#he shouldn't have been able to crash in 2016
popcorn-plots · 4 months
Very long Doctor Strange ramblings below the cut. You have been warned. If you read all of it, feel free to give me your opinion, I am way too invested in this help
In She-Hulk, we see that Wong worked as a librarian at Kamar-Taj for 11 years. In the beginning of Doctor Strange, the first few scenes show Kaecilius and his Zealots stealing pages from the Book of Cagliostro and beheading the current librarian.
When Strange first meets Wong, Wong claims that the former librarian was relieved of his head, and he implemented the rules he now enforces (no portals inside the library, etc.). However, we do not know how long Wong has held the librarian position. If we consider that there is not much Kamar-Taj life shown in the movie, it suggests that no one has forgotten the rules or made mistakes regarding them. This implies that Wong's rules have been around long enough for people to understand and remember them (or at least Wong has been enforcing them consistently). The rules have been in place for a while, and people are not surprised by the missing pages.
Additionally, Kaecilius' betrayal does not seem to be a major issue during Stephen's training, as if it had happened a while ago and Kamar-Taj was biding its time, attempting to hunt him down or waiting for him to make a move. Of course, a rogue sorcerer with that much power is a concern for the Ancient One and Mordo --as seen in the movie-- but Stephen, being a novice/apprentice, is probably not told much.
So, how long has Wong been running the library by himself? It doesn't seem plausible that the gap between Kaecilius' betrayal and Stephen's arrival is 11 years. The entire movie happens over a period of at least a year and a half, maybe even two years. The movie is set from 2015-16, so Wong would have had to take up the position somewhere between 2004-5. If we take Benedict Wong's age and assume that is how old Wong is (as we do with Stephen's age), then he would be 44 in 2016 (Stephen would be 39), making him 33 in 2005. So, was Wong working with the previous librarian for 11 years, and Kaecilius betrayed the Order within a year of Stephen's arrival? Or did Kaecilius steal the pages 11 years prior to Stephen's arrival, right at the beginning of Wong's career?
Not to mention the amount of time it would take for Stephen to recover from the initial accident and the numerous subsequent surgeries, plus the physical therapy and the time it took Stephen to find Kamar-Taj.
The recovery time for hand surgeries is 6 weeks on average. With Stephen having a total of 8 surgeries, his recovery time would be, on average, 48 weeks of the 52 weeks in a year. That's 11 months of recovery, plus a month of travel and logistics. So, if Wong has been working at the library for 11 years, then Kaecilius would have stolen the pages somewhere between 11 years to 1 year before Stephen arrived at Kamar-Taj.
@invye what's your expert opinion? (I'm going way too far into this rabbit hole HELP)
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erscogadatabase · 1 year
4: The Riewa Shield
Date: 10-11-2016 IDST, 3-??-2016 EST
Nalitie: *crashes through the non-existent roof of Dukermin's house* DUKERMIN I HAVE A FEELING OF IMPENDING DOOM.
Dukermin: Oh okay hi.
Nalitie: This morning, Christine was saying something about.... Golden flower tea or something? And now I feel like something bad is going to happen... Like we're forgetting something.
Dukermin: Oh dear lord... riewa shield....
Nalitie: Crap. *to the world* Hey, world--let's have a really dramatic countdown!
4 Days Until Impending Doom
Doom Spoon: *spontaneously falls out of the sky*
Nalitie: OH MY *faints* *a few unconsciousnesses later* *is back* ALRIGHT let's do this.
Dukermin: WELL YEAH but how...?
Nalitie: Um... I'm thinking nanofiber yarn, because that stuff is pretty strong, and maybe some candy reinforcement... um.... And maybe Alphys and the Voltas could help with... like.... Technological security?
Dukermin: Good idea, ad I can help do a thinng with my cosmologystuff.
Nalitie: Oh! And logic from Piggy, because Flowey really shouldn't be able to get off the planet anyway....
Dukermin: Or be able to move or talk really because he's a flower...
Nalitie: True, but... DETERMINATION... I guess? ANYWAY WE DON'tT have time for this because we have, uh... 192 hours or so. Which sounds like a lot but it isn't.
Dukermin: true. Where shall we start?
Nalitie: Um... well, maybe we should go to Riewa first, and make sure Flowey's... Y'know, still there.
Dukermin: Okay, lets be careful though...
