#he sang 长安行 and it was nice~~
heymeowmao · 1 year
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Liu Yu x 2023 China Brand Day Gala (中国品牌日晚会)
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thebananatroll · 4 years
Chapter 1 (part 8)
1-10.1 棋逢敌手 . 故事 郑春发一��之下独自来到河边, 正当他心慌意乱之时, 出面劝说他的人竟是-- 1-10.1 Qí féng díshǒu. Gùshì zhèngchūnfā yīqìzhīxià dúzì lái dào hé biān, zhèngdàng tā xīnhuāngyìluàn zhī shí, chūmiàn quànshuō tā de rén jìng shì-- 1-10.1 To meet one’s match. Story Zheng Chun Fa came to the river alone in a fit of fury, just as he was feeling flustered, the person who had persuaded him appears personally and is actually--
[郑春发] 天啊! 我居然会在福公面前大吵大闹…… Tiān a! Wǒ jūrán huì zài fú gōng miànqián dà chǎo dà nào…… Oh, Heavens! That I would have gone as far as to make a scene right at Fu Gong’s face...
[郑春发] 怎么办, 要回去道歉吗...[Player]会不会原谅我…… 不对! 她是坏人, 我不用跟她道歉! Zěnme bàn, yào huíqù dàoqiàn ma...[Player] huì bù huì yuánliàng wǒ…… bùduì! Tā shì huàirén, wǒ bùyòng gēn tā dàoqiàn! What to do, to go back and apologize...Would [Player] forgive me... That’s not right! She’s the bad guy, I don’t have to apologize to her!
[郑春发] 但是福公说的没错…我在没有证据的情况下就指责人家... Dànshì fú gōng shuō de méi cuò…wǒ zài méiyǒu zhèngjù de qíngkuàng xià jiù zhǐzé rénjiā... But what Fu Gong said was not wrong...I had denounced others with no evidence...
[郑春发] 要是[Player]真的没有陷害聚春苑, 那我岂不是冤枉好人了? 这该怎么办啊…… Yàoshi [Player] zhēn de méiyǒu xiànhài jù chūn yuàn, nà wǒ qǐ bùshì yuānwǎng hǎorénle? Zhè gāi zěnme bàn a…… If [Player] truly didn’t frame Ju Chun Yuan, then wouldn’t I have wrongly accused an innocent person? What should be done now...
[???] 郑师傅! 你怎么在这儿? Zhèng shīfù! Nǐ zěnme zài zhè'er? Zheng-Shifu! What are you doing in this place?
[郑春发] 是您呀? 易先生, 我刚才跟福公吵了一架, 所以一个人跑了出来…… Shì nín ya? Yì xiānshēng, wǒ gāngcái gēn fú gōng chǎole yī jià, suǒyǐ yīgè rén pǎole chūlái…… It’s you? Mister Yi, I just had a quarrel with Fu Gong, so I ran out by myself...
[易牙] 什么事儿不能好妤解决, 非得伤了和气? Shénme shì er bùnéng hǎo yú jiějué, fēiděi shāngle héqì? What sort of matter is it that couldn’t be solved nicely, causing harm to amiability?
[易牙] 该不会是你上回跟我说, 福公想要放弃你和聚春苑, 离开福州城的事儿吧? Was it about what you told me last time, Fu gong wanting to abandon you and Ju Chun Yuan, and leave Fu Zhou City situation?
[郑春发] 哎,就是这个事儿…… Āi, jiùshì zhège shì er……  Ah, it is exactly that situation...
[郑春发] 几个月前, 福公托我寄一封信给金丝少爷, 我在灶台边不小心将那信烧了一角... Jǐ gè yuè qián, fú gōng tuō wǒ jì yī fēng xìn gěi jīn sī shàoyé, wǒ zài zào tái biān bù xiǎoxīn jiāng nà xìn shāole yījiǎo... A few months ago, Fu Gong entrusted me to send a sealed letter Young Master Jin Si, but I had accidentally burned a corner of the letter at the kitchen stove...
