#he just adopted a dog cause he wanted to see audrey happy
shelbyxhughes · 2 years
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dash belongs here with us
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virgil-is-a-cutie · 5 years
Bio!Mom Max Black Headcanons
Two Broke Girls x MLB crossover
Based on this
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When Caroline's movie about her life story was starting production Caroline finally had the courage to tell Max how she felt
The two dated for 4 months before Max decided they should marry
Mostly because she's known Caroline for so long that she literally knows she wants her as her wife
They were going to elope but Caroline told her dad which ended with Max being told by Martin he wanted his princess to be properly married
Sophie helped with the wedding not caring about the price
Caroline and Max got married at the prison where Martin was in so that Martin can give away Caroline and watch her get married
Of course, the news and paparazzi got wind of it and so much to Max's annoyance, the wedding was live streamed
They decided to just add the other's last name instead of one taking the other's
Caroline wore this with her hair in small side braid
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Max wore this with her hair in a bun with a few curls framing her face.
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Earl walked Max down the "isle"
Martin fought the urge to cry seeing his only daughter get married
He was glad that it was Max really
After a year of being married Caroline quietly mumbled as they cuddled
"Do you think about having kids?"
After a bit of talking they decided to use a sperm donor although, her twin cousin Darcy was able to get Bruce Banner to use both Max and Caroline eggs and the sperm donor to make the baby
Caroline was the one to carry the baby
A month before the baby was born their business boomed because of Caroline's movie and they eventually had a good business
They have a baby girl who they name Marinette Cathy Channing-Black
She had Caroline's eyes and Max's hair
Of course, Sophie wants to be the godmother, but Max puts her foot down that it would most likely be her cousin
Much to Caroline's shock Tony Stark is their daughter's godfather
Pepper is her godmother
As Marinette grows up she likes to watch her mom bake
She learns Korean from her uncle Han
Earl babysits whenever her moms are busy
Earl is her grandpa who she and Max consider him her dad
The cupcake business rises and they're very successful
Caroline is glad they finally left the crappy apartment
Caroline eventually is told by her father that she has an uncle who lives in Paris
It's Gabriel Agreste
Caroline is an Agreste in her mother's side really
And that he's the half sibling of Audrey Bourgeois
Audrey made Andre take her last name
Basically making her a Bourgeois through her father
This is when Mari is 13 years old and they decide to expand the cupcake business to Paris, France
Marinette is both excited and annoyed to move mostly because she won't be around to annoy uncle Tony or any of the Avengers
Marinette was almost the spitting image of her mother Max from her pale complexion to her hair, but she had Caroline's eyes and physic
When they get to Paris Caroline sets a meeting with both Gabriel and Audrey
Of course the two are shocked at the news that they're related through marriage
The reason being because Caroline's mom is Gabriel's sister and Martin is Audrey's older half brother
Making both of them Marinette's great uncle/aunt
And basically making two certain blondes her cousins
As well a certain cousin of said one of the blondes
Marinette is a mix of both her moms
She's sweet but very sarcastic and just...kinda like Max
The small Channing-Black family live in a decent comfortable home, not too flashy
Audrey brings Chloé over and Chloé is shocked to hear she has relative, she's somewhat excited
And Chloé is just...shocked to find out she's related to Adrien, her Adrikins before smiling widely
Chloé actually isn't a bully, she acts like it in school to see how far the stupid teacher would let it go and after she's mean to the ones she was she informs the person on what she was doing so as they don't feel bad
Surprisingly it's a lot and she's getting annoyed that Ms. Bustier won't at least do shit
On the first day of school when the Akuma strikes, much to her surprise Chloé freezes and pees herself before shielding herself behind Mari
"This sounds oddly familiar," the ravenette says giggling before scowling, "hey!"
The akuma strikes before Chloé has a chance to introduce her cousins because Adrien couldn't make it
Mari doesn't get the ladybug miraculous bc she just moved
Doesn't stop Master Fu from giving her the Cat Miraculous
She names herself Chat de Ruelle, Alley Cat
She doesn't keep it a secret from her moms who instantly tells Tony who comes whenever he can to help her train
Her outfit as Chat is similar to Lady Noir but her curls are in a messy bun and her mask covers her whole face except her mouth
It also has body armor and spikes on her wrists, tail, and elbows
She got Caroline's clumsiness but mostly that she has things fall on her or anything really but shes's not overly clumsy
On the second day of school she meets Adrien and she and Chloé practically ambush him and tell him that they're related
This makes Adrien happy but is somewhat confused before Mari informs him on how so
Mari is basically done with Ms. Bustier on the first day, complains to her moms who basically storm into the classroom to give her a piece of their mind
Does not help that Chloé turned in the evidence to the school board
Ms. Bustier quits before being informed she is not allowed to teach at all anymore
Adrien does become friends with Nino but not with Alya since Mari sits behind Chloé and Sabrina
Mari only becomes friends with Nathaniel and Nino
As the 3 cousins hang out she basically takes them wherever and causes trouble to the delight of her mom Max and to Caroline's concern
Caroline, Max, and Amilie basically threaten Gabriel to treat Adrien better
Although, Caroline and Max instantly adopt him
Max, Mari's mom, told Adrien that he reminded her of those two Amish boys who stayed with them for a week at the apartment
Chestnut came too by the way
Adrien doesn't flirt with Chat while he is Mister Bug because they're bffs
Max's cupcake shop is outside the school because Caroline wanted Mari to go to Dupont
Alya and Lila Salt
Alya is never told by Mari what her last name is, she usually doesn't pay attention to anyone else's name once her name is called but Mari has told her cousins and friend when addressing her to go by Black
So to the rest of the class she's known as Marinette Black
So she of course doesn't get an interview with Mister Bug because Chat told him not to because she doesn't trust the girl, she screams of wanting to be famous no matter what
Alya doesn't care for cupcakes the audacity
When Lila comes around she speaks about being a family friend of the Channing family
Bad luck for her is that Max and Caroline came to drop of Marinette at school much to her embarrassment
And Max basically ripped the Rossi girl a new one not caring who watched
Alya is shocked to see THE Caroline Channing at school
"How do you know Caroline Channing and Max Black? The great cupcake bakers?!" she screeches to Mari
"I'd like it if you don't speak to our daughter that way Ms. Césaire, please? We don't tolerate harassment from tabloid reporters," Caroline says gently while Max eyes the glasses wearing girl
"D...daughter?" Alya stutters before glaring at Marinette who rolls her eyes
"You're looking at me as if I killed your dog, they're my moms. My whole name is Marinette Cathy Channing-Black."
