#he said hes going to the band party and im really relying on me being drunk enough to at least like ask if he wants to hang out or something
gaybox · 9 months
ive entered the jealousy phase
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dailyreko · 8 months
DAY 121: reko’s homestuck quadrants
i know i’m a cringelord okay. i’m just sharing my thoughts on what i think would be placed where… though i’ve found it has been quite hard.
NOTE: NO MEN/MINORS WILL APPEAR IN HER QUADRANTS, UNLESS SHE IS AN AUSPISTICE. this is because all troll romance quadrants are ROMANCE-BASED: unless you are the AUSPISTICE in an AUSPICIOUS RELATIONSHIP. i’ll delve into basic definitions in my explanations for who i choose where… maybe
obviously nao is going to be her matespritship. i’m a naoreko truther. matespritship is basically human equivalent to the average romantic, dating relationship. they’re literally in love you can’t convince me otherwise….
this one is because im also a reksheen truther. i definitely think a valid kismessistude would be with ursheen rather than sue miley, as miley is mainly a joke kismesisstude because i couldn’t think of who she would engage in one with. but ursheen makes way more sense. kismesisstude is basically “toxic yuri” in reko’s stance: if you’re in a kismesisstude as a troll, you’re just in a romantic relationship with someone you “hate.” maybe hate isn’t the right word. more so, someone you aren’t compatible with. it’s black romance it’ll always be fucked up.
anyway i said ursheen mainly because 1) reksheen is life and 2) i think they would only establish the relationship during samurai yaiba, since after alice’s murder case she cuts off all contact with ursheen. therefore, with her attitude at the time towards her band members + ursheen’s attitude towards her, they would be kismesises. not a lot of lovey dovey stuff considering reko (during samurai yaiba) definitely was not down for that, and i doubt ursheen would care as long as she could kiss reko (little freak)
okay and sue miley… that’s just because of what she did in the manga LMFAOOO. girl they obviously hate each other and that scene was CRAZYYYY THAT WAS CRAZY…. that’s the epitome of kismesistude.
okay this one i’m unsure of… auspisticism is a relationship in which a third party gets “involved” to pacify the rapidly switching matespritship/kismesistude between two individuals. so… basically… it’s like… ransara unstable & complicated relationship (considering the stressors occurring, they easily switch between loving/hating each other… or maybe it’s more of a one-sided thing) that reko manages and pacifies so that it doesn’t boil over into a permanent black romance shitstorm (aka really sour and bad/toxic kismesistude). in even simpler terms, she’s stepping in to mediate/prevent a possible bad relationship (no offense to ransara fans. just think logic route)
i only really say this because reko is someone sara is able to rely on throughout the entire game and, when reko is alive and around ranmaru, she is often seen pacifying/calming/reassuring him when he’s flipping the fuck out. which obviously helps his and sara’s relationship, since that’s supposed to be her partner in this minigame, therefore making him more cooperative.
obviously in logic route her auspistice role would fail, considering that ranmaru kills her and they would end up falling into that “kismesistude” (though sara would probably not be in a kismesistude with him at that point… it is still a romantic relationship after all) (one sided kismesistude i suppose) (ranmaru WISHES he could have a kismesistude) (loser)
this one is a reach though… because quadrants like this are hard to fill. she doesn’t talk to a lot of people, let alone pacify them. she’s usually the one being pacified!!! but never really in a romantic aspect, so… that throws her in an auspicious relationship without being a auspistice out of the window
she genuinely doesn’t talk to enough people in game who could be her moirail. moirallegience is like platonic soulmates— but not in a “twinflames” sort of way. it’s still a romantic relationship, just also in a platonic way. really complicated way to phrase that. it’s another pacifying relationship, like auspisticism, but there is no auspistice here, and their relationship is not entirely platonic. like best friends who kiss each other sometimes is the only way i could describe this.
anyway, we don’t know enough about her personal life outside of the game to define a clear moirail, and she doesn’t talk to enough women of age in game to have a moirail (of which there are already barely any). so all i can say is this could be ursheen or nao again… even though they already have quadrants that work way better… sigh….
nao because obviously they’re basically soulmates. she pacifies reko and reko pacifies her and their personalities compliment each other, which is the whole point of moirallegience. but also they’re actually literally in love and this relationship is meant to be viewed more as platonic than romantic despite its romantic aspects, so… nao is still her matesprit to me
ursheen would only be a moirail in some crazy au where they meet up again and make up and they bond over the loss of alice or something. which will never happen in canon so this relationship is basically not possible. but in that universe… this could be feasible.
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wennjunhui · 4 years
seventeen hospital au
im back at it again with another random seventeen post bc nurse!jun is ruining me :)))))
disclaimer: the most i know about hospitals and how they work is from chicago med so dont expect this to be accurate 
attending physician in the ed
kinda intimidating but is really a huge softie
but don’t make him angry bc that is not a good idea at all
always seen with a protein shake
tends to hover over the new med students a lot
partially because it’s important to evaluate them and their knowledge
but most because he thinks its funny when they freak out around him
always asks for a psych consult even when he knows its not necessary
bc its totally in the best interest in the patient and not because hes bored and wants to talk with his bff nahhh
has a long term girlfriend that works as a software developer
everyone in the ed tryna get him to propose bc ITS BEEN 9 YEARS DAMMIT WIFE HER ALREADY
psychiatry fellow
usually works night shifts because hes sleeps schedule is fucked 
functions on coffee and coffee alone
is constantly Tired
catch him napping in the break rooms whenever he has time
originally wanted to go into psychology, but he gets too invested and thought it would be better to maintain short term relationships
bffs with seungcheol, but bffls with joshua
by the off chance he’s not tried, he’ll go around the ed and tease the doctors and nurses
hes in the ed a lot tho bc someone keeps calling him even tho “he literally just sprained his ankle seungcheol why am i here”
plastics fellow
fucking loaded
pulls up to the ed in a fucking gold ferrari and just shrugs when people ask about
‘yeah i got it as a birthday gift, treat yourself ya know?’
