#he just gives me the ick and im sad bc why i dont want the ick why they make him gimme the ick
taus-inc · 1 month
i love all bobs characters in general however comma i think after so long there's always going to be things you dont like
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luckyqueenreign · 1 year
LITG: Double Trouble EP 11 Recap
here we go...
*spoilers under the cut*
everyone is talking about who MC is going to choose...I will say normally I love a super confident pixel but Roberto just gave me the ick so bad with this overconfidence.
YAYYYY challenge time!!! im actually excited about this one!! GUYS the placement of these cowboy hats on the girls OMG it's so bad. oooop!! not Grace flirting with Ryan where Ozzy could see!! Girly ur relationship is already on thin ice!! EEK I chose the "you dont sound too secure with Ozzy" option and she said "youre right, I guess I dont feel that solid with him right now....kinda feels like he might still be open to other options." and then she glances at MC...😬😩 UH OH shes gonna give a test in the challenge...girlyyyy. skefoisjefjwaenfajw SINCE WHEN AM I BLONDE?????? lolol omg look I get that the art team prob couldnt draw the hat for EVERY hair option but they couldnt at least match the color ??????? also I hate that in challenges MC is the only one who wears a diff outfit. why cant they just make us have a special one but give the girls outfits too??
DEAD at Roberto not having any rhythm and Lewie not having any coordination in the obstacle portion. EEK time for Grace to test Ozzy 🫣 I meannnnn.....Lewie lol? why not Ryan who she actually just flirted with in front of Ozzy and who was grafting her AND is also single. lowkey feels like shes not only trying to teach Ozzy a lesson but us too 👀
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OZZYS TURN 🥰 not Ozzy dominating on the bull and his dance moves AND choosing MC. ksaidsiodisjdfies OBVI snogged Ozzy's face off even though I def didnt kiss the other boys 😬 MC is obvi going out and showing out as she she should 💅🏼 anddddd u guys already know who I chose. Grace im sorry babes! Also sorry Roberto and Lewie! OOP Ozzy whispering that after our moment on the terrace he hoped we'd pick him. ok the constant interruptions from Grace...I get them...and I actually do like they added this in but im gonna need a little less to make me feel less guilty about what im about to do 😬. "IT SEEMS LIKE YOURE COMPLETELY ALONE" fb u really want me to fall in love with this pixel man dont you??? 🫣🫣 Grace saying that was low😐 im sorry for Grace that I made my mc be in her villain era bc im def choosing the diamond scene and going to do it all over again with Ozzy. SCREAMING not us landing perfectly on top of him after falling off the bull and then KISSING IN FRONT OF EVERYONE. MC IS A MENACE.
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time for a girl chat 😬 damn Amelia saying MC always had the big moves and looking sad...yeahh thats def gonna come back up. LOLOL not Ryan pulling a Rocco and chatting with all the girls. ACK GRACE!!! "its not only the boys im struggling to trust" I love that theres more nuance here and fb actually gave her some personality here. Grace has EVERY reason to be fuming at not only Ozzy but also MC. ok wait..... "but when he cracks a joke you're the person he looks at to see if you laugh." STAHP IT PLS!!! not grace fishing for an apology! im so confused Grace has sat here with us and explained how its so clear Ozzy has feelings for MC and then when she asks if she needs to worry if you say yes. she's still like are you sure??? why did fb not make this consistent with everything else she just said!!
Ryan encouraging Roberto to shoot his shot with MC to free up Amelia is such an EL OH EL moment. like sir u have spoken two words to the girl and you've been grafting literally every girl in the villa outside of MC all day!! pack your bags Ryan!
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jungkookschin · 1 month
just read the most recent chapter of older and i'm 🥲🥲🥲
i loved their dynamic before shit went down. how jungkook treats her makes me so giddy!! but oc ghosting jungkook FOE MOTNHS after what happened be them!!!! saying it's bc she wants to be better for him is such an asshole thing to do! it's sad that things turned out that way for them bc i acc want them to be together. & that part where jungkook is thinking how she wants to provide for her,,,, i got butterflies reading it!!! he wants her so baddd likeee (meanwhile oc is thinking abt the same stuff but is worried about how she'll contribute which is valid but she could've just said so)
my heart broke for jungkook but him telling oc to get out of his apartment was harsh :(( either way i hope things work out for them and they won't hurt each other again
i enjoyed reading it, thank u for writing it!! 💖
oh my !!! i so so so appreciate this message!! i love getting long messages like this that really tear apart the story and i love hearing what u think !! i always say that i write for myself but getting messages like this is always so fulfilling and makes writing worth while so thank you!! <3
oc and jk's dynamic in older is literally my favorite to write,, i love how he treats her like maybe it's my daddy issues but omggg there's just something about an older protective man 😫 im writing part 3 rn and i keep including little tid bits from their previous dynamic and i have to stop myself and tell myself that things changed between them 😭 but ofc once they get it together he'll continue to take care of her
bc as much as i love their whole dynamic, i dont think it's viable for a long term, romantic relationship. ofc the guy should always be loving and caring, but for jk and oc, i think that oc is too childish- and she has serious maturing to do.