Nalitie: YEahh.... *and then they went to Riewa*
*And then they were at Riewa I guess...
Nalitie: *surveying the surface*
Dukermin: Whheere do we start looking...?
Nalitie: Um.... Weellll... Where would you go if you were Flowey?
Dukermin: I don't know somewhere with water... Or people to manipulate...
Nalitie: Yeah, probably... Are there evven peple on Riewa though?
Dukermin: No not at the moment... Not that I know of...
Nalitie: Wellll.... There's us? Let's just... *aimless wandering*
Dukermin: *Aimless wandering* *boredom* Maybe there's a way to draw him to us... ?
Nalitie: How about.... *throws, um, ffflllloweer.... Fertilizer pellets.......?*
*suddenly, Flowey*
Flowey: *is probably thirsty and starving because riewa is desolate*
Nalitie: YAAARGH *captures him in, uh, a butterfly net* Wait, now what?
Dukermin: I don't know! *waters flowey through net* SORRY
Nalitie: Well... He's still here, at least. I was kinda expecting him to not be, actually.
Flowey: *great, now you've given him ideas*
Nalitie: We should... go find Hope.
Dukermin: Um yeah *runs away*
Nalitie: *follows, leaving the butterfly net and opening a lunchbox*
Flowey: *Attempts to throw friendliness pellets from far away and through a net before disappearing into ground*
Nalitie: *to Dukermin* To Aeuton? *offers portal*
Dukermin: Yep *to aeuton*
*on Aeuton*
Aeutonians: *doing... whatever they're doing*
Nalitie and Dukermin: *appear from the portal*
Dukermin: I don't think I've really been here much before...
Nalitie: Really? Well, I'll have to give you a tour BUT NOT RIGHTN OW BECAUse we are running out of time.
Dukermin: Okay let's do the thing *off to find Hope*
*in the Volta household*
Hope: *probably knitting while Shay is doing whatever he's doing....*
Dukermin: Hello!
Hope: *is slightly confused because she's only ever interacted with Dukermin once and also has been in and out of therapy since then*
Dukermin: I'm with Nalitie...
Nalitie: *in her best worst Temmie impression* hOI!
Hope: Oh, that's right... Dukermin, isn't it? *purposefully ignoring Nalitie*
Dukermin: Correct. We need help and materials.
Hope: I'd be happy to help, but before I agree, what for?
Dukermin: Total Flowey dictatorship. We'd like to not have that happen.
Hope: *actually sort of knows of Flowey because of the whole... Intra-Dimensional Guardianship thing* Oh... Then what can I do for you?
Dukermin: *to Nalitie* We are looking for yarn right?
Nalitie: *nods* Nanofiber yarn.
Dukermin: Nanofiber yarn !
Hope: *getting up* There should be some in the other room. How much do you need?
Dukermin: *to nalitie* How much do we need?
Nalitie: ... Only enough to cover a planet... Or if we don't do a complete yarn shell, enough to support the main systems of the shield.
Dukermin: Well... hmm... *To Hope* As much as you can get us!
Hope: If it's to stop a takeover, you can have my whole supply. I can always get more. *shows her to the room of yarn*
Dukermin: Yay thank you! I'd say we'll repay you but that probably won't happen.
Nalitie: Yeah... Or at least not until after the war. *to Dukermin* We can put it in my pockets. I've got a lot of room in there.
Dukermin: While we're here do you think it would be too much to ask her if we can borrow some hexipals to help with construction?
Nalitie: Oh yeah, I forogot about that part... Probably not, if Shay's willing to lend some of his personal ones.
Dukermin: *To Hope* Could we maybe get some help from the hexipals for construction? It shouldnt take too long...
Hope: Of course! We don't have very many left, but...
Dukermin: We can make do.
Hope: *Um... summons the hexipals I guess*
Dukermin: We could send tem there now... Would they be able to get construction started without any other materials?
Nalitie: Probably, but we don't know exactly what we're doing.... We should... ask Alphys.
Dukermin: They may need to be re-wired. Let's take them with us.
Nalitie: *pockets the hexipals* Well... to Pluto?
Dukermin: *mrs gloop accent* Jah wohl *to pluto*
Alphys: *outside of her lab, trying to figure out how to unbury the half that's stuck in the ground*
Alphys: *squeals and spins around to face Dukermin* W-wait what?
