#he went a lil crazy with it
the-grin--reaper · 7 months
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imwetforyourmom · 6 days
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r-aindr0p · 4 months
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Probably how the song cover yuu au would start, it branches from this headcanon post nothing too interesting as he mostly does it while alone but I figured I'll draw a little introduction in case I do random doodles of this little au.
Basically, he tries and sings >regrets it >posts the song >regrets it again >it gets shared >oh no >oh please no no no >ah fuck it, might as well film a clip for a cover at some point >not showing his real self tho
He labeled the songs as lost media as an excuse but he's not wrong and not right either, somehow... Since the songs are not from twisted wonderland they were never lost, but rather never existed but he can't tell this so yeah.
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Lestat being harlequin not lelio. A romantic lover and trickster vs a friendly gay loverboy oh my god I'm sick
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sophfandoms53 · 9 months
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lost my mind every time he showed up what the fuck was he doing here (affectionately)
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superbellsubways · 1 year
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some of the hk reqs!! ill do more later
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tatos-stick-pile · 5 days
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So maybe making fun out of ur friends passion project is NOT a cool thing to do just sayin
Also pssst @wtfgaylittlezooid made a drabble on his a03 for green not having a fun time u guys should read it <3
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scoobydoodean · 1 year
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cleoscelestialdiary · 11 months
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storge · 5 months
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Guo Haojun | Rising Feather (2023)
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nick-close · 1 year
I hope Anthony starts planning LESS going into the rest of s2, tbh. I hope we get less plot, I hope we get more stupid things he put in because they were funny, and I hope the story starts to come after the comedy. I think he was really smart in setting up anchors as a plot point again, because it allows the story to become episodic in new environments- which is where I think the cast thrive. I hope he relaxes into doing dumb nonsense and remembers to trust his improv.
I don’t want s2 to keep trying to live up to the second half of s1- or trying hard to please the people invested in the story. I want it to please a group of friends who want to make each other laugh. Those are my thoughts, anyways.
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cuntylestat · 4 months
saw hadestown in london. did y'all know live theater is unlike anything else
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kozmicmizuu · 4 months
sigh, guess who suddenly got some giyuu/akaza/kyojuro brain worms…. i hate them/affectionate
could be seen as romantic or platonic, whatever you sillies want to believe <3
here’s some headcanons and some silly ideas for them :3
kyojuro survived cause giyuu was sent in!! he blocked the attack that would be fatal and kill kyojuro, cause giyuu is all about dramatic entrances
akaza became their lil fan boy for them and it’s torture for them. kyojuro is much more passive aggressive when akaza appears, but giyuu? mf is HATING the whole time, he literally wants to be left alone 😭
akaza: giyuu!! become a demon and spare for the rest of our lives!!
giyuu: can’t you just leave me alone…
akaza: what- no, you must become a demon!! don’t be like kyojuro and let ur strength go to waste
giyuu: well, thanks for the compliment???
akaza: no problem
giyuu: so…. can i leave now
akaza: no
the following of these two has gotten so bad that giyuu and kyojuro sometimes can’t even hang out with the other hashira. kyojuro proposed that it’s best that the others are completely unaware of the fact that a whole ass upper rank was fanboying for them, giyuu agreed (he KNEW that sanemi would try smth)
sanemi: what’s up with you two?? you guys haven’t been staying after meetings or anything
kyojuro, sweating bullets (he can’t lie): uh- i- hm..
giyuu, aka the poker face king: kyo and i are busy with demons in our territories. a spike of demons have been causing a lot of trouble
sanemi: fucking demons… alright- good luck with that i guess
giyuu: thanks, let’s go kyo
kyojuro: huh-? oh! right- yes, demon troubles
even if there’s one sided beef with giyuu and akaza and some passive aggression with kyojuro, they get along weirdly enough. the stalking of akaza literally made kyo and yuu bond a LOT and train together way more. akaza is suffering a lot less with the other demons, he’s got some new pals out the mugen train and he’s happy with that.
new dynamic rn is a passive aggressive poly between two hero’s and a villain guys make it trend/j
i’m so sane about them i promise guys don’t burn me at the stake 🙏
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blangg · 10 months
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When the only person who truly sees me leaves me for another and also my brother dies and I become the king all in one day
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tired-biscuit · 6 months
I come with two offerings for fangy boys 👀
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(takes them and puts them in a box) and here is my offering
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PRINCE!GOJO X KNIGHT!READER MY BELOVED i just thought about another thing and i need to get it out - i like to think out knights are connected ok. hear me out maybe my knight is just another version of yours - meaning if my knight had met satoru at a young age, they would've turned into your knight DOES THAT MAKE SENSE your knight is a bit more soft (still a warrior though!!!) while mine isn't as soft as they'd like to be and that's just because one grew up in a castle with the prince taking care of them and the other grew up having to fend for themselves they're all just sooooooooooooooo ahhhh i can't i keep thinking about your knight too like they all actually made a cozy little home in my head i love them so much
and i think your lovely "i think i was born to meet you." applies for my little prince and his little knight too:(((((((((((
- @softgirlgonehaywire
MICKEY I KNOW I SAY THIS EVERY DAY BUT WE RLLY ARE CONNECTED i was literally thinking abt this while answering that ask…. the differences between our knights…. AND UR SOSO RIGHT thats literally perfect. its canon to our lore now. 
it makes sm sense too bc the reason why my knight!reader is so devoted to prince!gojo is bc he saved them!! and i think that also leads them to have a kind of hero complex where they want to return the favor, or save others the way he saved them… but to your knight satoru is just a silly little spoiled prince that theyve never met before, so why would they like him??
ok but now im just thinking abt our knights meeting each other…::: ur knight coming face to face w a version of them that isnt as hardened, that was saved and got to live a more peaceful life….. the envy and maybe contempt? or maybe just apathy. idk but i am THINKING
AND AND AND…….. ok but what if our princes met the other version of their knight 😵‍💫😵‍💫 HEAR ME OUT HEAR ME OUTTT
just…. ur prince!gojo meeting a knight!reader who is soso loyal and smitten w him (he would cry and explode i think)….. and my prince!gojo meeting a knight!reader who lost their smile (WHO HE FAILED TO SAVE oh i think that would just break him)…… my knight being so indulgent and ur satoru taking full advantage of it, ur knight getting hissy when my gojo acts overprotective…… HHHHH IM LOSING IT MICKEY CAN U FEEL IT……..
anyways in my head theyre one big found family who take care of each other <333 love & peace on planet earth etc etc. they were meant to meet each other one way or another!!!
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