Everyone in the class sort of new because they always went to the cupcake shop after school
Lila does try her shit but Mari shrugs her off
Lila tries to hang off of Adrien but both Caroline and Max shut that shit down and tell Gabriel to get a restraining order on the Rossi girl as well a threat of lawsuit
Might make more and make this Maribat really idk yet
Tag list: @luciferge @zebrabaker @fantasyfandommaiden @unmaskedagain @queenmj10 @limetchenart @ascending-donotdisturb
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syms-things-5 · 4 years
Clear The Area - Chapter Six
Previous chapter HERE
Warning: Mild language
Summary: Sarah’s parents make a visit, and not everyone is happy with Sarah’s choices.
Note: Sorry this took a while to get out.
There’s a couple of things you should probably know about Jocelyn and Noah Bernette.
The first is that they are salt-of-the-Earth people. They are friendly to anyone, heavily involved in their community, and they make regular donations to a charity that provides home improvements to families so they can live comfortably with a disability. They once spent a summer volunteering with Habitat For Humanity and have fostered approximately 18 cats and dogs over the past seven and a half years. Jocelyn regularly bakes cakes for their neighbours and Noah is obsessed with his garden and tending to the Norwegian Purple Heather he paid a fortune to have shipped over from Bergen. Politically, they are liberal in practically every sense of the word and up to speed with the latest democratic events. Seriously, you would have to work extra hard to trip them up if you wanted to hold any kind of debate with them.
Sadly, the Bernettes could not have children biologically for one reason or another. Jocelyn in particular struggled with that knowledge. She figured at the age of 34, with most of her friends now mothers and fathers themselves, a child was the obvious piece missing from their puzzle. Professionally, they were both pretty much at the top of their respective trees and they had no mortgage to speak of so naturally the only thing left to accomplish was raising a child. So, thereafter, followed several years of testing, waiting, waiting some more, then more testing, but the doctors couldn’t fathom why it just didn’t want to happen for them. There didn’t appear to be anything medically wrong with either of them. It was nature, they said, as though that was supposed to be some kind of comfort. Eventually, when Jocelyn reached her 40th birthday, she and Noah decided it wasn’t meant to be and opted to try a different route, though it wasn’t much easier being told implicitly that they were now too old to adopt a baby.
Which leads to the other thing you should probably know about them: they don’t like to be reminded that Sarah is adopted. It suits them just fine to block out the first 12 years or so before they met. It’s not to say they completely disregard her past of that they want to forget they couldn’t have children, it was more that on some psychological level Sarah had long since given up trying to understand, they felt more like a real family if they could continue to believe that they had always been this way, that it was fate they would find each other and live happily ever after.
Jocelyn wanted to experience sleepless nights from a crying baby wanting to be fed but instead she learned to deal with sleepless nights waiting to see if their runaway child was going to come home before four in the morning. They would argue about boyfriends they didn’t trust or buying a car they didn’t think she would look after. Jocelyn would later attempt to make the move from mother to best friend as soon as Sarah moved away to college, always planning meet-ups or sending her cut-outs in the post about make-up thinking she would be interested in them and they could perhaps bond over shared hobbies. She could finally empathise with her friends and neighbours about whether their children were surviving their studies. All stereotypical parental concerns and she embraced each and every one of them.
Noah on the other hand, a few years older than Jocelyn, was definitely calmer about the whole thing. He was glad they chose this option for them both because he reasoned he might be too long in the tooth to start changing nappies or teach another human being how to ride a bike given that he didn’t know how to do so himself. Instead, they could take what they had, what they both worked so hard to achieve, and help someone who hadn’t had the best start in life. Isn’t that they best way of helping your community?
Lisa once joked that she learned more about Sarah from one dinner with her folks than she had learned from Sarah herself over the course of knowing her for six months. But she couldn’t understand why Sarah had a particular desire to create a distance between herself and them, and from her seemingly healthy teenage years in a quaint town in Maine, a far cry from Michigan in more ways than one. Shanna didn’t understand either but Sarah wasn’t always forthcoming about her rationale even after knowing for as long as she did.
Sarah learned early on that it was best not to talk about her birth family. She was thankful to have Noah and Jocelyn steering her at a time when it would have been all too easy for her to go off the rails. Of course, she was thankful; who wouldn’t be, living that kind of comfortable life. She didn’t want to see ungrateful. It just never really settled within her. She always felt a little out of place and struggled to adjust to the wealth of positive emotions, love, and a somewhat material wellbeing she hadn’t experienced before. She provided the Bernettes with their missing piece and they wanted to reward her for that but she in turn felt like something was missing from her own identity and that feeling only grew as she got older. Increasingly, she felt like who was as a Bernette was not entirely in line with who she felt she was in the baseline of her DNA. At times she felt like she was merely living to someone else’s expectations so moving to Boston was something akin to therapy.
“And he just gave you this?!”
