#he was always just THAT LEMON FUCKER 🍋
nevertheblood · 2 years
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this is from fb but
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fific7 · 2 years
White Wedding Pt 1
Logan Delos x Reader
A/N: Alpha/Omega/Soulmate AU, based on Billy Idol’s song of the same name. This does not follow canon, it’s mainly Logan lemon zest 🍋 because the world always needs more Logan.
Summary: James has agreed to retire, leaving Logan and Juliet in charge of Delos. But there is one major condition attached… will Logan find it to be a deal-breaker?
Warnings: 18+ NSFW due to sexual content, including oral, between consenting adults*. Drinking and swearing.
*Irl, please use protection, let’s be careful out there.
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(My Photo Edit)
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Hey little sister, what have you done
Hey little sister, who's the only one
Hey little sister, who's your superman
Hey little sister, who's the one you want
Hey little sister, shotgun
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Logan shot up out of his seat.
“Wait, what?!”
His handsome face - unusually - held an expression of horror and disgust. Most times you’d see either a languid smile, a devilish smirk or just plain indifference. But not right now.
He couldn’t believe what his father had just said. Out loud. For the whole board to hear.
James laughed out loud, and even Juliet smirked before quickly looking down.
“You heard, Logan,” he said, still not quite done laughing.
“How come you haven’t asked Juliet to fulfill the same condition? That’s… that’s just complete bullshit.. and favouritism and.. and.. it’s discriminatory!”
The other board members were smirking, Logan just knew they were. He was absolutely furious.
Logan heard Juliet snigger loudly and she looked straight at him, her eyes twinkling. He couldn’t resist flashing her a tiny grin … he was so pleased they were back on good terms now that she’d dumped her asshat of a husband, the charming William.
James, on the other hand… the lingering smile which had remained on his face dropped right off there and he sent one of his glacial looks at Logan.
“Because she’s not a drunken, whoring fucked up junkie, lad! You… on the other hand…” he said, pointing at Logan, his voice rough and his accent sounding broader than usual.
Logan collapsed back into his seat, “Yeah, yeah!… but not any more… rehab, remember?”
His father leaned even further back into his fancy-ass “I’m the Boss” big leather chair at the head of the boardroom table.
“Yes, lucky for you. By god, laddie… you will keep on the straight and narrow, no backsliding!… call this an incentive to keep yourself nice and clean...and well-behaved.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Juliet hurried to keep up with her irate sibling as he stormed across the driveway and into her house. He’d grabbed her house keys from her as she’d been taking them out of her bag, still fuming even though the meeting had been over for at least an hour.
“Lo… will you calm the fuck down!” she yelled at his back as he unlocked and threw open her front door. Luckily she had a doorstop between it and the hall wall, otherwise the door handle would’ve made a big mark there as it headed for the wall at high speed.
“That absolute fucker!” he screeched as he strode into her living area. He swung round suddenly, a guilty look on his face. “Oh… Em’s not here, is she?”
Juliet dropped her large tote onto the ground and quietly closed the door behind her.
“A bit late if she was here!… luckily for you, she’s at the afterschool club with her little buddies.”
Logan helped himself to some of her bourbon, a small measure. He held up the bottle to her and she shook her head, “I’ve gotta pick up Em later.”
He threw himself onto the sofa, and Juliet sat down next to him. He took a big gulp of his drink, “I swear.. I wish I’d been born one of those pussy Betas.”
She laughed, and put her hand on his arm, “Well.. unfortunately for you, you were born a big healthy Alpha male … which you insist on proving at every opportunity.”
“Not recently,” he grumbled, taking a smaller sip. He heaved a big theatrical sigh, “I haven’t had any in fucking forever!”
Juliet knew that his ruts had been erratic recently due to his substance abuse and it had been a blessing in disguise, really. Not that Logan had actually ever needed his ruts to get his groove on. But his counsellor had told him that they would probably return soon and as his session notes were made available to his father, James had decided that before this happened, and as a condition of his imminent retirement whereby he’d hand over control of the company to his two children, Logan would need to get married.