Dukermin: We need to keep Flowey from escaping Riewa and being a jerk to everyone.
Alphys: W-wait, who? D-did you say F-Flowey...?
Dukermin: a little bit yeah...
Alphys: *doesn't exactly know who that is but* O-okay, w-what do you need m-me to do?
Dukermin: Trust me it' bad. We need you to help us figure out howto ma ke a shield over the planet to keep Flowey in there.
Alphys: A-a shield? I c-can do that.
Nalitie: GREAT!
Dukermin: Currently we have nanofiber yarn to work with and nalitie has ideas for other stuff
Nalitie: Like my husband's candy and Purified LOGIC. *to Dukermin* We need to get the island. And make an extractor.
Alphys: Y-you want me t-to make a shield o-o-out of yarn, candy, a-and... Logic...?
Dukermin: Exactly. In this world everything seems to work out.
Alphys: I-I'll, uh, g-get my... *remembers the lab is sideways and embedded in the surface of Pluto*
Nalitie: We can get stuff from the Voltas.... We already have the hexipals, and we could have them bring over stuff.
Dukermin: Yeah , do that.
Nalitie: *calls them and has them get stuff and come to Pluto* *also calls her husband to come with his stuff*
Voltas and Willy Wonka: *have come to Pluto with all of the stuff*
Dukermin: YAY THANK YOU.
Nalitie: Now all we need is Purified LOGIC, but we can add that last... We should bring everyone to Riewa.
Dukermin: Okay are we going to need anything else other than logic?
Nalitie: I don't think so... Except... We shoujldn't leave everyone unprotected. *produces a bunch of miscellaneous weapons for them to use in case of attack from her pockets*
Dukermin: Cool. Are we going to Riewa?
Nalitie: Yep. *opens a lunchbox for everyone to go through*
*And to Riewa everyone went*
Nalitie: *making sure FLowey isn't right there* *sees nothing* Cool cool cool. *to all but Dukermin* So this is Riewa, our war/prison planet... We basically just need a shield around it so that a soulless flower can't escape and terrorize Erscoga.
Dukermin: Superfun place. Anyway Flowey is hanging out around here somewhere but he is not in this exact spot so that's GOOD!
Nalitie: *double thumbs up* *takes the hexipals and all of the yarn out of her pockets* The yarn is one of our building materials, along with whatever the Voltas have and, uh, whatever's on Riewa. Oh, and candy too.
Dukermin: And I can help with stuff too. I'm basically omnipotent until the powercap comes up.
Nalitie: Which we will all discuss later... ANway... building montage?
*Building montage happens*
Nalitie: Shall we? *gestures to the power switch, which she has also made blood-activated*
Dukermin: WE SHALL!
Nalitie: *steals some of Dukermin's blood to activate half of the lock and uses her own for the other half* *turns ON the shield*
Dukermin: It looks GREAT!
Nalitie: All it's missing is the LOGIC. We need the island anyway, so.... Shall we bring everyone home and then go get that?
Dukermin: Yeah. We'll have to find Green Circle Labs won't we because book dimension?
Nalitie: Yeah.... Also, we can't teleport off of Riewa now, so... um... Space gear and flying?
Dukermin: YAY I'M USEFUL *helps with escape because super cool space powers*
*and so they escaped Riewa*
*and brought everyone home *
*and went to Green Circle Labs*
*And started teleporting to the place*
*On the Island*
Piggy: *holding the Conch above his head* Which is better--to be a pack of painted Indians like you are, or to be sensible like Ralph is?
Savages: *booing*
Nalitie: *has managed to set the portal to open a little ways away from the scene* *exits the portal*
Dukermin: *follows* How are we gonna do this?
Nalitie: We should wait until he's just dying, quickly throw a portal to get him to Green Circle Labs or something so they can... un-deading him, and then take the whole island.
Dukermin: Works for me.
Roger: *pushing The Rock*
Rock: *rolls? Towards Piggy*
Nalitie: *struggles to open the Erscoga hole, but manages to do so and gets Piggy just as he's hit*
*And so Piggy went through his very first portal*
*and Nalitie and Dukermin stole the island and also a Naval Officer so the story can end*
(FIve million timeskips brought to you by idk Menards)
*back in Erscoga, in Green Circle Labs*
Piggy: *is no longer dead or dying, and also very very confused*
Dukermin: Hello Piggy! We saved your life. You owe us big time!