born and raised in the us, but went to south korea to further his studies
bffls with jeonghan
by GOD the chance theyre in the same room, its game over for everyone
his surgery playlist is fucking wild 
did a heartbreaking ballad just finish playing? oh thats sad but move over its britney bitch 
always brings a guitar to work parties
‘if you sing sunday morning one more fucking time-’ proceeds to sing sunday morning ‘GODDAMMIT JOSHUA’
is seeing the cute hotel concierge that works a few blocks away 
the Hot Nurse
literally all the patients fucking swoon 
kinda makes patients nervous bc of how handsome he is
ok i’ll stop now
occasionally scrubs in as a surgical nurse for minghao
he pretends to be all cool and hot shit in front of patients, but when hes around staff he turns into a giant bright ball of excitable fluff 
will always be asked to be assigned to kid patients bc he loves kids
studied abroad in korea and decided he loved it there so he stayed
may or may not have a crush on someone in the hospital but shh no one knows except jeonghan and minghao
has no problem calculating correct dosages but cant do basic math for the life of him
‘no junhui, 7+8 does not equal 17′
senior resident in the ed
works night shifts bc otherwise the ed would be dead without him
probably drinks too much redbull for his own health
his favorite treatment room is treatment room five because “that’s where a patient peed on me on my first day here”
“ok soonyoung good to kno”
“no problem”
not very tech savvy 
always manages to fuck up the tablets somehow every shift
for the love of GOD dont let him near an xray machine
also never assign him and seungkwan on the same patient they will accomplish nothing 
has taken chan under his wing
neurology resident
blind as fuck
harry potter glasses for days
looks really cold on the outside but is really just a huge fucking dork
like actually he laughs and jokes about anything and everything
neurology can be dark sometimes yo and humor is a great way to cope with it
that and gaming
half the reason why he cant see is bc he spent too much time playing video games growing up
still kinda does but he gets away with it
accompanies soonyoung on the night shift bc he knows soonyoung gets lonely sometimes
plays ballads in the surgery rooms because it helps him keep calm
pathology resident
‘forget working with humans hAVE YOU SEEN THIS BLOOD CULTURE ITS COOL AS FUCK’
that being said, he hangs around the break rooms a lot because being cooped up in pathology is just tiring sometimes and he needs actual people to talk to
but mostly its so he can draw on jeonghans sleeping face
shares a flat with soonyoung bc rent is expensive yo
usually has the best tunes down in pathology 
originally wanted to go into music, but school kinda killed his enjoyment of it for a long time
is slowly getting back into and finding his joy in it again
he knows too many stories about the ed that hes forced to listen to
“for the last fucking time soonyoung i dont care about how your patient threw up on seungkwan”
“okokok but`”
ed resident wanting to specialize in pediatrics
wow literally everyone in the ed is in love with him a teeny tiny bit
because he has such a bright and positive aura around him that its hard not to feel happy 
sings to the smol children if they get scared 
everyone always asks him to sing at work parties and he kills it every time despite being initially shy
“wait wait wait you were in a rock band in high school???”
has a crush on the ed secretary out front
its so fucking cute the rest of the ed ships them so much
sometimes he doubts himself and his skills and that makes his day very sad
but everyone in the ed is in love with him and will constantly be there to remind seokmin about how amazing his is and how much he deserves to be here
and thatll make his day better c:
ed resident
the Hot Doctor
wow everyone has a crush on him even if you dont you do
pray for the patients that get assigned to both mingyu and jun your in for a visual attack
tho the facade for mingyu usually breaks after a minute of meeting him
clumsy af yo
once knocked over the patients entire tray of food because his limbs were longer than he remembered
sometimes forgets to put on hand sanitizer and seungcheol always yells at him about
from the other side of the ed “MINGYU, HANDS”
always brings his own lunch bc hospital foods shit and he makes better food at home 
sometimes brings in cookies for the staff in the break room
theyre usually gone within an hour
trauma and emergency medicine fellow
was personally scouted by hospital officials in china
really young to be such an expert in his field
also his hands are really sensitive to abnormalities in the human body so he feels out the situation and catches the situation really early
is kinda intimidating because of his rbf and takes no shit approach
but is really super soft and fluffy once not in a work environment
relied on jun a lot in terms of adjustment here in korea, and he’s probably closest to him in the ed 
has jun scrub in with him for surgeries sometimes
objectively has the best surgery playlists
from pink floyd, to an obscure japanese indie rock
bickers with mingyu a lot of proper treatment of patients
usually theyre both right tho they just cant communicate effectively
is secretly seeing another chinese surgeon from plastics, but they hide it really well except from jun ofc
a really loud and mouthy one at that
nags everyone in the ed a lot despite not being the charge nurse
tho hes getting there and everyone knows it 
despite that, hes really sweet and caring towards patients 
is also really weak for kids, but he cant ever be assigned to them because he’ll freak out if something happens to them
always earns high marks on nurse feedback forms because he does his job AND is entertaining 
even tho he nags everyone else, sometimes hes too selfless and forgets to take care of himself
“did you forget your lunch? aiii how could you do that? here take mine”
“seungkwan you need to eat to”
“i said take it, now eat and make your mom proud”
cries and often laments how much he loves his staff when hes had a little too much to drink at work parties
a new nurse
really chill, vibin through life
is really a much appreciated presence to have around the ed, especially when things can become hectic really quickly
often acts as a translator between english and korean 
will laugh at pretty much anything (which wonwoo appreciates alot because at least someone likes his jokes)
one thing that always gets his blood boiling is the blatant ignorance some patients have
like the offhanded racism against him or his coworkers, or comments about lgbtq+ people 
and there have been times when he hasnt been able to control how he responds because wow he Dislikes ignorant people
so whenever he gets a patient like that, he often asks to switch with another nurse because “if i have to listen to karen say something racist about jun or minghao again im gonna lose my fucking mind”
med students usually hang around him bc of how approachable he is
shower thoughts
“do you ever wonder this would taste like”
“hansol dont-”
med student in his final year
is really eager to learn and get started on things!
ed is his first choice for match day
soonyoung has taken him under his wing so he mainly just shadows him
and its always a fun and great time chan has learned so much from him 
the entire ed staff has adopted him and will riot if he doesnt get accepted on match day
“chan, whos baby are you?”
