#he wanna eb influencer so bad
coconutshygame · 2 years
Unpopular opinion: Seb got on Instagram, wasn't decided to retire. Saw all the social media shit and made his decision.
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midheavenastrology · 1 year
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♛ Timothee chalamalabingbong is a Capricorn sun🐐Pisces moon 🧜🏼‍♂️ and Virgo rising🧝
♛Capricorn suns are one of the three most misunderstood signs (the other two being Scorpio and Pisces) ☹︎☹︎☹︎Nobody gets us fully..as a Capricorn sun myself, I feel like half of the astrology community gets us completely wrong. Typical pop astrology will say we’re workaholic bores that love following rules and having structure, but that’s so far from the truth.
♛ Every caprisun I’ve met is a complete rebel- they actually hate rules. They also hate work unless the work gives them complete autonomy to be who they want to be. One thing pop astrology does get right is that we have a wicked sense of humor. It’s the Saturn influence- we’ve been through it and lived to tell the tale with a sarcastic grin on our face. (Sorry y’all had to go on a misunderstood Capricorn rant lol)
♛Timmy is known for his sense of humor- he’s a little sarcastic but never mean. He knows to take things seriously but never too serious. He’s also a bit of a rebel- and this probably comes with his Venus in Aquarius as well, but he goes against the grain of Hollywood norm. He doesn’t really do celebrity BS and actually takes time and effort to get to know his fans on a real person basis 🙇‍♀️
♛ Timmy’s pisces moon is this face 🥺🥺🥺 his little heart is probably so lost and so sad. He probably needs a lot of alone time to recuperate from social settings. Pisces absorbs alllll the energy and being his moon sign, it means he probably picks up on everyone’s emotions all the time. It’s exhausting. Y’all paparazzis give him some heckin space geez. His emotions are probably like the tides of the ocean, ebbing and flowing. Pisces moons are old souls with huge hearts.☆☆☆
♛ Y’all wanna know why Timmy talks so fast and eloquently ? It’s prob his virgo influence as a Virgo rising. The mercurial influence of Virgo makes him talk faster, yet still in full sentences with big words. Virgo is smart- Virgo catches all the details. His mind probably moves a mile a minute and catches all the nuances of what is and isn’t being said. It’s also on his ascendant so it’s how he presents himself to the public (like interviews and screening q+a) ✪︎︎✪︎︎✪︎︎
♛ He has as 5th house stellium (as mentioned in my previous post) His sun, mars, Mercury, Uranus, Neptune are all in the 5th house, as well as his vertex and juno. From a logical standpoint, this shows why he is an actor and has always wanted to be an actor. In an interview he was asked what he would do if he wasn’t acting and he promptly answered “nothing..unemployed” With all those planets in the 5th house of the sun, the house of Leo- his creativity must be expressed outwardly. ❤︎❤︎❤︎
♛ He also has vertex there, which is a super fated point in astrology. Your vertex house and sign placement shows you where fate seems to shine upon you. It doesn’t denote that it’s necessarily good or bad, just that destiny comes swooping in. Hence he could have been fated to become an actor. ⚓︎⚓︎⚓︎
I’m so curious if timmy ever got a chart reading and was like “wow, of course I’m an actor lol” ☺︎☺︎☺︎
♛ He has Venus in Aquarius in the 6th house of service and work. This means that he loves working on projects and embodying characters that are a little offbeat, a little Uranian in nature- for ex: his most recent role as Lee, a cannibal lover in “Bones and All”.♁♁♪♁♁♪
♛He also might find love while at work or in service to others- he tends to choose partners that are somewhat unique in their own right- maybe they dress kinda off the cuff or they’re not the typical Hollywood type. 𓆈𓆈𓆈
♛6th house is mentors as well and I’ve noticed Timmy has a lot of Aquarius sun people he looks up to, like Kid Cudi and The Weeknd. Also his older sister is an Aquarius and he really admires/looks up to her 🥲
♛He has his moon in Pisces and Saturn in pisces in the 7th house- to me this hints at cougar energy. Remember when he had that fling with Eiza Gonzalez (who btw is an Aquarius (his Venus in aqua)) and she’s 5 years his senior. ☻☻☻
♛Saturn isn’t just about restrictions or limitations-although with someone who natally has Saturn in the 7th as well and am fully aware of how Saturn 🪐 can really put boundaries on ur love life. Lol✞✞✞But it also means elder energy, someone older than you (also this doesn’t mean older physically per se, it could also mean a 23 year old with elder energy btw) On top of that he has the moon in Pisces in the 7th house as well- which in itself is old soul energy. ❁❁❁
♛Timmy is an old soul for sure and with Saturn in Pisces in his 7th house, there’s a chance he might end up with an older, wiser spouse who might be very spiritual in nature.