Piggy: You did what?
Dukermin: Saved your life... sent you through a portal right when you were about to be smashed by a rock. No big deal OH WAIT BIG DEAL!
Nalitie: And now we need to endanger your life with some horrible experiments in the name of Erscoga!
Piggy: Wh-what? Where am I? How did I get off of the island?
Dukermin: DOn't ask questions just be glad you're safe and be grateful. Be Happy Be Healthy.
Nalitie: *to Dukermin* I was just thinking, maybe we could re-use the True Lab for this. There's already a DT extractor, we could rewire it to extract LOGIC from Piggy.
Dukermin: That could work....
Nalitie: Ok, cool, let's, uh... go do that! *pockets Piggy and runs out of GCL*
Dukermin: *following...*
*on Pluto*
Alphys: *over with Callie, Sans, and Chara*
Alphys: *jumps* Wh-what can I d-do for you?
Dukermin: We need your lab or something like that
Nalitie: We need to do some very inhumane experiments, and we were thinking the True Lab would be just the right place! Also we need your DT Extractor.
Alphys: *blanches* Y-you know about t-t-that?!
Dukermin: We know a lot of things.
Nalitie: But not in a stalker-ish sort of way! Just as people obsessed with you guys *gestures around*, your lives, and your relationships!
Alphys: *is a confused mess*
Dukermin: May we borrow your lab?
Alphys: *isn't really sure, but nods hesitantly anyway*
Dukermin: Thanks you're the coolest. I'm gonna have to get you a present or something but not right now because time.
Nalitie: I have something! *gives her the first things she fishes out of her pockets, which happen to be Piggy's specs* *runs off towards the lab*
Dukermin: *you know, follows*
*and into the True Lab they went*
Dukermin: So where is the thing
Nalitie: Um.... *goes in a direction* It's in here!
Dukermin: Cool.
Nalitie: *takes Piggy out of her pocket* He can explore while we rewire this thing.
Piggy: H-hey! Where am I? I can't see without my specs!
Dukermin: Go explore! Just dont break anything.
Piggy: *does his thing*
Nalitie: So... How do we do this?
Dukermin: How am I supposed to know?
Nalitie: Well, we could... um... not ask Alphys because she doesn't need to know about this.
Dukermin: Agreed.Just mess around with some wires....
Nalitie: *pries off the panel that covers the wiring* Oh. *notes that it's all nice and labelled because organization* I still don't know how... any of this works, but that's nice.
Dukermin: Just put some stuff together that makes sense (ha because logic)
Nalitie: *does that* *shocks herself somehow* Ow... maybe we should have a hexipal do this. They're easier to rewire to do the rewiring for us...
Dukermin:do we have one available?
Nalitie: *produces one from her pocket* I kept one just in case. *rewires it and sets it to work*
Hexipal: *Doing the thing*
Nalitie: *also takes some coffee (both normal and virtual) out of her pocket and sips it*
Hexipal: *finishes*
Nalitie: Shall we test it?
Dukermin: Oh yeah..
Nalitie: *goes off to find Piggy* *comes back with him in tow and... starts whatever the process is*
DT/LOGIC Extractor: *extracts*
Dukermin: Does it work is it working
Nalitie: *watching a vial fill with a dark blue liquid* I think so. This sure as heck isn't DETERMINATION.
Dukermin: So what are we gonna do, just sprinkle it all over the shield?
Nalitie: Actually, I left a little spot for it in the power core of the shield. It should spread it for us.
DT/LOGIC Extractor: *done*
Piggy: *probably in great pain*
Dukermin: Thanks Piggy.
Nalitie: We're just gonna leave him down here, right? We'll need more LOGIC eventually, and there are beds and food here. And the Amalgamates if he gets lonely.
Dukermin: Its so inhumane but he would be dead if not for this sooo...
Nalitie: The whole thing is inhumane anyway, and besides, the Amalgamates are just fine, right?
Dukermin: Probably. So back to riewa then?
Nalitie: Yep! But we have to fly because of the shield. Wait nevermind, it's one-way, isn't is?
Dukermin: Mhm. *And off to riewa*
*on Riewa*
Flowey: *being Flowey and also still trying to find water while examining the shield generator*
Dukermin: You know what you're doing hopefully?
