#he looks sexy wtf?????
suntails · 2 months
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toot toot!
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canntaloupe · 4 months
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Pete Wentz in the New So Much (For) Stardust Music Video ft Jimmy Butler
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dcrlvz · 3 months
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god bless rick kosick for releasing this to the world
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satninbaby · 1 year
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this picture is doing things to me i cannot describe.
this is impersonator matt stone i loveee 🫶🏼🫶🏼
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fckedupnerd · 2 months
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Mathew Baynton in the Dodges and Feints music video for DM Stith
Video here:
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inkykeiji · 10 months
Omg touya-nii weak spot is so the back of his neck… I FEEL YOU CLARI…
omg 100%,, he shudders any time you lick along the neckline of his shirt, the softest lil involuntary whimper catching in the back of his throat when you press kisses to the base of his skull and nuzzle into the tufts of hair there; something melty that cracks right at the end, that splits open with uncharacteristic desperation as his head dips lower, chin tucked to his chest, ridges of his spine bumpy and defined and entirely unobscured by hair or fabric. he literally deliquesces if you bite down or scrape your teeth along those last few knobby vertebrae, totally turns to pulp beneath your mouth, compliant and pliable and putty in your fucking hands. and it’s dangerous, he tells you in a bitten out whine that fades into an airy moan, it’s dangerous, anytime he allows you access to this spot, because he thinks he’s willing to do just about anything if it means you’ll keep your tongue laving over those protruding bones for just a moment or two longer.
he loves it when you leave marks on him, almost as much as he loves leaving marks on you, and thinks your own bites and hickeys and scratches are so weak, so cute, and nothing on the level of his own—sweet lil things that fade within the hour, because you’re too frail and small to leave anything stronger, aren’t you?—but when it comes to this spot, he borderline begs you to do your very worst, orders you in that mewling tone to put your utmost strength into the delicate hinges of your jaw and clamp down until copper bursts on your tongue <3
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raulfernandez · 7 months
Aprilia sandwich
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therootednomad · 5 months
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laulo821 · 5 months
i mentioned it yesterday in some tags but here's rooster boy Eiji!! (he honestly looks awful)
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and dogboy Esus <3 he's specifically a basenji
found this back rummaging through my old art but since i brought up the subject recently i figured i'm not gonna plan post / queue that but just . send it. enjoy
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frenchgremlim1808 · 1 year
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resume of that on scene
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heartbreakfeelsogood · 4 months
i feel normal about professional wrestler sami zayn. ignore my tags
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lemon-wedges · 1 year
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Sometimes I hate my brain because when I watch movies I like to place myself in the main character’s position and imagine how I’d respond to certain events instead, what different things I’d do that could change the story or barely change it at all but still make it fit me better.
All that to say, I imagined an elaborate romantic plot line between Ladybug!Me and Mr. Tangerine Bullet Train and my heart is both broken and aflame
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charliekellysbitch · 2 years
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I just found a picture of knox in an Irish rugby jersey Wtf I am SCREAMING
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gildedmuse · 1 year
Despite all appearances otherwise, I'm still (like barely) alive. I'm actually all caught up with the anime right now and there is just so much I've been needing to scream into the electronic void talk about. (I've even got screenshots/gifs for most of it, it's just a matter of finding a time when work doesn't drain every inch of my health by the end of day.)
But I didn't stop by to complain! No, I just wanted to share a minor clip from one of the more recent episodes. Nothing big or spoilery or anything, promise. It's just this small, otherwise unimportant, entirely missable scene....
You know, the one with Zoro being so unbelievably sexy that I haven't once stopped thinking about it in DAYS.
Just look at him! That smirk! (Are they sure Enma is the sharpest blade because that smile could cut right through a Mihawk's cold, haki infused heart.) Actually, you don't even have to look at him, that voice alone is easily more powerful than Gears 1 through 3 (and hey, I won't claim it could take on the god-like powers of Gear 4, we don't really have enough material to judge. Oh, here's an idea! Let's put them both in front of Law, see which one destroys him faster. I don't care if Gear 4 is Buggy-Bunny-But-The-Rock, The Rock still has to wind up his punches. But that look directed right at you? The devastation is likely immediate and irreversible.)
