowed clothes. You glance in the mirror and, although it's not what you usually wear, you love it nonetheless. You loved how the too-big clothes draped over your frame; you never wanted to give them back. You tell him to freshen up as you leave the restroom. He gets in the shower after you and tells you to grab something to eat before you lay down. It was late, so you grabbed something quick and  headed straight toward the bedroom. It wasn't hard to find, given how small the apartment was. You make your way into his room and crawl under his blankets. It was like having your own little haven; you felt safe and secure. His bed was wonderfully warm and smelled just like him; you never wanted to leave. However, something in the back of your mind kept reminding you that you were breaking one of your most important rules.
Rule #2: No unnecessary hangouts/meetups
Well, this was necessary, you argue. It was far too late for Cheol to drive you home. What if he fell asleep behind the wheel on the way back? You reason. Yup, you were doing this for his safety! How selfless of you to worry about his well-being! You pat yourself on the back. 
“What are you doing in my room?” A topless Seungcheol inquires.
“Getting ready for bed? Why are you naked?” You try not to notice how he dries his still-wet skin.
 “It's my house.” 
"Well, then you should be well acquainted with your couch.” You raise an eyebrow, not making a move to unwrap yourself from the blankets. 
“The couch was for you.” He says.
You? Sleep on a couch? Never in your life.
“You meant for me to sleep on the couch?” You laugh incredulously, and here you were worried about his hypothetical safety.
Seungcheol doesn't respond, just going to settle in behind you on the bed, pulling the blankets from you, leaving you cold, and wrapping himself in them. He had really bad insomnia already; he could not deal with sleeping on the couch. 
“I can't sleep on the couch; I need proper beauty sleep; if I knew you were gonna make me sleep out there, I would have gone home,” you whine.
He lifts up the blankets and reaches to wrap an arm around your waist. He pulls you into his chest and wraps you both in the blanket. “Then sleep here,” he says, closing his eyes and getting comfortable. 
Your heart will not stop pounding out of your chest. Your head spins from the close proximity and his heady scent. You try to help your case by turning away from him, but his arms remain wrapped around you, causing him to spoon you. You can breathe a little easier, so you scoot closer to him. You must have scooted too far back because his hand suddenly grabs your waist, halting your movements. 
"Stop moving," he says breathlessly. 
You can only manage a sheepish "sorry." He relaxes his grip on you and settles in.
Your mind wanders, and you can't help but notice that all of the dirty things you have ever thought about him come to the forefront. You recall what just happened: how he only needed one arm to stop your squirming, how he gripped your hip and pinned it in place. You wonder if he would pin you in other positions as well. You think back to the time of the sparring match and the way he threw his opponent to the ground. You wanted him to manhandle you and treat you like nothing. Seungcheol brought out your darkest desires. 
It was later in the night, and your racing thoughts were keeping you awake. You never thought you would do what you're about to do, but you couldn't hold back. You take a small peek over your shoulder to look at Seungcheol. He was sound asleep, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. A trembling hand slips down the front of your shorts. You try to be as subtle as possible as you circle your clit through the fabric of the boxers Cheol gave you to wear. You push your face further into your pillow to try to muffle your noises. When you inhale, you can only smell Seungcheol’s cologne, and you almost moan.
You slip your hand into your underwear, collecting your juices and using them to coat your fingers. You quickly ease a finger in and thrust shallowly. You wanted to get this over with quickly, but you would need more. You slip in another finger. This time, you use deep thrusts to work yourself up. You shyly grind your hips into your palm, stimulating your clit, biting your lips at the pleasure. You move carefully. You roll onto your back, and use your other hand to pinch your nipples. At this point, you didn't care how obvious you were; you just wanted to come. You hoped against hope that Seungcheol was a deep sleeper. 
You have to bite back moans as you picture your hands as his. You add a third finger, and you almost whine; it was barely enough. You knew his fingers would stretch you farther than this. You craved his rough touch. After a few more messy thrusts, you cum with a shudder. You have worn yourself out; you wait a breath to make sure you’re off the hook before you carefully remove your hand from your shorts. That's when a hand grabs your wrist. Turning your head, you see Seungcheol staring back at you. 
“You dirty fucking slut,” he rasps, sleep still coating his voice.
As you open your mouth to defend yourself, he licks the tips of your drenched fingers, causing you to gasp. The argument dies in your throat as he looks up at you, moaning at the taste. 
“What do you think you were doing, huh?” Your hips automatically roll into his touch as he reaches over and shoves his hand down your shorts.
You cry out, your face burning with shame, "I’m sorry."
“No you’re not; you're practically dripping all over my fucking fingers, baby. Don't lie to me.” Your juices make a soft, wet sound as he plays with your folds teasingly.
"Tell me what you were thinking about," he orders, circling your clit. 
Your first orgasm has left you sensitive, so you try to squirm away. He sits up more and uses his other hand to pin your hips to the mattress. 
"Uh uh, baby, you're not going anywhere," he says, slipping his middle finger into your heat and thrusting experimentally. “Your so fucking wet. Such a dirty little pussy.” His ring finger joining in next, fucking you harder. 
When the sensation gets too much, you can’t help but squirm and moan. With a cry, you grind up into his touch as you grab hold of his wrist to keep it there. You can feel your thighs shaking
 "Cheol, please I can’t take it,” you cry.
"Yeah, you can princess; be my good girl," He kisses you to muffle your sounds. His walls were thin, and he didn't need any noise complaints from the neighbors.
Your moan gives him the chance to put his tongue in your mouth. Your entire body begins to tremble, and just before you let go, Seungcheol pulls away completely. Your eyes well up with tears as you look at him.  
You cry, "Please, Cheol, please, I need you so badly." Tears stream down your cheeks. 
He kisses your tears away and gives you a gentle kiss. “You ready to be my good girl?” 
"Yes, I'll be whatever you want me to be." You weep.
He pulls your legs apart and wedges himself between them. "Then tell me what you were thinking about." 
He circles your clit teasingly, coaxing you to answer him. When you attempt to move your hips to feel more of his touch, he uses his own hips to pin yours down. The thought of how he would feel inside of you makes you groan. You can feel his length straining through his sweatpants. He felt so thick and heavy that you could cry. 
“I'm waiting princess.” He kisses your neck slowly.
Breathing deeply, you tell him how much you want him to talk down to you and toss you around. You wanted him to break you and use you. You did not want him to think of you as a porcelain doll; you wanted to be his personal fuck toy. 
He smiles wickedly at you. "Has my princess been corrupted? Am I a bad influence?" 
You shake your head. “No, I’ve always been like this.” you admit. 
“Is that so? Don't worry, I’ll give you what you need." He licks his lips before returning his fingers to your heat. 
He pulls your shirt over your chest, leaving love bites all over it. You can hardly breathe; he was giving you too much and not enough at the same time. You can feel your high approaching rapidly. He pulls away from your chest and places a hand on your neck, not quite choking you but rather testing the waters. You nod at him, pleading with him to choke you. Seungcheol applies just a little more pressure and you moan. He's fucking you so fast that a loud, squelching sound echoes throughout the room. If you were in your right mind, you would be embarrassed. You try to warn him of your impending orgasm, but your voice gets stuck in your throat as you cum all over his fingers. He lets you ride out your high for a little while longer before gently pulling out. Your eyelids become heavy but a light slap against your cheek brings you back.
"Wake up baby were not done," he warns.
You could barely keep your eyes open; all you could make out was his messy hair as he positioned his head between your legs. You whined in protest; you were too sensitive for oral. He slaps a hand against your thigh, and you bite your lip in a silent cry. When he licks over your clit you break.
Your back is arcing off the bed, and your thighs are squeezing together. He uses his strength to pin your thighs down as he eats you out. There's nothing stopping your loud moans now. Tears flow freely down your face as shock waves pass through your body. You're a babbling mess.
"You ok, baby? You want to take a break?" He asks, his face covered in your slick. His eyes are hazy with lust, and your gut tightens at the sight.
"I need you inside, right now," you say.
"Are you sure, baby? I don't want to break you?" He asks
Suddenly, your energy returns at the comment. You want him to break you. He has already broken you. You push his head away from your core and tug him up to meet your lips. He's kissing you until your last breath before you pull away.
"Should I ask Shua?"
That nickname would be the death of you, but it did the trick. Soon enough, he was manhandling you onto your side. He threw your leg over his shoulder (pretzel position) and teased himself at your entrance.
"Say his name again while I'm fucking you, and I'll send you back covered in bruises." He says it with a harsh slap to your thigh. He was gripping on so tight that you were sure he would keep his promise.
You were sure that the sight awaiting you in the morning would have you wet all over again. You loved the way love brusies looked against your skin. It was a reminder to you that you were not the perfect princess you made yourself out to be. There was something darker lurking underneath.
He pushes inside, and despite his efforts to stretch you out, it still stung. You reveled in the feeling; you loved the way his girth split you open. This angle had you drooling. He was able to hit deep as his hips rocked into yours. You could not keep up; the position had you effectively pinned to the mattress. All you could do was take.
He kisses the knee thats over his shoulder before gripping your thigh tight. He shoves it against your chest before slowing his thurst down to a more sensual drag.
"Look at me. Let me see those eyes," he moans.
He's moving you around like a rag doll again. He has you completely on your back now, switching to missionary to be closer. He leans down and kisses you again. You don't think you could ever get tired of his lips. They were so plump and soft that you couldn't help but bite at them a bit. You could feel your release twitching in your gut, and the power of it scared you. You try to warn Seuangcheol, but he will not let you pull away from his lips for more than a second. You were certain he was completely pussy drunk at this point because he was mumbling nonsense against your lips.
"Feel so good"
"You can take it.”
"You're so wet"
"Good girl"
Those were just some of the ones you could make out. A harsh tremor runs down your spine, and you cum violently. You're pushing him out as you squirt all over his abdomen. You can barely come down, but Seunhcheol recognizes you're at your limit, so he strokes himself as he finishes all over you. Both of you are gasping for breath by the time you're done. This time, sleep hits you like a brick.
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When you wake up, you almost think everything was a dream, until you look down and notice you’re still dressed in his clothes. These clothes were different, though and so were the sheets. He must have cleaned you up from the mess you made last night. Your face heats up at the thought of what happened. You carefully look to your side but find that the bed is empty. You breathe a sigh of relief. This was not good—not good at all. 
Rule #1: No unnecessary kissing or touching 
You had now broken two of the contract's most important rules! Do you regret it? No, but still! You had to find a way out; you could not confront him right now. 
As you scope the room for something more appropriate to wear, you find he has laid your clothes out on the nightstand next to the bed. You dress quietly and sneak down the hallway. You peek around the corner and see the front door—your ticket to freedom. The only problem was that the door was just past Seungcheol's kitchen, where he was making breakfast. You can't help but feel bad when you notice him making two plates. He was trying to make sure you ate, and you were plotting your escape. You just needed some time to gather your thoughts; you would face him later. Before you can make a break for it, Kkuma notices you and barks, alerting Cheol, and his voice calls out to you. 
"Have a seat princess; you can leave after breakfast," he says without turning to face you. 
You curse the dog under your breath and head for the kitchen. “Good morning, Cheol.” 
He gives you a plate of eggs and toast in return for your greeting. “Don't make it weird; we don't have to talk about it if you don't want to,” he says before sitting down and eating his food. 
You take a seat in front of him and eat silently. As you try to think of something to say to ease the tension, he speaks again before you can get a word out. “Let's just forget about last night, ok?” he says. "When we're done, I'll take you home.” You just swallow your food and nod; you can't lift your head to look him in the eyes.
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 It's been five days since the incident with Cheol. You ended up telling him some bullshit excuse as to why you were acting strange. You lied and said you were just missing Joshua's touch and that you apologized for using him to get off. Even you didn't believe the excuse, but he said it was fine, and you have not spoken since. 
Why can't you just be honest with him? You had not given Joshua a second thought since the family dinner, so to hell with him. While you can’t pretend to have never loved him, you were aware that your feelings had changed a long time ago. You knew deep down that you wanted Seungcheol, but you couldn't bring yourself to say it. 
The "what ifs" frightened you. What if you screwed it up, like you did with Joshua, and drove him away? You knew you were difficult to deal with at times, but what happens when he just can't take it anymore? You were afraid of losing him, but you knew that if you did nothing, you would lose him regardless. You couldn't bear to think about it any longer, desperate to escape the thoughts that had flooded your mind. 
