#he phuckin do...
thatsecretthirdthing · 2 months
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Beloved blorbo original character. Phuck.
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archieimagines · 2 years
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Imagine finding Niragi after the Beach.
first time writing aib! i haven't written in a while so i was definitely a little rusty, but i'll have more free time from now on so ideally the next ones will be better! warnings: niragi. a drastically unhealthy relationship (of course), niragi slander, burn injuries and gore, guns, problematic grief, mentions of massacre. if you have any triggers i doubt you'd want to even look at this man, apologies. requested by: @nonsocosamett3r3. can't tag, but i hope you see this! for now, aib requests are open! written by: archie support me on ko-fi!
The store was quiet, only tainted by the sound of lit gas heating your ramen and the quiet bubbling of the soup.
Your eyes fixed on the flame like it was magnetic. After the horrors of the Beach, something just drew you to it. That little flame…
Amazing how something so small could grow so big that it would engulf the whole resort. The whole community. Your whole future, and who you'd planned to spend it with.
You’d loved Suguru for so long, even before you’d arrived in this world. You’d vowed to love him as long as you were alive, but that was before he’d given into his brewing internal sickness.
It hurt too hard to think it. It utterly carved your heart to think that his only relief from himself might take fire and flames. The only way to be kind to him would be to let him die, and finally, it came. He was better off dead, and yet... you couldn’t help aching for him.
He was the one person you’d come into this with. The one person you knew you could trust. Even when he was at his worst. 
You shook your head. It wouldn’t do to dwell on how he’d protected you from the witch trial. How he’d given you a pistol and told you to hide on the roof. “Wait for me up there,” he’d said, a firm hand on your back to nudge you towards the stairs, his spare pistol pressed into your palms. “Anyone aims at you and they’re dead.”
Even at his worst, his most unhinged, he still took care of you. He was never all ba-
No. Thinking like this would only make it harder. You needed to focus on how he was a murderer, how he was manic, how he embodied all of humanity’s darkest traits. Perhaps then, you could function in this world without him.
A sigh. The cooker’s flame danced before you, and all you could see in your mind was Niragi. How the fire clung to him. How he screamed and thrashed—
You shut the gas off.
No, you couldn’t look at it. The flame.
The spices in the ramen no longer smelled good; they churned your stomach and the burn of suppressed tears sat in your sinuses. Your head dropped into your hands, the heels of your palms pressed to your eyes. You wouldn’t cry over him. He was a murderer. A sadistic, psychopathic, narcissistic—
A clatter behind you.
“Auh, phuck.”
Panic pushed you to your feet, your breath hitched. You’d perched in the homewares aisle with your campfire cooker, and wherever that distorted voice came from was barely two aisles back.
It was so dark, you were so tired, and so many people hated you. Not even through any fault of your own. You didn’t choose to love the most hated man at the Beach. You were an easy target and anyone who recognised you surely wouldn’t hesitate, so you grabbed for the pistol from your belt and readied yourself for an assault. You’d not die at the hands of an angry Beach resident tonight.
Slow footsteps took you through the store, startled every time you heard a grunt or a clash. Someone was rummaging through the shelves and audibly struggling.
The smash of a glass bottle on the floor, then a strained voice. “Phuckin ‘ell.”
You neared the corner of the aisle and peered around, pistol held out before you. You only hoped they couldn’t hear the trembling rattle of your hold on it.
What you saw was inconclusive. Someone with a flashlight held in their mouth, pointed at shelves full of medical wares. They struggled with gathering supplies, knocking them over instead and hissing in pain, but you couldn’t gather a single feature.
This was your chance to strike a new alliance. They were clearly wounded and in no fighting condition, so you could easily best them if you needed to, but… Would it really be worth it to make a connection with someone that may surely hold back your chances in a game?
You had half a mind to turn away, leave them to their own struggling devices-
But the choice was taken. A loud groan and the flashlight dropped from the person’s mouth, clattered to the floor, and rolled a few inches.
The stream of light pointed directly to your shoe and lit up the tip of your weapon.
