#he knows Nate has lost one child and he will not risk losing more even if they are grown ass adult criminals
firebirdsdaughter · 2 years
You know…
… What I love about the David Jobs?? Well first off, even if it was planned and however close the fight turned out, I love Eliot immediately going into protective mode when he (presumably) clocks Quinn taking photos of Nate and Sophie. There’s no hesitation, he’s just immediately in enforcer mode; and then following that, the way he, as Quinn says, won’t go down. Aside from being a testament to Eliot’s endurance, I also like taking it as his determination and ferocity increasing bc he’s fighting to protect and to get back to his team. Eliot’s very perceptive, the instant Quinn started giving him a real fight, I’m sure he knew it was a set up—which, in consequence meant that the rest of his team was in danger and Quinn was there to keep him away from them and get him out of play. Eliot’s first actions after the fight are to get his earpiece to warn Nate and check in, and then he doesn’t stop to take care of himself before participating in the rescue plan, despite broken ribs and maybe a concussion—in that moment, he’s not just fighting to avoid capture, he’s fighting to get back to his family so he can protect them like he’s supposed to.
The David jobs are a lot about how the team realising they’ve settled into being a family and caring about each other and how they’ve become different than other teams. Eliot is much more of a tacit person, esp in regards to emotions and genuine caring, and he’s the team protector, and he takes that position seriously. While his laughter at Quinn’s question could absolutely be taken at him being amused at Quinn’s frustration (which I do think is part of it), I kinda love it as him realising the reason he won’t go down and laughing in both disbelief at where he’s found himself and Quinn’s inability to understand. Eliot spent years fighting for himself, just to survive, and he’s gone up against many a strong opponent—Quinn giving him a real challenge isn’t just to make it clear things are seriously going wrong, it’s also the Eliot way to showcase how much he’s come to actually care about the team that in order to get to them, he will refuse to go down until he comes out on top. Unlike Quinn, Eliot’s not fighting for money, he’s fighting for people he cares for and wants to protect, and Quinn is an obstacle keeping him away from doing that. Quinn is in the way when Eliot’s family needs him. So no way in hell is he going down.
Also, now going back over it again… The fact that this starts Eliot’s eternal hatred of Sterling… Eliot’s been beaten up before in the past, we know he’s been in some particularly hairy spots. It’s not hard to assume that his resulting loathing of Sterling stems not just from Quinn giving him a hard fight (esp since he’s on perfectly fine terms w/ Quinn himself later, which I love and is so them), but the fact that Sterling did this to his team on his watch, that Sterling was able to keep him busy long enough to grab and/or threaten people he was meant to be protecting, esp people he cares for. That’d cause a life long grudge.
#Leverage#what did I even say???#on rewatch number three and I forgot Quinn said that!#but yeah that's absolutely why he won't go down#Eliot is nowhere near stupid and he knows tactics#the instant Quinn actually poses a problem for him he KNOWS it's blown and the others are in danger#also while I'm rambling about family#the way Sterling targeted the Kids first#he knows Eliot will immediately go after someone apparently tailing Nate and Sophie#sets up things so he intercepts Parker#has Hardison followed and the building watched#I think one thing that doesn't exactly get thought about much#which is understandable bc it's a tiny tiny thing that just occurred to me on the rewatches…#technically Nate met the kids first and Sophie came second#it wasn't that much time difference but that first job was where they all started to click#anyway more to the point I love that Sterling clocked that if he could get the other three as leverage (lol)#he could throw Nate off his game#obviously he underestimates how hard Eliot will fight to protect/get back to his family#but I do think it's showing of his awareness of Nate and how perceptive he is about the team's relationships#he knows Nate has lost one child and he will not risk losing more even if they are grown ass adult criminals#also it's not narrative accident that the three not captured are Nate and Sophie and Eliot#dad mom and big brother#I kinda wish we'd seen more of them interacting/planning after that but I do know it'd defeat the 'unspoken plan' thing#I just love the way Eliot immediately talks to Nate and Nate's 'talk to me Eliot' I love that#Nate immediately telling Eliot to go to ground for his safety even though he goes to meet Sterling… I'm love them#Eliot showing up at the office w/out having taken care of his injuries presumably bc he'd been just waiting for the call#but to get back the point I had an hour ago I think Eliot's hatred of Sterling does stem from that#it's like the bodyguard's worst nightmare basically he was meant to protect the team and now two are caught and the others are under threat#from Eliot's perspective he failed and that's gonna stick w/ him forever#… I probably have too many tags on here I should make a new post
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dottiechan · 3 years
Tempest (Pt. 5)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Read on AO3
Pairing: Ava Du Mortain x f!Detective
Wordcount: 4048
Warnings: mourning, mentions of death and torture, smoking
Summary: The private detective must work through the sudden and unexpected disappearance of Ava - quite literally, as she embarks on solving her greatest mystery yet. But she is not the only one who's been busy...
A/N: This chapter is a rather long one as there's much to unpack at this point of the story, and there is much to explain. Sorry for the long wait, and thanks for being so patient and supportive of me!
The Private Detective’s Office, London, 1898
5 months after Ava’s disappearance
The key turns in the lock with ease. The door creaks as it gives way to the dark office. The lights flicker in the corridor outside, and the entrance gapes like a mouth ready to swallow her whole.
She steps inside, unaware of her fingers skittering across the glass pane that has the name of her detective agency painted on it. Some have great bloodlines to look back on, and nobles and kings to proudly call their ancestors. Her legacy is this stuffy little office, her sigil is a hand painted business logo. But her ancestor - her father - was a warrior too, noble of heart, even if not of blood.
She hangs her coat and hat, and proceeds to smooth down her hair before locking the door and switching on the lights. The old pieces of furniture that would have been regarded fashionable 20 years ago are dimly illuminated, and the sight of them makes her heart ache. They belonged to her late father, and in a way he lives on through them. The dent in the cushion of his chair where he always used to sit, the scuff marks on his desk he carelessly carved into the polished surface with books and folders, the medical and law tomes he hoarded lining the bookshelves that hug the dark green walls... As a child, she was afraid of coming here in the evenings - something they often did after her mother passed away and her father tried his best to raise her alone. The heavy nailhead leather armchairs looked like hunched monsters in the dark, the looming mahogany desk with its long curving legs resembled a giant spider, and the serious wallpaper enveloped this macabre scene like some sinister forest. “The real monsters are in here, my darling,” her father would ruffle her hair affectionately, pointing at the files he came to pick up.
It is late, but the office no longer feels scary. Her rational mind knows she should have gone home to her empty bed and her unread books and the cold supper awaiting her. And yet she’s here because hardly anything matters anymore. Because no place ever really feels like home ever since her father left. Well, her small house felt like home for a while when she was still here. But she left as well, and with her she took the last tattered shreds of joy the detective had somehow managed to cling to. She is submerged in saturnine reticence now, and ironically it helps her stay focused, even though it makes her more and more like the person she tried to thaw out. More and more like Ava.
One should only embrace the iciness of a statue if they’re willing to risk turning into marble themselves.
The Commissioner would be lucky to have a detective such as myself, she thinks bitterly as she glances down at the neatly kept files piled on her desk. Most are petty cases, even she has to admit - cheating husbands, unanswered invitations and letters, and the likes. But she takes all the work she can, and she prides herself on her ability to solve them with the proficiency of a man. Ava used to praise her for that. Now she whispers praises to herself even if the words turn sour in her mouth, because she will not let anyone ruin her. She will not. (Even though Ava has, because the world feels different without her in it.)
Her sudden disappearance left her on the precipice of panic at first. Ava, along with her partner Nate, simply vanished into thin air as if they never even existed at all, as if they were a pleasant reverie she used to lull herself to sleep at night. No trace, no item that belonged to them was left behind. If not for the spare key to her house being gone - the one she gave to Ava - she wouldn’t even be able to tell the difference between reality and her mad suspicions. But oh, she was here. She was. Missing her is a malady burrowed in her heart, but it is also the testament of her existence.