Jocelyn was stood by the wardrobe in Sarah’s bedroom. She usually did this under the pretence of casually catching up on life and everything else but realistically, Sarah knew she just wanted to snoop around in the hope of discovering hints of a boyfriend she’d been keeping to herself. Shanna was currently sat on Sarah’s bed, one leg tucked underneath and enjoying their relationship from a distance. She was wondering when she’d bring up Prince Greg as she’d dubbed him on account of his floppy hair. She felt like she knew more of Sarah when she was around her own family. It was kind of fascinating to see.
Jocelyn held the dress up in front of her, taking it in, gobsmacked. Sarah had never seen Jocelyn this excited before. To the untrained eye, it was just a simple black mini-dress; unclingy with loose full-length sleeves and a frilly detail around the hem. There was a silver thread woven into the stitching that caught the light if you were stood the right way. Chris was right; it was cute. Shanna suggested wearing it with black tights and those heeled boots that were her go-to date footwear. Her only go-to date footwear, Audrey would remind her whenever she managed to drag her into town for some shopping. Being overtly dressed-up wasn’t something Sarah was easily comfortable with and Chris knew this, so simple was definitely the way to go.
“Not exactly. It’s a loan. I’ll have to give it back afterwards.” Sarah pressed.
She was ready to get to the exhibition centre before it closed but Jocelyn didn’t seem in any particular rush. Her knowing Chris Evans was perhaps the thing Jocelyn was most proud of in Sarah’s life and she always managed to work in a conversation or two whenever she visited. Rather than be irritated by it, Sarah actually found it rather amusing. Chris seemed to have a sixth sense for guessing when Jocelyn was trying her patience, though, and played up to her a little bit so as to give Sarah a break. She once lost her asking him questions about the Academy Awards for nearly an hour. The amount of beer she had to buy him afterwards as a ‘thank you’ nearly bankrupted her.
“Well, you’ll have to make sure your hair and make-up matches. You can’t wear a dress like this with a ponytail.” She was speaking in what she assumed was a helpful tone. It was a good job she couldn’t see the face Sarah was pulling right now.
“Oh, between us all I’m sure we’ll be able to figure it out. I’ll have to do the same thing, too.” Shan was trying her best to act nonchalant in an effort to support her best friend. “I mean, it’s not often any of us get the chance to get dressed these days, really.”
“How lovely. You can borrow my emerald earrings if you like? They’ll bring out your eyes.” Jocelyn was more than a little eager now, no doubt buzzing at the thought of having her personal jewellery plastered all over Instagram. She zipped up the dress bad and placed it carefully inside the wardrobe while Sarah and Shan just smiled at each other knowingly.
As Jocelyn moved to the bathroom to wash her hands, they left the bedroom opting for the relative safety of the living room where Noah had set up camp alongside Chris and ESPN. He was a keen follower of most sports with golf a particular favourite. He was saving up for tickets to the PGA tour next year as a retirement gift to himself. Sarah knew Jocelyn wasn’t going with him but couldn’t be entirely sure he hadn’t invited Chris along in her place.
“What’s she mithering you about this time?” Noah asked, eyes glued to the TV screen. He didn’t get much time to sit and be still watching television at home so visiting his daughter was even more of a treat. If Sarah could survive being the sole focus of Jocelyn’s attention for hours on end, he would have happily left them to it for the afternoon and set up camp with Chris and a glass of Talisker.
“Nothing much, it’s OK. Are you ready to go yet? It’ll take about 20mins to walk there,” Sarah was hinting as heavily as she could now, short of jingling her keys in front of their faces likes they were cats.
“Sure, go grab your mom and we’ll head out. Have you had thoughts about dinner yet? Chris, would you like to join us?”
“Well, I was quite keen on seeing the exhibition myself actually but I’d hate cause you guys any problems with my being there.” He tried to casually shrug it off in a look she’d seen all too often lately.
“I’m sure we can manage,” Noah managed to tear himself away from the TV screen for his beloved Chris. “Is it a ball cap situation or more of a through-the-backdoor type of thing? I’ve never had to sneak around before. Could be fun?”
Sarah appreciated Noah’s casualness and evidently, judging by the grin spread across his face in that moment, so did Chris. He turned to look over the back of the couch at Sarah, silently asking her permission.
“Well, I did get a 4th ticket in case you or Scott fancied coming...” she offered. “I mean, I’m fine if you are?”
Chris gave her a grateful smile. “Give me two minutes and I’ll be right with you.”
For this time of day, the gallery was surprisingly busy but mainly full of people Sarah figured were die-hard fanatics of his art and who probably wouldn’t recognise Chris if he appeared in front of them dressed in his full Captain America get-up waving the American flag. As they passed by the smiling security guard. Noah wondered quietly to Sarah what the Venn diagram of McCurry aficionados crossed with Marvel fans would realistically look like. Given his nerdiness for all things mathematical, no doubt he’d have an answer figured out for them by the time they reached the Vietnam display two halls away.
“...and this was the photograph that started the Live Aid charity.” Jocelyn stopped in front of a small photograph, no larger than one you’d have in a frame at home yet unmistakeable on the wall alongside dozens of other images, Sharbat’s eyes piercing your soul. Walking slightly ahead of them, she’d somehow managed to link arms with Chris and was now acting as their defacto tour guide, explaining each piece to him in turn as though he’d never seen them before. Anyone who knew Chris properly would know he greatly enjoyed photography and was well read on the latest pieces. Nevertheless, he was still polite and nodded along as she enthusiastically spoke of the lens McCurry used to achieve the effects of his art.
As they moved through to the third and final hall space, things had gotten noticeable quieter as more people were filtering out. Noah and Jocelyn were deep in conversation with a local art student who had stopped to sketch a couple of pieces, and Chris seemed far more relaxed and happy walking around without his NASA cap on. No on had paid him any attention all afternoon, it must have been a nice change of pace for him.
Sarah lost track of how long she had been staring at a larger canvas piece of a bridge with a giant concrete hand underneath holding the structure up. The place was unknown and the image was photographed from high up, possible from a plane or helicopter. It was oddly serene even if the bridge had become overgrown with reeds and dirt.