jk doesnt have a problem with it and loves her regardless but in the real world relationships should be more equal than oc and jk's previous dynamic- which is also why she was so insecure.
and i totally agree that oc was a b word for how she treated jungkook. her behavior and isolation from him is a symptom of her anxiety/after effects of her parents' death, which i could have elaborated on more but i wasn't sure if i was knowledgable enough to do that!!
and as for the last part 😭 jk definitely got the ick or something like that but trust me he's hurting just as much as her.
ill give them a more equal dynamic while continuing to write more butterfly-inducing scenes about how he wants to take care of her!!
thanks sm for reading!!
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thelovelybitten · 11 months
vera's first watch of south park -- season four (part 2)
jfc i want 2 unalive... slowly
EPISODE 6: THESE THE BOYS ARE SO FERAL BYE messing w the sub with switching names NO KYLE IS SICK :’((((( MY POOR BOY NOT BUTTERS HE’S SUCH A CUTE CARD I LOVE BUTTERS SM miss information…. bffr garrison writing a SMUT FIC BYE MDFNVIFDMIMMVS miss information BYE STAN IS TRYING 2 HELP there’s only so much natural herbs can do :’( “KYLE’S MY BEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WORLD” SO TRUE SO TRUE CRYINGGGGG “I’LL GIVE HIM MY KIDNEY I’LL DO IT” stan would die for kyle and that’s on god babe not cartman being the only person in south park that matches kyle SMH kenny and cartman being actual kids ofc cartman won’t give it up “how much is ur life worth to u, kyle” cartman u fucking JACKASS if kyle dies i’m gonna be pissed stan worried abt kyle :’(((((( kenny >:( rightfully so garrison just come out as gay babe it’s not that hard clyde and tacos >>>> kyle’s life this is so fucked ew oh stan is serious he’s gonna get his kidney i forgot abt cartmans pig cartman is so smart okay that kinda slayed stan DON’T CRY “nobody cares if i die” KENNY THAT WAS OUTTA POCKET BUT ALSO SO TRUE MY SON “I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS BULLSHIT. SCREW U GUYS I’M GOING HOME.” PIANO FALLS ON HIM :’( very cartman of u kenny OH THEY KILLING HER OOF wait how is cartman not dead ?!?!?!/! his whole ass kidney was cut off by an eight year old oh they defo put his kidney into kyle’s bod but faked it for cartman epic EPISODE 7 Chef winning U GET THEM KING. Ending racists PERIOD who TF is this teacher Cartman winning debates ??? Weird Oh LMAO THE CLASS AGREES HES A RAT MY FUCKING FAVE KIDS ON TEAM CHEF !!! WENDY, BEBE, CLYDE AND BUTTERS. ICONS Stan obvs on his uncles side but BIG BOO WENDY GET THEM BABY WENDY TELL UR MAN HES AN IDIOT STYLE VS WENDY AND CARTMAN ??? oh this abt to be good cartman tho… fat boo Chef schooling the kiddies (style respectfully) WENDY PROTECTING STYLE SO REAL THUMBS DOWN CARTMAN BOOOOOOOO NOT THE KKK 💀💀💀💀 THE MAYOR RLY DIDNT DO SHIT oh crap leaving it up to the kids WHACK Wendy and cartman in the same frame is just giving me the ICK NO WENDY DONT LAUGH ALL CUTELY AT HIM EW no bc cartman and Wendy together makes me physically I’ll wtf KENNY EATING THE MINTS “FUCK YOU” so real “I don’t think we stand a chance in this debate bc Wendy’s leading the other side” “Dude, ur just saying that bc she’s your gf” TRUE AND REAL Kyle so real for that omg OH SHIT KENNY NOOOO HE EXPLODED NO CRYING not Wendy & Cartman again LORD ARE U TRYING TO TEST ME I WANNA OFF MYSELF WHY IS TREY AND MATT GIVING WENDY AND CARTMAN AN ENEMIES TO LOVERS ARC HES EVERYTHING SHE HATES AND VICE VERSA STAN PLS COME COLLECT UR GF IM GONNA THROW UP MY DINNER NOT THE HAND TOUCH IM UNALIVING I CANT I FUCKING HATE IT HERE NOT WENDY FANTASIZING CARTMAN I WANNA SKIP IT SO BAD BUT I NEED TO HAVE AN HONEST FULL REACTION NOT THE ROLL