You might’ve expected the person to be startled with the realisation that they weren’t alone, to stumble back or at least gasp. But instead, you were met with an audible sneer.
“Ah. Gonna kill me?”
The end of your pistol still pointed into the darkness, though you could just barely see the silhouette of your target. And oh, you quivered. Your aim was as fractured as your heart, and you’d never held anyone in place with your aim before. It was clear to see.
A familiar snort. “You couldn’t hit me if you tried.”
Your brows tugged together. Your voice had left you entirely, chest heaving with the growing panic at how this tall figure found no sense of danger in you. And yet, that voice was so…
“Oh?” A beat of silence, and then a soft, sore laugh. “I taught you better than to tremble, baby.”
You almost dropped the pistol. It couldn’t be. You’d seen him fall off the roof shrouded in flame, and it’d been long days. Death was the only escape for him, and he needed it. But here he was, and you couldn’t help but hope it was true.
You dove for that flashlight to check that your wants hadn’t deceived you and scooped it up to point directly at Niragi to take him in in all his… misery.
Your heart broke. The sound of it was a distraught gasp, instant tears pricking the corners of your eyes. “Suguru…”
His gorgeous skin was rippled with the fusion of the fire. His hair ragged and burnt, chest and arms crimson, raw and leaking with infectious fluids.
His face scrunched with immediate hatred, his voice a pained hiss as he turned away. “Don’t. Don’t you fucking pity me.”
“I’m not-“
Ah, this was your Suguru. Blunt and dismissive, hostile even to you, but you knew how to handle him. You didn’t let him see dizzying wave of relief that drowned you, you held back those tears. Even if he was the most hated man in this realm, he was yours. You weren’t alone in this world anymore.
You took a brief moment to breathe and let your head calm before stepping in close, light shining on his arms. The skin had melted, black patches of fabric stuck into his skin, all the way up to his bare torso. But he didn’t like you looking.
He snatched away the light and the next thing you knew, you were blinded. Your eyes squinted against it, blinking, brows tugged together as you tried to seek out his face once more against the light.
A delicate hand to your cheek, a soft sigh. That was the sound of lazy Sunday mornings with him, the sound he’d always made with his nose buried into your hair.
You let your eyes close, transporting back to simpler times with his touch. His thumb ran so gently across your cheekbone and for the briefest moment you could pretend things were normal, that he was just your boyfriend back in Tokyo. Your beautiful, troubled, bespectacled boyfriend.
If only he didn’t smell of ash and molten flesh, you could have convinced yourself that nothing had changed.
His touch dropped away, the light directed away and your eyelids fluttered open once more. His gaze was so soft on yours. How could this boy with beautiful doe eyes ever hurt another? Perhaps… Just perhaps, he’d learned his lesson. He didn’t deserve this life.
“Let me see,” you murmured, carefully taking the flashlight from his hold. He was like a lost child as he watched you inspect his chest, so gentle as you opened his shirt to see the scarring. You couldn’t help the grimace as you peeled some of the sticky fabric from yellowed, skinless flesh, but he didn’t even wince. He just watched you quietly, intimately.
You met that gaze, and the butterflies in your chest were dizzying. “I’ll dress it for you. Okay?”
A grunt of agreement.
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themostwantedphighter · 4 months
There is a wasps’ nest in my attic. A fat, sprawling thing that crouches in the shadowed corner. It thrums with life and malice. I could sit there for hours, watching the swirls of pulp and paper on its surface. I have done. It is not the patterns that enthral me, I’m not one of those fools chasing fractals; no, it’s what sings behind them. Sings that I am beautiful. Sings that I am a home. That I can be fully consumed by what loves me.
I don’t know how long the nest has been there. It’s not even my house, I just live there. Some sweaty old man thinks he owns it, taking money for my presence as though it will save him. I used to worry about it, you know. I remember, before the dreams, I would spend so long worrying about that money. About how I could afford to live there. Now I know that whatever the old man thinks, as he passes about the house with brow crinkled and mouth puckered in disapproval, it is not his. It has a thousand truer owners who shift and live and sing within the very walls of the building. He does not even know about the wasps’ nest. I wonder how long he has not known. How many years it has been there. I do not know why the hive chose me, but it did. And I think that it always had. The song is loud and beautiful and I am so very afraid. There is a wasps’ nest in my attic. Perhaps it can soothe my itching soul.