“I think it’s meant to represent Mother Nature’s battle against Man,” Chris spoke quietly as he approached her from behind, standing to one side as she continued to stare at the image.
“That’s an interesting theory. Where did  you read that?”
“i happen to have an ongoing subscription with National Geographic.” Chris said, comically smoothing his beard in contemplation. Sarah almost believed him until she registered what he had said. Chris clocked her side-eying him. “Joss told me to tell you when she saw you looking at it.”
She smiled at him before turning back to the wall. “I think I want to visit this place one day. It’s like the complete opposite of Boston.” she mused.
“You’d never leave Boston. It’s in your DNA now. You’re officially one of us.”
“That’s....that sounds vaguely threatening.”
“You have leprechaun pyjamas and you’ve been drunk at Fenway. You pretty much tick all of the boxes.” Chris smirked and turned to walk away.
“How do you know I have those pyjamas?” Sarah followed behind him.
“I didn’t. You just told me.” Sarah punched him in the arm and Chris pretended to wince.
Noah had somehow managed to loop back around the bookshop from the start to purchase a couple of prints and a biography before joining them as they headed towards the exit. The rain had started getting a little heavier during the time they had been inside and Sarah chastised herself for ignoring Jocelyn’s advice to bring an umbrella with her. If there was one thing you could guarantee in even the nicest of Summers, it’s that Jocelyn Bernette always, ALWAYS, carried an umbrella in her handbag. Also, one of those waterproof macs that rolled up to the size of a dollar bill but she couldn’t convince anybody that they were a good idea.
As they gathered outside, Sarah gently pulled Chris back by his elbow. “Hey, there’s no pressure on staying for dinner if you’d rather head out or whatever. I think they were keen on you stopping out with us but I’m happy to make an excuse if you’d rather not.”
“What? No, it’s totally fine. I really like your folks. They’re fun and interesting.” Chris noticed Sarah’s look of skepticism. “Seriously, you need to chill. I’m having a good time. It’s nice doing normal things for a change.”
“In that case, I’ll let them know you’re up for a bike ride tomorrow. Dad wants to rent a tandem.”
“Are you....Are you being serious?” Sarah nodded. “Wow, they really go all out, huh? What are you gonna do while they do that?”
“No idea. Probably hold their bags.”
Chris laughed. “Man, those two are cute. I’d kill to be that dorky when I’m their age. You’re so lucky.”
Sarah considered his point for a moment, looking at Jocelyn waving her flip phone up in the air trying to get a signal. She’d lost track of the number of times she’d tried to convince her to upgrade, telling her they could stay in touch more easily with Whatsapp rather than pages-long emails once or twice a week. Sadly, this would turn out to be the last positive memory they would have of  their peaceful afternoon.
“Can I ask you something, but you have to promise not to get mad.” Chris posed an interesting question. How was she supposed to respond to that?
“I don’t get why you’re meeting Charlotte.” He could see Sarah about to protest and continued regardless. “I don’t see what good can come from this. You’ve tried it once before, it failed, and you didn’t leave you bed for two weeks. I was there, Sarah. It was horrible. I don’t understand why you would put yourself through that again.”
His tone was a little louder than he realised and placed a hand over his mouth, wiping at his beard as if that would somehow erase his words from having been spoken. Sarah didn’t know what to say. She was tired with a continuous feeling of frustration at having to explain away her decisions at every turn. She hadn’t mentioned meeting her birth mother for a while now but could sense the apprehension people had at the thought. If it wasn’t Chris, it was Shanna, and if it wasn’t Shanna, Audrey had kindly informed her she was taking an unnecessary risk although she didn’t put it quite so mildly.
“You don’t have to agree with me. I get that no one supports me here,”
“Oh, that’s unfair. Jesus.” He turned to face away from where Jocelyn was stood, only a few feet ahead of them but seemingly oblivious to their contention. “It’s not just you that this affects, you know. You seem to forget that.”
There was no mistaking his argument this time as he drew Sarah’s attention back in her mother’s direction.
“Have you guys been talking about this behind my back?” Sarah finally asked after what felt like minutes of silence. Noah was now indicating at something ahead of them.
Chris took a breath and Sarah could tell he was refraining from saying something he might regret. “No, we haven’t we’re just concerned is all. You don’t know her -”
“- hence why I am going to meet her.”
“- and you don’t know what she is after.”
She stood still as Chris continued walking but only getting a few steps ahead of her before noticing she’d stopped altogether. Jocelyn and Noah continued on ahead of them, enjoying the drizzly walk and the lights of the town and gradually getting further and further away.
“Do you not think it’s just what she wants to know who I am? What is it that you think she is after?”
“Sarah, don’t do this, OK? I’m not going to get into an argument with you about this now because I’m not going to say what you want to hear. I’m sorry.” He looked at her carefully for a second. “I just...I see you guys together hanging out and it fits, y’know? You’re so like them, Sarah. You think the same things, you like the same things. If I didn’t know you at all, I’d think you were the double of Joss. They’d be heartbroken if they knew what you were doing.”
Sarah couldn’t look him in the eye. The older Sarah would have possibly turned to run at this point, trying to avoid conflict at all costs, but they’d had spats before and Chris was nothing if not annoyingly unflappable. She knew he would tell her straight and as much as she might not want to hear it right in this moment, it was probably for the best.
He saw a flash of what looked like hurt cross her face. Now or never, he doubled down. “You wanted to know what I thought so I’m telling you.” He shoved his hands in his pockets and turned to make tracks but not before one last bash. “I think this is a bad idea.”
“Well, then it’s a bad idea I’ll deal with myself.”
