#he put the strawberry topping on his slice bc he wanted to be specific about how it looked ig lmao
braisedhoney · 11 months
can I ask for cheesecake for the cheesehead that is Vlad?
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oh of course you can! he can have a little cheesecake. as a treat. (it’s so good bro i don’t blame him at all. i love sweet stuff.)
link to this one’s palette post!
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Obey Me Brothers and Misc. react to MC having their coffee order memorised
You go to a coffee shop. Human world or devildom, doesn't matter. All that matters is after waiting in line you order for you and Ya Boi bc you have their order memorised and they get flustered because every single one of them is a ✨massive softie✨
This is also just me headcanoning their drink orders while I take a break from my dissertation.
(I'm referring to the undateables as Misc. because I don't want to call the the datables bc Luke is a child. He is not datable. That is my son.)
This man would take his coffee in an IV if he could and you can't convince me otherwise
Probably asks that they put as many extra espresso shots in the drink as they're legally allowed to
Anyway, he's very touched that you have his order memorised. He has yours memorised to.
Appreciates that you pay enough attention to him to know his order
Low-key blushing about it and will think about it next time he makes himself coffee
Might even end up making you one to if he isn't working late
Definitely goes for coffee with you more often (definitely not to spend more time with you and also to show that he has your order memorised too 👀)
This man is destroyed by any kind of casual affection (pls hold his hand)
I mean, of course you know the great Mammon's coffee order! You were his human weren't ya?
If you're ordering for him, that means you're paying, right? 👀
He do be blushing tho (if you also pay he'll blush even more)
And since you bought it, I GUESS you can have a sip...definitely doesn't just want the casual and domestic intimacy of sharing the same cup
Wants to get coffee with you more often (so he can drink from your cup)
How did you know the code to order the Ruri-Chan Loveheart Surprise Latte off of the secret menu??????
Oh, you knew it because you listened to him order before and memorised it????????????
Hes not crying, you're crying
No but really, the proof that you actively listen to him when he's talking about his interests has his heart skipping a beat
Hes bright red and trying to cover his face with his hands
Wants to get two straws so you two can sit opposite each other and share a drink but is WAY to shy to ask 🥺👉👈
Will end up buying matching reusable coffee cups that have 'player one' and 'player two' on them
For the most part he’ll order something basic like an Americano or a flat white UNLESS you're at a place that does latte art.
Then he ALWAYS gets cat themed latte art
Like the little 3D ones they make out of foam and then draw little faces on???
Yeah, he loves them
He think they're so cute
They're in most of his devilgram pics next to whatever book he was reading at the time
One of his favourite things to do is visit cat cafe with you and if you remember his order he'll be very touched and he'll thank you with a blush and a smile
Has your order memorised as well and orders for you next time
Changes with whats fashionable but anything ✨pink✨
Pink drink, peach lemonade, strawberry and white chocolate mocha they're all acceptable
But is delighted when you remember his order- it means you've been paying attention to the trends he's following!!!!!
Did you see the drink on his devilgram story????? Isn't it cute!!!!!! You should get one to match and take a selfie together!!!!
Thinks its really cute to go on coffee dates and hear you order for him
Like, yes, they know my order 😌 we're that close 😙✌
Just hand him a basic Americano, but in a Big Gulp cup
Is touched that you remembered his order, even if it is simple. He just kinda blushes and thanks you (maybe asks if you want to go out dinner that evening).
Make sure he’s fed, or has food available bc if you don’t he will eat ✨The Beans✨
He has done this before and you DO NOT want to see Beel when he has enough caffiene in his system to give a mortal cardiac arrest
He’s already the most athletic brother. You won’t catch him. No one will.
You know Taz from Looney Tunes? When he just...spins super fast in circles and eats stuff??? Yeah, Beel’s like that.
But if he doesn’t eat straight-up coffee beans, he’s just as chill as normal
Just enjoys spending some quality time with you (and yes, he will definitely have your order memorised too)
If you remember his order he’s gonna blush, but do his best not to react. But he may also feel the need to Hold Hands later in the day because you’ll have him feeling ✨soft✨.