She opens the file on top, and hums in bitter satisfaction. Right. The aching of her heart isn’t the only testament anymore. It took her months, but she’s finally one step closer to the solution, planting her foot firmly and holding her crumbling sanity together with a determination she didn’t know she had. Ava was probably never meant to be in the background of a photograph taken during the opening night of the National Gallery of British Art.
But she was. And it really only takes one mistake.
The private detective picks up the photograph gingerly, giving herself one second to lose herself in the whirlwind of emotions Ava’s angular silhouette awakens in her.
One step closer.
She leans back in her chair, her gaze gliding over the photograph and landing on her personal little project. The blackboard is filled with dates, locations and places with a map pinned to the middle of it - by now, it is practically a blueprint of Ava’s and Nate’s every activity over the past two years. The deeper she digs, the more unknowns she unearths about the people she once thought she knew.
But there’s still time to get to know them - first impressions are overrated anyway.
Train station, Wayhaven, 1899
7 months after Ava’s disappearance
January quickly set to work and changed the countryside. It swooped down from the heavens and gently buried the forests and the hills under a heavy blanket of snow, concealing the detective’s childhood home from her as she exits the train, the handle of her heavy bag already digging into her gloved fingers. The shapes are still visible though underneath all the snow and ice - she sees the old station with the crumbling roof, the road leading into town, the bell tower of the small church peeking out just above the treeline. She recognises them all, though she sorely wishes she didn’t.
Because with the recognition comes the inevitable sting of her memories. Faces emerge in her conscious she hasn’t seen in years. The kindness of her mother’s eyes and the curve of his father’s lips, both lost forever now, never to be seen again, cutting deeper than a knife ever could.
An old woman is prating about her insufferable nephew, a business man is constantly checking his pocket watch with a disdainful look from across the station, three young women gossip, a man is rubbing his hands together in an effort to stimulate his circulation in the cold weather. The detective tunes out the comfortable commotion of the small town station, imagining she is still in London and not here. Anywhere but here. People brush past her, the train whistles and whirs to motion, and before she knows it, she is alone, paralysed in one spot, snowflakes catching softly on her fetching ensemble of a royal blue travelling dress and matching hat.
She takes a shaky breath, almost already on the verge of tears.
“Are you alright, Miss?”
“Of course,” she turns with a slight smile. “Just admiring the view. I used to live here.”
“Ah, then the gossip about you was true,” the man nods, his eyes glinting intelligently under his bushy brows. There’s an apologetic smile sitting on his lips, and a twinge of regret spoiling the beauty of his otherwise handsome square jaw and bold features. “I apologise, I couldn’t help but overhear some women on the train talking about your father. About you.”
“I didn’t know our name carried such weight,” the detective admits cautiously, one hand reaching up to fix her hat self-consciously. The man seems to notice the way her fingers linger over the hat pin, and he almost cracks a grin. It would be a highly inappropriate moment to joke, and besides, he’d rather befriend this interesting person than anger her to a point where he’d end up being skewered by the hat pin in question. After all, her friendship and assistance is why he’s here.
“Your father served in India with Sir Edward Bardford, the current Police Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police,” he adds gently. “You were betrothed to Montagu Edward Bradford.”
“How do you know about that?” the woman asks, her eyes widened by shock as she takes a step closer to him.
“Who didn’t Montagu tell?”
The strained grin the stranger allows himself seems to put her momentarily at ease. Montagu did tell everyone, God rest his soul. In a way, she could never really begrudge him for the betrothal - it was their fathers’ scheming, even if Montagu really didn’t seem to mind. She always wanted a way out, but she never wished for his death. He was in India when it had happened, and she was in London. In a way, even 9 years after, it feels surreal. She never saw the body. For years afterwards, she sincerely thought he would turn up one day unexpectedly as if nothing had happened.
He never did.
“How awfully rude of me to not even introduce myself!” he exclaims suddenly, sheepishly sticking out his hand. “Dr Van Helsing. Abraham Van Helsing.”
“I believe Mont had spoken about you,” she nods as she shakes his hand, deliberately squeezing his fingers with more force than a mere handshake would warrant. Yet another trick she learned from Ava.
“I hope so. We were... we were quite close. I know it’s been a while since he...” Van Helsing pauses as he withdraws his hand and waves it in the air before drawing it up to his ginger curls. “Please accept deepest my condolences.”
“Thank you, Dr Van Helsing.”
Her tone signals the end of the conversation, and she nods her head stiffly before turning. She knew coming back here would unearth the loss of her parents, but she is not ready to speak of Montagu yet. She bared her soul once regarding the matter, and only to one person, but she will not repeat the experience again. As liberating as it had been to tell Ava everything, she wishes to leave this heartache and guilt where it belongs - in the past.
“Please wait. We got off on the wrong foot! I didn’t come here to ask you personal questions - in fact, it is a disappearance that I was hoping to discuss with you.”
“You are a physician, not an inspector, correct?” she asks over her shoulder, not bothering to slow down her steps as she strides towards an unclaimed hansom.
“Yes, but-”
“Are you here to hire me?”
“Then we have nothing to talk about, Dr Van Helsing. Good day.”
The driver, smelling a wealthy client who’s just arrived from London, clambers down from his seat quickly to open the door for her to get in. Just before she could disappear inside, the physician speaks again.
“I’m trying to find Miss Ava Du Mortain and Mr Nathaniel Sewell. I was hoping we could help each other out, but more importantly, I was hoping to warn you.”
“Warn me?” the detective pauses, looking back at Van Helsing with genuine shock on her prepossessing features.
“They’re not who you think they are - what you think they are.”
There’s a stretch of silence between them as her eyes assess the tall, lanky man as he stands just before the hansom, hands stuffed into his coat pockets, his breath fogging in the chill air as he looks back at her expectantly. The nerve on this man alone is making the private detective want to leave him high and dry in the snow, but her insides twist and her pulse quickens at the mention of Ava’s name. She’s all but given up hope - for months now, she could find nothing regarding the woman and her partner, or the Agency they claimed to work for. She knows virtually nothing about this man, but her need to find Ava outweighs her better judgement.
“Are you hungry, Dr Van Helsing?” she asks, scooting further down the seat to make room for the man.
“Is eating and working on disappearance cases simultaneously a habit of yours, Miss?” the physician asks as he climbs in next to her.
“And here I was trying to be nice. I suppose I will not offer to pay for your lunch then.”
“I take it all back! I am positively famished.”
Meanwhile, across the train station
Lucille Licht twirls her cane, lips pressed into a disdainful frown. Cities at least have crowds upon crowds of people to distract her, but small towns such as Wayhaven hold no entertainment value whatsoever. She isn’t here on pleasant business anyway, she thinks to herself as she sighs, pulling her fur coat tighter around the expensive suit she’s wearing. No, she is here on ghastly business indeed, even by demon standards. But the prophecy was clear - though irritatingly vague too, no doubt to account for the rather large margin of error witches have these days in their prophecies. They’re more lawyers than soothsayers by now, their profession diluted by those who hunger for nothing but profit and security, and who are willing to sacrifice quality for those two aforementioned gains. Lucille finds sordid business such as this distasteful, even in her line of work. Falling from grace is one thing, but living in the Agency’s ever growing shadow is no excuse not to have honour among thieves. Or rogues. Or both, when it comes to the social circles she frequents.
A small voice in the back of her head whispers sadly, poisoning the faux assuredness she’s lulled herself into on the train. She’s just like I was, in a strange way. Before it all happened. And now I’m about to do the same horrible things to her that were done to me.