♛His south node is in Aries in the 8th house and his north node in Libra in the 2nd house. Aries south node in the 8th is soooo intense. It’s mars energy in a Martian house. I imagine he was a warrior or prince to a royal command, a little like his character in Dune, Paul Atreides. 8th house is about other peoples resources and deeply intimate, unbreakable bonds. His Arian qualities of independence and self identity were bound to someone else’s resource. Perhaps so much that he wasn’t allowed the freedom to be himself or be with who he wanted to be with. There was a lack of balance ⚖️ in his self-identity versus his identity that was bound to someone else. ✡︎✡︎✡︎
♛ They say that a lot of times we are attracted to what we’re familiar with, so at times in life we replay what we were in a past life. I have this theory that actors are actually playing versions of themselves in past lives (take this with a grain of salt..lol, like obviously Evan Peters wasn’t Jeffery Dahmer in a past life..but he could’ve been a cop chasing a serial killer 🤷‍♀️) so who knows maybe Timmy was a prince on another planet somewhere in time or a cannibal drifter on the fringes of society. If you believe in parallel lives and past lives- I believe this is all possible. 𓅓𓅓𓅓
♛His Chiron is in Libra in the 2nd house- He has a wound when it comes to seeing his worth:value in intimate partnerships. It’s about balancing his own values with that of the other and creating safe boundaries of what is his and what is ours. Obvi this might be tough for him because he’s a Pisces moon and Pisces energy just wants to give give give like the martyr that they are, but in order for him to align with a balanced partnership, he must learn to let go of tendencies of self sacrifice.☔︎☔︎☔︎
♛He has his Jupiter and Pluto in the 4th house in Sagittarius: he probably had a rather expansive home life - he did say he would spend summers in the south of France with his family. I don’t think it’s really my place to talk about his Pluto in the 4th, but alls I’ll say is it’s a dark placement with lots of power struggles in the home :/ ༄༄༄
✧✧✧ wow that got long y’all, I didn’t even get to talk about aspects lol but yah Timmy is def a different kinda actor/celebrity. He was born to shine, but he does it with so much grace/humbleness◈◈◈hope y’all enjoyed✩✩✩
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rat-gvf · 2 years
The following is a transcript of texts between V and Sam Kiszka on July 13th, a day after V’s birthday.
V: hey, there. how’d it go last night? you okay? you were pretty drunk. you’re prob. still asleep, but boy do i have quite the stories to tell about it all.
SAM: Morning, V. I’m okay, I think. Just hungover.
V: i am so shocked you’re awake. did you see cam?
SAM: If I did, I don’t remember. I’m really hungover.
V: i figured lol. basically i kept getting birthday shots and stuff from everyone, and i didn’t wanna drink so i just gave em to him.
SAM: Was he fucked up?
V: nah, i cut him off. i may be a bad influence but i am a responsible one.
SAM: LMAO Sure… Okay.
V: you seemed to be having a blast last night.
SAM: Oh yeah?
V: yeah you were with this girl, both of you were pretty fucked up.
SAM: Lol
V: do you remember being there with a girl, sam?
SAM: No, but I think I know who you’re talking about.
V: she was all over you like i used to be lol.
Victoria Pierce anticipated her birthday like any other young woman would- 21 is quite a feat. After years of hiding booze in her shoeboxes, and smoking weed after school dances, V was finally of legal age to buy herself that big bottle of Tito’s and drink it into oblivion. Sam Kiszka was the baby brother of Josh and Jake Kiszka, who were pretty tight friends with V’s big brother Cam. Cameron and Jake played guitar together a lot, so V often saw the entire gaggle of the Kiszka family at her house, and when the boys started Greta Van Fleet, V and Cam wasted no time to go support their local shows. Karen, the Kiszka’s mom, and V’s mom grew close over the years, and when Cam graduated with Jake and Josh, the entire two families seemed to merge together for an extravagant graduation party. V’s mom wasn’t particularly strict about drinking, but she definitely wasn’t lenient like the Kiszka family. While the Kiszka brothers drank beers and shots at their graduation party, V spent her time sober and wondering what she one day might do. Sam Kiszka wasn’t close with V until high school, and they were pretty close friends from the second they started talking. Later in high school, Sam asked V to prom and the rest was history.
Their relationship blossomed into something heavier than expected for the two of them. They were on and off again for a while in the beginning, but the second they both committed, V let Sam move into her small home just out of the outskirts of Saginaw. She knew he had another place to call home in Nashville, in fact, she knew he had several places to call home- but in the summertime, the two of them would reunite harmoniously and the thought of him leaving escaped out through the windows she kept cracked to let in the cool evening air. But, like all good things, the relationship came to a shocking end just two months before V’s 21st birthday. The fight that led to the breakup was over Sam and his fickleness with commitment. Unlike his brothers, who were either in committed relationships, or desperately running from them, Sammy seemed to eb and flow in an indecisive middle ground that drove V completely up the wall. He suggested to V that they open their relationship up, or take a temporary break during his tour so that she could see other people, but the both of them knew it was more about him seeing girls than her seeing other people. V wasn’t necessarily ‘over’ committed to Sam, but her understanding of their relationship was quite flawed since he lived with her part time. So, when Sam suggested that they open things up, she knew no matter what he tried to say to her, it wasn’t about her.
Hateful words that V kept locked inside from feeling unlovable came to the front and she spewed at him things she wished she’d never said. The fight ended with a mutual agreement that because Sammy didn’t have anywhere else to go besides his mom’s when he was in town, that he’d continue to be her roommate in the summer and pay rent rather than hanging out in the same little bedroom they always did. He left V there, and stayed with his brothers at their parent’s for a few weeks- she had to reorganize the entire home to fit the new dynamic that he had created between them. By herself, and with a small amount of help from Cam, V moved her bed into the living room space and let Sam keep the original bedroom. She assumed that it was only a matter of time before he decided he didn’t wanna be around anymore, and she’d have her bedroom back. The house was practically a shed, but that was her fault and not anyone else’s. She wanted the pool more than she cared about space- so she spent all her saved up funds on an in-ground pool outside, and worried less about the rickety one-bedroom’s state. She never thought she’d have to accommodate for a roommate considering she saw herself either in a relationship, or alone. Cam was married and lived in Detroit, and she didn’t have any interest in staying with him and her sister-in-law; the couple were great for each other, but Cam’s wife wanted kids, and so did Cam. V didn’t want to intrude on their family planning, or take up the potential baby’s room.
V missed Sam; she missed the parties they went to, the late night swims, everything. Without him around, she felt quite alone. But, sometimes, in the cool June air, she would roll over on the bed and face that same cracked window- and for a moment she thought she could feel his arms around her again, but it was just the air
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lowat-golden-tower · 6 years
I sent one like this to another but now I want your take with my other favourite ship! So here we go- Roman is smitten with his flatmate Virgil so he tries to summon a demon at the crossroads to make a deal so Virgil will fall in love with him. But the demon that's summoned ends up being his flatmate and hoo boy this is awkward!