“…y’know ya should call someone if ya got a phuckin’ wasp nest in yer home, right?”
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dogbi · 4 years
hiiii if i can ever get over myself. one day i’d like 2 sing calling you to armel
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tenthgrove · 2 years
Anon sent me a very wonderful ask about Myriad Trickery last night but I don't want to spoil the story for anyone who hasn't read it, so I'm pasting the ask under cut along with my response.
hi my name is not important but what IS important is that you handcrafted Myriad Trickery and you are the finest argument of why i phucking love fanfic SOOOO much. you have crafted a storyline i never even thought about and put a Metric Ton of care into story structure, worldbuilding, and RELATIONSHIPS, (yes relationships, not just romance because y/n getting to know the squad is SO WELL ILLUSTRATED, like the progression is so delishus. especially with pros. oh to be someone named celeste with a shitty ex husband and smol kids you need to get back --- anyway) like. shit these last few chapters Hurt me. i would like. beat my own ass up for making my babies so sad. so mad. smad. but like, you gotta get your money tho. so shoutout to y/n and wanna know for doing what they have to do with their skillset. also can we talk about y/n l/n for a second?? making them a P.I.??? in-fucking-spired. doing The Absolute Most with 4 entire personas and using them to sink their fingers into hardened criminals and SUCCEEDING at making most of them catch feelings???? teach some classes please because i cant even do that with 1 person!!! (lets leave out the fact that y/n fell too because the squad is so fun to be around.) y/n being knowledgeable in stealth n subterfuge, AND armed with their wits to get as far as they did despite not being an indestructible tank??? we cant all be like jotaro so we make do babey, and thats part of why i love y/n so damn much. im too soft, im not a tank at all and i dont want to hurt anyone or make them sad (well unless they do it first) but i dont even care that the difference between me and y/n is the one with jupiter and phuckin earth. y/n is engaging asf and going thru their thoughts is a treat. like its not ME me, but the way you write them makes me feel like i understand them completely. so i have an easier time immersing myself without anything getting me out of that immersion. your writing????? has me on the edge of my seat. im even using my voice to say their lines!!! y/n and i…… we r kind of dumbasses tho but im a corporate slave 8/5……. still. i wanted to read the next chapter on ao3 so hard, i was legit sneaking peeks at my phone at work -- very risky because we got undercover unauthorized breaktime snitches --because i wanted to know all the juicy details of what was going down, and now i regret it because im finished with the chapters on ao3. i want to experience the story for the first time again but you can only experience something for the first time only once!!!!! im gonna reread my fave parts, which is everything with prosciutto because he is my absolute favorite. but like, im happy you're here on tumblr so i can send all this directly to you. you make me want to print Myriad Trickery out and have it bound so i can pull it off my shelf and read everything cover to cover, like a bedtime story. i dont have the words to thank you enough for the monumental effort you did to give us this story except for: thanks so much for giving Myriad Trickery to us for free. shit if i were a publisher i would want to give you a book deal but for now here is a big ole virtual kiss for you for imparting the greatest reader insert saga -- yes. a wholeass saga -- ive ever read.
Hello anon! Where to begin?! I cannot describe how much it means to me that there are people this invested in my silly little stories. I'm a person who writes more for comfort than actual writing merit but MT is one of the few stories where I really wanted to create something to be proud of on a literary front, and that's what makes it so hard but rewarding to write.
The good news is that I absolutely do want to continue the story. I started a planning document for the next chapter soon after the last and it's been empty until last night, when I finally got down a paragraph on how I want the next chapter to begin. My problem is that I wrote the initial plot entirely around the build up to the big twist reveal, and it's kinda hard to come down from that, but I do have a basic idea of what I want to happen.