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hitchell-mope · 6 years
Descendants raised by the once upon a time characters (up to season six)
Ben raised by rumplestiltskin and belle along with a grown up Gideon with Neal dropping in to time to time (here swan fire happened)
Carlos and Evie being adopted along with Henry by Regina (mostly because in an original draft of the script Regina had adopted three children)
Mal being Lily’s baby sister and mal and ben trying to set lily up with Gideon because they want their siblings to have what they have
Gil being orphaned after Gaston was killed and belle convincing rumple to take him in (I need sibling bengil)
Harry being the son of Milah and Killian and joining in on his dads plans for revenge against rumplestiltskin
Regina full on supporting Carlos dating jay but struggling to accept Evie dating Doug though she still tries to support them. Then Henry meets gil (I wanted bi Henry ok)
Both Carlos and Ben being drawn to the dagger and no one can quite figure out why
Uma and Lonnie looking to Emma as a role model and Emma telling uma to at least try to make up with mal because she knows first hand how far a feud can go
Snow White taking Jane under her wing and helping her up her confidence
Chad babysitting Alexandra and Audrey babysitting Phillip and realising that no, they are not the centre of the universe
Harry meeting uma and Gil who here have been nurtured. Henry willingly gives up his chance at love so gil can be happy with harry and Uma
Then Henry meets Jane
Ben being dragged by Henry into spying on Emma and Neals dates.
“Henry can you hear that”. “No what is it?” “Probably nothing”
Evie siding with the queen in season six to try to stop her from going too far
Ben trying to get Gideon out from under Fiona’s influence
Instead of Emma it’s HARRY who becomes the dark one trying to save GIL who the darkness targeted. With Emma having to hold uma back and snow having to hold Gil back as they scream Harry’s name
Ben convincing Mal to use the wand to get to Camelot. She’s of course reluctant until rumple asks her how would she feel if she were in Uma and Gils position then she sees Umas tear stained face
Killian still becomes a dark one here because Harry’s already lost his mother he doesn’t want to lose his father
Killian doesn’t die. Harry does by killian’s hand. Uma nearly kills killian for it but Neal convinces her otherwise.
And in the underworld it’s huma who does the heart scale thing
Meanwhile Ben and Carlos keep hearing the dagger call to them.
Turns out the dagger was calling to the most corruptable and it’s not Carlos.
Don’t worry though this time rumple saves his son by taking the power upon himself again
In the author world it’s both Lily and mal who guard Emma. And ben is the second in command of evil snows army. Guyliner included.
The failure to capture Emma Henry Neal and hook results in bend heart being crushed. This makes Mal turn to Emma
Henry is accompanied by Evie and Carlos. And they have to make up surnames. For example: Mallory Perrault for mal.
The queens wish in season six has s ripple effect. If Emma was never the savour that means the descendants kids Henry and Gideon would never be born. Evie’s last words are “mommy help”. Bens is “what the hell” Gideon’s last words to Lily are “find Emma”. Mal has to watch ben disintegrate. Lily has to watch Mal disintegrate. You get the idea. Of course belle is distraught because she never got to say good bye.
Here it’s Neal Regina and hook who go to the wish realm. (Hooked Queen happens here). Of course Hook gets jealous of wish Robin.
The cliff hanger is basically the same it’s just this is an alternate Gideon that was kidnapped by Fiona. The real Gideon is dead. And the descendants kids are brought back by David reversing the wish
Who believes and who doesn’t:
Evie never left her princess phase so of course she believes Henry but she finds it hard to believe that their mother is evil. Mal freaking loves the idea her mother is maleficent and is intrigued at having a sister. Ben believes Henry but can’t reconcile the man he knows with the satanic imp that the book describes him as. Carlos wants no part of it cause that means that his birth mother is CRUELLA DE VIL and nobody wants that. And besides Carlos loves dogs. Gil is torn between happy that his old life was a literal fairy tale but heartbroken that rumple killed his birth father. Jane is a wee bit perplexed that her mother is mother superior (had to make her the blue fairy’s daughter here cause Cinderella’s godmother was black in ouat) but she goes along with it. Lonnie is HUGELY pleased her mother is Mulan (cause cmon who wouldn’t be) but she never meets her (mulan was never in storybrooke now was she?). Chad can’t believe his father a prince fell for a serving girl. This earns him a black eye from ben. The book actually drives a wedge between mal and Audrey who here grew up together and were childhood friends. Mal isn’t the most kind person in the world unless your ben jay Evie or Carlos so she doesn’t see what wrong with the sleeping curse. After Henry eats the turnover Carlos and Evie let Regina have it. They say Emma wasn’t harming anyone but Regina’s ego and move into the loft with the Nolan’s. It’s cramped but they manage. Doug has no reason to believe or not to believe. All he has is a mute father and six uncles with pretty select quirks. After the curse breaks ben goes into panic mode thinking the dark one curse in hereditary and he’ll turn into a beast like rumple (Maurice does not help matters by glossing over the better aspects of rumple and magnifying the worst aspects). Mal manages to calm him down by trying and failing at dragoning up showing him that no they are not carbon copies of their parents
Season 2 of course brings the arrival of killian and harry. Emma does not like killian or harry. (I reiterate here swanfire happens) but she does try to get through to him because a life centred on killing the “crocodile” doesn’t sound like the healthiest home life. While Regina is trying to regain her magic after that’s vine fluke Evie’s gone to rumple to see if she has magic herself. Bens gone to David to ask to teach him how to sword fight cause he’s always wanted to be a knight
Henry’s is still kidnapped and Neal still gets shot and meets mulan and tells her she should be very proud of Lonnie but this time harry goes with them to neverland and he’s the one to tell David about the neverland water that will save him. And when they get back Neal tells them Lonnie he met her mother. And she happy cries. This time Neal lives (as he should’ve)
Of course the major difference here is that HENRY HAS KIDS HIS OWN ABE TO HANG OUT WITH. And not several adults trying to fix the problems they all caused.