(I saw the other prompt you sent to @secretglittersauce and specifically didn’t read it so as not to be influenced. XD Too bad you specified Virgil as the demon, I was leaning more towards Roman for shits and giggles… but now you get Southern!Roman, so there’s that. :D
This took me like fifty years, and wound up way too long, but I hope you enjoy it @fangirltothefullest! I might do one with demon!Patton and Logan as a follow up, if you’re interested?)
Honestly, Roman wasn’t entirely sure this would work. According to folklore, one could summon a demon at a crossroads to broker a supernatural deal. It was a legend spinning around the South for decades, sung in the Blues and whispered between old men in rocking chairs on front porches and store stoops. Hell, Roman had heard it from his own next door neighbor as a mere child. The man, a retired musician and one of young Roman’s many inspirations, used to tell all kinds of stories and fables. Really, it became evident in Roman’s later years that he’d just wanted someone to talk to, or listen.One of those tales had been about the crossroads, and his own experiences with chatting up a demon for a foothold in the music business. Roman had been positively dazzled, though his mother had warned him not to believe in such “nonsense.” She especially warned him not to go wandering about intersections in search of some monster or spirit; that he could pave his own path to his desires.
He really never gave her enough credit. Her advice had pushed him through to adulthood, to where he was now, just the star attraction at the local theater but soon, soon Broadway would be knocking. No, it wasn’t furthering his career that brought him to the crossroads.
Skin white as snow. Hair the color of roasted chestnuts, but fluffy as a newborn chick. Lips that were always chapped because their owner wouldn’t stop chewing on them, pulling them between his teeth and oh, how many times Roman had envisioned his own lips being there instead-
He, may have had a… small thing, for his… roommate. They hadn’t known each other for exceptionally long, but already Roman simply knew they were meant to be. Putting out that ad for a roommate had been the best decision of his life, besides auditioning for his first theater role. They’d hit it off like oil in hot grease, gunpowder and flame, shoving aluminum foil in a microwave and watching the sparks fly. The phrase “opposites attract” had never been more appropriate and Roman knew, he just knew, Virgil must have felt the same. It was a gut instinct, intuition, a feeling in his very bones.Yet, strangely, no matter how hard he tried the man was positively infallible to his advances. Roman liked to think of himself as a romantic; truly the cream of the crop in the flirtatious crowd. He was young and handsome with a smile that gleamed and a voice smooth as silk on the skin. Men and women alike swooned at the mere sight of him. Heartfelt serenades had left more than one romantic prospect weak in the knees.Not Virgil. No pickup line, affectionate gesture, thoughtful song or bold action would sway his roommate. There was the banter, of course, the core and life blood of their relationship, but the mutuality of the spark ended there. Virgil either shrugged off his efforts or outright turned his back on Roman, avoiding it all in the same stubborn manner he’d avoid a proper sleep schedule. It was infuriating at first, but as the weeks went by with zero progress, Roman felt himself growing more and more disheartened. He was desperate.
Which brought him to the crossroads.
Of course, it wasn’t all so simple as wandering to the nearest intersection. No, Roman had to do a little research, and tried to recall details from the story he’d been told as a child. This was going to be quite the grim undertaking, but Virgil was worth it. Roman would do anything to at last break through that gloomy shell and harbor his roommate’s subtle affections.
First, he needed a dirt crossroads. That would be a slight drive to the countryside, but nothing beyond his abilities. Next, he needed a photo of himself- again, hardly a problem. Roman took enough pictures and selfies for ten people. The other two “offerings,” however, were the real test of his mettle. Dirt from a graveyard; morbid, and he’d nearly gotten caught, but luck was on his side. Who knew having a historic graveyard just a few blocks from his residence would be a good thing? The last was the worst. He couldn’t even comprehend why this particular ritual piece would be necessary.
A bone from a black cat.
Roman didn’t like to think about how he’d obtained that one. He hadn’t killed any animals, obviously, thank god. But the alternative wasn’t much more desirable. Still, at the end of the day, he’d claimed his prize and was ready for the event itself.
He wasn’t nervous.
That’s what he told himself, as he shut the items away in a box and pulled the shovel from his car. He kept the mantra up as he found the exact center of the dirt crossroads and dug a shallow hole. Were it not just before midnight, he might have gotten in trouble for this. Thankfully, there wasn’t a residence in sight for at least a mile, and only one lone street light illuminated his desecration.
In went the box. That wasn’t his anxiety spiking, it was adrenaline. This was a big power move. How many people summoned a demon to attain true love? Virgil would probably love it, with his dark affinities and creepy interests. He definitely seemed like the occult type.
Burying the box, Roman patted down the dirt, then returned the shovel to his car. From there, it was just a matter of waiting. Pulling out his phone for a quick game of Candy Crush or a scan of his social media feeds would have been the best time passer, but somehow it felt wrong to bring technology into such a place, during a touchy process like this. He didn’t want to risk anything going wrong. Roman’s knowledge was already shaky at best and at its core this was all nothing but pure rumor and folklore. There was no guarantee it would work.
In the quiet of the countryside, it was just him and the crickets, and the frogs. They chirped away in the field, paying him and his endeavor absolutely no mind. He caught the hoot of a nearby owl and assumed the creature must be up in the old oak tree beside the road. It was the only thing around, besides the streetlight and telephone poles.
The light’s presence came as a relief, honestly. Roman had no idea what phase the moon should be in that night, but it didn’t matter, because the whole sky was clouded over. Not a single star could be seen and thus without the streetlight he would have been stuck in pitch blackness. The heavy shadows outside its circular beam, a metaphorical sanctuary from the unknown, made him uneasy enough. And as the minutes stretched into nearly an hour, he started to wonder if this really was such a grand idea, after all.