Nalitie: Yep! *sees Flowey* Shoot. There's a Flowey here.
Flowey: *sees them* Howdy! I was wonderin' if you'd come back to see little ol' me.
Dukermin: Howdy pardner. You best be moseying along there little buddy or you be getting smacked. I dont know what im saying
Flowey: *still grinning, but a little less* You makin' fun of me?
Dukermin: I don't know honestly. But we ahve a thing to do so uh * meteorite goes through one way sheild and nearly misses him* That was a warmup.
Flowey: *narrows his eyes, but disappears into the ground*
Dukermin: I'm worried, but we will leave this shield and not have to come back for a while so...
Nalitie: Not until the war. *still walking towards the Power Core*
Dukermin: Well lets do the thing
Nalitie: *gets there and opens a panel, then puts the vial of LOGIC in the middle*
Shield: *is slightly tinted blue*
Dukermin: Cool. That probably worked. Let's GO
Nalitie: Probably.
*AND SO THEY Went back to Termata to... do whatever they do next*
The end.
(Table of Contents)
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merakiclosed · 4 years
Wonwoo - My Light
》Pairing: Wonwoo x reader
》Summary:  Why was fate so cruel to bring two people with limited time together?
》Genre: Heavy angst, fluff if you squint, Non-idol
》Word count: 1617
》Notes/Warnings: Please don't read this if you are uncomfortable with any of the following: terminal illness, major character deaths, not a happy ending.
If you want to make it more sad listen to Twenty One Pilots cover of cancer (i think it's sadder)
Tagged:  @lavforreal​ @shuatoyou​
Masterlist | All messages and requests are open <3
All rights reserved © Merakiiverse. Do not repost, translate, or claim as your own. 
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He was only 20 when his life got taken. Too much to see, too many dreams. But he never got to accomplish them. Silent tears make their way down your face as you stand on top of the hospital building, the breeze kisses your skin in comfort. You know what today is, but you can't bring yourself to go there yet. The thought of seeing his family and friends. The thought of seeing him. Standing here as the sun descends should bring you comfort, he always enjoyed these times. Yet the soft rays only solidified reality. It was such a contrast than the white walls, and the suffocating smell of bleach. But the once bold colours, that hold so much life are dull.
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Watching him, you see the light in his eyes as the sun casts a golden hue onto his face, a contrast to his sickly, pale skin. - Much like your own. He looks his age in this light, you realise. Carefree, the wind causing his hair to go haywire. But you can see the sheen of sweat covering his forehead and his sunken cheekbones. His arm that is around you provides warmth, snuggling deeper into him. “Where would you go on holiday?” The question showed how much he was wishing to be somewhere other than this deathly hospital.  
“Hmm. I would like to go to Hawaii.” You hummed.
“That would be nice, we would be able to properly see the sunset.” Closing your eyes, you can imagine being stood with him on the beach, the sand dancing in between your toes, the soft sound of the ocean. And for a second, everything would be alright. Just the two of you with nothing to worry about. But reality sets in with a honk of a car and the light cough that comes from you, his hand rubs your arm comfortingly.
“Where would you like to go?” You question, looking up at him. His eyes are soft when he looks at you, and with a small smile on his face he says, “Anywhere, as long as I’m with you.”
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His arms are warm, wrapped around you as you laid on his bed. The doctors allowed you to move your beds in the same room, it wouldn't cause any harm. The sunlight filters around the room, the fan in the corner accompanying the sounds of the machines beeping. You both never talked seriously, it was too heavy on your hearts as you both know what was inevitable. As you lazily looked around the room, you found that he had more machines hooked up than last time creating a stab to your heart. This wasn't what love should look like.
“Would you say yes if I asked your hand in marriage?” His words shock you, but the thought of being with him forever, longer than this life you were given, causes butterflies in your stomach. Imagine falling asleep and waking up next to him, mini version of you and him running around the house. Laughter and shouts that would echo across the house. It sounds like a dream.
You nod, “Of course I would. I love you.”
He whispers the words back, “till death do us part.”