“You’re such a drama queen, Lo,” she laughed. He huffed, “Am I? Am I? Well! How would you like if he’d told you to get married to some fucking Omega within a month?”
“Look… I’ll do what I can to help,” she soothed, “I’ve got a contact at Los Palos Verde.”
Logan turned his head towards her, “What’s that? Some skanky knocking shop for stray Omegas or something?” She lightly slapped his shoulder, “No! It’s a retreat for high-end unclaimed Omegas.”
“Yes, unclaimed. Whereby they either haven’t met their soulmates yet or don’t even have one, and as highly prized females they’d be in danger if left out in the mainstream.”
Logan ran a hand over his face and up into his lush dark hair, “Fuck! This is so … so fucking… I just can’t believe he’s insisting on this.”
“I’ll make an appointment for you. It’s seriously the best retreat in California. There’s a long waiting list but my contact will get you to the head of the queue. During the appointment, you are allowed to meet and scent some of the residents, and if you feel a strong attraction or bond with any of them, you’re allowed to briefly sample them in a controlled environment.”
“Scent them? Sample them? What the fuck… you mean like a fucking tasting menu in some fancy restaurant?” and he laughed for the first time in a while.
Juliet’s face pinked up, “I’m not going into details, Lo… you’ll find out when you get there.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Los Palos Verde
You carefully placed your book on the little table next to your plush, comfortable chair and sat back, looking out over the vista of pine trees and palms which surrounded the enclave.
This place usually made you feel calm. Whilst it was a pretty solitary existence - there was limited social interaction between the Omegas as the Betas who ran it said that there was potential scent-mixing - there was a tranquil vibe which you adored and required. But you were troubled today.
The longer you’d existed in the mainstream without meeting your soulmate the more dangerous life had become for you. There had been a spate of Omega kidnappings by rogue Alphas who had basically placed them into brothel/baby farms where they were just basically used and used and used, forevermore.
You had no family left in the US, and the European branch had been singularly uninterested in taking you in due to some long-ago but never forgotten family dispute. When your grandmother had died five years ago - she’d outlived her children - you’d been very surprised to learn that she’d left you a substantial legacy. You were surprised because she’d always refused to ever meet you. Your father, her middle son, had got his college girlfriend pregnant and you were the outcome. Your parents had never married but co-habited, and your grandmother had been outraged by that and also because both your parents had also dropped out of college and schlepped round California in a neo-hippy kind of lifestyle.
You had been identified as a Platinum Omega very early in your life. You actually had wished over and over that you weren’t, but what choice did you have? It meant that you were the very top notch of Omegas - the most beautiful, the most fertile when you needed to be and therefore highly prized by Alphas. When it became obvious a couple of years ago that remaining in the mainstream could potentially be very dangerous for you, you’d sold your condo and along with your inheritance had had enough to buy yourself a place at Los Palos Verde for 10 years. It meant that you were safe from any kidnap attempts and the humiliation of having to take a place in one of the government-sponsored Omega Centres, which were basically just brothels by any other name, where single Alphas could go to scratch an itch or during a rut.
At the end of the 10 years, you’d review the security in the mainstream and see what your options were at that point. Some of your inheritance was in an interest-bearing Savings Bond so you weren’t exactly penniless, thankfully. Meanwhile, your stay at Los Palos Verde was all-inclusive … and also included an inhibitor for your monthly heat cycle. You were determined that you would not get pregnant until you met your Alpha soulmate. You frowned… huh… if you met your soulmate, you should say. You were beginning to think it’d never happen, and also you knew that being in the retreat limited your chances of meeting him. But if you were out in the mainstream, although you might meet your soulmate, you could just as easily get yourself human-trafficked. That was your delightful Catch-22 situation and you just had to deal with it.