[郑春发] 我不敢告诉福公, 只好私自将那信拆出来检查。 却没料到, 信上内容, 竟、 竟是福公有意离开福州城…… Wǒ bù gǎn gàosù fú gōng, zhǐhǎo sīzì jiāng nà xìn chāi chūlái jiǎnchá. Què méi liào dào, xìn shàng nèiróng, jìng, jìng shì fú gōng yǒuyì líkāi fúzhōu chéng…… I dare not inform Fu Gong, and was left with no choice but to privately tear open the letter to examine it. I didn’t expect, the contents of that letter, actually, actually is about Fu Gong’s intentions to leave Fu Zhou City...
[郑春发] 我一直不敢当面问福公他是不是真的要离开, 他为什么要离开…… 我想, 一定是我做得不好, 才让他对我失去了信心…… Wǒ yīzhí bù gǎn dāngmiàn wèn fú gōng tā shì bùshì zhēn de yāo líkāi, tā wèishéme yào líkāi…… wǒ xiǎng, yīdìng shì wǒ zuò dé bù hǎo, cái ràng tā duì wǒ shīqùle xìnxīn…… I dare not ask Fu Gong directly to his face if he really wanted to leave, why does he want to leave... I figured, it must be because I didn’t do well enough, and that it allowed him to lose faith in me...
[郑春发] 可我不甘心就这样被福公放弃! 知府大人的寿��, 福公将它全权交托给我, 这可是让福公重新信任我的好机会啊! Kě wǒ bù gānxīn jiù zhèyàng bèi fú gōng fàngqì! Zhīfǔ dàrén de shòu yàn, fú gōng jiāng tā quánquán jiāo tuō gěi wǒ, zhè kěshì ràng fú gōng chóngxīn xìnrèn wǒ de hǎo jīhuì a! But I am not willing to be abandoned by Fu Gong like this! The Prefectural Magistrate’s birthday banquet, Fu Gong handed me full authority, this was a good opportunity to let Fu Gong to have faith in me once more!
[郑春发] 说不定, 他看到我能独立将寿宴办好办漂亮, 就能回心转意, 不走了呢…… Shuō bu dìng, tā kàn dào wǒ néng dúlì jiāng shòu yàn bàn hǎo bàn piàoliang, jiù néng huíxīnzhuǎnyì, bù zǒule ne…… Maybe, if he could see that I’m able to manage the birthday banquet wonderfully, he would have a change of heart, and wouldn’t leave...
[易牙] 如此看来, 果真如我料想的丝毫不差。 Rúcǐ kàn lái, guǒzhēn rú wǒ liàoxiǎng de sīháo bù chā. Looking at it like this, I would expect it to be precise to the finest detail.
[易牙] 你想啊, 一小姑娘怎么这么有闲, 一会儿给你跑腿采购食材, 一会儿又给你寿宴当帮厨。 Nǐ xiǎng a, yī xiǎo gūniáng zěnme zhème yǒu xián, yīhuǐ'er gěi nǐ pǎotuǐ cǎigòu shícái, yīhuǐ'er yòu gěi nǐ shòu yàn dāng bāngchú. Think about it, how can a little girl have so much free time, one moment helping you run around to buy ingredients, another moment to be your kitchen helper for the birthday banquet.
[易牙] 还不都是另有目的! 她就是想将福公占为己用, 才故意破坏你的寿宴, 让福公对你彻底失望, 继而离开福州城! Hái bù dōu shì lìng yǒu mùdì! Tā jiùshì xiǎng jiāng fú gōng zhàn wéi jǐ yòng, cái gùyì pòhuài nǐ de shòu yàn, ràng fú gōng duì nǐ chèdǐ shīwàng, jì'ér líkāi fúzhōu chéng! Wouldn’t it be all for some purpose! She wants Fu Gong for her own purpose, deliberately destroying your birthday banquet, allowing Fu Gong to be thoroughly disappointed in you, then leaving Fu Zhou City afterwards! 
[郑春发] 那, 那我现在该怎么办啊? 福公对她很是信任, 一时半会我也拿不出什么证据来… Nà, nà wǒ xiànzài gāi zěnme bàn a? Fú gōng duì tā hěn shì xìnrèn, yīshí bàn huì wǒ yě ná bù chū shénme zhèngjù lái… Then, then what should I do? Fu Gong treats her with a lot of trust, I won’t be able to produce any evidence in this short amount of time...