You text your friends and ask if they have any plans for the night, and they let you know about a party they are going to later. This was exactly what you needed—a night out with friends to remind you of who you were. Hopefully, you will realize that choosing Joshua is the right decision. That was the way things were; you had to maintain the status quo. You let them know you were on your way. 
You meet up with your friends and get completely shitfaced. You had come to this party expecting to forget about him, but all you could think about was Seungcheol and his stupid, cute dog. You could not live without him, and if this party taught you anything, it’s that you would never be able to move on from him.
A few hours passed, and you were starting to feel extremely overstimulated. The music was too loud, the flashing lights were too bright, and the random bodies pressed against you from all sides were not helping. You tried not to freak out. You just need to leave and find somewhere quiet. You are going to be okay. You quickly push through the crowd and rush up the stairs. You had no idea whose house this was, so finding the bathroom was difficult. In a state of urgancy, you simply open the first door you come across. This was not the bathroom, and the couple who occupied the room were not pleased. You close the door and feel your breathing quicken. You need to be alone right now. You try another door and find a different bedroom. You curse your state of inebriation. If you weren’t so drunk, you would probably be able to navigate the house a little better. You open the door next to it and finally find the bathroom. By the time you cross the threshold and lock the door behind you, you have had a total breakdown.   
So much was happening, both physically and mentally. Your physical senses were still reeling, and your mind could not find a single coherent thought to focus on other than Seungcheol. You crawl into the tub, and the cool surface soothes you a little. Feeling lost and unsure of what to do, you take out your phone and dial the first number you find. Maybe someone else could make sense of your thoughts if you couldn't. When a voice responds, you dump everything on them.
"Why do I feel this way?" It really hurts." You slur and can hear the voice on the other line worrying, but you can’t make out what they are saying. 
“I hate him so much. I should be with Joshua, but he had to go and ruin everything! It wasn't supposed to be like this, but no matter what I do, I can’t stop thinking about him. I think I love him, but no matter how I feel, he will never love me back." You ramble.
The voice speaks again, but you can only make out the word "who."
“That dumb Cheol! He's so stupid! I hate him. Why did he have to go and make me fall in love." Your voice cracks, and you start crying. 
Your makeup was undoubtedly ruined by this point. You no longer hear the voice on the other end of the line. You check your phone and see that they have hung up on you. When you realize you are alone, you cry more. 
You must have cried so hard that you fell asleep because you kept slipping in and out of consciousness. When you wake up, someone pulls you out of the bathtub and carries you in their arms. You fall asleep against their chest. A car jolts you back to consciousness, and as you drive away from the party, you discover that you are strapped in the passenger seat of a familiar car. The alcohol in your system is still too strong, and you are asleep again. When you wake up again, warm, gentle hands sweep the makeup from your face and tuck you into a warm, cozy bed.
You didn't open your eyes to see who the hands belonged to; all you knew was that you felt safe in their presence. You drift off to sleep again with a smile on your face 
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You groan in agony as you awaken to the sun shining on your face. You bury your head under your pillow to get some more much-needed rest. You try to drift off again, but you realize something is wrong. These sheets felt familiar, but not in the sense that they belonged to you. You sit up in bed, taking in your surroundings. You were in Sungcheol's bed! Although you were still wearing your party dress, your makeup had been taken off and your hair had been taken out of its tight ponytail. You do not see Seungcheol anywhere, so you get out of bed to find him. If anyone could explain how you ended up here, it would be him. 
As you enter his kitchen, you are confronted with a familiar scene: Seungcheol is cooking breakfast with his back to you, his broad shoulders flexed as he beat the eggs. You clear your throat and he turns towards you. 
"You’re not gonna run away from me this time, are you?" He jokes, but there is a hint of sadness in his eyes.
"What happened last night?" You ask before taking a seat at the table. Still too exhausted to think clearly, you yawn and rest your head against the table. 
"You were so messed up when you called me last night; you refused to answer any of my questions. I had no idea where you were or who you were with, so I called some of your friends, and they told me where I could find you," he explains as he continues to cook breakfast.
Your face immediately warms up as memories from last night flood back. You pray that you didn't really confess to him and that you were simply remembering incorrectly.
"Do you remember what you said on the phone?" He hesitates to ask as he plates your food.
There is no point in trying to hide it; you might as well rip the bandage off.
"I remember what I said—or at least some of it," you admit nervously. "If you are asking if I remember telling you that I love you, then yes," you respond. You don't think your ego could take it if he rejected you.
He sets a plate in front of you and leans down to kiss your forehead.
"I’m proud of you for not running away this time," he jokes affectionately.  
“Did you know this whole time?”
“No,but I knew you needed time to sort something out.” 
“Do you love me?” you Say hesitantly 
“thought i made that obvious when i ate you out?” 
The eggs you have been pushing around your plate suddenly catch your attention as your face instantly becomes heated.
“Dont get shy on me now princess. You didn't get the message? Do i need to show you again?”
"Oh, i think i got it,” you sqeak
"No, come here baby, let me show you how much I love you,” he teases. 
"Let us eat first, then I am all yours," you promise. You knew the food would have gone cold by the time he was finished with you. You did not want his hard work to be in vain.
Later, Seungcheol has you pinned to the bed. After your breakfast conversation, you could not keep your hands to yourself. As you two became entangled in the sheets, you were stripped down to your bare skin. 
You had been craving his touch without even realizing it. He had big, rough hands, and you loved how they felt on your skin. Seungcheol appears to be taking his time with you, kissing every inch of your body and leaving no part of you unseen. He trailed kisses from your collarbone all the way to your ankle. Despite being rough around the edges, he could be surprisingly gentle. You enjoy how he treats you like a goddess, so you just relax and accept everything he has to offer.
At last, he moves back up your body and gives you a passionate kiss. As soon as he pulls away, he cannot resist admiring your face. He studies your features and plants a kiss, first on your eyelids, then on your nose, and lastly on your lips. He seals his lips with yours in a quick kiss before he pulls away and spreads your legs to plant kisses where you most need them. You were practically ashamed of the mess he would discover. You had been dripping all over his sheets while he worshipped your body.  
“so dirty, I really need to teach you not to make such a mess,” he teases. “Dont worry, I'll Always be here to clean it up.” 
The way he sloppily eats at you has your back in a permanent arc. your legs shake at the harsh slurps and the deep thrusts of his tongue into your pussy. You despised how easily he could rile you up and have you wrapped around his finger. It was supposed to be the other way around.
No matter how hard you tried to will your hips to stay down, you couldn't help but grind against his face. Seungcheol was not helping your case either, as he drew you closer, wrapping his arms around your legs and laying his warm palms against your stomach. He massages the skin there before moving his hands up and groping your boobs.
All the sensations were becoming to much, and you knew you could finish on his tongue alone. You grab his hands and intertwine your fingers as you brace yourself. Your climax hits you like a wave, and you try not to drown as you hold on tight. Your legs shake pathetically around his head as he places a few more kisses on your clit before pulling off. He gives you a few moments to catch your breath as he places wandering kisses against your hot skin. Once your breathing returns to normal, he lines up at your entrance, waiting and silently asking for permission with his eyes. 
You nod hastily because, if he wasn’t seven inches inside of you, you would bite his head off in the next five seconds. He slips inside, grinning at your impatience. You make an effort to keep up with his thrusts, despite the fact that you are already sensitive after your first orgasm. He presses his hips into yours repeatedly while nestling deeply in the bend of your neck. He was breathing heavily in your neck, and you could hear him straining to keep his moans at bay.
The way your wet pussy claps against his abdomen and smears all of your juices on his skin is really messy. Your skin makes a wet applause as his hips chase yours. 
Gripping the powerful muscles of his back, you were unable to keep your hands still. His thrusts picked up speed, and you could sense he was getting close to the climax as you held on tightly. He moans as he finishes inside. His sounds were heavenly, and you cum again at the sensation of being filled with his cum.
You are definitely going to pass out. His arms comfortably encircle you as you feel him draw your body up against his side. You fall asleep, and when you close your eyes, you know you will wake up right where you need to be. 
A/N: Thank you for reading! Honestly, this was a fic idea that I have had for awhile. This has been sitting in my drafts for at least a year. I really wanted to trash it, but I stomped on business and finished. Hopefully you enjoyed it, because I'm not really feeling this one. I really didn't feel like writing a full scene for this, but I didn't want to leave you hanging, so excuse it if its rushed.
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fictionfordays · 1 year
Domestic Life HCs
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Suguru Getou x Fem!Reader
CW: Mentions of periods, affectionate Sug', kisses, piv sex, marking, light choking, use of pet names like "good girl," oral (f receiving), orgasm denial, cum, hair pulling, slight size kink, praise, creampie, Sug' is the king of aftercare istg
A/N: Mina bby, I hope these are sufficient!<3 I wanna sit on his face
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❀ He loves to be in the same room as you. You could be cooking in the kitchen, and he’s leaning against the counter waiting for you to let him taste test whatever it is you’re making as you guys chat away - though tbh he’d be the one cooking dinner. Or breakfast ;3
❀ Hugs are mandatory for him. Even if it’s first thing in the morning and you’re standing on your porch with a hot cup of coffee/tea in your hands, he’s coming up behind you and carefully wrapping his big arms around your waist, inhaling the lingering scent of your shampoo and committing it to memory (he really loves when you’re not fully awake, just a silent bliss as you both take in the sunrise)
❀ He can be a distraction. Not to the extent as a certain someone, but a distraction nonetheless. It’s cleaning day, you’re dusting the ceiling fan with music playing from the tv when he’s suddenly taking you by the hands and twirling you around the living room and singing along to whatever song started playing from the shuffle. He’ll plant playful kisses all over your face as he pulls you close to him. He walks away like he didn’t just do that (“Dammit, Sug’ I’m trying to clean!” but he just smirks at you and continues cleaning in the kitchen)
❀ He LOVES cuddling with you. He usually makes you initiate since he likes to tease you. (“Aw, ya wanna cuddle, baby? Why didn’t you just say so?”)
❀ If you’re sick, not feeling great, on your period, or whatever, prepare to be coddled. He loves you so much and he wants you to feel better! Feverish? He has a cool, damp towel for your forehead and will bring you whatever medications you need (with a glass of water!) Not doing great today? Don’t worry, y/n, he’ll make sure to get your fave snack, and your fave comfort movie queued up and ready to go. Period stuff? He’ll rub your tummy, your boobies, or your forehead if you need! (Chocolates and your go-to product will be waiting for you, too)
❀ Man loves sketching. Idk I just love the hc of him being some kind of artist. HOWEVER, don’t try to romanticize this shit bc he’s definitely a fan of horror media. He’ll draw a picture of you if you’d like, but you might not like the result. If you want something cute or nice, you may have to request it specifically. Occasionally he might draw something with you as his muse that’s actually really lovely, but usually it’s when he’s feeling a little down and looking for inspiration (“You just looked so pretty today, baby~”)
❀ I hc him to be a gift giver and an acts of service type of guy. He’ll gift you little treats or small trinkets that remind him of you, especially if you two get into an argument and he feels bad about it. He’ll rub your back, your feet, wherever you need his hands, you got it
❀ Sug’ takes really good care of his hair. His hair care routine is I M P E C C A B L E. Hair masks (the fancy ones or even diy) are applied weekly and oils (usually argan or tea tree) are used nightly. He also uses a heat protectant on the warmer days of the year. He swears by his silk scrunchie that you keep forgetting to return (he ended up buying a new one), and adores his silk pillow case. He’s very insistent on you doing his routine with him, or even for him when he’s feeling lazy. He just loves when your fingers massage his scalp and when you gingerly comb through his pretty locks. He feels so relaxed when you spend this time with him.
