#he was steamy hot and reciting shakespeare
Cornelius, which parent gave you your wonderful beautiful name?
I did.
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RFA+Saeran and V with pick up lines (really long)
“I was reading bad pick up lines to my SO and thought of this little idea for the RFA crew (and the tag alongs).
 “I must be dead cause right now I’m staring at heaven”
He’d been playing LOLOL when you’d broke out some crappy pickup line you’d read online. He hadn’t been paying full attention (it was raid night, but he can never ignore you entirely) so you kind of sat back and watched the “dots connect” so to speak. 
When the sweet summer child finally realized what the heck you’d just said, his whole body froze for a second. You got concered for a minute, wondering if your teasing had finallly broke him when he finally turned to face you (his raid group screaming could be heard throughout his apartment). His face was bright red and you couldn’t hold in the giggles as he just stuttered to you in a bit of shock. It took his brain a couple seconds to calm himself and respond with:
“If this is heaven y-you must be an angel”
He just put his head in his hands and groaned while you sat on the couch laughing.
 “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Cause you’re hot.”
Zen was supposed to be practicing his lines for a new play. He’d been lamenting over the fact it was Shakespear; all the fancy wording and heavy costumes weren’t exactly his favorite (”Babe you don’t understand, in those costumes no one can see my amazing body!”)
As per usual, you’d offered to help him with his script, but started getting kind of antsy during a particularly long monologue. It was true Zen’s acting was almost entrancing, and during preformances where’d you’d heard him practice the script a thousand different time, you still couldn’t tear your eyes away from the stage. 
But right now, he wasn’t acting. He was simply reading off the lines while pacing up and down the living room. He’d finished his speech and waited patiently for you to read off the next next one when you’d hit him with that horrific line.
The way he stopped pacing and kind of blinked at you for a moment made you wonder if he had been taking this much more seriously than you’d originally thought. You bit your lower lip, trying to contain the nervous laughter and apologizes when he suddenly grabbed your hand, placed a soft kiss on it and replied: 
“You must be a witch because you’ve placed a spell on me,”
You’d wanted to groan at the cheesy line, but the look in his eyes and way he’d lifted you up made any more words die in your throat.
“Dinner and mew-vie?” 
You and Jumin had been relaxing on the couch with Elizabeth lounging in your lap while you chatted with the rest of the RFA. The two of you were debating on what to do with your free day. It’d taken some convincing, but you’d managed to pull Jumin away from work and spend some quality time together. 
You’d mentioned in chat that two of you were still trying to figure out something to do (”Are you sure you don’t want to head to the cat cafe?” “Jumin we’ve been there three times this week please”) when Yoosung suggested a simple movie night. The chat then devolved to arguing over which movie the happy couple should go see. 
“Have you decided on anything yet, love?” Jumin asked you. The movie didn’t sound like a bad idea and you shrugged before replying suggesting a simple dinner/movie combo date.
As you spoke, Elizabeth jumped out of your lap and padded away, making you snort out the horrible pun and burst into a giggle fit at your own bad joke. In fact, you were giggling so much you almost didn’t hear Jumin reply with:
“I think that’s purrfect.”
“Are you on the menu? Cause I like you a latte.”
Saturday nights were usually the night’s you and Jaehee sat in the apartment, testing new drinks Jaehee was attempting to perfect, watching one of Zen’s plays in the background and just cuddle on the couch. It was a weekly ritual you’d both upheld like it was law.
However, on this particular Saturday night, you both were running around like chicken’s with their heads cut off.
A massive, unexpected and unsual rush slammed the store right before closing. Of course, you guys wouldn’t turn away a great chance at publicity and you strapped yourselves in for the long haul. 
It wasn’t until 9 pm that the last customer’s trickled out and the two of you were sitting at one of the tables; your head resting on the table lamenting the fact you were going to have to wash melted chocolate out of your hair, and Jaehee mumbling about restocking everything a couple days early. You were brought back to the present as she walked past you and kissed your forehead softly, giving you a tired smile. “Do you want anything before we start cleaning up? Might as well have a pick me up before hand.” You returned the tired smile and looked at the menu, trying to think if anything sounded particuarly interesting. A giggle escaped your lips as you remembered the lame pick-up line Seven used on you the last time he’d visited the shop and gave Jaehee the most innocent smile before reciting it. 
Jaehee simply stared at you for a moment before shaking her head with a small smile and heading toward the back. But not before muttering “Excuse me a moment, things might get really steamy in here.”
“Are you a search engine? Cause you’re everything I’m looking for.”
You didn’t realize reading that crappy line would incite a whole war between you and Saeyoung. You’d only wanted to try and get his attention off of work for once, and now, here you were, in the middle of the worst (and lamest) battle you’d ever been in. 
Of course when you’d said it, Saeyoung didn’t even look up from his computer, but you did hear his typing pause for a second at the most. You thought you’d gotten him before he cooly responded: 
“Is your name wifi? Cause I feel a connection.”
And that’s when it truly began. Back and forth the two of you spouted off any and all pick up lines you knew. Lameness and cheesiness didn’t matter, all the mattered was being able to spout the next line faster than the other could.
“Are you a keyboard? Cause you’re my type.” “That one doesn’t even make sense!” “I like your last name, can I have it?” “Babe, we’re already married.”