“for the last time hyung IM TWENTY SEVEN”
if hes not shadowing soonyoung, hes probably studying in the break rooms with hansol throwing popcorn at him
“hyung stop im tryna study”
“ok but catch this in your mouth first”
still has a lot to learn, but hes out there conquering the world of medicine yall better watch out
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lylabnt · 6 years
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hello hello i’m moose (she/her) comin at u from cst. i’m 20, a piece of shit, and idk what i’m doing with my life !! just tryna have a good time without having to worry abt school but that bitch is coming. anywayyyy this is lyla, i’ll have some info about her under the cut !! i want to plot w everyone so pls.....HMU or LIKE THIS and i’ll come to you !! u can also catch her pinterest board HERE if u wanna check it out !! it’s got some semi-nsfw content as well as a lil blood and knives !!
there are mentions of miscarriage, abortion, alcohol & drug addiction, abuse, sexual assault, violence, drug use, overdose, death, and sex work. it’s a lot i’m so sorry y’all. if i missed something pls let me know !! i’ll also put lil warnings before i mention them just to be safe. 
「 ELLE FANNING 」—  have you heard from 「 LYLA BENNETT 」 lately? the 「 NINETEEN 」 year old has been living in greystone for 「 TWO YEARS 」, and 「 SHE’S 」 known as 「 THE AMARANTH 」. i heard that they identify as 「 BISEXUAL 」 and 「 CISGENDERED 」. if you ask anyone around town, they’d say 「 LYLA 」 reminds them of 「ALL GLITTER EVERYTHING, MENTAL BREAKDOWN HAIRCUTS AT 3AM & HELLO KITTY BAND-AIDS ON SCRAPED KNEES 」. they live in 「 BELLA RIDGE APARTMENTS 」, currently 「 DOESN’T ATTEND SCHOOL 」, and 「 works FULL-TIME 」 at 「 MASQUERADE 」. a fact about them that not many people know is 「 SHE CHANGED HER NAME TO AID IN HER ESCAPE FROM HER FAMILY 」.
okay so!!! my baby lyla is kind of a sad story but man is she a fighteR
she was born elizabeth hopkins in a small town in georgia. lil lizzie always tried her best to be a happy go lucky kid but she the hand she was dealt wasn’t all that great. she grew up on the shitty side of a trailer park with a mother that didn’t want her and quite frankly it was a miracle she was even born, let alone as perfectly healthy as she was
tw: alcoholism & drug addiction & miscarriage & abortion !! her mother was a drug addict & an alcoholic. her daughter definitely wasn’t her first (or her last) pregnancy, but she was the only one that didn’t end in fetal death or termination.
her father was her mother’s drug dealer and was entirely absent, more of a sperm donor than anything else. she likely has a ton of other siblings running around that she doesn’t know about tbh.
anyway. she learned pretty quickly as a kid how to take care of herself and how harsh the world was. she got herself up and got to school on her own, cooked her own meals, washed her own clothes, did everything on her own while her mother went on week long benders and disappeared for days at a time.
tw: abuse & sexual assault & violence !! her mom was also quite abusive and this only got worse as she grew older. it wasn’t rare for any of her mother’s various and seemingly random boyfriends to look her way and obviously she hated it. she didn’t like them flirting with her and saying suggestive things to her. she just wanted to be left alone and kept out of her mother’s life. but skeevy boyfriends and jealous mother’s don’t mix and lizzie’s mom would accuse her of flirting back or trying to steal her man or whatever it was that particular day and she’d go to bed that night with a black eye or a busted lip. she was sixteen when her mother’s current boyfriend took something that didn’t belong to him. it was the first and the last time she let a man lay their hands on her without her consent. the next time he tried, she stabbed him through the hand, went on the run, and never looked back.
she left everything behind except the clothes on her back and what little money she had saved up, went to her best friend’s place, and the two took off in his pickup truck without a word to anyone. she never told him (or anyone else) for that matter what happened, but the two had been planning their escape for years, waiting for the right moment to take the leap.
they both changed their names, leaving their old identities and their pasts behind them. elizabeth hopkins didn’t exist anymore. she was lyla bennett and her companion, elliott o’connell. they traveled until they ran out of gas, taking whatever shitty jobs they could find in whatever city they ended up, staying in motels or sleeping in the truck when they needed cash. they both did things they weren’t proud of and relied on the kindness of strangers to get them by. their nomadic lifestyle was not glamorous. they would go for days without eating, a week without a shower, doing anything they could just to scrape by. 
tw: cocaine use & heroin use & overdose & death !! it wasn’t long before they found themselves in bad company. wolves dressed as sheep bet a club heard their story offered them a place to stay as long as they liked. the offer was eventually accepted and after months on the move they finally had a real bed to sleep in and real food to eat. but soon enough sleeping turned into parties that lasted all night and breakfast turned into a couple of snorted lines or a shot of heroin. a few months later lyla awoke after a party to find her best friend and life companion cold and lifeless next to her, a little too much of a deadly cocktail doing him in
before she even had time to let it sink it, she was out the door with all of the money she could gather, never to be seen or heard from again.
she eventually found herself greystone, a little over a year after she kissed the trailer park goodbye. she stayed in a motel until she could get herself on her feet, picking up odd jobs here and there until she got a job working as a dancer at masquerade at the age of 17 (although every piece of i.d. she owned said otherwise) with the stage name honey.
tw: sex work !! now at 19 years old, she finally has a real place to herself. and her roommate, but at least it’s a place she can finally call home. she’s a sex worker on the side as well, just to bring in extra cash to help her make rent and have food on the table.
okaY i think that’s it for her bg ?? it’s....a lot im sorrY but i will talk a bit abt her personality now bc.....i gotta.
she is v soft-spoken and honestly a lil mysterious ?? like....she’s a quiet girl n rarely speaks unless spoken to basically. and even then she doesn’t talk much
her label is the amaranth which basically means she is someone who isn’t very easily forgotten. she’s got this v magnetic way about her and she can be quite charming when she wants to be
she is soft, don’t get me wrong. she’s sensitive and sometimes she just needs to cry but don’t mistake her kindness and her generosity for weakness. she’s been used and taken advantage of too many times. she’s been thru too much to left people walk all over her now. she’s capable of pretty terrible things if that’s what she has to do to survive. don’t think she won’t snap just because she’s soft. 
she’s quite dreamy. always in her head & never really seems to be paying attention. she’s always somewhere else in her mind where things r quiet and everything is peaceful and perfect.
clumsy af but also graceful ?? she was so luckily given free ballet lessons as a child which she used as an excuse to get away from home so when she’s dancing she’s a graceful bih and she’s rly always wanted to be a ballet dancer but just in real life ?? catch her trippin over herself and scraping her knees on the daily. always has random bruises she cant remember getting
very girly. wears a lot of pink all the time & loves anything sparkly or glittery or fluffy or anything girly and cute basically. 