Mal uma and Evie would still have their hair colours (cause I’m attached to it
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stiles-wtf · 6 years
Holidays and Dogs: Keep Your Pup Happy at Every Age
The post Holidays and Dogs: Keep Your Pup Happy at Every Age by Audrey Pavia appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
Two years ago, I did something I always advise others not to do this time of year: I adopted a puppy. I’d been thinking about getting another dog but had no intention of doing it during the holidays. I had gift buying to do, parties coming up and a long car trip to my cousins’ house on Christmas Day. But a week before Christmas, while buying cat litter at the pet supply store, I fell in love with a little black puppy who was up for adoption. I took him home that day. It was quite the hassle trying to fit little 9-week-old Mookie into our holiday plans, but it did give me the chance to really pamper him in a very special way. Holidays and dogs don’t have to be a stressful. If you’re lucky enough to have a puppy, adult or senior dog in your life this holiday season, you can do a lot to make him feel special.
Holidays and puppies
The holidays pose tons of safety issues for dogs — especially puppies. Photography © Smitt | Thinkstock.
Any dog under the age of a year old is considered a puppy, and it’s easy to see why. Young dogs are playful, full of energy and always up for new adventures. Use the holidays as a time to pamper your pup by giving him the vital socialization that every pup needs. The experiences he has at this stage of his life will shape his future.
„Take him on outings. Make him part of the festivities while also getting him some exercise and socialization. Bring him with you to watch a tree lighting, or take him with you on an evening stroll through the neighborhood to look at Christmas lights. If you’ve got snow on the ground, find a fenced-in area and let him help you build a snowman.
„Introduce him to guests. Use guests as an opportunity to give your pup positive experiences with new people. Ask guests to greet your pup with a treat so he associates visitors with something good. Dog lovers who come over may even be willing to go outside and play with your pup, tossing him a toy he can catch and return. If children are part of the festivities, ask them to help you socialize your pup by letting them feed and play with him. Supervise all of your pup’s interactions with children, as you want the experience to be positive for everyone.
Keep him safe. The holidays can be full of hazards for young dogs. If your puppy is still in the chewing stage, make sure he can’t get ahold of holiday decorations, gift-wrapping accessories and kids’ toys. Strings of lights can be particularly hazardous to a puppy, who can get burned or electrocuted if he gnaws on the cord.
Holidays and adult dogs
Your adult dog has seen a few holidays come and go and may be used to the hustle and bustle. He may even feel a bit neglected because you’re so busy with shopping and preparing for company. This year, make it special for him while also taking care to keep him safe.
Buy holiday gifts for your dog. If you’ve never watched a dog open his own gifts on Christmas or Hanukkah, you don’t know what you’re missing. Buy him a few new toys or treats, wrap them like you would any gift, then help him open the first one when it’s time. If your pooch is like most dogs, he’ll figure it out quickly and will be tearing at the paper to get at the next gift.
Watch the treats. Though you might be tempted to share your holiday meal with your dog, keep him away from rich foods. They will upset his digestive system (and may cause a bout of holiday diarrhea) and, in the case of certain foods like onions and chocolate, can cause serious illness. If you want to pamper him by giving him a taste of some of your holiday food, limit it to a small amount of turkey, chicken or lean meat served with his regular dinner.
Keep him close. When friends and relatives come over to spend the holidays with you, warn them not to leave doors or gates open. To be on the safe side, make sure your dog is wearing a collar with an ID tag bearing your name, address and phone number in the event he should get out.
Holidays and senior dogs
Senior dogs might be a bit calmer about posing for holiday photos. Photography © kingpics | Thinkstock.
Senior dogs know the drill around the holidays, and many try to stay out of the way with all the commotion going on. Because of this, it can be easy for them to get lost in the shuffle. Give your older dog some extra attention to let him know you still love him this time of year by making him a special part of the holidays.
Dress him up. Pet product retailers go crazy offering all kinds of holiday apparel for dogs at the holidays. Canine Christmas sweaters are particularly popular and come in all kinds of styles, colors and patterns. If you have a sweater-loving dog, this is the time of year to spend some money on a too-cute holiday sweater.
If your pooch isn’t the sweater type, you can still dress him up with a holiday collar. Glitter, jingle bells, Christmasy bows and an assortment of other cheery decorations adorn holiday dog collars these days.
You might also want to dress him up with a holiday bandanna. My senior Aussie-mix, Candy, gets to wear a kerchief adorned with turkeys and pumpkins on Thanksgiving and a blue one covered with white snowflakes at Christmastime.
Take your dog’s photo. Plenty of pet stores and grooming shops offer pet photos with Santa. Dress your senior dog up in holiday cheer with a special collar, sweater or bandanna, and have his photo taken with old St. Nick. Or, if you like to send holiday greeting cards that include a family portrait, include your senior dog in this year’s photo. Doll him up for the occasion, and help him feel like he’s an important member of the family.
Thumbnail: Photography © Ljupco | Thinkstock.
This piece was originally published in 2017.
An award-winning writer and editor, Audrey Pavia is a former managing editor of Dog Fancy magazine and former senior editor of The AKC Gazette. She is the author of The Labrador Retriever Handbook (Barrons) and has written extensively on horses as well as other pets. She shares her home in Norco, California, with two rescue dogs, Candy and Mookie.
Editor’s note: This article appeared in Dogster magazine. Have you seen the new Dogster print magazine in stores? Or in the waiting room of your vet’s office? Subscribe now to get Dogster magazine delivered straight to you! 