But the private detective is the one she’s been waiting for. She has to be. It all fits - the dead father, the career, the place where she was born. Lucille can’t smell anything strange about her blood yet, but she is sure she can bring about the power that was promised to reside in her veins. She has her ways, and her old magic, and her knife. And most importantly, her determination.
It was centuries ago, when she was stripped and bound and the curse was carved into her flesh. Strange, how vividly one can remember a single terrible moment, even centuries later. Even though the ancient magic rendered her undead, she can still feel the searing pain all over her body, red lines raging like fire in the form of symbols and Echolian text. It made her immortal, but it also bound her to her creator. He is the reason why she’s on the hunt. Why she is desperate to gain power beyond what she could achieve alone. Even as a human, as a meagre farmer’s child, she was roaming the fields of her father as she pleased. She was free. It was so long ago that she can’t even remember the name her parents gave her, but her freedom she remembers.
And nobody enslaves Lucille Licht and gets away with it.
Her slow burn vendetta must be coming to an end soon. There’s only so much of the supernatural underworld she can bring under her control - what she has will have to suffice. She already runs a widespread rogue organisation, with its key leadership positions held by her loyal Daughters, as she eloquently calls the women she’s bound to her service over the centuries the same way she was bound once. A necessary evil. Pawns in the game she plays with the Ancient One. There is nothing she wouldn’t do to ensure her victory in the coming battle. I will not be outwitted again by that Echolian bastard, she thinks, whacking away at a nearby bush with her cane. Specks of snow and ice glitter where her hits land. And yet she always finds herself hesitating before turning another human.
The abhorred feeling of helplessness always comes creeping back. As well as the pain, and the panic of thinking your life is about to end. She has to push it all down. Grit her teeth and get it over with. Months of preparation leading up to the final act that barely lasts ten minutes. And then you wait, and 3 days later their pain and mortality will be but a distant memory.
But she’s slipping. She no longer only hesitates before, now the intrusive self-doubt catches up to her after the rituals too. The Ancient One is still the centre of her nightmares, but the dream has changed. She is no longer the helpless little lamb brought to the slaughter. She is one with the Ancient One, his hand is hers too as it raises the knife, their voices merging together as they chant the same curse together.
She knew this victory would cost her everything. But she never imagined the real price to pay would be stepping up to fill the void the Ancient One’s death will create.
Lucille never wanted to be like him. She only ever wanted to kill him. But it seems those two things are one and the same.
She awakens from her thoughts when the man joins the private detective in the hansom. An annoying little man, that Dr Van Helsing is, though harmless in the grand scheme of things. It doesn’t matter that he’s taken care of a Transylvanian rogue vampire with his entourage, it would take far more to stop her plans now. Lucille focuses on the woman instead, letting her will force itself into her mind. All too easy, she raises her eyebrows in an unimpressed fashion as she flicks through her thoughts as if she were reading the latest issue of The Times. She thought she would be more difficult to read. To control. But alas, she is just like everyone else, aside from the love that seems to seep out of her every thought for none other than Agent Du Mortain.
She grins, remembering her failed attempt at getting to the private detective earlier. She’s learned several invaluable lessons in those two years. One, you can’t trust dark elf mercenaries, no matter how much you pay them. Two, it’s better to divert the attention of the Agency first before you try to kidnap someone who has important connections in the London Metropolitan Police. Three, love makes people do really, really stupid things.
Thankfully, Lucille Licht is a smart woman, and an even better strategist - not to mention a quite powerful demon with telepathic abilities and her boot firmly planted on the supernatural underground’s neck - and this time, she has learned from all three of her mistakes. This time, there will be no Agent Du Mortain rushing to the rescue. (But that doesn’t mean she can’t use her name as bait, yes?)
Cemetery, Wayhaven, 1900
1 year and 8 months after Ava’s disappearance
He doesn’t appreciate being jerked around the way he has been lately, but he isn’t a man to grumble too much either. He was closest to the backwater little town, he gets to check out the possible supernatural case. Everyone draws the short straw sometimes, and he’s learned to cope with it. He has certainly lived long enough to do so.
The wind shifts, and suddenly Agent Fuller’s nostrils are invaded by the stench of magic. Things finally start looking up for him, and that thought alone is enough to make him pick up his pace, excitement coursing through his body. He lights a cigarette to conceal the smirk threatening to overtake his lips when he sees the pallid looks of the constables as they pass him by. One stops him to ask what his business is out here, but the Agency has already notified the meagre Wayhaven police force, and he is soon on his way again to the centre of the commotion. Cemetery of the commotion would be a more accurate description though - the little town was as dead in the mid-February frost as a place could get, and aside from the bored stationmaster who gave him directions, these men are the first living beings he’s encountered since his arrival.
“Name’s Agent Fuller. What can you tell me about the crime scene, constable?” Fuller asks as he exhales a lungful of smoke, turning to the least disturbed looking man surveying the scene.
“Welcome to the middle of nowhere, sir. Why don’t you come see for yourself?”
A handshake and a suppressed grin later Fuller follows the young man down a row of tombs. They take a sharp turn to the left, and immediately it is clear why he was called here. The sight is confirmation enough, but the smell of potent and ancient magic is the real giveaway.
“Looks like we’ve got ourselves a walker,” Fuller snorts as he crouches down, picking up a piece of the crumbled marble.
“The poor woman was buried only 3 days ago,” the constable mutters, rubbing his hands together before bringing them to his lips and blowing hot air onto them, desperately attempting to revitalise his frozen fingers. “Who could do such a monstrous thing?”
“Indeed, who could...” the agent mutters, too focused to really pay attention to the human on his right. The tomb was torn open, the coffin deserted, the body missing. It coincides with many reports made over the centuries - it’s unfortunately not rare for the dead to be taken and repurposed again for magic, but this particular pattern is characteristic of demonic rogues having too much time on their necromantic little hands. He will need to consult a few colleagues to confirm it, but the 3 days and the apparent magic hanging in the air is all the evidence he needs right now.
He stands, the lapels of his dark coat flapping in the chilly wind ominously. There’s a page typed up about the busy life of his missing body in his pocket, crumpled around the edges from being handled carelessly, but he takes it out to skim over it again. That’s when he spots the little detail about the private detective’s history with the Agency that he seemed to have missed the first time around.
‘1896-1898: under Agency protection
Threat: classified
Agents on the case: A. Du Mortain, N. Sewell’
The Agency gossips like there’s no tomorrow, and ever since Lady Ashbury’s return to the main facility, the gossip about the ‘Ice Queen’ and her pet detective have been the most fashionable thing to blabber on about. And since Fuller has been to the scene, it will be him who will have to provide all the answers when Du Mortain comes with her demanding questions, no doubt breaking down doors in the process as it is in her nature. Fuller is by no means a man who shies away from conflict or hard work, but he’s never been particularly good with emotions. Explaining to a lovesick elder vampire that her alleged lover is now very dead, and also quite probably the plaything of a very bored and elusive demon who likes to play with necromancy is not a task he would gladly carry out.
“Well, shit.”
Fuller shoves the page back into his pocket and sighs. He should retire and buy a house in the wilderness. Get a cat. Maybe try some cocaine - he once saw Heinrich Quincke use it for spinal anaesthesia before one of his surgeries, and have been meaning to try it out ever since. But he does none of those things - he never does.
He walks back the way he came, trying to prepare himself for the most awkward conversation of the century.
Needless to say, he couldn’t prepare himself for what was to come. But for once, he couldn’t feel mad about a messy situations. He just felt a little more hollow afterwards. And then he got another case as this one was closed and the woman was declared dead once more. And he moved on.
But, like with all his cases ending in death, he never forgot.
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smalltowndetective · 4 years
TWC Playlists
Thank you so much for the tag @vienocalledmebuddy! I have more coupley- playlists for my detectives and their LIs, and not really any for my detectives themselves, but I do have a couple. So, I’ll put those here, and also those that I have! (Sorry this took me so long!)