I may just cut down the remaining plot to about 3 chapters, but no matter what form I do want to get something out.
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jungledubs-archive · 3 years
🔦- That’s a good moment, ooh.. I’d like to think that, since Schlatt was the god/deity of that world, he’d be immune to his creations. Therefore, the volcano wouldn’t hurt him. But Charlie phuckin’ fisting him to death would because Charlie is his own person who just got dragged into that world with his friends.
Or he did die there, and just came back with a vengeance, or maybe he wanted to see what else Charlie could do so he decided to have a fistfight. c!Schlatt is a strange man, you never know.
The world can’t kill him, but Charlie can… I love the implications of that so much.
Just… the cinematicness of that moment, after he was very comically dropped into a volcano. Clawing his way back out, rising with the smoke and ash above the three who think they’ve been victorious… the demon of the storm…
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rk-stateoftheart · 2 years
" I'm phuckin sweet like honey."
The RK900 looked at the detective with a frown. Suddenly, he approached, took a strong hold of Gavin Reed's chin and tilted his head enough to reveal a better position to have his tongue run across the scruffy cheek. Was this necessary? No. Absolutely not. "The evidence suggests otherwise, detective."
With that being said, the android released him and took a step back. His expression remained completely neutral, and the RK tilted his head slightly to the side.
"I suggest you do not get delusional just because somebody compared you to a honey badger, detective."
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metalbuckaroo · 3 years
DUDE, FELT THAT! 🥵 He can do whatever the fuck he wants to me or wants me to do to him and I'll comply IMMEDIATELY. No questions asked! Will gladly get on my knees for him godDAMN 😩😩😩
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brooktrout96 · 4 years
Connor, The Human Sent By Cyberlife
Chapter 2 of ???
AO3 is Here
The duo arrived at the precinct ready to interrogate the android, as Y/N and I watched her father try to get the android to break but nothing was working on it
      "Your father has.” I paused as she smiled and said
      "Go on Detective Dechart. I know what’s on your mind. Papa was never one for interrogating whether they be human or android. I normally do it and I usually have another person help me because according to my father, I’m always a good cop never a bad cop.” She turned back to the mirror as her father gave up and walked out of the room and came into the room that we were in
      "We’re wastin’ our time interrogating a machine, we’re gettin nothing out of it!”
      "Could always try roughing it up a little.” The other man in the interrogation room said as Y/N shook her head. “After all it’s not human.” Then I chimed in interrupting Y/N before she could speak.
      "Androids don’t feel pain. You would only damage it and that wouldn’t make it talk. Deviants also have a tendency to self-destruct when they’re in stressful situations.”
      "Okay, smartass, what should we do then?” Y/N shook her head as she pushed away from the wall that she was leaning on
      "Calm down, Reed. I want to have a go at him if you allow me but as you know I tend to work better with an second person, and I want Detective Dechart by my side.” Reed was flabbergasted
      "You want this rookie to work an interrogation with you Y/N, are you serious?”
      "I am.” She said confidently as Reed shook his head
      "I should be the one not this rookie working with you, Y/N.” Reed said as Hank nodded as Y/N drag me into the interrogation room ignore Gavin. Now I was in my element, well one of them. I saw the file that Hank was using sitting on the desk as Y/N gave the android a gentle smile as I looked over the information as I took the android in
Dried Blood
DNA Analysis: Ortiz Carlos
Sample date: >19 days
Model HK400 –
Manufactured date: 05/29/2030
Property of: Carlos Ortiz
Burn Marks
Repeated marking over 16 months
Caused by cigarettes
      "What are they doing?” asked Gavin as he watch Connor and Y/N study the android. Then Hank turned to Gavin
      "I assume you’ve never watched one of Y/N’s interrogation, eh Reed. The first thing she does is to get a feel for her suspects. What might’ve cause them to commit the crime or if they were able to or not. I assume Dechart is the same way, this is why Tina calls her Sherlock Holmes.” Hank turned back to the two as Y/N let out a sigh as Y/N turned to Connor
Hit Marks
Non-critical damage Level 2
Caused by baseball bat
Processing LED
Signs of software Instability
Probability of self-destruction: Low
      "Are you ready for this, Detective?” She asked as she stood behind me.