tw: cocaine addiction !! she also has many addictions. cigarettes & nicotine being one, candy & sweets being another, and cocaine being the last. also disney movies tbh
she never rly got the chance to be a kid so she;s like....kind of catching up on that now while she feels free & safe
idk waht else to say this is trash and i rambled the whole time im sorRY but plot with me pls i luv u all already 
my wanted connections are honestly open ?? idK i’m bad at thinking stuff up so y’all let me know if any ideas jump out at u or let’s brainstorm something dope ok lets d O IT
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love-max1982-us · 3 years
However with an increasingly diversified global Rogue portfolio
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She kept questioning me and trying to discover what I was doing, and when I refused to tell my secret even to her, she made me swear that I would not ruin myself by being an idler and a loafer. This had become an uncommonly troubling issue, one that cuts to the core of our common claims to the most fundamental kinds of personal security under the rule of law. She bagged her Salomon sponsorship in 2016 and was declared National Geographic's Adventurer of the Year in January. Shall not men be cast down even at the sight of him? None is so fierce that dare stir him up. Founded in 2008, The Calvin Johnson Jr. Beyond Fitness gym, 7224 Skyway, Paradise. Isn’t she awake yet? I’ll go in to her. “Let it be written that henceforth only guild members shall be permitted to name themselves journeymen or masters … provided the guilds open their rolls to any freedman who can demonstrate the requisite skills.”. They all competed in the 66th annual Golden Meadow Fourchon Tarpon Rodeo. Leiner called 911 and stayed at the scene after the collision. 28 to March 5. A whole lot bigger and amazingly better for a whole lot less. Our dna can be traced all the way back to that one original organism. With glad hearts and true, we give them to your cleansing fires, that the darkness in their souls might be burned away. Might be she had a tail too, I never looked to see.”. This weekend's Gathering of Eagles air show at Lost Nation Airport in Willoughby will give attendees a chance to admire not only some of the county's oldest aircraft, but also some of the brave pilots who flew them. I want to be treated like im fucking something really important. "I didn't know! I thought [it was] just training, and then [I realized], 'Oh my god, this is a race!' And then I felt like I [could] do it," she says. Les films Juste la fin du monde de Xavier Dolan et Embrasse moi comme tu m'aimes d'Andr Forcier, prsents avant leur sortie en salle, ont aussi connu des succs de foule mrits.. Not listed is the chip's max TDP, which happens to be 130W the same as previous Core i7s and the Core i7 980X Extreme as well.. We became close friends that very evening. Once he had gorged himself he grew drowsy. What adds to their numerous consumers is the fact that their products are space efficient and portable. Set your alarm early for the grand finale: a sunrise concert catalog cercei aur turcia by pianist Remo Anzovino (July 23, 4.45am; free with required booking). He loved being out with his friends. But it just one tenth the size of United Continental, the world largest airline company. Folk Music from around the world will be performed on drums and xylophones using the Orff approach; no experience necessary. RANAWAY, or stolen, from chanel ágynemű the subscriber, living near Aberdeen, Miss., a light mulatto woman, of small size, and about 23 years old. 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Besides, you really have a great advantage over most white people, who have not only the care of their daily labor upon their hands, but the care of looking forward and providing necessaries for to-morrow and next day, and of clothing and bringing up their children, and of getting food and raiment for as many of you as belong to their families, which often puts them to great difficulties, and distracts their minds so as to break their rest, and take off their thoughts from the affairs of another world. In fact I just talked to her this afternoon on the telephone. Weld’s book, “Slavery as It Is,” under the head of Labor, p. That all said sometimes there have to be differences allowed for in different versions on shows. Probably she had never listened from the pulpit to a sermon which should adidas stan smith j white sandisk mp3 mode d emploi tactile blue exhibit the great truth, that “in Christ Jesus there is neither Jew nor Greek, barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free.”. They know how inconsistent the curriculum is from teacher to teacher. He was fully convinced, however, up to the very last minute, that he was only leaving her for six weeks and that their wedding would take place on his return. Just wanted to let all of you know! That all of your words of encouragement today meant the world to me. He is a graduate of Oklahoma State University and has a master's degree in international relations from George Washington University. When Edd caught sight of the ragged band of wildlings, he pursed his lips and gave the giant a long look. The subject was indefinitely postponed. Success in music these days is a bifurcated proposition; you either have one of a rare number of big hits, or your products barely scrape by (it's that way in the movie business, too). A post race party and trophy presentation will be held afterward inside the fort. That much was true, Selmy knew. In the event you have additional questions that are not covered by others, please feel free to requeue and we will do our best to come back to you. Do you realize what an insult it was? In her horror and, above all, her pride, she drew back from him with infinite contempt. It is the quad core gpu that izraeli kézműves ékszerek is working 4 times harder than the dual core gpu it replaced. My opinion of NFL players is that the vast majority of them are regular guys. While the company relies mostly on e commerce, consumer packaged goods and entertainment, it starting to prove its value to vehicle manufacturers.. "People might think it's a joke store or a children's toy store. If one really might call her a child she belonged to that class of thinking children who are fairly numerous in our Russian families. Will Ackerman, Grammy award winner and founder