#he made it seem like it was going to be a super bitchy thing whoch would be on brand for him
Friend: How are you doing?
Me: Honestly I've been better
Friend: Do you want to burn down a city?
Me: ... Actually yeah that'd be nice
Friend: Do you want to burn down Texas?
Me: That's a bit bigger than a city but I'm down
Friend: Idea! Let's burn down any cities that deny people abortions
#kind of in love with this friend ngl#he frequently suggests burning down cities to deal with shit#he can be very kind and sincere#i remember one day i was Officer of the Day (working at summer camp)#and that position lasts all day. you run all of the meals. call commands for flags. find someone to do grace and color guard#running the meals is most overwhelming and you dont really get a chance to sit and eat#you just set down your plate and hope that in your running around you can shove something in your mouth#i happened to set my plate next to his so he saw me coming and going and saw how stressed i was getting#the kitchen had problems and was late and it was a big group of scouts and it was all fine but it was flustering me#he could see that so on one of my runs to shove a single bite of food in my mouth he asked very sincerely#'is there anything i can do to help?' and when i said no he said 'let me know if you need anything'#he took my sheet with all of the messages for the meal and wrote something on the corner without letting me see#he made it seem like it was going to be a super bitchy thing whoch would be on brand for him#but he just wrote 'you are amazing!'#but also he'll say the bitchiest (affectionate) things to me and we go back and forth like that#'back in my day the Handicraft director (my position) was sane'#to which i fired back 'back in my day we knew that the uniform included a nametag (he forgot to wear his)'#silly shit like that#and no matter the occasion he'll usually suggest burning something down#idk hes made the year really nice
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