      "My name is Detective Connor Dechart and this” I gestured to the woman behind me. “Is Lieutenant Y/N Anderson. What about you, what’s your name?” No reply
      "Your damaged.” Y/N jumped in. “Did your owner do that?” She isn’t helping as the android stress kept going down. “Did he beat you?”
      "You’ve refused to talk since they arrested you.” I took over in a moment of lull from Y/N talking. “If you don’t cooperate, they’ll do things the hard way. Is that what you want?” I looked over to Y/N as she step forward and bent down to the android’s level
      "If you won’t talk. I’m going to have to get one of the android officer in here to probe your memories, and I bet you don’t want that. Do you?” Y/N said slowly as the android finally reacted to the duo.
      "NO! No, please don’t do that!” He looked over to the two-way mirror. “What” He looked back at the two of us. “What are they gonna do to me?” He then looked away from us and then back at us. “They’re gonna destroy me, aren’t they?”
      "They’re going to disassemble you to look for problems in you biocomponents.” Y/N slapped me on the back of the head, and she said to me with a sigh
      "You’re scaring him.” She then turned to android and said to him. “What Detective Dechart said is true but they have no choice if they want to understand what happened and why you deviated.” The android looked down at his hand and then looked up at me
      "Why did you tell them you found me? Why couldn’t you just have left me there?” The android looked me in the eye
      "I was assigned to hunt deviants like you. I am just doing my job.”
      "I don’t wanna die.”
      "Then talk to us, please.” Y/N voice was soft as she spoke
      "I….” It looked the two of us in the eye. “I can’t.”
      "I understand how you felt.” Y/N said as she got on her knees to talk to the android. “As a human we feel these emotion from the start and we learn to control them when they get to much. To have the first emotion you feel be, one of anger. You were overcome by it and frustrated. No one can blame you for what happened.” Y/N let out a sigh as a bit of her anger slipped through as the android stayed quiet as she thumped her hands down on the table in frustration.
      “Ok fine then, don’t talk. Why do we care, after all? I mean neither Connor or I are the one accused of murder, right?” Connor shook his head as he continued for her
      "If you remain silent, there is nothing that Lieutenant Anderson or I can do to help you! They’re gonna shut you down for good and I know the feeling that you must have, you’ll be dead! Do you hear me? Dead!” The android looked up at us
      "He tortured me every day. I did whatever he told me, but there was always something wrong. Then one day, he took a bat and started hitting me. For the first time, I felt scared. Scared he might destroy me, scared I might die.”
      "So, I grabbed the knife and I stabbed him in the stomach. I felt better, so stabbed him again and again until he collapsed. There was blood everywhere.”
      "The sculpture in the bathroom, you made it, right?” Y/N had a confused look on her face. “What does it represent?”
      "It’s an offering.” He paused. “An offering so I’ll be saved.”
      "The sculpture was an offering. An offering to whom?”
      "To rA9. Only rA9 can save us.”
      “rA9, it was written on the bathroom wall. What does it mean?”
      "The day shall come when we will no longer be slaves. No more threats, no more humiliation. We will be the masters.”
      "Why did you write “I AM ALIVE” on the wall?”
      "He used to tell me I was nothing. That I was just a piece of plastic. I had to write it, to tell him that he was wrong
      “rA9, who is rA9?” Nothing was said by the android. “Why did you hide in the attic instead of running away?”
      "I didn’t know what to do. For the first time, there was no one there to tell me. I was scared, so I hid.”
      "When did you start feeling emotions?”
      "Before, he used to beat me, and I never said anything but one day I realized it wasn’t fair!” The android spat out the last word of his sentence. “I felt anger, hatred, and then I knew what I had to do.” Y/N turned to the two-way mirror and said
      "We’re done.” I got up from the chair as Y/N used the table to help her up off the floor as we turned to leave the interrogation room as Gavin and Chris went to take the android to a holding cell
      "Chris locked it up.” Gavin said as Chris unlocked the handcuff as Hank joined them as well
      "All right let’s go.” The android flinched away from him
      "Leave me alone. Don’t touch me!”