❀ On the weekends or on days neither of you are working, you both like to laze around in bed for the morning. He loves being lazy with you but he also needs his exercise so he may go for a run or do a quick body weight work out while you’re laying in bed. If you’re not up by the time he’s finished, he’ll come wake you up with a plate of your favourite breakfast and a hot cup of coffee/tea, and leave soft little kisses all over your face until you wake up
❀ Man is so sexy and he knows it. Will wash your car for you and smirk every time he catches your eyes trailing his shirtless torso
❀ Enjoys singing in the shower or humming while he’s doing chores. #FACT and he has a lovely singing voice
❀ Loves to read while sitting on the balcony. If it’s too cold outside then he’ll sit near a window. But his favourite spot to read is laying on the couch with his head on your lap 
❀ If you’re tired, he’ll lay next to you and softly trace your facial features until you fall asleep. Loves staring at your face
❀ Back to his hands, he’ll rub other places for you too. If you’ve had a stressful day, he’s carrying you to whatever comfortable surface is closest (the couch, the bed, that comfortable rug in your room?) and set you down on his lap, your back pressed against his chest. He’ll nibble your earlobes while whispering praises lowly, one hand groping your breasts, the other traveling further south
❀ While it’s not his go-to, lazy sex is his favourite. He doesn’t care how you’re positioned as long as you’re both laying down, but missionary seems to be what happens the most. The intimacy and closeness really gets him. He moves slow, hitting those sweet spots nice and deep, holding you close. He likes to tell you how much he loves you right before he cums
❀ Pleasure-dom for sure. He gets off on going down on you, humping the bed while his tongue explores your folds. He groans so lowly that you almost come undone right then
❀ He loooooves going down on you, but don’t expect to finish any time soon. He can be really mean, denying your orgasm a few times, praises falling from his lips too (“Look at you, so pretty for me. You really wanna cum don’t you? Be a good girl and ask for what you need, baby~”)
❀ Absolutely loves your pussy. Will absent-mindedly rub your clit while you two are watching a movie. Or while you’re reading a book. He’ll even stand behind you while you’re washing your face. Doesn’t matter where you are, he’ll find a way
❀ Shower sex. I mean… Have you seen him??? Don’t tell me you wouldn’t
❀ He likes wrapping his big hand around your throat. You? Trust him?? Gets off on that fact alone. Plus his hand looks SO BIG wrapped around your pretty neck
❀ Loves to shove his fingers in your mouth. Your mouth is so warm and wet and inviting. The way your plush lips wrap around his thick digits and your tongue swirls around the pads of his fingers while his eyes hold your gaze. You get to watch how blown out his pupils get as the tent in his pants grows bigger
❀ When he’s about to cum, he bites down on your neck or your shoulder with a deep groan rumbling from his chest
❀ Loves marking you. Bite marks, hickeys, bruises in the shape of his fingers on your hips
❀ Cumming inside of you is his favourite place to release. He just loves filling up his sweet baby, and seeing it leaking out around his cock gets him hard again
❀ Pull his hair
❀ Pull it
❀And lightly scratch his scalp. While he loves this for self-care days, it makes him groan like a desperate bitch if you do it while making out
❀ Ooh and if you scratch his scalp and pull his hair while he’s inside of you? Oooooohhhhhh boy, you’ve never heard a prettier moan come out of his mouth before
❀ Suguru is the king of aftercare
❀ He’ll lay on top of you for a few moments while you catch your breaths before getting a wet rag from the bathroom to clean you up. If it was an exceptionally messy session then he’ll carry you to the shower and give you a gentle wash. He’ll wash your hair if it needs to be washed, and he’ll gently rub soap over your skin. If it was a tiring session then he’ll lay behind you in the bathtub to clean you up
❀ Once you’re both cleaned up and in pjs, he’ll get you some water. If you fall asleep before he gets back, he’ll try to gently wake you up and make you hydrate, but if you don’t wake up then he’ll set the glass of water on the nightstand for you
❀ He cuddles you pretty tight. Even if it wasn’t especially rough this time. He’ll leave some kisses on your skin along with sweet praises and an “I love you” or two. He just wants you to know that he loves and cares about you
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Tags: @a-contemplation-upon-flowers @nanamis-wifey-reye @enchantedforest-network
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I do not own these characters. All rights to the original creators. All content—created rights are reserved to Wallabypirate©2023.
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eeveleon · 1 month
something like inemuri
and so it starts hehe this event rlly is so motivating ShikatemaMonth24 - Daydream + Family Bonds
Read here on AO3
Temari turned the lights on to her room and immediately groaned. “Don’t tell me you’re still sleeping.” 
Her husband didn’t even bother opening his eyes. “Maybe I’m still tired.”
She sat down heavily next to him. “That doesn’t matter. You’re always tired. If I waited around for you to not be tired, I would literally be wasting my life here.”
“Tch.” Shikamaru scoffed. “You’re getting dramatic - spending too much time with Ino.” He blindly reached a hand out, trying to pull her closer. 
“You’re getting dramatic.” Temari retorted half-heartedly. 
Though there wasn’t really anything else for her to do until dinner time, so she let him drag her onto the bed and push her down on a pillow. Temari draped an arm around his chest, settling in. 
For a few minutes, there was nothing but the sound of their breathing resonating in the room.
Temari played with some hair that had gotten loose from his ponytail. “How was your week?” 
She was answered with a low, drawn-out groan.
Shikamaru reached up to rub his eyes, moving his fists in slow circles. He took a deep breath as he began to recount his week. “The office is always behind on paperwork, but it went from bad to worse when some idiot submitted an unfinished draft for our trade policy with the Land of Calm Seas. Meetings delayed, discussions interrupted, all to track down and replace it with the real thing. But that was still shit, so I had to rewrite the entire damn thing, and then apologize to the Nagi officials for the inconvenience.” 
He let out a long-suffering sigh, as if even thinking about work on the weekend was exhausting - which for him, it probably was. “And this was on top of all the usual rubbish that goes on in the Tower.”
Temari hummed in response, using her fingernails to scratch lightly at his scalp, a favored act of his, from his frequent naps on her lap. Though, thinking about it, they hadn’t lounged on their back porch for a while now. She was busy with their family, home, and special jounin trainees, and his work days had long since bled into nights.
“Sounds like you need a real vacation then, huh.” Temari said as she got up, resting on her elbow. 
“Yeah, but with Naruto’s never-ending drama, I’m going to have to leave the village if I want a break.” He only half-joked.
“I’ve always thought that, once you retire from being the advisor, we’d move to Suna.”
“Retire?” Shikamaru snorted, a little sadly, folding an arm behind his head on his pillow. “Who's gonna let me retire?” He muttered bitterly.
Temari leaned closer to him. “I am.” 
Shikamaru gave her an odd look. Why would she be the one letting him retire? Temari was the last person on earth who would let him laze his life away - she wouldn’t even let him do it for a weekend. 
She covered his eyes with her hand and sighed dramatically. “Close your eyes, and imagine this.” She started, her voice lowering almost seductively. 
“We wake up in our room in Suna, around eight, eight-thirty-”
Eyes dutifully closed, Shikamaru made a noise of complaint. 
“- we have sex -”
He hummed, satisfied. 
“- and you go back to sleep.”
Cue a much more pleased sound. 
Temari tapped her fingers on his chest. “Meanwhile, I go back to work at my old job at the political diplomacy training office, yelling at and bossing around my subordinates. Once I’m done giving them a good scare, it’s twelve o’ clock and I come back to wake you up for lunch.” 
Shikamaru’s brow furrowed at the thought of getting up in Suna’s midday heat, but stayed silent. He’d gotten more than his usual amount of sleep. 
But Temari wasn’t done. She dug her nails into him lightly, scratching circles in his skin through his shirt. “First, we have more sex, then you make me lunch as I shower.” 
And Shikamaru couldn’t see anything wrong with that. Sleep and sex was a very enticing combination, and he could definitely make his wife some food after that. “Temari,” he mumbled. “That sounds really good.”
“Quiet, I’m not done.” She shushed him. “After lunch, I go back to work and you let Gaara pick your brain for solutions to the problem of the day. Don’t make a face,” she scolded. “It’s how we live for free - and you like having discussions with Gaara.”
That was true, he did like talking to his younger brother-in-law, as Gaara was harder to rile up than his sister yet more serious than his brother. They had had many thoughtful conversations over the years, both for work and just for their own entertainment. And Gaara was certainly a more reasonable Kage than Naruto. 
Also, living for free? That was a perk on its own. 
“Besides,” Temari continued. “I can’t let your intelligence rust away like that. Or do you think I’m with you for your body?”
“Definitely my body.” Shikamaru chuckled, followed by a laugh from Temari. 
“Yeah, maybe twenty years ago.” She punctuated her tease with a light slap to his stomach.
She didn’t give him any more time to complain about that comment. “Shut up now, this is only half our day. Once work is over, I go and train with Kankuro for a few hours, maybe bully him and beat him up while I’m at it, the usual.” 
Shikamaru nodded, waiting for her to tell him what he would be doing during that time. He wasn’t at all surprised with her choice of activity. It seemed like the older she and Kankuro got, the more childishly competitive they got with each other. 
“Meanwhile, you go to that little park near the Council’s hall - you know, the one with the training ground? They have these tables set up for old people like you to play shogi on, so you camp out there and play a few games against your fellow elderly men as they leave their musty offices.”
“All this talk about my age.” He groaned, though there was no real aggravation in it, he’s still too pleased with the idea of spending half his day in bed followed by a late afternoon full of shogi. “Which one of us is older here?”
Temari pinches the side of his stomach, jiggling it a bit. “Remember when there was no fat here?” She retorted.
“Anyways,” She went on without a care. “I come pick you up at around six. We take a nice walk through the town market - I can’t have you get too out of shape - and then go out for dinner at a different place than the day before.”
After a minute, when Temari didn’t say anything else, Shikamaru peeked an eye open. His wife was staring off into space, an unusually soft look on her face. 
“Temari,” he called quietly. “What next?”
She blinked and turned to look at him, the small smile growing into his favorite toothy grin. “Next? We take a much slower, long walk through the dunes on the east side of the village.” She laced her fingers through his. “We hold hands, talk about our day, make fun of each other, reminisce about when we were younger... then go home.”
“And then we sleep?” Shikamaru asked, closing his eyes again as he imagined this perfect scenario. 
All the day-dreaming was lulling him to sleep, and wife’s soothingly husky voice wasn’t helping for that matter. 
He felt Temari settle closer to him. “Well. First we have great sex again, and then we sleep.”
Shikamaru laughed, his eyes shooting open. Sleep, shogi, and sex. His wife really did love him.
Temari was smiling down at him, her loose hair obscuring some of his sight. “And the next day we do it all over again.” She finished, and closed the distance between them with a kiss. 
He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her body half on his. He sighed happily, murmuring in her ear. “It would be... amazing, to live like that. With you.” 
“It will be.” Temari corrected him, leaning above him again. “That’s going to be our future; I’ll make sure of it.” 
He loved the determination and commitment in her words. While he was more than happy with how their life was now, it felt good to know that she was planning for the rest of their lives already. 
“Of course, it’s going to be a looong while before it becomes a reality. And not just because of your duty to our dear Hokage.” Her eyes sparkled mischievously. “Wanna know why?” 
Shikamaru blinked at her. He wasn’t sure if he liked that look in her eyes. In fact, he was hoping she would join him for the nap he was about to take - all the thinking and imagining had really tired him out. Still, he played along a little longer. “...Why?”
Temari pressed a finger to his lips. “Just wait and listen.” She rested her head next to his, and they lay in silence for 3, 2, 1...
“Mom! Ayuna is being a little brat again!”
“No I’m not! Dad!”
Temari shook her head at their children’s yells. “That’s why.” The fondness in her voice gave away her true feelings on the interruption, though. 
Shikamaru groaned, trying to sink deeper into his pillow. He should have known. His life had been going peacefully for far too long. 
His wife noticed his discomfort and just laughed. She patted his arm. “And who wanted to be a father?” She said mockingly.
“Temari, I love our kids. Very much.” He sighed loudly. “But you practically had me in a genjutsu for the past half hour, so I’m going to need a minute.” 
Temari threw her head back and laughed, obviously pleased with herself. She sat up and started to slide off the bed. 
“Take your time. I know I’m pretty powerful.” She shot over her shoulder, her hand trailing on the doorframe as she disappeared down the hall. 
Shikamaru stayed where he was sinking into the mattress, just listening to the distant sounds of his family’s chatter. He heard the back door to the porch slide open and closed as the laughter faded. 
All of a sudden, the urge to sleep for the next couple days wasn’t that strong anymore. 
Those dreams of a simple life weren’t so far away - they were just outside.
Shikamaru set his feet on the floor and got out of bed.
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thornsnvultures · 1 year
bff!eddie x reader, fluff 🦝💓 cw: smoking/🍃 mention
It's finally the weekend. You're spending it the way you usually do, lazing about Eddie's house. He's sitting on the floor quietly strumming his guitar and humming to himself while you lay on his bed and stare at the ceiling. It's not much but lately it's been your favorite way to pass the time.
You watched a movie and smoked with him earlier and as always the two of you wound up back in his room, talking about nothing.