Has a black coffee but puts, like, 5 sugars in it
He’s basically drinking espresso syrup
and it does NOTHING
Caffiene does not affect this man AT. ALL.
It’s almost scary - he can down 3 espressos and then nap for five hours afterwards
Doesn’t love going on coffee dates because if you’re too caffinated he has trouble keeping up with you, and you won’t feel like having a nap with him. But if you’re just having one coffee, or a tea or something, he does like how chilled out the date can be.
I get grande iced machiatto vibes, and I can’t tell you why
Loves that you remember his order and isn’t shy about it. Will blush at first and then break into a massive beaming smile
He’s paying for the coffee (he’s literally royalty, he’s paying for the damn coffee)
Makes him feel like you two are close and he may attempt to hold hands later if the vibe is right.
Constantly asks you out on coffee dates afterwards - loves spending time with you and loves how informal and relaxed it is
Will also remember your order and make sure that Barb knows how to make it for when you visit the Palace
But still prefers the actual act of going out to a coffee shop with you
If you bring him his coffee order when he’s working, however👀👀👀...blushing mess.
The fact that you went to get coffee for him...even though he knows that you know that Barb is perfectly capable of making him coffee...that you got coffee and thought of him...and bought a coffee for him...and brought it to him...the casual affection, the softness, the thoughtfulness. 😳😳😳 he’s destroyed. BLUSHING. He’s literally so touched. Gonna commit hand holding crimes. Will think about it all day. Will miss you 3x more than normal just because. May even end up doing some light ~pining~ 🥺🥺🥺
This is the Undisputed King of Tea
He knows every blend of tea that the shop offers and has the menu memorised.
Will also tell you about the different tea blends if you ask, describes how they taste, what they’re ingredients are, where they’re from, etc.
He’s very grateful if you remember his order, but if you then bring up some of the trivia he’s shared about that tea?? Blushing.
Very touched that you not only remembered his order but the things about it that interest him. The fact that you clearly paid attention when he was talking about tea.
Thinks of you as a very considerate person and will offer to share
He’ll also invite you over for tea a the palace more often now that you’ve shown an interest in Tea Trivia (even if that interest is only based in your interest in him)
Will also invite you to come with him when he needs to go to the market to restock the Palaces tea supplies and may even...h...hold ur hand...😳😳😳
This is a chai latte man, don't come for me
Will test out how it tastes with different syrups, particularly likes either hazelnut or vanilla
Can also do his own latte art
When you order for him??? And have his order memorised????? He's delighted.
Its not uncommon for angels to remember each others orders, but he's touched nonetheless (yes that does mean he has your order memorised)
Will tell you that he's touched by your consideration
Just gives him the warm fuzzies and it also kinda reminds him of home
Offers to do latte art in your drink if he can
Would also be the kind of person to bring you coffee in class, and he'll do latte art on that so you can take off the lid and see a little foamy heart and the like ❤☕
Luke (platonic)
No coffee!!!! He's a child!!!!!!
You order him a puppychino hot chocolate
With whipped cream and cinnamon which is his preferred topping and a slice of cake
Hes definitely super happy about the fact you remembered how he likes his hot chocolate
Tells you that your so nice and should come back to the celestial realm with Simeon and him instead of staying down here with a bunch of no-good demons who don't deserve you 😤
Plus the celestial realm has the best hot chocolate!
You also let him have SMALL sips of your coffee but ONLY so he can scope out which beans to use in his next coffee and walnut cake!!!!!!!
Probably has some awful sounding custom drink like a fruit tea with pumpkin spice syrup and milk in it 😣
Or a peach lemonade with a shot of espresso and marshmallows 🤢
So its super unique, but he's still surprised you remembers the specifics
Offers to let you try it
Will take you out to get coffee together more often, partly to spend time with you and partly to horrify you with his drink choices
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petersasteria · 4 years
My Angel - Tom Holland
Pairing: Tom x Osterfield!Reader
Requested? Yes! By @petersholland​​​​
Hamilrequest #37
“I may not live to see our glory...”