of Windham Hill Records, puts Lanier "among the finest pianists and composers on oneil mellény the contemporary scene; playing music filled with soaring inspiration papuci de casa din pasla and remarkable peace." Admission is $15 for adults and $10 for students. With so many gooey cheeses on board, there's barely room for the noodles themselves, which results in a "super creamy, dreamy" mac and cheese that Guy dove into on Diners, Drive Ins and Dives. Neither team scored again until late in the third. "It's not an exaggeration to say the world stands at a crossroads on air max 90 ultra se climate change. The calcaneus and malleoli should also be observed for normality of shape and position.Weight Bearing Position, Medial View The longitudinal arches of the foot are the primary concern in this view. It is an oak aged Belgian pale ale, brewed with apricots. Golden Shoes separates itself by wrapping Christian's soccer story around his missing father and the deceitful neighbor (played by Eric Roberts) who takes him in after his mother's accident.. Yes those are GPUs but I am sure that AMD has had 45nm CPU models in their lab for quite some time now. Dottie Pope, a retired pharmacist and stay at home mom, represents the bulk of our readership Brentwood moms and she keeps them foremost in our minds.. Its neighbors are not supine, and they show on occasion, when needed, that they are able to coalesce against Chinese actions that they judge as going too far. He had been reading Uncle Tom’s Cabin, and spoke of it as a novel, which, like other romances, was well calculated to excite the sympathies, by the recital of heart-touching incidents which never had an existence, except in the imagination of the writer.”. He has cursed his daughter, and he came yesterday to ask you to take his daughter’s place. There were numbers of tenants in the building, almost all artisans or German women who let lodgings with board and attendance. We await results of judicial proceedings before commenting on the matter. Much of the evening, it was men among boys and in a lot of ways they imposed their will on us. In nearly all cases, the goods made in those regions came back to the United States as imports.. In another twist, Vroman sang a fascinating two in one number melding the Jewel Song aria from Gounod's "Faust" with "I biciclete rusesti vechi Feel Pretty," batteria ai polimeri di litio amazon from "West Side Story." She is gorgeously, operatically trained and perfectly professional. Now, the reader will perhaps be surprised to know that such an incident as the sale of Cassy apart from Eliza, upon which the whole interest of the foregoing narrative hinges, never could have taken place in Louisiana, and that the bill of sale for Eliza would not have been worth the paper it was written on.—Observe. I offered a reward of fifty dollars, and have him here safe in jail. Bryan Cranston, the "Breaking Bad" star who denied Hamm the award three times before, was nominated again for his role as a teacher embroiled in drug puma red bull racing evo cat ii trafficking. Such are the immutable laws of fekete táska női the moral world. Angus 'Steele' Redway wears clothes from Jay Jays. Navy recorded two second team all league performances on day three. While there is no set recommendation, many health professionals suggest consuming a minimum of eight izraeli kézműves ékszerek 8 ounce glasses of fluid per day. The girl obeyed, wordless. Autumn in King’s Landing, he brooded. The jump from one air jordan aj4 win in 2010 to a 5 5 mark last year in Joseph's first season running the program was substantial (though it ended at No. Irving, Esq. Almost a decade had passed since the Laughing Lion headed out from Lannisport, and Gerion had never returned. He can raise you above all temporary and worldly considerations. “Those are the same clothes you wore for the wedding.”. Well, good-bye. But I won’t give you back your promise. ALL DAY LONG. May 2 at the Mahoning Valley Hope Center, 3217 Surrey Road SE., Warren. Summer's out with a BANG! Flash floods and fierce. There were a lot of moving parts.. Walking Sarah to the car, Chuck admits he wishes he could access her file with izraeli kézműves ékszerek his mind so he could know everything about her. When you buy memory in bulk, it costs you lesser per gigabyte, than buying an entirely new drive later. While his highest profile roles were as counsel for the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) and other clients, he first gained notice as a plaintiff. Dhoni is not getting young but you cannot blame him for going slow as we were loosing wickets on a regular basis. Air Force G Tre' Coggins, 6 2, So. Ty Outlaw continued his hot spell on Saturday, scoring 16 points and finishing a perfect 5 5 from beyond the arc. She had to be oneil mellény certain. If not tonight, upon the morrow. His tall figure, his bent papuci de casa din pasla back, his death-like face with the stamp of eighty years upon it, his old great-coat torn at the seams, the battered round hat, at least twenty years old, which covered his head — bald but for one lock of hair not grey but yellowish-white — all his movements, which seemed performed, as it were, aimlessly, as though worked by springs — no one who met him for the first time could help being struck by all this. These kids knew it wasn't over. Wilson was quick to imagine it more than a decade ago. Drifts of golden hair fell to the floor. If not, he'll stop after seven or eight. From a couple of lockers away, Jerry Hairston Jr.
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cow3survivor · 3 years
Ep. 9: “Break Down Everything I’ve Built” - Jennet
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not to be rude but i hate this cast.... me winning immunity didnt even matter bc my bestie got booted tf...
(a little later)
feeling alone, im not even on a tribe anymore. im alone now not furcifer calumma or brookesia, just jennet
(after eating rice)
i know i sound dramatic asf but ffft i was so uneasy starting this game and i didnt feel comfortable or didnt feel excited to play until i started playing with ethan so i guess i relied too much on him but its like... now what?? where do i go from here? like sam, sammy, jones, and mikey voted to keep him so its like... here i am with low numbers again
(after taking a dip in the ocean)
immunity doesnt feel so good when ur number one ally gets sent home...
