#he will inhale the pizza anyway bc power of love
svnnnne · 2 years
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bubblyhoney · 3 years
dreamy mcdreamson
warnings: language & just overall cute stuff i think lolz :P
tags: dreamwastaken x gn!reader
word count: writing on mobile so idk nor do i care (it’s actually long for me but i mean it’s a headcanon)
A/N: ur mom
requests/inbox status: open
i feel like you and dream meet somewhere kind of odd. like sky zone or party city or something
don’t hate me! it’s what i first thought of that fit!
but he was there for his baby cousin’s birthday party and you just happened to be buying halloween decorations out of season
someone asks for the others snapchat or phone #, blah blah it’s all very middle school and corny
kind of out of the ordinary for him but he’s been a little desperate recently (no offense to you of course he’s just getting bored of hugging his pillow to death)
but he seems like a regular somewhat nerdy guy so you find it easy to like him and get to know him
he just thinks you’re this fountain of endless knowledge and he is surprised at how quick he realizes he’d like to take you on a date and not just a platonic hang out
onto the established-relationship-bits
he definitely buys you clothes online.
like it’s already bought with express shipping and on the way to your apartment before you’re even done mentioning it offhandedly
oh you want those cheap retro sunglasses and a set of knit socks? baby hes already entered his credit card info
and it’s not just clothes,, no he restocks your bathroom with Q-tips and poo pourri bc he noticed you were running kind of low one day at your apartment
he’s like an impromptu sugar daddy that you didn’t quite ask for but got anyways
(you love it and make sure to tell him that. his cheeks always get red)
there are Thai Friday’s and every two weeks you order two single pizzas and have a battleship marathon
you kick his ass, naturally
sapnap is often a little third wheel (though you feel like one at times) when on the rare occasion you leave the house and neighborhood
dream’s grandma is so entertained by your humor that she has you over almost twice a month for lunch and pinocle and perhaps a puzzle (just florida grandparent things amirite)
on to the more.. cute stuff (🤮 /j)
dream does this thing when he wants your attention where he will come up to you and head-butt your chest until you give him something
his favorite place to touch is that part on your abdomen where your rib cage kind of juts out
he just likes pulling you close and holding you like that
the first time you made him do that wheeze inhaler-inducing pacemaker tea kettle laugh you swear to all holy beings you’ll do everything in your power to hear that again
he’s just one of those people you find yourself wanting to make laugh and make happy
the days he’s feeling tired or grumpy or frustrated you keep your distance
not like he will be rude or anything to you, you just know he likes his quiet space and concentration
he appreciates it and tells you that later when he’s got you in a hug and talking to the space of your neck between your jaw and collarbones
it’s a few and far between occasion that you two sleep with one sets of covers
meaning: he’s a fucking blanket hog
full on pulls the covers his way and has an iron-like grip on them. you can’t even smack his deep-in-slumber self awake to give them back
so you’ve settled for bringing a personal set of blankets. one throw blanket you have has rat on it :]
the first time you slept over you forgot your phone charger at home, so he makes sure to keep an extra one just for you
his favorite kind of kisses are when you’re too tired to function and just kind of. press your mouth to his face
your favorite kisses he gives are the ones after he brushes his teeth and you taste his mouthwash
you two definitely are a special couple, but who isn’t?
i mean, you finish each other’s sandwiches for gods sake
A/N: ask or send me some stuff!! requests, rants, anything. :D comment what you think !
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