[易牙] 你没有办法, 我有! 你想���吗? 附耳过来…… Nǐ méiyǒu bànfǎ, wǒ yǒu! Nǐ xiǎng tīng ma? Fù'ěr guòlái…… You don’t have a way, but I do! Do you want to hear it? Come closer...
[易牙] 只要拿出铁证证明陷害聚春苑的人是... Zhǐyào ná chū tiězhèng zhèngmíng xiànhài jù chūn yuàn de rén shì... The one who has to put forth conclusive evidence to prove that Ju Chun Yuan was framed is...
[Player] 易牙!-- Yi Ya!--
[Narration] 鹄羹一支羽箭射出, 易牙即刻跃起回避, 随即轻飘瓢地落到远处-- Gǔ gēng yī zhī yǔ jiàn shèchū, yì yá jíkè yuè qǐ huíbì, suíjí qīngpiāo piáo de luò dào yuǎn chù-- Hu Geng shoots a feather arrow, Yi Ya instantly leaps to avoid it, followed by landing gently at a distance--
[ 鹄羹] ...!?
[ 易牙] 哟? 这不是我们的老朋友鹄羹嘛? 混得不错呀, 现如令都开始侍奉新主了? Yō? Zhè bùshì wǒmen de lǎo péngyǒu gǔ gēng ma? Hùn dé bùcuò ya, xiàn rú lìng dōu kāishǐ shìfèng xīn zhǔle? Oh? Isn’t this our old friend Hu Geng? If not mistaken, you seems to have started serving a new master?
[ 易牙] 只是你把兄长抛诸脑后, 他该伤心了... Zhǐshì nǐ bǎ xiōngzhǎng pāo zhū nǎo hòu, tā gāi shāngxīnle... It’s just seems that you have thrown your elder brother to the back of your mind, he would have been heart-broken...
[ 鹄羹] ……我的兄长已经不在了。 ……Wǒ de xiōngzhǎng yǐjīng bùzàile. ....My elder brother is no longer here.
[Narration] 易牙与鹄羹似是旧识, 两人相互说些令人摸不着头脑的话。 但看郑春发已找到, 先将他安全带回聚春苑才是正事-- Yì yá yǔ gǔ gēng sì shì jiù shí, liǎng rén xiānghù shuō xiē lìng rén mō bùzháo tóunǎo dehuà. Dàn kàn zhèngchūnfā yǐ zhǎodào, xiān jiāng tā ānquán dài huí jù chūn yuàn cái shìzhèng shì-- Yi Ya and Hu Geng seem to be old acquaintances, the words of those two cause those around them to be at loss. But seeing that Zheng Chun Fa has been found, it is my duty to bring him back safely to Ju Chun Yuan first--
[Player] 郑春发! 你没事吧? 福公, 还有金丝少爷, 我们都找了你很久! 跟我回去吧! Zhèngchūnfā! Nǐ méishì ba? Fú gōng, hái yǒu jīn sī shàoyé, wǒmen dōu zhǎole nǐ hěnjiǔ! Gēn wǒ huíqù ba! Zheng Chun Fa! Are you okay? Fu Gong, and Young Master Jin Si, we have been looking for you for so long! Let’s return together!
[Narration] 我正欲去牵郑春发的手, 却被他一把甩开-- Wǒ zhèng yù qù qiān zhèngchūnfā de shǒu, què bèi tā yī bǎ shuǎi kāi-- I was about to reach for Zheng Chun Fa's hand, but was shaken off by him--
[ 郑春发] 您这是做什么! Nín zhè shì zuò shénme! What are you doing!
[ 郑春发] 易牙先生, 您没事吧? Yì yá xiānshēng, nín méishì ba? Mister Yi Ya, are you alright?
[Narration] 郑春发跑回易牙身边, 忧心询问…… Zhèngchūnfā pǎo huí yì yá shēnbiān, yōuxīn xúnwèn…… Zheng Chun Fa runs back to Yi Ya’s side, asking anxiously...
[Player] 我正寻思何以郑春发言行反常, 原来竟是你从中作梗! I was wondering why Zheng Chun Fa’s words and actions are abnormal, it turns out that you were the one who did it!