In hindsight, it was rather foolish. Go to the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night and bury something in the road, hoping to summon a demon? What was he thinking, exactly? There had to be better ways. There had to be a safer, more sane method to have Virgil fall for him. He didn’t need to do this. He shouldn’t be doing this.
It was when he reached towards his pocket for the car keys that it finally happened, because of course that’s when it did.
The loose dirt where he’d buried the box shifted. It drew his attention instantly, and he blinked. Nothing else happened for nearly a full minute and Roman started to wonder if he’d just seen things, if his mind was indulging his wishful thinking. He shook his head. Anything could have made the dirt move. Maybe he’d buried a beetle too, on accident. Maybe gravity or the wind had finally knocked a few bits of sediment loose. Maybe… maybe…The dirt shuddered again, and then it swelled, rising and spilling out in a circle as something broke through it. Roman knew the hole he’d dug was too shallow for even an animal, let alone a person. There had been nothing this large inside when he’d dropped in the box. The sequence he was viewing with his own two eyes didn’t make any sense.
Yet there it was, a looming shadow with glowing purple eyes. It didn’t look to be much larger than Roman, but its shadow stretched far longer, crossing the boundary of the streetlight to meld with the surrounding darkness. It was holding the box he’d buried. Stunned almost breathless that the stories were true, Roman could only gawk at the thing as it popped the lid off, rummaging around the contents. A hiss bubbled forth from it; Roman swore he could hear the sneer there, even if he couldn’t see it.
“Is this an animal bone? Dude. Nasty.”
Roman blinked again. He recognized that voice. Yes, it was distorted and gravelly, but beneath that was a core cadence he found all too familiar. He squinted, inquisitive, some of the shock ebbing away so that he could push off his car. “I was merely followin’ the necessary ritual! Are ya tellin’ me I didn’t need to include the bone of a black cat?”
The culmination of shadows tossed the bone aside in distaste, snatching up the photograph before callously dumping the graveyard dirt onto the ground. “I mean, if you wanna be all old school about it, sure, I guess. Hope you didn’t kill anything for it.”
Good lord. What place did a demon have to be so damn judgmental?
Roman scoffed and puffed out his chest, confidence returning swiftly on the wings of defensive indignation. “’Course not! Just what kinda person do you take me for, creature of the night?”
He swore the demon rolled its eyes at him, but it was difficult to tell when there were no visible pupils. It stared at Roman’s picture for what felt like ages, not saying anything else, merely scrutinizing his visage. Was this part of the ritual? Did it have to do with the deal Roman would be making? Why didn’t the demon just look at him instead? Then there was the matter of that voice, which Roman still couldn’t pin down. He just knew he’d heard it somewhere- though, that was impossible. This was a demon. How could he know its voice?
At last, the picture abruptly went up in violet flames, not exactly turning to ash but instead disappearing before Roman’s very eyes. The demon performed the equivalent of rolling its shoulders before locking Roman into place with its piercing gaze. “Alright. You summoned me. What is it you want? Fame? Fortune? The hand of some girl who couldn’t care to give you the time of day?”
Roman gasped and pressed a hand to his chest, rightly offended. “Bold of you to assume I like women.”
“Oh, please.” The demon snorted; actually snorted. That sounded familiar too. “I know your type. A dime a dozen; brazen young men who know ‘exactly’ what they want but can’t seem to get their hands on it. So they cut corners, and they summon me, and get me to do their dirty work for them. Or were you just feeling lonely and wanting some company out here, in the middle of nowhere?”
Roman sputtered. He’d expected some derisive comments, perhaps something sinister about the ritual and his soul, but this? This was an absolutely outrageous and unwarranted level of sass. From a demon! He was positively gobsmacked. In fact, there was only one person who so thoroughly thrashed him like this. Ironically, they were the cause for this entire debacle, yet if Roman didn’t know any better he’d think Virgil were there making fun of him. The uncanny similarities were really beginning to grate on his sanity.
Was this part of the demon’s ploy? Did it already know his deepest desire, and was playing on it to wear Roman down? Make him more inclined to accept a grave deal? Swindle him straight out of his soul without actually providing a lick of compensation? What had Roman gotten himself into?
Apparently, the demon didn’t have much patience. It growled softly at Roman’s lack of verbal response. “Well? What do you want? I don’t have all night.”
Roman was surprised by that comment. “Don’t have all night? Whatever do you mean? You’re a demon. What else could you possibly have to do but make deals with people? What, do you have some angels to terrorize? Candy to steal from a baby?”
Oh, the demon was scowling, Roman could just feel it. “I thought maybe, just maybe, viewing me in this form would make you even a tiny bit less annoying. This is what I get for hoping. I should have known hell nor high water would get through that thick skull of yours.”
“Uh. Excuse me?” Now Roman was really confused. “Do I… know you? What do you mean, ‘this form?’ Are you not always a walkin’ ink blot, Bendy the Depressin’ Demon?”
“Like you just said, I’m a demon, princey. I can change my form at will. One of the perks of being a monster. Usually, I just can’t be bothered, so I show up like this and get the deed done with.” The demon sighed, its voice edged with another sneer. “You would be difficult.”
Roman stared. He couldn’t even find it in himself to be offended again, because there was only one person who used that nickname for him: “princey.” Virgil had coined it after coming to one of his musicals, after begging and pleading with the reclusive grump for days. Roman was playing a prince, and after returning home Virgil had commented how fitting the role was. After a bit of banter regarding whether the title was a compliment or not, the nickname had stuck, and it retained a small soft spot in Roman’s heart.
Had the demon read his mind? It was speaking to him with such stark familiarity now, though. The menace and eerie factor were fading in the wake of a growing sass and gruffness. As if directly affected by the change, the elongated shadows were coalescing as well, framing a more distinct silhouette. Roman paled.
It couldn’t be.