(after polishing the immunity necklace)
realizing that tonight ive been on the wrong side of both of votes so now im... reevaluating my position in this game. i have to break down everything ive built and start over and see who i can really trust right now
https://youtu.be/GY0DufoCyLE (after live night)
So today's been way more eventful! I've had a great conversation with Jennet finally & got caught up on all the live night stuff, thought it was just a live competition that I wasn't able to attend but then I woke up to Ethan being gone LMAO but oh well! I've been targeted the past two rounds but I'm still here so I've just gotta work my options as best I can, and right now I do wanna with with Jessica the most. Apparently Shane put in a lot of work to keep me during live night & I'm thankful but earlier when I tried to talk to him he wouldn't divert from that point & it was a little awkward.. like idk what you want me to do about that... so today's mostly been catching up with the people who I haven't heard much from like Jake, Lindsay etc and seeing where their heads are at, I need to be more involved in something big if I'm gonna be seen as a potential winner should I make it to the end so I'm definitely not shy of jumping ship from Sharon and tryna make something better for myself with the people that voted for me hehe.. 😳😈
looking at the memory wall and im feeling very: vulnerable
12/19 - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Q_KxHilwOebD8G3D8JAZsOMKdgsxFp-b/view?usp=sharing
I know in my last confessional I said I was close with Ethan. After I wrote that, I realized that he was a lot closer with other people than he was with me. Lindsay accidentally added him to an alliance chat and I expected him to freak out in my DMs (or at the very least ask me about it!) since we're supposed to be such good allies. But he didn't say anything! Shane said that he did get an Ethan freakout so I was like hmm... noted. Ethan likes Shane more than me so I am okay to vote him out a lot earlier than I was planning. Ethan also left out a LOT of information about the idols when we talked about them so I instantly knew at merge that he was hiding things from me. When we did that round robin conversation thing, I got Shane early on (I think he was the third person I talked to?) and he pitched voting Ethan which made a lot of sense to me. Plus I was a little worried Ethan could have had the Furcifer idol since he found that Brookesia one so fast. I figured if we were going to make a big move, that was the time to do it because if anyone was suspicious I could just pretend the whirlwind nature of the round was the reason they didn't know what happened. Speaking of idols!!! I'm 95% sure that Furcifer idol is in Sam's pocket. Shane had a vote extort power which he could play on anyone; it would force them to either reveal their entire voting history to this mysterious person OR they would have to give up their vote and sit out of immunity. I guess the vote part isn't public but the immunity part was and for some reason, Sam chose to not reveal his voting history. To Shane and Daisy, who don't know how the idols worked, this is a weird choice. But to me there's only one reason someone doesn't want their voting history revealed and it's because they didn't vote at a tribal which means they have an idol. Shane originally wanted to play the power on Mikey which I strongly did not want because 1) I already know how Mikey has voted and 2) I was pretty sure Mikey didn't have an idol so it's unlikely there was a tribal he didn't vote in and 3) If Mikey asked me about it, I didn't want to lie but I also didn't want to expose Shane. The question is.... does Sam's idol still work? If I had found the idol when I knew there was an easy boot on my team (he has to have found it before Pennino left), then I would have gambled as long as I could have to get the idol to work. My guess is Sam's idol goes until... f7? Maybe f6 or f5. Pennino probably left 3-1, not 4-1, but Sam's missing vote didn't matter because it was unanimous and wasn't read. For this round, right now everyone is probably voting Lovelis. It's the easy vote because he isn't here but personally I don't want to do that. Everyone says Lovelis is inactive but he isn't inactive to me and as far as I know, he is not going to flip on me and thinks I've been looking out for him. Which I have been! Also Lovelis cannot have an idol unless he somehow got the merge one. So to me it's like.... why not take out someone like Sam who (probably) has an idol? Or at least get him paranoid enough so he plays it. He seems like the kind of player who could easily stab me in the back so I'd like to get him before he gets me. Right now my tightest alliance is with Shane/Daisy, though I definitely talk about the game with Shane the most. However I also have good relationships with Lovelis, Sammy, and Mikey. I think Jennet and I are getting along well because as far as I know, I was the first one who told them Ethan's name was going around last time when everyone else seemed too afraid to tell them. They were not into that plan at all but I'm glad that I was honest with them because I don't want that to be a closed relationship at all! They also don’t seem to have a tonne of connections so they’re someone I'd like to keep close. And then Jones/Lindsay/Jake are people who I'm still getting to know but I do trust them.... a bit. I don't see that alliance of 6 lasting long term however I don't mind trying to stick with it to get Sam out before it disintegrates. I also think Shane is coming across as a threat which is great to me. I hope people don't think we're close because I really want to keep that relationship hidden. My entire game is about having everyone think they're my #1 (or at least my #2 or #3) so that they are less likely to leak things I tell them, less likely to vote for me, and more likely to look out for me. Information is power so I try to be in a position where I'll get as much of it as I can. So far it is working! I think. This is truly an essay
(a little later)
Oh also I never get episode titles in games so here are some: "Any way you slice it, it's Survivor madness!" "What a night, what a vote" "Please don't invite me to your messy party" "Social game is on 0!" "Survivor brings out the worst in you" "I'm a chameleon" Some of those are things other people said in other games but... oh well!
apparently lovelis is rallying the troops to get them to vote for me bc i voted him out over madison... babe we NEVER spoke, and i spoke to madison ALOT why would i not vote u ? tf... its getting weird
LMAO IGNORE THAT LAST CONFESSIONAL That is not how the advantage works at ALL I now totally understand why Sam rejected it That’s so funny that we really read it that wrong.............. I love reading and comprehending the words that I read Still don’t know where that last idol is but this is so funny.
so right now the only people i can trust are sammy, sam, jones, and mikey. i want to trust jake but hes in an alliance with jones, lindsay, daisy, shane, and jessica that he didnt tell me about. jones is playing double agent right now and the only reason i dont find that sketch is bc she told us info that she didnt need to. i will say me and jake had a convo about how we dont trust how shady lindsay has been and we wont target her until most of the og brookesia members are gone. im very scared right now but also very angry
(a little later)
had plans for this vote but sam got his vote taken away. im waiting to see what pops off at tribal/ the few hours before tribal before i can try to get the little band of misfits to settle on who to target first. so far its daisy and shane, i’ll try to sneak lindsay in but honestly i want daisy gone first bc shes hosted me and seen how i play and thats too much of an advantage. she’s dangerous to me and my game
https://youtu.be/nZPMXTthz9Q yes I'm becoming paranoid and what?? say it to her face
my dream boot order after this round (if lovelis is who goes): daisy shane jessica lindsay and then everything else can fold around itself but ideally jake is next to go
videos r still uploading but here's my quick tea for this episode: feels way too easy to vote lovelis, keep expecting things to blwo up bc lovelis is throwing jennet's name out there. game way too quiet. shit aint right but i aint know whats wrong. i may be paranoid
:ETHAN: ❤️ :JENNET: hours
so I feel like so much happened in this round? let's recap the live night and dive into our thoughts and feelings about where we are right now. So starting off after Madison is voted out, the plan throughout the day was to just vote out whoever stayed out of Madison/Lovelis, right? Okay so I go into this live event thinking that's the plan...not sweating...just chilling right? right okay so I get to talking to people and then I get in a chat with daisy who is my 3rd phone call? Then I hear of this plan to get rid of Ethan?? In my head I was like...blinks...okay so why are we doing this like what is the point y'all are being too complicated. So fast forward Ethan goes home. Then Jones lets me know there was a separate group made before tribal of Jake/Shane/Jones/Jess/Lindsay. Apparently all the people who voted Ethan? This actually pisses me off not gonna lie because I opened the door for a conversation hinting that I knew of a group to daisy/jess/Jake and none of them spilled to me. So I caught them in a lie and it lets me know that they are serious about that group of people and that alliance means something. I thought I was close to daisy and I thought she considered me her #1 ally but the info I have been getting really makes me trust her less. She was working on the idol/bridge with like so many other players which makes sense to how she was able to find so many powers. I feel used. She is close to Shane and it is obvious. I also 100% feel as if the Ethan plan was made before tribal or at least mentioned as an idea. I don't like the vibes I am getting from them and something has to change soon or I am gonna be finding myself in a rough patch. I told Jones about Daisy's powers to let Jones know that Daisy pretty much lied to Daisy about the street car ladies (sorry daisy I still love u but in the moment I felt used because I know ur bridge group is on like the late 30s and you didn't tell me). Daisy is playing the middle and I need to separate myself from her or at least break her and Shane up. She is using Shane as a shield. Also I was added to the justice league alliance and its so cute (Jones, Jennet, Mikey, Me, Sam) I love this group but I will say Sam is my weakest connection and I don't really have much trust in him? Hoping that will change in these upcoming rounds tho. Also, I told Jones about my vote block that lasts until final 5 which we could use to our advantage later in the game. I will be holding onto that as long as possible. The last major update other than me feeling somewhat left out of this "group" would be that Jess asked if I would be down to make a group after the vote of her/Jake/me/mikey which I would actually very much enjoy. Okay that is my longest confessional yet. I hope you enjoy. As of right now my top two allies are Jones/Mikey....Lowest on my trust rankings are Shane and Lindsay.
