#he was sleeping in a graveyard in the rain when the d&d party found him
ranseiuniter · 2 years
dash is asleep post blorbos....... this is my beautiful boy Cain, necromancer, deeply cursed, decidedly Did Not Ask For Any Of This but is Bound By Plot. (Honestly he doesn't get what's so bad about necromancy like guys seriously if these bones have just been sitting here why SHOULDN'T I use them?)
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screamingtofu · 7 years
d&d session 6: burials, bathhouses and buying things
Had another d&d session, I’m now keeper of the party funds because I was keeping track of it anyway.
We pick up outside Merigan village, Eridol surrounded by guards giggling uncontrollably at his prank and our now conscious charge, Melissa bolts into town towards the temple and we all follow suit. We find a room of 12 people, covered in pustules, black veins spiderwebbing all over their bodies, all of them as pale as the sheets they’re on. They’re sick yo. Fortunately there’s a cleric and paladin that just turned up like awesome magical EMT’s and Drack and Eridol get to work. Eridol cures one of them and heals a few others to keep them alive longer and Drack cures Heinrik (aka the dude who’s daughter we had to find) and an old man before dumping his last batch of divine magic into a small child who while it did cure her of the disease she had been plagued with, couldn’t do anything to stop her from dying. She was just too far gone unfortunately. Drack says a prayer to Lentys and hears a high pitched ringing as his prayer finishes.
We go and talk to the abbot of the temple to let him know and discuss burial rites for the girl, Sarah. The abbot gives us a brief rundown of what is required and takes us out to a bunch of freshly dug graves, but suggests we talk to her family to see if there is anything they would need for the burial. Drack mentions that we believe we had encountered the source of the disease in an orc shaman for Yurt’ris - the lord of maggots/the rotting one ... this seems to alarm the abbot and he runs off to his chambers, leaving Drack and Eridol standing by the graves. After a minute or two of silence, Eridol brings up his vision from last session and they talk about what it could mean and what to do for the remainder of the time they’d be in town. They head back to the temple and sleep outside the room with all the sick people. Eridol had flashes of his vision throughout the night, Drack had a full fledged vision this time though. Bright light and fire surrounds Drack from every direction as far as the eye can see, a shadowed figure appears at the centre of the fire and moves towards Drack before he wakes up.
Olgum, our hobgoblin fighter decided to sleep in an alley outside and found out he was being followed by two of the towns guard. Olgum being the “negative shits given” type decides to continue napping as the guards get close enough to draw the attention of Olgum’s worg pup, Ras. This is enough to get Olgum’s attention and he finds out the guards had been following him for a while because they’re hunting aficionados who like to bet on hunts and as Olgum tends to come into town with multiple carcasses each time he goes hunting, they wanted to make a wager. Olgum shuts them down as gently as he knows how to ... which is not gentle at all. As they wander off, Olgum drifts off to sleep. Waking up to find a good chunk of his gold and one of his prized hand axes missing. After a failed investigation check, he makes his way to a local tavern to partake in everyone’s favourite past time, Day drinking.
Drack and Eridol cure another 4 people of the disease that’s been afflicting them and heal the remainder of the ill to make sure no one else dies and head out to get some supplies for the burial and to run some errands as Raven, our elven druid goes to spend a day relaxing at the spa.
Drack and Eridol go to see possibly my favourite npc, Sven the creepy skin guy. Whose shop is now much more inviting and less “I’ll take your organs while you’re not looking”. Eridol commissions a crocodile skin cloak because although Sven practically terrifies Eridol, the dude does amazing work. We also sell him some left over animal skins and then get to the real business, Drack brings out the 8 orc heads, 2 goblin heads and pristine elf skin gloves we snagged from the shaman/priest back at the orc camp and sweet babies, Sven nearly dies of joy. I bring out the scalp cape we took off the orog warchief from the orc camp and explain to Sven that I want to make sure that everyone that died to make this thing gets proper burial rites and that I need Sven’s help to disassemble it. As payment I bring out the full orc skin I somehow nat 20′d on getting. Sven refuses payment and disassembles the cloak for us, We sell him all the skins and heads before leaving to visit the blacksmith that “borrowed” Drack’s sword last time we were in town. Drack organises to get his plate armor repaired and a filigree added as well as retrieves his sword which as we find out was a lot fancier that originally thought and is a god damn magical sword with +1 to hit as well as some kind of evocation magic to it as well. Lucky lizard bastard gets the first magical weapon. I’m not jealous, you’re jealous.
We go to the bathhouse and get cleaned up before going to see Sarah’s family to let them know about Sarah, the burial and to see if they had any specific rituals required for the burial rites. Drack decides to hang back because he’s not exactly the person you want to hear bad news from. I knock on the door and am greeted by a tired, emaciated man who within seconds becomes a tired, emaciated and emotionally broken pile of a human being. I bring the guy back inside, we talk and he starts drinking. He was Sarah’s father and her only living family after the mother died, he would make it to the burial at sunset to see Sarah off and that her mother was a follower of Tyr which eyyyyy is great news for me. I give the father a satchel of gold as condolences and we leave. After a few other non essential errands Drack and I head back to the temple to start preparations for the burial to find our sorcerer, Core in a heated discussion with the abbot about the orc shaman and what followers of Yurt’ris being seen means. Drack and Eridol get into their priests vestments and start out to the graveyard, the body already prepared by the abbot and temple staff. We consecrate the ground and wait for the father to arrive. The sun sets and it starts to rain. We wait 30 minutes and nothing, the rest of the party and the temple staff come out to watch an hour after sunset and the father shows up. Stinking of booze and grief. We start the ceremony with Drack assisting and Eridol giving the burial rites of his god. Everyone watching begins helping to lower the body and Eridol gets more flashes of his vision, this time the bright pinprick of light seeming closer and chasing away more of the darkness. As the vision fades, the burial is completed and people begin moving back to the temple. All except the father who is just weeping on the ground next to the grave and Eridol who just sits down next to him in silence.
Everyone ends up at the tavern for the night to drink and eat. Eridol sees Olgum over in the corner and tries to get his attention by using thaumaturgy to make the fire burst slightly ... this certainly does something and accidentally sets a small girls pigtail on fire but does not get Olgums attention. Drack and Eridol get super drunk and drack passes out, keeping with tradition eridol messes with him and draws dicks on every exposed piece of skin Drack has before signing it with the sorcerers name. Our sorcerer gives us a sending stone so we can talk to him from anywhere on the plane and tells us that we need to go see the council in the capital city of Principium and that we’ll need to think up a group name for when we are introduced to the council. And we end there for the session.
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