“Oh, don’t look so surprised, Your Royal Arrogance. You’ve labeled my appearance as ‘concerningly demonic’ before.”
The shadows melted away, revealing pale skin and brown hair and smudges beneath glimmering purple eyes. Virgil’s clothes were nothing out of the ordinary; just his usual ripped jeans and thick, patchwork hoodie. Were it not for the circumstances, Roman might think his roommate had simply snuck along for the ride. Instead, the reality of the matter was starkly reaffirmed for him when Virgil parted his lips to reveal two rows of sharp, pointy teeth. More could be seen behind them as he spoke, the distortion gone from his voice. “In the flesh. Well, relatively speaking. This still isn’t my true form.” He shrugged.
Roman gaped, eyes so wide they could have popped right out of their sockets. He had to be dreaming. Maybe he’d never actually left the apartment. Maybe he’d changed his mind, been sensible and just gone to bed, and now his brain was conjuring up what going out to the middle of nowhere to summon a demon of all things would have looked like.
Which was why it looked like Virgil, because dreams were messed up and jumbled together and never, never made a lick of sense. That was the only explanation. He refused to believe this was real.
A blink, and suddenly Virgil- the demon- no, the dream demon- was in his face, mere inches separating their noses. The demon had raised a fist to mime knocking on the empty air and there was mirth glinting in his eyes. “Knock knock, Prince Gawking. Anybody there?” He gave a dark chuckle when Roman understandably leaped back, hitting his car with a loud “thud.” “Okay, I take it back. You are difficult, but this is also really amusing and totally worth the trouble. You look like a mouse.”
Roman spluttered, his indignation returning as he felt an embarrassed heat rush to his face. “I beg your pardon! I am no mouse!” He hurried to straighten up and dust himself off, tugging down his shirt hem. “An’ you will cease usin’ the visage of my cru- of my roommate immediately!”
Virgil- the demon- snorted, still clearly amused. Every time he so much as smirked, or sneered, Roman got another good look at all of those sharp teeth. The sight of them sent chills running laps along his spine. “Oh, but princey. This is what makes you comfortable, isn’t it?” He spread out his arms. “The person you spend the most time with, the one who’s always on your mind. Oh yes- I gleaned enough from those shoe box offerings you buried. This, is precisely who you want to see.”
Roman paled a bit and swallowed hard. “Listen here, Bruce. Cloakin’ yourself in his skin doesn’t make you any less of a shark. Much as I might compare Virgil to the demonic sort an’ the occult, you are besmirchin’ his name by puttin’ on this little act! I won’t stand for it!”
Abruptly, the demon rushed up in a violent surge of purple flames. Roman was so stunned he stumbled back and landed on his butt in the dirt, all bravado expelling from his lungs in a rush. The sass really made it easy to forget he was speaking with a denizen of hell. “Then sit for it! Because guess what, princey, this is no act.” The demon bellowed. Clearly, it was exasperated and possibly frustrated.
Well, it wasn’t the only one. “Stop callin’ me that!”
“Calling you what? Princey?” The demon sneered, though it was simmering down, returning to its more humanoid form.
“Yes, princey!” Roman snapped. He scrambled to his feet, determination burning in his brown eyes as he worked up the courage to stare the monster down. His fists had clenched at his sides. “You’re not allowed to use it. Only he is.”
The demon quirked a brow. “Who? Virgil?” Another dark chuckle and the demon shook its head. “Oh, princey…”
“What did I jus’-”
“Who exactly did you think you were talking to all this time? A doppelganger? Tough luck.” A blink, and suddenly a more realistic, spot-on Virgil was standing there. The sharp teeth were gone, the eyes had dulled and the sinister aura which had been whipping about the creature had disappeared. “Virgil is already here. It’s me, I’m him. So, that means I can say what I want. Princey.”
“That’s impossible!” Roman exclaimed. “Virgil isn’t a demon. He’s my roommate! He’s always been perfectly human, this is jus’- ’s some dream, ‘r a sick joke. You said it yourself, you can shapeshift! This is jus’ a trick to steal my soul!”
“Uh, newsflash, Drama Overlord. You came here and summoned me. To make a deal. Exactly what were you planning to barter with if not your soul?”
“Well- that’s, uh…”
“Trust me when I say you’re not dreaming. I know that first part- trust me- might be a hard pill to swallow, but this is real, and you’re no Sleeping Beauty. You’ve already hit your ass twice. Don’t you think you would’ve woken up by now?” Virgil was starting to circle Roman, eyeing him up like a wolf or a butcher.
Roman would really like to know just where his bravery had run off to. He had a few choice words for it. “I mean, that’s… that is…”
“And you’re right. I can shapeshift. But I’m not gaining much by taking this form, am I? I could’ve stayed a shadow and gotten this crap over with. I just wanted to see the look on your face at realizing you’ve been sleeping under the same roof as a demon all this time. Real hellspawn. I could prove it, if you like.”
He swore he felt something brush against his back; did Virgil have a tail? Horns, too. Was it on purpose? Was Virgil just messing with him?
“You always hide the spare key under the loose step instead of the doormat. You won’t admit it but there’s a bunny sticker still stuck to the sliding glass door for the balcony from when you put them up as Easter decorations and didn’t realize they’d be a bitch to peel off. All of your shampoo smells like a fruit salad, you have an entire stash of Lush bath bombs hidden under your towels, you spend at least one entire hour every morning getting ready, even if you have nothing planned for the day.”
“Now jus’ hold on a minute-”
“You sleep with a stuffed Build-A-Bear you dressed up like a prince, his name is Sir Growls-a-Lot. You refuse to drink anything carbonated, even sparkling water, and you always put Crofter’s on your breakfast- even when it’s not toast. You prefer cinnamon toothpaste over mint like the damn Extra diva you are. I can go on. And trust me, unless I’d been targeting you, I would not know all of this.” Virgil grumbled, “I sort of wish I didn’t….”