Detective Thea Holland
Cinnamon Girl- by Lana Del Rey-  There's things I wanna say to you, but I'll just let you live/ Like if you hold me without hurting me/ You'll be the first who ever did/ There's things I wanna talk about, but better not to give/  But if you hold me without hurting me/  You'll be the first who ever did
Soft to be Strong- by MARINA-  I believe the world is beautiful/ Only the weak ones are cruel/ I choose to love you without fear/ I choose to love you without fear/ And I guess I've known it all along/ The truth is you have to be soft to be strong/ Finally, I feel the fear is gone/ I found out love has to be soft to be strong/ Soft to be strong/ Somebody hurt me long ago/ And though to heal a heart is slow/  It's just a consequence of pain/  There is no use in laying blame
Felix and Thea
Never be the Same- by Camila Cabello-  It's you, babe/ And I'm a sucker for the way that you move, babe/  And I could try to run, but it would be useless/  You're to blame/  Just one hit of you, I knew I'll never be the same/  Suddenly, I'm a fiend and you're all I need/  All I need, yeah, you're all I need
Lights Down Low- by MAX-  Heaven only knows where you've been/ But I don't really need to know/ I know where you're gonna go/  On my heart, where you're resting your head/  And you just look so beautiful/  It's like you were an angel/  Can I stop the flow of time?/ Can I swim in your divine? /   Cause I don't think I'd ever leave this place
Porcelain Heart- by Beth Crowley-  I couldn't help myself/ watching your moonlight silhouette as we all sat fire side/  I was hanging on to every word you said/ in that moment all I wanted was a chance to love you/  So I handed you my porcelain heart, breakable but not yet broken,/ harboring my words unspoken/ I handed you my porcelain heart, disregarding consequences,/  letting down all my defenses, to my porcelain heart/  You came and stood by me/ your crooked smile brighter than the stars/  And you pulled me to my feet/  whispering the summer time is ours/  and I felt it as we melted into something wonderful
Somebody to You- by The Vamps-  All I wanna be, yeah all I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah/  Is somebody to you/ All I wanna be, yeah all I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah/  Is somebody to you/ Everybody's trying to be a billionaire/  But every time I look at you I just don't care/  'Cause all I wanna be, yeah all I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah/  Is somebody to you
Absolutely Smitten- by Dodie-  Handsome stranger, you have made her happy/  The first in a long time/  Did you just whisper in her ear?/  Words she only dreamed to hear?/  Pretty lady, look at how he's smiling/  I think he likes you!
I Wouldn’t Mind- By He is We-  Forever is a long, long time/  But I wouldn't mind spending it by your side/  Tell me everyday I get to wake up to that smile/  I wouldn't mind it at all/  I wouldn't mind it at all
Dandelions- By Ruth B-  And I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime/ And I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine/ 'Cause I'm in a field of dandelions/  Wishing on every one that you'd be mine, mine/  And I see forever in your eyes/ I feel okay when I see you smile, smile
Electric Love- By BØRNS-  Candy, she's sweet like candy in my veins/ Baby, I'm dying for another taste/  And every night my mind is running around her/  Thunder's getting louder and louder/  Baby, you're like lightning in a bottle/  I can't let you go now that I got it/  And all I need is to be struck/ By your electric love/  Baby, your electric love/  Electric love
Detective Pearl Reid
To Be Human- By MARINA-  All the people living in, living in the world today/  We're united by our love, we're united by our pain/  All the things that I've done and I've seen/  Still, I don't know, don't know what it means/ To be human/
Neptune- by Sleeping At Last-  I’m only honest when it rains/  If I time it right, the thunder breaks/  When I open my mouth/  I want to tell you, but I don’t know how/  I’m only honest when it rains/  An open book with a torn out page/  And my ink’s run out / I want to love you, but I don’t know how 
Nate and Pearl
Something Just Like This- By The Chainsmokers and Coldplay-  But she said, where d'you wanna go? /  How much you wanna risk? /  I'm not looking for somebody /  With some superhuman gifts /  Some superhero/  Some fairytale bliss/  Just something I can turn to/ Somebody I can kiss/ Oh, I want something just like this
Bailamos- by Enrique Iglesias-  Tonight, I'm yours/ We can make it happen, I'm so sure/ I won't let it go/ There is something I think you should know/ I won't be leaving your side/ We're gonna dance through the night/  I want to reach for the stars
The Man Who Lives Forever- By Lord Huron -They said we're all gonna die, but I'll never believe it/  I love this world and I don't wanna leave it/ Said that death is a deal that you cannot refuse/ But I love you, girl, and I don't wanna lose you/  Don't want a long ride/ I don't wanna die at all/ I wanna be the man who lives forever/ I ain't never gonna die and I want you to come
Sweet Boi- By Chevy-  Tall and gentle/ Too hot to handle/ You're all that I want/ You're all that I want/  Oh baby.../ Sweet as nectar/  Honey suckle/  You make everything so fun/  Oh boy.../  My sweet boy
Brown Eyes- By Destiney’s Child-  I know that he loves me cause he told me so/ I know that he loves me cause his feelings show/  When he stares at me you see he cares for me/  You see how he is so deep in love/  I know that he loves me cause its obvious/  I know that he loves me cause it's me he trusts /  And he's missing me if he's not kissing me /  And when he looks at me, his brown eyes tell his soul 
Like Me Better- By Lauv-  I don't know what it is but I got that feeling/ Waking up in this bed next to you swear the room, yeah, it got no ceiling/  If we lay, let the day just pass us by/  I might get to too much talking, I might have to tell you something/ Damn/  I like me better when I'm with you / I like me better when I'm with you/  I knew from the first time, I'd stay for a long time, 'cause/  like me better when, I like me better when I'm with you 
You are in Love- By Taylor Swift, Travis Atreo Cover-  And so it goes/  You two are dancing in a snow globe, 'round and 'round/  And he keeps a picture of you in his office downtown/  And you understand now/  Why they lost their minds and fought the wars/  And why I've spent my whole life trying to put it into words
Habibi- By Tamino-  Something hides in every night /  Brings desire from the deep /  And with it comes a burning light /  To keep us from our sleep /  And as the full star tries his best to make the white pearl shine/  Glances of a new day have arrived/ And though he’s not alone, he fears to never love another /  And leave his heart forever with her smile 
Detective Natasha Trexler    
Dear Fellow Traveler- By Sea Wolf-  Dear fellow traveler under the moon/  I saw you standing in the shadows and your eyes were blue /  You put your hand out, opened the door /  You said "come with me, boy, I want to show you something more" /  You spoke my language and touched my limbs /   It wasn't difficult to pull me from myself again /  And in our travels, we found our roads /  You held it like a mirror, showing me the life I chose 
the broken hearts club- By gnash-  And at first i wasn't sure/ If there's even a cure /  For what i'm feeling cuz what i'm feeling’s /  Been feeling more and more absurd/ The repeating in my head/ Of every last word that you said /  Feels like ever since you left/ You still won't leave me  (Bobby breakup) 
Adam and Natasha
Green Eyes- By Joseph-  We're taking the room for breathing/  You can walk away, I'm not leaving /  There's pride in your mouth, you got used to the taste /  Can you swallow it now when you hear me say/  Those green eyes are my green light /  I'm giving up on control /  You see red lights /  I see me blowing straight through to you /  If we're headed for the cliffside /  I'm ready for the fall, if you know me at all /  You know I don't need lights to decide/  I'm not changing my mind
Indestructible- By Welshly Arm-  Eyes lock with yours, my head distorts/  You pull me in then turn to a ghost/  And now you got me like, frozen in the headlights/  Soft, golden skin/  Kiss like heaven/  You're an open door but you won't let me in / And now you got me like /  And now you got me like, oh, oh, oh /  Why you gotta' be so/  Indestructible/  Fire in your bones/  Nothing can touch you/  Why you gotta', why you gotta'/  Why you gotta' be so indestructible?/  With a heart that's made of stone/  And nothing can break you/  Why you gotta' be so indestructible?