He didn't look up from his guitar, just made a noise that told you he was listening and kept strumming.
"What would you do if you got, like, cursed by a witch and turned into a raccoon?"
"What do you mean? I am a raccoon."
"Pffft," you blow a raspberry and softly bop him on the head, the only part of him you can reach without getting up. "No really, what would you do?"
You can tell he's thinking so you give him a second. Your hand stays on his head, lightly scratching through his curls.
"Probably eat trash and sleep all day," he finally shrugs. "I don't know. What do raccoons do all day?"
"I don't know." You've never really thought about it before. But now you are and you're giggling at the thought of them having little raccoon jobs during the day. Maybe turning to a life of raccoon crime at night. Eddie starts laughing because you're laughing, doesn't matter he doesn't know what you're laughing at.
After a couple minutes you settle and go back to scratching, smiling at the back of Eddie'a head. "Would you...still hang out with me?"
"Who's cans do you think I'm rattling around in all day, baby?" Eddie's rolls his head back on the bed and winks at you.
"Nooooo," you break out into a fit of giggles again, hiding your face. "Don't rattle my cans!"
You hate how that wink replays in your mind again and again when your eyes are closed. You force yourself to open them and move your hands. The ceiling reminds you to chill. It's not like that for the two of you. Winking, flirting. It's just how Eddie is.
"I'd let you in. So you don't have to go dumpster diving. Feed you hotdogs. Or pizza."
"Even if I had fleas? Or ticks or something?"
Eddie makes a noise like he's surprised at how easily you said yes.
"I'd give you a bath," you smile to yourself. "A bubble bath. Do you think raccoons like baths?"
"I saw one swimming in a pond one time," Eddie shrugs. "So maybe?"
Eddie stops strumming and puts his guitar down. He turns to face you, resting his chin on the edge of the mattress. A smile passes between the two of you and you turn on your side to see him better.
"Would you try to break my curse or would you like me better as a raccoon?"
"I mean, you'd make an adorable sidekick."
You play with the rings on his fingers instead of meeting his eyes. Eddie watches.
"True. But what kind of princess has a raccoon sidekick? Don't they usually have birds or mice?"
You roll onto your stomach, hiding your groan in his pillow. It smells too much like him and you can't handle him calling you a princess. You just can't. Not when he looks at you like that. His big brown eyes looking up at you like you really are a real life princess. It's too much.
"Do you know how to break a curse?" Eddie's question pushes through your inner turmoil. When you peek out at him he's still got that look but it's different somehow too. And your hand is still on his.
"Yeah," you gulp down your stupid overwhelming feelings. "Princesses are great at breaking curses."
Eddie's grin is megawatt, almost too much to look at. "Yeah? How would you turn me back?"
"Well, there is one way princesses usually break curses..."
"What way is that?"
You can't look at him. He's doing it to you on purpose, making you all flustered like this. He knows what you mean, knows how all the fairy tale princess stories end.
"With a kiss."
He's close, right there next to your head on his pillow, leaning into your space just a breath away. His hand is holding yours, probably has been in a while, and when he squeezes it all your fear fizzles away.
And you kiss him. First on the tip of his nose. Like he really was a raccoon with a curse to break. And then his lips before you can change your mind.
"Did it work?"
"Yeah," Eddie croaks and you laugh. "I was worried it wouldn't."
"Me too."
Eddie kisses you again, holds your face in his hands and really kisses you. And just like that the curse is lifted.
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laneysmusings · 7 months
First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I'm glad I was able to provide some joy!
Secondly: PLEASE expand on those intimacy issues, I've got some popcorn (and maybe some tissues) ready 🍿
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Based off this headcanon: ₊˚✦ cuddle bug but doesn’t look like it immediately — like sure he’s probably got some weird stuff with intimacy beyond sex (I can do a WHOLE other set of headcanons about this man’s issues with intimacy, both sexual and non sexual)
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₊˚.༄ Mike Logan Intimacy Headcanons
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₊˚✦ he’s presented in the show as a womanizer or a tomcat, not settling down and more-so dating around and sleeping with women casually. In my brain, that frequency of sex with no nonsexual intimacy makes me think he’s had little to no experience with genuine care
₊˚✦ not as if life never handed him opportunities, but Mike doesn’t attach well and hates change even more, seen in his handling of changes in partners from Max to Phil and Phil to Lennie. (The former has more trauma involved but it’s neither the place or time to get into that mess)
₊˚✦ Mike’s just too closed off to comfortably/easily involve himself with a partner and be intimate nonsexually, like being open and talking about things, communicate. I think he struggles with how he views himself and treats himself, and in turn can’t really give everything when he’s got nothing he can even give himself if that makes sense?
₊˚✦ he's had such an unkind home life, between his abusive father and even more abusive mother, any attachment or closeness others seek with him I can see Mike fighting off. Biting the hand that's trying to feed him, y'know? We see it with Lennie when he takes Phil's place and Mike dismisses him and bickers, biting at him. Initially, he's not willing to open up for fear of being vulnerable enough to get hurt again.
₊˚✦ But when you do get him to open up? that luxury of getting to know him slowly and intimately, taking down the walls brick by brick, it's beautiful. I just know that you have to take time, in words or actions, to show him that you aren't going anywhere, anytime soon. That does mean having to trudge through the casual stage of dating and being something different, something more and real with him than the flings he's been known to have (I'm in love with a slut, so what)
₊˚✦ The loyalty Mike shows? his dedication to others around him once he knows that they are not leaving is so vast and deep. It's shown with his partners and those he works with. He entrusts his life with them, working where he does and as he does. Mike eventually entrusts his life with you too.
₊˚✦ with the sexual intimacy, he's not all too hesitant to fuck first and ask questions later, my beloved hoe, but Mike can hold out depending on his relationship. A monogamous king with questionable taste, he can wait a moderate time at least until getting to bed. But not the most chaste partner you'll have. He's got energy, gotta' be spent somewhere.
₊˚✦ when he is attached, with a whole established relationship, he's spending his weekends at your place until the two of you eventually rent and live together. A small apartment with big windows, probably in Brooklyn. He's at your hip when he realizes you aren't going anywhere, and most of your time is lazing about in either of your apartments, in bed, in bed, and on outings where he can wrap his arm around your waist with his hand in your back pants pocket.
₊˚✦ Mike's a bed hog and there's specifically a scene in Sex and the City where a character played by the same actor that plays Mike tugs his love interest back into bed when getting up. It lives in my head rent-free, it should live in all of y'alls heads rent-free, and I say with confidence that Mike sleeps in on his weekends and refuses to be the first to rise from the sheets unless he's back beneath them within several minutes.
₊˚✦ he will invade your personal space, when you're working at home or doing a craft, and will either participate or be near you while you're doing things if he can't help or join. Mike just plays but eventually can learn the concept of parallel play and sharing the space instead of needing to be literally on top of you.
₊˚✦ when Mike gets home from a long or bad day, he usually goes to your shared home and changes into softer clothes then joins you on the couch. You thread your fingers through his hair and massage his scalp and temples, making him bury his face into your stomach as he lays his head on your lap, groaning as you manually shed the day away and send him melting into you.
₊˚✦ Before you two shared a living space, he would go to yours on rougher days or just pick you up on his drive home, eager to be with you and around the comfort you bring. Mike can isolate but you know when to press him to talk and when to just let him decompress in quiet.
₊˚✦ overall, he's hard to get to open up but you won't get him to leave once you do. You put in the effort, the time to getting to know him and gain his loyalty and adoration — you're the one that's stuck with him. And you couldn't be happier.
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 6 months
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Building Castles in the Sky
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cw. pre!release, gn!reader, step 2, hurt & comfort
pairing. tamarack x reader
notes. this has been in my head since the step 2 demo inclusion first popped off and with frederick and nichole's design and info being released, i wanted to write this even more. i have so many OL thoughts but i wanted to get this one out first
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It starts when you hear the tell-tale sound of pebbles hitting the rails of your window.
It's a school night, Thursday to be exact. Or at least it still should be, it could be Friday now. And while you're no fan of Riverview Peak High, every high school student loves Friday. Once those school bells rang, you'd be free to spend the rest of your weekend as you chose.
Maybe you'd laze around in bed all day.
Or maybe you, Tamarack and Serenity will spend a good chunk of it together, gossiping all the while.
The tinge of sleep had just begun to take you when the sound of soft clicks against your window started up. Sleep had left you easily in exchange for warm excitement, there's only one person you knew who hit the rail of your window that accurately.
You climb out of bed and open your window, unsurprised to see Tamarack sheepishly waving at you in the darkness. You wave back with a smile of your own.
Even if it was dark with the moon barely visible through the clouds, you feel like you can still see every feature that makes Tamarack Baumann 'Tamarack Baumann'.
You know she's wearing her dark blue pajamas covered in moons and stars. You see her berry-red eyes and even if it is dark you know her hair is still shining the autumn gold it's shone ever since you were children. Tamarack Baumann is one who has been painted in the colors of autumn ever since you were children, maybe even from before you've known her. You've loved her from the very start.
"I met a girl I'm gonna marry!" You remember telling your mother the very first day you moved to Golden Grove. While your mother brushed it off as puppy love in her amusement, that vow exists even now.
Tamarack Baumann is going to be your wife one day.
Thoughts of weddings and old promises are swept to the wayside when you see Tamarack's gesture to a pair of paper cups in her hand. You nod and prepare for her accurate-as-always toss. The cups were her idea when you were still young elementary schoolers and Tamarack was more wild child than nervous.
4 years later, you have yet to grow out of them.
When the cup that has your name crudely written across it in fading crayon reaches your hand, you smile fondly. "Why hello, Miss Baumann," you begin poshly yet softly, much like how Qiu used to format their introductions. "What are you doing up this fine autumn evening?"
Her giggles are music to your ear, "why I could ask you the same thing."
"This isn't about me," you chuckle softly. Maybe you found yourself a bit distracted playing Pokemon White Version to fall asleep. The grind to become the very best like no one ever was never stops, not even on a school night.
A comfortable silence falls over you both and you sigh, content. Until you notice Tamarack's fidgeting, her index finger and thumb rubbing against her hair. A nervous tick you've noticed since you were 11. "Is something up?"
"No, everything's okay," Tamarack replies almost immediately. It's a bit too quickly for you to be reassured in any capacity. "I just wanted to hear your voice, that's all."
"Tamarack," you look at Tamarack from where you stand, slouched over your window sill. You see her clearly even if she's mostly obscured by the gloom of the night. You know she is wearing her dark blue pajamas covered in moon and stars. You know her shining autumn gold hair is pulled into pigtails with soft, pastel blue bobbles. And you know her berry-red eyes don't have their usual shine. "What's wrong?"
There's a pause and you see Tamarack shuffling, unsure. You remain silent, patient as ever while you wait for your friend to find her voice.
"My parents are coming to visit," Tamarack says at last, voice thick with emotion. Your blood feels as chilly as the autumn wind. Six words packed with more pressure than any unsuspecting person would realize. "I heard Omi arguing with them on the phone again."
Tamarack's living in the cozy town where everybody knows everybody has always meant to be temporary. It's been that way from the very beginning, noticeable even when you were young children.
Tamarack's room has never been her room. It's just where she sleeps at her grandparents'.
The house she has spent the past 4 years living in is just that, a house. Not a home.
Because at some point in her stay, Tamarack's parents will come to Golden Grove and take their daughter back to the big city. The only reason she hasn't yet is simply because something always came up in the pursuit of her parents' academics.
Frederick and Nichole Baumann are anxiety-inducing anomalies in the peaceful life you've built in Golden Grove. They are scholars first and foremost and that takes precedence over everything, even their own daughter to a considerable extent. They love Tamarack, you know this. It's why they had her in the first place, that's how parents work.
Mr. and Mrs. Lin wanted a child to love so they had Qiu.
Your mother wanted a child to love so she went and made it happen on her own, no partners needed.
Dr. and Dr. Baumann, as they insist on being referred to, wanted Tamarack too.
So the logical part of your brain knows it's fair for them to decide on a whim if they want to take Tamarack back. At least, that's the conclusion you forced yourself to come to after listening to your mother and Mrs. Lin talking about the Baumann family drama in private. Tamarack is the girl you know you'll marry in the future but she isn't yours, not truly.
She can't be taken away from you if she wasn't really yours to begin with.