lovelis dming me saying we should get out mikey pfftttt
me: lovelis will be a jury vote for me! me: nvm!!!! Not sure why being rude to people and attacking them is your strategy on the way out... but you do you!
I think I mentioned chaos in my previous confessional and I think I just did that so you know what.. I'm content LMAO. I pulled out pretty much all the cards I had left to play this round and if it wasn't enough despite being carried the past two tribals.. then so be it. This has been such a fun past couple days and it's fun to just let loose and see what happens!
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changji · 5 years
There’s a limit for when you’re in school but in summer I can do whatever I want bc it’s a Free Country 🤪 u miss are not allowed to get sick u hear me or else I will personally fly to cali & nurse you 😤 A STARBUCKS DRINK FOR $4.85 EYE- THAT’S SO GOOD WTFF I DON’T THINK I’VE PAID LESS THAN $5 FOR A DRINK THERE. You’re really out here like that
Ah I forgot to say how often I climb but I usually try for 3+ times a month bc the gym is pretty far away (by far i mean 2 different buses & an hour of crying). When I first started I was being taught how to tie a figure 8 knot (which is the most important one you need so you don’t die) and i couldn’t fucking get it right so the instructor had to go over it 193837 times & was getting annoyed @ me. LOL I couldn’t look him in the eye at all and my face had never been redder that day lmfao
At least ur teachers like you. I’m like that one student that never says anything and just sits there with an rbf so idk what my teachers think of me LOL. Half the time they don’t know I’m there. I got marked absent a couple times before but i was there in class 😤😤 ohh that’s cool. Band season runs the entire year for my school but that’s probably bc it’s a credit course. Newborn babies kinda are, it’s when they reach a couple months old they become cute
LOL how do you pronounce breakfast? I say salmon with the L & I get hated on by everyone. Taeyomi was great but changji is even better. Like changbin + jisung? Genius. Legends Only. Jkhsdiweiihfew I’m glad my url has an impact on ur daily life 🥵🥵 languages are so hard, I’m literally illiterate in every single one ik. Ikr? Our names are so easy like how do u mispronounce arella? One time  someone spelt my name as Adly and I wanted to Perish
The chance the skip 2 math levels? Once again ur a genius legend. I could never esp w math holy moly. Okay dark ones it is!! I was thinking either the 1st or 2nd ones? Which do u like more? Ah new friends. The first weeks are always so awkward bc you don’t really know them well so you don’t know how much of urself you wanna expose (or it’s just me. I’m too much of a crackhead apparently). Wait a moment. Do you have multiple buildings at ur school like a uni campus??
Make out spots at my school is this one sketchy stairwell where all the scary ppl are. The whole school just smells like weed bc 90% of the school are potheads. Alright that’s the deal if we die we die together 😤 I have never heard of bathroom portables before,, those sounds so Extra. Are they like a porta potty? Omg speaking of older grades a bunch of girls who graduated last year came to my work & I was like “oh shit lol ik u all this is awkward” 
Oof I’m the older sister so like. Favouritism never works in my favour. My sister will literally start a fight w me but I’m the only one who gets lectured in the end. Like. Bitch u started this 😤 I’m on the older side out of my cousins so I’m just Ignored 😪 I’m placing my bet on 2k words right now for our convos 
ah makes sense, i thought there was a time for summer too but it might just be here or i’m dumb 😔 I CANT AFFORD TO GET SICK MISSING ONE DAY OF SCHOOL WILL NOT HELP ME AT ALL ! but thank u for ur concern miss, u should just fly to cali anyway 😪 myb i’ll go to u can i hitchike from here ?? IT IS SO GOOD ITS AMAZING IT WAS SO CHEAP but the drink was super sweet 🤢 i have converted back to normal lattes with no syrup. peet’s is usually 5.20 for my drink and it’s so strong i don’t need extra shots ☺️ 
3 times,, a month,, i go to the mall like 3 times a week, look @ u being so athletic! tbh i sound lame but i’ve never taken a bus (other than a school bus for field trips) before like. buses here are lowkey sketch but it’s mostly college students. i rely on my parents and uber 🤧 sometimes i walk but. i don’t like to but if i have to i will oop. it takes an hour to get there and an hour back then right? i can’t imagine bro omg i’d just die. i know how to knot my shoelaces and never being able to untangle them so i now wear slip ons 🤪 poor ada, were like the same person but that was me when i took a knitting class for some reason and couldn’t do any of it 😪
okay idk if i told u yet but my ap euro teacher asked who’s been to italy so i raised my hand, he asked how it was and i said “the gelato is rly good” and his face was just. utter disappointment. turns out he was asking abt the art but he didnt clarify it and we weren’t even talking abt art so now i’m known as That Girl 😔 it’s hard to miss me oop, if it’s quiet then i’m sleeping & all my teachers last year knew this 😪 how do u get marked absent?? i wish band was a credit course but it’s only extra curricular 😔 are ur teachers snakes i will Step on them. newborns look fake but yeah they get cute when they’re like half a year old. 