What kind of Man- By Florence and the Machine-  I was on a heavy tip/  Trying to cross a canyon with a broken limb/  You were on the other side, like always/  You could never make your mind/  And with one kiss/  You inspired a fire of devotion that lasts for twenty years/  What kind of man loves like this?/  What kind of man?
Break My Heart- By Due Lipa-  You say my name like I have never heard before/  I'm indecisive, but, this time, I know for sure/  I hope I'm not the only one that feels it all/  Are you falling?/  It's you in my reflection/  I'm afraid of all the things it could do to me/ If I would've known it, baby /  I would've stayed at home/ 'Cause I was doing better alone/  But when you said, "Hello" /  I knew that was the end of it all/  I should've stayed at home/  'Cause now there ain't no letting you go/  Am I falling in love with the one that could break my heart?
Hurts Like Hell- By Fleurie-  I don't want them to know the secrets/  I don't want them to know the way I loved you/  I don't think they'd understand it, no/  I don't think they would accept me, no/  I loved and I loved and I lost you/ I loved and I loved and I lost you/  I loved and I loved and I lost you /  And it hurts like hell/  Yeah, it hurts like hell 
Even if it hurts- By Sam Tinnesz-  It's darkest before the dawn/  But you don't need to do this alone/  No you don't /  'Cause when you get this close, you can feel the heat /  Now you're so afraid of what's underneath /  Oh, don't/  Even if it hurts/  Even if it makes me bleed/  I'm gonna carry you/  Pushing through/  With the dirt on my sleeves
Rescue my Heart- By Liz Longley-  Lie and tell myself I can make it on my own/  Making it alone is lonely/ Twisting and I'm turning, oh, I'm crashing and I'm burning/  So reach out your hand to me/  And come down/ Rescue my heart/ I'll drown/  Without you/  Come down/  And rescue my heart
Where’s my Love- SYML-  Cold bones, yeah, that's my love/ She hides away, like a ghost/ Ooh, does she know that we bleed the same?/  Ooh, don't wanna cry but I break that way/  Did you run away? Did you run away? I don't need to know/  But if you ran away, if you ran away, come back home/  Just come home
Detective Mariana “Mari” Gonzales
Older- By Sasha Sloan-  The older I get, the more that I see/  My parents aren't heroes, they're just like me/  You just try your best not to get hurt/  I used to be mad, but now I know/  Sometimes it's better to let someone go/  It just hadn't hit me yet/  The older I get (Not a perfect match, but Mar’s relationship with her mother (and kind of her father as well))
Mason and Mari (Haven’t found 10 I liked for these two yet, since their playlist is still a work in progress, but here a few)
Play with Fire- By Sam Tinnesz, Yacht Money-  Insane, inside/  The danger gets me high/ Can't help myself/  Got secrets I can't tell/ I love the smell of gasoline/  I light the match to taste the heat/  I've always liked to play with fire/  Play with fire/ I've always liked to play with fire
Make me Yours- By Beth Crowley-I've said too much but I have got to get this out/  Don't blame the timing/ 'Cause the only time is now/  And if we're done we'll go our separate ways/ And say goodbye/ But I think we'll both have our regrets if we do not give this a try (This is very much deep relationship for these two, nowhere near now haha!)  
R U Mine?- By Artic Monkeys-  Years too late, she's a silver lining/  Lone ranger riding through an open space/  In my mind when she's not right there beside me/ And satisfaction feels like a distant memory/ And I can't help myself, all I/  Wanna hear her say is "Are you mine?" /  Well, are you mine?/  Are you mine?/  Are you mine? Woah, ah
Like Lovers Do- Hey Violet-  Ooh, love is just another four letter word/  But that never stopped nobody/ Ooh, either way we lose/  Just like lovers, just like lovers do/ I see you watching me/  Eyes on your target/  Mix drinks and smoke rings, it's already started/  Let's roll the dice and we'll both make our moves/  Playing like lovers do
Nicotine- By Panic! At the Disco-  I taste you on my lips and I can't get rid of you/  So I say damn your kiss and the awful things you do/  Yeah, you're worse than nicotine, nicotine/  Yeah, you're worse than nicotine, nicotine/ Yeah
One Woman Man- By John Legend-  Damn, I used to be so cold/  Would never ever get too close/ Didn't ever wanna lose control /  But from the moment that I tasted/  I knew that I would have to chase it/  You said hold up, I want you to be/ A one woman man/  Want you all to myself/ Don't want nobody else/  All your loving  
I might add Rosalva’s later, when I actually figure out her playlist haha!
I’ll tag @lividlyinlove,@sosolenoo, and @gloynporslen and whoever else wants to do this! (Doesn’t have to be 10! Not all of mine reached it haha!)
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rory-the-rude-blog · 6 years
Task 001: The Devil is in the Details
((Trigger warning: Question 60 asks about self-harm.))
The computer screen lit up in front of Aurora, showing her her own face as picked up by the small camera. She looked bored - and what a coincidence, because she was bored. But this session was necessary, according to the medical staff. “To make sure your memory hasn’t been affected by the cryostasis,” one of the doctors had told her, like she was speaking to a child. What they didn’t say was that they were checking their psychological profiles again - because that had to be a factor, right? Space madness was not great for crew morale.
The screen changed. Her face was replaced by the Apollo Corporation logo, formed out of lines of code. Samson’s voice rang out clear from the speakers.
“State your name and access code.”
“Aurora Roth, Access Code 13122101. But you knew that already.”
Samson did not respond to her sass. ‘He’ only proceeded to explain the rules of the test. Respond as thoroughly as you can, so your answers can be compared to the results on your file. Do not purposefully lie. Do not answer ‘I don’t know’. 
“Are you ready to proceed? Only answer in the affirmative if you have understood the assignment.”
Aurora sighed. “Let’s get this s**t over with. Ready.”
1)      Age?
“Twenty-five. Twenty-six this December. No, I have not forgotten my own birthday.”
2)      Gender?
“Female. Cisgendered.”
3)      Romantic/Sexual Orientation?
“Not f**king interested. S**t, wait, I didn’t put that before. Fine then. Heterosexual.”
4)      Height?
“5′1, but tall enough to kick ass. Make a note of that, robot.”
5)      Race?
6)      What do you look like?
“Christ, this is like a first grade homework activity. Um. F**k. How do I describe myself? I have light-brown-slash-dirty blonde hair that hangs just past my shoulders, with bitchin’ bangs. My eyebrow game is strong. I have blueish-grayish eyes. And I’ve been told I have resting bitch face. Good enough?”
7)      Any disabilities?
“The inability to suffer fools. It hinders me on a daily basis.”
8)      Is there a meaning to your name?
“My mother picked it. If there was ever a special reason why, she never told me. With her personality though, I’m just grateful I wasn’t named ‘Crystal’ or ‘Jewel’. Hey, are all these extra comments going to register negatively? Am I going to be told I have memory loss because I’m being a f**king chatterbox?”
9)      What makes you, you?
“I...? What??? F**k. I guess my sparkling personality? ... Hey, what do you mean ‘incorrect’?! That’s f**king rude. Is it my trucker mouth? I put my trucker mouth before, didn’t I?”
10)   What did you want to be when you grow up? What do you want to do with your life?
“... Be happy. And needed.”
11)   Do you have parents? What are they like?
“Growing up, it was just my mom and I. Mom never really spoke about Dad - unless we were fighting, and then he was everything wrong with me. ‘You’re a demon, Aurora, just like your father.’ ... Yeah, I don’t hold out much hope for him being a nice guy.”