[Player] 易牙! 今日不将聚春苑与空羹之事从头交代, 就别想轻易离开! 鹄羹-- Yì yá! Jīnrì bù jiāng jù chūn yuàn yǔ kōng gēng zhī shì cóngtóu jiāodài, jiù bié xiǎng qīngyì líkāi! Gǔ gēng-- Yi Yu, If today you do not explain from the top about the matters of Ju Chun Yuan and Kong Sang, don’t expect to leave easily! Hu Geng--
[Player] 鹄羹, 我们上! Gǔ gēng, wǒmen shàng! Hu Geng, let’s go!
[ 鹄羹] ...是。 ... Shì. ....Yes.
[ 易牙] 你以为只有你能操纵食魂吗? 出来- Nǐ yǐwéi zhǐyǒu nǐ néng zǎo zòng shí hún ma? Chūlái- You think you’re the only one who can control Food Souls? Come out--
[余腥蟹] (That crab enemy) ...!
((proceed to battle))
[ 郑春发] 这个蟹钳怪它, 它-- Zhège xiè qián guài tā, tā-- This crab claw monster, it, it--
[Player] 还没想明白吗! 那日你见到的蟹钳怪, 就是这位易先生的部下! Hái méi xiǎng míngbái ma! Nà rì nǐ jiàn dào de xiè qián guài, jiùshì zhè wèi yì xiānshēng de bùxià! Haven't you figured it out yet! The crab claw monster you saw that day, it is this exact Mister Yi Ya’s subordinate!
[Player] 你离开聚春苑后, 福公查得烹制佛跳墙的食材确有污染。 而污染食材的人, 正是这个蟹钳怪! Nǐ líkāi jù chūn yuàn hòu, fú gōng chá dé pēng zhì fútiàoqiáng de shícái què yǒu wūrǎn. Ér wūrǎn shícái de rén, zhèng shì zhège xiè qián guài! After you left Ju Chun Yuan, Fu Gong found out that the ingredients used to cook Fo Tiao Qiang were indeed contaminated. And the one who contaminated the ingredients, it was this crab claw monster!
[Player] 所以陷害聚春苑的幕后黑手, 已经很明显了不是吗? Suǒyǐ xiànhài jù chūn yuàn de mùhòu hēishǒu, yǐjīng hěn míng xiǎn liǎo bùshì ma? So the dark hands framing Ju Chun Yuan behind-the-scenes, isn't it already obvious?
[ 郑春发] 您, 您是说易先生? 陷害聚春苑? 为什么? 我们无冤无仇…我们…… Nín, nín shì shuō yì xiānshēng? Xiànhài jù chūn yuàn? Wèishéme? Wǒmen wú yuān wú chóu…wǒmen…… You, you say it’s Mister Yi Ya? Framing Ju Chun Yuan? Why? We have no grievance nor enmity...We...
[???] 原因就让我来告诉你吧-- Yuányīn jiù ràng wǒ lái gàosù nǐ ba-- Let me tell you the reason--
[Player] ......太极! ? ...... Tàijí! ? ....Tai Chi!?
[太极芋泥] 先是破坏聚春苑寿宴, 让聚春苑被查封。 如此一来, 福公对郑春发满是失望, 自然会离开福州。 Xiānshi pòhuài jù chūn yuàn shòu yàn, ràng jù chūn yuàn bèi cháfēng. Rúcǐ yī lái, fú gōng duì zhèngchūnfā mǎn shì shīwàng, zìrán huì líkāi fúzhōu. First is the destruction of Ju Chun Yuan’s birthday banquet, allowing Ju Chu Yian to be close down. In this way, Fu Gong would be filled with disappointment towards Zheng Chun Fa, and would naturally leave Fu Zhou.
[太极芋泥] 次之宴仙坛适时登场, 向福公发出邀请, 无处可往的他自然答应。 这本是极其简单的策略…… Cì zhī yàn xiān tán shìshí dēngchǎng, xiàng fú gōng fāchū yāoqǐng, wú chù kě wǎng de tā zìrán dāyìng. Zhè běn shì jíqí jiǎndān de cèlüè…… Yan Xian Tan will make a timely appearance, extending an invitation to Fu Gong, he who would have no where to go would naturally agree. This is an extremely simple strategy...