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Your chest felt like it was being stabbed, your head spinning as you can feel bile rising in your throat. But you won't vomit. No, there's no time for that. Pain pulsates in your entire body, your heart beat rapid as it tries to pump as much blood as possible. You know you should go back to your room, call a doctor. But you won't. You don't want to die on a hospital bed, hooked up to multiple tubes and monitors just like he did. You wanted to stand here, where your last moments were shared. When you were happy.
Cold and bare your feet led you down the path, it was easy to get out of the hospital unnoticed. Your destination wasn't far, only a couple of minutes. You didn't care for the rocks and twigs that stabbed your feet, too busy with the memories that crashed in your head like a tsunami.
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He wears a hat on his head this time, matching the one you adorn. His hair had been falling out in chunks, but you had already been prepared for him by buying couples hats. He laughed when you showed him it, a little note tucked inside, ‘couples who wear hats together stay together.’ You had always been goofy and happy around him, he was your light so you would be his.
Your fingers are tangled together, a strong hold on each other, almost like you'd lose each other at any given second. The stars were up, keeping the moon company. Wonwoo, even though he looks ill, was as handsome as ever. You can't stop yourself when you lean up and kiss his cheek, a small smile on both of your faces. He ponders for a moment before taking his phone out of his back pocket and plays soft piano music. Softly, he grabs your hand as you connect your hands around his neck, smiles not faltering for a second. Lightly you begin to sway to the music.
“I will always love you. Remember that.”
“And I will always love you.” The words you spoke were bittersweet on each of your tongues. He leans down to kiss you and like always fireworks erupt in your stomach as your heart pounds.
It's cut off quickly with a cough, his throat burns as he wheezes, blood accompanying the food coming out. He doesn't stop. Shouting of nurses and doctors that rush towards you both as he’s taken out of your arms. One last longing look at you and that's the first time you cry in front of him.  
Who knew that, that would have been the last time that you would see him.
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You can see Wonwoo’s family, his mother shaking in her husband's grip, hearing her gut wrenching cry. Faintly, you can hear his dad, “he’s not in pain anymore. He loved you now and forever.” You couldn't agree more, he adored his parents and you hoped they liked you. They were so loving and caring, gushing over the both of you and sneaking in homemade food. It felt like a real family. Your feet are stuck to the ground, you'd break down if you saw them now. The coffin is lowered, the shiny gloss of black descending into the ground, somewhere in you is glad that you didn't see his face. - blank and void of life.
It felt like hours once you watched them walk away, your footsteps slow and hesitant, the leaves under your foot crunch. Softly, you graze your hand along his headstone, soft marble under your fingertips. The pain of knowing he’s here is overwhelming, the carving of his name, Jeon Wonwoo. Born 17th July 1996. Death 28th August 2016. Breathing out heavily you remember when he seemed so alive and free, the first time you met him.
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Dying was a weird concept. It was inevitable to all, but some had shorter lives than others. How does that happen? Did they complete everything they wanted; dreams, goals? Some know when it's going to happen, some don't. That’s life, you guess. The good thing would be that no one would miss you. Your family never bothered to come and see you anyway. So, maybe dying wouldn't be a bad thing. Maybe you'd have a better life in the next world.
“You shouldn't be up here.”
“Yeah. Well neither should you.” you retort.
“It's beautiful, right? It feels like you’re on top of the world.”
The dying sun ignites the sky in a mix of amber and blood-red, causing your silhouette to seep behind you. Sadness pours into you, another day is lost in the circle of time. You can’t run away from fate. Maybe that's what dying would be like because when the sun has its last breath, somewhere in you, doesn’t want it to go and disappear.
“Yeah. It does feel like that” you breath, smiling for the first time in years. 
“I’m Wonwoo.”
“I’m Y/n.”
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Your knees buckle underneath your weight, body feeling heavy as your lungs heave. Begging and pleading for more oxygen. Your once silent tears turn into sobs as your grieve. What did you both do to deserve this? Why did fate decide to bring you together? The both of you sick and ill, no treatments and no cures. You started to wonder, was it better or worse that you met him in these circumstances?
Feeling your lungs collapse, you finally fall to the floor. You reach your hand out to touch the tombstone, wishing that you were holding his hand instead. Panting, you find it hard to open your eyes, a singular tear escaping, with a small smile on your face, you whisper up into the sunset, “I told you that I would follow you, till death do us part”
And as you lay alone, with your heart gradually slowing you agree that it was better that in these miserable times he was with you for he was your light.
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