Yet it still hurts to think that one day you'll wake up and that will be the day Tamarack's parent decide is the day. That you'll see their car you now know fearfully to well after so many visits and see Tamarack's bags being shoved into it. That the last time you'll see Tamarack in person, it will be Tamarack waving tearfully from a car window while you try not to cry yourself.
If that thought is scary for you, you know it's doubly terrifying for Tamarack who grows more and more unsure of her place in Golden Grove each year. Does she adamantly demand to stay in Golden Grove when she knows it's meant to be temporary? Does she leave with her parents even if she doesn't feel like that's the right choice either?
This is the fork in the road she's been stuck choosing between since she came to Golden Grove. Which path should Tamarack Baumann take if she herself doesn't know what she wants?
Tamarack loves her parents and she loves her Omi and Opa. But through the Baumanns, you've learned sometimes loving someone isn't enough to make everything magically better.
The sound of Tamarack's choked sobs only serve to make you more sure of your theory.
"I'm coming over," you tell her.
"W-what?" Tamarack sniffs in surprise, but you're already throwing your cup back in her direction and running to grab your shoes.
This isn't the first time you've snuck over to Tamarack's home and this likely won't be the last. So you stick your leg over your window sill, cautiously stepping on the asphalt shingle roofing of your home, lowering yourself enough that you can drop to the ground. You ignore the minor ache of your ankles and press on. Leaves crunch under your feet and you shudder from the sudden lack of warmth.
Once you reach the tree on the side of the closest to Tamarack's side of the house, you carefully climb it. Every placement of your hand on the cool bark familiar, every knot you push off against as stable as it was the last. All until you finally reach Tamarack's window where she's made room for you to let yourself in.
You latch onto each other, the chill of your favorite season still in your bones but the warmth of Tamarack's body against yours is an immediate neutralizer.
Her fingers dig into your back with a frightening grip, nose buried in your shoulder, "what if it's serious this time?"
"It doesn't matter," your voice is more sturdy than you actually feel. Your palms are sweaty and your mind is racing a million miles per hour, your heart even more so. You hope she can't tell how nervous you are as you try to be brave enough for the both of you. "We promised, didn't we?"
Back when you were 10 and you saw Tamarack's loneliness bare and raw for the first time.
Back when the sky cried alongside her.
"I care about you and you care about me," you hug Tamarack tighter. "And it doesn't matter how we change or how old we get, we won't leave each other behind. Not even if you have to move somewhere else." It would be hard but you would make it work. Maybe if Tamarack moves, your mother will finally be compelled to buy you a cellphone.
You'd call and text everyday and count down the days until her next weekend visit. The weekends where it's impossible for her to come to Golden Grove, you'd simply go to her even if it means begging your mother weeks in advance.
"You promise?" It isn't so much a question as it a desperate plea.
"I've got you," you promise, resting your head against hers. If Tamarack is a princess, you are her knight. It's what you decided you'd be a long time ago. "I've got you."
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If I had to pick a favorite lead in OL2, it would have to be Tamarack no question. So if I'm going to enter into the Halls of Writing OL fic, it's gotta be with her
Frederick and Nichole are hot but damn they are terrible parents, I look forward to seeing how they rebuild their relationship with Tamarack in the game!!! And Imma need Tamarack's grandparents to start holding their son more accountable it ain't just Nichole U.U
Anyways, I personally hc that my MC's room faces Tamarack's and there is at least one window they use to communicate. Yes, she has a stash of pebbles saved just for getting your attention
Feel free to spam my inbox with OL stuff I need more people to talk to about it
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daechwitatamic · 2 years
II. My Devotion's Been an Ocean || KNJ
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(banner by @/itaeewon)
Title: My Feet to Follow, and My Heart to Hold (Masterpost)
Rating: NSFW - minors dni
Genre: college!au, roomie!au, angst, s2l, the absolute slowest of burns
Pairing: Namjoon x female reader, unrequited Taehyung x reader
Beta'd by @/kookstempo @/casuallyimagining and @/toikiii - thank you endlessly!
Summary: You know a lot about the many types of love thanks to Kim Taehyung. You love him as the only person you see as “family”, you love him as your very best friend, and you love him as the beautiful, funny man he’s become. But when a twist of fate during your senior year has you rooming with his good friend Kim Namjoon, you just might find that you have plenty left to learn about love. 
Lesson One: there are such things as a right way and a wrong way to love and to be loved.
You and Namjoon get used to living together.
Section Warnings: language, drinking, pov switch to Namjoon at the end
WC: 7k
The world is mine: blue hill, still silver lake, Broad field, bright flower, and the long white road A gateless garden, and an open path: My feet to follow, and my heart to hold. - Journey | Edna St. Vincent Millay
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Monday August 31
Monday passes quickly, the biggest event being that your wifi finally gets installed. You don’t see Namjoon all day - his room is empty when you get out of bed. You spend most of your day lazing around in sweatpants, enjoying having high-speed internet at your fingertips again.
Although there aren’t classes due to the federal holiday, the cafeteria on campus is open since the administration knew most students would have moved in over the weekend. You could walk there - your apartment to the student center is a shorter walk than the student center to your furthest class - but Taehyung offers to drive you. Laziness, and a few minutes of time alone in his car, win over practicality. 
Once you’ve made your plates and commandeered a small table near the back of the caf, Taehyung asks you, “So, how’s roomie life?”
You shrug. “Nothing to tell. He hasn’t even been home today. But I think it’ll be fine. I have a feeling we’ll just each… do our own thing.”
Taehyung nods. “That’s better than big drama. Do you remember Jungkook’s roommate last year?”
Your eyes widen. “Oh, god, the toilet paper hoarder.” 
Jungkook’s university-assigned roommate had indeed hoarded every extra roll of toilet paper in a secret location, meaning that if a roll ever got used up by anyone who wasn’t him, they could never find the new rolls to put out, even if they’d bought the replacements. Not only had Jungkook had to buy and then hide his own replacements, you and Taehyung had gone over and tried to help him search around for the hoard while his roommate was out, to no luck. 
Taehyung snorts into his plate. “Man, that kid was weird. JayKay’s so lucky we had room for him this year.” 
“I haven’t seen the place yet,” you point out. “Any major decor changes?”
Taehyung laughs again. “Just Jungkook’s punching bag. I swear, Jimin’s gonna break his wrist playing around with it.”
“Unlike you and your perfect form.” You roll your eyes.
“Hey,” he says defensively, pointing a finger at you. “When I’m goofing around, I don’t hit it hard enough to hurt myself.”
When you’re done eating, you walk back to Taehyung’s car. It takes literal minutes to get back to your brick building, and he idles at the curb.
“You want to hang out for a while?” you ask, hopeful. “We got the wifi installed today, we could watch a show?”
“Can’t,” he says apologetically. “I have plans with someone later.”
Plans with someone. That was Taehyung-speak for a date, or maybe “date” was the wrong word. Regardless, it meant he was seeing a girl later, getting something from her that he wasn’t getting from you.
“Ah,” you say. “Use protection.” You unbuckle as he scrunches his face at you.
“Don’t be gross,” he grouses. 
“You know I have no choice,” you tell him solemnly as you climb out of the car. You pause, resting your head on the top of the doorframe, peering at him. “Good luck in class tomorrow. Text me if you want to eat or anything.”
“Yeah,” he says, nodding, already thinking ahead to his schedule. “Lunch around one?”
“I’ll text you, I have to go look at my schedule,” you admit. You shut the door and wave goodbye, heading inside. You don’t say love you in goodbye; you never do when you know he’s leaving your company for another girl’s. As if, with this one silly little rule in your own brain, you can punish him for it, when in reality there’s no way he even notices. 
Namjoon still isn’t home, so the apartment is silent and empty. You decide to devote your evening to prepping - both physically and emotionally - to start class tomorrow. You check your schedule, organize your books, make sure your laptop is charging. You get in bed early just out of sheer boredom. Around eleven pm as you’re scrolling around mindlessly on your phone, you finally hear keys in the lock, the thump as the door shuts again, Namjoon’s footsteps approach his own bedroom. You wonder absently where he was for fourteen hours. 
It occurs to you that you know nothing about his personal life beyond that he’s a grad student. You don’t even know his concentration of study. 
You wonder if you should go out to say hi, maybe under the pretense of getting a drink. Then you hear the sound of his door shut, and minutes later the boiler kicks on as his shower demands hot water. So, you stay put, turning out your light and setting your alarm for morning.
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Friday September 4th
Your classes go well. The first week is always the professors going through the syllabus and outlining their expectations, anyway. Today, your morning class seems like it will be interesting, but tough; you’ve had this professor before and she’s a notoriously hard grader. You’d done okay with her the year before, though. Your second class, after lunch, is better. It’s a poetry course, which is your concentration, and you’ve had this professor - Professor Jemisen - twice already. He’s pretty laid-back, an easy grader, but you always find his lecture topics and assigned readings to be really interesting. 
He also gives homework on the first week, which most of your professors don’t: an assigned reading and reflection for the first poet on the syllabus, plus a prompt to write your own, pulling inspiration from that poet’s choices in style, rhyme scheme, and use of imagery. You’ve already got an idea as you walk out of class and head in the direction of your new building - this particular poet used a lot of nautical imagery, ships and captains, and the ocean itself was always very nearly a character of its own. 
You think as you walk, inspired by the lecture fresh in your head, toying with some ocean imagery and how you could stitch it into a turn of phrase. When you reach your building and sling off your backpack to hunt for your keys, you decide to stay on the steps for a minute. The sun is shining but it’s breezy, and it’s really pleasant. You pull out a notebook and some paper and start to draft what you might turn in.
Pulling pulling pulling, each 
cresting wave a daunting hill.
Who would try to fight the tide,
the dark, the depth, the chill?
My devotion’s been an ocean.
I fear it always will.
One thing that the deep sea is:
it’s never still.
You frown at it, pen between your teeth. You like the idea of the shorter final line, but the flow is off. You’re still considering this - as well as already thinking about how you’ll need at least one but probably two more short pieces like this for the assignment - when someone stops in front of you, their silhouette blocking the sun and casting you in a sudden shadow.
“You locked out?” a deep voice asks.
You look up (and up, and up) to find Namjoon peering at you, concern on his face.
“Oh,” you say stupidly. For some reason, you feel embarrassed, like you’ve been caught doing something silly, as if doing homework outside during nice weather was something strange and secret, and not completely normal. “I was working on an assignment. The sun - it was nice out here. I’m not locked out.”
“Gotcha,” he says easily, fishing in his pockets for his own keys. You struggle to stand, knees a little achy after using them as a table for the last half hour or so, closing up your notebook. You might as well go inside, now. You aren’t going to write anymore at this point, anyway.
You follow Namjoon upstairs, trying to find a good distance to put between you: you don’t want to be right on his heels, nor do you want him to have to hold the door for you for an awkward amount of time if you’re too far back. 
Inside the apartment, Namjoon drops his keys on the counter and heads for his bedroom door. Over his shoulder, he calls, “Have a good night.”
A good night? The sun isn’t even setting yet. 
But, it seems Namjoon means what he says. He disappears into his room, leaving his door open just about three inches, and he doesn’t come out again for the rest of the afternoon.
You stay in the living room through the afternoon, preferring to do Professor Jemisen’s poetry reading by the large, living room windows. You can hear Namjoon doing whatever in his room - the clacking of keys for minutes at a time, bumps and clacks as his wheeled desk chair moves and taps the table as he shifts in it, occasionally his footsteps as he crosses the room towards his attached bathroom. Sometimes you hear him mutter a curse, bang once on the desk with - you presume - a fist. 
You wonder idly what he’s doing - gaming, maybe? - as you finish your homework. You submit your assignment. The sun sets. You cook an easy one-pan dinner. You wash up the dishes you made while cooking, you put the leftovers in the fridge. You go shower and wash your hair, emerge back into the living room in your pajamas, and heat up some water for chamomile tea. 
Namjoon’s door hasn’t moved at all, still open just enough for you to be able to tell that he hasn’t turned on any of the lamps even though it’s gotten dark; the only light from the room flickers blue and white, a tv or computer screen. The same sounds filter through the small gap as you let your tea steep - the chair, the keyboard, Namjoon’s low voice as he mutters to himself, something rhythmic and lilting, before the typing starts again.
When you turn out the kitchen and living room lights, close to midnight, and head to bed, he’s still typing away in there, the room still cast in black and blue.
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Wednesday September 9
You’re surprised to find him in the kitchen Wednesday morning. You come out of your room at a clip, pretty ready to head over to campus - you’re just trying to find your wallet. 