[太极芋泥] 然而我没有料到, 你竟在寿宴事发之前便成功拉拢福公前往空桑。 如此即使计成, 福公也不可能再来宴仙坛。 Rán'ér wǒ méiyǒu liào dào, nǐ jìng zài shòu yàn shì fā zhīqián biàn chénggōng lālǒng fú gōng qiánwǎng kōng sāng. Rúcǐ jíshǐ jì chéng, fú gōng yě bù kěnéng zàilái yàn xiān tán. But I didn’t foresee, you would unexpectedly succeed at roping in Fu Gong to go for Kong Sang before the birthday banquet. So even if the ruse was accomplished, Fu Gong will not come to Yan Xian Tan.
[太极芋泥] 于是我们将计就计。 易牙出面诱导郑春发, 将陷害聚春苑的罪名顺理成章地推到空桑少主身上。 Yúshì wǒmen jiāngjìjiùjì. Yì yá chūmiàn yòudǎo zhèngchūnfā, jiāng xiànhài jù chūn yuàn de zuìmíng shùnlǐchéngzhāng de tuī dào kōng sāng shǎo zhǔ shēnshang. Thus we meet another's scheme with one's own . Yi Ya came forth to provide guidance to Zheng Chun Fa, pushing the crime of framing Ju Chun Yuan onto Kong Sang Young Miss’ person.
[太极芋泥] 空桑少主不可信, 宴仙坛便是最好的选择。 哪知, 福公对[Player]信任有加, 毫不怀疑。 Kōng sāng shǎo zhǔ bùkě xìn, yàn xiān tán biàn shì zuì hǎo de xuǎnzé. Nǎ zhī, fú gōng duì [Player] xìnrèn yǒu jiā, háo bù huáiyí. Kong Sang Young Miss is not credible, Yan Xian Tan would be the better choice. Unexpectedly, Fu Gong treats [Player] with an extreme amount of trust, without the slightest doubt.
[太极芋泥] 哎, 实在令人煞费苦心! Āi, shízài lìng rén shàfèikǔxīn! Ahh, really making one go through a lot of trouble!
[太极芋泥] 易先生, 我们走吧。 这盘棋, 已经分出胜负了。 Yì xiānshēng, wǒmen zǒu ba. Zhè pán qí, yǐjīng fēn chū shèng fùle. Mr. Yi, we should go. This chess board, the outcome is already decided.  
[太极芋泥] [Player], 下次, 我不会再输给你了。 暂且让你先胜一局…… [Player], xià cì, wǒ bù huì zài shū gěi nǐle. Zànqiě ràng nǐ xiān shèng yī jú…… [Player] Next time, I will not lose to you again. For now, you win this round...
[Narration] 太极芋泥朝我露出难以捉摸的笑容, 随即同那易牙双双离去... Tàijí yù ní cháo wǒ lùchū nányǐ zhuōmō de xiàoróng, suíjí tóng nà yì yá shuāngshuāng lí qù... Tai Chi Yu Ni shows me an elusive smile, before immediately leaving together with Yi Ya...
[Player] 太极! 等等-- Tàijí! Děng děng-- Tai Chi! Wait--
[ 郑春发] 啊.... A.... Ah....
[Narration] 郑春发 “噗通” 一声跪倒在地上... Zhèngchūnfā “pūtōng” yīshēng guì dǎo zài dìshàng... Zheng Chun Fa sinks to his knees on the ground with a “Pu Tong” sound...
[ 郑春发] 怎么会这样... Zěnme huì zhèyàng... How could this be...
[ 郑春发] 我被利用了... Wǒ bèi lìyòngle... I have been used...
[ 郑春发] 我竟然想跟福公决裂…… Wǒ jìngrán xiǎng gēn fú gōng juéliè…… I was actually trying to break relations with Fu Gong...
[ 郑春发] 我 .... Wǒ.... I....
[Narration] 郑春发似是受到极大的刺激, 身子摇晃两下, 竟晕了过去... Zhèngchūnfā sì shì shòudào jí dà de cìjī, shēnzi yáohuàng liǎng xià, jìng yūnle guòqù... Zheng Chun Fa seems to have suffered from being overwhelmed to his limits, his body swaying a little, and then fainted...
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