12)   Do you have siblings? If not, do you wish you had siblings?
“I’m an only child, and I liked it that way. I was pretty solitary growing up.”
13)   Extended family? Do you see them often?
“None. Again, pretty solitary.”
14)   Do you like where you live? Is it a safe place?
“Back on Earth, I lived in The Bronx. The neighbourhood could be pretty dodgy, but our apartment block at least had mild security. I could handle myself though. Do I like the Atlas-7? Sure, I guess.”
15)   Where do you live? Are they wealthy, poor or middle-class?
“Mom and I were lower middle-class. And now... do I get paid for this? S**t, I better get some kind of luxury for risking my neck out in space.”
16)   Do you have a lot of expectations or pressure on you from family to do great?
“From my mother? Hah, f**k no. I don’t know if she even knows I’m up here. ... I hope she does. I hope she’s proud of me.”
17)   Do you have pets?
“We never had the space for one. I would’ve loved a snake. Or a snapping turtle. Something mean-looking, like me.”
18)   Who do you look up to the most in your family? Are you close with them?
“Not really much of a choice when it’s just me and one other person, is it? I guess Mom and I were close at times. I have some good memories, at least. I drifted away a bit in high school, and, well, she never pulled me back. That’s that.”
19)   Is there anything special about your family?
“I come from a long line of psychics. I s**t you not. Some of my ancestors were spooky accurate with predictions.”
20)   Do you wish you lived in a different household?
“Nah. What’s the point of fighting the hand you got dealt? I made do with what I had, and it wasn’t all bad. It made me strong.”
21)   Best Friend(s)?
“A few good friends, but only one best. Matthew Reyes is, without a doubt, my best friend. He’s the one who inspired me to do this.”
22)   Who was your first friend?
“Matt, again. We clicked pretty quickly once we actually had a chance to interact.”
23)   What is your friend group like?
“Pretty f**king big. We were one of those groups that split off into different groups, and mixed and matched. There was my group - Matt, Nathaniel (Matt’s then-boyfriend and now-husband, and very sweet Latino boy), Jeanette (the eternal ball of sunshine), Vaughn (the mysterious one) and myself - and then the “popular” group - Evangeline (the ice queen), Benji (the jackass), Angela (the cool bitch), Gabe (the stoner-who-wasn’t-a-stoner-but-looked-like-a-stoner), Lavender (tailor aboard the Atlas-7. Never liked her) and her boyfriend, Will (the worst person alive). Despite our differences, we were pretty tight. Lavender and I managed to get all of the others aboard the ship as civilians. It’s one of the only nice things I’ve ever known her to do.”
24)   Do you have a love/hate relationship with any of them?
“I love Matt and Nate, and hate Benji and Will. Does that count?”
25)   Do you consider any of your friends to be like siblings?
“Matt is like my brother. I was one of the first people he came out to, and he was the first person to ever just accept me for me.”
26)   Have you ever hurt a friend or lost one?
“I’m sure I’ve hurt them plenty, but it’s not my problem. They know I’m blunt and honest. If they didn’t want to get called out on their bulls**t, they shouldn’t have f**king done it in the first place. Loss-wise... does having friends frozen in time count as losing them? Because I’m feeling that loss pretty hard.”
27)   Do you have a crush on any of your friends?
“God no. It was bad enough watching them all shack up with each other. I’d hate to actually be part of one of those relationships.”
28)   Do you share classes with good friends?
“We all used to have at least one class with each other - well, Matt, Nate, Jean, Vaughn and I did. The others were a year above us. They probably shared some classes.”
29)   Who do you go to the most when you need a shoulder to cry on?
“No one. I was the strong one of the group. I don’t really need anyone to share girly emotions with, since I’m 100% pure man.”
30)   What would you do without your friends in your life?
“Spend my days charting, navigating and mapping stars and other space matter, and my nights rooming with a treehugger.”
31)   Did you complete your school career?
“I finished high school and went on to college before joining the space program. I wasn’t studying anything special.”
32)   Did you like your teachers? Was there a good one? Bad one?
“Does anyone really like their teachers? I had a few average ones, one or two that didn’t quite click with my learning style, and a handful who I enjoyed. Same as everyone.”
33)   Did you listen to your teachers or were you goofing off a lot?
“I was a good student. I pick up a lot just by listening, so I tended to pay more attention in class so I could study less.”
34)   Were you a good student grade-wise?
“I was steady. Nothing to write home about, but nothing bad. Mostly Bs.”
35)   Did you need extra help?
“Nope. Matt and I used to help Nate with his English though. That was fun - and f**king hilarious too. I love Nate, but his English wasn’t bueno.”
36)   What was your school like?
“School was like school. I went to public school for a few years, then got into one of those psuedo-fancy academies for my later years of high school. We had one of those uniforms with the blazer-and-skirt combo. Blazers do not look good on short people.”
37)   Did you have bullies in your school?
“Every school has their s**theads, you know? And it’s always important to remember that anyone can be the villain in someone else’s story. I’m sure a few people would call me a bully - not that I ever actively went out of my way to be a bitch to someone. But not all bullies are the stereotypes you see on TV.”
38)   Have you ever gotten into a fight at school?
“Plenty. My crowning achievement was when I split Benji’s lip after he made Jeanette cry. For the next week, he flinched every time he tried that sleazy smile of his and made the wound bleed again. Good times.”
39)   Have you ever done something stupid or embarrassing at school?
“I was involved in Nate’s promposal for Matt. It... it was so gay. Was it embarrassing for me? Nope, I loved it. For Matt? That’s another story.”
40)   How far do you plan to go with school? Do you want to go back?
“I think I pretty much hit my peak. This is what I’m doing with my life now, and when we’re done and rehabilitated onto another planet? Well, who the f**k knows?”
41)   Are you dating anyone? Do you want to date? Are you married? Divorced? 
“Jesus Christ, Samson, what are you, a trashy gossip mag? No, I’m single - always have been - and that’s the way I like it, thank you very much.”
42)   What is your favorite hobby? Do you keep it a secret?
“I like plotting the demise of my foes. No, seriously. I sit and think about ways to hurt people who’ve hurt my friends, in the privacy of my head. Is that a tad sociopathic? Maybe. Do I look like I give a f**k?”
43)   If you could have one thing in life, what would it be?
“Matt, happy and unfrozen.”
44)   Do you work?
“Do I work? Yes, dips**t, I’m a navigator. I didn’t forget the whole reason I was here in the first place.”
45)   Do you use social media?
“Nope. Never been interested.”
46)   Have you ever been in the hospital?
“Does when I was born count? If not, then no.”
47)   Do you believe in the supernatural, that there is more than the eye can see?
“Surprisingly enough, yes. Judge me if you must. I don’t care. My family have had ‘experiences’.”
48)   What do you do when you get angry, stressed, or upset?
“When I’m angry, I blow up. Punch things. Swear. That kind of thing. I don’t really get stressed, to be honest. And my ‘upset’ equates to my ‘angry’. No room for sadness here.”
49)   Would you consider yourself to be a good person, bad person, or morally grey?
“Chaotic good, maybe? Just because I’m rough doesn’t make me a bad person. I don’t know if I necessarily qualify as a ‘good person’ either. Morally grey, I guess.”
50)   Does this OC have any part of you in them? (I.e, personality traits, similar background, etc)
((OOC: Hahahaha. Aurora is probably one of the most opposite characters of my own personality that I play. We both don’t take bulls**t, and can be a bit confrontational, but she’s way more extreme than me. We both have great eyebrows though.))
51) Have you ever been seriously injured?
“Surprisingly not. Some scratches and bruises from fights, but I’ve never broken a bone or anything.”
52) Any allergies?
“I’m severely allergic to bulls**t. Other than that, I’m allergic to nothing.”