Read more about dogs and holidays on Dogster.com:
Edible Holiday Gifts for Dogs and Dog Lovers
5 Poisonous Plants for Dogs You Need to Look Out for During the Holiday Season
8 Ways to Take the Stress Out of Holiday Travel With Your Dog
The post Holidays and Dogs: Keep Your Pup Happy at Every Age by Audrey Pavia appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
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buynewsoul · 6 years
Holidays and Dogs: Keep Your Pup Happy at Every Age
The post Holidays and Dogs: Keep Your Pup Happy at Every Age by Audrey Pavia appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
Two years ago, I did something I always advise others not to do this time of year: I adopted a puppy. I’d been thinking about getting another dog but had no intention of doing it during the holidays. I had gift buying to do, parties coming up and a long car trip to my cousins’ house on Christmas Day. But a week before Christmas, while buying cat litter at the pet supply store, I fell in love with a little black puppy who was up for adoption. I took him home that day. It was quite the hassle trying to fit little 9-week-old Mookie into our holiday plans, but it did give me the chance to really pamper him in a very special way. Holidays and dogs don’t have to be a stressful. If you’re lucky enough to have a puppy, adult or senior dog in your life this holiday season, you can do a lot to make him feel special.
Holidays and puppies
The holidays pose tons of safety issues for dogs — especially puppies. Photography © Smitt | Thinkstock.
Any dog under the age of a year old is considered a puppy, and it’s easy to see why. Young dogs are playful, full of energy and always up for new adventures. Use the holidays as a time to pamper your pup by giving him the vital socialization that every pup needs. The experiences he has at this stage of his life will shape his future.
„Take him on outings. Make him part of the festivities while also getting him some exercise and socialization. Bring him with you to watch a tree lighting, or take him with you on an evening stroll through the neighborhood to look at Christmas lights. If you’ve got snow on the ground, find a fenced-in area and let him help you build a snowman.
„Introduce him to guests. Use guests as an opportunity to give your pup positive experiences with new people. Ask guests to greet your pup with a treat so he associates visitors with something good. Dog lovers who come over may even be willing to go outside and play with your pup, tossing him a toy he can catch and return. If children are part of the festivities, ask them to help you socialize your pup by letting them feed and play with him. Supervise all of your pup’s interactions with children, as you want the experience to be positive for everyone.
Keep him safe. The holidays can be full of hazards for young dogs. If your puppy is still in the chewing stage, make sure he can’t get ahold of holiday decorations, gift-wrapping accessories and kids’ toys. Strings of lights can be particularly hazardous to a puppy, who can get burned or electrocuted if he gnaws on the cord.
Holidays and adult dogs
Your adult dog has seen a few holidays come and go and may be used to the hustle and bustle. He may even feel a bit neglected because you’re so busy with shopping and preparing for company. This year, make it special for him while also taking care to keep him safe.
Buy holiday gifts for your dog. If you’ve never watched a dog open his own gifts on Christmas or Hanukkah, you don’t know what you’re missing. Buy him a few new toys or treats, wrap them like you would any gift, then help him open the first one when it’s time. If your pooch is like most dogs, he’ll figure it out quickly and will be tearing at the paper to get at the next gift.
Watch the treats. Though you might be tempted to share your holiday meal with your dog, keep him away from rich foods. They will upset his digestive system (and may cause a bout of holiday diarrhea) and, in the case of certain foods like onions and chocolate, can cause serious illness. If you want to pamper him by giving him a taste of some of your holiday food, limit it to a small amount of turkey, chicken or lean meat served with his regular dinner.
Keep him close. When friends and relatives come over to spend the holidays with you, warn them not to leave doors or gates open. To be on the safe side, make sure your dog is wearing a collar with an ID tag bearing your name, address and phone number in the event he should get out.
Holidays and senior dogs
Senior dogs might be a bit calmer about posing for holiday photos. Photography © kingpics | Thinkstock.
Senior dogs know the drill around the holidays, and many try to stay out of the way with all the commotion going on. Because of this, it can be easy for them to get lost in the shuffle. Give your older dog some extra attention to let him know you still love him this time of year by making him a special part of the holidays.
Dress him up. Pet product retailers go crazy offering all kinds of holiday apparel for dogs at the holidays. Canine Christmas sweaters are particularly popular and come in all kinds of styles, colors and patterns. If you have a sweater-loving dog, this is the time of year to spend some money on a too-cute holiday sweater.
If your pooch isn’t the sweater type, you can still dress him up with a holiday collar. Glitter, jingle bells, Christmasy bows and an assortment of other cheery decorations adorn holiday dog collars these days.
You might also want to dress him up with a holiday bandanna. My senior Aussie-mix, Candy, gets to wear a kerchief adorned with turkeys and pumpkins on Thanksgiving and a blue one covered with white snowflakes at Christmastime.
Take your dog’s photo. Plenty of pet stores and grooming shops offer pet photos with Santa. Dress your senior dog up in holiday cheer with a special collar, sweater or bandanna, and have his photo taken with old St. Nick. Or, if you like to send holiday greeting cards that include a family portrait, include your senior dog in this year’s photo. Doll him up for the occasion, and help him feel like he’s an important member of the family.
Thumbnail: Photography © Ljupco | Thinkstock.
This piece was originally published in 2017.
An award-winning writer and editor, Audrey Pavia is a former managing editor of Dog Fancy magazine and former senior editor of The AKC Gazette. She is the author of The Labrador Retriever Handbook (Barrons) and has written extensively on horses as well as other pets. She shares her home in Norco, California, with two rescue dogs, Candy and Mookie.
Editor’s note: This article appeared in Dogster magazine. Have you seen the new Dogster print magazine in stores? Or in the waiting room of your vet’s office? Subscribe now to get Dogster magazine delivered straight to you! 