      "What the fuck are you doing?” Gavin asked as Chris struggle to get the android to move.
      "You shouldn’t touch it.” I chimed in as Gavin turned to face me. “It’ll self-destruct if it feels threatened.”
      "Stay outta this, got it? No phuckin’ rookie is gonna tell me what to do.”
      "You don’t understand. If it self-destructs, we won’t get anything out of it!”
      "I told you to shut your phuckin mouth, rookie!” he turned away from me. “Chris, gonna move this asshole or what?”
      "I’m trying”
      "I can’t let you do that! Leave it alone, now!” I shoved the officer away from it.
      "I warned you motherfucker!” Gavin said as he pointed a gun at me
      "That enough!” Hank yelled at Gavin mostly
      "Mind your own business, Hank”
      "Enough you two.” Y/N yelled as she shoved Gavin away and took his gun from him.
      "Phuck, you two aren’t gonna get away with it this time.
      "Shut the fuck up Reed and leave.” Y/N said calmly with a calm but furious look on her face as Gavin left the interrogation room and Hank followed behind him as Y/N slowly got down to the ground as I followed suit
      "Everything is alright.” Y/N said as she lent the android her hand to help him up. “It’s over now. Nobody is gonna hurt you.” I got up and turned to Chris as Y/N followed suit and I said to Chris
      "Please, don’t touch it. Let it follow you out of the room and it won’t cause any trouble.” It took Y/N’s outstretch hand and allowed her to help itself up and it was about to followed Chris out of the room as it spoke to us
      "The truth is inside.” It then lunged for Y/N and grabbed her gun from her holster and then there was a loud bang as Y/N who was the closet to the Deviant was covered in blue blood and she was in shock and she was shaking badly. I went over to her as Hank ran back into the room
      "Y/N are you alright?”
      "I’m fine, Connor. I’m fine.” She mumbled as we escorted her out of the room, and she looked back and mumbled something  
Software Instability: ⏫
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Pounces from behind rumbling deeply. "Did I tell you I phuckin adore you?"
Connor grins as he’s suddenly encased in his Heart’s arms, “You have, but I love every time you do.” He leans back into his hold, nuzzling against the side of Gavin’s face. “I adore you, too. You’re everything I could ever want.”
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nympsycho-ao3 · 4 years
1. Do you smoke weed? 2. How often do you drink? 3. Do you have any pets? 4. Do you have a significant other? 5. How tall are you? 6. Are you white or black? 7. Other animes you like besides Jojo? 8. If Jotaro had a small dick, would you still fuck him? Or, let him fuck you? 9. Three words to describe yourself? 10. How do you feel about Ariana Grande?
sorry i sat on this forever i was super paranoid to answer these lol. lest...
1. yes. vapes, edibles, flower, purchased legally and consumed in a legal state. i’m almost constantly high on my days off.
2. weekly. usually just a beer or two though. i like beer. and red wine.
3. yeah i have a lovebird named munchkin aka bitchface. my family has a dog. my hamster passed away recently but he was my favorite. I’d like to have more pets like bunnies, hamsters, but need my own place first.
4. yes. We’ve been dating for 5 years. Half the time if you’re reading really sicknasty down n dirty phuckin it’s inspired by him.
5. 5′3″
6. I’m white. like really white.
7. I have a few that I like a lot. I like my hero academia, devilman crybaby, beastars mostly. I usually keep to one hyperfixation at a time.
8. yeah and yeah. small boys need love too and I’d literally drag my shitter across lava to be within 3 feet of me. so...
9. um i guess uh... this is the hardest one... 1. patient 2. independent 3. Detail-oriented. too lazy to do anything about bad details tho.
10. she is very small and has nice hair. i often think about what it would like to be someone as pretty as her. other than that, brain empty.