like. brek-fust by my friends says brek-fist like it’s more of a u sound than an i but go off u idiots. salmon with the L,, ada,, no,, if u say carmel instead of caramel i’m gonna riot. ugh thanks bro i was lucky someone gave me this url, but nohyuckclub? aka the author of the most legendary mark lee social media au? A Whole Legend, but treerachas? my absolutely fave 🥺 languages are dumb i don’t know english i don’t know spanish my vocab consists of sksk and i oop, and that’s it. HOW DO U MISPRONOUNCE ADA LIKE. when i saw ur name i was like ay-da not ah-da, ppl need to learn bro it’s just said how it’s spelled. AND PERISH LOL I LOVE THE WORDS U USE
i’m actually dumb tho i just hate math oops, i’m more of a lunch kind of person if u know what i mean 😉 JK IM GROSS STOP ME and i like the 2nd one (the red one right? idk it’s all pretty u choose) i don’t wanna expose myself but it happens bc i’m just naturally a crackhead oops. but yeah we have multiple buildings! my campus is pretty small tbh? compared to other schools we’re really small, there’s like 2k kids here and i wanna die. it’s so crowded in the halls like get away from me u smelly thot. we have 3 buildings connected by 3 hallways, and a few other ones like the science buildings, music room, portables, 2 gyms and classrooms. in total i think there are 10 buildings? how’s ur campus like?
do you have one big building or smth? in my middle school had stairs and. stairs aren’t fun i hate them. if people kissed on the stairs everybody would hate them bc they’re blocking the halls LOL. we have our legendary D wing bathrooms where people smoke its so funny how often i got offered a roll,,, people straight up vape in class its so funny. but yeah a porta party. disgusting 🤢 in my head that’s what i call it LOL, a portable bathroom… i hate when i see people from school or just. ppl in general, did they recognize u?
U SPELL FAVORITISM WITH A U THATS SO WEIRD FUCKING AMERICA but im lowkey spoiled (highkey) but i. don’t pick fights, its my brother who does that LOL, he gets lectured tho so,,, not my problem oops i have a lot of cousins but we split it when we were younger so its wrong but teens (now adults but still called teens), kids (now teens but still called kids), and the adult adult cousins (which is the only correct one LOL) but i fit into the kid category so,,,, also we have almost 20k im literally SCREAMING, including this we’re at 20,712 words im-
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gendryw4ters-blog · 7 years
Babe: time for my boy! “Lonely Town" is a song that I really think covers Babe’s transition from a happy-go-lucky kid like we get when we first meet him to near the end of the war, particularly in Bastogne: he’s tired, his friends are getting hurt and dying, and he’s feeling the responsibility of being an adult stronger than he did before the war. Babe kind of strikes me as a guy who’s very inclined to be nostalgic; he’ll rely on his happy memories to get through tough times. (1/?)
“The Sound” is what I picture Babe being if he was more cynical. It’s not a healthy relationship in the song, and it’s kind of like a “what if” if Babe wasn’t so nostalgic and positive about the times before and the times ahead. The main thing with all of the songs in Babe’s mix is that they’re all romantic and fun in their own way, and Babe is such a fun and romantic person. I just love this boy. I think he’d be that friend who you go and do fun things like laser tag and then have (2/?)
deep conversations over indulgent sundaes and cheesy action movies. He’s like being wrapped in a thick, warm flannel. Web: This might have been said before, but there is a lot of overlap between Web and Ezra Koenig. Both are East Coast Ivy Leaguers who have a fascination with words and the world around them, which makes VW the perfect “Web Band™”. Their songs just fit with Web’s goals and aesthetics. At the same time, Web can embody the negative traits of his upbringing: he can come across (3/?)
as uber-dramatic and a bit of a princess, which is more along the lines of LDR. He would fit in with the times of parties of the Kennedy “dynasty” and movie stars. Very upper-class, very proper, very influential. A good portion of the songs in this mix do make me think of Web as a reporter in the 50s and 60s being a fly on the wall and documenting the rich, famous, and influential. And now I really want a fic about that. “Home By Now” and “Brooklyn Baby" are the Webgott songs of that fic, (4/?)
with Lieb as the cab driver who moved to NYC for the opportunities and he and Web fall in love. And so now I’ll do the Joes, and after that, are there other mixes that you’ve given the finishing touches to? (5/5)
The thing with Babe is I was generally more focused on aesthetics with him than I was with anyone else, so actually in an odd way I put a lot less thought into the meanings than perhaps I should have done (with a couple of exceptions like Rose-Coloured Boy and most of the Arcade Fire stuff), so your analyses is actually super interesting to me and really cool!! Babe to me (in modern aus, at least) is pastels and that kind of happy-go-lucky-but-brimming-with-anxiety; like he’s always down for a good time and to cheer people up, but he’s also hugely riddled with fears and worries and really really doesn’t want to grow up- so you were right on the nail with the whole nostalgia thing.
I think with The Sound, I was running off of the fun indie-pop kind of vibes of the music itself, however I do think you’re right in a sense that it is a more… Realistic Babe? Realistic as in he’s less of a dreamer, I mean. And yes oh my gosh he is EXACTLY that friend!! He’s sweet and wonderful and I love him very much
And aaah yes! The overlap between Web and Koenig is like, one of my favourite things ever and a headcanon I absolutely adore so thank you for this omg!! I feel like VW are just so so quintessentially Webster and tbh his whole list could have been comprised of just their stuff but I figured I should mix it up a little bit at least ahaha
However! One of the first songs that came to me for Web (like, well before I even begun making the playlists too) was Brooklyn Baby, so Lana was still pretty important to have too. It’s interesting that you went with her because of the drama-princess vibes (which! you’re right you’re absolutely right with), because I’d initially chosen her because of my Web is super cool headcanon. Diet Mountain Dew is him being driven around town in heart-shaped sunglasses with his shirt unbuttoned and him swirling his tongue around cherry-red popsicles and also casual drink and drug use (i have a lot of party-boy webster headcanons okay) (also im inclined to point out that i mostly mean weed in this respect but i also wouldnt be surprised if he dabbled in harder stuff too sometimes) and just the aesthetic of all that in general, if any of that makes sense. The fic idea is brilliant!! Oh my gosh, yeah, that would be such a perfect thing to read, agh that kind of aesthetic webgott is my absolute weakness oh man
The Joes! I’m excited for those. (That rhymes and I like that). I’ve updated Chuck and Julian, and I’m probably going to have a go at some of the others soon too, but don’t worry about doing this for all of them at all! I super appreciate the ones you have done though, this is awesome, thank you!!
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