“Are you a magician? Cause abraca-DAMN.” “Sae what the fuck that was so bad.”
“Can I follow you home? My mom always told me to follow my dreams.” “Oh okay stalker.”  It ended with the two of you laughing so hard, you ended up crying. Saeyoung was laughing and fell back into his chair, followed by a loud thud. You’d looked up and saw the hacker was laying on the ground, still in his seat. After rushing over to check that he was fine, all he responded with was:
“You better call life alert, cause I’ve fallen for you and can’t get up.” V: (his was really short because when I tried to expand it, it just felt forced)
“I’m no photographer, but I can picture us together.”
You’d said it while helping V set up for a photoshoot; mostly mumbling to yourself since you found the task to set up mind numbling boring. You’d been focusing on setting up one of the lights and stepped back to admire your handiwork. You beamed proudly at V when you noticed he had his hand over his mouth and was trying to keep his face turned away from you. 
Worried, you rushed over to ask him if he was feeling alright when you noticed he was trying to stifle his laughter. You stared at him confused for a moment before he calmed himself down and held up his camera and said:
“I can take that picture for you, since I’m a photographer.”
It took your brain a moment to process what he was talking about before you felt the blood rush to your face at your realization. You groaned and buried you face in his chest as he let out his laughter in full.
“Was your dad a baker? Cause you’re sweet as hell.”
You gave Saeran an innocent smile as you heard Saeyoung burst out laughing the room over. You hadn’t thought Saeyoung could heard you from his work room, but the boy must have super human hearing. You’d wanted to try and see how he’d react to pick up lines for the longest time. But you could never find a good time to use one. 
For some reason, just chilling on the couch seemed as good a time as any. 
Saeran was still for a moment before reaching over and flicking you on the forehead. “You’re spending too much time with the idiot,” He mumbled, leaving you to whine and rub your head. 
However, you could see the lightest shade of pink flood his cheeks as you heard Saeyoung’s loud complaints.
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apictureofspace · 7 years
Got any Lucy x Matthew headcanons?
Of course! Some of them can be attributed to @noplacelikeacadiaroad, because she’s my partner in Belle x Adam crime.
After how much Matthew liked her Christmas cookies, Lucy makes it a regular habit to bring treats to him on his lunch break. She tells him to share them with his class, but he very rarely does. Her sweets are simply too good to share with teenagers who won’t properly appreciate them.
Matthew’s favourite colour, for reasons that he was never able to explain during the curse, was a golden shade of yellow. Lucy’s, for the same unnameable reason, was a soft, light shade of blue.
After they start “dating”, Lucy spends many-a-night with Matthew. Sometimes things get steamy, but Lucy’s favourite moments are the calm nights, with rain beating at the windows, curled up against his side beneath the blankets while he gently trails his fingertips up and down her arm, reciting random lines of poetry to her in his soft, rich tone reserved specifically for their evenings alone together.
On one particular evening Matthew had chosen to read to her from Edmund Spenser’s Amoretti. Sonnets 64 & 67 were simply too alluring for Lucy to resist pouncing on him - and he may have chosen them specifically for that reason.
Lucy’s father doesn’t mind her spending nights with Matthew rather than with him at home; he’s never seen his daughter quite so happy in all of their years in Storybrooke.
Matthew frequently comes up with excuses to visit Lucy during the work day, typically in the form of class trips to the library. Although, when a research assignment on the works of William Shakespeare sends Lucy on a passionate speech to his students about the joys of Romeo and Juliet, it takes all that he has in him not to gag.
Matthew and Lucy are frequent helpers with Operation Cobra. Matthew can’t help but adore how good she is with Henry, and her interactions with the small boy always feel vaguely familiar…
Lucy and Emma bond over their mutual conflicts with Regina and their dedication to Henry. They admire each other’s spunk.
When the curse finally breaks and Adam and Belle regain their memories, it’s difficult at first to adjust to the fact that they remain trapped in Storybrooke. Adam worries about what became of their home; Belle in particular worries about what became of their library. They’d been planning to do such wonderful things with the school they were going to open, and the thought that it could have all been destroyed by the curse left her feeling heartsick. 
Adam does his best to distract Belle (and himself) from worrying by suggesting that they fix up the house that they had spent so much time in as Lucy and Matthew. In a way, it was just as much their home as the castle had been and it deserved just as much TLC. They repaint the entire interior, Belle adding intricate designs to the walls of every room, and with a significant amount of furniture polish and dusting, it begins to feel like their very own little castle in Storybrooke.
When they redo the outside, Belle still yells at Adam from the ground when he climbs up onto the roof. Once again, he laughs at her concern before lovingly pointing out that she has paint on her nose. 
When Adam meets Hook, he can’t help but laugh at his eyeliner. 
“If you’re going to wear makeup, you at least ought to commit to wearing it properly. It’s not just a fashion statement; it’s a work of art.”
Adam and Belle go on frequent double dates with Killian and Emma. They’re essentially Storybrooke’s badass + super hot OT4. 
When Belle and Emma walk in on Adam showing Killian how a real man wears makeup, they just sigh and walk back out again. 
Do any of you have headcanons for the OUAT AU? If so, please share them! It’s such a fun universe to play around in and I would love to hear what you all took away from it.
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