DOWN THE HILL WENDY WOKE UP IT WAS A DREAM THE LORD SAVED ME FROM THIS HELL Wendy me too bc what the fuck Dunks head in water me too Wendy seeing cartman everywhere and haunting her NOOOOOO Wendy “please don’t let this be happening” I WISH IT WASNT BABY GIRL This KKK stuff is weird “BEBE IM ATTRACTED TO CARTMAN” Bebe IMMEDIATELY SCREAMS THATS MY DAUGHTER SHES THE MOOD no but Bebe is me rn BEBE NO DONT TELL HER TO KISS HIM ?!1?1!1) THE FUCK ARE U DOING Wendy PLEASE DOR THE LOVE OF GOD DONT I DONT NEED THAT IN MY BRAIN PLEASE IM BEGGING WHAT WOULD STAN THINK ??!?!? WENDY ARE U DELULU STANS LOOK OF CONCERN AS HE LOOKS AT WENDY STUTTERING AND PANICKING NO WENDY ARE U FUCKING FOR REAL NOOOOOO STANS FACE NO IM BREAKING IM DESTROYED IM IN SHAMBLES HIS SAD FACE NO STAN IM SOBBINGGGGGG cartman feeling so smug abt Stan’s girl kissing him I know stan is gonna go HAM ON HIS ASS Stan still upset NO I HATE IT HERE I HATE IT CARTMAN IS ADDING FUEL TO THE FIRE TEASING STAN OH STOP IT STAN IS STILL SHOCKED STILL. S T I L L S T I L L S T I L L IM SOBBING AT STAN 😭😭 CARTMAN HAS FEELS FOR WENDY OH FUCK defo my least fave episode out of all seasons so far
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aesthethic-c · 7 years
A long rant about dating you dont have to read
Okay so i met this guy on tinder and we have gone out a couple times and he seems really sweet. He knocked on my door the other day to give me a piece of ammolite and like went to the store to pick me up Gatorade and soup when i was sick the other day. V cute. Seem A+. But probably the straightest boy ive dated since high school. Id invited him to the local gay bar and he kinda laughed it off, and with some pressing admitted that he didnt want to go because he was afraid of getting hit on by gay men. Ick. But genuinely came off as ignorance not malice. Other day i ask him if he didnt go down on me bc he doesnt like giving head. He confirms. Hes wrong but w.e. Then tonight we decide to hang out again and im already in a bit of a mood and within the first 10 mins he says something about how most people who talk about wanting to kill themselves are only saying it for attention. Im immediately on edge. So we are sitting on the couch and im not being physically affectionate towards him so he is repeatedly asking me if im still feeling sick. I mention my chest hurts from throwing up so much and he says he is never sure what to say to smokers who complain about chest pain. Whatever. He says again that i seem off and i tell him that i had to skip my anti depressant when i was sick so its throwing off my mood. He asks me how long ive been on my meds and whether i think they help me. He says he “just thinks its interesting” because he knows ive done psychedelics and he “gets depressed sometimes” but he took mushrooms last year and has felt fine since. He says we all make choices, and im choosing to be depressed instead of finding my balance, or trying meditation, like he did. Now we are sitting on my front stoop. Hes decided to leave because im making him feel uncomfortable but i guess he wants to state his case first? Using his sad attacked straight cis white guy voice he repeats that we all make choices. I choose every day to smoke. I choose to not have a happier outlook on life. I choose to be offended by his homophobic viewpoints despite the fact that his cousin is gay and his other cousin is a lesbian and he likes them both! And he doesnt understand why i can’t take the time to educate him. I take a deep breath and say that i have no problem educating him but the way he approaches these things comes from a very privileged place. He says he wishes nothing but happiness and health for me and rides into the night.
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