Roman was gobsmacked- again. He stared at Virgil for a long period of time before finally, slowly, bringing a hand up to press against his own chest. His eyes stung with the wetness of unshed tears and his expression was the epitome of fondness. “You… remembered all that… about me?” His voice squeaked a little.
Virgil immediately looked like he’d swallowed an entire lemon. He glowered at Roman and shoved hands into his pockets. “Shut up.” His voice reverberated and echoed, like it had while he was ensconced with shadows. “Point is, I’m a demon. The dude you’ve been rooming with is a goddamn demon so now the question is, what are you gonna do about it? I’m still waiting to hear what you want. But then are you just gonna go back? Pretend this was all a dream and look at me the same in the morning?”
Roman blinked. Oh. Right. The entire reason he’d driven out here in the middle of the night, and gone through the trouble of gathering the ritual items. He’d almost forgot. In an instant, it felt like a stone had been dropped into his stomach, and his next swallow was around a dry throat. He began to fidget, no longer able to look at Virgil, those soft feelings gone from his face. He awkwardly cleared his throat. “Ah… yeah. About that. You see… it’s… um. Right, the thing is… I….”
Virgil released an aggravated sigh. “Get on with it, Your Shyness. I don’t have all night.”
“What do you mean you don’t have all night? You’re a demon- nevermind, nevermind, gettin’ off topic here.” Roman cleared his throat again, desperately coughing into his fist as if it would make this any easier. How was he supposed to know the demon he summoned would be the same person he wanted to fall for him? This is what he got for messing with the supernatural. “I wanted… to… have someone fall for me. As hard as I’ve fallen for them. You see, they don’t seem to really notice me, or my advances. I’m… jus’ about at wit’s end.”
Virgil scoffed. “I can see that. You summoned me for help. Pretty desperate.” He brushed some of his bangs out of his face with a soft huff. “Should’ve known it’d be something love related, if not fame. You always were the worst type of romantic.”
Roman winced. He tried not to shrink under Virgil’s scrutiny, but it was hard. Because he knew which question was coming next.
“Surprised you’re so embarrassed about it all of a sudden. Or that you didn’t rant to me about it. You ramble about all your other passions in life. What makes this guy so different?” He eyed Roman a bit longer, partially just to make the man squirm, before shrugging his shoulders. “Whatever. Not like it matters. What’s the poor asshole’s name?”
“Ah…” Roman rubbed at the back of his neck and shuffled his feet. Never before had he been so nervous, even before his very first on-stage performance in front of a real crowd. He was basically confessing here- not even just that, he was admitting that he cared for Virgil’s affections enough to seek out a demon. Hoo boy. He’d really stepped in it this time. “His name… is… Virgil.”
It was Virgil’s turn to blink. He stared at Roman, taken aback, before cool indifference slid over his face again with a shake of his head. “Wow. Figures. Same name as me, this is gonna be fun to deal with.” He sighed. “Last name? Gotta have the whole thing if I’m gonna mess with their head.”
Roman wrung his hands together. Well, there was no real backing out now. Might as well go the whole nine yards. “Virgil Deimos.”
The silence which instantly engulfed their little ring of light was palpable. The tension from Virgil’s initial appearance, which had slowly ebbed away, returned with a nasty vengeance and then some. It was so thick in the air Roman swore it was trying to choke and suffocate him. He wanted to cough, but he’d admit it- he was too scared. Virgil was staring him down with such a blatant intensity and disbelief that it stole away his last remaining breath.
Why the hell did he still find him so beautiful, even like this? He must have a death wish.
At last, the silence was broken by the sound of tinkling glass. Except it wasn’t glass, it was Virgil, and he was beginning to laugh. The demon laughed, tilting his head back, the sound warped and distorted and just a touch hysterical. Roman thought he saw a glimmer of tears rimming those smudged eyes and he grimaced. He hadn’t even known it was a thing for demons to cry. He’d certainly never seen Virgil do it, but then, Virgil usually hid away in his bedroom whenever he was feeling upset about something.
The laughter subsided, and Virgil brushed away the tears with a careless finger. They must have been from pure mirth because he didn’t look sad at all when he focused on Roman again. “You’re joking. Okay, I get it. You find out I’m a demon, you know I’ve been scaring the piss out of you on purpose, so you try pulling my leg. Good one. Now what’s his real name?”
Roman sputtered. “That is the name! Virgil Deimos.” He stared the demon down, even as he felt that heat return to his cheeks. “…you. It’s you, alright?”
Virgil’s eyes glinted purple for a brief moment, and then he took a step back. His expression shifted to shock. “You’re serious. Holy shit.”
“Uh, isn’t it an oxymoron ‘r somethin’ for a demon to use the word holy-”
“Shut up.” Virgil snapped, before running clawed fingers through his hair. “Holy shit. Holy shit. You mean it. You mean… me. Me. Why?” He turned to look at Roman again, his eyes narrowed with newfound suspicion and paranoia. “…why?”
Roman bit at his tongue for a moment. Lord, hadn’t he gone through all of this trouble to avoid blatantly confessing his feelings to Virgil? Still, now that he knew Virgil was a demon with untold power, he was far more inclined to just answer the question. He only hoped Virgil didn’t get insulted or something and decide to rip his guts out. “Why? Why? Because you’re soft-” He tensed as Virgil hissed and hurried on. “-a-an’ attractive!”
Virgil scoffed. “You call me things like ‘Emo Nightmare’ on a regular basis, princey. And constantly judge my ‘look.’” Virgil raised his hands to use air quotes for emphasis.
It was Roman’s turn to huff. “Jus’ because I might not… agree… with your fashion choices, that doesn’t mean you aren’t attractive. You’ve got this sort of… broody, dark allure about you.”
“Wow, you really only hit half of that ‘Prince Charming’ nickname, don’tcha?”