53) Do you get sick often?
“Whenever I started coughing or sniffling as a kid, Mom used to give me this godawful herbal concoction. I think that disgusted my body into never being sick again. I had perfect attendance at school.”
54) Do you need to take medicine for anything?
“Luckily not. A few of my friends were on the pill for their sex lives or cramps or some s**t, but I was never one of them.”
55) Are you a hypochondriac?
“That’s a negative.”
56) Do you even like going to the doctors?
“Seriously, Samson? This s**t is on my file? No, I very rarely went to an actual doctor, so it isn’t something particularly dear to me.”
57) Do you brush off injuries or seek help?
“I brush them off. I’m tough, and I don’t want people worrying about me. That’s just how I’m built.”
58) Do you know first aid?
“Nope. If I’m your last chance, you’re f**ked, I’m afraid.”
59) Do you have health insurance? If so, how good is it?
“Didn’t really read the fine print, but I’m sure the crew has some kind of insurance. Not that we have to pay for any kind of treatment while we’re up here. It’s free real estate.”
60) Have you ever harmed yourself?
“No, Samson.”
61) Favourite animal? Why?
“The honey badger, because it doesn’t give a s**t. Ravens are cool too.”
62) Favourite type of music? Why?
“Kelly Clarkson is a goddess, and all of her songs are cool, punchy ballads for cool, punchy chicks.”
63) Favourite place? Why?
“My bed. It beckons me into the sweet, sweet abyss of sleep, where I am free to do whatever I want.”
64) Favourite food or drink? Why?
“Matt’s mom used to make the best strawberry cheesecake. I’d sell a kidney to taste it again.”
65) Favourite type of clothing? Why?
“Knuckledusters, because they get the job done. Other than that, I like hoodies. They... make me feel safe.”
66) Favourite time of day? Why?
“3AM, when I am deep in the clutches of sleep. I don’t know. I don’t really have a favourite time. Things like that don’t matter to me.”
67) Favourite season? Why?
“Winter, when the outside world is as cold and grey as my soul. Plus you can live in your hoodie and people won’t give you weird looks for wearing a hoodie because it’s hot.”
68) Favourite story, be it from a book or something like a myth or fable? Why?
“I don’t like fairy tales. They’re unrealistic and make people act like idiots in the hopes of finding their ‘happily ever after’. That s**t doesn’t exist for everyone. I like stories where people get their comeuppance.”
69) Favourite thing to learn? Why?
“A bit of everything, I guess? I might not like people, but I like learning about them. I’m observant. I pick up on a lot. I like learning curse words in foreign languages too.”
70) Favourite scent? Why?
“Rose water and bad quality incense. It smells like home.”
71) Do you live on Earth or somewhere else?
“I lived on Earth. Now I have no real home except for a big metal spaceship.”
72) What time period do you live in? 
“Last I checked, it was 2038. Unless something got f**ked up along the way.”
73) Anything special about your world?
“The fact that it’s a spaceship is special enough, yeah?”
74) What are your world leaders like?
“I, for one, support our AI overlord, Samson.”
75) What is the state of your world like?
“Structured. Orderly. Routined. Let’s see how long that lasts.”
76) Do you wonder about your place in the world?
“No. I’m hardly the philosophical type. I’m more of an ‘in the now’ kind of girl.”
77) Is your world in contact with other worlds?
“Does Earth count as an ‘other world’ now that we’re not a part of it? If so, yes. If not, then no. No green squigglies have tried to probe us yet.”
78) What area of your world do you live in? 
“I live in the f**king Amazon Rainforest. No, Samson, I know we’re in space - it’s a f**king analogy. My room is super f**king humid because my roommate is growing her own plants. Doesn’t she have a whole farm lab for that? Christ.”
79) What is the wildlife like?
“By ‘wildlife’ I’m assuming you mean ‘men’. They’re big and lumbering. Or they drink. Nothing new.”
80) Do you have a religion or belief in a higher being?
“I’ve never believed in a higher being. Too much s**t happens in life for it to be part of some grand plan.”
81) Do you know how to fight?
“F**k yes. Please tell me there’s a demonstration needed.”
82) Can you drive? 
“Nope. Mom and I could never afford a car or anything like that. I used to walk everywhere.”
83) Can you swim?
“Yeah. We had swimming at school. I hated it.”
84) Are you handy?
“Relatively so. I’ve had to do a few DIY fix jobs in my life.”
85) How quickly can you learn something new?
“I taught myself everything I could about the stars and interstellar navigation in less than a year. So, pretty f**king quickly, I’d say.”
86) Can you speak more than one language?
“Fluently, no. But I can hold a basic conversation in Spanish. Gracias, Nathaniel.”
87) Can you read and write?
“I, indeed, can.”
88) Do you have any survival skills?
“Survival like camping? F**k no. Survival as in protecting myself on the streets? F**k yes. I’m pretty good at self-defense.”
89) Can you cook?
“A few basics. I used to make lunch for myself a lot. It wasn’t anything special though.”
90) Any unusual or unique skills? 
“Did I mention previously that I’m slightly psychic? Because that’s unique. I have way too many premonitory dreams for it to be a coincidence.”
Other II
91) Do you believe in destiny and fate? Do you think it can’t be changed?
“There’s no such thing as fate. It’s an excuse people use to be lazy, or to explain away s**tty things. Situations can always be changed if you get your ass into gear.”
92) Do you have any regrets?
“No use crying over spilled milk, hey Samson? I am who I am. I’ve done what I’ve done. No regrets.”
93) What do you fear the most?
“Letting my friends down.”
94) Do you believe in love at first sight? Soulmates? That love never dies?
“None of the above. There’s no such thing as ‘true love’. People waste way too much time and energy deluding themselves otherwise.”
95) Can you play an instrument?
“Nope, I have next to no musical talent.”
96) How messy is your room?
“I’d prefer it to be tidy, but apparently my f**king roommate has already decided otherwise. There’s nature junk everywhere.”
97) Can you dance?
“Yes. Take that secret to your grave, Samson.”
98) Do you like to meet new people? Do you like people in general?
“No, and no. I’m not what you’d call a people person. Being frozen for ten years hasn’t changed that.”
99) Are you hopeful for the future?
“I suppose? I’m not getting my hopes up or anything, but, I mean, this mission has to succeed..... right?
100) Why did you make this OC and maybe even the world they live in? Just cause? Or for some other reason?
((OOC: Aurora is one of my most refreshing characters, simply because she is just absolutely 100% unapologetically herself. She’s always been quietly self-sacrificing - so what better position to put her in than in space, where she could quite literally sacrifice her life for her friends? She’s a lot deeper than you think. I look forward to sharing her with everyone.))
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gadgetgirl71 · 4 years
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Amazon First Reads for August 2020
This month with Amazon First Reads we are back to a choice of eight books again after being given nine books to choose from last month. So if your an Amazon Prime Member like me you can choose which Amazon First Read book download for free.
This months choices are:
Psychological Suspense
The Other Girl by C D Major, Pages: ??? Publication Date: 1 September 2020
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Synopsis: They thought she was insane. But what if she was telling the truth?
1942, New Zealand. Edith’s been locked away for a long time. She was just five years old when she was sent to Seacliff Lunatic Asylum. Fifteen years later, she has few memories of her life before the asylum, but longs for one beyond it.
When she survives a devastating fire that destroys her ward, Edith is questioned by the police and a young doctor, Declan Harris. Intrigued by his beautiful patient, Declan begins to doubt the official reasons for her incarceration. Is she truly mad—or could the impossible stories she told as a child actually be true?
Time is running out. With Edie awaiting a new and permanent treatment, soon there will be little of her left to save. Meanwhile intrigue has tipped into obsession—Declan needs to uncover the truth, but in doing so he will risk losing everything. As he sets out to save her mind, will he lose his own?