And also hence the reason for your troubled mind. As part of the contract you had to sign when you took up residence here, there was a clause which you hadn’t anticipated and weren’t exactly thrilled about either. The Betas who ran the place reserved the right to put any Platinum Omegas forward should any of their VIP Alphas request a meeting. You had to agree to be scented and sampled by them if requested. You’d strongly protested but basically if you didn’t agree to it, you would not be accepted into LPV. So with a heavy heart, you’d signed your acceptance of all their T&C’s.
However since you’d been here, you’d never been approached by them about the weird-sounding scenting and sampling thing. So you’d kinda forgotten all about it. Until yesterday. One of the Betas had messaged you on the internal system and advised that you would be required to present yourself at 2 pm in two days’ time for scenting. You were instructed not to take your inhibitor, not to use perfume or deodorant, and to wear a camisole top with no bra and yoga pants with no underwear. You’d messaged back and asked why, and had received a terse reply that as per your contract, you had agreed to this and therefore you would prepare yourself without argument.
Now what in holy hell was this all about?
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Your apartment door buzzer rang at 1.45 pm the day later, and a Beta female you hadn’t seen before asked you to accompany her to the ‘Scenting Suite”, whatever the fuck that was, you thought grumpily.
This ‘Suite’ was a luxurious, calm space with long, low futon-like beds spaced out around the room. The floor-to-ceiling windows allowed green-shadowed sunlight to spill in, muted by gauzy curtains.
Your hair was tied back, and you were asked to lie down on one of the futons and then covered head to toe by the light cotton sheet so that you were unable to see anything any longer. There was no one else in the Suite when you entered, but then you heard another and then another set of footsteps, and the rustling of sheets nearby. So… three of you involved, then. The Beta’s voice said in a low tone next to your ear, “We will uncover a small area and The Alpha will place his nose on your neck. Please do not recoil or react, just lie still. If he wishes to, he will move his nose over your neck, your collarbone, your shoulder, and you will allow this.”
A few moments later, you heard the Suite door open and a low murmuring of voices. Then a louder, deeper voice, “So whadda I do, exactly?” He sounded almost sulky. More low murmurs, and his voice again, “Really? Ah, okay then.” Yeah, definitely sulky.
They must’ve begun with one of the others, you thought as no one approached you yet. Another few moments went by without any action around your futon. Then you heard footsteps which seemed to be heading your way. You heard the same Beta female voice who’d spoken to you earlier say, “And this… this is our Platinum Omega.” You heard a small snort, “What? Like.. same as a damn Ferrari or something?” Your lips involuntarily curved into a smile, thinking to yourself… cheeky bastard. Then you got mad, as you suddenly realised that that was exactly what it sounded like.. as if you were an inanimate object in a car showroom. Were they…. they sounded like they were trying to sell you to this guy??
You felt light fingers pull aside the sheet on the right side of your neck, but as the rest of the sheet was underneath your head, that was all that was revealed. You still couldn’t see a damn thing.
Then you felt a warm nose against your skin and you felt him huff in a breath. You were also able to smell him… spicy, musky, with an indescribable hint of the man himself mixed in there. His nose suddenly travelled up behind your ear then back down, further down than he’d been before, and across your shoulder to your collarbone, pushing aside the sheet as he went. If he kept on at this rate, who knows what he’d end up revealing. His nose kept travelling across your skin, back and forth, back and forth. You heard the Beta voice, “Please! Mr .. uhh… sir… the scenting is over now.”
He’d buried his nose in your hairline at the nape of your neck by this time, and he moved away. You heard a quiet, “Damn!”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Logan stood up, reluctantly. Well goddamn, he hadn’t expected that visceral reaction from himself. He looked down at the figure on the futon. Obviously he couldn’t see much except a vague outline, as the sheet covered her completely.