“Shut up an’ listen to me!” Roman snapped, and he was a little surprised when Virgil actually blinked and shut his mouth. Well… good. Maybe he could actually get out more than one sentence at a time now. He tugged down his shirt a bit and straightened his shoulders. “From the moment I saw you, I was smitten. Downright lovestruck, do you hear me? Cupid took one of his frivolous little arrows an’ jabbed it straight into my heart!” He mimed the act of being stabbed in the chest.
Virgil rolled his eyes, but there was the barest hint of a smile on his face. “Nice choice of words there.” At Roman’s glare, he held up his hands. “Couldn’t resist, couldn’t resist, go on.”
Roman pouted at him. “Laugh an’ be amused all you want, but I speak the truth. There are many things I like about you, Virgil.” His tone softened, along with his gaze, and he offered the demon a hand. Of course, Virgil only proceeded to stare at the appendage like Roman had lost his mind, and maybe he had. He continued speaking nonetheless. “I like how your hair is an utter mess in the mornin’, but you don’t seem to care. I like how meticulous you are about your eye liner, an’ your hoodies, but little else. I think it’s adorable that your favorite color is purple, that you doodle little storm clouds any time you get your hands on paper an’ a writin’ utensil. I like how intense your voice gets when you’re passionate, an’ how witty you can be with your sass. Few can be a match for me, after all.
“I like how you always curl up into a ball, no matter what you happen to be sittin’ on. How you always hug the throw blankets an’ pillows. You’re never cold, you jus’ like to be cradled in soft things, an’… I’ve always wondered if that could include my arms.” Roman dropped to a knee. He wasn’t entirely sure why, but it just felt right. This grand gesture and confession of love needed the proper pose! “I’ve wanted you, Virgil. I’ve wanted you for weeks an’ I’m at my wit’s end.”
Virgil actually looked uncomfortable, but not in a bad way. More like he’d never dealt with this sort of affection before, or the feelings it caused. He was flustered. “You can’t be serious. Crushing on me for weeks? All we ever do when we’re in the same room together is butt heads.”
“That’s jus’ it!” Roman exclaimed. “I absolutely live for our banter, the heat of a verbal battle, each of us vyin’ to have the last clever word! That’s when you’re at your most fiery, your most enticin’. I tried comin’ onto you in several ways, but you always mistook my flirtations as a gag, ‘r a tease. You always completely missed the point an’ you never took me seriously- just like you’re not takin’ me seriously right now!” Roman’s eyes might as well have been aflame. “Well, it doesn’t matter if you believe me or not! You’re here to make a deal with me, right? I want Virgil Deimos to notice me. I want him to feel things for me. Or at the very least, see my motives for what they truly are.”
Virgil seemed to be at a loss, and Roman knew he had him. The demon squinted at him, scowling hard and shoving his hands back into his hoodie pocket. “You realize that means I get your soul, right? You’re not even asking me to fall in love with you, or be yours. You’re asking for a chance. That’s all.”
Roman smiled, and his voice had gone soft again. “I know. But even if you are a demon, I wouldn’t want to force you into anythin’. I wouldn’t try to make anyone love me. What’s the point, then? Is it really love? I just want a chance to earn it. I want that initial spark, an’ then time to see if I can fan the flames into somethin’ truly marvelous an’ worthwhile. An’… if I fail at that….” He dropped his gaze. “…I suppose it would at least have been worth the adventure, in the end.”
Virgil pursed his lips. He looked legitimately torn for a moment, which was odd. For him, as a demon, surely this must be a real win-win of a situation. No matter what, he’d get Roman’s soul, and he might not even need to pay the full price for it. So why did he look so conflicted? “I….” He stared at Roman for several moments longer before sighing. “I… can’t. I can’t make this deal with you.”
Roman was immediately on the defense. “Why not?! I summoned you! You’re supposed to take whatever deal I’m offerin’, that’s how it works, you can’t jus’-” A cold finger pressed to his lips and his brown eyes widened.
“Shut up, princey.” Virgil growled. He was quick to remove his finger, clearly uncomfortable with the gesture but desperate to stop Roman from talking. “I’ll still make you a deal. Just… not that one. Not one for your soul.” He grumbled, “At least not immediately.”
Roman blinked. “What… do you mean?”
Virgil sighed. “Listen. I might be a demon, but I’m not heartless, and I’m not as cruel as I could be. I’m not… just gonna let you throw away your soul on me. But I am obligated to make a deal with you. So how about this? I’ll… give you your chance. To swoon me, win me over, whatever. If… if you fail at that, like you decide to give up and move on, I… I get your soul then. But if it works, deal’s off. You won’t owe me anything.”
Roman could do nothing except stare at Virgil, wide-eyed. He belatedly realized he was still on his knees. Something about that minute detail made the situation all the more poignant. “But… why? Why do this for me?”
Virgil wasn’t looking at him, but he did provide an answer; sort of. “Don’t worry about it. Demon business. You wouldn’t understand.” Roman had a feeling that was a load of bull, but Virgil barreled on so he couldn’t call the demon out on it. “Anyway, do we got a deal or not? I can’t refuse to make one with you, but… you can change your mind. Now’s your last chance to do it.” Virgil stuck out his hand.
Roman’s stare shifted to the appendage instead, while the gears churned away inside his head. Technically, he was still getting what he wanted. Now he just had the chance to skip out on eternal damnation. He couldn’t even be paranoid about it being a trap or a trick; Virgil had clearly lowered his odds at getting Roman’s soul. It really didn’t make a lick of sense to him, but… who was he to look a gift horse in the mouth? Perhaps Virgil had a change of heart. Maybe he already saw Roman in a new light, after all. His stance on trying had hardly changed, so… he had nothing more to lose.
Decisively, Roman took Virgil’s hand, giving it a firm shake. “Deal.”