Police Procedural
Don’t Ever Forget by Matthew Farrell, Pages: 384, Publication Date: 1 September 2020
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Synopsis: From the bestselling author of What Have You Done comes a mind-bending page-turner involving a series of dark crimes from the past.
When police investigator Susan Adler is called to the roadside murder of a fellow state trooper, she’s tasked with finding the people responsible for the cold-blooded act caught on the trooper’s dashboard cam. She traces the car to a nurse who, along with her elderly patient, has been missing for days. At the old man’s house, she finds disturbing evidence that instantly revives two cold cases involving long-missing children.
The investigation takes a chilling turn when people involved with both the nurse and old man begin to turn up dead, and Susan enlists the help of her friend and forensic investigator Liam Dwyer. Together they must untangle the threads of this ever-more-complicated case—and stay ahead of whoever’s trying to slash their progress. The old man’s failing memory adds urgency: wherever he is, he’s no doubt lost, confused, and in extreme danger.
What started as a traffic stop gone wrong quickly unfolds into one of the darkest cases of Susan’s career, and it all leads to a sick, desperate killer. Susan and Liam must work fast to save the old man’s life and keep future victims from the killer’s grasp.
Deadly Waters by Dot Hutchison, Pages: 302, Publication Date: 1 September 2020
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Synopsis: From the bestselling author of The Butterfly Garden comes a suspenseful new series for the #MeToo era about vigilante justice, close friends, and getting away with murder.
Florida journalism undergrad Rebecca Sorley is like any other college student. She tries to keep up with her studies, her friends, and her hot-tempered roommate, Ellie, who regularly courts trouble with the law.
When a male student’s remains are found in alligator-infested waters, the university warns students to stay away from the reptiles. But then a second body shows up, and the link is undeniable. Both men belonged to the same fraternity and had a reputation for preying on and hurting women.
Ellie has previously threatened to kill men who don’t take no for an answer. Rebecca and her friends thought Ellie was kidding. But now a vigilante killer is roaming campus—someone who knows how to dispose of rapists. Someone determined to save female students from horrible crimes.
With each passing day, those who know Ellie become more convinced she’s responsible. But if she is, stopping her might not be in everyone’s best interest…
Interference by Brad Parks, Pages: 397, Publication Date: 1 September 2020
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Synopsis: From international bestselling author Brad Parks comes an emotional, heart-pounding thriller that explores the scientific unknown—and one woman’s efforts to save her husband from its consequences.
Quantum physicist Matt Bronik is suffering from strange, violent seizures that medical science seems powerless to explain—much to the consternation of his wife, Brigid.
Matt doesn’t think these fits could be related to his research, which he has always described as benign and esoteric. That, it turns out, is not quite true: Matt has been prodding the mysteries of the quantum universe, with terrible repercussions for his health. And perhaps even for humanity as a whole.
Then, in the midst of another seizure, Matt disappears. When foul play is feared, there is no shortage of suspects. Matt’s research had gained the attention of Chinese competitors, an unscrupulous billionaire, and the Department of Défense, among others.
With Matt’s life in clear danger, Brigid sets out to find him. Will Matt be killed before she reaches him, or could the physics that endangered him actually be used to save his life?
Contemporary Fiction
Honeysuckle Season by Mary Ellen Taylor, Pages: 343, Publication Date: 1 September 2020
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Synopsis: From bestselling author Mary Ellen Taylor comes a story about profound loss, hard truths, and an overgrown greenhouse full of old secrets.
Adrift in the wake of her father’s death, a failed marriage, and multiple miscarriages, Libby McKenzie feels truly alone. Though her new life as a wedding photographer provides a semblance of purpose, it’s also a distraction from her profound pain.
When asked to photograph a wedding at the historic Woodmont estate, Libby meets the owner, Elaine Grant. Hoping to open Woodmont to the public, Elaine has employed young widower Colton Reese to help restore the grounds and asks Libby to photograph the process. Libby is immediately drawn to the old greenhouse shrouded in honeysuckle vines.
As Libby forms relationships and explores the overgrown—yet hauntingly beautiful—Woodmont estate, she finds the emotional courage to sort through her father’s office. There she discovers a letter that changes everything she knows about her parents, herself, and the estate. Beneath the vines of the old greenhouse lie generations of secrets, and it’s up to Libby to tend to the fruits born of long-buried seeds.
Young Adult
Find Layla by Meg Elison, Pages: 185, Publication Date: 1 September 2020
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Synopsis: A neglected girl’s chaotic coming-of-age becomes a trending new hashtag in a novel about growing up and getting away by an award-winning author.
Underprivileged and keenly self-aware, SoCal fourteen-year-old Layla Bailey isn’t used to being noticed. Except by mean girls who tweet about her ragged appearance. All she wants to do is indulge in her love of science, protect her vulnerable younger brother, and steer clear of her unstable mother.
Then a school competition calls for a biome. Layla chooses her own home, a hostile ecosystem of indoor fungi and secret shame. With a borrowed video camera, she captures it all. The mushrooms growing in her brother’s dresser. The black mould blooming up the apartment walls. The unmentionable things living in the dead fridge. All the inevitable exotic toxins that are Layla’s life. Then the video goes viral.
When Child Protective Services comes to call, Layla loses her family and her home. Defiant, she must face her bullies and friends alike, on her own. Unafraid at last of being seen, Layla accepts the mortifying reality of visibility. Now she has to figure out how to stay whole and stand behind the truth she has shown the world.
Literary Fiction
The Woman in the Moonlight by Patricia Morrisroe, Pages: 381, Publication Date: 1 September 2020
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Synopsis: A stirring and romantic historical novel about nineteenth-century Vienna and the tragedy and dynamic passion that inspired Ludwig van Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata.
Vienna, 1800. Countess Julie Guicciardi’s life is about to change forever. The spirited eighteen-year-old is taking piano lessons with Ludwig van Beethoven, the most talented piano virtuoso in the musical capital of Europe. She is captivated by his volatile genius, while he is drawn to her curiosity and disarming candour. Between them, a unique romance. But Beethoven has a secret he’s yet to share, and Julie is harbouring a secret of her own, one so scandalous it could destroy their perfect love story.
When Beethoven discovers the truth, he sets his emotions to music, composing a mournful opus that will become the Moonlight Sonata. The haunting refrain will follow Julie for the rest of her life.
Set against the rich backdrop of nineteenth-century Vienna, The Woman in the Moonlight is an exhilarating ode to eternal passion. An epic tale of love, loss, rivalry, and political intrigue. A stirring portrait of a titan who wrestled with the gods and a woman who defied convention to inspire him.
Children’s Picture Book
Rosie the Dragon and Charlie Say Good Night by Lauren H Kerstein, Illustrator Nate Wragg, Pages: 42, Publication Date: 1 September 2020
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Synopsis: Rosie the dragon and Charlie are ready to tackle bedtime—dragon-style!
Rosie the dragon’s bedtime routine has been a little bumpy lately. But not to worry! Charlie is prepared with his lists, rules, and fire extinguisher—everything a boy needs to help guide his pet dragon (and best friend) to a peaceful night’s sleep. But with bath-time bubble trouble, fiery-hot pyjamas, and stuffed animal search-and-rescues, tucking this dragon into bed is not an easy task. And what happens when thunder strikes? Snuggle up with this adorable duo as they conquer bedtime the best way: together!
*** Which book will you choose? I have no idea which book I’ll choose as none of them so far stand out to me! ***
#AmazonFirstReads, #Amazonkindle, #AmazonPrimeMembers, #Books, #ChildrensPictureBook, #ContemporaryFiction, #Kindle, #KindleBooks, #LiteraryFiction, #PoliceProcedural, #PsychologicalSuspense, #Technothriller, #Thriller, #YoungAdult
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