Juliet had been as good as her word and got him an appointment today at this weird place, in amongst the pines and palms. If he hadn’t received a voicemail full of curses and threats from his father yesterday he probably wouldn’t have bothered driving up here. Then when he walked into their ‘Scenting Suite’ or whatever the fuck they called it, he’d been disturbed to see three prone figures on futons, covered by white sheets - they looked like they were extras in The Mummy Returns or something. Creepy as fuck. He didn’t like this whole circus one tiny fucking bit.
The first two Mummies he’d been led over to… well, yeah.. they smelled ok. Like women. You know, how women smell. Nice. OK, yeah. What was he doing here again??
Then the third Mummy. The snippy-looking Beta had reverently informed him that this was their Platinum Omega. Like she was a fucking car model or something. What was a fucking Platinum Omega anyway?
Then his nose had hit her skin. Fuck! Her scent suddenly hit his receptors like a tsunami. Rolling relentlessly over him. What was it? Musky, sweet… sex. His nose started roaming of its own accord over her neck, shoulders, collarbone, constantly scenting… and the snippy Beta had stepped closer to him, telling him it was over. He’d immediately glared at her, the Fuck Off in his glance very apparent. But then he’d remembered where he was and what he was doing and had stood up.
The Beta indicated that he should leave the Suite, which he did.. glancing back just the once at Ms Mysterious Platinum Omega. Once outside, he asked the snippy Beta what exactly that meant.
The thin lips curved up a fraction, “Why Mr Delos, that means that you have the Empress of the Omegas right there, the elite of the elite, the crème de la crème.” She regarded him coolly, “I guess she is the one you’d like to sample?”
“I don’t know what sampling actually means but whatever it is, yes… you guess correctly.”
“Sampling means you are able to use your tongue. Between her legs.”
Logan’s mouth dropped open as he stared at the Beta, speechless. Suddenly he felt the first stirrings of interest below decks for months.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Your sheet was replaced over your neck and shoulders, and a few moments later you heard more than one set of footsteps shuffling past and leaving the Suite. You were about to sit up and pull down the sheet when a hand restrained you, and none too gently either.
“You will remain.”
Where was the Please in that statement then? You huffed, “No. I want to go now, please. Everyone else seems to have.”
“Yes, they have. But you have been chosen to be sampled, so you will remain.”
“Look, just what the hell is this sampling you keep talking about?”
“Nothing unpleasant. You will find out shortly.”
“I want to know now!” you insisted, and you heard an exasperated sigh above you.
“In a few moments.”
The Beta’s hands loosened the sheet next to your right arm; there was a quick sharp scratch there and in a very short space of time you could feel yourself becoming drowsy. So very drowsy. You could feel restraints being snapped round each of your wrists at the side of the futon. “Hey! What the fuck…!” you yelled, starting to pull against them.
You were aware of the sheet being folded back over your legs up to your lower abdomen, your yoga pants were removed and then a second sheet was draped over your legs at mid-thigh. Ankle restraints were snapped into place. You tried to scream or fight or say something, but by now… while you were still fully conscious… you were unable to function otherwise. What were these crazy fuckers pulling on you? Had you been kidnapped or trafficked after all?
You heard the door of the Suite open again and two sets of footsteps approached. You heard a Beta say, “You have 15 minutes,” and the guy’s deep voice answering “Uh-huh, okay.” “You remember what you were told you can do?” “Uh-huh.” “So to be crystal clear, nothing else can or should be attempted.” “Yup.. got it.”
Two sets of footsteps left the Suite, and warm hands placed themselves where your thighs were bare. You felt stubble between your legs and a hot, wet tongue licked you before plunging right inside you, which caused your hips to leap up off the futon. You hardly had the energy to moan. He began lapping at you, alternating between thrusting his tongue inside you and firmly licking your clit. You could feel what he was doing to your body; this was obviously why they’d told you not to take your inhibitor, so you’d react appreciatively to him.
You felt him lift his head from between your legs.
“Ohhh, angel,” you him say heard, “today just got soooo much better.”
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@obscurilicious @paracosmenthusiast
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