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Since you’ve been gone, Tom has been struggling to be the perfect single father out there. He claimed that he didn’t need any help even though everyone can see that he needed it. Tom wanted to figure things out for himself and while that’s great, he knew it was okay to ask help from time to time. Although he knew this, he still refused to ask for help.
Your two children have been Tom’s top priority and it was hard for him to be a single father and an actor at the same time. Your youngest, Khalil, started kindergarten and your eldest, Megan, started year 3 and Tom didn’t want to ruin that especially when she told him that she loved every single second of school.
Today was one of those days where Tom felt like shit, because he missed Megan’s talent show and he accidentally threw Khalil’s ‘gift’ for him (which was just crumpled tinfoil covered in glue and blue glitter). He honestly didn’t know what to do, because you weren’t there to help him.
“Fuck deadly illnesses.” he said to himself out loud.
Tom couldn’t sleep so, he decided it’d be the best time to finally store away your things in the boxes he bought and labeled two months ago. He didn’t have the heart to put away your things before, because he knew he would break down as soon as he would open your closet.
Tom stood up from his desk and walked to the corner of the room where the boxes were stacked. He took the top one that was labelled “TO KEEP” in bold letters.
He set the box on the floor at his side of the bed. He walked to the closet and opened it with a heavy sigh. He took all of your clothes that were hung and threw them on the bed. Next, he grabbed your folded shirts and put them on the bed as well. He went back to close the closet but he stopped when he found a notebook that he’s never seen before. He took it and closed the closet.
He sat on the bed opened the notebook and read the first page: Y/N’s Thoughts.
He chuckled and flipped to the next page.
Note to self: Use this notebook to write down important stuff. It’s like a diary, but at the same time it isn’t. This might come in handy for marriage and parenting x
“Maybe she got this when we were engaged.” Tom said to himself as he flipped through every page. He found little anecdotes and a few marriage tips that you thought would help. He also found the recipe to his favorite dish and he remembered the time you cooked it for him.
He also found what you wrote after Megan was born. 
Note to self: Omg Tom and I are officially parents! This means it’s time to lose sleep. Tom and I got this under control, though. We have each other ALWAYS. Haz wished us luck and honestly? We’re going to need that. Charlotte was really happy that it was a girl, because it meant she won the bet between her and Haz. Can’t believe those two made a bet, but I love them. Future Y/N, make sure you do the same when they have kids x
Tom read this and didn’t try to hold back his tears. He flipped through more pages and he eventually reached the time Khalil was born. 
Note to self: Tom and I are parents again! Being a parent is tiring and draining, but I love it. I don’t know if Tom loves being a parent, but I think he does. He’s a great father and I have no doubt that he’ll be a great father to our son x
Tom smiled at that. There were times when he would doubt himself, but you would always be there to assure him that he’s doing an amazing job as a husband and father. It just hurts that you wouldn’t be there to remind him that anymore.
Tom flipped through more until he reached a letter addressed to him.
Dearest Tom,
By the time you read this letter, you know that I’m gone. We both know that I wouldn’t live that long as soon as we found out that I was sick. I just want to say thank you for keeping me happy especially on my final days when I felt that I was going to go already. 
You’re the best husband I could ever ask for. Seriously. I know you have your doubts, but please keep in mind that you’re the best husband and father. I will forever keep that on my mind and heart. The kids and I are so lucky to have you. Now that I’m gone, I trust you to take care of the kids.
I want you to raise them like we planned. Although I won’t be around to see them for all their successes and first milestones, I trust that you do whatever it is that’s good for them and will continue on doing so until they’re old enough to stand on their own.
This notebook can help you through anything and everything. There are some recipes here for you and the kids. There are also tips. 
Khalil hates broccoli. Slice the broccoli into tiny tiny pieces and put it in his food. Trust me. He won’t notice a thing. Keep it a secret between you and me, okay? Make sure he finishes his food, because we both know he doesn’t finish his food. Read him bedtime stories. If you go to the back part of this notebook, I made a schedule of his bedtime stories of what you should read on a specific day.