Namjoon is sitting at the breakfast bar, a mug of steaming black coffee in front of him, scrolling on his phone.
“Hey,” he says, sounding a little surprised to see you, too.
“Do you not sleep?” you ask, before realizing how bratty you sound. “I just mean, you were still up when I went to bed, and now you’re up before me.”
Luckily, he smiles at this, a bit sheepishly. “Not as much as I should,” he admits. “I got… I was working on something last night, so I was up later than I meant to be. I’d love to sleep in today - trust me - but I have to be on campus in–” he glances at his watch, “--twenty minutes.”
“Me too,” you say, starting to hunt around the living room. “But I can’t find my wallet.”
“Is it this one?” he asks, pointing to the counter near the spot that you’ve both wordlessly designated as the place to drop your keys. 
“Yes,” you say, sighing with relief. You slide your wallet into your bookbag and zip it back up. You pat your pockets, checking - phone, keys, yes. “Are you walking over? Want me to wait for you?”
He considers this for a second. “No, go ahead,” he decides. “I need to get a few things organized first, I don’t want to hold you up.”
“Okay,” you say easily, hiking your backpack up a little higher on your back. “By the way, I won’t be around tonight, I have work. If you want the leftovers from what I cooked last night, feel free. They’ll go bad after today.”
Now Namjoon looks really surprised - his eyebrows jump and everything. “Really? Wow, thanks. I appreciate it.”
“Sure,” you shrug. “I hope you like it.” You glance at the clock and murmur to yourself that you need to get going. “See you later,” you call over your shoulder as you leave. As you turn to give this goodbye, you see him watching you go with a small smile on his face, mostly hidden behind his large hand, fingers pressing against his mouth.
You have your senior thesis class on Wednesdays - it’s a double, with a break for lunch in the middle, and it’s with Professor Jemisen again.
“Two days in a row, huh?” he asks you as you pass his desk. You give him a quick smile and pick a desk near the middle of the room. As class starts, he outlines how the thesis will work - an intensive study and analysis of one or two poets’ works, as well as your own portfolio project. 
“We’ll spend the first half each week working on the anthology study,” he tells the room, scanning the crowd of sleepy seniors to make sure everyone is listening. “After we break for lunch, we’ll spend the second half workshopping your portfolios. It’s going to be a lot of work, and you’re going to need to be ready to go each Wednesday. If you’ve made it this far half-assing it, I’m warning you today that it won’t get you to pass your thesis. I’d like to remind you that you must pass Senior Thesis in order to graduate.”
He spends the rest of the morning session going over some options for the anthology study, showing examples of previous students’ final thesis projects to model what he’s looking for. 
By the time he flips the lights back on and you all stagger back to life, slowly shifting to pick up backpacks and shoulder bags, rising unsteadily from your chairs, your head is spinning. You could walk across campus to the student center and get real lunch, but this particular academic building has a coffee shop and a fast-food area. You opt for french fries and a juice, finding a few girls you’re familiar with and joining their table.
“This sounds like it’s going to be a lot of work,” one of them, a girl named Gloria, laments. You’ve had a few poetry courses with her over the last three years; she’s a talented poet, good at using a biting, precise syntax. 
“I know,” you agree, twisting the top off your juice. “Any ideas whose anthology you might use?”
She hums, eyes far away, mentally flipping through poets she likes enough to type twenty-five pages about. “Not sure yet,” she finally admits. “You?”
“No,” you lie. Professor Jemisen had said there would be no repeats - if someone else picked a poet, no one else could choose them. You already knew exactly who you wanted, and you didn’t want to lose your chance. In fact, you leave the lunch break early to go stake your claim.
“Can I go ahead and put in my choice?” you ask Professor Jemisen as you re-enter the room, about twenty minutes before the second block is scheduled to start.
He frowns good-naturedly. “You don’t want to think about it a little? I’m not going to let you change in the middle.”
You shake your head, sure. “No, I know who I want.”
Professor Jemisen nods somewhat absently, looking around the scattered papers on the table before him. He finds what he’s looking for and lifts it, reaching to take the pen from behind his ear. 
“Okay,” he says, finding your name on the roster. “Let me have it.”
“Edna St. Vincent Millay,” you tell him, mind already whirring, thinking ahead to which works would fit your thesis. “I was thinking of coming from a feminist angle… how she was so progressive for her time, how she pushed boundaries as a woman and as a writer.”
Professor Jemisen nods slowly, considering this. “That sounds promising. I look forward to seeing what you come up with, Y/N.”
Pleased, you take your seat, pulling up your school email and catching up on a few things while you wait for class to start again. 
You actually like your part-time job at the on-campus bookstore. The busy season can be a little exhausting - those first few days when it seems like the entire campus comes at the same time to get their required reading. But after the initial rush each semester, it’s a pretty laid back job. Since this is your third year there, your boss trusts you with a little more responsibility, which is how you ended up getting the closing shift twice a week.
Almost no one comes in after regular dinner hours, which means once you’ve done a quick sweep through to make sure nothing got put away in the wrong spot and the items that need restocked are handled you can just sit around behind the counter and talk shit with your coworker, Kris. Kris started with you last year, and you get along well.
“Do anything fun over the summer?” you ask absently, leaning back in your chair and crossing your legs, happy to be seated for a little while. Outside the store’s high windows, it’s dark. The lighting in the store is relatively dim, giving you a cozy, sequestered feeling.
“Went with my parents on vacation,” Kris tells you. “Barely survived.”
“Yikes,” you say. 
“How about you? Any family trips?” they ask.
“Nah,” you say easily. “Just hung out with Taehyung, the usual. The biggest event from my summer was Penny bailing on the apartment with me.”
Kris makes a grumpy noise. “I wish I could afford it,” they complain. “I would have loved to help you out and live off campus.”
“That would have been fun,” you smile. “We would’ve made trouble.”
Kris cackles, a deepy, throaty sound. “We would have. The roommate is okay, though?”
You shrug. “Yeah, Namjoon’s really nice. He’s clean and quiet, so I really can’t complain.”
Kris sits up, eyes widening. “Wait, Namjoon? You’re living with Kim Namjoon? The TA?”
You hesitate. “Is he a TA? I’m not sure.”
They wave a hand at you. “It has to be the same,” they say insistently. “How many Kim Namjoon’s can there be on a campus this size?”
“Probably only one,” you admit. 
“Probably only one,” Kris echoes in agreement. “And he’s beautiful. I honestly blame him for almost failing Medieval Lit last year. I was too distracted.”
You can’t help it, you crack up. “You failed Medieval Lit because you tried to take it on top of a full courseload,” you object. “And you tried to write your final paper about The Legend of Zelda.”
“I had solid evidence for my thesis!” Kris balks loudly. You’re laughing so hard you’re nearly crying, remembering how strongly you’d tried to help them focus on a better topic for that paper. Kris doesn’t listen to reason - not even when it comes from you. “And I’m telling you - it’s because I was staring at his gorgeous dimples instead of listening to the lecture!”
Gorgeous dimples? You haven’t noticed. To be fair, you’ve barely interacted with your new roommate; not a lot of chances to see him smile.
“How do you find all these beautiful men?” Kris laments, tugging at their purple hair in emotional distress. “It is truly unfair.”
You laugh; Kris spent much of last year bemoaning how much time you got to spend with Taehyung - and by proxy, Jungkook and Jimin. Kris had a collective crush on the whole bunch, starting from when they shared Freshman Seminar with Jungkook. 
“They find me,” you shrug. “And you know I’m blind to the beauty, anyway.” Well, that was almost all the way true. There was one exception.
“You know,” Kris says thoughtfully, “they really don’t hang out with other girls. You’re the only one.”
“That’s not true,” you object. “Have you seen those idiots at a party? They’re like magnets. It’s almost gross how easy it is for them.”
“I don’t mean at parties, I mean in their circle,” Kris explains. “You’re the only one they let into the group.”
You consider this, weighing the validity of it, searching for reasons. “I think it’s because they all know -”
Kris cuts you off, eyes glinting with mischief. “They all know that you’re so in love with Taehyung that you won’t bother the rest of them?”
You know they’re teasing and that they mean no harm, but it stings a little. You let out a quick laugh, trying to cover it. “I was going to say they all know that Taehyung and I are a package deal,” you say, the words tasting like arsenic on your tongue. “But maybe you’re more right.”
Kris seems to hear the change in your tone, and their gaze softens a little. “Anything new with that?” they ask delicately.
Anything new. You consider for a moment the version of the story that Kris knows: the close friendship, the feelings you have. How does it look from the outside? Can they see the situation with more clarity than you? You’re afraid to ask, afraid to give the question any attention.
“What could be new?” you ask, the lie dripping from you. “We were best friends last year - we’re best friends now.”
Kris gives you a side-eye good enough to be a viral meme. You ignore them, turning away gladly when the bell over the door dings. A grubby-looking freshman comes in and stands before the spinning rack with your electronic accessories - knock-off airpods, charging cables, usb drives. He grumpily sorts through the chargers and grabs one, slapping it down on the counter in front of you.
You ring him up silently and he leaves after paying. Kris is still watching you, and you dread turning around.
“You know,” they say slowly, “he was at a party I was at the other night. With a girl.”
You force yourself to shrug. “Taehyung dates. We aren’t together - he’s allowed. We’re just friends.”
They look at you evenly, then purse their lips and visibly decide to drop it. “Okay,” they say lightly. “If you say so.”
“I say so,” you mutter, deciding to go check the stock room for absolutely nothing, just to walk away.
When you get home, sometime after nine-thirty, Namjoon’s door is shut - a little sliver of that same blue light slipping underneath the crack below the door. Your leftovers are gone from the fridge, the container washed and put away.
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Thursday September 10th
Thursday brings heavy rain - the all-day kind, the kind whose noise permeates the whole day, greeting you as you struggle to consciousness in your bed, adding steady percussion to the quiet music you turn on. The kind that makes you turn on lamps in broad daylight, the darkness outside making it that much harder to stay awake.
The kind that brings a barometric pressure headache, just for you.
[12:02 PM] Tae Bear 🧸: This is Taehyung, looking for signs of life [12:02 PM] Tae Bear 🧸: anyone in there? Hellooooo? [12:04 PM] You: shhhhhh why are you being so loud??? [12:05 PM] Tae Bear 🧸: ohh she’s got a weather headache [12:06 PM] Tae Bear 🧸: :( [12:07 PM] You: i want to push my thumbs through my eyeballs [12:09 PM] Tae Bear 🧸: you have such a way with words [12:14 PM] Tae Bear 🧸: you take anything for it? [12:15 PM] You: left the prescription stuff at lin’s house [12:15 PM] You: like an idiot 🤡 [12:17 PM] Tae Bear 🧸: ugh i’m sry [12:18 PM] Tae Bear 🧸: hope it passes quickly [12:19 PM] Tae Bear 🧸: lemme know if you feel good enough to come to dinner at the caf w me later
You don’t answer, pressing your head back into the darkness of the couch cushion beneath you. The pressure across your browline is nearly unbearable. You had managed to get up and get dressed, drinking a mug of coffee out of sheer desperation, before collapsing onto the couch. You set an alarm on your phone for when you need to leave for class and pray that just resting and closing your eyes until then will help, at all.
You don’t know how much later it is when you hear the front door open and close. You hear a muted thump as Namjoon (you assume) drops his bag in the entryway, then his footsteps tracing through the kitchen. The fridge opens, closes with a click, and then the footsteps approach. 
They pause somewhere in your vicinity. 
You can almost feel the unspoken alarm. It must look bad - you aren’t even laying down, just slumped sideways from a sitting position, body twisted to hide your face from any source of light. You raise one pitiful hand and wave. 
“Hi,” you say, not sure he can hear you through the couch cushion.
“Uh,” Namjoon says, taking one step closer, “are you… okay?”
“Relatively,” you say, rolling your head to squint at him through one eye. The soothing yellow lamplight seems stabbing, and you squint a little harder, trying to block it out. “I get bad headaches sometimes when it’s like -.” You wave a hand at the windows. Rain pounds against them, happy to finish your sentence for you.
Namjoon makes an understanding and sympathetic noise. “Can I do anything for you?” he asks after a minute, sounding a little ill at ease. “Does anything usually help? Do you need to go back to sleep or something?”
“I have class at two,” you grumble. “I don’t want to skip this early in the year. And yeah, I used to have a prescription for these kinds of days, but I guess I forgot to pack them.”