Like, the way he starts out almost defeated, the gravity and soberness in that initial "No" as he turns to face this seemingly unbeatable force. He's put the weight of Luffy's dream and the promise he's made to his captain on winning this battle, and taken along with how serious and direct he's been with Franky so far it helps create an expectation we're going to see that determined, unemotional, unbending Zoro from Thriller Bark or his battle with Kaido. He'll probably say something somehow very self centered while appearing selfless with that grave steeliness he gets when he's resolved against all odds like, "No, I have to do this alone" or "No, what good am I as a swordsman if I can't do this for my crew and our captain?" or if he wanted to go with the typical overly dramatic swordsman tone: "No, Luffy is trusting me - to defeat this man, and make him king of the pirates!" And we'd all swoon because even though Luffy's default introduction/greeting/phrase to yell out regardless of the circumstances is, "My name is Luffy D Monkey and I'm going to be the king of the pirates!" when it's someone else saying it, fans get all emotional. Especially if it's one of the core characters who has a reputation as being more mature or is typically more reserved and private or is, I don't know, someone who tends not to waste his breath correcting stupid people who are being stupid because what does Zoro he care what these nobodies think, Zoro he knows with unshakeable certainty that what Luffy says is true and has enough confidence in both his captain and his own abilities that other's opinions aren't worth addressing.
And even though Zoro turning all seriousness and focused marks some amazing moments in battles, the way that at the last second he is staring straight ahead at this natural disaster level foe and that smile just cuts across his face, completely slicing through that more serious mask Zoro sometimes wears to reveal that bloodlust and pure unadulterated love of the challenge is so absolutely gorgeous and perfect and satisfying.
Like, yeah, of course I love when Zoro gets all Business-Only, For-My-Crew-Name-And-Captain and just doesn't back down or lose focus because he understands this is something he has to do and only he can take on this fight. It fills me with so many, many emotions all of which Zoro is doggedly ignoring because it's all about The Fight but in my heart I know it's because he feels so much for his friends that he's decided that this is his role on the crew to act as both attack and guard dog and take/deal the hits they can't. Beautiful.
But man, oh, man, can anything beat when Zoro goes full "fucking brat who thought learning to hold a katana between his teeth and stumbling his way through a handful of forgettable bounties meant that when the worldwide champion, a warlord, a man so unmatched he's become bored of the very art he master just happened to be passing by he immediately thought to himself, yeah, I'm MORE than ready to kick this asshole off his throne. Hell, just last week I was stabbed and nearly killed by some shitty clown but look how that turned out. I can take on anyone, this bastard included. For fuck's sake he's only got one sword. Fucking amateur."? And whose sole reaction to having his chest sliced in half was, "yo, captain, if you've got a fucking problem with me being fucking UNSTOPPABLE speak up while you can because after this, it's all kicking ass all the time."?
Like, man, you are one cocky little idiot. Never change.
And he didn't.
#here#these are my feelings#have them to do with as you please#which lets be real is likely scroll passed them while thinking wtf its a 10 second clip how'd this bitch write an entire 5 paragraph essay?#well this bitch had a LOT of feeling about this clip and this scene and this arc and this show and this boy#(also a literature degree that ensures she can literally just produce full essays with 3 part thesis statements on any subject at any time)#(and will do so just for the fun of it. Oh she enjoys your eyerolls and attempts at apathy)#my thesis is as follows: the combination of natural talents & practiced skill can be seen in more than Roronoa Zoro's swordsmanship however#its reflected in aspects of the character: his more 'inherent' or childish personality and the later learned and practiced mature version#both of which he has nutured to become intense enough that a single look or short phrase can easily devastate the heart/soul#by being so fucking sexy#okay I might leave that last part out in a submited paper but only because it's the natural conclusion implied by the essay itself#one piece#roronoa zoro#wano arc#thought I should get in my actual useful tags while I had room#Zoro has one plan#and it's clearly to take someone to bed after defeating this asshole King guy#which he'll be doing with swords of course. oh yeah so really his actual plan?#swords#but just think of what that means for the after-party#I managed to sneak some MiZo ZoLaw & ZoLu in that post in which none of those other characters are mentioned/referenced/concerned/involved#impressed?#cause I mean actually then I would just assumed you haven't visited this blog before; don't bother looking around it's all this shameless#cyborg franky#king the wildfire#sword smirks#Zoro that smile is sharp enough to stab a man through the heart and the voice is so hot you could forge a meito over it#so yeah that is this post: shameless fangirlling this 10 second clip#I actually have this same reaction whenever Law smirks and says 'ROOOOM' or 'Shambles!' but I assume everyone does
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