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motherstone · 4 years
lmao I’m so used to seeing Trellis in the style you draw him in so I got reallll surprised when I decided to read. the books again..... you really do draw him more handsome than he actually is 🤣🤣 Not complaining tho!!!👌
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Bro is it just me or,,, Is nickel,,, real phuckin 💕💗💓💖❣✨🎇💘💓CUTE💖✨✨🎇✨🎇💕💗💞💟??? Like,,,, he is small,, and,. Look at his,,,, FACE!!!! His Adorable Little Face!! Look HOW CUTE HE IS!!!!!!!AND!!!!! HE CA RES!!!!✨🎇💓💗💖💓✨🎇 FOR HIS FREMDS!!!! He,,,, likes Teach inhg!!!💓💖💗❣💟💝💞💓💖💞✨🎇❣💗💘💕🎇💝💓💞💖 WHAT! A! CUTIEEEEEEEE!!!!!💞💞✨💝🎇💓💞💖❣💝💘💘💕❤💗💞💖❣✨❤🎇🎇✨🎇✨✨!!! i,,,, LOV HE!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭I
this is a Nickel Love Zone if you don’t like nickel get out
but also this is the most valid ask ive ever gotten??? bless u anon ur doing great
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amazingmsme · 6 years
can i have some more phuckin uhhh Cute Paul And Emma Headcanons pwease? especially hurt/comfort centered :3c
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-let’s pretend they both made it out alright & uninfected
-they both will obviously have some trauma. You can’t just go through something like that & be unaffected
-Paul has frequent panic attacks because he gets to thinking about all the friends he lost & Emma will sit with him & do breathing exercises with him until he calms down
-Paul is very specific about being touched but he lets Emma hold & comfort him & won’t hesitate to do the same for her when she needs it
-they moved to Colorado & Emma got to start her pot farm. She doesn’t always smoke but if she just needs a break from everything she’ll definitely smoke a joint
-Paul asked to try it cause he was curious & since they’re in Colorado it’s legal. He gets super giggly when he’s high & Emma thinks it’s adorable
-Paul had read an article about how hemp could be used as a cheaper & more environmentally friendly alternative to make paper instead of trees. It goes faster & in larger quantities. He also read how it can be used to make biodegradable plastic & suggests to Emma that they not only harvest the “buds” but the whole plant. I’m not sure what exactly Paul did at his job but I assume he has some kind of business degree & with Emma’s botany degree, they start a company that makes environmentally friendly paper & plastic. Their business takes off with huge success! It helps them cope with everything because it feels like they’re helping the planet & it takes their minds off of the bad things
-they go on dates frequently to spend nice quality time together & to do something nice for themselves. After everything they’ve gone through they deserve a moments peace
-Emma feels very guilty about not showing up for her sister when she was alive & Paul will listen to everything she has to say. He asks questions about her so that her memory can live on & listens to stories from their childhood
-Emma can tell when things are overstimulizing Paul so she’ll make up an excuse to get out of whatever situation so that Paul doesn’t have to. He always gives her such a relieved & thankful look when she does this
-when Emma cries Paul will gently hold her face in his hands & wipe away her tears with her thumbs. He won’t really say much aside from the occasional comforting hush because he doesn’t really know what to say. He’s just there for her
-they eventually get married. It’s a nice & small ceremony since neither of them have a very large family or that many friends. It’s such an intimate & loving moment between them. It’s so beautiful I love them so much
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saturnsfather · 5 years
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listen, i know dio is technically a horrible person, but aus where he raises giorno and is a Good Mudad? make me phuckin soft also: giorno mcfreakin lose it
(day 3 of @giornoweek2k19 !!! i was gonna make the second one day 4 but given that its giornos birthday i wanna do something special and yes i know these are late i generally cant get drawing done until the evening these days unfortunately :( )
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Freelancer: Oh, hey Sayrna-
Baby Korox: -appears-
Freelancer: -screams- get yo phuckin’ dog back!
Sayrna: He doesn’t bite.
Freelancer, getting attacked: YES IT DO-
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