Megan loves going to the playground every Saturday morning. Take her there for at least an hour and a half. Watch her closely, okay? One time she pulled another girl’s hair when she didn’t get her turn at the swing. So please watch her. After that, take her out for ice cream. Her favorite ice cream flavor is strawberry. 
Keep Taco Tuesday alive, Tom. Cut up some fruits and pack it in their lunch. They love it. I suggest you cut up the fruits before you go to bed and put them in a Tupperware and put it in the fridge.
Tom, just because I left doesn’t mean that I want to. When it’s time to go, it’s time to go. Please know that if I live long, I’d spend it with all of you. But even if my time on Earth was cut short, I believe that even if without me by your side, the three of you will be able to withstand all the problems our family will face. I know you’re strong. I know you can push through anything, Spidey.
Always remember that you’re not alone. I will always be here in every decision you’ll make. From the moment I said my vows, I put my faith and trust into  whatever it is that’s good for your family and for our marriage.
I pray that the Lord will always guide you and keep you out of harm’s way. I also pray that you won’t forget that you live for our children now. You’re the anchor that keeps them steady.
Just because I’m gone doesn’t mean that my love for you is gone too. Don’t ever forget how much I love you. If you need a reminder of how much I love you, I kept my diary from before we started dating. It’s around the house somewhere. My embarrassing diary entries are written there about how much I love you and how much I freaked out when you asked me out when we were 17.
If you ever find someone that makes you and our children happy, go for it. You have my blessing. I’m not sure if I’m okay with it. Maybe I’ll be jealous or not. Depends HAHAHA! All jokes aside, I love you enough to let you be with someone new who makes you happy.
I will always love you and I only want what’s best for you and the kids. 
‘Til we meet again, love.
Forever yours, Y/N xx
The very next day, Tom went to visit your grave after taking the kids to school. He had your notebook with him when he got out of the car. He walked to your grave and sat in front of it in silence. He hasn’t been visiting, because of the pain. He saw a bouquet of fresh flowers and smiled.
“Harrison visited you, I see. You know, he misses you so much. He actually visited us last week. He said he missed the kids so he took them to the zoo.” Tom said.
“So, um, I know you’re listening. I found your notebook last night and it really helped me. Everything has been shit recently and your letter really helped me. I also did the fruits thing after reading your letter last night. It really saved some time this morning. No wonder you sleep late.” Tom chuckled.
“I just came here to tell you that I won’t let you down and I’ll do my best to be a single dad to our kids. Also, the dating someone new thing? I don’t think I’m going to be up for that. You and the kids are enough for me and I meant what I said when I told you that you’re the only one for me.”
“I really miss you, Y/N. The letter made me realize that it’s totally okay to move on, because I know you’ll be here by my side. It’s also reassuring that you still love me, because that’s enough for me to be strong.”
Tom stood up and brushed the dirt off his pants, “When we first started dating, I told you that you were my angel. You really are my angel, Y/N. Between you and me, you’re the real hero. I just play one.”
“I’ll see you soon, yeah? I promised your brother I’ll meet up with him at the park today to walk Tessa and Monty.” Tom smiled. “I love you.”
He walked back to the car and felt a gust of wind blow in his direction. He didn’t know if he was hallucinating or not, but he could’ve sworn he felt the wind embrace him and he could’ve sworn he smelled your perfume. It caused him to stop in his tracks and close his eyes to feel the moment that only lasted a few seconds, but to him it felt like minutes.
When it was gone, he opened his eyes and smiled to himself, because he knew it was you telling him and showing him that you loved him.
* * * *
this took me two days to write bc i wasn’t in the right state of mind to write some angst yesterday and yes, this was supposed to be out yesterday sksks
𝐓𝐎𝐌 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @abrielleholland​​​​​​​ @peachmaybnx​​​​​​​ @superheroesaremytea​​​​​​​ @ella-whyte
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @marvelousell​​​​​​​ @justasmisunderstoodasloki​​​​​​​ @rubberducky-jrr​​​​​​​ @petersholland​​​​​ @osterfieldnholland​​​​​ @miraclesoflove​
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