A flicker of anxiety passed through Virgil’s face before it dimmed back into indifference, and he retracted his hand. “Alright. Cool. You just made yourself a deal with a real life demon, Sir Desperate. How does it feel?”
In a single, fluid motion, Roman rose to his feet. One hand pressed fingertips to his chest, while the other swooped out in a grand gesture towards Virgil. He was giving the demon his very best smolder. “Like I’ve got a chance in hell.”
Virgil’s eyes widened, then he snorted, shaking his head. “This is gonna be hell. For me, anyway.” He looked over at Roman’s car and quirked an eyebrow. “You drove all the way out here in the middle of the night? You really do have a death wish.”
Roman laughed and spun on his heel, hands rising up towards the sky. “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn!”
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robertabobertson · 5 years
Oh no. Oh fuck. 
It’s happened. I’m officially completely in love with Andrew. Unconditionally, dreaming about him on and off throughout the day, thinking about our future together, thinking wayyyy too far into the future and things I wanna do with him. Like plan a trip to Italy? Thinking about how he would make an amazing stay at home dad? Considering living in Decatur with him until we’re old and weird? LOLZZZ what is wrong with me. Ugh. 
I can’t help it. I’m so in love with this guy that I’m just going to have to word vomit here or else I might accidentally yell at him while drunk how much I love him. While running yesterday, I created a conversation of me talking to his mom and explaining why I love him. Yikes. 
He tells me now, all of the time how much he loves him. And how lucky he is to have me. And how he wants all of the goo and love from me and to not hold back. Well, I’m not. I feel this desire to wrap him in love and kindness and sweetly hold him until he feels safe and happy. I want to protect him.. ? Why? Hmm... I think because this has been a rough year for him. And it’s getting kind of harder for him to deal with his emotions. And I see that. And he’s drowning. But if he has something.. someone to hold onto. Someone who is pure and good and hates evil, then he can survive. And he can hold onto her as the rest of the world sweeps away everyone else who doesn’t have someone. 
I’m not saying I’m his savior. Jesus no. But, I think right now, in this time of his life he might.. need me. Idk. Maybe I’m wrong here. But I kinda want him to need me. I can already tell a difference in him since this weekend. He wants my love and he is being sweet and calling me. And he is going to work early. And sleeping. And working out regularly. I’m so fucking happy. I want him to feel good and fulfilled. 
Anyways. It’s well understood by ME (god i sound crazy sometimes), that I love to fix people. Not to change them. But to uplift them and support them, IF I think they’re worthwhile investments. I believe Andrew is a worthwhile invetsment of my time. I don’t obviously mean money, no I mean in what he gives back to me. He’s changed me. Here’s how: 
1. I want to be a better, stronger, stable woman who owns her thoughts, her actions, her life, and her money. Someone who stands for something and has something to say. 
2. I am back into my music. My beautiful fucking music. I missed it so much 
3. He makes me want.. kids. Wtf. I want to start a family with him, and love them and travel with them and grow into some weird goofy family of love. 
4. I am back to being alpha-female. Paul made me soooo beta. But now, I feel strong. I feel loved by myself. I feel... in control of my destiny. Not strapped on to someone else’s
5. I feel my anxiety ebbing away. I can talk to Andrew about my emotions, and it’s something he also understands intimately. 
6. I feel my sexuality is back 
7. I am confident. I can talk to anyone. I am knowledgeable, I am intelligent, I am socially ept. I feel good about this
8. I want to avoid mind-numbing behavior. Binge eating, binge watching, anything that doesn’t make use of the brilliant brains we’ve been given. I want to continue exploring new topics, being an informed woman who gives back to the world. Andrew loves to explore topics deeply, something I really admire. 
9. I want to give back! I think I want to mentor someone or clean up the pathway between Whole Foods and TJs. Either way, I want to. 
10. I don’t know everything. The world can change, and my future with it. But I don’t need to know everything and where it’s going, and that’s ok. Andrew has shown me that it’s ok to not know. To even occasionally flip. So long as your honest and sincere in your intentions, you don’t have to be completely settled on 1 thing. Having an open mind to what else is out there is important to him. 
11. I want to be an honest, sincere, authentic form of myself. I don’t have to people please everyone. I want to smile when I want to, laugh when I want to, not feel the social pressure to prove to people I am on their side, especially when I’m not. Andrew is honest. Even to a fault of being too honest. But I love it. 
~Obvi some of this is directly influenced by andrew and traits he shows me he has (discipline, intelligence, healthy, fit, family-values etc.) but I feel like I am re-finding this version of myself that wants all of these things and it’s incredible. I am rediscovering who I want to be and it’s entirely my decision and who i know I am. Wow. I’m am just realizing what a gift that is. I want to be me. And Andrew supports that. 
Obviously, Andrew has some flaws that scare me. He can flake out, be selfish, doesn’t always prioritize me, forgetful, lacks certain ambitions, slightly fragile, self-conscious, friends who might be bad for his lifestyle, and he might be hotter than me meaning he could leave me for a more attractive mate. 
But all that aside, I see a lot of potential in him. And I love him. And I want to be the woman that supports him in this part of his life. 
Last few thoughts: I still have some questions for him. 
Why does he love me? 
What does he want in a relationship? (I’m looking for a partner to go through all the crazy life shiz with, good bad ugly, blah blah you know my shpeal) 
What does he see for his future? (marriage? kids? job?) 
Would he move for me? 
Are we officially dating? (lols i hate this Q)
And finally, I want to let him know I am going to take risks in communicating with him. Things I sometimes hold back. I want to try and speak to them, even though they scare me. Like the fact that I don’t want him to flake on me anymore. That I want him to meet my parents. That I wanna date him. That I might hold resentments about the adderall. 
Communication is key to every relationship. ALL. Parents, friends, siblings, loved ones. Misinterpretation is bad news. I want to work on this. 
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