Namjoon disappears into his room, midconversation, which confuses you so much that you actually make yourself sit up, your head spinning from the change in position. You see the light shift in his room - he must have turned on the bathroom light. You can hear the rummaging of items, the rolling clatter of pills in bottles. He returns with a white bottle in hand, holding it out for you to read the label.
“You take these?” he asks, pushing his glasses back into place as you peer at the name.
“Not at that dose,” you laugh. “What are you, an elephant?”
He frowns playfully, pretends to pull the bottle away. “Well, I’m not going to share if you’re going to call me names,” he teases. “You think a half would be okay?”
“You don’t mind?” you check.
He scoffs lightly. “Of course not. I never use them all. I get about one bad migraine every six months, that’s all.”
“You’re a literal life-saver,” you tell him. He gives you a gentle smile, and you notice - really notice - those dimples Kris mentioned. 
They are cute. Damn.
He places half a pill on the table before you, screwing the cap back onto the bottle as he walks into the kitchen.
“Oh,” you call after him, feeling a little like you should stop him. “Hey, I can get my own…. drink,” you finish lamely as he sets a cup of water next to the pill. 
“Don’t worry about it,” he says, something warm in his voice, and then disappears into his bedroom again. 
You’re staring absently at his empty, open doorway as you take the medicine. He’s a mystery, this roommate of yours. There are probably lots of sides to him that you haven’t seen yet, many things you haven’t discovered about him. But you decide, right there, that he’s nice. 
[1:41 PM] You: i left my headache meds in your bathroom :(
[1:59 PM] Lin: oh noooooo
[2:02 PM] You: :( can you mail them? is that legal? Lol
[2:17 PM] Lin: i’ll find out 
[4:36 PM] Namjoon: did it help??
[4:37 PM] You: :( why are you so nice
[4:39 PM] You: took it from Death Mode to a dull pounding 
[4:43 PM] Namjoon: i’m really glad
[4:44 PM] Namjoon: i was going to order smth for dinner in a bit - you want in?
[4:47 PM] You: oh yes pls
[4:49 PM] Namjoon: Ondubu Menu.pdf
[4:41 PM] You: just said (typed) the word ‘pounding’ to my roommate
[4:42 PM] You: can i die now???????
[4:42 PM] Kris: lmfaooooooooooo i love you
[4:43 PM] Kris: the context, i BEG
[4:45 PM] You: i mean very unsexy context lol 
[4:46 PM] You: was in regards to the HEADACHE FROM HELL >:(
[4:47 PM] Kris: let’s work on sexying up the context 
[4:48 PM] You: bye 🚶‍♀️
[4:49 PM] Kris: #TeamNamjoon
[5:24 PM] You: #TeamYN 
[5:24 PM] Kris: #TeamDimples
[5:25 PM] You: we’re done here
[6:06 PM] Tae Bear 🧸: dinner at the caf? want me to come pick u up?
[6:08 PM] You: sorry, i ate, namjoon ordered us takeout
[6:09 PM] Tae Bear 🧸: ah. okay.
[6:12 PM] You: come over later?
[6:13 PM] Tae Bear 🧸: headache?
[6:14 PM] You: all better :) come over?
[6:19 PM] You: tete... please?
[6:20 PM] Tae Bear 🧸: yeah
[6:21 PM] Tae Bear 🧸: yeah i will
“I’m glad you feel better,” Taehyung tells you from his end of the couch. 
“Me. Too.” You wiggle your feet against his ribs. “It was truly terrible this morning.”
You’re on opposite sides of the couch, as usual, one blanket thrown over your legs. You balance your laptop on your thighs, trying to work on some homework. Taehyung scrolls through his phone. 
“I was thinking, you guys should have people over this weekend,” he muses, not taking his eyes off his screen.
“Like a party?” you clarify, still typing. 
“Mhm,” he nods. “A housewarming?”
You laugh a little. “That’s kind of last minute, Tae. You offering to help buy all the snacks and drinks? And clean?”
He meets your eyes long enough to make sure you see him roll his. “You don’t need help,” he grouses. 
You sigh, hating that you don’t hate the idea. “Could we keep it kind of lowkey?” you ask, as if you wouldn’t be the host, and thus in charge of these decisions.
“Just the guys?” Taehyung suggests, sounding a little hopeful now that it seems like you’re cracking. 
“Yeah,” you nod. “Jungkook, Jimin… maybe the others? I don’t remember all of their names.” You mean Namjoon’s friends, the ones who had helped him move in.
“I’ll ask the groupchat,” Taehyung promises.
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Friday September 11th
In the end, Taehyung gets confirmation from Jimin, Jin, and Jungkook - the others seem more like maybes. Although you’d asked to keep it small, you feel the need to diversify a little, and you extend the guest list to include Kris, plus Gloria and a few more of the girls from your classes.
Of course, needing to maintain a positive roomie experience, you make sure you ask Namjoon if it’s okay. In the morning, you wait a while after you hear his shower run to make sure he’s properly awake, and then knock on his door.
“Yeah?” he calls, sounding a little distracted.
“Namjoon?” you ask, nudging his door just a little. Yeah isn’t the same as come in, necessarily. “I wanted to ask you something.”
He’s sitting at his desk, his back to you. At your words, he reaches up to pop out his airpods, and clicks to minimize the screen he had up - what looks like a word doc, from your vantage point in the doorway. 
“Okay?” he says, stretching his long legs towards you, leaning back in his swivel-chair. 
“Did Taehyung talk to you about tonight?” you venture.
Why are you nervous? 
“Yeah,” you say. “He had an idea to have your whole group come hang here, like a little housewarming thing? He said he’d text you all.”
Namjoon glances at his phone, as if to corroborate your story, but doesn’t turn the screen on to actually check for the text. “I didn’t see it,” he admits. 
“Oh,” you say. “Okay. Well, he should have invited all of you guys. I mean, you don’t need to be invited, you live here. I just, um, I wanted to make sure it was okay with you? To have people over tonight?”
You watch it on his face as he understands that you’re asking for roomie permission. He sits back up, already starting to swivel back around to his screen, nodding easily. “Yeah, of course. Thanks for asking first.”
You frown at his back; you hadn’t really felt like the conversation was over, but he’s already pressing his airpods back in with his thumbs, feet tapping with the bass.
“O-kay,” you say, backing out of his room. You have a date with a vacuum cleaner before your living room fills with people. On your way to the closet where the vacuum lives, you text Taehyung, begging him to make a liquor run for you.
The truth is Namjoon forgets what you asked him about twenty seconds after you leave his room. He gets back to work, trying to get back into the flow he’d had before you knocked. He doesn’t hear you leave for class, doesn’t think about it again when he leaves for his own an hour later. 
[4:49 PM] Namjoon: bar tonight?
[4:50 PM] Yoongi: did we not…already have plans with you tonight?
[4:51 PM] Hobi: no, we did
[4:53 PM] Namjoon: we did? idr. can the plans be bar at 8:30?
[4:55 PM] Hobi: you’d rather do that??
[4:57 PM] Namjoon: than what?
[5:00 PM] Yoongi: we were supposed to go to your place?
[5:01 PM] Yoongi: taehyung texted us yesterday
[5:03 PM] Namjoon: oh yeah
[5:05 PM] Namjoon: i mean you all know i love taehyung…
[5:06 PM] Hobi: but…..
[5:07 PM] Namjoon: but do i want to sit around my living room with a bunch of undergrads tonight?
[5:08 PM] Yoongi: i get the feeling the answer to that is ‘no’
[5:10 PM] Namjoon: so, i repeat. bar? 8:30?
[5:10 PM] Yoongi: 👍👍
[5:15 PM] Hobi: that won’t hurt your roomie’s feelings???
[5:16 PM] Namjoon: she’ll be fine
Still, when 8:30 rolls around and Namjoon notices you bustling around the living room like a crazy person, he feels a stab of guilt in his stomach. Resigned, he asks, “Can I do anything to help you get ready?”
“Taehyung is supposed to be helping me get ready,” you grumble, as you line up a bowl of chips next to a smaller bowl of popcorn. “But is he here helping? Despite this being his idea?”
“That feels rhetorical,” Namjoon observes. You shoot him a look. 
There’s a knock at the door, which saves him from your wrath, he thinks. As he watches you hurry to the door, wiping your hands once on your jeans out of nervousness, he knows he can’t leave - not yet. Silently damning both his conscience and his mother for raising him to have one, he texts the guys that he’s running late. Then, he reaches over and pops the top off one of the beers you’ve set out.
He might as well, right? 
It’s an entire hour later than he finally feels like maybe he can slip away. Taehyung finally showed up about half an hour ago, three girls slipping through the front door behind him. Namjoon can’t help it - his eyes fly to your face, watching for a reaction. If you’re upset, you don’t show it, instead hurrying to show them around, pointing out where to grab drinks and where the bathrooms are located. 
When Jungkook and Jin arrive - clearly having pregamed - Namjoon rises, inching his way closer to the door. Someone with a mop of bright purple hair comes through the door with Jimin, and the volume in the room triples instantaneously. 
Now’s my chance, he thinks, and glances your way to see if he'll make it out unnoticed.
Would it not be easier to say, ‘hey, Y/N, this was fun, but I have plans with Yoongi’? He wonders. Probably, but that would potentially result in seeing the hurt look on your face, and he’s trying to avoid that. 
On the couch, you sit close to Taehyung, legs touching, his arm over your shoulders. You’re laughing maniacally at something, using his torso to hold yourself up as you cackle, eyes squeezed shut. He looks down at you, smile large and boxy, laughing along. 
Namjoon grabs his keys and slinks out the door. 
“Look who decided to show up to the gathering that he planned,” Yoongi drawls when Namjoon finally slides onto the barstool beside him. Hobi gives him a sheepish look, one that says sorry about him… but also, he’s right. 
“I felt bad leaving,” Namjoon explains. “No one was there yet, and then I wanted to finish the beer I opened…”
“Mhm,” Yoongi intones, and Namjoon almost asks him what that’s supposed to mean, but decides to let it go. 
They talk over a pitcher of beer, Hobi filling them in on how auditions for his dance team are going, Yoongi on his current classes. 
Namjoon’s phone buzzes against his leg and he slips it out of his pocket far enough to see your name on his screen. 
[10:03 PM] You: did you… leave??
[10:04 PM] Namjoon: yeah
[10:06 PM] You: it wasn’t bc of us right? I thought you said this was ok???
[10:07 PM] Namjoon: no it wasn’t. just not really my scene. have fun though
[10:10 PM] You: ah ok. i just assumed since some of ur crew are here you’d join us
Yoongi’s chin is practically on Namjoon’s shoulder as he peeks at his screen. 
“She wanted you to hang out, you dick,” he says. 
Namjoon balks, shaking his head. “She’s just trying to keep the peace. Doesn’t want drama with her roommate.”
“No, dude,” Hobi insists, peeking over Namjoon’s other shoulder, giving him a perfect angel and devil scenario. “You are, in fact, an asshole. She’s definitely upset that you left.”
Namjoon growls in frustration, shimmying his shoulders to knock his menaces loose. “I don’t want to talk about Y/N. Let’s talk about something else.”
From either side of him, Yoongi and Hobi exchange a knowing look. 
“What?” Namjoon demands. 
The shared look now incorporates some eyebrow movement. Then, cool as a cucumber, Yoongi leans back in his seat, takes a long pull from his beer glass. “So,” he says, so casual, “how are things with you two, anyway?”
“What you two?” Namjoon counters. 
“The roomies,” Hobi supplies. “The odd couple.”
“We are very not a couple,” Namjoon says flatly, irritation simmering. 
“But seriously,” Yoongi pushes. “How is it?”
“It’s fine,” he says, a defensive edge in his voice. He pauses, tries for a second to get his act together. “As far as roommates go, she’s good. Keeps the shared areas clean, isn’t noisy. She’s not rude or anything.” He shrugs, hoping this will be enough to get the jackals off his scent. 
“That’s good,” Hobi says, nodding. “Do you talk or anything?”
“Nope,” Namjoon says, which is true. “We just kind of do our own thing.” 
“Her ‘thing’ being Taehyung, right?” Hobi asks innocently. 
Namjoon shakes his head. “I don’t think anything’s actually going on there. To her dismay, it seems.”
“I wonder why,” Yoongi muses. When the others look at him in confusion, he explains, “I mean, why nothing’s going on. It seems like they’re attached at the hip. What’s missing? What’s stopping them?”