Read more about dogs and holidays on Dogster.com:
Edible Holiday Gifts for Dogs and Dog Lovers
5 Poisonous Plants for Dogs You Need to Look Out for During the Holiday Season
8 Ways to Take the Stress Out of Holiday Travel With Your Dog
The post Holidays and Dogs: Keep Your Pup Happy at Every Age by Audrey Pavia appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
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jeffreyrwelch · 6 years
Holidays and Dogs: Keep Your Pup Happy at Every Age
The post Holidays and Dogs: Keep Your Pup Happy at Every Age by Audrey Pavia appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
Two years ago, I did something I always advise others not to do this time of year: I adopted a puppy. I’d been thinking about getting another dog but had no intention of doing it during the holidays. I had gift buying to do, parties coming up and a long car trip to my cousins’ house on Christmas Day. But a week before Christmas, while buying cat litter at the pet supply store, I fell in love with a little black puppy who was up for adoption. I took him home that day. It was quite the hassle trying to fit little 9-week-old Mookie into our holiday plans, but it did give me the chance to really pamper him in a very special way. Holidays and dogs don’t have to be a stressful. If you’re lucky enough to have a puppy, adult or senior dog in your life this holiday season, you can do a lot to make him feel special.
Holidays and puppies
The holidays pose tons of safety issues for dogs — especially puppies. Photography © Smitt | Thinkstock.
Any dog under the age of a year old is considered a puppy, and it’s easy to see why. Young dogs are playful, full of energy and always up for new adventures. Use the holidays as a time to pamper your pup by giving him the vital socialization that every pup needs. The experiences he has at this stage of his life will shape his future.
„Take him on outings. Make him part of the festivities while also getting him some exercise and socialization. Bring him with you to watch a tree lighting, or take him with you on an evening stroll through the neighborhood to look at Christmas lights. If you’ve got snow on the ground, find a fenced-in area and let him help you build a snowman.
„Introduce him to guests. Use guests as an opportunity to give your pup positive experiences with new people. Ask guests to greet your pup with a treat so he associates visitors with something good. Dog lovers who come over may even be willing to go outside and play with your pup, tossing him a toy he can catch and return. If children are part of the festivities, ask them to help you socialize your pup by letting them feed and play with him. Supervise all of your pup’s interactions with children, as you want the experience to be positive for everyone.
Keep him safe. The holidays can be full of hazards for young dogs. If your puppy is still in the chewing stage, make sure he can’t get ahold of holiday decorations, gift-wrapping accessories and kids’ toys. Strings of lights can be particularly hazardous to a puppy, who can get burned or electrocuted if he gnaws on the cord.
Holidays and adult dogs
Your adult dog has seen a few holidays come and go and may be used to the hustle and bustle. He may even feel a bit neglected because you’re so busy with shopping and preparing for company. This year, make it special for him while also taking care to keep him safe.
Buy holiday gifts for your dog. If you’ve never watched a dog open his own gifts on Christmas or Hanukkah, you don’t know what you’re missing. Buy him a few new toys or treats, wrap them like you would any gift, then help him open the first one when it’s time. If your pooch is like most dogs, he’ll figure it out quickly and will be tearing at the paper to get at the next gift.
Watch the treats. Though you might be tempted to share your holiday meal with your dog, keep him away from rich foods. They will upset his digestive system (and may cause a bout of holiday diarrhea) and, in the case of certain foods like onions and chocolate, can cause serious illness. If you want to pamper him by giving him a taste of some of your holiday food, limit it to a small amount of turkey, chicken or lean meat served with his regular dinner.
Keep him close. When friends and relatives come over to spend the holidays with you, warn them not to leave doors or gates open. To be on the safe side, make sure your dog is wearing a collar with an ID tag bearing your name, address and phone number in the event he should get out.
Holidays and senior dogs
Senior dogs might be a bit calmer about posing for holiday photos. Photography © kingpics | Thinkstock.
Senior dogs know the drill around the holidays, and many try to stay out of the way with all the commotion going on. Because of this, it can be easy for them to get lost in the shuffle. Give your older dog some extra attention to let him know you still love him this time of year by making him a special part of the holidays.
Dress him up. Pet product retailers go crazy offering all kinds of holiday apparel for dogs at the holidays. Canine Christmas sweaters are particularly popular and come in all kinds of styles, colors and patterns. If you have a sweater-loving dog, this is the time of year to spend some money on a too-cute holiday sweater.
If your pooch isn’t the sweater type, you can still dress him up with a holiday collar. Glitter, jingle bells, Christmasy bows and an assortment of other cheery decorations adorn holiday dog collars these days.
You might also want to dress him up with a holiday bandanna. My senior Aussie-mix, Candy, gets to wear a kerchief adorned with turkeys and pumpkins on Thanksgiving and a blue one covered with white snowflakes at Christmastime.
Take your dog’s photo. Plenty of pet stores and grooming shops offer pet photos with Santa. Dress your senior dog up in holiday cheer with a special collar, sweater or bandanna, and have his photo taken with old St. Nick. Or, if you like to send holiday greeting cards that include a family portrait, include your senior dog in this year’s photo. Doll him up for the occasion, and help him feel like he’s an important member of the family.
Thumbnail: Photography © Ljupco | Thinkstock.
This piece was originally published in 2017.
An award-winning writer and editor, Audrey Pavia is a former managing editor of Dog Fancy magazine and former senior editor of The AKC Gazette. She is the author of The Labrador Retriever Handbook (Barrons) and has written extensively on horses as well as other pets. She shares her home in Norco, California, with two rescue dogs, Candy and Mookie.
Editor’s note: This article appeared in Dogster magazine. Have you seen the new Dogster print magazine in stores? Or in the waiting room of your vet’s office? Subscribe now to get Dogster magazine delivered straight to you! 
Read more about dogs and holidays on Dogster.com:
Edible Holiday Gifts for Dogs and Dog Lovers
5 Poisonous Plants for Dogs You Need to Look Out for During the Holiday Season
8 Ways to Take the Stress Out of Holiday Travel With Your Dog
The post Holidays and Dogs: Keep Your Pup Happy at Every Age by Audrey Pavia appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
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