“He is,” Namjoon tells them. “How she looks at him, and how he looks at her… it isn’t the same. It just isn’t there for him. I won’t presume to know how he feels, but it seems like he’s just enjoying the benefits of her company until she figures out that it won’t go anywhere. If that ever even happens.”
He hadn’t realized he had an opinion about this until the words are out of his mouth.
“Kind of sad,” Yoongi remarks, pouring himself another beer. 
“Maybe she just needs someone to snap her out of it,” Hobi says thoughtfully. 
“Maybe,” Namjoon agrees, and changes the topic as smoothly as he can.
Honestly, he agrees with Yoongi. It is sad - even from the outside, even from the limited interaction you’ve had, he can see the stars in your eyes when you look at your best friend. And he can see the disappointment that swims there when Taehyung, just by existing, lets you down, over and over again, day after day.
Maybe you do just need a distraction, someone new to divert your attention. But Namjoon can easily see that it’ll be an uphill battle for whatever poor soul tries that route, and he doesn’t feel like he has the emotional energy for it. He’s been there and done that before, and he doesn’t like to repeat mistakes.
No matter how cute and funny he might find you.
He hurries to drown that thought in another pint of beer. 
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Thank you so much for reading!!! Let me know what you think!!! Theories? Questions?? Keysmashes???
Section III will post on Friday, January 27th - hope to see you there!
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toomuchracket · 1 year
he would want to rent a cottage/cabin or something like that (cotswolds/Joshua tree/nice/Yosemite) and play house with you when you’re not already living together. just cooking, exploring, fucking, sleeping and talking alllll day
combining with I feel like the vibe would be to get out of the city and just have some decompression time in the countryside. Regardless of AU, girly is working in a major city, Matty is jet-setting and both are likely city fatigued and need to spend some alone time with a beautiful view and about that holiday thing… i’ve had a really fluffy & romantic brainrot about driving to the english countryside with matty :’) not thinking about that one video OR maybe ireland?? i think it would be the cutest either during summer of autumn. don’t really have anything too specific in mind. (except they’d obviously have a lot of sex lol and if they’re staying at a cute b&b place they’d have to try and be pretty quiet because the walls are sooooo thin) just super cute, domestic cottage core/english murder mystery vibes and That’s so funny you should say that abt going away bc i’m on my way home from a weekend up at my family’s cottage up north and i would have loved to bring him along like a little lapdog in a purse 😭 like lazing around riverbanks, cuddling up and sharing a joint by the bonfire, finding cute little trails and having impromptu picnics sksndkdnfb
this to me feels quite birthday party coded, quite early in the relationship before you move in together, and before both of you busy little bees have properly developed the rhythms of being together and working and whatnot! anyway, it comes about because both you and matty are finding london exhausting, and you have the same week in late june free, so matty's like "fuck it. let's just go away for a few days, just us and mayhem and nothing and nobody else. i'll drive, we'll get a cottage somewhere nice and we'll just... relax", and you're like "that sounds dreamy let's do it". and in my head you literally stay in kate winslet's house from The Holiday (despite the fact it is not real), that cosy little cottage in the middle of a literal field - as soon as the door is opened, mayhem bolts in and settles himself somewhere unknown, which makes you both laugh (you find him later on a chaise longue in a spare bedroom snoring his sweet head off), and matty takes the opportunity to be like "i'm being so gratuitous here but just let me have a moment" before he scoops you up bridal style and carries you in, kissing you as he sets you down on the kitchen counter. you're like "we've been here five seconds and you're already acting like some austenian romantic hero. this is amazing. hitting several of my fantasies if i'm honest", and matty giggles like "give me five minutes to bring the bags in and then i'll carry you to bed and hit some more of them, if you want" - you're like "ok but if you take your shirt off while you bring in the bags you'll have hit another one already", and matty rolls his eyes but does it anyway because tbh his one goal in life is to turn you on (and oh, watching his biceps flex and back muscles ripple does it to an insane degree). so yeah, that's the first of many sex sessions in the cottage, after which you get cleaned up and redressed and walk hand-in-hand into the little village nearby to get some shopping; fancy wine, cheese, bread, fruit, all that good stuff, and ingredients for a proper cooked breakfast for the next morning, before heading back to just sit in the garden and watch the sunset together with your little cheeseboard dinner and a bottle of wine and honestly a joint too. matty abandons his "i am not letting you fuck up your lungs" bit so you can get high with him, and you sit giggling and kissing until you're sleepy and the two of you decide to go to bed - you fall asleep almost instantly, because of the wine and the weed and the fresh air.
the next morning, a lie-in after a great long sleep - more sex, then a shower, then matty cooking breakfast while you sit on the sofa with mayhem and coo at him (which makes matty go all gooey lol). it's not too hot or sunny, so you decide to spend the day taking mayhem for a loooooooooong walk along the river; he goes in for a swim and its the happiest you've ever seen him. naturally, matty considers moving out of the city then and there lmao. the three of you end up in a pub beer garden for dinner, you and matty chatting nonsense over your pints, before heading back "home" and having a bubble bath together with some wine, which inevitably leads to yet more sex. it's a perfect few days, which is something matty addresses when you're cuddled into his chest, listening to the birds and watching the sunlight stream through the curtains, on your final morning in the cottage - he's like "this has been perfect, waking up and spending my days with you. don't wanna go home", and you're like "neither do i. want to just be with you all the time". and then matty has an absolute eureka moment and says quietly "will you move in with me, please? really don't think i can go back to living alone and making breakfast by myself. s'a lot better when you've got your arms wrapped around me lol", and you kiss him softly and say "yes, i will", and you do!! i also think you write a little free-form essay about the trip when you get back to london, with an epigraph from another of your fav classic romantic female authors that perfectly describes how you feel about your own love interest: "whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same" <3
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kageyamaana · 2 months
An Unexpected Date
Day 2- Beach Day/Brunch/Lemon
Cale couldn’t remember the last time he had come to the beach.
Maybe it had been when his mother was alive but he wasn’t really sure.
It had surprised him when Roksoo had asked him if he wanted to have a weekend date at the beach.
His boyfriend, Cale still found it unbelievable that Roksoo wanted to date someone like him when he had people who were more good looking and good interested in him, wasn’t the biggest fan of going out so most of their dates where just them spending the time together at each other’s home with a few times them going to watch movies or to the park.
Of course Cale loved all the dates they went to even if they just lazed one one of their beds but it still surprised him when Roksoo was the one to push for a date outside like now.
Not like Cale wasn’t enjoying it, he loved the feeling of the wet sand and water on his feet as the two were walking on the beach holding hands.
“Are you enjoying the date?” Roksoo asks as he looks at him
“Yes, I am” Cale answers as he smiles at Roksoo before turning back to look at the sunset so he didn’t realize when Roksoo let go of his hand and stopped, not until the other called him
“Cale” Roksoo calls
“Hm?” Cale says as he turns around just to see his boyfriend on one knee with a ring box on his hands
He had frozen in surprise with what he was seeing, he knew that they been dating for more than two years but seeing this scene was…like something out of a dream that Cale never thought would happens as he believed that Roksoo would get tired of him at some point and leave him as most people in Cale’s life did.
But here is Roksoo, on his knee, looking at him with eyes full of love and a beautiful smile on his face.
“Cale Henituse” Roksoo says as he doesn’t take his eyes of Cale’s surprised face “Would you give me the pleasure of becoming your husband?” he asks as he opens the box to show a beautiful but simple silver ring with a ruby in the center
“O-of course” Cale says as he tries to fight the tears that wanted to flow out of his eyes
Roksoo smiled softly at this and made his way to his now fiance and grabbed his hand to put the ring on his finger.
“It’s okay to cry” Roksoo says “Either tears of happiness or sadness, I will always be here to wipe them off and kiss them away” he adds and Cale laughs at that as he finally lets the tears fall down
“I love you, Roksoo” Cale whispers as he looks at his fiance
“Love you too” is Roksoo’s answer before he kisses Cale
Not the date Cale expected but he would forever remember it till the day he died and would tell his children about the story of how their other father asked him in marriage.
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myers-meadow · 2 years
How would Otis spend his weekend?
Hi! Thank you for such a fun and interesting question!! 💕💝
Having a weekend that is set apart from the rest of the week would mean that he'd have a job, which I'm sure people have varying opinions on. I'm not sure where I stand with that, but he probably has a lot of odd jobs around town; he helps out Spaulding at the gas station, he helps out RJ when he disassembles and sells the victim's cars for parts... Stuff like that. There's plenty of work to do around the house too; they have chickens for example. As another side-note, I'm not sure if others feel the same, and the movie isn't clear on this either, but I'm pretty sure some of Otis' art projects are in Spauldings museum (crocodile lady) so that's also something he fills his time with.
I headcanon that Otis reads quite a bit, both non-fiction and fiction. For the non-fiction he likes all sorts of stuff; philosophy, biographies of artists and musicians he likes, a little bit of history even. And for fiction, he reads anything that catches his eye. He doesn't finish every book he starts, sometimes he puts one down for months and then picks it up again much later if he's in the mood for it. He likes horror, perhaps even cosmic horror like tales by Lovecraft.
But to Otis, a truly good weekend is one where there's visitors 🔪, and when he has an s/o - you need to be there too. So here is an ideal weekend for him:
It starts off simple; he makes love to you in bed, then a quick shower and a lazy breakfast, chatting with the family in the kitchen while Baby squeezes oranges for fresh orange juice. He lazes around a bit, reads some, and then a couple comes in. The afternoon is filled with a chase and he's so glad to get his blood pumping. In the evening, he lights the candles and it's torture time. Once he grows bored, or the victim passes out, he returns to you and needs to get some more of that lust out, but not bloodlust this time.
It starts off much the same, but this time he makes the poor victim watch as he fucks you - his favourite kind of sex. He doesn't shower after, he likes the blood. These particular victims perished soon, and they bury the bodies. The hard work of that is tiring. None of the visitors inspired him this time, so he gets a little moody. You take him on a drive and the mood is so different than how it was the day before, much quieter and more subdued. You like him like this too, though, and you watch the stars and he rests his head on your shoulder for a while. Then you head back to the house, perhaps have a little treat before bed, and then the weekend is over!
I'm sorry this is so lenghty again :0. Hope you enjoyed and that this answered your question! If you see him do other stuff, please feel free to add to this - I'm sure there's some obvious things I'm forgetting :)).
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mcflymemes · 2 years
they’re probably watching me.
do you go out with friends?
we all go a little mad sometimes.
i didn’t mean to pry.
what are you running away from?
i think i must have one of those faces you can’t help believing.
i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to sound so uncaring.
people always mean well.
sometimes saturday night has a lonely sound.
she isn’t quite herself today.
why don’t you go away?
if you love somebody, you wouldn’t leave them even if they treat you badly.
a man should have a hobby.
run out and get yourself some lunch, will you?
she’s just a stranger.
i refuse to speak of disgusting things, because they disgust me.
you eat like a bird.
i never carry more than i can afford to lose.
i’ve been doing all the talking so far, haven’t i?
you are alone, aren’t you?
i’d do just about anything to get away, wouldn’t you?
death should always be painless.
hold it, you can’t go up there.
let’s find him.
we’re always quickest to doubt people who have a reputation for being honest.
you do manage to look ludicrous when you give me orders.
no, i will not hide in the fruit cellar!
i’m staying right here!
it’s just for a few days. just for a few days so they won’t find you.
what do you think you’re doing? put me down!
well, i’m not a fool. and i’m not capable of being fooled.
you never did eat your lunch, did you.
i better get back to the office.
why don’t you call your boss and tell him you’re taking the rest of the afternoon off?
we could laze around here a while longer.
oh, i hate having to be with you in a place like this.
when you’re married, you can do a lot of things... deliberately.
are you sure you wouldn’t like to stay just a little while longer?
she paid me seven hundred dollars in cash.
you’d better run out to the house.
you slept here all night?
have i broken any laws?
i’m in no mood for trouble.
what you need is a weekend in las vegas.
i’m going to spend this weekend in bed.
i haven’t even been married once yet!
you’re not going back to your room already?
i’m very tired, and i have a long drive tomorrow.
he was flirting with you.
did you spend the night with her?
that wouldn’t be a wise thing to do.
i’ve got some work to do, if you don’t mind.
i’m sorry if i seem over-anxious.
i don’t know where to start... except at the beginning.
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